Government of India (Bharat Sarkar) Ministry of Railways (Rail Mantralaya) (Railway Board) BID INVITATION FOR ELECTRONIC OFFERS OPEN E-TENDER No.226 Electronic bids are invited for and on behalf of the President of India from bidders for supply of the following items: Group-1 (i) (ii) Group-2 (i) Group-3 (i) Brief Description of stores Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Maintenance of 2x50 KWp Solar photo Voltaic Modules without battery backup (i.e two system of 50KWp capacity having independent “Balance of the system” for independent operation of two system) Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Maintenance of 45 KWp Solar photo Voltaic Modules without battery backup Specification No. RDSO/PE/SPEC/PS/0092-2008 (Rev.0) Amendment ‘5’ to be read with Annexure Technical 01 (RDSO, Lucknow) Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Maintenance of 10 KWp Solar photo Voltaic Modules battery backup RDSO/2009/EM/SPEC/0004 (Rev. ‘1’)-2012 to be read with Annexure Technical 200 (Remote Railway Stations of IR) RDSO/PE/SPEC/PS/0092-2008 (Rev.0) Amendment ‘5’ to be read with Annexure Technical Supply, Installation, RDSO/PE/SPEC/PS/0092-2008 Testing, (Rev.0) Amendment ‘5’ to be read Commissioning & with Annexure Technical Maintenance of 500 KWp Solar photo Voltaic Modules without battery backup Quantity (nos.) 20 (1 in each Zonal Railways Headquarter office and DLW,ICF and RCF ) 05 1 Cost of Bid Documents Bid Guarantee Amount Indian Rupees 5000.00 Indian Rupees 10,00,000 (RupeesTen Lakh) Last date for submission & opening of Bids 16.10.2014 Note:1. The AMC for 5 years will be applicable for 2 years during warranty period & 3 years after expiry of the warranty period of two years. The rates for AMC shall be quoted separately by the bidders. The cost of AMC for 5 years will be taken for evaluation. The prices have to be quoted in line with the conditions stipulated in the instructions to bidders, offer form & Special Condition of Contract 2. Non-transferable Bid documents containing detailed description of stores required, as also other terms and conditions are available at and may be downloaded therefrom for online submission of their E-bid. 3. The cost of the Bid document is to be deposited with the FA&CAO, Northern Railway, Baroda House, New Delhi-110001. The scanned copy of receipt as documentary evidence for payment of cost of bid documents shall be uploaded along with their e-bid at site. Original receipt towards the payment of cost of bid documents should be submitted manually with other documents to Director, Railway Stores (F), Ministry of Railways, Railway Board, Rail Bhavan, Room No.342A, New Delhi110001 upto 14.30 hrs on the date specified for opening of e-bids. 4. The tender cost can also be paid by submitting a Bank Draft drawn on any Indian Nationalised Bank in favour of the FA & CAO, Northern Railway, Baroda House, New Delhi payable at New Delhi. Scanned copy of Bank draft towards the cost of bid documents may be uploaded with the e-bid and original bank draft may be submitted manually along with other documents. Bidder who has already purchased tender documents need not purchase it again & they may upload scanned copy of Bank draft/payment receipt along with their e-bid at 5. Receiving of e-bids against this tender will be closed at 1430 hrs. on 16.10.2014 and the same will be opened on the same day at 1500 hrs. 6. No manual offers will be accepted against this tender. 7. Bids from bidders who have not purchased the bid documents, bids not accompanied by bid guarantee, bids with validity less then 180 days are liable to be summarily rejected. 8. The bidder has the option of either quoting for all 21 locations for 100 KWp/45 KWp (i.e Group-1) or all 200 locations for 10 KWp ( i.e Group-2) or all 5 locations of 500KWp (i.e Group-3) or any two groups together or for all 3 Groups ( i.e Group-1, Group-2 and Group-3 together). However Offers for part locations of Group-1 and/or Group-2 and/or Group-3 will be rejected. DIRECTOR, RAILWAY STORES (F) MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS/(RAILWAY BOARD) RAIL BHAVAN, RAISINA ROAD/NEW DELHI-110001 TELEFAXNO.0091-11-23388394/23388598 2 INVITATION OF TENDER AND INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS TENDER NO OP-226 Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Maintenance of Solar Photo Voltaic Modules at 17 Zonal Railways Head Office and 3 PUs (DLW,ICF, RCF) & 01 at RDSO and various stations of Indian Railways Government of India Ministry of Railways August, 2014 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS Sl. No. Contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION 2.0 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 3.0 SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENTS 4.0 SCHEDULE OF RATES 5.0 SPECIAL CONDITION OF CONTRACT ANNEXURE-A OFFER FORM ANNEXURE- B STATEMENT OF DEVIATION FROM STANDARD SPECIFICATION ANNEXURE- C STATEMENT OF DEVIATION FROM TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE TENDER ANNEXURE- D –(I) PERFORMANCE STATEMENT OR DETAILS OF PAST SUPPLIES AND CURRENT OUTSTANDING ORDERS(GROUP-1) ANNEXURE- D –(II) ANNEXURE- D –(III) ANNEXURE- D –(IV) Performance statement or details of past supplies and current outstanding orders(Group-2) Financial Capacity of the Applicant Performance statement or details of past supplies and current outstanding orders(Group-2) ANNEXURE- D –(V) Financial Capacity of the Applicant ANNEXURE- E Performa for equipment and quality control ANNEXURE- F Performa for production capacity ANNEXURE- G Format for Power of Attorney for signing of Application ANNEXURE- H Performa of Bank Guarantee for bid guarantee/ earnest money ANNEXURE I ANNEXURE J ONLY TO BE QUOTED ELECTRONICALLY Tentative location of Solar Voltaic Modules ANNEXURE K PROFORMA OF BANK GUARANTEE FOR CONTRACT PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE BOND/ SECURITY DEPOSIT ANNEXURE L PROFORMA OF BANK GUARANTEE FOR 10% CONTRACT VALUE TOWARDS WARRANTY GUARANTEE ANNEXURE M Page No. MOU Joint Bidding Agreement ANNEXURE N Proforma of Power of Attorney from the Lead Member of Consortium ANNEXURE O ANNEXURE P ANNEXURE Q Indian Railways Standard Conditions of contract RDSO Spec. No. RDSO/PE/SPEC/PS/0092-2008 (Rev-0) Amdt.-5 & RDSO/2009/EM/SPEC/004 (Rev. ‘i’)-2012 to be read with Annexure-Technical 4 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 The Ministry of Railways (the “Purchaser”) intends to promote clean environment. As part of this endeavour to harness green energy the Purchaser has decided to install 20 nos. Solar Voltaic Modules one each at Zonal Railways Headquarter office, DLW, ICF & RCF & 01 nos. at RDSO/Lucknow, 05 nos. of 500 KWp at different locations and 200 numbers of Solar Voltaic Modules at different remote stations of Indian Railways across the country and intend to have a warranty of two years. The AMC for 5 years will be applicable for 2 years during warranty period and 3 years after expiry of the warranty period. The rates for AMC shall be quoted separately by the bidders. The cost of AMC for 05 years will be taken for evaluation. The President of India herein after referred to as the ‘Purchaser’ (Government of India, Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) proposes to obtain stores detailed in the “schedule of requirements” from established and reliable manufacturers. 1.2 The contractor shall Manufacture, supply, provide installation and commissioning of Solar Voltaic Modules including AMC of 05 years at Zonal Railways Headquarter office and DLW, ICF, RCF & RDSO/Lucknow and remote stations on Indian Railways as per “Schedule of Requirement” vide clause 3.1. 1.3 The entity while offering a proposal will be called “Bidder” while entity to whom contract will be placed shall be referred as “ Contractor”. 1.4 The Purchaser intends to pre-qualify and short-list suitable Bidders, evaluate the offer of Bidder (the “Bidders”) and award the “Contract” through an open competitive e-bidding process in accordance with the procedure set out herein. The successful bidder to whom “Contract” is awarded has to supply, install, commission, test , certify and maintain the Solar Voltaic Modules under warranty period and AMC period. 1.5 Bidding Process : E-Tender Bidders are requested to visit site and go through the e-bid documents carefully. 2. INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 2.1 BID DUE DATE : e-BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED UPTO e-BIDS WILL BE OPENED AT : : 2.30 P.M. on due date 3.00 P.M. on due date AMOUNT OF BID GUARANTEE TO BE FURNISHED 2.2 CONTRACTS MADE UNDER THIS TENDER WILL BE GOVERNED BY I. Indian Railways Standard Conditions of contract. II. Special Condition of Contract III. Invitation of tender and Instructions to Bidders 5 IV. V Conditions in the offer forms (All enclosed) INDIAN RAILWAYS Schedule of Technical requirements mentioned in the attached “schedule of requirements” of this tender. In case of conflict, the order of priority for document determining the conditions will be Special conditions of the contract, Instruction to Bidders, Technical specification to be read Annexure Technical and Indian Railways Standard Conditions of the Contract (IRS). 2.3 PARTICULARS, SPECIFICATION AND DRAWING : The Indian Standard Specification may be obtained from Indian Standard institution, Manak Bhavan, 9, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi-110 001.(Telegram Manaksanstha) or from their branches at 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Novelty chambers, Grant Road, Mumbai-7 5, Chowringhee Approach, Calcutta-13 5 9 201/2, Chirag Ali Lane, Hyderabad-11 117/418-B Sarvodaya Nagar, Kanpur-5 54, General, Patters Road, Chennai-2 Indian Railways Standard Specification may be obtained on payment from the Manager of Publications Civil Lines, Delhi(Telegram : EXINFOR DELHI). RDSO’s schedule of Technical requirements mentioned in the attached schedule of requirements may be obtained directly from Executive Director EE(M), RDSO, Manak Nagar, Lucknow. 2.4 MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS OF ELECTRONIC TENDERS: (a) Bidder is required to fill-in and uploads required information/details as per prescribed proforma at the time of on-line submission of their e-bid. Hard copy of the same duly signed should also be submitted manually along with other documents to this office within the specified time limit i.e. upto 14.30 hours on bid opening date . S.No. Requirement Remarks 1. Have you remitted the cost of the Bid Money receipt No. date Documents or submitted the cost of bid …………………... documents with offer ? And amount Rs. ……..……. Or Bank (if yes please fill-up the money receipt No. Draft No. ………….date ……….. for and other details) Rs. ……… …. Name of bank……………….. 2. Have you submitted a Bid Guarantee as Bid Guarantee No. ……………….. per clause 2.12 of Instructions to Bidders Date……….. ? Amount …………. Name of bank (if yes Please fill-up the bid guarantee No. issuing bid Guarantee ………… and other details) (b) The other required document is also to be filled-in and uploaded as per prescribed proforma at the time of on-line submission of their e-bid. Hard copy of the same duly signed should also 6 be submitted manually along with other documents to this office within the specified time limit i.e. upto 14.30 hours on bid opening date. 2.4.1 SPECIAL NOTES :(a) The e-bids should be uploaded at before the time and date specified for the same. Only the rates and the details required as per mandatory requirements as per para 2.4 above, are to be uploaded on the IREPS site. Other documents are to be uploaded and also submitted manually to the Director Railway Stores (F), Ministry of Railways (Railway Board), Room No. 342-A, Rail Bhawan, New Delhi before the date & time specified for bid opening. Copy of bid with complete documents shall be submitted manually in 3 copies marked as ‘ORIGINAL’, ‘DUPLICATE’ and ‘TRIPLICATE’ and each copy of the bids should be complete in all respects. Please note all the three copies of bid must be hard/Spiral bound. Bidders must note that original copy of Bid Guarantee (EMD) instruments must reach this office within the specified time of bid submission/opening on bid opening date. In case original copies of aforesaid documents not received upto 14.30 hrs of bid opening date, bid will be summarily rejected. (b) The bidders should quote to the specifications in all respects. Clause wise compliance of Technical Specification is to be uploaded on the web site with their e-bid and a copy of same shall also be submitted manually with other documents. If there are any deviations to the Technical Specification, a Deviation Statement indicating clauses/sub-clauses, deviation proposed and justification thereof should be enclosed in the prescribed format given as Annexure-B. 2.5 PERIOD FOR WHICH THE OFFER WILL REMAIN OPEN Firms should note that the offer should remain open for a period of 180 days from the date of opening of the bid, for acceptance. 2.6 Language The bid and all related correspondence and documents in relation to the Bidding Process shall be in English language. Supporting documents and printed literature furnished by the Bidder with the Bid may be in any other language provided that they are accompanied by translations of all the pertinent passages in the English language, duly authenticated and certified by the Bidder. Supporting materials, which are not translated into English, may not be considered. For the purpose of interpretation and evaluation of the Bid, the English language translation shall prevail. 2.7 PRICES 2.7.1 The price must be stated in Indian Rupees only. Excise Duty, Sales Tax /VAT (State-wise), Service Tax, Insurance, packing / forwarding / freight, AMC charges for each year should be shown separately. Except for Excise Duty, Sales Tax and Service Tax any other tax, Duty, Municipal Levy ( Octroi, Entry Tax etc.) shall be to the supplier’s account. 2.7.2 Statutory Duties shall be paid against documentary evidence as per actuals as applicable during the currency of the contract. For Octroi and Entry tax necessary exemption certificate shall be issued by the consignee. Incase this certificate is not accepted by the State authorities / Local bodies the same shall be on contractor’s account. 7 2.7.3 New statutory taxes/ duties and changes in existing statutory taxes/duties will be paid as actuals during currency of contract. Documentary evidence regarding imposition of such duties and taxes and payments made must be furnished for any reimbursements. Purchaser reserves the right to make recoveries in case of any waiver or reduction of such duties, with retrospective effect, by the government. 2.7.4 For the states in which VAT has not yet been introduced, the existing system of Sales Tax will continue 2.7.5 CENVAT CREDIT: prices quoted by the bidders should take into account the credit availed on inputs under the CENVAT credit rules 2004. The bidders should also state quantum set offs in respect of duties on inputs (as admissible under law) that is being totally and unconditionally passed on to the purchaser, in the prices quoted per unit of the item. In the event of additional CENVAT credit being extended by the Govt. of India, to cover items ordered against present tender, the same shall be passed on to the purchaser. The bill for payment should accompany the following certificate: a) We hereby declare that no additional CENVAT benefit has accrued to us beyond what has already taken into account while submitting our offer and incorporated in the rates shown in the contract. b) We hereby declare that no additional CENVAT benefit of Rs….. per machine/unit has accrued to us beyond what was taken into account while submitting our offer & incorporated in the rates shown in the contract. We are passing on the same to the purchaser and the bill has been prepared accordingly. Sales Tax/CST/VAT/Input Tax under VAT scheme: (a) The concessional tax regime so far as available to the Govt. departments has been withdrawn w.e.f. 1.4.2007. Govt. Departments will have to pay CST @ normal VAT rates prevalent in the seller’s state for purchase involving inter-state movement of goods. (b) As the rate of Sales tax/VAT varies for supply of goods inter-state/ intra-state, the consignees of each group have been further categorized into different sub- groups (statewise). Firm must quote exact rate of Sales Tax/VAT applicable for each sub-group. However, goods of special importance (called declared goods) as incorporated in Section 14 of the CST Act will continue to suffer/enjoy confessional rate of tax since State Governments cannot impose tax at higher rates than envisaged in CST Act. Iron and steel items as listed in Section 14 of CST Act 1956, for instance will suffer CST @ 4% only. bidder should quote the exact percentage of VAT that they will be charging extra. quoting the rates the bidder should pass on ( by way of reduction in prices) the set off/ input tax credit that would become available to them by switching over to the system of VAT from the existing system of sales tax, duly stating the quantum of such credit per unit of the item quoted for. bidder while quoting for tenders should give the following declaration: “We agree to pass on such additional set offs/input tax credit as may become available in future in respect of all the inputs used in the manufacture of the final product on the date of supply under the VAT scheme by way of reduction in price and advise the purchaser accordingly. suppliers while claiming the payments will furnish the following certificate to the Paying authority: 8 “ We hereby declare that additional set off/input tax credit to the tune of Rs…..has accrued and accordingly the same is being passed on to the purchaser and to that effect the payable amount may be adjusted”. 2.7.6 a) Wherever two or more firms quote equal rates and cartel formation is suspected, Railways reserve the right to place order on one or more firms with exclusion of the rest without assigning any reasons thereof. b) The bidder has the option of either quoting for all 21 locations for 100 KWp/45 KWp (i.e Group-1) or all 200 locations for 10 KWp ( i.e Group-2) or all 5 locations of 500KWp (i.e Group-3) or any two groups together or all 3 Groups together ( i.e Group-1, Group-2 and Group-3 together). However Offers for part locations of Group-1 and/or Group-2 and/or Group-3 will be rejected. 2.8. PAYMENT TERMS; The terms of payment shall be as per clause 5.3 of the enclosed ‘Special Condition of Contract’. 2.9 TERMS OF DELIVERY: 2.9.1 Deliveries to be maintained as per schedule given at clause 3.2 ‘Schedule of Requirement’. 2.9.2 In case of failure on the part of contractor to arrange supplies as per the delivery schedule/installments fixed in advance, save force majeure conditions or delays attributable to the purchaser, the purchaser reserves the right to levy “liquidated damages” which shall be levied as under: of the enclosed Liquidated Damages and not by way of penalty, a sum equivalent to 2% ( two percent) of the price of delayed stores ( including elements of taxes, duties freight etc.) which the contractor has failed to deliver within the period fixed for delivery in the contract or as extended for each month or part of a month during which the delivery of such stores may be in arrears where delivery thereof is accepted after expiry of the aforesaid period, subject to a maximum of ten percent of value of the delayed supplies .For the purpose of “liquidated damages” the date of commissioning of solar photo voltaic will be considered as delivery period. 2.10 THE BIDDERS SHOULD QUOTE RATES F.O.R. DESTINATION Bidders should quote FOR destination rate in the financial offer of E-bid. As the rate of Sales tax/VAT for supply of goods varies inter-state/ intra-state, firm must quote exact rate of Sales Tax/VAT for each sub-group within a Group. 2.11 CORRECTIONS: Correction should be avoided, but if there are any, all such corrections in the tenders should be initialed by bidder. Erasures /Correction fluid and over-writing shall not be made. 2.12 EARNEST MONEY (BID GUARANTEE) 9 2.12.1 The bidder must deposit an earnest money of Rs. 10,00,000/-(Rupees Ten lakhs only) in the manner specified in para 2.13.2 below and attach the same with the original offer of bid. The EMD should remain valid for a period of 45 days beyond the final bid validity period i.e for 225 days . The earnest money will be returned without interest to the bidders, whose tenders are not accepted. Tenders without earnest money are liable to be rejected. Amount of earnest money will remain same whether the firm quotes for any one group or all the groups. 2.12.2 The earnest money, deposited is liable to be forfeited, if the bidder unilaterally withdraws, amends, impairs or derogates from the bid in any respect within the period of validity of his offer. 2.13 SECURITY DEPOSIT/ PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE 2.13.1 The successful bidder shall, as per clause 0500 of Indian Railway Standard Conditions of contract, deposit, a sum of equal to 10% of the total value of the stores for which the tender has been accepted subject to a maximum of Rs.20,00,000/- as security deposit for the due fulfillment of the contract before issue of contract. 2.13.2 The Earnest money and security deposit may be paid in any of the following manner: (i) In the form of deposit receipts, Pay Orders, Demand Drafts in favour of FA&CAO/ Northern Railway and Guarantee Bonds of the State Bank of India or any of the Nationalised or Scheduled Commercial Banks. For Earnest Money, Proforma for Bid Guarantee Bond is as per Annexure-H and for Performance Guarantee Bond is as per Annexure-K. (ii) Government securities at 5% below the market value. (iii) Deposit in the Post Office Saving Bank. (iv) Bonds of Indian Railway Finance Corporation & KRCL Bonds. Deposits in the Post Office Saving Bank should be hypothecated by the depositor to the Financial Adviser and Chief Accounts Officer of the Railway and pass book will remain in the custody of the Chief Cashier. When deposits are made in Government Securities, it should be seen that all accrued interest to the debit on the G.P. Notes is duly collected by depositors prior to the G.P. Notes being endorsed to the Financial Adviser and Chief Accounts Officer. There should be at least two blank pages on the G.P. Notes after the last endorsement by the depositor. These are necessary to enable further endorsement by the Railway to the Reserve Bank of India. The payment of Security Deposit and Earnest Money in the form of Pay Order/Demand Draft should be made in favour of FA & CAO of Northern Railway. In case of endorsement signed “PER BEARER” “FOR” power of attorney is necessary duly registered and such endorsement need be certified by the Public Department Office of the Reserve Bank of India with their rubber stamp before G.P. Notes are delivered to the Railways. 2.14 PRINTED CONDITIONS FOR SUPPLY Printed conditions for supply of goods on the letters /on the back of the letters sent by the bidders will be ignored as forming part of their tender. In case any terms and conditions of 10 contract applicable to this invitation to tender are not acceptable to the bidder, they should specify such deviation in the “statement of deviations” as mentioned in bid document. It may be clearly understood that deviations from IRS Conditions of contract are neither appreciated nor generally acceptable. 2.14.1 If any departure or substitution from the particular specification is involved this should be clearly indicated in the Annexure to the offer form. Attention of the tenderer is invited to the statement of Deviations from Tender Specification (Annexure ‘B’). 2.15 PACKING: Attention is drawn to clause 1800 of Indian Railway Standard Conditions of Contract. 2.16 PERFORMANCE STATEMENT Firms must fill-in and upload Performance Statement as per Annexure-D-(i), D-(ii) & D(iv), Financial Capacity as per Annexure- D(iii) & D(v), Equipment and quality control as per Annexure-E and Production Capacity as per Annexure-F. Hard copy of the same duly signed should also be submitted manually along with other documents to this office within the specified time limit i.e. upto 14.30 hours on bid opening date 2.17 Banker’s details : Bidders should indicate the names and addresses of their Bankers. 2.18 TRANSIT INSURANCE The purchaser will not pay separately for transit insurance and the supplier will be responsible till the entire stores contracted for, arrive in good condition at destination. 2.19 PRICE PREFERENCE FOR EARLIER DELIVERY: Deleted 2.20 RIGHT OF ACCEPTANCE This office does not pledge itself to accept the lowest or any tender and reserves itself the right of acceptance of the whole or any part of the tender or portion of the quantity offered and you shall supply the same at rate quoted. 2.21 TRANSFERABILITY: This tender is not transferable. 2.22 NUMBER OF BIDS AND COSTS THEREOF 2.22.1 No Bidder shall submit more than one Bid for the Project. 2.22.2 The Bidders shall be responsible for all costs associated with the preparation of their Bids and their participation in the Bid Process. The Purchaser will not be responsible or in any way liable for such costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the Bidding Process. 2.23 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT BY BIDDER 2.23.1 It shall be deemed that by submitting the Bid, the Bidder has: (a) made a complete and careful examination of the tender document; (b) received all relevant information requested from the Purchaser; (c) accepted the risk of inadequacy, error or mistake in the information provided in the tender document furnished by or on behalf of the Purchaser relating to the bid. 11 (d) agreed to be bound by the undertakings provided by it under and in terms hereof. 2.23.2 The Purchaser shall not be liable for any omission, mistake or error in respect of any of the above or on account of any matter or thing arising out of or concerning or relating to the tender document or the bidding process, including any error or mistake therein or in any information or data given by the Purchaser. 2.24 RIGHT TO ACCEPT OR REJECT ANY OR ALL BID /BIDS 2.24.1 Notwithstanding anything contained in this tender document, the Purchaser reserves the right to accept or reject any Bid and to annul the Bidding Process and reject all Bid/ Bids, at any time without any liability or any obligation for such acceptance, rejection or annulment, and without assigning any reasons therefore. In the event that the Purchaser rejects or annuls all the Bids, it may, in its discretion, invite all eligible Bidders to submit fresh Bids hereunder. 2.24.2 The Purchaser reserves the right to reject any Bid and/ or Bids if: (a) at any time, a material misrepresentation is made or uncovered, or (b) the Bidder does not provide, within the time specified by the Purchaser, the supplemental information sought by the Purchaser for evaluation of the Bid. 2.24.3 In case it is found during the evaluation or at any time before signing of the Agreement or after its execution and during the period of subsistence thereof, including the contract thereby granted by the Purchaser, that one or more of the pre-qualification conditions have not been met by the Bidder, or the Bidder has made material misrepresentation or has given any materially incorrect or false information, the Bidder shall be disqualified forthwith if not yet appointed as the contractor either by issue of the LOA or entering into of the Agreement, and if the Bidder has already been issued the LOA or has entered into the Agreement, as the case may be, the same shall, notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained therein or in this tender document, be liable to be terminated, by a communication in writing by the Purchaser to the bidder, without the Purchaser being liable in any manner whatsoever to the bidder and without prejudice to any other right or remedy which the Purchaser may have under this tender document, the Bidding Documents, the Agreement or under applicable law. 2.24.4 The Purchaser reserves the right to verify all statements, information and documents submitted by the Bidder in response to the TENDER DOCUMENT. Any such verification or lack of such verification by the Purchaser shall not relieve the Bidder of its obligations or liabilities hereunder nor will it affect any rights of the Purchaser there under. 2.25 CLARIFICATIONS 2.25.1.Bidders requiring any clarification on the bid documents may notify the Purchaser in writing. They should send in their queries no later than 20 days before the date of submission specified in bid document. 2.25.2 The Purchaser shall endeavour to respond to the questions raised or clarifications sought by the bidders. However, the Purchaser reserves the right not to respond to any question or provide any clarification, in its sole discretion, and nothing in this clause shall be taken or read as compelling or requiring the Purchaser to respond to any question or to provide any clarification. 2.25.3 To facilitate evaluation of Bids, the Purchaser may, at its sole discretion, seek clarifications from any Bidder regarding its Bid. Such clarification(s) shall be provided within the time 12 specified by the Purchaser for this purpose. Any request for clarification(s) and all clarification(s) in response thereto shall be in writing. 2.26 AMENDMENT OF TENDER DOCUMENT 2.26.1 At any time prior to the deadline for submission of bid, the Purchaser may, for any reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to clarifications requested by an bidder, modify the tender document by the issuance of amendment. 2.26.2 Any amendment thus issued will be sent in writing to all those who have purchased the tender document and will be publicised on website. 2.26.3 In order to afford the bidders a reasonable time for taking an amendment into account, or for any other reason, the Purchaser may, in its sole discretion, extend the Bid Due Date. 2.27 In case, the date of bid opening falls on a gazetted holiday or is subsequently declared as such, the bids will be opened on the next working day at the appointed time. 2.28 E-bid are liable to be rejected if- (a) E-Bids not supported with proof of remitting the cost of bid documents shall be rejected. (b) E-Bids received not accompanied with specified ‘Bid Guarantee’ shall be considered un-responsive & rejected. Any FAX message/ communication from the bank for establishing/issuing the bid guarantee later on will not be entertained. (c) E-Bids received after stipulated time & date of opening shall not be considered. (d) In case hard copy of bid related documents is not received manually within the specified time on date of bid opening, the bid will be rejected. (e) E-Bid is not valid for acceptance for a minimum period of 180 days from the due date of opening of bid and Bid Guarantee is not valid for 225 days. 2.29 EVALUATION CRITERIA 2.29.1 The offers received will be evaluated considering total cost of each Group separately (defined in Bid invitation) for supply, installation, testing, commissioning and maintenance of Solar Photo Voltaic at various stations on Indian Railway as per RDSO specification of that group. 2.29.2 The cost of AMC for 5 years will also be considered for evaluation. 13 3.0 3.1 (i) SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENTS Description of Stores & quantity required Group-1 (i) (ii) Group-2 (i) Group-3 (i) Brief Description of stores Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Maintenance of 2x50 KWp Solar photo Voltaic Modules without battery backup with warranty of two (2) years(i.e two system of 50KWp capacity having independent operation of two system) Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Maintenance of 45 KWp Solar photo Voltaic Modules without battery backup Specification No. Quantity (nos.) RDSO/PE/SPEC/PS/0092-2008 (Rev.0) Amendment ‘5’ to be read with Annexure technical 20 (each in Zonal Railways Headquarter office and DLW,ICF and RCF RDSO/PE/SPEC/PS/0092-2008 (Rev.0) Amendment ‘5’ to be read with Annexure technical 01 (RDSO, Lucknow) Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Maintenance of 10 KWp Solar photo Voltaic Modules battery backup RDSO/2009/EM/SPEC/0004 (Rev.’1’)-2012 to be read with Annexure technical 200 (Remote Railway Stations of IR) Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & Maintenance of 500 KWp Solar photo Voltaic Modules without battery backup RDSO/PE/SPEC/PS/0092-2008 (Rev.0) Amendment ‘5’ to be read with Annexure technical 05 (ii) The Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) for 5 years will be applicable 2 years during warranty period and 3 years after expiry of the warranty period. The rates for AMC shall be quoted separately by the bidders which will be considered for evaluation of bid offer. 3.2. Delivery: Delivery & installation should be completed within 09 months from the award of the contract. 14 3.3. Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC): (i) (ii) (iii) The contractor shall provide 5 years AMC, 2 years during warranty period and 3 years after expiry of the warranty period. The AMC for the Solar Photo Voltaic Modules will be comprehensive and cleaning of panels and tightening of connections shall be carried out at least once in three months or as per the requirement to meet desired performance parameters. In any case inferior performance of equipment shall not be attributed to non-clearing/nonavailability of water by Railway. For maintenance of PCU, one set of essential spares shall be kept ready/aside. AMC agreement shall be entered with individual Zonal Railways as per the accepted rate in the bid. 3.4 Quantity Variation Clause: Purchaser reserves the right to vary the quantity mentioned in the “Schedule of Requirements” by plus/minus 30% during the currency of the contract 15 4.0 SCHEDULE OF RATES (SOR) Unit rate and total rate for the offer shall be quoted by the bidder electronically on the IREPS site. The following things may be kept in mind when quoting :-: a. The rate quoted by the bidder shall be inclusive of manufacture, supply, installation and commissioning of Solar photo Voltaic Modules at various offices and stations on Indian Railway. This shall also include cost of structural stability as mentioned at Para 7.0 of RDSO specification and cost of 2 years comprehensive warranty. Taxes and duties shall be quoted separately as applicable. b. The warranty period of goods will start after successful commissioning of Solar photo Voltaic Modules at site. c. Quantity Variation (+/- ) 30%. d. In exceptional case, name of the administrative building/station may be changed by Purchaser. e. The AMC for 5 years will be applicable, 2 years during warranty period and 3 years after expiry of the warranty period. f. AMC cost will be paid as per cost/solar PV module quoted by the bidder. However for evaluation purpose total cost of AMC shall be worked out after taking into account 10% NPV discounting factor as tabulated below. AMC for 3 years after expiry of two years warranty period as per clause 3.3 of Schedule of Requirements Cost /Solar PV Module ( in Rs) A i First year ii Second year iii Third year AMC cost Fourth year AMC cost Fifth year AMC cost iv v NPV Factor @ Quantity Total Cost of AMC after 10% per discounting factor (in Rs) annum (For evaluation purpose B C D=A x B x C UNDER WARRANTY UNDER WARRANTY 0.7513 0.6830 0.6209 Total 16 5.0 SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT 5.1 Eligibility criteria: 5.1.1 Eligibility criteria for Group-1(2x50 KWp) The bidder shall fulfill the following eligibility criteria5.1.1. (i) The “Bidder” shall be an Indian manufacturer or a JV consortium having maximum two members with one Indian manufacturer who shall be lead member having experience as defined in Technical Capabilities. (ii)Technical Capability: a) The bidder shall possess experience as a Indian manufacturer of Solar PV modules for at least one year. b) The bidder shall have established after sales service in India c) The bidder must have at least three years experience of supplying, installing, commissioning of solar photovoltaic modules of Single unit of 50 KWp 500KWp in India with aggregate of capacity of such panels supplied in any one of the preceding three years (Financial year 2013-14, 2012-13 & 2011-12) in India shall be at least 750 KWp. d) The bidder must have technical capability for integrating total systems and at least successfully executed 10 “projects” each of at least 50 KWp-500 KWp capacity, during last one year (Financial year 2013-14). e) The bidder shall submit proof of supply & commissioning for the above information in the prescribed Performa enclosed at Annexure D(i). The proof for (a) and (b) above shall also be submitted. (iii) Financial Capacity: Average annual turnover of the bidder shall be at least INR 60 crores during the last three Financial Years (i.e 2013-14, 2012-13 & 2011-12) at the close of the Financial Year before the bid due date. The average annual turnover of lead member should be at least 50% of specified turnover of bidder i.e 60 crores. Audited accounts of bidder shall be submitted along with the bid. Financial capacity details to be submitted as per Annexure D-(iii). 5.1.2 Eligibility criteria for Group-2(10 KWp System) The bidder shall fulfill the following eligibility criteria5.1.2.