Environmental n Awards Innovative Sustainable Design Matters... exhibit An exhibit of the 2009 AlA Architectural Design Award Entries and Honors also on exhibit Kids Draw Architecture Sketches & Calenders Join us for 1st Thursday May 6th @ 5:30pm: AJA/CES Gallery Talks & Panel Discussion featuring: Robin DonaldsGrl, AlA SllUbin + Donaldson projects include: Artist Studio/Glass Pavilion, Ril1UQ Ruidence, East Channel, Hydra/we, David 6' Goliath, Wong Doody, Saat,hi and Snatchi, Biscuit Fjfmwo~ Toro Canyon Thomas Bollay, AlA proJecr: Coso de In Vista 6' French Ranch Paul Poirier, AlA project: La Goleta Residence 6' Burke Residence Mark Kirkhart Architect DesignARC projects: Kadri Residence, Greenworrh Residence, Davis Residence Cassandra Ensberg, AlA 6' TIlOmas Jacobs} AlA project: Mid-e,mtury Moden! Remodel • Jason Currie, PMSM Architects & Norm NebrowskiJ Frank ScI'ipper Construction project: Music Academy ofthe West/Halln Hall Renovatio" Clay Aurell, AIA & Josh Blumer Architect AB Design Studio projects i"clude: Rivera Residwu, Mid-Ce"tllry Moder", Spa Residenu, Zoom Motors FaotMIl Residwu, Silvergre.:ns, Sugarbug Pediatric Dental Offiu CHA.'JNING a..Je_ ~~ERY 105 E. Anapamu Street, Santa Barbara 1st Floor, County Administration Building Gallery Hours: Monday- Friday Sam - Spm 1st Thursday at 5:30pm: AlA/Continuing Education Series: located in Planning Commission Room May 6 (admission free & open to the public) Sponsored by: . ilL, "J_ : : \.'''41'/-:,. ~ mMAVERICK m \\1"1)0\\ & 1')(X)ll ~ iiiiiiiiiii ~ ..., _- (j/I!ft ASSOClATFS "* ~\... _~it'- ;~;..W * I I I I • . -==- Arts Conuni.-,ion This exhibition would not be possible without the support of the Santa Barbara County Art Commission, County Art in Public Places Committee, CAPP, the members of the American Institute of Architects Santa Barbara Chapter, the AlA Santa Barbara Architectural Archives and the Architectural Foundatiorl of santa Barbara. ~ 9 (] m ~ 1 ,' \J AlA Santa Barbara 229 East VICtoria Street· Santa Barbara, California 93101 www.aiasb.com