(i) The “Bidder” shall be an Indian manufacturer or a JV consortium having maximum two members with one Indian manufacturer who shall be lead member having experience as defined in Technical Capabilities. (ii) Technical Capability: 17 a) The bidder shall possess experience as a Indian manufacturer of Solar PV modules for at least one year. b) The bidder shall have established after sales service in India c) The bidder must have at least three years experience of supplying, installing, commissioning of solar photovoltaic modules of Single unit of 10 KWp -50 KWp with battery backup in India with aggregate of capacity of such panels supplied in any one of the preceding three years (Financial year 2013-14, 201213 & 2011-12) in India shall be at least 750 KWp. d) The bidder must have technical capability for integrating total systems and at least successfully executed 10 “projects” each of at least 10 KWp-50 KWp capacity, during last one year (Financial year 2013-14) 10 system each of 50 KWp-500 KWp capacity, during last one year. e) The bidder shall submit proof of supply & commissioning for the above information in the prescribed Performa enclosed at Annexure D(ii). The proof for (a) and (b) above shall also be submitted. (iii) Financial Capacity: Average annual turnover capacity of the bidder shall be at least INR 75 crores during the last three Financial Years at the close of the Financial Year before the bid due date. The average annual turnover of lead member should be at least 50% of specified turnover of bidder i.e 75 crores. Audited accounts of bidder shall be submitted alongwith the bid. Financial capacity details to be submitted as per Annexure D-(iii). 5.1.3 Eligibility criteria for Group-3(5 System of 500 KWp) The bidder shall fulfill the following eligibility criteria5.1.3.(i) The “Bidder” shall be an Indian manufacturer or a JV consortium having maximum two members with one Indian manufacturer who shall be lead member having experience as defined in Technical Capabilities. (ii) Technical Capability: a) The bidder shall possess experience as a Indian manufacturer of Solar PV modules for at least one year. b) The bidder shall have established after sales service in India c) The bidder must have at least three years experience of supplying, installing, commissioning of solar photovoltaic modules of Single unit of 500 KWp or above in India with aggregate of capacity of such panels supplied in any one of the preceding three years (Financial year 2013-14, 2012-13 & 2011-12) in India shall be at least 875 KWp. d) The bidder must have technical capability for integrating total systems and at least successfully executed 2 “projects” each of 500 KWp or above during last one year (Financial year 2013-14.) e) The bidder shall submit proof of supply & commissioning for the above information in the prescribed Performa enclosed at Annexure D(iv). (iii) Financial Capacity: 18 Average annual turnover capacity of the bidder shall be at least INR 48.75 crores during the last three Financial Years at the close of the Financial Year before the bid due date. The average annual turnover of lead member should be at least 50% of specified turnover of bidder i.e 48.75 crores. Audited accounts of bidder shall be submitted alongwith the bid. Financial capacity details to be submitted as per Annexure D-(v). 5.2 Consignee The consignee will be Sr.DEE(G) /DEE(G)/Dy.CEE, in charge of the site where solar photo voltaic modules is to be commissioned. 5.3 Payment Schedule : The payment shall be made by FA&CAO of the Northern Railway. Payment for 1st unit of each type of Solar PV module in each group will be made after prototype testing by RDSO at site. For balance system following shall be followed(b) Single stage Payment- 100% payment after successful erection, testing, and commissioning of solar PV modules at site on Commissioning certification by Sr. DEE/DEE/Dy. CEE in charge of site after submission of “Acceptance test” & Routine tests as per clause C of “Annexure- Technical and after submitting of bank guarantee of 10% value of the stores supplied and commissioned towards warranty as per clause 5.10 of Special condition of contract. or Two Stage Payment (i) 60% payment excluding AMC after receipt of Solar PV modules at site by consignee against submission of BG of equivalent amount & after submission of “Acceptance test” & Routine tests as per clause C of “Annexure-technical”. (a) (ii) (c) 5.4 40% payment excluding AMC after successful erection, testing, and commissioning of solar PV modules at site on certification by Sr. DEE/DEE/Dy. CEE in charge of site based on “Acceptance test” Performa and after submitting of bank guarantee of 10% value of the stores supplied and commissioned towards warranty as per clause 5.10 of bid document. (iii) The above BG for 60% payment will be released after successful erection, testing and commissioning of solar PV modules and issue of Commissioning certification by Sr.DEE/DEE/Dy.CEE in-charge of site. Payment of AMC charges will be made on six monthly basis. Warranty The warranty period will be two years from the date of commissioning. 5.5 Special conditions 5.5.1 The bidder shall get himself acquainted with the site condition to know exact amount of work involved before quoting. 19 5.6 Testing and Inspection Testing & Inspection shall be as per Technical Specification as per which Type test will be either done by RDSO or certified copies of Type Test Certificates in lieu of actual Tests if conducted by accredited testing Agency/Lab will be accepted. Acceptance tests will be conducted by Consignee for regular supplies. However prototype testing/acceptance test of 1st unit each of 500KWp, 2x50 KWp. 45 KWp & 10KWp will be carried out by RDSO at site. 5.7 Submission of drawings : The contractor shall furnish at his own expense all calculations, designs, drawings, explanatory notes, schedule information, procedure for approval and submission of drawings and designs for approval to RDSO. 5.8 Loading and unloading of heavy materials: The contractor shall make his own arrangements for loading or unloading of all materials at his depot or at worksites. Railway may facilitate the contractor whenever required. 5.9 Monthly progress report : The contractor shall furnish during the first week of every calendar month, a progress showing progress of finalization of designs and drawings, materials received at site and the works carried out during the preceding months. As far as possible the presentation shall be neat and tabulation form accompanied by coloured diagram wherever applicable. RDSO will coordinate for web based monitoring requirement as per MNRE guideline. 5.10 Warranty Bank Guarantee: 5.10.1 As per para 22 of RDSO specification. The contractor shall submit a bank guarantee of 10% value of the stores supplied and commissioned towards warranty before claiming 100% payment . 5.10.2 The Bank Guarantee fully indemnifying the purchaser against all losses incurred by the purchaser during the warranty period stipulated in the warranty clause is to be submitted as per Annexure-L. 5.10.3 10% WBG submitted by supplier will be released after successful completion of warranty obligations and submission of BG for 10% of total value for 1 year of AMC charges which shall be renewed till the tenure of AMC period. 5.10.4 BG for 10% of total AMC charges for 1 year shall be renewed every year and will be released after successful completion of AMC period. 20 ANNEXURE-A OFFER FORM FOR TECHNICAL BID To The President of India, through The Director, Railway Stores(F), Ministry of Railways (Railway Board), Rail Bhavan, Raisina Road, New Delhi-110 001. Ref: Tender No. Sir, (The following information shall be summerised in the offer latter :- ) 1. Name of bidder - 2. Lead Member & other members of consortium/ joint venture, if applicable- 3. Manufacturers of Solar PV modules- certification of manufacturing of Solar PV modules in India to be attached. 4. We are equipped with adequate machinery for production, quality control and testing of the materials manufactured and used by us. We certify that we fully comply with the eligibility criteria in clause 5.0 of the ‘Special Condition of Contract’. 5. 6. 7. PLACE OF MANUFACTURE: _______________ We agree in the Warranty/Guarantee clause We enclose the following statements as required by you. 7.1 Statement of deviations from Indian Railways Standard Specifications (Annexure-B) (Send a NIL STATEMENT if there is no deviation). Statement of deviations from the tender terms and General & Special conditions of contract (Annexure-C) (Send a NIL STATEMENT if there is no deviation). 7.2 7.3 Performance statement (Annexure-D-(i), D-(ii).D-(iv) and Financial Capacity of the Applicant - Annexure D-(iii) & D-(v) 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 7.10 Proforma for equipment and quality control (Annexure-E). Proforma for production capacity (Annexure-F). Performa for Power of Attorney for signing of Application (Annexure - G) Performa of Bank Guarantee for bid guarantee/ earnest money (Annexure - H) Performa for offer form for commercial bid (Annexure–I to be filled electronically) Tentative locations of Solar Photo voltaic modules(Annexure - J) Performa of bank guarantee for contract performance guarantee bond/ security deposit (Annexure- K) 7.11 Performa of bank guarantee for 10% contract value towards warranty guarantee (Annexure- L) 7.12 MOU (Annexure - M) 7.13 Joint Bidding Agreement (Annexure -N) 21 7.13 Performa for Power of Attorney for Lead Member of Consortium (Annexure- O) 8. VALIDITY 8.1 We agree to keep our offer valid for acceptance for a period of 180 days from the date of the opening of technical Bid and shall be bound by a communication of acceptance within the time. 9.0 We have read and understood the terms of the Indian Railway Standard Conditions of contract (latest revision) and also the terms of the invitation of tender and instructions to bidders and undertake to supply the stores as per these terms. The deviations from the above terms and conditions are only those mentioned in relevant annexures. Signature of Bidder Address Date: Telephone No. Telegraphic Address: (* See item No.5 of the invitation to tender) Encls: as per 8 above. 22 ANNEXURE- B STATEMENT OF DEVIATION FROM STANDARD SPECIFICATION TENDER NO.______________________ DATE ____________________ NAME OF BIDDER __________________________INDIAN RAILWAYS ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION PARTICULARS OF DEVIATIONS. REMARKS Signature of Bidder 23 ANNEXURE- C STATEMENT OF DEVIATION FROM TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE TENDER TENDER NO.______________________ DATE ____________________ NAME OF BIDDER __________________________INDIAN RAILWAYS SL.NO. REFERENCE TO TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF TENDER DEVIATIONS IN THE OFFER REMARKS Signature of Bidder 24 Annexure D-(i) Performa for details of supply & commissioning of Solar Photo voltaic modules Group-1 :20 nos. of 2x50 KWp & 1x45 KWp system SN 1 2 3 A B C P.O./ Contract quantity P.O. with date Customer Name & Address, Contract NO. With/ Without battery PV capacity for single system (as per para 5.1.1.(ii)) Year wise supplied/commissioning Remarks of PV modules 01.04.2011 01.04.2012 01.04.2013 to to to 31.03.2012 31.03.2013 31.03.2014 X1 X2 X3 Total Capacity Total Commissioned in last 3 years(X1+X2+X3) Nos of “systems” of 50-500 KWp capacity: Total supplied & Commissioned/years Note: 1. Supporting documents e.g P.O, proof of supply & commissioning/performance etc. to be enclosed. All documents shall be in English. If documents are in languages other than English, a true translation of above key information duly certified shall also be submitted. 2. Date of supply would mean date of receipt of Solar PV modules by the consignee/ end user and shall be supported by relevant certificate 3. Date of commissioning would mean completion of testing & commissioning and shall be supported by relevant commissioning document P.O.- Purchase order Signature of Bidder 25 Annexure D-(ii) Performa for details of supply & commissioning of Solar Photo voltaic modules Group-2 :200 nos. of 10 KWp system with battery backup SN 1 2 3 A B C P.O./ Contract quantity P.O. with date Customer Name & Address, Contract NO. With/ Without battery PV Year wise supplied/commissioning Remarks capacity of PV modules for 01.04.2011 01.04.2012 01.04.2013 single to to to system 31.03.2012 31.03.2013 31.03.2014 (as per X1 X2 X3 para 5.1.2.(ii)) Total Capacity Total Commissioned in last 3 years(X1+X2+X3) Nos of “systems” of 10-50 KWp capacity: Total supplied & Commissioned/years Note: 1. Supporting documents e.g P.O, proof of supply & commissioning/performance etc. to be enclosed. All documents shall be in English. If documents are in languages other than English, a true translation of above key information duly certified shall also be submitted. 2. Date of supply would mean date of receipt of Solar PV modules by the consignee/ end user and shall be supported by relevant certificate 3. Date of commissioning would mean completion of testing & commissioning and shall be supported by relevant commissioning document P.O.- Purchase order Signature of Bidder 26 Annexure-D-(iii) Financial Capacity of the Applicant For Group-1 & Group-2 (In Rs. crore) Net turn over (Rs crores) Bidder Year1 Year2 (i) (ii) Year3 Total turn over (Rs crores) (iii) (i)+(ii)+(iii) Avg. turn over (Rs crores) TOTAL Instructions: 1. As a support of above details, the bidder (single utility) shall submit certificate(s) duly signed by its statutory auditor. Signature of Bidder 27 Annexure D-(iv) Performa for details of supply & commissioning of Solar Photo voltaic modules Group-3 : 5 nos. of 500 KWp system SN 1 2 3 A B C P.O./ Contract quantity P.O. with date Customer Name & Address, Contract NO. With/ Without battery PV Year wise supplied/commissioning Remarks capacity of PV modules for 01.04.2011 01.04.2012 01.04.2013 single to to to system 31.03.2012 31.03.2013 31.03.2014 (as per X1 X2 X3 para 5.1.2.(ii)) Total Capacity Total Commissioned in last 3 years(X1+X2+X3) Nos of “systems” of ≥ 500 KWp capacity: Total supplied & Commissioned/years Note: 1. Supporting documents e.g P.O, proof of supply & commissioning/performance etc. to be enclosed. All documents shall be in English. If documents are in languages other than English, a true translation of above key information duly certified shall also be submitted. 2. Date of supply would mean date of receipt of Solar PV modules by the consignee/ end user and shall be supported by relevant certificate 3. Date of commissioning would mean completion of testing & commissioning and shall be supported by relevant commissioning document P.O.- Purchase order Signature of Bidder 28 Annexure-D-(v) Financial Capacity of the Applicant For Group-3 (In Rs. crore) Net turn over (Rs crores) Bidder Year1 Year2 (i) (ii) Year3 Total turn over (Rs crores) (iii) (i)+(ii)+(iii) Avg. turn over (Rs crores) TOTAL Instructions: 1. As a support of above details, the bidder (single utility) shall submit certificate(s) duly signed by its statutory auditor. Signature of Bidder 29 ANNEXURE- E PROFORMA FOR EQUIPMENT AND QUALITY CONTROL Tender No. ………………………………Date ………………………….. Name of the firm ………………………………………………………………… ( Note : All details required only for the items tendered) 1. 2. 2.1 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 7.1 7.2 8. 9. 9.1 9.2 9.3 10. 11. 12. Name & address of the firm: Telephone No. Office/Factory/Works. Telegraphic Address. Location of the Manufacturing Factory. Details of Industrial License, where required as per Statutory Regulations Details of Plant and Machinery executed and function in each department (Monographs & description pamphlets be supplied, if available). Details and stocks of raw material held. Production capacity of item(s) quoted for, with the existing plant and machinery. Normal. Maximum. Details of arrangement for quality control of products such as laboratory etc. Details of Technical Supervisory staff-in-charge of production and quality control. Skilled labour employed. Un-skilled labour employed. Maximum number of workers (Skilled & un-skilled) employed on any day during the 19 months preceding the date of bid. Whether stores were tested to any standard specification, if so, copies of original test certificates should be submitted in triplicate. Are you registered with the Directorate General of Supplies and Disposals, New Delhi, for these stores, if so, furnish full particulars of registration period of currency etc. Are you a Small Scale Unit registered with the National Small Industries Corporation Ltd., for the items offered against this tender, if so,, furnish full particulars of registration with currency period.(Attach copy of registration certificate) Signature of Bidder 30 ANNEXURE- F PROFORMA FOR PRODUCTION CAPACITY TENDER NO.--------------------------------& DATE…………………………… 1. Name & address of the Manufacturer 2. Location of the Factory. 3. Have the items of stores offered by the Tenderer been approved by the Railway designs and standard Organizations (RDSO), Lucknow? If so, necessary reference may be quoted? 4. (a) The installed monthly capacity for Solar PV modules is _____________ and the type of Solar PV modules covered in this tender is_____________. (b) For the type of Solar PV modules covered in this tender, indicate the capacity separately on a single shift basis and on multiple shift basis, if so worked. 5. What is the average monthly production of Solar PV modules during the last 5 (five) years on single shift basis? 6. What is the existing load for Solar PV modules production ? 7. How much of the above is covered by order of the Railways ? 8. What portion of the actual production capacity will be reserved for this contract ? This should be indicated clearly in terms of number of items or stores per month. 9. Have you supplied the stores tendered for or other identical items in the past ? If so, details of supplies in the last 12 months may be furnished. (1) Description (2) Total quantity ordered. (3) Total quantity supplied. (4) Total quantity pending on the date of tendering. Signature of the Bidder. 31 Annexure G Power of Attorney for signing of Application Know all men by these presents, We…………………………………………….. (name of the firm and address of the registered office) do hereby irrevocably constitute, nominate, appoint and authorise Mr/ Ms (name), …………………… son/daughter/wife of ……………………………… and presently residing at …………………., who is (presently employed with us/ the Lead Member of our Consortium and holding the position of ……………………………. ), as our true and lawful attorney (hereinafter referred to as the “Attorney”) to do in our name and on our behalf, all such acts, deeds and things as are necessary or required in connection with or incidental to submission of our application for submission of our bid for procurement, installation, testing and commissioning of Solar PV modules at zonal Railways headquarters offices and DLW, ICF, RCF and RDSO Lucknow and various remote stations on Indian Railway proposed or being developed by the Ministry of Railways (the “Purchaser”) including but not limited to signing and submission of all applications, bids and other documents and writings, participate in Pre- Purchaser and other conferences and providing information/ responses to the Purchaser, representing us in all matters before the Purchaser, signing and execution of all contracts including the Agreement and undertakings consequent to acceptance of our bid, and generally dealing with the Purchaser in all matters in connection with or relating to or arising out of our bid for the said Project and/ or upon award thereof to us and/or till the entering into of the Agreement with the Purchaser. AND we hereby agree to ratify and confirm and do hereby ratify and confirm all acts, deeds and things done or caused to be done by our said Attorney pursuant to and in exercise of the powers conferred by this Power of Attorney and that all acts, deeds and things done by our said Attorney in exercise of the powers hereby conferred shall and shall always be deemed to have been done by us. IN WITNESS WHEREOF WE, …………………………., THE ABOVE NAMED PRINCIPAL HAVE EXECUTED THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY ON THIS ……… DAY OF …………., 2…….. For ………………………….. (Signature) (Name, Title and Address) (Signature, name and designation of the authorised signatory) Witnesses: 1. (Notarised) 2. Accepted …………………………… (Signature) 32 (Name, Title and Address of the Attorney) Notes: The mode of execution of the Power of Attorney should be in accordance with the procedure, if any, laid down by the applicable law and the charter documents of the executant(s) and when it is so required, the same should be under common seal affixed in accordance with the required procedure. Wherever required, the Applicant should submit for verification the extract of the charter documents and documents such as a board or shareholders’ resolution/ power of attorney in favour of the person executing this Power of Attorney for the delegation of power hereunder on behalf of the Applicant. For a Power of Attorney executed and issued overseas, the document will also have to be legalised by the Indian Embassy and notarised in the jurisdiction where the Power of Attorney is being issued. However, the Power of Attorney provided by Applicants from countries that have signed the Hague Legislation Convention 1961 are not required to be legalised by the Indian Embassy if it carries a conforming Appostille7 certificate. 33 ANNEXURE H PROFORMA OF BANK GUARANTEE FOR BID GUARANTEE (On Bank’s Letter Head with Adhesive stamp) Ref…………… Date…………. Bank Guarantee No……… To, The President Of India Acting through the Director, Railway Stores (F), Ministry of Railways(Railway Board) Rail Bhavan, New Delhi-110001. Dear Sir, In accordance with your invitation to tender No……………………. for supply of ………………..M/s…………………………hereinafter called the bidder with the following Directors on their Board of Directors/Partners of the firm: 1. 2. 3. 4. Wish to participate in the said tender for the supply of ----------------------------------------------------------------As a Bank Guarantee against Bid Guarantee for a sum of ……………………… .( in words and figures) valid for (225 ) Two hundred and twenty five days from …………….. required to be submitted by the bidder as a condition for the participation, this Bank hereby guarantees and undertakes during the above said period of (225) two hundred and twenty five days to immediately pay, on demand by the Director, Railway Stores (F), Ministry of Railways ( Railway Board), New Delhi110001, INDIA, in writing the amount of ………………………………………..( in words and figures) to the said Director, Railway Stores (F), Ministry of Railways (Railway Board), New Delhi-110001, INDIA and without any reservation and recourse if : (i) the bidder after submitting his tender, modifies the rates or any of the terms and conditions thereof, except with the previous written consent of the purchaser; or (ii) the bidder withdraws the bid within 225 days after opening of bid; or (iii) the bidder having not withdrawn the bid, fails to execute the contractual documents within the period provided in the contract; or (iv) having executed the contracts fails to give the bonds so aforesaid within the period provided in the contract. 34 This guarantee shall be irrevocable and shall remain valid upto 4.00 PM on ……………….if further extension to this guarantee is required, the same shall be extended to such required period on receiving instructions from M/s………………………………. on whose behalf this guarantee is issued. Date Place Signature…………………. Witness Printed name………………. (Designation) ……………………… (Bank’s common seal) 35 ANNEXURE I (To be filled electronically only) 36 Annexure-J Tentative location of Solar Photo voltaic modules Group-1 Provision of solar PV modules of 100 kWp & 45 kWp Solar PV module without battery back up at 20 nos. Administrative buildings i.e. General Manager Hdqrs. Office’s or adjacent buildings and RDSO, Lucknow. SN Railway Concerned Railway Capacity Address Telephone No. officer of Splar (DOT) panel in Kwp Sub Group-A (Maharashtra) 1 Central Railway(CR) Chief Electrical Engineer 100 2 Western Railway (WR) Chief Electrical Engineer 100 Hdqrs. office, CR Mumbai CST. Hdqrs. office, WR, Churchgate, Mumbai. 022-22620867 07752-41035 Sub Group-B (West Bengal) 3 Eastern Railway(ER) Chief Electrical Engineer 100 Hdqrs. office, ER Kolkata 022-22300446 4 South Eastern Railway Chief Electrical Engineer 100 Hdqrs. office, SER, Kolkata 040-27825243 5 Metro Railway Chief Electrical Engineer 100 Metro Railway, Hdqrs. office, Kolkata 033-22264673 Chief Electrical Engineer 100 Hdqrs. office, ECR Hajipur. 06224-274456 Chief Electrical Engineer 100 Hdqrs. Office, ECoR Bhubaneswar 0674-2303515 Chief Electrical Engineer 100 Hdqrs. office, NR, Baroda House, New Delhi 011- 23387198 Sub Group-C (Bihar) 6 East Central Railway (ECR) Sub Group-D (Orissa) 7 East Coast Railway(ECoR) Sub Group-E (Delhi) 8 Northern Railway (NR) Sub Group-F (Uttar Pradesh) 9 North Central Railway (NCR) Chief Electrical Engineer 100 Hdqrs. office, NCR, Allahabad 0532-2230217 10 North Eastern Railway (NER) Chief Electrical Engineer 100 Hdqrs. office ,NER, Gorakhpur 0551-2200552 37 11 Diesel Locomotive Works (DLW) Sub Group-G (Assam) 12 Northeast Frontier Railway (NFR) Chief Electrical Engineer 100 Administrative Building, DLW, Varanasi. 0542-2270170 Chief Electrical Engineer 100 Hdqrs. office, NFR, Maligaon, Guwahati, (Assam) 0361-2676029 Chief Electrical Engineer 100 Hdqrs. office, NWR, Jaipur 0361-2676029 Sub Group-H (Rajasthan) 13 North Western Railway (NWR) Sub Group-I (Tamil Nadu) 14 Southern Railway (SR) Chief Electrical Engineer 100 Hdqrs. office, SR, Chennai 0141-2725865 15 Integral Coach Factory (ICF) Chief Electrical Engineer 100 Administrative Building, ICF, Chennai 044-26260675 100 Hdqrs. office, SCR, Secunderabad 044-25353717 100 Hdqrs. office, SWR, Hubli 033-24391566 100 Hdqrs. office, SECRR, Bilaspur 0836-2365212 Chief Electrical Engineer 100 Hdqrs. office, WCR, Jabalpur Chief Electrical Engineer 100 Administrative Building, RCF, Kapurthala 01822-228201 45 Administrative Building ,RDSO, Lucknow 0522-2465714 Sub Group-J (Andhra Pradesh) 16 South Central Railway (SCR) Chief Electrical Engineer Sub Group-K (Karnataka) 17 South Western Railway (SWR) Chief Electrical Engineer Sub Group-L (Chhattisgarh) 18 South East Chief Electrical Central Engineer Railway (SECR) Sub Group-M (Madhya Pradesh) 19 West Central Railway Sub Group-N (Punjab) 20 Rail Coach Factory (RCF) Sub Group-O (Uttar Pradesh) 21 Research Development & Standard Organization (RDSO) Exec. Director, (EEM) 38 Group-2 Provision of 10 KWp solar PV modules at no. of stations non-electrified section( Non-RE ) S.N. Rly. Sub Group-P(UP) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 NER 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 State Name of Station Category of Station UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP Nakaha Jungle Maniram Peppeganj Campierganj Lachhmipur Brijmanganj Uska Bazar Chilhia Shohratgarh Parsa Pachperwa Gainsari Tulsipur Kauwapur Jharkhandi Intiathok Subhagpur Gangadham Bangain Bishewarganj Payagpur Chilwaria Risia Matera Mihinpurwa Kakarha R. house E E D E E E E E D E E E D E E E E E E E D E D E D E UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP Murtiha Nishangara Bichhiya Tikunia Belrayan Sonaripur Dudwa Palia Kalan E E D D E E E B Division Lucknow 39 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 Varanasi 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 Sub Group-Q (Rajasthan) 71 72 73 74 NWR JU 75 76 77 UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Bhira Kheri Rajnarainpur Golagokaran Nath Razganj Pharedahan Deokali Khiri Town Oel Hargaon Jharekapur Khairabad Awadh Kamlapur Sidhauli Ataria Itaunja Bakshi Ka Talab Mohibullapur Dudahi Kathkuiyan Barharaganj Ramkola Lakshmiganj Paniahwa Khadda Siswa Bazar Ghughli Bodawar Pipraich Unaula Khurhat Sathiaon Sarai Rani Phariha Sarai Mir Khorason Road Didarganj Road E E D E E E E E D E E E D E E E D E E E E E E D D D E D E E E E E D B E Bomadra Rajkiawas Kheduli Ren Jalsu Gachhipura Besroli E E E E E E E 40 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 BKN Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Borawar Kuchaman City Naya Khardia Govindi Marwar Satlana Dudia Dundara Ajit Parlu Janiyana Khed temple Tilwara Gole Bhimarlai Bamsin Rakhi Mokalsar Balwara Bishangath Bheempura Ledarmer Malwara Marwar Ratanpur Bhikamkor Samrau Shatan SinghNagar Odania Chacha Shri Bhadaria Lathi Jetha Chandan Thaiyat Hamira Kiroda Khatu Tal Chhapar E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Nal Gajner Kolayat Dyatra Road Nokhra Sird Bap Malar Kanasar Jamsar Jagdevwala E E E E E E E E E E E 41 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 Sub Group-R (Haryana) 148 149 NWR BKN 150 Sub Group-S (Assam) 151 152 153 154 TSK 155 156 157 NFR 158 159 160 LMG 161 162 163 Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Dhirera Dulmera Lunkaransar Nathawana Malkisar Mahajan Rajaisar Arjunsar Gadwala Napasar Sudsar Benisar Sridungargarh Bigga Persneu Rajaldelsar Molisar Juharpur Depalsar Asalu Dhudhwakhara Hadyal Dokawa Surtpura Harpalu Rampura Beri E E D E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E Haryana Haryana Haryana Pervejpur Sohansara Satnali E E E Assam Assam Assam Assam Assam Assam Assam Assam Assam Assam Assam Assam Assam SLGR BOJ LAX DBRD NAM MRG NTSK BRLF LCT NLN PKB LKG HWX D E E A E E A E E E E E E 42 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 Assam Assam Assam Assam Assam Assam Assam Assam Assam Assam Assam Assam Assam Assam Assam Assam Assam Assam Assam Assam Assam Assam Assam Assam Assam Assam Assam Assam Assam Assam Assam Assam Assam Assam Assam Assam Assam DHRY MYD HTL LGT PDJ MXR MGE BF HFG JTG LJO MGX HJO DTC BXJ BXK DCA SHTT JQD AMONI RAHA PUY BEE SCE SNBR ALGP KTX HKD SCA LLBR MSSN DLCR BRGM TBX PKGM ARCL PNGM E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E 43 Group-3 SN 1 2 3 4 5 Sub Group T U V W X State Delhi Rajasthan Andhra Pradesh Maharashtra West Bengal Rly. NR NWR Locations New Delhi Railway station building Lalgarh (Bikaner Division) SCR CR Metro Rly. Secunderabad station, PRS Boiguda side. ZRT/Bhusawal school building Noapara Carshed Metro Railway Kolkata 44 Annexure-K PROFORMA OF BANK GUARANTEE FOR CONTRACT PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE BOND Ref............... Date-----------------Bank Guarantee No................ To, THE PRESIDENT OF INDIA. acting through the Director, Railway Stores (F) Ministry of Railway, (Railway Board). Rail Bhawan, New Delhi-110001, INDIA. 1. Against contract vide Advance Acceptance of the Tender No................................... dated.................................... covering supply of......................................................... (hereinafter called the said ‘contract’) entered into between the President of India and...........................................................................(hereinafter called the ‘Contractor) this is to certify that at the request of the Contractor we............................................................. Bank Ltd., are holding in trust in favour of the President of India, the amount of.......................................................................................................... (write the sum here in words) to indemnity and keep indemnified the President of India (Govt. of India) against any loss or damage that may be caused to or suffered by the President of India (Govt. of India) by reason of any breach by the Contractor of any of the terms and conditions of the said contract and/or the performance thereof. We agree that the decision of the President of India (Govt. of India), whether any breach of any of the terms and conditions of the said contract and/or in the performance thereof has been committed by the Contractor and the amount of loss or damage that has been caused or suffered by the President of India (Govt. of India) shall be final and binding on us and the amount of the said loss or damage shall be paid by us forthwith on demand and without demur to the President of India (Govt. of India). 2.We............................ ........................................Bank Ltd., further agree that the guarantee herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be taken for satisfactory performance and fulfilment in all respects of the said contract by the Contractor i.e. till.............................................(viz. the date up to 12 months after the date of last delivery, of the goods ordered) hereinafter called the ‘said date’ and that if any claim accrues or arises against us.................................... Bank Ltd., by virtue of this guarantee before the said date, the same shall be enforceable against us......................................................Bank Ltd.), notwithstanding the fact that the same is enforced within six months after the said date, provided that notice of any such claim has been given to us.......................................Bank/Ltd., by the President of India (Govt. of India) before the said date. Payment under this letter of guarantee shall be made promptly upon our receipt of notice to that effect from the president of India (Govt. of India). 3. It is fully understood that this guarantee is effective from the date of the said contract and that we................................................Bank Ltd., undertake not to revoke this guarantee during its currency without the consent in writing of the President of India (Govt. of India). 4. We undertake to pay to the Government any money so demanded notwithstanding any dispute or disputes raised by the Contractor in any suit or proceeding pending before any Court or Tribunal relating thereto our liability under this present being absolute and 45 unequivocal. The payments so made by us under this bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for payment thereunder and the Contractor shall have no claim against us for making such payment. 5. We....................................Bank Ltd., further agree that the President of India(Govt. of India) shall have the fullest liberty, without affecting in any manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said contract or to extend time of performance by the Contractor from time to time or to postpone for any time or form time to time any of the powers exercisable by the President of India (Govt. of India), against the said Contractor and to for bear or enforce any of the terms and conditions relating to the said contracts and we....................................Bank Ltd., shall not be released from our liability under this guarantee by reason of any such variation or extension being granted to the said Contractor or for any forbearance and/ or omission on the part of the President of India or any indulgence by the President of India >>>>>>>>>> the said Contractor or by any other matter or thing what-so-ever, which under the law relating to sureties, would, but for this provision have the effect of so releasing us from our liability under this guarantee. 6. This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank or the Contractor. Date........................... Signature............................. Place........................... Printed Name........................ Witness........................ (Designation) ........................................ ……………………………. Bank’s Common Seal 46 Annexure-L PROFORMA OF BANK GUARANTEE FOR 10% CONTRACT VALUE TOWARDS WARRANTY GUARANTEE To, THE PRESIDENT OF INDIA, acting through the Director, Railway Stores (F), Ministry of Railway, (Railway Board), Rail Bhawan, Raisina Road, New Delhi-110001, INDIA. Sub.— Guarantee No.......................................for..................... (Amount). Covering equipment (s) Serial no......................................................................supplied to...........,.............................................................(Consignee/s) Ref.— Contract No.........................................................dated.............................. Placed on M/s.......................................................................................... 1. WHEREAS M/ of our constituents, (hereinafter called the “Sellers”) have agreed to sell to you (hereinafter referred to as the “Government”) Nos. of........................................................................ (give description) as per contract No..................................................................................... dated.........................................................(hereinafter called “the said contract”) 2. AND WHEREAS according to the terms of said contract, it has been stipulated that payment of the stores would be made, provided that the Sellers furnish to the Purchaser a Bank Guarantee from a recognised bank, acceptable to the Purchaser for 10 per cent of the value of the said contract, valid for a period covering in full the Guarantee Period as per the warranty clause of the said conditions of the contract, being the conditions attached to and forming part of the said contract. 3. AND WHEREAS the Sellers have approached us to give the said Bank Guarantee on their behalf in your favour for an amount representing 10 per cent of the value of the said contract which you have agreed to accept. 4. That in consideration of the promises and at the request of the said Sellers, we hereby irrevocably undertake and guarantee to pay to the Government of India or at such other place as may be determined by you forthwith on demand and without any demur, any sum upto a maximum amount of........................ representing 10 per cent of the value of the stores despatched under the said contract in case the seller make default in paying the said sum or make any default in the performance, observance or discharge of the guarantee contained in the said contract. 5. We agree that the decision of the Government, whether any default has occurred or has been committed by the Sellers in the performance, observance or discharge of the guarantee aforesaid shall be conclusive and binding on us M/s................................. 6. Government shall be at liberty, from time to time, to grant or allow extension of time or give other indulgence to the said Sellers or to modify the terms and conditions of the contract with the said Sellers without affecting or impairing this guarantee or our liability hereunder. 7. We undertake to pay to the Government any money so demanded notwithstanding any dispute or disputes raised by the Sellers in any suit or proceeding pending before any 47 Court or Tribunal relating thereto our liability under this present being absolute and unequivocal. We also undertake to pay to the Government any money so demanded against the Purchaser’s claims in any other contracts placed on the said sellers. The payment so made by us under this bond shall, be a valid discharge of our liability for payment thereunder and the Sellers shall have no claim against us for making such payment. 8. This bank guarantee comes into force when the balance ten percent of the value of the stores, dispatched per dispatched Invioce No.........................................................dated.......................................... or R/RNo..............................dated........................ under the said contract, has been paid and will remain in full force and effect up to..............................i.e. for..............................months counted from the date of placing the stores in service, and shall continue to be enforceable for further five months i.e. up to..................................(date), hereinafter called the said date. 9. This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank or the Sellers. 10. That no claim under this guarantee shall be entertained by us unless the same has been preferred by the Government within the said date. Date........................... Signature............................. Place........................... Printed Name......................... Witness........................ (Designation) ........................................ Bank’s Common Seal 48 ANNEXURE-M Requirement to be met in case of MOU : The MOU in case of consortium/Joint Venture should define at least following responsibilities of each of the member of consortium: a. The responsibility of member for supply for materials and service as per bid documents. b. The consortium/joint venture shall own the complete responsibility for undertaking the manufacture, supply, installation, commissioning, maintenance, after sales service for provision of PV modules and supply of spares for the period of MOU. c. The manufacturer shall ensure continuous availability of spares through any member of consortium and will ensure technical support to Indian Railways for the period of MOU. d. The consortium shall undertake the responsibility of imparting necessary training and support to the personnel of the Railways. e. The members of the Consortium shall be jointly and severally liable and responsible for the purpose of this tender and execution of the work. f. Each consortium will nominate a lead bidder/lead member who shall be responsible for submitting the bid and interaction with the Indian Railways. g. The MOU shall be valid at least for a period of 5 years or till the completion of AMC period. Note: The other additional conditions, if any, in the MOU shall not be contradictory to the above conditions. 49 ANNEXURE N Joint Bidding Agreement (To be executed on Stamp paper of appropriate value) THIS JOINT BIDDING AGREEMENT is entered into on this the ………… day of ………… 20… AMONGST 1. {………… Limited, a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956} and having its registered office at ………… (hereinafter referred to as the “First Part” which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context include its successors and permitted assigns) AND 2. {………… Limited, a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956} and having its registered office at ………… (hereinafter referred to as the “Second Part” which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context include its successors and permitted assigns) : : : The above mentioned parties of the FIRST, SECOND,…. PART are collectively referred to as the “Bidder” and each is individually referred to as a “Member”. WHEREAS, (A) THE MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS, GOVERNMENT OF INDIA, represented by its Director, Railway Stores (F) Railway Board and having its principal offices at Rail Bhavan, Raisina Road, New Delhi-110001 (hereinafter referred to as the “Purchaser” which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, include its administrators, successors and assigns) has invited bids (the Bids”) for supply and maintenance of Solar photo voltaic modules (the “Tender”). (B) The Bidder are interested in jointly bidding for the Tender as members of a Consortium and in accordance with the terms and conditions of the bid documents in respect of the Tender, and NOW IT IS HEREBY AGREED as follows: 1. Definitions and Interpretations In this Agreement, the capitalized terms shall, unless the context otherwise requires, have the meaning ascribed thereto under the TENDER. 2. Consortium 2.1 The Bidder do hereby irrevocably constitute a consortium (the “Consortium”) for the purposes of jointly participating in the Bidding Process for the Tender. 2.2 The Bidder hereby undertake to participate in the Bidding Process only through this Consortium and not individually and/ or through any other consortium constituted for this Tender, either directly or indirectly or through any of their Associates. 3. Role of the Bidder 50 The Bidder hereby undertake to perform the roles and responsibilities as described below: (a) Party of the First Part shall be the Lead member of the Consortium. He shall have the power of attorney from all Bidder for conducting all business for and on behalf of the Consortium during the Bidding Process ; (b) Party of the Second/Third Part shall be Manufacturer of Solar photo voltaic modules /Indian partner/ Finance firm of the Consortium serving; 4. Special condition for roles of Members: The member shall satisfy the eligibility criteria given at para 5.1.1 & 5.1.2. 5. Joint and Several Liability The Bidder do hereby undertake to be jointly and severally responsible for all obligations and liabilities relating to the Tender and in accordance with the terms of the bidding document and the Agreement, till such time as the Agreement comes into force and effect. 6. Representation of the Bidder Each Party represents to the other Bidder as of the date of this Agreement that: (a) Such Party is duly organised, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of its incorporation and has all requisite power and Purchaser to enter into this Agreement; (b) The execution, delivery and performance by such Party of this Agreement has been authorised by all necessary and appropriate corporate or governmental action and a copy of the extract of the charter documents and board resolution/ power of attorney in favour of the person executing this Agreement for the delegation of power and Purchaser to execute this Agreement on behalf of the Consortium Member is annexed to this Agreement, and will not, to the best of its knowledge: (i) require any consent or approval not already obtained; (ii) violate any Applicable Law presently in effect and having applicability to it; (iii) violate the memorandum and articles of association, by-laws or other applicable organisational documents thereof; (iv) violate any clearance, permit, concession, grant, license or other governmental authorisation, approval, judgement, order or decree or any mortgage agreement, indenture or any other instrument to which such Party is a party or by which such Party or any of its properties or assets are bound or that is otherwise applicable to such Party; or (v) create or impose any liens, mortgages, pledges, claims, security interests, charges or Encumbrances or obligations to create a lien, charge, pledge, security interest, encumbrances or mortgage in or on the property of such Party, except for encumbrances that would not, individually or in the aggregate, have a material adverse effect on the financial condition or prospects or business of such Party so as to prevent such Party from fulfilling its obligations under this Agreement; 51 7. (c) this Agreement is the legal and binding obligation of such Party, enforceable in accordance with its terms against it; and (d) there is no litigation pending or, to the best of such Party's knowledge, threatened to which it or any of its Affiliates is a party that presently affects or which would have a material adverse effect on the financial condition or prospects or business of such Party in the fulfillment of its obligations under this Agreement. Termination This Agreement shall be effective from the date hereof and shall continue in full force and effect until the Agreement comes into effect and force, in case the Tender is awarded to the Consortium. However, in case the Consortium is either not prequalified for the Tender or does not get selected for award of the Tender, the Agreement will stand terminated in case the Bidder is not pre-qualified or upon return of the Bid Security by the Purchaser to the Bidder, as the case may be. 8. Miscellaneous 8.1 This Joint Bidding Agreement shall be governed by laws of India. 8.2 The Bidder acknowledge and accept that this Agreement shall not be amended by the Bidder without the prior written consent of the Purchaser. Note: The other additional conditions in para 4. above of the Special conditions, if any, in the JBA shall not be contradictory to the any of the conditions specified in this document. IN WITNESS WHEREOF THE BIDDER ABOVE NAMED HAVE EXECUTED AND DELIVERED THIS AGREEMENT AS OF THE DATE FIRST ABOVE WRITTEN. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED For and on behalf of LEAD MEMBER by: SECOND PART (Signature) (Signature) (Name) (Name) (Designation) (Designation) (Address) (Address) Notes: 1. The mode of the execution of the Joint Bidding Agreement should be in accordance with the procedure, if any, laid down by the Applicable Law and the charter documents of the executant(s) and when it is so required, the same should be under common seal affixed in accordance with the required procedure. 2. Each Joint Bidding Agreement should attach a copy of the extract of the charter documents and documents such as resolution / power of attorney in favour of the person executing this Agreement for the delegation of power and Purchaser to execute this Agreement on behalf of the Consortium Member. 52 3. For a Joint Bidding Agreement executed and issued overseas, the document shall be legalised by the Indian Embassy and notarized in the jurisdiction where the Power of Attorney has been executed. However, the Power of Attorney provided by Bidders from countries that have signed the Hague Legislation Convention 1961 are not required to be legalised by the Indian Embassy if it carries a conforming Appostille certificate. ********** 53 ANNEXURE O Power of Attorney for Lead Member of Consortium Whereas the Ministry of Railways (“the Purchaser”) has invited applications from interested parties for the Application for supply, installation, testing commissioning & maintenance of solar photo voltaic modules at zonal Railway headquarter office, DLW, ICF, RCF, RDSO and various stations on Indian Railway as per RDSO specification no. RDSO/PE/SPEC/PS/0092-2008 (Rev.0) Amendment ‘4’ Whereas, …………………….., and …………………….. (collectively the “Consortium”) being Members of the Consortium are interested in bidding for the bid in accordance with the terms and conditions of the bid document and Whereas, it is necessary for the Members of the Consortium to designate one of them as the Lead Member with all necessary power and Purchaser to do for and on behalf of the Consortium, all acts, deeds and things as may be necessary in connection with the Consortium’s bid for the bid and its execution. NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS We, …………………….. having our registered office at …………………….., M/s. …………………….. having our registered office at …………………….., (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Principals”) do hereby irrevocably designate, nominate, constitute, appoint and authorise M/S …………………….. having its registered office at …………………….., being one of the Members of the Consortium, as the Lead Member and true and lawful attorney of the Consortium (hereinafter referred to as the “Attorney”). We hereby irrevocably authorise the Attorney (with power to sub-delegate) to conduct all business for and on behalf of the Consortium and any one of us during the bidding process and, in the event the Consortium is awarded the contract, during the execution of the bid and in this regard, to do on our behalf and on behalf of the Consortium, all or any of such acts, deeds or things as are necessary or required or incidental to the pre-qualification of the Consortium and submission of its bid, including but not limited to signing and submission of all applications, bids and other documents and writings, participate in bidders and other conferences, respond to queries, submit information/ documents, sign and execute contracts and undertakings consequent to acceptance of bid of the Consortium and generally to represent the Consortium in all its dealings with the Purchaser, and/ or any other Government Agency or any person, in all matters in connection with or relating to or arising out of the Consortium’s bid and/ or upon award thereof till the Agreement is entered into with the Purchaser. AND hereby agree to ratify and confirm and do hereby ratify and confirm all acts, deeds and things done or caused to be done by our said Attorney pursuant to and in exercise of the powers conferred by this Power of Attorney and that all acts, deeds and things done by our said Attorney in exercise of the powers hereby conferred shall and shall always be deemed to have been done by us/ Consortium. IN WITNESS WHERE OF WE THE PRINCIPALS ABOVE NAMED HAVE EXECUTED THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY ON THIS ……….. DAY OF ……….2……….. For …………………….. (Signature) …………………….. (Name & Title) 54 For …………………….. (Signature) …………………….. (Name & Title) For …………………….. (Signature) …………………….. (Name & Title) Witnesses: 1. 2. ……………………………………… (Executants) (To be executed by all the Members of the Consortium) Notes: The mode of execution of the Power of Attorney should be in accordance with the procedure, if any, laid down by the applicable law and the charter documents of the executant(s) and when it is so required, the same should be under common seal affixed in accordance with the required procedure. Also, wherever required, the Applicant should submit for verification the extract of the charter documents and documents such as a board or shareholders’ resolution/ power of attorney in favour of the person executing this Power of Attorney for the delegation of power hereunder on behalf of the Applicant. For a Power of Attorney executed and issued overseas, the document will also have to be legalised by the Indian Embassy and notarised in the jurisdiction where the Power of Attorney is being issued. However, the Power of Attorney provided by Applicants from countries that have signed the Hague Legislation Convention 1961 are not required to be legalised by the Indian Embassy if it carries a conforming Appostille certificate. 55 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS INDIAN RAILWAY STANDARD CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT: (Vide Para 417 of the Indian Railway Code for the Stores Department) DESCRIPTION Definitions and Interpretation: CLAUSE DESCRIPTION 0100 Freight: Removal of 0200 Stores: Parties: Quotations Contractors: of rates by 0300 CLAUSE 2100 Rejected System of Payment: 2200 2300 Contract: 0400 Security Deposit: 0500 Delivery: 0600 Time for and Date of Delivery: 0700 Extension of Time for Delivery: Examination of Drawing, Specifications and Patterns: Mistakes in Drawing: Samples: Risk of Loss or Damage to Government or Purchaser's Property: Inspection by Inspecting Officer: Charges for Work Necessary for Completion of the Contract: Responsibility of the Contractor for Executing the Contract: Use of Raw Materials secured with Government Assistance: Indemnity: 0800 Withholding and lien in respect of sums claimed: Corrupt Practices: Insolvency and Breach of Contract: Laws governing the Contract: Headings: 0900 Arbitration: 2900 1000 1100 Fall Clause: Inspection &Rejection: 3000 3100 1200 Warranty/Guarantee: 3200 1300 Book Examination Clause: Inspection at the Fag End of the Delivery Period: 3300 Special conditions: 3500 Packing: 1800 Notification of Delivery: 1900 Progress Reports: 2000 1400 1500 1600 1700 Purpose of Contract and Parties to the Contract: Delivery: Increase or Decrease of Quantities: Maintenance and Replacement of Stocks: Reporting Progress of Contract: 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 3400 3600 3700 3800 3900 4000 0100. Definitions Definitions and Interpretation. 0101. In the Contract, unless the context otherwise requires ; 0102. "Acceptance of Tender" means the letter of memorandum communicating to the Contractor the acceptance of his tender and includes an advance acceptance of his tender; 0103. "Consignee" means where the stores are required by the acceptance of tender to be despatched by rail, road, air or steamer, the person specified in the Acceptance of Tender to whom they are to be delivered at the destination; Where the Stores Stores are required by the acceptance of tender to be delivered to a person as an interim consignee for the purpose of despatch to another person, such other persons; and in any other case the person to whom the stores are required by the acceptance of tender to be delivered in the manner therein specified 0104. "Contract" means and includes the invitation to tender, instructions to tenderers, tender, acceptance of tender, Standard Conditions of Contract, other her conditions specified in Special Conditions of Contract, particulars and the ot the acceptance of tender and includes a repeat order which has been accepted or acted upon by the contractor and a formal agreement if executed; 0105. The "Contractor" means the person, firm or company with whom the order for the supply is placed and shall be deemed to include the contractor's successors (approved by the Purchaser), representatives, heirs, executors and administrators as the case may be, unless excluded by the terms of the contract 0106. "The SubSub-contractor" means any person, firm or company from whom the Contractor may obtain any material or fittings to be used in the supply or manufacture of the stores, 0107. "Drawing" means the drawing or drawings specified in or annexed to the Schedule or Specifications 0108. "Government" means the Central Government or a State Government, as the case may be; 0109. "The Inspecting Officer ” means the person specified in the contract for the purpose of Inspection of stores or work under the contract and includes his authorised authorised representative; 0110. "Material" means anything used in the manufacture or fabrication of the stores 0111. "Particulars" includeinclude(a) Specifications (b) Drawings (c) Pattern bearing the seal and signature of of the Inspecting Officer (hereinafter called the sealed pattern) which shall include also a certified copy thereof sealed by the Purchaser for the guidance of the Inspecting Officer; (d) Sample sealed by the Purchaser for guidance of the Inspecting Inspecting Officer (hereinafter called the certified sample) which shall include a certified copy thereof sealed by the Purchaser for the guidance of the Inspecting Officer; (e) Trade pattern, that is to say, a pattern, stores conforming to which are obtainable in the open market and which denotes a standard of the Indian Standard Institute or other standardising authority or a general standard of the industry; (f) "Proprietary mark "or " brand " means the mark or brand of a product which which is owned by an industrial firm (g) any other details governing the construction, manufacture or supply of stores as may be prescribed by the contract 0112. " Purchase Officer " means the officer signing the acceptance of tender and includes includes any officer who has authority to execute the relevant contract on behalf of the Purchaser 0113. " The Purchaser " means the President of India in the case of stores ordered for the Indian Government Railways and includes his successors and assignees 0114. "Signed" includes stamped, except in the case of an acceptance of tender or any amendment thereof 0115. "Site" means the place specified in the contract at which any work is otherr place required to be executed by the contractor under the contract or any othe approved by the Purchaser for the purpose; 0116. "Stores" means the goods specified in the contract which the contractor has agreed to supply under the contract; 0117. "Supply Order" means an order for supply of stores and includes an order for performance of service 0118. "Test" means such test as is prescribed by the particulars or considered necessary by the Inspecting Officer whether performed or made by the Inspecting Officer or any agency acting under the direction of the Inspecting officer; officer; 0119. "Unit" and "Quantity" means the unit and quantity specified in the contract; 0120. "Writing" or "Written" includes matter either in whole or in part, in manuscript, typewritten, lithographed, cyclostyled, photographed or printed under or over over signature or seal, as the case may be; 0121. The delivery of the stores shall be deemed to take place on delivery of the stores in accordance with the terms of the contract, after approval by the Inspecting Officer if so provided in the contract to (a) the consignee at his premises ; or (b) where so provided the interim consignee at his premises , or (c) a carrier or other person named in the contract for the purpose of transmission to the consignee, or (d) The consignee consignee at the destination station in case of contract stipulating for delivery of stores at destination station. 0122. Words in the singular include the plural and vice versa 0123. Words importing the masculine gender shall be taken to include the feminine feminine gender and words importing persons shall include any company or association or body of individuals, whether incorporated or not; 0124. The heading of these conditions shall not affect the interpretation or construction thereof; 0125. Terms and expression expression not herein defined shall have the meanings assigned to them in the Indian Sale of Goods Act, 1930 (as amended), or the Indian Contract Act, 1872 (as amended) or the General Clauses Act, 1897 (as amended), as the case may be. 0200. PartiesParties- The parties parties to the contract are the Contractor and the Purchaser, as defined in Clauses 0105 and 0113. 0201. Authority of person signing the Contract on behalf of the ContractorContractor-A person signing the tender or any other document in respect of the Contract on behalf of the Contractor without disclosing his authority to do so shall be deemed to warrant that he has authority to bind the Contractor. If it is discovered at any time that the person so signing has no authority to do so, the Purchaser may, without prejudice prejudice to any other right or remedy of the Purchaser, cancel the contract and make or authorize the making of a purchase of the stores at the risk and cost of such person and hold such person liable to the Purchaser for all costs and damages arising from the cancellation cancellation of the contract including any loss which the Purchaser may sustain on account of such purchase. The provisions of Clause 0700 shall apply to every such purchase as far as applicable. 0202. Address of the Contractor and notices and communications communications on behalf of the Purchaser:-Purchaser: (a) For all purposes of the contract, including arbitration thereunder, the address of the Contractor mentioned in the tender shall be the address to which all unless ss the Contractor communications addressed to the Contractor shall be sent, unle has notified change by a separate letter containing no other communication and sent by registered post acknowledgement due to the Purchaser. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for the consequence of an omission to notify a change of address in the manner aforesaid. (b) Any communication or notice on behalf of the Purchaser in relation to the contract may be issued to the Contractor by the Purchase Officer and all such communications and notices may be served on the Contractor either either by registered posts or under certificate of posting or by ordinary post or by hand delivery at the option of such officer. 0300. Quotations of rates by Contractors (a) The price quoted by the Contractor shall not be higher than the controlled price fixed by law for the stores or where there is no controlled price, it shall not exceed the prices or contravenes the norms for fixation of prices laid down by Government or where no such prices or norms have been fixed by the Government, it shall not exceed exceed the price appearing in any agreement relating to price regulation by any industry in consultation with the Government. In any case, save for special reasons stated in the tender, the price quoted shall not be higher than the lowest price charged by the Contractor for stores of the same nature, class or description to a private purchaser, domestic or foreign as well as Purchaser Governments. (b) If the price quoted is higher than the controlled price or where there is no controlled price, the price usually usually charged by the Contractor from a private Purchaser, domestic or foreign, as well as Purchaser Government for the stores of the same nature, class or description the Contractor will specifically mention this fact in his tender giving reasons for quoting higher price(s). If he fails to do so or makes any mismis-statement, it shall be lawful for the Purchaser, (i) to revise the price at any stage so as to bring it in conformity with the Sub clause (a) Security urity Deposit. above or (ii) to terminate the contract and forfeit the Sec 0400. Contract. 0401. This contract is for the supply of the stores of the description, specifications and drawings, and in the quantities set forth in the contract on the date or dates specified therein. Unless otherwise specified, the stores shall be entirely brand new and of the best quality and workmanship to the satisfaction of the Inspecting Officer. The stores shall further be in all respects acceptable to the Inspecting Officer. 0402. Any variation or amendment of the contract shall not be binding on the Purchaser unless and until the same is duly endorsed on the contract incorporated in a formal instrument or in exchange of letters and signed by the parties. 0500. Security Deposit. 0501. Unless otherwise agreed between the Purchaser and the Contractor, the Contractor shall, within 14 days after written notices of acceptance of the tender has been posted to the Contractor, deposit with the railway concerned (in cash or the equivalent in Government Securities or approved Banker's Banker's Guarantee Bond) a sum equal to 5 per cent of the total value of the stores detailed in the contract for which the tender has been accepted, subject to a maximum of Rs. 1,00,000 as a security for the due fulfilment of the contract. 0502. If the Contractor, Contractor, having been called upon by the Purchaser to furnish security, fails to make and to maintain a security deposit within the specified period, it shall be lawful for the Purchaser - (a) to recover from the Contractor the amount of such security deposit deposit by deducting the amount from the pending bills of the Contractor under the contract or any other contract with the Purchaser or the Government or any person contracting through the Purchaser or otherwise howsoever, or (b) to cancel the contract or any part part thereof and to purchase or authorise the purchase of the stores at the risk and cost of the Contractor and in that event the provisions of Clause 0702 shall apply as far as applicable. 0503. No claim shall lie against the Purchaser in respect of interest interest on cash deposits or Government Securities or depreciation thereof. 0504. The Purchaser shall be entitled and it shall be lawful on his part to forfeit the said security deposit in whole or in part in the event of any default, failure or neglect on the the part of the Contractor in the fulfilment or performance in all respect of the contract under reference or any other contract with the Purchaser or any part thereof to the satisfaction of the Purchaser and the Purchaser shall also be entitled to deduct from from the said deposits any loss or damage which the Purchaser may suffer or be put by reason of or due to any act or other default, recoverable by the Purchaser from the Contractor in respect of the contract under reference or any other contract and in either either of the events aforesaid to call upon the Contractor to maintain the said security deposit at its original limit by making further deposits, provided further that the Purchaser shall be entitled to recover any such claim from any sum then due or which at any time thereafter may become due to the Contractor under this or any other contracts with the Purchaser. 0600. Delivery. 0601. The Contractor shall as may be required by the Purchaser either deliver free or f.o.r. or c.i.f. at the place/places detailed detailed in the contract, the quantities of the stores detailed therein and the stores shall be delivered or despatched not later than the date specified in the contract. The delivery, will not be deemed to be complete until and unless the stores are inspected and accepted by the Inspecting Officer as provided in the contract. 0602. The Purchaser shall not be liable to render assistance to the Contractor in securing or to arrange for or provide transport to the Contractor unless it is so specifically stated in in the contract, notwithstanding that transport of the stores, is controlled by or under the orders of the Government. 0603. Notwithstanding any inspection and approval by the Inspecting Officer on the Contractor's premises, property in the stores shall not not pass on to the Purchaser until the stores have been received, inspected and accepted by the consignee. 0604. No stores shall be deliverable to the consignee's depots on Sundays and public holidays without the written permission of the consignee. 0700. 0700. Time for and Date of Delivery; Delivery; the Essence of the ContractContract- The time for and the date specified in the contract or as extended for the delivery of the stores shall be deemed to be of the essence of the contract and delivery must be completed not later later than the date(s) so specified or extended. 0701. Progressing of DeliveriesDeliveries- The Contractor shall allow reasonable facilities and free access to his works and records to the Inspecting Officer, Progress Officer or such other Officer as may be nominated by the Purchaser for the purpose of ascertaining the progress of the deliveries under the contract. 0702. Failure and Termination:Termination:- If the Contractor fails to deliver the stores or any instalment thereof within the period fixed for such delivery in the contract or as extended or at any time repudiates the contract before the expiry of such period the Purchaser may without prejudice to his other rights:rights:- (a) Recover from the Contractor as agreed liquidated damages and not by way of penalty a sum equivalent equivalent to 2 per cent of the price of any stores (including elements of taxes, duties, freight, etc.) which the Contractor has failed to deliver within the period fixed for delivery in the contract or as extended for each month or part of a month during which the the delivery of such stores may be in arrears where delivery thereof is accepted after expiry of the aforesaid period, or (b) Cancel the contract or a portion thereof and if so desired purchase or authorize the purchase of the stores not so delivered or others others of a similar description (where stores exactly complying with particulars are not in the opinion of the Purchaser, which shall be final, readily procurable) at the risk and cost of the Contractor. It shall, however, be in the discretion of the purchaser purchaser to collect or not, the security deposit from the firm/firms on whom the contract is placed at the risk and expense of the defaulted firm. Where action is taken under Sub clause (b) above, the Contractor shall be liable for any loss which the Purchaser Purchaser may sustain on that account provided the purchase, or, if there is an agreement to purchase 1 such agreement is made, in case of failure to deliver the stores within the period fixed for such delivery in the contract or as extended within six months months from the date of such failure and in case of repudiation of the contract before the expiry of the aforesaid period of delivery, within six months from the date of cancellation of the contract. The Contractor shall not be entitled to any gain on such purchase purchase and the manner and method of such purchase shall be in the entire discretion of the Purchaser. It shall not be necessary for the Purchaser to serve a notice of such purchase on the Contractor. Note-Note-- In respect of the stores which are not easily available available in the market and where procurement difficulties are experienced the period for making risk purchase shall be nine months instead of six months provided above. 0703. Consequence of RejectionRejection- If on the stores being rejected by the Inspecting Officer Officer or Interim Consignee or Consignee at the destination, the Contractor fails to make satisfactory supplies within the stipulated period of delivery, the Purchaser shall be at liberty to: - (i) Require the Contractor to replace the rejected stores forthwith forthwith but in any event not later than a period of 21 days from the date of rejection and the Contractor shall bear all cost of such replacement including freight, if any, on such replacing and replaced stores but without being entitled to any extra payment on on that or any other account, or (ii) Purchase or authorize the purchase of quantity of the stores rejected or others of a similar description (when stores exactly complying with particulars are not in the opinion of the Purchaser, which shall be final, readily readily available) without notice to the Contractor at his risk and cost and without affecting the Contractor's liability as regards the supply of any further instalment due under the contract, or (iii) Cancel the contract and purchase or authorize the purc purchase hase of the stores or others of a similar description (when stores exactly complying with particulars are not, in the opinion of the Purchaser, which shall be final, readily available) at the risk and cost of the Contractor. In the event of action being taken taken under Sub clause (ii) above or under this SubSub-clause, the provision of Clause 0702 above will apply as far as applicable. (iv) Where under the contract the price payable is fixed f.o.r. despatching station, the Contractor shall, if the stores are rejected rejected at destination by the consignee, be liable, in addition to his other liabilities, including refund of price recoverable in respect of the stores so rejected, to reimburse to the Purchaser the freight and all other expenses incurred by the Purchaser in in this regard. 0800. Extension of Time for DeliveryDelivery- If such failure as aforesaid shall have arisen from any cause which the Purchaser may admit as reasonable ground for extension of time, the Purchaser shall allow such additional time as he considers to be justified by the circumstance of the case, and shall forgo the whole or such part, as he may consider reasonable, of his claim for such loss or damage as aforesaid. Any failure or delay on the part of subsub-contractor, though their employment may have been been sanctioned under Condition 1500 hereof, shall not be admitted as a reasonable ground for any extension of time or for exempting the Contractor from liability for any such loss or damage as aforesaid. 0900. Examination of Drawing, Specifications and Patterns Patternsatterns- When tenders are called for in accordance with a drawing, specification or sealed pattern the Contractor's tenders to supply in accordance with such drawing, specifications or sealed pattern shall, be deemed to be an admission on his part that he has fully acquainted himself with the details thereof and, in no circumstances, will any claim on his part which may arise on account of his insufficient examination of the said drawing, specification or scaled pattern be considered. 1000. Mistakes in Drawing. Drawing. The Contractor shall be responsible for and shall pay for any alterations for the works due to any discrepancies, errors or omissions in the drawings or other particulars supplied by him whether such drawings or particulars have been approved by the the Purchaser or not provided that such discrepancies, errors or omissions be not due to inaccurate information or particulars furnished to the Contractor on behalf of the Purchaser. If any dimension figure upon a drawing or plan differ from those obtained by scaling the drawing or plan, the dimensions as figured upon the drawing or plan shall be taken as correct. 1100. Samples. 1101. Advance SampleSample- Where an advance sample is required to be approved under the terms of the contract, the Contractor shall submit the sample free of cost to the Inspecting Officer within the time specified in the acceptance of tender. If the Contractor is unable to do so, he must apply immediately to the Office issuing the acceptance of tender for extension of time stating the the reasons for the delay. If the Purchaser is satisfied that a reasonable ground for an extension of time exists, he may allow such additional time as he considers to be justified (and his decision shall be final) with or without alteration in the delivery period stipulated in the acceptance of tender and on such conditions as he deems fit. In the event of the failure of the Contractor to deliver the advance sample by the date specified in the acceptance of tender or any other date to which the time may be extended as aforesaid by the Purchaser or of the rejection of the sample, the Purchaser shall be entitled to cancel the contract and, if so desired, purchase or authorize the purchase of the stores at the risk and cost of the Contractor, in which case the provisions of Clause 0700 shall apply as far as applicable. 1102. Unless otherwise provided in the contract, all samples required for test shall be supplied by the Contractor free of cost. Where sample, which is supplied free, is rejected after examination examination and test, the same or whatever remains of the sample, after examination and test will be returned to the Contractor at his request and cost within three months of the date of such rejection at public tariff rate at Owner's risk. 1103. MarkingMarking- Samples Samples submitted shall be clearly labelled with the Contractor's name and address and the acceptance of tender number. 1104. If the Contractor submits a sample whether with, before or after the tender, the same shall not govern the standard of supply except when it has been specifically stated so in the acceptance of tender. 1105. Where under the contract, the Contractor is required to submit an advance sample, any expenses incurred by the Contractor on or in connection with the production of stores in bulk, bulk, before the sample has been approved unconditionally, shall be borne by the Contractor and he shall not claim any compensation in the event of such sample being found unacceptable by the Inspecting Officer. 1106. The rejection of the sample by the Inspecting Inspecting Authority or Inspecting Officer shall be final and binding on the Contractor. 1107. Where the contract does not require any advance sample to be approved, the Contractor may before proceeding with bulk manufacture or delivery of the stores, if he so so desires, submit to the Inspecting Officer for inspection a sample of the stores in which case a quantity not less than one per cent of the total quantity to be supplied unless otherwise authorized by the Inspecting Officer shall be submitted. The Contractor Contractor shall not, however, be entitled to be shown any consideration or give any extension of time or claim to be exonerated from completing the delivery within the stipulated period only on the ground of delay in the approval of any such sample. 1108. If, under the contract, supplies are governed by a sealed pattern the Contractor shall be bound to examine such pattern before preparing a sample or manufacturing the stores in bulk as the case may be. 1109. Loan of SampleSample- If a certified sample is lent to the Contractor, it will bear a label containing inter alia variations known to the Inspecting Officer between the said sample and the stores desired. If the Contractor finds any further variation between the certified sample and the particulars of specifications specifications mentioned in the contract he shall at once refer the matter to the Inspecting Officer and the Contractors shall also give intimation of such discrepancy to the Purchase Officer. The Contractor shall follow the instructions of the Inspecting Officer Officer as to what sample of particulars should guide the production of stores and the decision of the Inspecting Officer in the matter shall be final and binding on the Contractor. 1110. The Contractor shall not detach the said label from the certified sample and if for any reasons the said label gets detached the Contractor shall at once return the certified sample to the Inspecting Officer for attaching a fresh label. 1200. Risk of Loss or Damage to Government or Purchaser's Property. 1201. All the property property of the Government or Purchaser loaned whether with or without deposit on terms and conditions to be separately agreed upon in respect of each particular contract to the Contractor in connection with the contract shall remain the property of the Government Government or the Purchaser, as the case may be. The Contractor shall use such property for the purpose of the execution of the contract and for no other purpose whatsoever. 1202. All such property shall be deemed to be in good condition when received by the Contractor Contractor unless he shall have within twentytwenty-four hours of the receipt thereof notified the Purchase Officer to the contrarct. If the Contractor fails to notify any defect in the condition or quality of such property he shall be deemed to have lost the right right to do so at any subsequent stage. 1203. The Contractor shall return all such property and shall be responsible for the full value thereof to be assessed by the Purchaser whose decision shall be final and binding on the Contractor. The Contractor shall shall be liable for loss or damage to such property from whatever cause happening while such property is in the possession of or under the control of the Contractor, his servants workmen or agents. 1204. Where such property is insured by the Contractor against against loss or fire at the request of the Government or Purchaser such insurance shall be deemed to be effected by way of additional Precaution and shall not prejudice the liability of the Contractor as aforesaid. 1300. Inspection by Inspecting Officer. 1301. 1301. (a) When inspection during manufacture or before delivery or despatch is required, notice in writing shall be sent by the Contractor to the Inspecting Officer when the stores or material to be supplied are ready for inspection and test, and no stores shall shall be delivered or despatched until the Inspecting Officer has certified in writing that such stores have been inspected and approved by him. (b) In cases where the Inspecting Authority specified in the contract requires on behalf of the Purchaser that cduring cduring the manufacturing process of the component/stores, etc. is also to be done, notice in writing shall be sent by the Contractor to the Inspecting Officer to visit his premises/works to test the raw materials and/or conduct necessary inspection during the manufacturing process of the component / stores, etc. as deemed essential. 1302. Marking of StoresStores- The Contractor shall, if so required, at his own expense, mark all the approved stores with a recognized Government or Purchaser's mark. The stores which which cannot be so marked shall, if so required by the Inspecting Officer, be packed at his own expense in suitable packages or cases, each of which shall be sealed and marked with such mark. The Inspecting Officer shall also have power to mark the rejected stores with a rejection mark so that they may be easily identified, if resubmitted for inspection. 1303. Facilities for test and ExaminationExamination- The Contractor shall, at his own expense afford to the Inspecting Officer all reasonable facilities facilities as may be necessary for satisfying himself, that the stores are being and/or have been manufactured in accordance with the particulars. The Inspecting Officer shall have full and free access at any time during the execution of the contract to the Contractor's Contractor's work for the purpose aforesaid, and he may require the Contractor to make arrangements for inspection of the stores or any part thereof or any material at his premises or at any other place specified by the Inspecting Officer and if the Contractor Contractor has been permitted to employ the services of a SubSub- Contractor, he shall in his contract with the SubSub-Contractor, reserve to the Inspecting Officer a similar right. 1304. Cost of TestTest- The Contractor shall provide, without any extra charge, all materials, materials, tools, labour and assistance of every kind which the Inspecting Officer may demand of him for any test and examination, other than special or independent test, which he shall require to make on the pay y all costs attendant Contractor'sPremisesandtheContractor shall bear and pa thereon. If the Contractor fails to comply with the conditions aforesaid, the Inspecting Officer shall, in his sole judgement, be entitled to remove for test and examination all or any of the stores manufactured by the Contractor to any premises other than his (Contractor's) and in all such cases the Contractor shall bear the cost of transport and/or carrying out such tests elsewhere. A certificate in writing of the Inspecting Officer, that the Contractor has failed to provide the facilities facilities and the means, for test examination shall be final. 1305. Delivery of Stores for TestTest- The Contractor shall also provide and deliver for test, free of charge, at such place other than his premises as the Inspecting Officer may specify, such material material or stores as he may require. 1306. Liability for Costs of Special or Independent TestTest- In the events of rejection of stores or any part thereof by the Inspecting Officer in the places aces of consequence of the sample which is removed to the laboratory or other pl test, being found on test not in conformity with the Contract and in the event of the failure of the Contractor for any reason to deliver the stores passed on test within the stipulated period, the Contractor shall, on demand pay to the Purchaser all all costs incurred in the inspection and/or test. Cost of test shall be assessed at the rate charged by the laboratory to private persons for similar work. 1307. Method of TestingTesting- The Inspecting Officer shall have the right to put all the stores or materials materials forming part of the same or any part thereof to such tests as he may think fit and proper. The Contractor shall not be entitled to object on any ground whatsoever to the method of testing adopted by the Inspecting Officer. 1308. Stores Expended in TestTest- Unless otherwise provided for in the contract if the test proves satisfactory and the stores or any instalment thereof is accepted, the quantity of the stores or materials expended in the test will be deemed to have been taken delivery of by the Purchaser Purchaser and be paid for as such. 1309. Powers of Inspecting OfficerOfficer- The Inspecting Officer shall have the power (i) before any stores or part thereof are submitted for inspection to certify that they can not be in accordance with the contract owing to the the adoption of any unsatisfactory method of manufacture. (ii) to reject any stores submitted as not being in accordance with the particulars. (iii) to reject the whole of the instalment tendered for inspection, if after inspection of such portion thereof as "he may in his discretion think fit, he is satisfied that the same is unsatisfactory. (iv) the Inspecting Officer's decision as regards the rejection shall be final and binding on the Contractor. 1400. Charges for Work Necessary for Completion of the the ContractContract- The Contractor shall pay all charges for handling, stamping, painting, marking, protecting or preserving patent rights, drawings, templates, models and gauges and for all such measures as the Purchaser or the Inspecting Officer may deem necessary necessary for the proper completion of the contract, though special provision therefore may not be made in the specification of drawings. 1500. Responsibility of the Contractor for Executing the Contract. 1501. Risk in the StoresStores- The Contractor shall perform the contract in all respects in accordance with the terms and conditions thereof. The stores and every constituent part thereof, whether in the possession or control of the Contractor, his agents or servants or a carrier, or in the joint possession of the the Contractor, his agents or servants and the Purchaser, his agents or servants, shall remain in every respect at the risk of the Contractor, until their actual delivery to the consignee at the stipulated place or destination or, where go provided in the acceptance acceptance of tender, until their delivery to a person specified in the contract as interim consignee for the purpose of despatch to the consignee. The Contractor shall be responsible for all loss, destruction, damage or deterioration of or to the stores from from any cause whatsoever while the stores after approval by the Inspecting Officer are awaiting despatch or delivery or are in the course of transit from the Contractor to the consignee or, as the case may be, interim consignee. The Contractor shall alone be entitled and responsible to make claims against a Railway Administration or other carrier in respect of nonnondelivery, short delivery, misdelivery, loss, destruction, damage or deterioration of the goods entrusted to such carrier by the Contractor for transmission transmission to the consignee or the interim consignee as the case may be. 1502. Consignees Right of Rejection – Notwithstanding any approval which the Inspecting Officer may have given in respect of the stores or any materials or other particulars or the work or workmanship involved in the performance of the contract (whether with or without any test carried out by the Contractor or the Inspecting Officer or under the direction of the Inspecting Officer) and not with standing delivery of the stores where so so provided to the interim consignee, it shall be lawful for the consignee, on behalf of the Purchaser, to reject the stores or any part, portion or consignment thereof within a reasonable time after actual delivery thereof to him at the place or destination destination specified in the contract if such stores or part, portion or consignment thereof is not in all respects in conformity with the terms and conditions of the contract whether on account of any loss, deterioration or damage before despatch or delivery or during during transit or otherwise howsoever. NoteNote- In respect of materials prepre-inspected at the firm's premises the consignee will issue rejection advice within 90 days from the date of receipt. 1503. Provided that where, under the terms of the contract the stores stores are required to be delivered to an interim consignee for the purpose of despatch to the consignee, the stores shall be at the Purchaser's risk after their delivery to the interim consignee, but nevertheless it shall be lawful for the consignee on behalf of the Purchaser to reject the stores or any part, portion of consignment thereof upon their actual delivery to him at the destination if they are not in all respects in conformity with the terms and conditions of contract except where they have been damaged damaged or have deteriorated in the course of transit or otherwise after their delivery to the interim consignee. 1504. The provisions contained in Clause 2200 relating to the removal of stores rejected by the Inspecting Officer shall mutatis mutandis apply to stores rejected by the consignee as herein provided. NoteNote- In respect of stores inspected during manufacture or before delivery or despatch at contractor's premises the consignee will issue communication of rejection within 90 days from the date of actual actual delivery thereof. 1505. Subletting and AssignmentAssignment- The Contractor shall not, save with the previous consent in writing of the Purchaser, sublet, transfer or assign the contract or any part thereof or interest therein or benefit or advantage thereof any any manner whatsoever. In the event of the Contractor's subletting or assigning this contract or any part thereof without such permission, the Purchaser shall be entitled to he Contractor's cancel the contract and to purchase the stores elsewhere on tthe account and risk and the Contractor shall be liable for any loss or damage which the Purchaser may sustain in consequence or arising out of such purpose. 1506. Changes in a FirmFirm(a) Where the Contractor is a partnership firm, a new partner partner shall not be introduced in the firm except with the previous consent in writing of the Purchaser, which may be granted only upon execution of a written undertaking by the new partner to perform the contract and accept all liabilities incurred by the firm firm under the contract prior to the date of such undertaking. (b) On the death or retirement of any partner of the Contractor firm before complete performance of the contract, the Purchaser may, at his option, cancel the contract and in such case the Contractor Contractor shall have no claim whatsoever to compensation against the Purchaser. (c) If the contract is not determined as provided in Sub Sub--clause (b) above notwithstanding the retirement of a partner from the firm he shall continue to be liable under the contract contract for acts of the firm until a copy of the public notice given by him under Section 32 of the Partnership Act, has been sent by him to the Purchaser by registered post acknowledgement due. (d) Consequence of breach Should a partner in the Contractor firm firm commit a breach of Sub clause 1505 above or the Contractor should commit a breach of the conditions 1506(a) of this Sub clause, it shall be lawful for the Purchaser to cancel the contract and purchase or authorize the purchase of the stores at the risk and and cost of the Contractor and in that event the provisions of Clauses 0600 and 0700 as far as applicable shall apply. (e) The decision of the Purchaser as to any matter or thing concerning or arising Contractor ontractor or any partner out of this sub clause or on any question whether the C of the Contractor firm has committed a breach of any of the conditions in this sub clause contained shall be final and binding on the Contractor. 1507. Assistance to the ContractorContractor- (a) The Contractor shall be solely responsible responsible to procure any material or obtain any import or other licence or permit required for the fulfilment of the contract and the grant by the Purchaser or any other authority of a quota certificate or permit required under any law for distribution or acquisition acquisition of iron and steel or any other commodity or any other form of assistance in the procurement of the material aforesaid or any attempt to render assistance in the matter aforesaid, or shall not be construed as a representation on the part of the Purchaser Purchaser that the material covered by such licence or permit or quota certificate is available or constitute any promise, undertaking or assurance on the part of the Purchaser regarding liabilities ties of the procurement of the same or effect any variation in the rights and liabili the parties under the contract. But, if by reason of any such assistance as aforesaid, the Contractor obtains any materials at less than their market price or the cost of production of the stores is lowered the price of the stores payable under the the contract shall be reduced proportionately, and the extent of such reduction shall be determined by the Purchaser whose decision shall be final and binding on the Contractor. (b) Every effort made by the Purchaser to supply, or give assistance in the procurement procurement of materials, whether from the Government stock or by purchase under a permit or release order issued by or on behalf of or under authority from Government or by any officer empowered in that behalf by law or under other arrangements made by the Purchaser Purchaser shall be deemed to be subject to the condition that it will be performed with due regard to the other demands and only if it is found practicable to do so within the stipulated time and the decision of the Purchaser whether it was practicable to supply supply or give assistance as aforesaid or not shall be final and binding on the Contractor. 1600. Use of Raw Materials secured with Government Assistance. 1601. (a) Where any raw material is procured for the execution of a contract with the assistance of of the Government rendered in the form of permit, or licence or quota certificate/essentiality certificate or release order issued by or on behalf of or under the authority of the Government or by an officer empowered in that behalf, or (b) where the raw material material is issued to the Contractor from Government stock, or (c) where advance payments are made to the Contractor to enable him to purchase the raw material, or (d) Where raw material is arranged by the Government, the ContractorContractor(i) shall hold such material as trustee for the Government, (ii) Shall use such material economically and solely for the purpose of the contract. (iii) shall not dispose of the same without the previous permission in writing of the Purchaser, and (iv) shall render due account account of such material and return to the Government at such place as the purchaser may direct all surplus or unserviceable material that may be left after the completion of the contract or its termination for any reason whatsoever. On returning such material, the Contractor shall be entitled to such price therefor as the Purchaser may fix, having regard to the condition of such material. 1602. Where the contract is terminated due to any default on the part of the Contractor, the the Contractor shall pay all transport charges incurred for returning any material up to such destination as may be determined by the Purchaser and the decision of the Purchaser in that behalf shall be final and binding on the Contractor. 1603. If the Contractor Contractor commits breach of any of the conditions in this clause specified, he shall, without prejudice to any other liability, penal or otherwise, be liable to account to the Government for all moneys, advantages or profits accruing from or which, in the usual usual course, would have accrued to him by reason of such breach. 1604. Where the stores manufactured or fabricated by the Contractor out of the material arranged or procured by or on behalf of the Government are rejected, the Contractor shall, without prejudice prejudice to any other right or remedy of the Government, pay to the Government, on demand, the cost price or market value of all such materials whichever is greater. 1700. Indemnity. 1701. The Contractor shall at all times indemnify the Purchaser against all claims which may be made in respect of the stores for infringement of any right protected by patent, registration of designs or trade mark . Provided always that in the event of any claim in respect of alleged breach of letters patent, registered designs designs or trade mark being made against the Purchaser, the Purchaser shall notify the Contractor of the same and the Contractor shall, at his own expense, either settle any such dispute or conduct any litigation that may arise there from. 1702. The Contractor Contractor shall not be liable for payment of any royalty, licence fee or other expenses in respect of or for making use of patents or designs with respect to which he is according to the terms of the contract, to be treated as an agent of the Government for the purpose of making use of patent or trade mark for fulfilment of the contract. 1800. Packing. 1801. The Contractor shall pack at his own cost the stores sufficiently and properly for transit by rail/road, air and/or sea as provided in the contract so as to ensure their being free from loss or damage on arrival at their destination. 1802. Unless otherwise, provided in the contract all containers (including packing cases, boxes, tins, drums and wrappings) in which the stores are supplied by the contractor, contractor, shall be considered as nonnon-returnable and their cost as having been included in the contract price. 1803. If the contract provides that the containers shall be returnable, they must be marked “ Returnable ” and they will be returned to the the Contractor as per terms of the contract. 1804. If the contract provides that returnable containers shall be separately charged, they shall be invoiced by the Contractor at the price specified in acceptance of tender. In such cases, the Contractor shall shall give full credit for the invoiced amount if the containers are returned to the Contractor. Return of containers shall be made within a reasonable time and in the event of any dispute or difference arising as to whether the containers were so returned, the the decision of the Purchaser thereon shall be final and binding and the Purchaser may, in his discretion award, such compensations as may in his opinion be proper for any undue delay in returning the containers. 1805. Each bale or package delivered under the contract shall be marked by the Contractor at his own expense. Such marking shall be distinct (all previous irrelevant marking being carefully obliterated) and shall clearly indicate the description and quantity of the stores, the name and address of the Consignee, the gross weight of the package and the name of the Contractor with a distinctive number or mark sufficient for the purpose of identification. All markings shall be carried out with such material as may be found satisfactory by the Inspecting Inspecting Officer as regards quickness of drying, fastness and indelibility. 1806. The Inspecting Officer may reject the stores if the stores are not packed/or marked as aforesaid and in case where the packing materials are separately prescribed, if such materials materials are not in accordance with the terms of the contract. Such rejection of the stores by the Inspecting Officer shall be final and binding on the Contractor. 1807. Each bale or package shall contain a packing note specifying the name and address of the the Contractor, the number and date of the acceptance of tender or supply order and the designation of the Purchase Officer issuing the supply order, the description of the stores and the quantity contained in such bale or package. 1900. Notification of Delivery. Delivery. Notification of delivery or despatch in regard to each and every instalment shall be made to the consignee and to the indentor immediately on despatch or delivery. The Contractor shall further supply to the consignee, or the interim consignee, as the case may be, a packing account Quoting number of the acceptance of tender and/or supply or repeat and date of despatch of the stores. All packages, containers, bundles and loose materials part of each and every instalment shall shall be fully described in the packing account and full details of the contents of the packages and quantity of materials shall be given to enable the consignee to check the stores on arrival at destination. The Railway Receipt/Consignment Note or Bill of Lading, if any, shall be forwarded to the consignee by registered post immediately on the despatch of stores. The Contractor shall bear and reimburse to the Purchaser demurrage charges, if any, forwarding arding the Railway paid by reason of delay on the part of the Contractor in forw Receipt, Consignment Note or Bill of Lading. 2000. Progress Reports. 2001. The Contractor shall from timetime-toto-time, render such reports concerning the progress of the contract and/or supply of the stores in such form as may be required required by the Purchaser. 2002. The submission, receipt and acceptance of such reports shall not prejudice the rights of the Purchaser under the contract, nor shall operate as an estoppel against Purchaser merely by reason of the fact that he has not taken notice notice of/or subjected to test any information contained in such report. 2100. Freight. The stores shall be despatched at public tariff rates. In the case of f.o.r., station of despatch contract, the stores shall be booked by the most economical route or most economical tariff available at the time of despatch as the case may be. Failure to do so will render the Contractor liable for any avoidable expenditure caused to the Purchaser. Where alternative routes exist, the Purchaser shall, if called called upon to do so, indicate the most economical route available, or name the authority whose advice in the matter shall be taken and acted upon. If any advice of any such authority is sought, his decision or advice in the matter shall be final and binding on on the Contractor, 2101. In respect of road deliveries where the Municipal/local authorities do not accept Octroi Duty exemption Certificate, the Octroi Duty shall be borne by the Seller. 2200. Removal of Rejected Stores. 2201. On rejection of all stores stores submitted for inspection at a place other than the premises of the Contractor, such stores shall be removed by the Contractor at his own cost subject as hereinafter stipulated, within 21 days of the date of intimation of such rejection. If the concerned concerned communication is addressed and posted to the Contractor at the address mentioned in the contract, it will be deemed to have been served on him at the time when such communication would be in the course of ordinary post reach the Contractor. Provided that that the Inspecting Officer may call upon the Contractor to remove dangerous, infected or perishable stores within 48 hours of the receipt of such communication and the decision of the Inspecting Officer in this behalf shall be final in all respects. Provided Provided further that where the price or part thereof has been paid, the consignee is entitled without prejudice to his other rights to retain the rejected stores till the price paid for such stores is refunded by the Contractor save that such retention shall not in any circumstances be deemed to be acceptance of the stores or waiver of rejection thereon. 2202. All rejected stores shall in any event and circumstances remain and always be at the risk of the Contractor immediately on such rejection. If such stores stores are not removed by the Contractor within the periods aforementioned, the Inspection Officer may remove the rejected stores and either return the same to the contractor at his risk and cost by such mode of transport as the Purchaser or Inspecting Officer may decide, or dispose of such stores at the Contractor's risk and on his account and retain such portion of the proceeds, if any from such disposal as may necessary to recover any expense incurred in connection with such disposals (or any price refundable as a consequence of such rejection). The Purchaser shall, in addition, be entitled to recover from the Contractor ground rent/demurrage charges on the rejected stores after the expiry of the time limit mentioned above. 2203. The stores that have been despatched despatched by rail and rejected after arrival at destination may be taken back by the Contractor either at the station where they were rejected or at the station from which they were sent, after refunding the price paid for such stores and other charges refundable refundable as a consequence of such rejection. If the contract placed for delivery f o. r. station of despatch, the Contractor shall pay the carriage charges on the rejected consignment at public tariff rates from the station of despatch to the station where they are rejected. If the Contractor elects to take back the goods at the station from which they were despatched, the goods shall in addition, be booked back to him freight to pay at public tariff rates and at owner's risk. The Contractor shall be liable liable to reimburse packing and incidental costs and charges incurred in such return or rejected stores in addition to other charges refundable as a consequence of rejection. The goods shall remain the property of the Contractor unless and until accepted by the the Purchaser after inspection. 2300. System of Payment. 2301. Unless otherwise agreed upon between the parties, payment for delivery of the stores will be made on submission of bills in the prescribed form which may be obtained from the Purchase Officer Officer in accordance with the instructions given in the Acceptance of Tender, by a cheque or demand draft on a branch of the Reserve Bank of India or State Bank of India transacting government business as may be decided by the Purchaser. 2302. Payment for the the stores or for each consignment thereof will be made to the Contractor on submission of bills accompanied by required document in accordance with the following procedure in contracts where such a facility to the Contractor has specifically been agreed to by the Purchaser: - (a) 95 per cent payments for the stores or each consignment thereof will be made to the firms against proof of inspection and despatch. The original railway receipt should be sent to the Accounts Officer responsible for payment along with 95 per cent bill advising the particulars of despatch to the consignee. The Accounts Officer after passing the 95 per cent bill should pass on the original railway receipt to the consignee for taking delivery of the consignment. It should, however, be ensured that there is no delay in the Accounts Office transmitting the original railway receipt to the consignee. (b) The balance 5 percent shall be paid on receipt of the stores or each consignment thereof in accordance with the terms of the contract in good condition by the consignee, with a certificate to that effect endorsed on the copy of the Inspection Note by the Consignee which shall accompany the bill submitted by the Contractor. (c) In the case of F.O.B. & C. & F. contract 95 per cent of the price will be paid on presentation of shipping documents and inspection certificate and the remaining 5 per cent on receipt of the stores in accordance with the terms of the contract in good condition by the Consignee, and on producing the certificate of such receipt endorsed on one copy of the Inspection Note by the Consignee, or alternatively at the Contractor's option, the full value of the stores will be paid after inspection, on receipt of the consignment in accordance with the terms of the contract in in good condition by the Consignee and on producing a certificate of such receipt endorsed on one copy of the Inspection Note. 2303. In all other contracts or in contracts where the Inspecting Officer also acts as the interim consignee or where inspection is carried on by the Consignee himself at destination and in all cases of local delivery full payment shall be made on submission of " Final 100 percent bill " supported by the Inspection Certificates and consignee's receipt as aforesaid to the Accounts Officer Officer concerned. NoteNote- (1) The system of 95 percent and 5 percent payment is not applicable to claims amounting to Rs.1000/Rs.1000/- or below. In such cases only a single bill for value should he submitted. (2) In the case of Running Contracts, the system of payment payment will be similar to the above except that payment would be 98 per cent and 2 per cent instead of 95 per cent and 5 per cent specified above. 2400. Withholding and lien in respect of sums claimed. 2401. Whenever any claim or claims for payment of a sum of money arises out of or under the contract against the Contractor, the Purchaser shall be entitled to withhold and also have a lien to retain such sum or sums in whole or in part from purpose rpose aforesaid, the security, if any, deposited by the Contractor and for the pu the Purchaser shall be entitled to withhold the said cash security deposit or the security, if any, furnished as the case may be and also have a lien over the same pending finalisation or adjudication of any such claim. In the event of the the security being insufficient to cover the claimed amount or amounts or if no security has been taken from the Contractor, the Purchaser shall be entitled to withhold and have lien to retain to the extent of the such claimed amount or amounts referred to supra, supra, from any sum or sums found payable or which at any time thereafter may become payable to the Contractor under the same contract or any other contract with the Purchaser or the Government pending finalisation or adjudication of any such claim. It is an agreed term of the contract that the sum of money or moneys so withheld or retained under the lien referred to above, by the Purchaser will be kept withheld or retained as such by the Purchaser till the claim arising out of or under the the contract is determined by the Arbitrator (if the contract is governed by the arbitration clause) or by the competent court as prescribed under clause 2703 hereinafter provided, as the case may be, and that the Contractor will have no claim for interest or damages whatsoever on any account in respect of such withholding or retention under the lien referred to supra and duly notified as' such to the Contractor. 2402. For the purpose of Clause 2401, where the Contractor is a partnership firm or a limited company, the Purchaser shall be entitled to withhold and also have a lien to retain towards such claimed amount or amounts in whole or in part from any sum found payable to any partner / limited company, as the case may be, whether in his individual capacity capacity or otherwise. 2403. Lien in respect of Claims in other ContractsContracts- Any sum of money due and payable to the Contractor (including the security deposit returnable to him) under the contract may withhold or retain by way of lien by the Purchaser or Government Government against any claim of the Purchaser or Government in respect of payment of a sum of money arising out of or under any other contract made by the Contractor with the Purchaser or Government. It is an agreed term of the contract that the sum of money so withheld or retained under this clause by the Purchaser or Government will be kept withheld or retained as such by the Purchaser or Government till his claim arising out of the same contract or any other contract is either mutually settled or determined by the arbitrator, if the contract is governed by the arbitration clause or by the competent court under Clause 2703 hereinafter provided, as the case may be, and that the Contractor shall have no claim for interest or damages whatsoever on this account or on any other ground in respect of any sum of money withheld or retained under this clause and duly notified as such to the Contractor. 2500. Corrupt Practices. 2501. The Contractor shall not offer or give or agree to give to any person in the employment of the Purchaser or working under the orders of the Purchaser any gift or consideration of any kind as an inducement or reward for doing or forbearing to do or for having done or forborne to do any act in relation to the obtaining or execution execution of the contract or any other contract with the Purchaser or Government or for showing any favour or for bearing to show disfavour to any person in relation to the contract or any other contract with the Purchaser or Government. Any breach of the aforesaid aforesaid condition by the Contractor, or any one employed by him or acting on his behalf (whether with or without the knowledge of the Contractor) or the commission of any offence by the Contractor or by any one employed by him or acting on his behalf under IX of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 or the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1947 or any other act enacted for the prevention of corruption by public servants shall entitle the Purchaser to cancel the contract and all or any other contracts with the Contractor and and to recover from the Contractor the amount of any loss arising from such cancellation in accordance with the provisions of Clauses 0600 and 0700. 2502. Any dispute or difference in respect of either the interpretation effect or application or the above condition or of the amount recoverable thereunder by the Purchaser from the Contractor, shall be decided by the Purchaser, whose decision there on shall be final and binding on the Contractor. 2600. Insolvency and Breach of Contract. 2601. The Purchaser Purchaser may at any time, by notice in writing summarily determine the contract without compensation to the Contractor in any of the following events, that is to say (a) if the Contractor being an individual or if a firm, any partner thereof, shall at any time, be adjudged insolvent or shall have a receiving order or order for administration of his estate made against him or shall take any proceeding for composition under any Insolvency Act for the time being in force or make any conveyance or assignment assignment of his effects or enter into any assignment or composition with his creditors or suspend payment or if the firm be dissolved under the Partnership Act, or (b) if the Contractor being a company is wound up voluntarily or by the order of a Court or a Receiver, Receiver, Liquidator or Manager on behalf of the Debenture holders is appointed or circumstances shall have arisen which entitle the Court or Debenture holders to appoint a Receiver, Liquidator or Manager, or (c) if the Contractor commits any breach of the contract contract not herein specifically provided for. Provided always that such determination shall not prejudice any right of action or remedy which shall have accrued or shall accrue there after to the Purchaser and provided also the Contractor shall be liable to to pay to the Purchaser for any extra expenditure he is thereby put to and Contractor shall, under no circumstances, be entitled to any given on rere-purchase. 2700. Laws governing the Contract. 2701. This contract shall be governed by the Laws of India for for the time being in force. 2702. Irrespective of the place of delivery, the place of performance or place of payment under the contract, the contract shall he deemed to have been made at the place from which the acceptance of tender has been issued. 2703 2703. 03. Jurisdiction of courtscourts- This Courts of the place from where the acceptance of tender has been issued shall alone have jurisdiction to decide any dispute arising out of or in respect of the contract. 2704. Marking of storesstores- The marking of the stores must comply with the requirements of the laws relating to merchandise marks for the time being in force in India. 2705. Compliance with provisions of Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970 (1) The Contractor shall comply with the provisions provisions of the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970 and the Contractor Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Central Rules, 1971, as modified from timetime-toto-time, wherever applicable and shall also indemnify the Purchaser from and against any claims under the aforesaid Act and the Rules. (2) The Contractor shall obtain a valid licence under the aforesaid Act as modified from timetime-toto-time before the commencement of the contract and continue to have a valid licence until the completion of the contract. Any failure to fulfil this requirement shall attract the penal provisions of the contract arising out of the resultant non execution of the contract. (3) The Contractor shall pay to labour employed by him directly or through SubSubContractors the wages as per provisions of the aforesaid Act and the Rules wherever applicable. The Contractor, shall, notwithstanding the provisions of the contract to the contrary, cause to be paid the wages to labour indirectly engaged on the contract including any engaged by his SubSub-Contractors in connection with the said contract, as if the labour had been immediately employed by him. (4) In respect of all labour directly or indirectly employed in the contract for performance of the Contractor's part of the contract, the Contractor Contractor shall comply with or cause to be complied with the provisions of the aforesaid Act and the Rules wherever applicable. (5) In every case in which, by virtue of the provisions of the aforesaid Act or the Rules, the, Purchaser is obliged to pay any amount amount of wages to a workman employed by the Contractor or his SubSub-Contractor in execution of the contract or to incur any expenditure in providing welfare and health amenities required to be provided under the aforesaid Act and the Rules or to incur any expenditure expenditure on account of the contingent liability of the Purchaser due to the Contractor's failure to fulfil his statutory obligations under the aforesaid Act or the Rules the Purchaser will recover from the Contractor, the amount of wages so paid or the amount amount of expenditure so incurred, and without prejudice to the rights of the Purchaser under Section 20, SubSub-section (2) and Section 21, SubSub-section (4) of the aforesaid Act, the Purchaser shall be at liberty to recover such amount or part thereof by deducting deducting it from the security deposit and/or from any sum due by the Purchaser to the Contractor whether under the contract or otherwise. The Purchaser shall not be bound to contest any claim made against it under SubSub- section (i) of Section 20 and SubSub-section (4) of Section 21 of the aforesaid Act except on the written request of the Contractor and upon his giving to the Purchaser fun security for all costs for which the Purchaser might become liable in contesting such claim. The decision of the Purchaser regarding regarding the amount actually recoverable from the Contractor as stated above, shall be final and binding on the Contractor. 2800. Headings. The headings of conditions here to shall not affect the construction thereof. 2900. Arbitration. (a) In the event of any question, dispute or difference arising under these conditions or any special conditions of contract, or in connection with this contract (except as to any matters the decision of which is specially provided for by these or the special conditions) the same shall be referred to the sole arbitration of a Gazetted Railway Officer appointed to be the arbitrator, by the General Manager in the case of contracts entered into by the Zonal Railways and Production Units; by any Member of the Railway Board, in the case of contracts entered into by the Railway Board and by the Head of the Organisation in respect of contracts entered into by the other Organisations under the Ministry of Railways. The Gazetted Railway Officer to be appointed as arbitrator however will not be one of those who had an opportunity to deal with the matters to which the contract relates or who in the course of their duties as railway servant have expressed views on all or any of the matters under dispute or difference. The award of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on the parties to this contract. (b) In the event of the arbitrator dying, neglecting or refusing to act or resigning or being unable to act for any reason, or his award being set aside by the court for any reason, it shall be lawful for the authority appointing the arbitrator to appoint another arbitrator in place of the outgoing arbitrator in the manner aforesaid. (c) It is further a term of this contract that no person other than the person appointed by the authority authority as aforesaid should act as arbitrator and that if for any reason that is not possible, the matter is not to be referred to 'arbitration at all. (d) The arbitrator may from timetime-toto-time with the consent of all the parties to the contract enlarge the time time for making the award. (e) Upon every and any such reference, the assessment of the cost incidental to the reference and award respectively shall be in the discretion of the arbitrator. (f) Subject as aforesaid, the Arbitration Act, 1940 and the rules thereunder thereunder and any statutory modifications thereof for the time being in force shall be deemed to apply to the arbitration proceedings under this clause. (g) The venue of arbitration shall be the place from which the acceptance note is issued or such other place as the arbitrator at his discretion may determine. (h) In this clause the authority, to appoint the arbitrator includes, if there be no such authority, the officer who is for the time being discharging the functions of that authority, whether in addition addition to other functions or otherwise. 3000. Fall Clause. All contract if and when placed will be subject to following fall clause 3001. The price charged for the stores supplied under the Contract by the contractor shall in no event exceed the lowest price at which the contractor sells the stores or offer to sell stores of identical description. To any personnel organisations including the purchaser or any Department of the Central case, ase, may Government or any Railway Office or any Railway Undertaking, as the c be during the period till performance of all Supply Orders placed during the currency of the contract is completed. The lower price will be applicable to supplies made after the date of coming into force of such reduction or sale or offer to sell at a reduced rate. 3002. If at any time, during the said period the contractor reduces the sale price, sells or offer to sell such stores to any persons organisation including the orr purchaser or any Department of Central Government or any Railway Office o any Railway Undertaking as the case may be at a price lower than the price chargeable under the contract, he shall forthwith notify such reduction or sale or offer of sale to the Purchaser and the price payable under the contract for the stores supplied after the date of coming into force or such reduction or sale or offer of sale shall stand correspondingly reduced. The above stipulation will, however, not apply to (a) Exports by the Contractor (b) Sale of goods as original equipment at prices lower than than the prices charged for normal replacement. (c) Sale of goods such as drugs which have expiry dates. 3003. The Contractor shall fumish the following certificate to the concerned Accounts Officer along with each bill for payment of supplies made against against the Rate Contract. * I/We certify that there has been no reduction in sale price of the stores of description identical to the stores supplied to the Government under the contract herein and such stores have not been offered sold by me/us to any person/organisation person/organisation including the purchaser or any Department of Central Government or any Railway Office or any Railway Undertaking as the case may be upto the date of bill/ the date of completion of supplies against all supply orders placed during the currency currency of the contract at a price lower than the price charged to the Government under the contract except for quantity of stores categories under sub clauses (a), (b) and (c) of subsub-para (ii) above, details of which are as follows Note.Note.-The contractor will also also inform the FA& CA0 concerned and the COS as soon as supplies against all supply order placed against the contract are completed. INSPECTION & REJECTION 3100. Where under a contract the price payable is fixed on F.O.R. station of despatch basis, the the Contractor shall, if the consignee rejects the stores at destination be liable in addition to his other liabilities, to reimburse to the Purchaser the freight paid by the Purchaser. 3101. Notification of Result of lnspection. lnspection.-Unless otherwise provided in the specification of schedule, the examination of the stores will be made as soon as practicable after the same have been submitted for inspection and the result of the examination will be notified to the Contractor. 3102. Inspection Notes. Notes.--On --On the stores stores being found acceptable by the inspecting Officer he shall furnish the Contractor with necessary copies of Inspection Notes duly completed, for being attached to the Contractor's bill in support thereof. 3200. Warranty/GuaranteeWarranty/Guarantee- 3201. The Contractor/Seller Contractor/Seller hereby covenants that it is a condition of the contract that all goods/stores/articles furnished to the Purchaser under this contract shall be of the highest grade. free of all defects and faults and of the best materials, quality, manufacture and and workmanship throughout and consistent with the established and generally accepted standards for materials of the type ordered and in full conformity with the contract specification, drawing or sample, if any and shall, if operable, operate properly. 3202. 3202. The Contractor also guarantees that the said goods/stores/articles would continue to conform to the description and quality as aforesaid, for a period of 30 months after their delivery or 24 months from the date of placement in service whichever shall be sooner, and this warranty shall survive notwithstanding the fact that the goods/stores/articles may have been inspected, accepted and payment therefor made by the Purchaser. 3203. If during the aforesaid period, the said goods/stores/articles be discovered discovered not to conform to the description and quality aforesaid or have deteriorated, otherwise that by fair wear and tear the decision of the Purchaser in that behalf being final and conclusive that the Purchaser will be entitled to reject the said goods/stores/articles goods/stores/articles or such portions thereof as may be discovered not to conform to the said description and quality. goods/stores/articles will be at the Seller's risk. On such rejection, the If the Contractor/Seller so desires, the rejected goods may be taken taken over by him or his agents for disposal such manner as he may deem fit within a period of 3 months from the date of such rejection. At the expiry of the period, no claim whatsoever shall lie against the Purchaser in respect of the said goods/stores/articles, goods/stores/articles, which may be disposed of by the Purchaser in such manner as he thinks fit. Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, all the provisions in the Indian Railways Standard Conditions of Contract relating to the ‘rejection of stores' and ‘failure' ‘failure' and 'termination' add and Clause 31003100-02 above shall apply. 3204. The Contractor/Seller shall, if required, replace the goods or such portion there of as have been rejected by the Purchaser, free of cost, at the ultimate destination, or at the option option of the Purchaser, the Contractor/Seller shall pay to the Purchaser, the value thereof at the contract price and such other expenditure and damage as may arise by reason of the breach of the conditions herein before specified. Nothing herein contained shall shall prejudice any other right of the Purchaser in that behalf under this contract or -otherwise. 3300. Book Examination ClauseClause-The Government reserves the right for 'Book Examination' as follows: - (i) The Contractor shall whenever called upon and requiring requiring to produce or cause to be produced for examination by any Government Officer duly authorised in that behalf, any cost or other account book of account, voucher, receipt, letter, memorandum, paper or writing or any copy of or extract from any such document document and also furnish information any way relating to such transaction and procedure before the duly authorised Government Officer returns verified in such manner as may be required relating in any way to the execution of this contract or relevant for verifying verifying or ascertaining the cost of execution of this contract (the decision of such Government Officer on the question of relevancy of any document, information of return being final and binding on the parties). The obligation imposed by this clause is without without prejudice to the obligation of the contractor under any statute, rules or orders shall be binding on the Contractor. (ii) The Contractor shall, if the authorised Government Officer so requires (whether before or after the prices have been finally fixed), fixed), afford facilities to the Government Officer concerned to visit the Contractors works for the purpose of examining the processes of manufacture and estimating or ascertaining the cost of production of the articles. If any portion of the work be entrusted entrusted or carried out by a subsub-contractor or any of its subsidiary or allied firm or company, the authorised Government Officer shall have power to examine all the relevant books of such subsub-contractor or any subsidiary or allied firm or company shall be open open to his inspection as mentioned in clause (i). (iii) If on such examination, it is established that the contracted price is in excess of the actual cost plus reasonable margin of profit, the Purchaser shall have the right to reduce the price and determine determine the amount to a reasonable level. (iv) Where a contract provides for book examination clause, the Contractor or its agency is bound to allow examination of its books within a period of 60 days from the date the notice is received by the Contractor, or its its agencies calling for the production of documents as under clause (i) above. In the event of Contractor's or his agency's failure to do so, the contract price would be reduced and determined according to the best judgement of the Purchaser which would be be final and binding on the Contractor and his agencies. 3400. Inspection at the Fag End of the Delivery PeriodPeriod-In cases where only a portion of the stores ordered is tendered for inspection at the Fag end of the delivery period and also in cases where inspection inspection is not completed in respect of the portion of the stores tendered for inspection during the delivery period, the Purchaser reserves the right to cancel the balance quantity not tendered for inspection within the delivery period fixed in the contractor contractor the risk and expense of the Contractor without any further reference to him. If the stores tendered for inspection during or at the fag end of the delivery period are not found acceptable after carrying out the inspection, the purchaser is entitled to to cancel the contract in respect of the same at the risk and expense of the contractor. If, however, the stores tendered for inspection are found acceptable, the Purchaser may grant an extension of the delivery period subject to the following conditions: - (a) The Purchaser has the right to recover from the contractor under the provision of clause 0702 (a) of I.R.S. Conditions of Contract liquidated damages on the stores which the Contractor has failed to deliver within the period fixed for delivery. (b) That no increase in price on account of any statutory increase in or fresh imposition of Customs Duty, Excise Duty, Sales Tax on account of Foreign Exchange variation or on account of any other tax or duty liveable in respect of stores specified in the contract which takes place after the date of the delivery period stipulated in the contract shall be admissible on such of the said stores as are delivered after the date of the delivery stipulated in the contract. (C) That not with standing any stipulation stipulation in the contract for increase in price on any other ground no such increase which takes place after the date of the delivery stipulated in the contract shall be admissible on such of the said stores as are delivered after the expiry of the delivery period period stipulated in the contract. (d) But nevertheless, the Purchaser shall be entitled to the benefit fit of any decrease in price on account of reduction in or remission of Custom Duty, Sales Tax or on account of Foreign Exchange variation or on account of any other Tax or Duty or on other ground as stipulated in the price variation, clause which takes place after the expiry of the date of delivery period stipulated in the contract. 3401. The Contractor shall not despatch the Stores till such time as an extension extension in terms of para 3400 (a) to (d) above is granted by the Purchaser and accepted by the Contractor. If the stores are despatched by the Contractor before an extension letter as aforesaid is issued by the Purchaser and the same are accepted by the Consignee, Consignee, the acceptance of the stores shall be deemed to be subject to the conditions (a) to (d) mentioned in the paragraph 3400 above. 3402. In case where the entire quantity has not been tendered for inspection with in the delivery period stipulated in in the contract and the Purchaser chooses to grant an extension of the delivery period the same would be subject to conditions (a) to (d) mentioned in the paragraph 3400 above. 3500. These (special) conditions wherever they differ from the Invitation to Tender and Instruction to Tenderers over ride the latter. (ADDITIONAL) SPECIAL CONDITIONS (Vide Para 417417-S) In addition to Standard Conditions of Contract, the following special conditions shall apply to (Running) Contract: - 3600. Purpose of Contract and Parties to the Contract. 3601. The parties to the contract, which shall be deemed to be a "Running Contract" and which is intended for the supply of the stores of the descriptions and approximately in the quantities set forth in the contract during the period specified therein, shall be the Contractor of the one part and the authorities named in the contract hereinafter called the Purchaser (which expression shall, where where the context so admits or implies, be deemed to include his successors and assigns) of the other part. The quantities shown in the said Contract, are only approximate, and cannot be guaranteed. 3602. The Purchaser may authorise any officer (who shall hereinafter be called Direct Demanding Officer) at any time during the period of the contract, to place orders direct on the Contractor. 3603. Any variation of this contract shall not be binding on the Purchaser unless or until same is endorsed on the contract contract or incorporated in a formal instrument in exchange of letters and signed by the parties. 3700. Delivery. 3701. The Contractor shall as may be required by the Purchaser either deliver free or f.o.r or c.i.f. at the place or places specified in the the contract such quantifies of the stores detailed in the said contract as may be ordered direct from the Contractor from timetime-toto-time by the Purchaser or by the Direct Demanding Officer. The Contractor shall deliver or despatch the full quantity of the stores stores so ordered with in the period specified in the said contract. 3800. Increase or Decrease of Quantities. The Purchaser shall be entitled at any time to increase or decrease the approximate total quantities of each description of stores shown in the said contract by not more than 30 per cent and will give reasonable notice in writing of any such increase or decrease to the Contractor. 3900. Maintenance and Replacement of Stocks. 3901. To meet casual demands, the Contractor shall maintain at all time time in stock (until 75 per cent of the requirements have been drawn), at the place (s) specified in the contract, the quantity /quantities mentioned therein. All demands should be complied with immediately they are received by the Contractor or within the period, if any, stipulated in individual orders. As soon as the Contractor is called upon to effect supplies, he shall take action to replenish the guaranteed stocks until such time as 75 percent of the total approximate requirement has been drawn and such such replenishment shall be completed with the period specified in the contract, after the receipt by the Contractor of casual demands. Due notice will be given to the Contractor by the Direct Demanding Officers or by the Purchaser, if any additional quantities quantities over and above 75 per cent of the total approximate requirements are required and Contractor shall then arrange stocks accordingly. 3902. The period for replenishment of stocks will be allowed only if the material is not in stock. If the material is in stock, this Provision will be in operative even tough the guaranteed stock quantity may have been supplied against the contract. 4000. Reporting Progress of Contract. The Contractor shall, three calendar months before the termination of the contract or at such intervals as may be specified in the contract, submit a report to the Purchaser stating the total quantity of stores delivered or despatched under the contract. 4100. Special conditions where they differ from Standard Conditions override the latter. Annexure Technical Provisions & technical parameters under this Annexure applicable for this tender will override the relevant clauses of RDSO’s technical mentioned below. Provision of other clauses of technical specifications will remain same. A. The technical details in reference to annexure-2 of RDSO SPEC. No. RDSO/2009/EM/SPEC/0004 (rev. ‘1’) – 2012 for 10 KWp SPV based power supply for railway stations are as under 1. System: Sn 1 2 3 4 Description Requirement Whether 1-ph 230 or 415V 3-ph system is required ? 230V, 1 phase Whether wind-cum-solar or only solar based system is Only solar required ? (Refer Cl. 2.0) Galvanization Thickness (Refer Cl. 6.2.6 & 6.3.19(iii)) 85 μm Is the supply of Export Meter required {Refer Cl. 6.5.5} No 2. Wind Turbine and Support Structure: Not Applicable 3. SPV Module and Support Structure: Sn 1 2 Description Requirement Total power rating of SPV system (KWp) 10KWp Support structure, design and foundation wind 150Kmph withstanding capability required (see Cl. 6.3.19 v) NOTE: The installation of SPV modules should not impact the waterproofing of the existing terrace structure. The contractor shall be responsible for restoring the waterproofing to its original condition and for provision of additional waterproofing in the areas where RCC blocks are secured onto the terrace. 4. Inverter: Sn 1 2 Description KVA rating of the Inverter required? Output voltage rating of Inverter? Requirement 5KVA 230V 1-phase 5. Battery Sn 1 2 Description Battery type (see Cl. 6.6(i)) Battery capacity Requirement LMLA type Battery 57,600VAH(min) NOTE: The bidder must furnish details as per Annexure – 3 of the RDSO specification No. RDSO/2009/EM/SPEC/0004 (Rev. ‘1’) – 2012 B. The technical details in reference to Annexure-C of RDSO Spec. no. RDSO/PE/SPEC/PS/0092-2008 (Rev. ‘0’), Amdt-5 for 2x50 KWp, 1x45 KWP, 500KWp SPV based power supply for railway stations are as under – Sn 1 Description Requirement Total System Power Rating (KWp): 2x50KWp, 1x45KWp and 500 KWp 2 Is Compliance and certification to salt mist corrosion testing as per IEC 61701 required {Refer Cl. 6.9.1} (Yes/No), Applicable for ‘A’ above) Required galvanization thickness 1. (Refer Cl. 6.10.3) Support structure, design and 2. foundation wind withstanding capability required (see Cl. 6.10.5): 3 4 No 85 μm 150Kmph NOTE: The installation of SPV modules should not impact the waterproofing of the existing terrace structure. The contractor shall be responsible for restoring the waterproofing to its original condition and for provision of additional waterproofing in the areas where RCC blocks are secured onto the terrace. 5 Is supply of Export Metering - required for 2x50 KWp & 1x45 required {Refer Cl. 4.1, 5.4} KWp system, -required for 500 KWp system NOTE: The bidder must furnish details as per Annexure – D of the RDSO specification No. RDSO/PE/SPEC/PS/0092-2008 (Rev. ‘0’), Amdt -5. C. Following clauses are added to above mentioned RDSO’s specificationsSpecification & Item Testing Remark Clause No. authority RDSO/PE/SPEC Prototype RDSO As per Clause 5.3(a)- Payment /PS/0092-2008 testing for 1st unit of each type of (Rev-0) Amtd-5 Solar PV module will be made clause 6.17 & after prototype testing by 13 and RDSO at site. RDSO/2009/EM Routine test Manufact Manufacturer to carry out / SPEC/ 0004 urer tests at his works and submit (Rev-1) 2012 the results. Clause 11 Acceptance RITES To be carried out by M/s test RITES at site based on “Acceptance test” as per referred RDSO’s specification lR;eso t;rs GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS Hkkjr ljdkj jsy ea=ky; GRID CONNECT SOLAR GENERATING SYSTEM OF CAPACITY 10 KWp to 500 KWp 10 ls 500 fd-ok- ikWoj {kerk ds fxzM la;ksftr ÅtkZ mRiknu iz.kkyh gsrq fof’kf"V Specification No. RDSO/PE/SPEC/PS/0092-2008 (Rev. ‘0’), Amdt. 5 fof’kf"V la0 % vkjMh,lvks@ihbZ@Lisd@ih,l@0092&2008 ¼fjoh-*0*½ vesUMesVa -5 S. N. 1. Amendment No. Date 1st 19.02.09 Revision No. Date - 2. 2nd 13.05.09 - - 3. 3rd 27.09.10 - - 4. 4th 12.10.12 - - 5. 5th 19.08.13 - - tkjhdrkZ ÅtkZ izcU/ku funs’kky; vuqla/kku vfHkdYi ,oa ekud laxBu ekud uxj] y[kuÅ&226011 Approved by: Executive Director/(EM) Reason Annexure-A modified as per Rly. Bd’s letter no. 2002/ Elect (G) / 150/Ptdt 30.12.2008 Annexure ’A’ modified as per Railway Board No. letter no. 2002/Elect.(G)/150/9/Pt dated 31.03.2009 Added clause 3.0 in Annexure ‘B’. Modification by additions/deletions in Clause nos. 1.0, 3.0, 5.4, 6.1, 6.9.1, 6.9.2, 6.9.4, 6.9.5, 6.9.6, 6.9.9, 6.9.13, 6.12.1, 6.12.7, 6.12.14, 6.15, 6.17. Clause No. 10.0 (Guarantee/ Warranty) and Annexure ‘A’ (Eligibility Criterion for Bidding) deleted as per Railway Board’s letter No. 2006/Elect.(G)/150/9/Pt. dated 10.09.2010. Added clauses 5.8, 5.9, 5.10, 6.9.16, 6.9.17, 6.9.18, 6.12.17, 6.12.18, 6.12.19, 6.12.20, 6.12.21, 6.12.22, 6.12.23, 6.12.24, 6.12.25, 6.12.26, 6.12.27, 6.12.28, 6.13.3, 6.13.4, 6.13.5, 6.17.1, 6.17.2,13, Annexure C and Annexure D. Deleted clause nos. 6.9.14, 6.10.11, 6.10.12, 6.10.13, 6.11, 6.12.3 and 6.12.14. Modification by additions/deletions in cover page and clause nos. 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.6, 6.1, 6.2, 6.4, 6.7.1, 6.7.2, 6.7.3, 6.7.4, 6.8, 6.9.1, 6.9.10, 6.9.12, 6.9.13, 6.10.3, 6.10.4, 6.10.5, 6.10.6, 6.10.8, 6.10.9, 6.10.10, 6.12, 6.12.1, 6.12.2, 6.12.4, 6.12.5, 6.12.6, 6.12.7, 6.12.9, 6.12.10, 6.12.15, 6.12.16, 6.12.17, 6.12.18, 6.13, 6.15, 6.17, 6.18, 9.0 and annexure-B. Added clauses no. 5.3, 6.15(vii) Deleted clause no. 7.2, 7.3, 7.4 Modification by additions/deletions in cover page and clauses nos. 2.0, 4.3, 4.4, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.9, 6.1, 6.3, 6.5, 6.7.2, 6.7.3, 6.10.2, 6.10.3, 6.10.7, 6.10.8, 6.12, 6.12.4, 6.12.5, 6.12.17, 6.12.27, 6.15, 6.18, 7.0, 12.0 and Annexure-C ISSUED BY ENERGY MANAGEMENT DIRECTORATE RESEARCH DESIGNS AND STANDARDS ORGANISATION MANAK NAGAR, LUCKNOW- 226011 Page 2 of 29 Effective from August 2013 Spec. no. RDSO/PE/SPEC/PS/0092-2008 (Rev.‘0’),Amdt.-5 INDEX S. No. DESCRIPTION PAGE NO. 1.0 Foreword 3 2.0 Scope 3 3.0 Reference Standards 3 4.0 System Description 4 5.0 General Requirements 5 6.0 Technical Requirements 7 7.0 Installation & Commissioning 19 8.0 Documentation 20 9.0 After Sales Service 20 10.0 Guarantee/Warranty (Deleted) 20 11.0 Log Books 20 12.0 Annual Maintenance Contract 20 13.0 Test 20 Annexure ‘A’ (deleted) 25 Annexure ‘B’ 25 Annexure ‘C’ 28 Annexure ‘D’ 29 Page 3 of 29 Effective from August 2013 Spec. no. RDSO/PE/SPEC/PS/0092-2008 (Rev.‘0’),Amdt.-5 SPECIFICATION FOR GRID CONNECT SOLAR GENERATING SYSTEM OF CAPACITY 10 KWp TO 500 KWp 1.0 FOREWORD: Government of India is laying great emphasis on reducing the country’s carbon footprint. In this pursuance, the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India has on 30th June, 2008 released the National Action Plan for Climate Change (NAPCC). One of the NAPCC missions is the National Solar Mission and it aims to increase the share of solar energy in India’s overall energy mix. Accordingly, Indian Railways accords high priority to harnessing of solar energy. The energy generated by grid connect solar photovoltaic system will be utilized to feed railways’ electrical loads during daytime. As a result, during daytime, the purchase of electricity from the electricity authority will get reduced. 2.0 SCOPE: This specification provides the generic requirement for grid connect solar photovoltaic (SPV) system capacities in the range 10 KWp to 500 KWp. The user will specify the SPV system’s KWp capacity, after duly considering the MNRE norms for subsidy, electrical load and availability of space for installation of SPV modules. In instances where none of the standard available Power conditioning unit (PCU) KVA ratingsare commensurate with the purchaser specified KWp of SPV system, in such case the purchaser can consider accepting the PCU of next higher standard rating. The specification covers general and technical requirements for design, manufacturing, testing, supply, installation and commissioning of Grid connect solar generating system to be provided at railway premises for meeting the railway requirements of lighting, ventilation and other electrical services. The solar photovoltaic generating system’s inverter will operate in parallel with the general electric supply system on railway premises. 3.0 REFERENCE STANDARDS: IS: 12834:1989 Solar Photovoltaic Energy Systems – (reaffirmed 2000) Terminology IEC : 61215 Ed 2 or Crystalline silicon terrestrial photovoltaic latest (PV) modules – Design qualification and type approval Page 4 of 29 Effective from August 2013 Spec. no. RDSO/PE/SPEC/PS/0092-2008 (Rev.‘0’),Amdt.-5 IEC: 61730 Pt 1 & 2 Photovoltaic (PV) module safety qualification -Part 1: Requirements for construction Part 2: Requirements for testing IEC: 61701 Salt mist corrosion testing of photovoltaic (PV) modules IEC:60904-1(2006) Photovoltaic Devices- Part-I: Measurement of Photovoltaic current-Voltage Characteristic IS: 9000 Basic environmental testing procedure for Electronic and electrical items. IEC:60068 Environmental testing IEC 61723 Ed1.0 Safety Guidelines for grid connected photovoltaic systems mounted on the buildings IEC 60364-7-712 Electrical Installations of Buildings Part 7: (2002) requirements for special installations or locations Section, 712: Photovoltaic power supply systems. IEC 62446 (2009) Grid connected photovoltaic systemsMinimum requirements for system documentation, commissioning tests and inspection Note: Normally latest version of the standards shall be referred to. 4.0 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION: 4.1 Solar Photovoltaic (SPV) grid connect system shall consist of mainly the following: - 4.2 i) Solar panels ii) Module mounting structure iii) Junction boxes iv) Power conditioning unit (PCU) v) Import & Export metering vi) Cable and other accessories The PV array converts the light energy of the sun to DC power. The module mounting structure shall be used to hold the module in position. The DC power shall be converted to AC by PCU to supply AC loads such as computers, lights, fans, etc. within the railway premises. Solar power shall be integrated with the premises power supply from electricity authority. Page 5 of 29 Effective from August 2013 Spec. no. RDSO/PE/SPEC/PS/0092-2008 (Rev.‘0’),Amdt.-5 4.3 DC distribution board/ combiner shall be provided in between solar array and PCU. It shall have DC Disconnector/MCCB of suitable rating for connection and disconnection of array section. Type II Surge Arrestor should be incorporated for surge protection. It shall have meters for measuring the array voltage and array current. Appropriate IP protection shall be provided. In case of string inverters, if the requirements served by DC distribution board are fully taken care of by string inverter(s), then firms’ proposal (if any) for elimination of DC distribution board from the system design, can be considered. 4.4 AC distribution board shall be provided in between PCU and loads. It shall have an integrated energy meter, voltmeter and ammeter. As for energy, generally the parameter of interest shall be the aggregate energy output of inverter(s) fed into the individual AC distribution board(s). Though not mandatory, firms are however encouraged to also offer the facility for recording the energy output data of each inverter (wherever multiple inverters are feeding into an AC distribution board). Class I + II (as per IEC 62305) 100 kA Surge Arrestor should be incorporated for protection against surges. 4.5 No electrical storage batteries shall be required and accordingly, these are not included in the scope of work. 4.6 The system shall comply IEC 60364-7-712 and 62446. 5.0 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: 5.1 Solar generating system shall supply part/ full load of railway service buildings/ areas. Thereby, the PV system shall reduce the electric energy units drawn by railway from the grid and reduce IR’s CO2 emissions. 5.2 Solar panels and array junction boxes shall be installed on shade free roof while the transformer based PCU and distribution boards, etc. shall be housed inside the room provided by Railways. In case of string inverters, railways should carefully weigh the option of indoor vs. outdoor installation. The installation of SPV modules on roof-tops must not impact the waterproofing of the existing terrace structure. The contractor shall be responsible for restoring the waterproofing to its original condition and for provision of additional waterproofing in the areas where RCC blocks are secured on to the terrace. Even though roof-top mounting of solar panels shall be the preferred option, if necessary, railways can at their option specify a ground mounted solar system for part or full system KWp capacity. In the event that railways decide on a ground mounted solar system, they must specifically mention this in their tender and also specify the fencing requirements as will be appropriate to the site (ref. item 6 of Annexure - C). For ground mounted solar systems, railways may need to: carry out site preparation works (e.g. site levelling, removal of obstructions, etc.); plan Page 6 of 29 Effective from August 2013 Spec. no. RDSO/PE/SPEC/PS/0092-2008 (Rev.‘0’),Amdt.-5 suitable arrangements for preventing theft, vandalism, etc.; ensure the availability of adequate railway base load; identify a reliable railway grid power supply line and be responsible for carrying out any supplementary works required for feeding the renewable energy into the identified railway grid power supply line. 5.3 For individual systems above 20KWp, availability of requisite space on a single roof-top can at times become a constraint. In such case, the system’s overall KWp capacity can be distributed across multiple rooftops and each of the rooftops shall then feed to the grid power supply system. In works involving such distributed systems, the purchaser must mention the KWp of individual constituent solar systems in the tender (refer item 7 of Annexure - C). If the purchaser doesnot mention anything against item 7 of Annexure - C, it will be deemed that adequate space is available on a single rooftop for the entire KWp capacity of the system. 5.4 If required, statutory approval of local authorities/state electricity distribution company, etc. shall be obtained by the Railway Authority. An export meter (for recording the number of units exported to the grid), if required, shall be either installed by state electricity distribution company or else the respective Railway Authority may include the same in their scope of work. Export metering will be an optional item; it will be specifically mentioned by purchaser, if the same is required to be within the contractor’s scope of supply (see Annex C item 5). It is emphasized here, that primary purpose of installing the SPV system covered by this spec., is to meet railway’s own energy requirement, rather than supplying renewable energy to the public grid. 5.5 Railway Authority shall provide a shadow free area @ 125 - 150 sq. ft./KWp of solar array. 5.6 Array structure of PV yard and all electrical equipments such as PCU, inverters, etc. shall be grounded properly. Towards this end, the contractor will supply and install an adequate number and appropriate size of IS:3043 – 1987 compliant earthing kits; at least one each for AC circuit, DC circuit and lighting protection system. 5.7 Suitable marking shall be provided on the bus for easy identification. 5.8 PV modules may be connected in series up to the maximum allowed operating voltage of the PV modules and the PV inverter, whichever is lower. 5.9 The reverse current of blocking diodes (connected in series), if required/ provided, shall be rated for 2 X VOC STC of the PV string. 5.10 Proper sealing arrangements at the points of cables entering the enclosures/ buildings should be incorporated. Although not mandatory, Page 7 of 29 Effective from August 2013 Spec. no. RDSO/PE/SPEC/PS/0092-2008 (Rev.‘0’),Amdt.-5 manufacturers are however encouraged that the cables entering into the enclosures be sealed with modular EPDM based cable sealing and protection system based on multi-diameter technology. 6.0 TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS: 6.1 The DC output from the modules shall be fed to array junction box and the strings are paralleled at sub Main & Main junction boxes. Then PCU shall convert DC energy produced by the solar array to AC energy. The AC power output of the inverter shall be fed to the AC distribution board (metering panel & isolation panel), which also houses the energy meter. The AC output of grid-connect SPV system should be paralleled with railway’s general electric power supply i.e.the power supply received from the electricity authority. 6.2 The system shall automatically wake-up in the morning and supply power, provided there is sufficient solar energy and the grid voltage and frequency are in range. 6.3 When the grid voltage and/or frequency go out of preset range, the inverter shall be immediately disconnected from the grid. The inverter will reconnect after a pre-determined time when the grid is back in the range. 6.4 Array to inverter voltage drop shall be less than 3% at the power output of the array. 6.5 Railways shall provide adequate space and ventilation for the inverter. If string inverters are used, thesecan be installed below the solar array. 6.6 For safety reasons, PV inverter system shall be disconnected from network following a fault or loss of supply on the power network. 6.7 The performance and generation data shall be recorded using a data logger. The monitoring system shall comprise of the following main components: maximum the 6.7.1 PCU will log the inverter performance data and transmit the same to the data logger. It shall also monitor basic parameters like power generated, etc. 6.7.2 Data logger shall gather information and monitor the performance of the inverter. It shall also support measurements from the external sensors. Data Logger shall also monitor the Solar Insolation and Temp of Array Yard. RDSO and the concerned railway shall be afforded free of cost facility for viewing the system performance data on the manufacturer’s or system integrator’s or railway’s web portal for until the contractual warranty period of the system. It is advisable that the facility of web based system monitoring should continue even after Page 8 of 29 Effective from August 2013 Spec. no. RDSO/PE/SPEC/PS/0092-2008 (Rev.‘0’),Amdt.-5 completion of warranty period. After the warranty period, the web based monitoring facility shall be available as a part of AMC, if any (see Cl. 12.0). Else, if the railway desires to enter into a separate new agreement with the contractor solely for post-warranty web based monitoring for a specified period, then it should provide for the same in special condition of tender and ask the tenderers to quote for the same (refer item 8 of Annexure-C). 6.7.3 Data logging system/software shall enable automatic long-term storage of measured data from PV plant. It shall allow visualization, monitoring, commissioning and service of the installation. The data logger shall be web enabled. It should be possible to access the data logger with any standard web browser like internet explorer, google chrome, etc. and for this purpose, relevant software/ hardware will be supplied by the contractor. In addition to the web portal, it should also be possible to retrieve the data directly from the data logger. The software for access/ visualization of data from data logger should also be provided by the supplier. Necessary executable files, if any, will be required to be given free of cost by the supplier on a CD/ any other storage device. 6.7.4 Communication interface The system should offer RS232/RS485 port and LAN/ WAN interface to facilitate remote monitoring of the system. 6.8 Sizing of the SPV system Sizing of the system should be decided on the basis of railway’s electrical load requirement and the availability of space for installation of SPV system. 6.9 SPV Module 6.9.1 Individual Solar PV Module should be of minimum capacity 230 Wp conforming to IEC:61215 Ed 2 or latest, IEC : 61730 – I :2007, IEC : 61730 – II : 2007, manufactured in a plant certified under ISO 9001 : 2008 and type tested by an accredited national/international testing laboratory. The Solar PV Module should be made from mono/poly crystalline Silicon Solar Cell connected in series. Imported SPV module or cell will not be accepted, unless MNRE’s policy/ rules permit the same. PV modules to be used in a highly corrosive atmosphere (coastal areas, etc.) must qualify Salt Mist Corrosion Testing as per IEC 61701; this compliance and certification will not be required, unless the purchaser specifically asks for the same. Cut cells should not be used (see Annex C, item 2). 6.9.2 SPV modules of similar output with +5Wp tolerance in single string shall be employed to avoid array mismatch losses. Page 9 of 29 Effective from August 2013 Spec. no. RDSO/PE/SPEC/PS/0092-2008 (Rev.‘0’),Amdt.-5 6.9.3 SPV module shall contain crystalline high power silicon solar cells. The solar cell shall have surface anti-reflective coating to help to absorb more light in all weather conditions. 6.9.4 Photo-electric conversion efficiency of SPV module shall not be less than 14%. 6.9.5 Fill factor of the module shall not be less than 72%. 6.9.6 Each module shall have low iron tempered glass front for strength and superior light transmission. It shall also have tough multi- layered polymer back sheet for environmental protection against moisture and provide high voltage electrical insulation. Transmitivity of glass shall not be less than 91%. 6.9.7 Module junction box and terminal block (weather resistant) shall be designed for long life outdoor operation in harsh environment. 6.9.8 Bird spike shall be provided so as to avoid bird sitting on the solar modules at the highest point of the array/module structure. 6.9.9 SPV module shall be highly reliable, light weight and shall have a service life of more than 25 years. SPV modules shall have a limited power loss of not more than 10% of nominal output at the end of 10 years and of not more than 20% of nominal output at the end of 25 years. 6.9.10 The output of any supplied module shall not be less than the rated output and shall not exceed the rated power by more than 5Wp. Each module, therefore, has to be tested and rating displayed. 6.9.11 Whenever more than one module is required, identical modules be used. shall 6.9.12 The module shall perform satisfactorily in relative humidity upto 95% and temperature between -10oC and +85oC. 6.9.13 The solar modules shall have suitable encapsulation and sealing arrangements to protect the silicon cells from the environment. The encapsulation arrangement shall ensure complete moisture proofing for the entire life of solar modules. The terminal block shall be preferably of Noryl rubber with weatherproof design (min. IP 65) and shall have a provision for opening /replacing the cables if required. 6.9.14 Deleted Page 10 of 29 Effective from August 2013 Spec. no. RDSO/PE/SPEC/PS/0092-2008 (Rev.‘0’),Amdt.-5 6.9.15 Marking Each module shall carry the following clear and indelible markings:i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) x) xi) xii) Name, monogram or symbol of manufacturer Type or model number Serial number Polarity of terminals or leads (colour coding is permissible) Open – circuit voltage Operating voltage Maximum system voltage for which the module is suitable Operating current Short circuit current Date & place of manufacture Weight of the module Module Wp tolerance (if it is cumbersome to supply this marking, then this marking can be left out) 6.9.16 Each PV module must use a RF identification tag (RFID), which must contain the following information. The RFID can be inside or outside the module laminate, but must be able to withstand harsh environmental conditions. i) ii) iii) Name of the manufacturer of PV Module Name of the Manufacturer of Solar cells Month and year of the manufacture (separately for solar cells and module) iv) Country of origin (separately for solar cells and module) v) I-V curve for the module vi) Peak Wattage, Im, Vm and FF for the module vii) Unique Serial No and Model No of the module viii) Date and year of obtaining IEC PV module qualification certificate ix) Name of the test lab issuing IEC certificate x) Other relevant information on traceability of solar cells and modules as per ISO 9000 series 6.9.17 Modules shall be tested as per clause-13.1. 6.9.18 Insulation Resistance of the module shall not be less than 50M-ohm when measured with a 500V DC megger. 6.10 Module Mounting Structure 6.10.1 The array structure shall be so designed that it will occupy minimum space without sacrificing the output from SPV panels. 6.10.2 The structure shall be designed to allow easy replacement of any module by authorized personnel and shall be in line with the site requirements. Page 11 of 29 Effective from August 2013 Spec. no. RDSO/PE/SPEC/PS/0092-2008 (Rev.‘0’),Amdt.-5 6.10.3 The array structure shall be made of hot dipped galvanized MS angles (or alternate MS sections) of suitable size. Galvanization thickness shall be of min. 85μm. If the systems are installed in coastal/ corrosive areas, the minimum galvanization thickness of array structure shall be 120μm. Unless the purchaser has specifically asked for 120 μm thickness, normally 85 μm will be supplied (see Annex C item 3). 6.10.4 The foundation for module mounting structure shall be preferably 1:2:4 RCC construction or any other combination based on the local site condition requirement for which design details shall be submitted. 6.10.5 The support structure, design and foundation shall normally be designed to withstand wind speed upto 150 kmph. In coastal/ high wind areas, the support structure, design and foundation shall be designed to withstand wind speed upto 200 kmph. If the purchaser does not specify anything to the contrary, then 150 kmph wind withstanding capability shall be provided (Refer item 4 of AnnexureC). 6.10.6 The clearance between lowest part of the module structure and the developed ground level shall normally not be less than 500mm. However, in exceptional cases, lower clearances may be allowed on case to case basis. 6.10.7 The module alignment and tilt angle shall be calculated to provide the maximum annual energy output. This shall be decided based on the location of array installation.The SPV panel shall have a provision for angular adjustment of the mounting structure to get maximum utilization of incident sunlight. It shall be mounted facing south and tilted to an angle equal to the latitude (where being used), for optimum performance. 6.10.8 Generally, fasteners shall be of stainless steel SS304. To prevent pilferage, anti-theft fasteners shall be provided at appropriate locations. 6.10.9 Junction Boxes i) The module junction box (if any) shall be certified as per IEC 61215. Else, they should have the same properties as mentioned for array junction boxes. Array sub-main and main junction boxes, shall have the following properties: a. They shall be dust, vermin & waterproof and made of Polycarbonate-Glass Fibre Substance (PC-GFS) thermoplastic. The enclosure should be double insulated with protection class II as per IEC 61439-1. Material and the protection class shall be marked on the enclosure. b. The enclosure shall have a transparent front lid for enabling easy visibility. Page 12 of 29 Effective from August 2013 Spec. no. RDSO/PE/SPEC/PS/0092-2008 (Rev.‘0’),Amdt.-5 c. The enclosures shall have IP 65/66 protection in accordance with IEC 60529. Third party conformance certificate is required to be given for IP 65/ IP 66 degree of protection. d. Minimum requirements for fire protection in the event of internal faults: Glow wire test in accordance with IEC 60 6952-11 at 960C for box and 850C for conducting components. e. Burning Behavior: Base part of Polycarbonate Enclosure shall be UL94-V-0 compliant and Lid part of PC Enclosure shall be UL94-V-2 compliant. f. The enclosures shall have IK 08 degree of protection for mechanical load. g. The material used shall be halogen, silicon free conforming to RoHS directive 2002/95/EC. h. The enclosure shall have a usage temperature rating of -10C to 55C. i. The enclosure should be chemically resistant to acid, lye, petrol, mineral oil & partially resistant to benzene. j. The enclosures shall have a rated insulated voltage of 1000V DC and dielectric strength of 4.65 KV DC. k. The material of the enclosure shall be UV stabilized. l. Though not mandatory, manufacturers are encouraged to provide breather glands in the array junction boxes to prevent overheating and explosions. Unless otherwise stipulated, the properties mentioned above should be demonstrated through datasheet of the manufacturer. ii) SPDs Class II as per IEC 61643-1, shall be used at the terminals of array junction boxes for external surge protection. Internal Surge protection (SPDs) shall consist of three MOV type arrestors connected from + ve and – ve terminal to earth (Via Y arrangement) for higher withstand of the continuous PV-DC voltage during earth fault condition. SPD shall have safe disconnection & short circuit interruption arrangement through integrated DC in-built bypass fuse (parallel) which should get tripped during failure mode of MOV, extinguishing DC arc safely (created by inbuilt thermal disconnection) in order to protect the installation against fire hazards. Nominal discharge current (In) at 8/ 20 microseconds shall be minimum 10 KA with maximum discharge current (Imax) of minimum 20 KA at 8/20 microseconds with visual indication (through mechanical flag) in all modules to monitor the life of SPD. TheIscwpv (Short Circuit current withstand capacity of arrester) would be at least 10% more than Nominal output current of the combiner box and AJB. Detailed internal schematic for the above SPDs, compliant to these specifications, should be submitted by the manufacturers. Page 13 of 29 Effective from August 2013 Spec. no. RDSO/PE/SPEC/PS/0092-2008 (Rev.‘0’),Amdt.-5 iii) The junction boxes shall have suitable cable entry points with cable glands of appropriate sizes for both incoming and outgoing cables. Though not mandatory, manufacturers are encouraged to provide suitable cable entry points fitted with MC-4 Connectors. iv) Suitable markings should be provided on the bus bar for easy identification, and cable ferrules shall be fitted at the cable termination points for identification. v) The Array Junction Box should preferably have maximum 08 input and 01 output with SPD and Terminal block. 6.10.10 Earthing for PV array, Balance of System (BOS), lightning protection and other components. i) The photovoltaic modules, Balance of system (BOS) and other components of power plant require proper grounding for protection against any serious faults as guided by IEC 60364. ii) The earthing resistance must not exceed the limits generally in practice for such applications. iii) The Bidder shall submit the detailed scheme of earthing and grounding. iv) The contractor will supply and install an adequate number and appropriate size of IS:3043 – 1987 compliant earthing kits; at least one each for AC circuit, DC circuit and lighting protection system. v) The source of over voltage can be lightning or other atmospheric disturbance. Main aim of over voltage protection is to reduce the overvoltage to a tolerable level before it reaches the PV or other sub-system components. Lightning protection should be provided as per IEC 62305. vi) Necessary concrete foundation or any other arrangement for holding the lightning conductor in position is to be made after giving due consideration to shadow on PV array, maximum wind speed and maintenance requirement at site in future. vii) The lightning conductor and structures shall be earthed through flats as per applicable Indian Standards with earth pits. Each lightning conductor shall be fitted with individual earth pit as per required Standards including accessories, and providing masonry enclosure. Else, a matrix of lightning conductors is to be created which will be required to be connected to an earth. viii) If necessary, more numbers of lightning conductors may be provided. ix) The Bidder shall submit the drawings and detailed specifications of the PV array lightning protection equipment. 6.10.11 Deleted 6.10.12 Deleted Page 14 of 29 Effective from August 2013 Spec. no. RDSO/PE/SPEC/PS/0092-2008 (Rev.‘0’),Amdt.-5 6.10.13 Deleted 6.11 Deleted 6.12 Power Conditioning Unit (PCU) PCU shall supply the DC energy produced by array to DC bus for inverting to AC voltage using its MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking) control to extract maximum energy from solar array and produce 415V (+15% and -20%) AC, 3 phase, 50 ± 5% Hz (47.5 to 52.5 Hz) to synchronize with the local grid. For sizing ofgrid connect inverter,the general guideline will be that the ratio of SPV KWp rating to inverter’s KVA rating shall be within 1.15. The array output should be well within the input voltage range of the inverter so that the inverter works in MPPT range for most of the solar insolation range. This should be applicable for the whole life of the solar array and needs to be substantiated through design calculations. PCU should be able to handle maximum open circuit DC voltage of 1,000V. 6.12.1 MPPT controller, inverter and associated control and protection devices, etc. all shall be integrated into the PCU. 6.12.2 PCU/ string inverter shall provide 3 phase, 415V (with grid tracking of +15%/-20%), 50 Hz (with grid tracking of ±5% i.e. 47.5 to 52.5 Hz) supply on AC side with voltage THD of less than 3% and current THD of less than 5%. 6.12.3 Deleted 6.12.4 Efficiency of PCU with transformer shall not be less than 92% for systems from 10KWp to less than 30 KWp, 93% for systems from 30KWp to less than 50KWp and 94% for systems greater than or equal to 50KWp. For transformer-less design, it shall be minimum 96%. 6.12.5 Degree of protection will be minimum IP20 for non-electronics portion where transformer, etc. are mounted, if any and for the rest of the portion including electronics, it will be IP31 for units of capacities upto 15KWp and IP41 for units of capacities greater than 15KWp.For inverters to be installed outdoors, IP65 protection shall be required. In future, RDSO will actively consider upgrading the requirement of IP protection, keeping in view the highly dusty environment in Indian subcontinent. Therefore, manufacturers are encouraged to develop even higher IP protected systems for future requirements of IR. Page 15 of 29 Effective from August 2013 Spec. no. RDSO/PE/SPEC/PS/0092-2008 (Rev.‘0’),Amdt.-5 6.12.6 Railways should carefully weigh the option of indoor vs. outdoor location for string inverter. 6.12.7 The inverter shall be efficient with IGBT based reliable design. The control system should be of highest reliability preferably based on Digital Signal Processors.Though not mandatory, the manufacturers are encouraged to provide the control system of redundant type. 6.12.8 The PCU shall be capable of complete automatic operation, including wake-up, synchronization and shut down. 6.12.9 PCU shall have the facility to display the basic parameters of the system on a typical 4 line by 20 characters type LED/LCD display. Displays of a bigger size can also be provided. 6.12.10 PCU shall be able to synchronize independently and automatically/ phase-lock with POWER SUPPLY AUTHORITY grid power line frequency to attain synchronization. 6.12.11 Built-in data logging to monitor plant performance through external PC shall be provided. 6.12.12 Inverter shall be tested for islanding protection performance. 6.12.13 Only isolated inverters shall be grounded on DC side. 6.12.14 Deleted 6.12.15 Indications (through LEDs/ LCD display) Following is an indicative listof indications (the actual scheme will be finalized at design stage): i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) Inverter ON Grid ON Inverter under voltage/over voltage Inverter over-load Inverter over-temperature Earth Fault 6.12.16 Protections Following is an indicative list of protections (the actual scheme will be finalized at design stage): i) ii) iii) iv) Over-voltage both at input and output Over-current both at input and output Over/under grid frequency Over temperature Page 16 of 29 Effective from August 2013 v) vi) vii) viii) ix) Spec. no. RDSO/PE/SPEC/PS/0092-2008 (Rev.‘0’),Amdt.-5 Short circuit on AC side Reverse polarity protection Array ground fault protection Protection against lightning induced surges Class II, 10 kA as per IEC 61643-1 Protection against surge voltage induced at output due to external source 6.12.17 Night consumption of the PCU shall be less than 0.2% of the rated power of the inverter for system capacities of 25KWp or more. It shall be less than or equal to 50W for system capacities of less than 25KWp. 6.12.18 Noise level of the PCU should be less than 65 dBA (nominal) at 1m. 6.12.19 DC insulation resistance should be more than 50MΩ. 6.12.20 EMI and EMC Requirements:PCU shall comply the following EMI and EMC requirements: i) Emitted interference as per IEC: 61000-6-4. ii) Interference emitted as per IEC: 61000-6-2. 6.12.21 An integrated earth fault detection device is provided to detect eventual earth fault on DC side and shall send message to the supervisory system. 6.12.22 Idling current at no load shall not exceed 2% of the full load current. 6.12.23 PCU shall withstand high voltage test of 2,000 Vrms between either the input or the output terminals and the cabinet (chassis). 6.12.24 PCU includes ground lugs for equipment and PV array groundings. The DC circuit ground shall be a solid single point ground connection. 6.12.25 Where PCU hasnot been provided with galvanic isolation, a type B residual current device (RCD) according to IEC 60755 amendment 2 shall be installed to provide fault protection by automatic disconnection of supply. Inbuilt RCD will also be accepted. 6.12.26 To allow maintenance of the PCU, means of isolating the PCU from the DC side and the AC side shall be provided. 6.12.27 PCU can be a centralized unit or a combination of multiple string inverters. 6.12.28 The PCU should withstand the environmental tests (as per IEC 60068/ IS 9000) listed below with the PCU working at full load for at least last half an hour. For SPV systems of 10 KWp or higher Page 17 of 29 Effective from August 2013 Spec. no. RDSO/PE/SPEC/PS/0092-2008 (Rev.‘0’),Amdt.-5 capacity, environmental test results in respect of any similar design PCU for at least 10 KWp SPV systems will be adequate. a) Dry Heat Test: 50C±2C for 16 hours b) Damp Heat Test (Steady state): 40C, 93% RH for 4 days c) Damp Heat Test (Cyclic): 40C, 93% RH for 6 cycles (duration of one cycle shall be 24hrs) d) Cold Test: 0C for 16 hours e) Change of temperature Test: -10C/-5C to 50C for 3 cycles (rate of change in temperature shall be 3oC per minute) 6.13 Cables and Hardwares The cables used in module/ array wiring shall be TUV 2Pfg 1169/08.2007 or VDE EPV 01:2008-02 or UL4703 certified. Cables of appropriate size to be used in the rest of the system shall have the following characteristics: i) Temp. Range –10ºC to +120ºC. ii) Voltage rating 600/1000V iii) Excellent resistance to heat, cold, water, oil, abrasion, UV radiation, ozone and weathering iv) Halogen-free, low smoke, low toxicity. v) Flame retardant vi) Flexible vii) Fulfills IEC 60332-1 requirements. Accredited report/Manufacturer’s test report shall be attached. lab test viii) Conductor class IEC 60228 class 5. Accredited report/Manufacturer’s test report shall be attached. lab test 6.13.1 Cabling on DC side of the system shall be as short as possible to minimize the voltage drop in the wiring. 6.13.2 Components and hardware shall be vandal and theft resistant. All parts shall be corrosion-resistant. 6.13.3 Voltage drop on the DC side from array to the inverter should not be more than 3%. Necessary calculations in this regard shall also be submitted during design approval. 6.13.4 Overload protection may be omitted to PV string and PV array cables when the continuous current-carrying capacity of the cable is equal to or greater than 1.25 times ISC STC at any location. Necessary calculations in this regard shall be submitted during design approval. Page 18 of 29 Effective from August 2013 Spec. no. RDSO/PE/SPEC/PS/0092-2008 (Rev.‘0’),Amdt.-5 6.13.5 Overload protection may be omitted to PV main cable if the continuous current-carrying capacity of the cable is equal to or greater than 1.25 times ISC STC of the PV generator. Necessary calculations in this regard shall be submitted during design approval. 6.14 The system description, general/technical requirements, etc. are given for general guidance only. The supplier/manufacturer shall submit the detailed design of the complete solar generating system by using their software to optimize the combination of modules considering the specific location, insolation, nature of load, etc. 6.15 AC Distribution Board (ACDB): The ACDB shall be used to terminate single or multiple PCU outputs.The ACDB must have the following features: i) Cables connecting bus bar should be minimum 3 times capacity of Solar Power plant. ii) Input Grid Line should come from such Distribution Board of client so that the railway load is fed parallely by the grid as well as SPV system. iii) The Solar Power should be exported to the bus bar inside the ACDB through a LCD display Energy Meter. In case the systems are installed on multiple rooftops, then for each individual rooftop system, an independent ACDB shall be generally required. iv) The Designated Load should be routed through ACDB and an Energy Meter to register the Load Energy Consumption from Solar and Grid during Week Days and Holiday. v) The SPV system will help Railways to obtain GRIHA/ ECBC certification for the buildings. vi) ACDB should have Class I + II (as per IEC 62305; IEC 61643 and IEC 60364-5-53), 100 kA Surge Suppression inbuilt for surge protection. Surge protection on AC side (Type 1 + Type 2) shall consist of Pre wired metal encapsulated spark gap based solution for fire safe and fire proof operation at site, consisting of base part and plug in protection modules. Total discharge capacity/ Lightning Impulse current (Iimp) at 10/350 μ sec and nominal discharge current (In) at 8/ 20 μ sec shall be minimum 100 KA for three phase power supply system and 50 KA for single phase power supply system. The discharge capability of L-N connected module shall be 25 KA at 10/350 μ sec and 8/20 μ sec. All the L-N & N-E connected arresters shall have built in mechanical health indication. Complete solution shall have voltage protection level (Up) of <= 1.5 KV to protect the sensitive electronics inside the Page 19 of 29 Effective from August 2013 Spec. no. RDSO/PE/SPEC/PS/0092-2008 (Rev.‘0’),Amdt.-5 Invertors, having follow current extinguishing and limiting capability up to 25 KA rms (at 255V) without tripping of even small rating 32 AGL/gG fuse and approved from international independent test labs like KEMA or VDE or UL as per latest IEC 61643-1 or equivalent EN 61643-11 standard. SPDs on the ACDB shall be provided if the same haven’t been provided on the PCU. vii) Appropriate IP protection shall be provided 6.16 Approval of System Design 6.16.1 The concept plan/design of each sub-system shall be submitted to RDSO for approval. The wiring diagram and operation and maintenance information details shall be given as detailed in IEC 62446. 6.16.2 Quality Assurance Plan should include design control, process control, quality control, testing of sub-system, integration and bill of material intended to be used. 6.17 Prototype Testing 6.17.1 RDSO shall conduct prototype testing of Grid connect Solar Generating System of individual capacity separately. For certain tests, the type testing authority i.e. RDSO may choose to rely upon previous type test reports/conformance certificates, as long as they pertain to similar design and are of comparable rating. However, the manufacturer cannot demand this as a matter of right. 6.17.2 Until the railways are able to issue their vendor list, they may in the interim period invite tender/ place order with the provision of accepting the material on the basis of firm’s written clause-by-clause confirmation of the spec. and acceptance test alone, wherever this is considered necessary by CEE. 6.18 Cleaning of SPV modules For the purpose of cleaning of SPV modules, railways shall ensure that the Array Yard is equippedwith permanent Water Line, Butterfly valve and rubber hose. During the warranty period, the contractor shall carry out the cleaning of SPV modules, on an average, once in three months; in addition, railway on its part will be responsible to arrange for cleaning of SPV modules once in every two weeks. 7.0 INSTALLATION & COMMISSIONING: The installation shall be done by the supplier/manufacturer who is responsible for system performance, direction of installation and structural stability. The supplier shall conduct a detailed site assessment. The PV installer shall obtain data specific to the site, rather than relying on general data. While making foundation Page 20 of 29 Effective from August 2013 Spec. no. RDSO/PE/SPEC/PS/0092-2008 (Rev.‘0’),Amdt.-5 design, due consideration shall be given to weight of the module assembly, maximum wind speed at the site, etc. 8.0 DOCUMENTATION: The supplier shall provide easy-to-use illustrated installation and operation manual in English for easy installation and trouble-free usage. Manual shall contain complete system details such as array layout, schematic of the system, working principle, clear instruction on regular maintenance, trouble-shooting of the solar generating system, emergency shutdown procedure, etc. 9.0 AFTER SALES SERVICE: The details of service centers in India shall be provided along with the offer. All essential materials and manpower shall be placed at the service centers to ensure quick and efficient after sales service. 10.0 GUARANTEE / WARRANTY - (Deleted) 11.0 LOG BOOKS: Railways shall maintain a logbook detailing inspection and operating activities. This logbook must be kept in a secure place and shall be made available, whenever required for inspection. Testing of all protection devices shall be carried out at regular intervals (no longer than six months) by the customer and recorded in the logbook. 12.0 ANNUAL MAINTENANCE CONTRACT: The contractor will have to quote the rates for Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC). During the AMC period, the contractor shall also carry out the cleaning of SPV modules, on an average, once in three months; in addition, railway on its part will be responsible to arrange for cleaning of SPV modules once in every two weeks. Further, unless otherwise stipulated by the purchaser in the tender, during the AMC period, the contractor shall also provide web based monitoring facility (as detailed in Cl. 6.7.2). 13.0 TESTS: The manufacturer shall carry out routine tests at his works and shall maintain records for the same. Acceptance testing shall be carried out by the purchaser or his representative or by any agency deputed by the purchaser on his behalf. Page 21 of 29 13.1 S.N. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Effective from August 2013 Spec. no. RDSO/PE/SPEC/PS/0092-2008 (Rev.‘0’),Amdt.-5 Test on SPV Module Name of Test Type Test Routine Test Visual Examination Design Qualification Safety Qualification Photo Electrical Conversion Efficiency Fill Factor √ √ √ √ √* IEC 61215 √ √ √* IEC 61730- I & II √ √ √ By Sun simulator(Refer Cl. 6.9.4) √ √ √ Transmitivity of Glass Rated output of module Module mismatch test Array mismatch test Encapsulation and sealing Terminal block Provision of Bird Spike Provision of RFID tag with requisite details Environmental tests Provision of Earthing Marking √ By Sun simulator (Refer Cl. 6.9.5) Refer Cl. 6.9.6 √ √ √ By Sun simulator. Refer Cl. 6.9.1 Refer Cl 6.9.10 √ Refer Cl 6.9.2 √ Accept Method ance Test √ Refer Annexure B √ √ √ Refer Cl 6.9.13 √ √ √ √ √ Refer Cl 6.9.13 Refer Cl 6.9.8 √ √ √ Refer Cl 6.9.16 √ √** √ √ Refer Cl 6.10.10 √ Refer Cl 6.9.15 √ √ Refer Annexure B * Copy of the latest conformance certificates should be asked ** If compliance has already been checked during type testing, the same will be relied upon, otherwise compliance will be ensured through physical tests 13.2 S.N. 1. Tests on Module Mounting Structure Name of Test Visual Examination Type Test Routin e Test √ √ Accepta nce Test √ Method Page 22 of 29 Effective from August 2013 Spec. no. RDSO/PE/SPEC/PS/0092-2008 (Rev.‘0’),Amdt.-5 2. Dimension √ √ √ 3. √ √ √ √ Refer Cl 6.10.6 √ Refer Cl 6.10.3 6. Design calculation on wind withstand capability Clearance between module and ground Galvanization thickness Foundation As per manufacturer’s data sheet Refer Cl 6.10.5 √ Refer Cl 6.10.4 7. Provision of Earthing √ √ Refer Cl. 6.10.10 8. Fasteners √ √ Refer Cl. 6.10.8 4. 5. 13.3 Tests on module Junction Box √ √ √ junction box, Array sub-main and main S.N. Name of Test Type Test Routine Test 1. Visual Examination √ √ Accept ance Test √ 2. 3. 4. 5. Material IP Protection Surge Protection Cable Glands √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 13.4 Name of Test Type Test Routine Test 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Visual Examination MPPT range Voltage Range Frequency range Harmonics on AC side PCU efficiency Protection Tests Surge Protection √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Acceptance Test √ √ √£ √£ √ √ √ √µ √ √ √ √µ IP protection Control Circuit √ √ 9. 10. Refer Cl 6.10.9(i),(iii), (iv) & (v) Refer Cl 6.10.9(i) Refer Cl 6.10.9(i) Refer Cl 6.10.9(ii) Refer Cl 6.10.9(iii) Test on Power Conditioning Unit (PCU) S.N. 6. 7. 8. Method √ Method Refer Refer Refer Refer Cl. Cl. Cl. Cl. Refer Cl. Refer Cl. Refer Cl. 6.15(vi) Refer Cl. Refer Cl. 6.12 6.12 6.12 6.12.2 6.12.4 6.12.16 6.12.16, 6.12.5 6.12.7 Page 23 of 29 S.N. Effective from August 2013 Name of Test 24. redundancy Automatic operation & synchronization Islanding Protection Displaying of basic Parameters on LED/LCD display Data logging, Communication interface and web application Night Consumption Noise Level Power Factor Measurement Insulation resistance EMI/EMC Idling current High Voltage test Provision of RCD Provision of Isolation Earthing 25. Environmental Test 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Spec. no. RDSO/PE/SPEC/PS/0092-2008 (Rev.‘0’),Amdt.-5 Type Test Routine Test Acceptance Test Method √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Refer Cl. 6.12.8, 6.12.10 Refer Cl. 6.12.12 Refer Cl. 6.12.9 √ √ √ Refer Cl. 6.7 √ Refer Cl. 6.12.17 Refer Cl. 6.12.18 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Refer Cl. 6.12.19 √ √£ √ √ √ √ √ Refer Refer Refer Refer Refer √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √£ Cl. Cl. Cl. Cl. Cl. 6.12.20 6.12.22 6.12.23 6.12.25 6.12.26 Refer Cl. 6.12.24, 6.10.10 Refer Cl. 6.12.28 If compliance has already been checked during type testing, the same will be relied upon, otherwise compliance will be ensured through physical tests µ Datasheet of the manufacturer will be relied upon £ 13.5 Tests on Cables S.N. Name of Test Type Test Routine Test 1. 2. 3. 4. Visual Examination Temperature range Voltage rating Resistance to heat, cold, water, oil, abrasion, UV radiation, ozone and weathering Halogen –free, √ √β √β √β √ √β √β √β √β √β 5. AcceptMethod ance Test √ √β Refer Cl 6.13(i) √β Refer Cl 6.13(ii) β √ Refer Cl 6.13(iii) √β Refer Cl 6.13(iv) Page 24 of 29 S.N. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Name of Test Low smoke and Low toxicity Flame retardant Flexible IEC 60332-1 requirements IEC 60228 class 5 Module/ array wiring Sizing of cable β 13.6 S.N. Effective from August 2013 Type Test Routine Test Acceptance Test √β √β √β √β √β √β √β √β √β Refer Cl 6.13(v) Refer Cl 6.13(vi) Refer Cl 6.13(vii) √β √ √β √ √β √ Ref. Cl 6.13(viii) Ref. Cl 6.13 √ √ √ Ref. Cl 6.13.4, 6.13.5 Other tests Name of Test Type Routine Test Test √ √ Visual Examination 2. DCDB √ 3. ACDB √ 4. Configuration of supply System design 6. Method Manufacturer’s data sheet shall be relied upon 1. 5. Spec. no. RDSO/PE/SPEC/PS/0092-2008 (Rev.‘0’),Amdt.-5 Data Logger and Web Based Monitoring Acceptance Method Test √ Refer Cl 4.3, 4.4, 6.1,6.15, and 6.16 √ Refer Cl 4.3 √ √ √ √ √ √ Refer Cl 4.4 and 6.15 Refer Cl 6.1 Refer Cl 6.16, 6.13.4, 6.13.5 Refer Cl 6.7 Page 25 of 29 Effective from August 2013 Spec. no. RDSO/PE/SPEC/PS/0092-2008 (Rev.‘0’),Amdt.-5 Annexure -A Eligibility Criterion for Bidding – (Deleted) Annexure-B Quality Testing of PV-Module Modules used in solar panels shall have IEC 61215 Ed 2 or latest compliance certificate. The qualification testing procedure is defined in IEC 61215 Ed 2 or latest to examine the impact of mechanical, thermal and electrical stress on power output. The bidder shall submit appropriate type approval certificate for the offered solar modules from accredited test laboratory. Method of Testing 1.0 Visual Inspection: Each module shall be carefully inspected under an illumination of not less than 1,000 lux for the following conditions: 1.1 Racked, bent, misaligned or torn external surfaces. 1.2 Broken / cracked cells 1.3 Faulty interconnections or joints 1.4 Cells touching one another or the frame 1.5 Failure of adhesive bonds; bubbles or delaminations forming a continuous path between a cell and edge of the module 1.6 Faulty terminations and exposed live electrical parts 1.7 Junction box should have common terminals with suitable blocking diode to prevent reverse current flow. 2.0 Performance at STC: (Clause 10.1 of IEC 61215 Ed 2 or latest) The current-voltage characteristics of the module shall be determined in accordance with IEC 60904-1 at a specific set of irradiance and temperature conditions. Performance of PV-Module shall be generally Page 26 of 29 Effective from August 2013 Spec. no. RDSO/PE/SPEC/PS/0092-2008 (Rev.‘0’),Amdt.-5 evaluated at Standard-Test-Conditions (STC) as defined in IEC 60904 standards: i) ii) iii) 3.0 4.0 Cell temp. of 25° C, Incident solar irradiance of 1000W/m2, Spectral distribution of light spectrum with an air mass AM=1.5 All PV modules supplied shall be accompanied with I-V curves (tested in the manufacturing unit, clearly indicating the serial number, batch number, date and country of origin). Environmental Testing: Following environmental test shall be conducted on offered module or on module of similar design, for initial clearance of the offered system. Test Cold Test Dry Heat Salt spray* Wind Rain Dust Others Test Details Temp. (-) 100C Duration: 16 hrs. Temp. (+) 700C Duration: 16 hrs Temp. (+) 350C, RH 95% Duration: 2 hrs spray and 22 hrs conditioning No. of Cycle : 01 Pressure equivalent to an air velocity of 200 km/hr. Test as required in the mentioned standards Temp : 40°C, RH < 50% Duration – 1 hr Electrical Isolation test Routine test Actual test to be carried out at Govt. Recognized Lab or manufacturer premises as per standard IEC-68-2-1 IEC-68-2-2 IEC-68-2-11 Test Ka JSS: 55555 (Test No. 12) JSS: 55555 (Test No. 14) Shall be done at manufacturers place for every modules offered * If compliance to IEC 61701 has been asked by the purchaser, then this test will not be required. Note- Before and after the environmental testing the solar modules shall be subjected to performance test on sun simulator and insulation resistance test, and no degradation of maximum output power shall not exceed 5% of the value measured before the test. Page 27 of 29 5.0 Effective from August 2013 Spec. no. RDSO/PE/SPEC/PS/0092-2008 (Rev.‘0’),Amdt.-5 Acceptance Criteria: The module is deemed to have passed the tests if the sample meets the following criteria: 5.1 There is no evidence of a major visual defect such as a cracked or broken window, bubbles or de-lamination in the encapsulant etc. 5.2 There is no cell breakage and no water infiltration into terminal boxes. 5.3 No sample exhibits any open circuit or ground fault. 5.4 No visible evidence of major defects that may affect performance of the module. 5.6 Insulation Resistance not less than 50M-ohm at 500 V DC. 5.7 Degradation of performance may not exceed 5% after each single test or 8% after the whole sequence. Page 28 of 29 Effective from August 2013 Spec. no. RDSO/PE/SPEC/PS/0092-2008 (Rev.‘0’),Amdt.-5 Annexure - C Technical details to be furnished by the purchaser in his tender 1. System Power Rating (KWp) and place of installation: 2. Is Compliance and certification to salt mist corrosion testing as per IEC 61701 required {Refer Cl. 6.9.1} (Yes/No): 3. Required galvanization thickness (Refer Cl. 6.10.3) 4. Support structure, design and foundation wind withstanding capability required (see Cl. 6.10.5) 5. Is supply of Export Metering required {Refer Cl. 4.1, 5.4} (Yes/No): 6. (a) Is ground mounted solar system required {Refer Cl. 5.2} (Yes/No): (b) If the answer to 6(a) is ‘yes’, then please specify the ground mounted system’s KWp capacity, site location and fencing requirements. 7. (a) Will the overall rooftop KWp capacity be distributed across multiple rooftops {Refer Cl. 5.3} (Yes/No): (b) If the answer to 7(a) is ‘yes’, then please give necessary details i.e. KWp distribution on multiple rooftops, inverters, site locations, etc. 8. In what manner does the railway propose to continue to avail of web based monitoring service after the completion of warranty period: (a) As a part of AMC services {Cl. 12.0} (Yes/ No); OR (b) Through a separate new agreement with the contractor for web based monitoring {Cl. 6.7.2}(Yes/ No) Note: In the event that the overall KWp capacity (at Sr no. 1) is split between rooftop and ground based installations, the total of KWp capacities in Sr. no. 6 & 7 shall not exceed the overall KWp capacity as indicated at Sr. no. 1 Page 29 of 29 Effective from August 2013 Spec. no. RDSO/PE/SPEC/PS/0092-2008 (Rev.‘0’),Amdt.-5 Annexure-D Technical data to be furnished by the tenderer in his offer 1. Total Power rating of Solar System a) System power rating(KWp) 2. Solar Panel a) Make and model no. b) Power rating of the module c) Name of the manufacturer of PV Module d) Name of the Manufacturer of Solar cells e) Country of origin (separately for solar cells and module- Refer Clause 6.9.1) f) Peak Wattage, Im and Vm for the module(Refer Clause 6.9.1) g) Operating voltage of array(Refer Clause 6.12) h) Efficiency of the module(Refer Clause 6.9.4) i) Fill Factor of the module(Refer Clause 6.9.5) j) Variation band of rated output of the module (Refer Clause 6.9.10) k) Galvanization thickness of the module mounting structure (Refer Clause 6.10.3) 3. Power Conditioning Unit (PCU) a) Make and Model no b) Power rating c) Output voltage and frequency range(Refer Clause 6.12) d) Voltage range of grid synchronization (from nominal) e) Frequency range of grid synchronization (from nominal) f) Communication interfaces offered g) Data communication protocols h) Input voltage range for MPPT operation(Refer Clause 6.12) i) Efficiency(Refer Clause 6.12.4) j) Voltage and Current THD(Refer Clause 6.12.2) k) IP protection(Refer Clause 6.12.5) l) Noise level(Refer Clause 6.12.18) m) Idling current n) Surge protection on DC and AC side o) Name of URL at which the purchaser can view the system performance data (Refer Cl. 6.7.2) 4. Compliance and certification to salt mist corrosion testing as per IEC61701 {Refer Cl. 6.9.1} (only if the purchaser has asked for this compliance): 5. Details of Export Meter offered {Refer Cl. 5.4} (only if the purchaser has asked for this item): 6. Details of all cables to be supplied by the firm 7. Details of RCD (in case galvanic isolation doesn’t exist in PCU) -------------- lR;eso t;rs GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS Hkkjr ljdkj jsy ea=ky; TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR INTEGRATED RENEWABLE ENERGY BASED POWER SUPPLY ARRANGEMENT ,dhÑr; ÅtkZ iz.kkyh vk/kkfjr fo|qr vkiwfrZ O;oLFkk gsrq rduhdh fof’kf"VA Specification No. RDSO/2009/EM/SPEC/0004 (Rev. ‘1’) - 2012 fof’kf"V la0 vkjMh,lvks@2009@bZ,e@Lisd@0004 ¼fjoh- ‘1’½&2012 S. N. 1. 2. Amendment No. Date 1 19.10.2010 - - No. - ‘1’ Revision Date - 12.10.2012 Reason Clause No. 10.0 (Guarantee/Warranty deleted, Clause Nos. 7.2.10 and 13.0 modified as per Railway Board’s letter No.2006/Elect.(G)/150/ 9/Pt. dated 10.09.2010 Rationalized the spec. and major editorial changes to improve its readability and clarity ISSUED BYENERGY MANAGEMENT DIRECTORATE RESEARCH DESIGNS AND STANDARDS ORGANISATION MANAK NAGAR, LUCKNOW- 226011 tkjhdrkZ& ÅtkZ izcU/ku funs’kky; vuqla/kku vfHkdYi ,oa ekud laxBu ekud uxj] y[kuÅ&226011 Page 2 of 35 Effective from October 2012 Spec No. RDSO/2009/EM/SPEC/0004 (Rev.‘1’) - 2012 INDEX S. No. DESCRIPTION PAGE No. 1.0 Foreword 3 2.0 Scope 3 3.0 Reference Standards 3 4.0 Description 4 5.0 General Requirements 4 6.0 Technical Requirements 5 7.0 Installation & Commissioning 23 8.0 Documentation 23 9.0 Design Approval 23 10.0 Prototype Approval 23 11.0 Tests 24 Annexure - 1 31 Annexure - 2 33 Annexure - 3 34 Page 3 of 35 Effective from October 2012 Spec No. RDSO/2009/EM/SPEC/0004 (Rev.‘1’) - 2012 INTEGRATED RENEWABLE ENERGY BASED POWER SUPPLY ARRANGEMENT 1.0 FOREWORD: The Wind and Sun are inexhaustible, reliable and non-polluting sources of power. Keeping in view the rising concerns over climate change and depleting reserves of petroleum and coal, it is important to integrate these renewable energy systems into the existing electricity supply. For locations where the availability and quality of grid electricity supply is poor, integration of solar or wind-solar systems (with battery back-up) with the grid supply system can help to ensure uninterrupted availability of electricity for electrical services at railway stations, railway offices, etc. with minimal or nil dependence on DG sets. 2.0 SCOPE: This specification covers the general and technical requirements of integrated renewable energy (solar/ wind-solar) based power supply for railway stations, railway offices, etc. The system covered by this specification encompasses Wind Turbine (WT), Solar Photovoltaic modules (SPV), Solar Charge Controller (SCC), Wind Charge Controller (WCC), Grid-synchronizing Invertercum-Charger and Battery. At sites having annual average wind speed of 4.17 m/s or above (at 20m height), wind-solar hybrid systems can be considered. But at sites which do not meet the aforesaid wind speed criterion, a SPV only system should be specified by the purchaser (Refer Item 1.2 of Annexure-2). 3.0 REFERENCE STANDARDS: IS: 12834:1989 (reaffirmed 2000) IEC: 61215 (2005) IEC: 61730 Pt 1 & 2 IEC: 60904-1(2006) IEC: 61701 IEC: 60068 IS: 9000 IEC -61400-12-1 Solar Photovoltaic Energy Systems – Terminology Crystalline silicon terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) modules – Design qualification and type approval Photovoltaic (PV) module safety qualification - Part 1: Requirements for construction Part 2: Requirements for testing Photovoltaic Devices - Part-I: Measurement of Photovoltaic currentVoltage Characteristic Salt mist corrosion testing of photovoltaic (PV) modules Environmental testing Basic environmental testing procedure for Electronic and electrical items. Power performance measurement of wind turbines. Page 4 of 35 Effective from October 2012 Spec No. RDSO/2009/EM/SPEC/0004 (Rev.‘1’) - 2012 IEC -61400-2 Safety and function test and Duration test of wind turbines. ASTM – B-117 Salt spray testing standards for protection of exposed parts of wind turbine in harsh marine environment. Note: Latest version of the standards shall be referred to. 4.0 DESCRIPTION: The integrated renewable energy based power supply system shall consist of the following elements: i) Wind Turbine (WT) to convert Wind energy to electricity. ii) Hot dip galvanized MS tower with necessary accessories for mounting of WT. iii) SPV Module to convert solar radiation directly into electricity. iv) Module mounting structure of galvanized MS sections (For smaller systems, SPV panels can be mounted on the WT tower, if feasible). v) Following charge controllers will be provided: a) Solar charge controller. b) Wind charge controller. c) A Master Controller (or functionality thereof), for co-ordinating the above charge controllers and the grid/DG set fed battery charger. vi) Battery bank to store the electric energy from renewable sources and the grid. vii) A grid synchronizing type Inverter to convert the DC voltage from renewable sources to AC voltage. This Inverter should be capable of also functioning in reverse power flow mode for charging the battery from grid power supply/DG set. The manufacturer is encouraged to integrate the Inverter-cum-Charger, solar and/ or wind charge controller, etc. into one cabinet. viii) Interconnecting wires, cables and hardware. 5.0 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: 5.1 The system shall reduce the electric energy units drawn by railway from the grid and thereby reduce IR’s CO2 emissions. 5.2 All wiring, enclosures and fixtures that are mounted outdoor must be resistant to high humidity conditions, corrosion, insect and dust intrusion. 5.3 Proper sealing arrangements at the points of cables entering the enclosures/ buildings should be incorporated. Although not mandatory, manufacturers are Page 5 of 35 Effective from October 2012 Spec No. RDSO/2009/EM/SPEC/0004 (Rev.‘1’) - 2012 however encouraged that the cables entering into the enclosures be sealed with modular EPDM based cable sealing and protection system based on multi-diameter technology. 5.4 In general, bolt, nuts, shims and other hardware should be zinc plated. Fasteners visible to the public shall generally be of stainless steel SS304. The generally applicable engineering principle will be that fasteners shall be equal to or of greater corrosion resistance than the most corrosion resistant metals being fastened. 5.5 The main components shall be integrated in such a way as to allow replacement (in case of failure) with a similarly functioning component of a newer design or a different brand. 5.6 Electronic components used in the controller or elsewhere in the system shall generally meet the requirements mentioned as follows (documentary evidence in support of the same should be given): i) ii) iii) iv) v) DC Link capacitors shall be rated for max temp of 85° C and other capacitors shall be rated for max. temp of 105° C. Resistances shall preferably be made of metal film of adequate rating having a tolerance of not more than 5%. Switching devices such as transistors, IGBTs, MOSFETs, etc. shall have minimum junction temp. of 150° C. Devices shall have adequate thermal margin at ambient temp. of 55°C Fiber glass epoxy of grade FR 4 or superior shall be used for PCB boards having a nominal board thickness of 1.6mm and copper cladding thickness of 70 microns for power cards and 35 microns for control cards. Both track width and spacing between the tracks shall be 0.5 mm nominal and in no case shall be less than 0.3 mm. Assembled PCBs shall be given a conformal coating for protection/resistance against chemicals, fungus and humid weather. 5.7 The system shall comply IEC 60364-7-712 and 62446. 5.8 Appropriate external lighting protection system shall be provided as per prevailing best practices in the field. 6.0 TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS: 6.1 System design, ratio of wind-solar energy and system sizing 6.1.1 System design The system will be designed to preferentially utilize renewable energy for supplying the essential general electrical loads and charging the battery. But when the battery gets discharged beyond a point, it will be possible to charge Page 6 of 35 Effective from October 2012 Spec No. RDSO/2009/EM/SPEC/0004 (Rev.‘1’) - 2012 the battery from grid electricity supply or else, in the event of grid supply outage, the system should be able to automatically start the DG set through potential free contact and utilizing AMF panel of DG set. The system will include a grid-synchronizing Inverter which will receive DC input from SCC/ WCC with Battery floated across the DC bus and deliver AC output for feeding the essential general electrical loads at railway stations, offices, etc. When the battery is in a fully charged state, the SCC and WCC will feed entirely to the Inverter and feed excess available power to the grid, if any; else, the SCC and WCC will charge the battery and any remnant excess power will be fed to the Inverter to supply other electrical loads/grid. The Inverter will be capable of bidirectional power flow so that it can also function as a charger. The Inverter should be capable of operating in parallel with the local grid power supply during excess energy grid feed mode. Thereby, under heavy load conditions, any balance power requirement over and above that available from the Inverter, can be fed by grid power supply. Also, during the time period when the station or office load is low, it should be possible to set up/ program the system to export any surplus renewable energy. 6.1.2 Ratio of wind-solar energy and sizing of the system In specifying the system, ratio of wind and solar energy should be decided in a manner that is economically beneficial to railways; in this regard, the MNRE norms for subsidy should also be taken into account. Sizing of SPV, WT, SCC, WCC, Inverter-cum-Charger, Battery, etc. will depend on the system load to be catered and the required autonomy. From economy considerations, it is recommended that sizing of the system should take into account only the most essential loads and two days (24-hrs) autonomy. In laying down the aforesaid autonomy, it has been presumed that the railway station/ office is equipped with grid electricity supply and a DG set. But if local conditions require so, the purchaser can size the system for an autonomy higher than 24-hrs. The purchaser must mention his specific requirements as per performa provided in Annexure-2 of this spec (Refer Item 5.2 in Annexure-2). 6.2 Wind Turbine (WT) 6.2.1 The WT must have undergone IEC 61400-12-1 type testing for power performance measurement and IEC 61400-2 type testing for safety from an accredited test house such as Govt of India’s Centre for Wind Energy Technology (CWET), NREL, etc. Further, the offered WT should also have regular empanelment from CWET (Refer Item 2.1 of Annexure-2). 6.2.2 All exposed/external parts of WT shall be suitably coated for prevention of corrosion in harsh marine environment. Although it is being kept optional (at the choice of purchaser) for now, manufacturers however are encouraged to get the WT type tested for salt spray test as per ASTM B-117 for a minimum period of 1,000 hours, if they have not already done so. In case of bulk tenders, zonal railways can consider specifying that the contractor furnish this type test certificate (Refer Item 2.2 of Annexure-2). Page 7 of 35 Effective from October 2012 Spec No. RDSO/2009/EM/SPEC/0004 (Rev.‘1’) - 2012 6.2.3 The manufacturer will need to furnish evidence that the WT being supplied is the same as the one type tested as per IEC 61400-12-1 and IEC 61400-2. Although it is not being made mandatory for now, manufacturers however are encouraged to create the necessary testing infrastructure for enabling the purchaser to verify the IEC 61400-12-1 certified power (watts) vs. rotational speed (RPM) in steps of 100 RPM, prior to dispatch. 6.2.4 Suitable protection such as furling mechanism, pitch control of blades or electromagnetic braking shall be provided for protection of WT against high velocity wind, storms and over-speeding. 6.2.5 The WT shall be able to withstand wind speeds of 55 m/sec or 198 kmph. 6.2.6 Mounting Towers shall be of 15 meter height and made of hot dip galvanized mild steel. Galvanization thickness shall be of min. 85μm. If the systems are installed in coastal/ corrosive areas, the minimum galvanization thickness shall be 120μm. Unless the purchaser has specifically asked for 120 μm thickness, normally 85 μm will be supplied. The turbine hub height shall be at least 5 meter above any obstruction within 200 meter radius. If at certain locations, tower height more than 15 m is required, then the same must be especially mentioned in the tender schedule. The tower has to be designed to withstand a minimum wind speed of 55 m/s or 198 kmph (Refer Items 1.3 & 2.3 of Annexure-2). 6.2.7 WT shall be grounded properly. Towards this end, the contractor will supply and install an adequate number and size of IS: 3043-1987 compliant earthing kits. 6.3 SPV Modules and related items 6.3.1 Solar panels and array junction boxes shall be installed on shade free roof while the PCU and distribution boards, etc. shall be housed indoors in the space to be provided by Railways. 6.3.2 The SPV panel shall have a provision for angular adjustment of the mounting structure to get maximum utilization of incident sunlight. It shall be mounted facing south and tilted to an angle equal to the latitude where being used, for optimum performance. 6.3.3 Railway Authority shall provide a shadow free area @ 125 - 150 sq. ft./ KWp of solar array. 6.3.4 Array structure of PV yard and all electrical equipments such as PCU, inverters, etc. shall be grounded properly. Towards this end, the contractor will supply and install an adequate number and appropriate size of IS: 3043-1987 compliant earthing kits; at least one each for AC circuit, DC circuit and lightning arrestor (if any). Page 8 of 35 Effective from October 2012 Spec No. RDSO/2009/EM/SPEC/0004 (Rev.‘1’) - 2012 6.3.5 Individual Solar PV Module should be of following minimum capacity: 230Wp for systems of 5KWp or above; 180Wp for systems of 3KWp to less than 5KWp; and 125Wp for systems below 3KWp. The modules used shall be conforming to IEC:61215 Ed 2 or latest – Edition II, IEC:61730 – I :2007, IEC: 61730 – II : 2007, manufactured in a plant certified under ISO 9001 : 2008 and type tested by an accredited national/international testing laboratory. The Solar PV Module should be made from single/poly crystalline Silicon Solar Cell connected in series. Imported SPV module or cell will not be accepted, unless MNRE’s policy/ rules permit the same. PV modules to be used in a highly corrosive atmosphere (coastal areas, etc.) must qualify Salt Mist Corrosion Testing as per IEC 61701; this compliance and certification will not be required, unless the purchaser specifically asks for the same. Cut cells should not be used for modules of 230Wp or above (Refer Item 3.2 of Annexure-2). 6.3.6 SPV modules of similar output with ± 2% tolerance in single string shall be employed to avoid array mismatch losses. 6.3.7 SPV module shall contain crystalline high power silicon solar cells. The solar cell shall have surface anti-reflective coating to help to absorb more light in all weather conditions. 6.3.8 Photo-electric conversion efficiency of SPV module shall not be less than 14% for modules rated equal to or above 180Wp and 13% for modules of 125 Wp to less than 180Wp. 6.3.9 Fill factor of the module shall not be less than 72%. 6.3.10 Each module shall have low iron tempered glass front for strength and superior light transmission. It shall also have tough multi-layered polymer back sheet for environmental protection against moisture and provide high voltage electrical insulation. Transmitivity of glass shall not be less than 91%. 6.3.11 Module junction box and terminal block (weather resistant with min. IP 65) shall be designed for long life outdoor operation in harsh environment. 6.3.12 Bird spike shall be provided so as to avoid bird sitting on the solar modules at the highest point of the array/module structure. 6.3.13 SPV module shall be highly reliable, light weight and shall have a service life of more than 25 years. SPV modules shall have a limited power loss of not more than 10% of nominal output at the end of 10 years and of not more than 20% of nominal output at the end of 25 years. 6.3.14 The rated output of any supplied modules shall not vary by more than 3% from the rated power rating of the module. Each module, therefore, has to be tested and rating displayed. Page 9 of 35 Effective from October 2012 Spec No. RDSO/2009/EM/SPEC/0004 (Rev.‘1’) - 2012 6.3.15 Whenever more than one module is required, identical modules shall be used. 6.3.16 The solar modules shall have suitable encapsulation and sealing arrangements to protect the silicon cells from the environment. The encapsulation arrangement shall ensure complete moisture proofing for the entire life of solar modules. The terminal block shall preferably be of Noryl rubber and shall have a provision for opening /replacing the cables if required. 6.3.17 Marking Each module shall carry the following clear and indelible markings:i) ii) iii) iv) vi) vii) viii) ix) x) xi) xii) Name, monogram or symbol of manufacturer Type or model number Serial number Polarity of terminals or leads (colour coding is permissible) Open – circuit voltage Operating voltage Maximum system voltage for which the module is suitable Operating current Short circuit current Date and place of manufacture Weight of the module 6.3.18 Each PV module must use a RF identification tag (RFID), which must contain the following information. The RFID can be inside or outside the module laminate, but must be able to withstand harsh environmental conditions. i) ii) iii) Name of the manufacturer of PV Module Name of the Manufacturer of Solar cells Month and year of the manufacture (separately for solar cells and module) iv) Country of origin (separately for solar cells and module) v) I-V curve for the module vi) Peak Wattage, Im, Vm and FF for the module vii) Unique Serial No. and Model No of the module viii) Date and year of obtaining IEC PV module qualification certificate ix) Name of the test lab issuing IEC certificate x) Other relevant information on traceability of solar cells and module as per ISO 9000 series. 6.3.19 Module Mounting Structure i) ii) The array structure shall be so designed that it will occupy minimum space without sacrificing the output from SPV panels. The structure shall be designed to allow easy replacement of any module and shall be in line with the site requirements. Page 10 of 35 iii) iv) v) vi) vii) Effective from October 2012 Spec No. RDSO/2009/EM/SPEC/0004 (Rev.‘1’) - 2012 The array structure shall be made of hot dipped galvanized MS angles of suitable size. Galvanization thickness shall be of min. 85μm. If the systems are installed in coastal/ corrosive areas, the minimum galvanization thickness of array structure shall be 120μm. Unless the purchaser has specifically asked for 120 μm thickness, normally 85 μm will be supplied (Refer Item 1.3 of Annexure-2). The foundation for module mounting structure shall be preferably 1:2:4 RCC construction or any other combination based on the local site condition requirement for which design details shall be submitted. The support structure, design and foundation shall normally be designed to withstand wind speed upto 150 kmph. In coastal/ high wind areas, the support structure, design and foundation shall be designed to withstand wind speed upto 200 kmph. If the purchaser does not specify anything to the contrary, then 150 kmph wind withstanding capability shall be provided (Refer Item 3.3 of Annexure-2). The clearance between the lowest part of the module structure and the developed ground level shall normally not be less than 500mm. However, in exceptional cases, lower clearances may be allowed on case to case basis. The module alignment and tilt angle shall be calculated to provide the maximum annual energy output. This shall be decided based on the location of array installation. 6.3.20 Junction Boxes i) The module junction boxes (if any) shall be certified as per IEC 61215. Else, they should have the same properties as mentioned for array junction boxes. Array sub-main and main junction boxes shall have the following properties: a. They shall be dust, vermin and waterproof and made of Polycarbonate - Glass Fibre Substance (PC-GFS) thermoplastic. The enclosure should be double insulated with protection class II as per IEC 61439-1. Material and the protection class shall be marked on the enclosure. b. The enclosure shall have a transparent front lid for enabling easy visibility. c. The enclosures shall have IP 65/66 protection in accordance with IEC 60529. Third party conformance certificate is required to be given for IP 65/ IP 66 degree of protection. d. Minimum requirements for fire protection in the event of internal faults: Glow wire test in accordance with IEC 60 695-2-11 at 960C for box and 850C for conducting components e. Burning Behavior: Base part of Polycarbonate Enclosure shall be UL94-V-0 compliant and Lid part of PC Enclosure shall be UL94-V2 compliant. Page 11 of 35 Effective from October 2012 Spec No. RDSO/2009/EM/SPEC/0004 (Rev.‘1’) - 2012 f. The enclosures shall have IK 08 degree of protection for mechanical load. g. The material used shall be halogen, silicon free conforming to RoHS directive 2002/95/EC. h. The enclosure shall have a usage temperature rating of -10C to 55C. i. The enclosure should be chemically resistant to acid, lye, petrol, mineral oil & partially resistant to benzene. j. The enclosures shall have a rated insulated voltage of 1000V DC and dielectric strength of 4.65 KV DC. k. The material of the enclosure shall be UV stabilized. Unless specifically asked for, the properties mentioned above should be demonstrated through datasheet of the manufacturer. ii) iii) iv) v) Class II SPDs as per IEC 61643-1, shall be used at the terminals of array junction boxes for external surge protection. Internal Surge protection (SPDs) shall consist of three MOV type arrestors connected from + ve and – ve terminal to earth (Via Y arrangement) for higher withstanding capacity with respect to the continuous PV-DC voltage during earth fault condition. SPD shall have safe disconnection and short circuit interruption arrangement through integrated DC in-built bypass fuse (parallel) which should get tripped during failure mode of MOV, extinguishing DC arc safely (created by inbuilt thermal disconnection) in order to protect the installation against fire hazards. Nominal discharge current (In) at 8/ 20 microseconds shall be minimum 10 KA with maximum discharge current (Imax) of minimum 20 KA at 8/ 20 microseconds with visual indication (through mechanical flag) in all modules to monitor the life of SPD. The Iscwpv (Short Circuit current withstand capacity of arrester) would be at least 10% more than nominal output current of the combiner box and AJB. Detailed internal schematic for the above SPDs, compliant to these specifications, should be submitted by the manufacturers. The junction boxes shall have suitable cable entry points fitted with cable glands of appropriate sizes for both incoming and outgoing cables. Though not mandatory, manufacturers are encouraged to provide suitable cable entry points fitted with MC-4 Connectors. Suitable markings should be provided on the bus bar for easy identification and cable ferrules shall be fitted at the cable termination points for identification. The Array Junction Box should preferably have maximum 08 input and 01 output with SPD and Terminal block. Page 12 of 35 Effective from October 2012 Spec No. RDSO/2009/EM/SPEC/0004 (Rev.‘1’) - 2012 6.3.21 Maintenance System: Railway shall equip the Array Yard with permanent Water Line along with Butterfly valve and rubber hose so that cleaning can be done by vendor during warranty period and later on by railway staff or agency. 6.3.22 Module and associated items shall be tested as per clauses 11.1, 11.2 and 11.3 of the specification. 6.3.23 The array voltage shall be so chosen that it lies well within the MPPT voltage range of the PCU over the entire lifetime of the modules. 6.4 Charge Controllers 6.4.1 Solar charge controller The Solar Charge Controller (SCC) will comply the following requirements: i) ii) SUITABLE for charging LMLA as well as VRLA battery. Suitable for receiving input from PV system and delivering DC power at appropriate voltage for battery charging and for supplying to the Inverter. iii) Compliant to IEC 62509 with the exception of self consumption and set point accuracy (±3% will be allowed). iv) IP 31 protection. Manufacturers are however encouraged to provide higher IP protection. v) Capable of handling 120% of module’s rated current. vi) MPPT technology. Manufacturers are encouraged to provide algorithm efficiency of 98% or higher. vii) Efficiency at rated output voltage and full load should not be less than 93% up to less than 30KWp and not less than 95% from 30KWp upwards. Even at less than full load, efficiency should not drop to less than 90% (for up to less than 30KWp) and not less than 92% (from 30KWp upwards) at 30% full load. viii) Temperature compensated charging. ix) Provision of blocking diode, preferably a Schottky diode, to prevent the battery from discharging itself through the SPV system/ charge controller. The current capacity of the blocking diode shall be 50% higher than the short circuit current at STC. The peak inverse voltage (PIV) of the diode shall be at least equal to the open circuit battery voltage. In case any alternative to Schottky diode is proposed, then technical literature and evidence in support of successful working of the same should be submitted for the consideration of RDSO/ purchaser. x) On the SPV power source side, the charge controller shall be protected against lightning and surges with the help of SPDs if the distance between charge controller and AJB is more than 10 m. The SPDs used Page 13 of 35 Effective from October 2012 Spec No. RDSO/2009/EM/SPEC/0004 (Rev.‘1’) - 2012 shall be rated for at least 10KA at 8/20 μSec for protection against lightning induced surges Class II as per IEC 61643-1. The voltage rating of the SPDs shall be at least 10V higher than the specified value of the SPV array. xi) Protection shall also be provided against the following: battery overload, battery overcharge, short circuit and reverse polarity. Auto resettable reverse polarity protection should be provided. xii) Cables of appropriate size shall be used to reduce the voltage drop between SPV and battery; and battery and the output of the charge controller. xiii) The charge controller shall incorporate the auto, bulk and float charging methods. Though not mandatory, manufacturers are however encouraged to provide equalization charging facility also. Battery charging modes shall be selectable as per battery type. xiv) The charge controller shall withstand a test voltage of 2,000V applied between DC line terminals and earth for one minute without any puncture and arcing. xv) The charge controller should withstand the environmental tests (as per IEC 60068/ IS 9000) listed below with the charge controller working at full load for at least last half an hour. For SPV systems of 10 KWp or higher capacity, environmental test results in respect of any similar design charge controller for at least 10 KWp SPV systems will be adequate. In respect of SPV systems of less than 10 KWp, test results for charge controller of identical capacity or any higher capacity will be adequate. a) Dry Heat Test: 50C±2C for 16 hours b) Damp Heat Test (Steady state): 40C, 95% RH for 4 days c) Damp Heat Test (Cyclic): 40C, 93% RH for 6 cycles (duration of one cycle shall be 24hrs) d) Cold Test: 0C for 16 hours e) Change of temperature Test: -10C to 50C for 3 cycles (rate of change in temperature shall be 3oC per minute) 6.4.2 Wind charge controller The Wind Charge Controller (WCC) will comply the following requirements: i) ii) iii) iv) Suitable for charging LMLA as well as VRLA battery. Suitable for accepting multi-phase AC input from wind turbine and delivering DC power supply at appropriate voltage for battery charging and for supplying to the Inverter. To be at least PWM based; manufacturers are however encouraged to offer MPPT technology. No minimum limit for efficiency is being mandated for now; but manufacturers are encouraged to provide the highest technically feasible efficiency. Page 14 of 35 Effective from October 2012 Spec No. RDSO/2009/EM/SPEC/0004 (Rev.‘1’) - 2012 v) vi) Temperature compensated charging. Provision of blocking diode, preferably a Schottky diode, to prevent battery from discharging itself through the WT/ charge controller. In case any alternative to Schottky diode is proposed, then technical literature and evidence in support of successful working of the same should be submitted for the consideration of RDSO/ purchaser. vii) To save the WT from over-speeding (in event of generated energy not being consumed) and consequential damage, a resistive dump load of adequate rating will be provided. The dump load’s rating shall be commensurate with that of the WT. Its material shall be Stainless Steel (SS 304) or any other material with proven design and with cooling fins, suitable for convection cooling and SS/ Brass mounting hardware. If any alternative to dump load is offered by the tenderer, then he should furnish literature endorsing such a design and/or evidence of successful working of the same for at least two years. viii) Protection against the following shall be provided: battery overload, battery overcharge, short circuit and reverse polarity. Resettable reverse polarity protection shall be provided. Although not mandatory, manufacturers are encouraged to provide auto resettable reverse polarity protection. ix) Rating of offered WCC shall be appropriate for the WT’s power rating. x) On the WT power source side, the charge controller shall be protected against lightning and surges. The SPDs used shall be rated for at least 10KA at 8/20 μSec. The voltage rating of the SPDs shall be at least 10V higher than the specified value of the WT. 6.4.3 Master controller It will be necessary that the aforesaid charge controllers as also the grid/DG fed charger maintain the battery to the highest possible State of Charge (SOC) while protecting the battery from deep discharge or extended overcharge. Such a technical arrangement is being termed here as ‘Master Controller’. In as far as possible, renewable energy will be utilized for battery charging. But if the battery’s state of charge drops below a point, then the master controller will enable the battery to be charged through the grid power supply or through a DG set, if grid power supply is not available. It should be possible for the purchaser to set the battery voltage at which the grid/ DG set fed Charger will be cut in. 6.4.4 Indications and meters Relevant meters/display should be provided for voltage, current and indication for Low Battery, Battery on charge and Battery fully charged. Detailed scheme shall be submitted at design/ drawing approval stage. Page 15 of 35 6.5 Effective from October 2012 Spec No. RDSO/2009/EM/SPEC/0004 (Rev.‘1’) - 2012 Power Conditioning Unit (PCU) 6.5.1 Constituents of PCU The term ‘Power Conditioning Unit (PCU)’ generally refers to the MPPT controller, Inverter and associated items. The PCU should preferably integrate within itself, all of the following systems: i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) Inverter, capable of bi-directional power flow MPPT based solar charge controller Wind charge controller (if it is a wind-solar hybrid system) Master controller Isolation transformer at output (alternate scheme, if any, will need to be examined/approved at design scrutiny stage) Essential protection devices Suitable breaker/isolator at Array, Battery and PCU output. Hereafter, the term PCU will be used to collectively refer to all the above subsystems. 6.5.2 Minimal functionality of PCU Following will be the minimal functional requirements for PCU: i) PCU should be a solar and wind priority based system, so as to ensure maximum utilization of available renewable energy. It should be possible to set priority between array/grid/battery. The priority setting should be menu driven from the front panel. ii) PCU Inverter shall be of grid synchronizing type and operate in parallel with the grid electricity supply. iii) It should be possible to charge the batteries through the solar charge controller, wind charge controller and grid/ DG fed charger. iv) In the event that battery is in a low state of charge and if grid supply is not available, the PCU must have the facility to provide a potential free contact (PFC) signal to enable starting and stopping of the DG set through railway’s external AMF panel. It must have the ability to synchronize with the DG set and optimally use the DG set power to charge battery bank as well as feed the load simultaneously. v) Whenever the grid voltage and frequency are beyond the operating range, the Inverter will be disconnected from the grid. PCU will supply continuous power to load without any interruption. vi) The MPPT voltage range of the PCU shall be well within the array voltage of the solar modules over their entire lifetime. vii) Where PCU hasn’t been provided with galvanic isolation, a type B residual current device (RCD) according to IEC 60755 amendment 2 shall be installed to provide fault protection by automatic disconnection of supply. Page 16 of 35 Effective from October 2012 Spec No. RDSO/2009/EM/SPEC/0004 (Rev.‘1’) - 2012 6.5.3 System operation modes for inverter i) Standalone Mode: When grid supply is absent, the Inverter works in a stand-alone configuration. The solar and wind charge controllers will charge the battery and simultaneously feed the load through the inverter. If neither grid nor renewable energy supply is available at a point of time, then battery will support the load. ii) Grid Charging Mode: Battery charging through Grid shall be activated via the bidirectional inverter when the battery’s state of charge is low. Battery charging current from Solar and Grid shall be settable. Max power from Grid shall be max.125% of PCU capacity. iii) Grid Export Mode: It should be possible to feed AC power to Grid if there is excess SPV and/or WT generation and battery is fully charged. Anti Islanding protection should be in-built. iv) Auto Mode: Depending on the actual situation occurring in field, the system will intelligently select any one of the aforementioned operating modes. v) Sleep mode: Although not a mandatory requirement, firms are however encouraged to provide enable/disable feature so that in event of no load being connected or no export power being available, the system will go into sleep mode. 6.5.4 Other technical features of the PCU Following will be the other technical features of PCU: S. N. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Parameters Inverter Type Nominal Inverter rating Nominal battery DC input voltage Description Frequency PWM IGBT based Dependent on the load connected Dependent on system power rating (for 10KWp and above, it should be 96 V DC or higher) 230V 1-ph or 415V 3-ph AC 50Hz ± 0.5Hz in standalone mode. ± 2% Pure Sine wave 230VAC ±15%/ 415V AC ±15% Output voltage Frequency Voltage regulation Waveform Operation AC voltage range Frequency synchronizing 50Hz ± 5% Range THD & PF i) Output Voltage THD <5% (manufacturers are however encouraged to provide 3%). Page 17 of 35 S. N. Effective from October 2012 Parameters 11. Load Power factor 12. 13. 14. 15. Overload Crest factor Audible Noise Inverter efficiency 16. Protection 17. Ingress protection 18. 19. Back up DG Interface Display / Indications 20. Indications & Alarms 21. Connectivity 22. Data Logging Spec No. RDSO/2009/EM/SPEC/0004 (Rev.‘1’) - 2012 Description ii) Current THD during battery charging through grid current distortion shall be <10%. iii) During import and export, power factor shall be >0.97 0.65 to unity, output will remain within the rated KVA capacity. 150% for 60 sec 3:1 Less than 65 dB at 1 Meter Min. 90% upto 5KVA and 92% for >5KVA at full load. Manufacturers are however encouraged to offer higher efficiencies. i) Output Overload, Short circuit, Output under voltage, DC under and Over voltage ii) Protection against surge voltage induced at output due to external source if the same is not provided on ACDB. Scheme should be the same as described in ACDB. iii) Anti-islanding iv) Over-temperature IP21 for transformer portion (if any) and IP31 for PCBs and Electronics portion. Manufacturers are encouraged to provide better IP protections Through PFC (Potential free contact) LCD /LED type displays indicating the important parameters of: i) Array ii) Battery iii) Grid iv) Output For all faults, visible and audible alarm should be given. RS 232 port for local monitoring; Provision of LAN/ WAN interface for monitoring. i) Adjustable logging repetition from 1 sec to 7 minutes. ii) Storage capacity of up to 100 days with 5 mins logs. iii) Time and date stamped log entries iv) Time and date marked fault log with fault description and details. Page 18 of 35 S. N. 23. 24. Effective from October 2012 Parameters Parameters to be logged EMI/EMC Spec No. RDSO/2009/EM/SPEC/0004 (Rev.‘1’) - 2012 Description i) Inverter input & output KWh, Battery input & output KWh, Solar KWh, Grid, Wind KWh & DG Set KWh, etc. ii) System parameters of Grid, Inverter, Battery, Solar, Wind charge current, etc. iii) Solar insolation and temperature of Array Yard; Wind Speed (if WT is provided). Compliance to IEC 62040-2. Though not mandatory, manufacturers are encouraged to comply IEC 61000-6-2 and IEC 61000-6-4. Note: 1. Provision of LAN/ WAN interface and web monitoring is mandatory for total system peak power of 10KW and above. 2. Measurement/ logging of Solar insolation and Yard temperature is mandatory for SPV rating of 10KWp and above. 3. Wind Speed measurement is mandatory for WT power rating of 5KW and above. 4. Manufacturers are however encouraged to provide the features mentioned in note no. 1, 2 and 3 even for systems of lower capacities. 6.5.5 Export Metering If required, statutory approval of local authorities/ state electricity distribution company, etc. shall be obtained by the Railway Authority. An export meter (for recording the number of units exported to the grid), if required, shall be either installed by state electricity distribution company or else the respective Railway Authority may include the same in their scope of work. It is emphasized here, that the primary purpose of installing SPV system covered by this spec., is to meet railway’s own energy requirement, rather than supplying renewable energy to the public grid. Export metering will be an optional item; it will be specifically mentioned by purchaser, if required (Refer Item 1.4 of Annexure-2). 6.5.6 Distribution Boards Distribution Board arrangement, as appropriate to the system rating, should be provided. In this regard, the following general guidelines will be applicable: i) DC distribution board/ combiner shall be provided in between solar array and PCU. It shall have DC Disconnector/ MCCB of suitable rating for connection and disconnection of array section. It shall have meters, preferably of digital type for measuring the array voltage and array current. Page 19 of 35 ii) Effective from October 2012 Spec No. RDSO/2009/EM/SPEC/0004 (Rev.‘1’) - 2012 AC distribution board shall be provided in between PCU and loads. It shall have an integrated energy meter, voltmeter and ammeter, which is preferably of digital type. ACDB should have Class I + II (as per IEC 62305; IEC 61643 and IEC 60364-5-53), 100 kA Surge Suppression inbuilt for surge protection. Surge protection on AC side (Type 1 + Type 2), consisting of base part and plug in protection modules, shall be provided for fire safe and fire proof operation at site. Total discharge capacity/ Lightning Impulse current (Iimp) at 10/350 μ sec and nominal discharge current (In) at 8/ 20 μ sec shall be minimum 100 KA for three phase power supply system and 50 KA for single phase power supply system. The discharge capability of L-N connected module shall be 25 KA at 10/350 μ sec and 8/20 μ sec. All the L-N & N-E connected arresters shall have built in mechanical health indication. The aforesaid arrangement shall offer voltage protection level (Up) of <= 1.5 KV to protect the sensitive electronics inside the Inverters, having follow current extinguishing and limiting capability up to 25 KA rms (at 255V) without tripping of even small rating 32 AGL/ gG fuse and approved from international independent test labs like KEMA or VDE or UL as per latest IEC 61643-1: 2005 or equivalent EN 61643-11: 2002 + A 11: 2007 standards. SPDs on the ACDB shall only be provided if the same haven’t been provided on the PCU. 6.5.7 Web based system monitoring RDSO and the concerned railway shall be afforded free of cost facility for viewing the system performance data on the manufacturer’s or system integrator’s or RDSO’s web portal for the contractual warranty period of the system. Arrangements thereafter shall be as may be agreed between railway and the firm. 6.5.8 Environmental Testing of Inverter The inverter should withstand the environmental tests (as per IEC 60068/ IS 9000) listed below with the inverter working at full load for at least last half an hour. For inverters of 5 KVA or higher rating, environmental test results in respect of any similar design inverter for at least 5 KVA rating will be adequate. In respect of inverter rating less than 5 KVA, environmental test results for inverter of identical capacity or any higher capacity will be adequate. a) Dry Heat Test: 50C±2C for 16 hours b) Damp Heat Test (Steady state): 40C, 95% RH for 4 days c) Damp Heat Test (Cyclic): 40C, 93% RH for 6 cycles (duration of one cycle shall be 24hrs) d) Cold Test: 0C for 16 hours e) Change of temperature Test: -10C to 50C for 3 cycles (rate of change in temperature shall be 3oC per minute) Page 20 of 35 6.6 Effective from October 2012 Spec No. RDSO/2009/EM/SPEC/0004 (Rev.‘1’) - 2012 Battery Bank: i) Unless otherwise specified by the purchaser, the contractor shall supply tubular LMLA battery suitable for solar applications. The purchaser can at his option specify low maintenance lead acid OPzS/TBS or any other type of battery, depending on the specific site requirements (Refer Item 5.1 of Annexure-2). ii) If LMLA battery is used then it should be tubular lead acid battery as per IS 13369/IS 1651. The permissible self-discharge rate shall not be more than 3% at 27°C/30°C. Battery shall have cycle life of 5000 cycles at 20% depth of discharge (DOD) and 1500 cycles at 80% DOD. The battery shall have a minimum designed life expectancy of 8 years. If called for, the manufacturer shall be able to justify the designed life through accelerated life test as per IEEE 535 or other relevant national or international standard. The Ah efficiency as measured in accordance with the relevant IS shall not be less than 90%. The Wh efficiency as measured in accordance with the relevant IS shall not be less than 80%. The batteries shall have topping up frequency of not less than 6 months. Battery shall be provided with micro-porous vent plugs and acid level indicator. iii) If low maintenance lead acid OPzS/TBS (tubular stationary cells in transparent Strene SAN container) type of battery shall be used, it shall conform to DIN 40736/40737. The battery shall have a minimum designed life expectancy of 15 years. If called for, the manufacturer shall be able to justify the designed life through accelerated life test as per IEEE 535 or other relevant national or international standard. The Ah efficiency as measured in accordance with the relevant IS shall not be less than 90%. The Wh efficiency as measured in accordance with the relevant IS shall not be less than 80%. The batteries shall have topping up frequency of not less than 12 months. iv) The capacity of the batteries shall be so chosen that they can be discharged up to 80% DOD. The capacity of the batteries will also be dependent on the autonomy required, load and its profile (Refer Item 5.2 in Annexure-2). v) The charging instructions shall be provided along with the batteries. vi) Make of the battery shall be finalized at the system design stage. vii) Battery Testing: a. b. All routine tests as per applicable standards shall be conducted on the batteries. Following Battery performance characteristic curves shall be submitted: Page 21 of 35 Effective from October 2012 Spec No. RDSO/2009/EM/SPEC/0004 (Rev.‘1’) - 2012 i) Discharge characteristics at different rates of discharge ii) Self discharge at various ambient temperatures. iii) Capacity vs Rate of discharge. iv) State of charge vs. Sp. Gravity of electrolyte. v) Depth of discharge vs number of cycles vi) Test data of accelerated life test as per IEEE 535 or other relevant national or international standard for a representative cell. Test reports from a govt. accredited laboratory shall be accepted. In case of OPzS batteries, internal test reports of the manufacturer shall also be acceptable. Manufacturers are however encouraged to get the OPzS battery test reports from accredited labs; in the future, test report from accredited laboratory is likely to be made a mandatory requirement. 6.7 Cables and Hardware 6.7.1 Cabling of the system shall be as short as possible to minimize the voltage drop in the wiring. 6.7.2 The cables used in module/ array wiring shall be TUV 2Pfg 1169/08.2007 or VDE EPV 01:2008-02 or UL4703 certified. 6.7.3 Cables of appropriate size to be used in the rest of the system shall have the following characteristics: Temp. Range –10ºC to +120ºC. Voltage rating 600/1000V Excellent resistance to heat, cold, water, oil, abrasion, UV radiation, ozone and weathering iv) Low smoke, low toxicity. v) Flame retardant vi) Flexible vii) Fulfills IEC 60332-1 requirements. Accredited lab test report/Manufacturers test report shall be attached. viii) Conductor class IEC 60228 class 5. Accredited lab test report/Manufacturers test report shall be attached. i) ii) iii) 6.7.4 All wiring must be sized to keep line voltage losses to less than 3% in each sub circuit and to allow the circuit to operate within the ampere rating of the wire. 6.7.5 Components and hardware shall be vandal and theft resistant. All parts shall be corrosion-resistant. Page 22 of 35 Effective from October 2012 Spec No. RDSO/2009/EM/SPEC/0004 (Rev.‘1’) - 2012 6.7.6 Voltage drop on the DC side from array to the inverter should not be more than 3%. Necessary calculations in this regard shall also be submitted during design approval. 6.7.7 Overload protection may be omitted for PV string and PV array cables when the continuous current-carrying capacity of the cable is equal to or greater than 1.25 times ISC STC at any location. Necessary calculations in this regard shall be submitted during design approval. 6.7.8 Overload protection may be omitted for PV main cable if the continuous current-carrying capacity of the cable is equal to or greater than 1.25 times I SC STC of the PV generator. Necessary calculations in this regard shall be submitted during design approval. 6.8 Protections 6.8.1 Adequate protection shall be incorporated under no-load conditions (i.e. when the system is ON and there is no load) from master controller output side. 6.8.2 If any other protection is necessary, the same will be deemed to be a part of the specification. 6.9 Marking Each system shall carry the following clear and indelible markings on the controller: - Name, monogram or symbol of system integrator; Type or model number; Serial number; Polarity of terminals or leads (colour coding is permissible); Output voltage. Max. Power output Date of supply SPV details, as specified in Cl. 6.3.17 - WT details Serial no. Operating voltage Wattage at rated wind speed. Rated wind speed Date of manufacture At which lab type testing was done Date of CWET regular empanelment -Battery details Battery Technology details Battery Voltage Total AH No./AH of batteries Page 23 of 35 Effective from October 2012 Spec No. RDSO/2009/EM/SPEC/0004 (Rev.‘1’) - 2012 6.10 The system description, general/technical requirements, etc. are given for general guidance only. The supplier/manufacturer shall submit the detailed design of the complete solar generating system, WT, etc. by using their software to optimize the combination of modules considering the specific location, insolation, nature of load, etc. 7.0 INSTALLATION & COMMISSIONING: The installation shall be done by the supplier/manufacturer who is responsible for the system’s performance, direction of installation and structural stability. The supplier shall conduct a detailed site assessment. The installer shall obtain data specific to the site, rather than relying on general data. The wiring diagram and operation and maintenance information details shall be given as detailed in IEC 62446. 8.0 DOCUMENTATION: The supplier shall provide easy-to-use illustrated installation and operation manual in English and local language for easy installation and trouble-free usage. Manual shall contain complete system details such as array layout, schematic of the system, working principle, clear instructions on regular maintenance, trouble shooting of the system and emergency shutdown procedures. 9.0 DESIGN APPROVAL: Design for complete system and sub-system shall be approved by RDSO at design stage before manufacture of prototype conforming to this specification. The criteria for selection of sub-system / component shall be based on sound engineering practice conforming to the International / Indian Standards, wherever specific standard is not specified in this specification. The wiring diagram and operation and maintenance information details shall be given as detailed in IEC 62446.The detailed calculation/simulated results shall be submitted in support of system/sub-system rating. Adequate safety margin as stipulated in respective specification shall be used. 10.0 PROTOTYPE APPROVAL: 10.1 The prototype system shall be offered to RDSO for type testing and approval. 10.2 For certain tests, the type testing authority i.e. RDSO may choose to rely upon previous type test reports/conformance certificates, as long as they pertain to similar design and comparable rating. However, the manufacturer cannot demand this as a matter of right. 10.3 Until the railways are able to issue their vendor list, they may in the interim period invite tender/ place order with the provision of accepting the material on Page 24 of 35 Effective from October 2012 Spec No. RDSO/2009/EM/SPEC/0004 (Rev.‘1’) - 2012 the basis of firm’s written clause-by-clause confirmation of the spec. and acceptance test alone, wherever this is considered necessary by CEE. 11.0 TESTS: The manufacturer shall carry out routine tests at his works and shall maintain records for the same. Acceptance testing shall be carried out by the purchaser or his representative or by any agency deputed by the purchaser on his behalf. 11.1 Test on SPV Module S.N. Name of Test 1. Visual Examination Type Test √ Routine Test √ Acceptance Method Test √ Refer Annexure 1 2. Design Qualification √ √ √* IEC 61215 & Cl. 6.3.5 3. Safety Test √ √ √* IEC 61730 & Cl. 6.3.5 4. Photo Electrical Conversion Efficiency √ √ √ By Sun simulator on each module & Cl. 6.3.8 5. Fill Factor √ √ √ By Sun simulator on each module& Cl. 6.3.9 6. Transmitivity of Glass √ 7. Rated output of module √ 8. Module mismatch test 9. As per Cl. 6.3.10 √ √ By Sun simulator on each module. Also refer Cl. 6.3.5 √ √ Refer Cl 6.3.14 Terminal block √ √ Refer Cl. 6.3.11 and Cl. 6.3.16 10. Provision of Bird Spike √ √ Refer Cl 6.3.12 11. Provision of RFID tag with requisite details √ √ Refer Cl 6.3.18 12. Environmental tests √ 13. Marking √ 14. Provision of Earthing √ √ √** √ Refer Annexure 1 √ Refer Cl. 6.3.17 √ Refer Cl. 6.3.4 Page 25 of 35 Spec No. RDSO/2009/EM/SPEC/0004 (Rev.‘1’) - 2012 Effective from October 2012 S.N. Name of Test Type Test √ Routine Test 15. Warranty Certificate for the modules 16. 17. Acceptance Method Test √ Refer Cl. 6.3.13 Voltage range to be within MPPT range of the PCU √ √ √ Refer Cl. 6.3.23 Cable used in module/ array √ √ √ Refer Cl. 6.7.2 * Copy of the latest conformance certificates should be asked. ** If compliance has already been checked during type testing, the same will be relied upon, otherwise compliance will be ensured through physical tests. 11.2 Test on Module Mounting Structure/ WT Tower S. N. Name of Test Type Routine Test Test √ √ √ 1. 2. Visual Examination Dimension 3. 5. Design calculation on Tower wind withstand capability Clearance between module and ground Galvanization thickness 6. Foundation 7. Provision for angular adjustment of the mounting structure 4. 11.3 √ Acceptance Method Test √ √ As per manufacturer’s data sheet √ Refer Cl. 6.2.6 & 6.3.19(v) √ √ √ √ √ √ Refer Cl6.3.19(vi) Refer Cl. 6.2.6 & 6.3.19(iii) Refer Cl.6.3.19(iv) Refer Cl. 6.3.2 Test on module junction box, Array sub-main and main Junction Box S. N. Name of Test Type Test √ Routine Test √ Acceptance Test √ Method 1. Visual Examination Refer Cl.6.3.20 2. Material √ √ Refer Cl. 6.3.20(i) 3. IP Protection √ √ Refer Cl. 6.3.20(i)c 4. Surge Protection √ √ Refer Cl. 6.3.20(ii) 5. Cable entry and markings √ Refer Cl. 6.3.20(iii) & (iv) Page 26 of 35 11.4 Spec No. RDSO/2009/EM/SPEC/0004 (Rev.‘1’) - 2012 Test on Wind Turbine S.N. € Effective from October 2012 Name of Test Type Test √ Routine Test √ Acceptance Test √ Method √ √ As per Cl. 6.2.1 √€ As per Cl. 6.2.2 1. Visual Examination 2. Power Rating as per CWET/ accredited test house √ 3. Corrosion resistance √ 4. Power vs RPM curve √ 5. Protection against high velocity/ overspeeding √ √ √ As per Cl. 6.2.4 6. Mounting Structure and its galvanization thickness √ √ √ As per Cl. 6.2.6 7. Design calculation on tower wind withstand capability √ √ √€ As per Cl. 6.2.6 8. Provision of earthing √ √€ As per Cl. 6.2.7 As per Cl. 6.2.3 To verify test certificate 11.5 Test on Solar Charge Controller S.N. Name of Test Type Test √ Routine Test √ Acceptance Test √ √ √ 1. Visual Examination 2. Rating √ 3. Compliance to IEC: 62509 √ √£ 4. Auto, bulk, float and equalization charging of battery MPPT Technology √ √ √ √ Capability for handling 120% of rated current √ √ 5. 6. Method Refer Cl. 6.4.1-(iii) Refer Cl. 6.4.1-(xiii) Refer Cl. 6.4.1-(vi) Refer Cl. 6.4.1-(v) Page 27 of 35 S.N. £ Spec No. RDSO/2009/EM/SPEC/0004 (Rev.‘1’) - 2012 Effective from October 2012 Name of Test Type Test √ 7. Efficiency 8. Temp. Compensation √ 9. Protection Test √ Routine Test Acceptance Test √ √ √ √ 10. IP protection √ √ 11. Surge protection √ √ 12. Functionality and rating of the charge controller 13. Blocking Diode √ √ √ √ √ √ 14. Over Voltage Test √ √ 15. Environmental Test √ √£ 16. Suitability for both LMLA as well as VRLA 17. Checking of electronic components 18. Output to be cut-off on 80% DOD of battery √ √ √ √ √ √ Method Refer Cl. 6.4.1-(vii) Refer Cl. 6.4.1-(viii) Refer Cl. 6.4.1-(xi) Refer Cl. 6.4.1-(iv) Refer Cl. 6.4.1-(x) Refer Cl. 6.4.1 Refer Cl. 6.4.1-(ix) Refer Cl. 6.4.1-(xiv) Refer Cl. 6.4.1-(xv) Refer Cl. 6.4.1-(i) Refer Cl 5.6 Refer Cl. 6.6(iv) √ √ √ Refer Cl. 19. Master Controller & charger functionality (if any) 6.4.3 If compliance has already been checked during type testing, the same will be relied upon, otherwise compliance will be ensured through physical tests. 11.6 Test on Wind Charge Controller S.N. Name of Test Type Test √ Routine Test √ Acceptance Method Test √ 1. Visual Examination 2. Rating of WCC √ √ √ 3. Efficiency √ √ √ 4. Temperature Compensation Provision of blocking diode Protection √ √ √ 5. 6. √ As per Cl 6.4.2(ix) As per Cl 6.4.2(iv) As per Cl 6.4.2(v) As per Cl 6.4.2(vi) Page 28 of 35 Effective from October 2012 S.N. Name of Test Spec No. RDSO/2009/EM/SPEC/0004 (Rev.‘1’) - 2012 Type Test √ 7. Battery overvoltage 8. Short Circuit √ 9. Reverse Polarity √ 10. Output to be cut-off on 80% DOD of battery Dump load √ 11. 11.7 Routine Test Acceptance Method Test √ As per Cl 6.4.2(viii) √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Refer Cl. 6.6(iv) As per Cl 6.4.2(vii) Tests on Battery S.N. Name of Test Type Test √ Routine Test √ Acceptance Test √ Method 1. Visual Examination 2. 3. √ √ √ √ Refer Cl. 6.6(i) Refer Cl. 6.6(iv) 4. Battery Type Battery Voltage and AH Ah Efficiency √* √¥ 5. Wh Efficiency √* √¥ 6. Battery Life √* √¥ 7. Self-Discharge Test √* √¥ 8. Battery Characteristics √* √¥ Refer Cl. 6.6 (ii) & (iii) Refer Cl. 6.6 (ii) & (iii) Refer Cl. 6.6 (ii) & (iii) Refer Cl. 6.6 (ii) & (iii) Refer Cl. 6.6 (ii), (iii) & (vii-b) ¥ To be relied on datasheets and test reports 11.8 Tests on PCU S. N. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Description Visual Examination MPPT function Efficiency EMI/EMC Output Voltage Regulation AC voltage range Waveform Type test √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Routine test √ √ √ Acceptance Test √ Remark √ √ √β √ Refer Cl. 6.5.4 Refer Cl. 6.5.4 Refer Cl. 6.5.4 √ √ √ Refer Cl. 6.5.4 Page 29 of 35 S. N. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. β Effective from October 2012 Description THD Frequency in standalone mode Frequency range in synchronizing mode Load power factor Overload capability Crest factor Noise level IP protection Protection Overload Short circuit DC Over voltage Grid over/under voltage Anti Islanding Over temperature Solar-Grid-Battery priority functionality. Grid Export function Grid Import function DG interface functionality Connectivity to other systems and to web Environmental Test of inverter Provision of RCD Type test √ √ Spec No. RDSO/2009/EM/SPEC/0004 (Rev.‘1’) - 2012 Routine test Acceptance Test √ √ √ Remark Refer Cl. 6.5.4 Refer Cl. 6.5.4 Refer Cl. 6.5.4 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Refer Cl. 6.5.4 Refer Cl. 6.5.4 Refer Cl. 6.5.4 Refer Cl. 6.5.4 Refer Cl. 6.5.4 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Refer Cl. 6.5.4 Refer Cl. 6.5.4 Refer Cl. 6.5.4 Refer Cl. 6.5.4 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Refer Cl. 6.5.4 Refer Cl. 6.5.4 Refer Cl. 6.5.2 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Refer Cl. 6.5.3 Refer Cl. 6.5.3 Refer Cl. 6.5.4 √ √ √ Refer Cl. 6.5.4 √ √β Refer Cl. 6.5.8 √ √ Refer 6.5.2(vii) Cl. If compliance has already been checked during type testing, the same will be relied upon, otherwise compliance will be ensured through physical tests. 11.9 S. N. Tests on Cable Description 1. Cable size 2. Temperature range Voltage rating 3. Type test √ Routine test √ Acceptance Test √ Remark √*& √*& √*& Refer Cl 6.4.1(xii), 6.7.1, 6.7.4, 6.7.6, 6.7.7 & 6.7.8 Refer Cl. 6.7.3(i) √*& √*& √*& Refer Cl. 6.7.3(ii) Page 30 of 35 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Effective from October 2012 Resistance to heat, cold, water, oil, abrasion Resistance to UV radiation Resistance to Ozone Low smoke, low toxicity Flame retardant Flexibility IEC 60332-1 compliant IEC 60228 Class 5 compliant Spec No. RDSO/2009/EM/SPEC/0004 (Rev.‘1’) - 2012 √*& √*& √*& Refer Cl. 6.7.3(iii) √*& √*& √*& Refer Cl. 6.7.3(iii) √*& √*& √*& Refer Cl. 6.7.3(iii) √*& √*& √*& Refer Cl. 6.7.3(iv) √*& √ √*& √*& √ √*& √*& √ √*& Refer Cl. 6.7.3(v) Physical inspection Refer Cl. 6.7.3(vii) √*& √*& √*& Refer Cl. 6.7.3(viii) *& Accredited lab test report/Manufacturers test report shall be acceptable. 11.10 Tests on Distribution Boards, Export metering and Web based monitoring S. N. 1. 2. 3. 4. Description DCDB- Provision of DC disconnector, etc. ACDB Export Metering Web Based Monitoring Type Routine test AcceptRemark test ance Test √ √ √ Refer Cl. 6.5.6(i) √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Refer Cl. 6.5.6(ii) Refer Cl. 6.5.5 Refer Cl. 6.5.7 Page 31 of 35 Effective from October 2012 Spec No. RDSO/2009/EM/SPEC/0004 (Rev.‘1’) - 2012 Annexure - 1 Quality Testing of PV-Module Solar PV module shall be certified according to IEC 61215. The qualification testing procedure is defined in IEC 61215 to examine the impact of mechanical, thermal and electrical stress on power output. Bidder shall submit appropriate type approval certificate for the offered solar modules from IEC accredited laboratories. Method of Testing 1.0 Visual Inspection: Each module shall be carefully inspected under an illumination of not less than1000 lux for the following conditions: i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) 2.0 Cracked, bent, misaligned or torn external surfaces Broken/ cracked cells Faulty interconnections or joints Cells touching one another or the frame Failure of adhesive bonds, bubbles or delaminations forming a continuous path between a cell and edge of the module Faulty terminations, exposed live electrical parts Junction box should have common terminals with suitable bypass diode for preventing hot spot problem. Performance at STC: (Clause 10.1 of IEC 61215:2005) The current-voltage characteristics of the module shall be determined in accordance with IEC 60904-1 at a specific set of irradiance and temperature conditions. Performance of PV-Module shall be generally evaluated at Standard-TestConditions (STC) as defined in IEC 60904 standards: i) ii) iii) 3.0 Cell temp of 25° C, Incident solar irradiance of 1000W/m2, Spectral distribution of light spectrum with an air mass AM=1.5 Environmental Testing: Following environmental tests shall be conducted on offered module or on module of similar design, for initial clearance of the offered system: Test Cold Test Dry Heat Test Details 0 Temp. (-) 10 C Duration: 16 hrs. Temp. (+) 700C Duration: 16 hrs Relevant Standards IEC-68-2-1 IEC-68-2-2 Page 32 of 35 Effective from October 2012 Spec No. RDSO/2009/EM/SPEC/0004 (Rev.‘1’) - 2012 Temp. (+) 350C, RH 95% Duration: 2 hrs spray and 22 hrs conditioning No. of Cycle : 01 Wind Pressure equivalent to an air velocity of 200 km/hr. Rain Test as required in the mentioned standards Dust Temp : 40°C, RH < 50% Duration – 1 hr * If compliance to IEC 61701 has been asked by will not be required. Salt spray* IEC-68-2-11 Test Ka JSS: 55555 (Test No. 12) JSS: 55555 (Test No. 14) the purchaser, then this test Note: Before and after each environmental test, the solar modules shall be subjected to performance test on sun simulator and insulation resistance test. Degradation of the maximum output power shall not exceed 5% of the value measured before the test. 4.0 Acceptance Criteria: The Module is deemed to have passed the tests if the sample meets the following criteria: There is no evidence of a major visual defect such as a cracked or broken window, bubbles or de-lamination in the encapsulant, etc. There is no cell breakage and no water infiltration into terminal boxes. No sample exhibits any open circuit or ground fault. No visible evidence of major defects that may affect the performance of the module. Insulation Resistance not less than 50M-ohm at 500 V DC. Degradation of performance may not exceed 5% after each single test or 8% after the whole sequence. ------------- Page 33 of 35 Effective from October 2012 Spec No. RDSO/2009/EM/SPEC/0004 (Rev.‘1’) - 2012 Annexure - 2 TECHNICAL DETAILS TO BE FURNISHED BY THE PURCHASER IN HIS REQUISITION/ TENDER 1. System: .1 .2 .3 .4 Whether 1-ph 230 or 415V 3-ph system is required ? Whether wind-cum-solar or only solar based system is required ? (Refer Cl. 2.0) Galvanization Thickness (Refer Cl. 6.2.6 & 6.3.19(iii)) Is the supply of Export Meter required {Refer Cl. 6.5.5} (Yes/No): 2. Wind Turbine and Support Structure: Total power rating of wind turbines (WT) required# (Refer Cl. 6.2.1) .2 Is the firm required to submit type test certificate for salt spray test as per ASTM B-117 for a minimum period of 1,000 hours? (Refer Cl. 6.2.2) (Yes/No) .3 Will the height of all towers be 15m? (Yes/No) If no, then mention number of towers >15m along with their height. This will also need to be mentioned in tender work schedule. (Refer Cl. 6.2.6) # Before specifying the WT rating, the purchaser must consult C-WET’s latest regular empanelment list, etc. .1 3. SPV Module and Support Structure: .1 .2 .3 Total power rating of SPV system (KWp) Is the firm required to submit type test certificate for Salt Mist Corrosion Testing? (see Cl. 6.3.5) (Yes/No) Support structure, design and foundation wind withstanding capability required (see Cl. 6.3.19 v) 4. Inverter: .1 .2 KVA rating of the Inverter required? Output voltage rating of Inverter? 5. Battery .1 .2 Battery type (see Cl. 6.6(i)) Battery capacity required (VAH) (see Cl. 6.1.2 and Cl. 6.6 (iv)) Page 34 of 35 Effective from October 2012 Spec No. RDSO/2009/EM/SPEC/0004 (Rev.‘1’) - 2012 Annexure - 3 TECHNICAL DATA TO BE FURNISHED BY THE TENDERER IN HIS OFFER 1. Wind Turbine: i) ii) iii) iv) v) Make and model no. Rating of individual Wind Turbine (CWET certified power rating) No. of Wind Turbines used Regular empanelment from C-WET? (Yes/ No) Provision of dump load in case of wind turbines (Yes/No) If no, then literature endorsing your alternate arrgt/ design and/or evidence of successful working of the same (Refer Cl. 6.4.2(vii)) 2. SPV Module: i) ii) iii) iv) v) Make and model no. ( Refer Cl. 6.3.5) Cumulative Power (KWp) DC voltage range generated by the SPV array Module efficiency ( Refer Cl. 6.3.8) Module Fill factor (Refer Cl. 6.3.9) 3. Charge Controllers: (please provide complete details for WCC, SCC and explain the master controller functionality) i) ii) iii) iv) Make and model no. Ratings DC Voltage output Input voltage range for MPPT operation 4. Inverter: i) ii) iii) iv) v) Make and Model no KVA rating of the inverter used Output frequency range( Refer Cl. 6.5.4 item 5) Voltage range of grid synchronization (from nominal) ( Refer Cl. 6.5.4 item 8) Frequency range of grid synchronization (from nominal) ( Refer Cl. 6.5.4 item 9) Page 35 of 35 Effective from October 2012 Spec No. RDSO/2009/EM/SPEC/0004 (Rev.‘1’) - 2012 5. Export Meter: i) Details of Export Meter offered (only if the purchaser has asked for it) 6. Battery: i) ii) iii) iv) Make and model no. Battery type Nominal Battery Voltage Battery capacity (AH) 7. Web based system monitoring: Name of URL at which the purchaser can view the system performance data during warranty period.