APPENDIX 8 TO TSC 2013-1 (MODEL 20-11-2012) GASUNIE TRANSPORT SERVICES FLEXIBILITY SERVICES – Nomflex (penalty component) 1. Financial consequences in accordance to article 2.3 of the gas conditions in case of a volume overshoot or volume undershoot, to be paid by shipper to GTS A volume overshoot for shipper s occurs when shipper’s actual storage volume exceeds the maximum contractual volume (refers to “bufferruimte” as stated in art. 2.3 of the gas conditions). A volume undershoot for shipper s occurs when shipper’s actual storage volume is below zero. When the accumulated overshoot or undershoot leads to a volume overshoot or volume undershoot for the flexibility suppliers, the suppliers will charge two kind of contractual penalties to GTS, the excess usage penalty (EUP) and the mark to market compensation(MtM). For information purposes in part 2 of this appendix these penalties are explained. The contractual penalties GTS has to pay to the suppliers of the flexibility service are part of the financial consequences as stated in article 2.3 of the gas conditions. The following formula is used to calculate the EUP-charge per shipper. EUPtotal = EUP for all suppliers of the flexibility services, for a month Os = the accumulated volume overshoot + the accumulated volume undershoot for shipper s for the same month Ototal = Os for all shippers CEUP,s = EUP-charge for shipper s for the month. CEUP,s = EUPtotal x Os / Ototal The following formula is used to calculate the MtM-charge per shipper. MtMtotal = MtM for all suppliers of the flexibility services for an hour Os = the volume overshoot or the volume undershoot for shipper s on the same hour Ototal = Os for all shippers CMtM,s = MtM-charge for shipper s on that hour CMtM,s = MtMtotal x Os / Ototal The MtM-charges will be totaled per shipper and invoiced once a month. Release 1, 20-11-2012 Page 1 of 2 APPENDIX 8 TO TSC 2013-1 (MODEL 20-11-2012) GASUNIE TRANSPORT SERVICES FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY ! 2. Information about contract between GTS and suppliers of flexibility services GTS has concluded different contracts with suppliers to be able to deliver flexibility services to the market (shippers). In these contracts between GTS and suppliers volume limits and penalties (when exceeding these limits) have been concluded. The following penalty is applicable in every contract between GTS and a supplier of flexibility services: Where GTS has exceeded the total contracted storage volume (storage volume < zero or storage volume > total contract storage volume) in one or more hours of a specific gas day, the following “contractual exceeding penalty” shall be chargeable by supplier to GTS: The “contractual exceeding penalty” = excess usage penalty + mark to market compensation The two components of the “contractual exceeding penalty” are defined as follows: I. excess usage penalty = volume exposure x price penalty the volume exposure: the absolute gas volume in kWh determined for a gas day that is equal to the cumulative hourly storage volume overshoot (when actual storage volume > contracted storage volume) plus the cumulative hourly storage volume undershoot (when actual storage volume < zero) for all hours that the overshoot or undershoot occurs in that gas day; the price penalty: 20% of the neutral gas price of the gas day in which the volume exposure occurs. This excess usage penalty is chargeable for a maximum of 24 consecutive hours; therefore this period may be spread over two gas days. If the cumulative hourly storage volume overshoot plus the cumulative hourly storage volume undershoot occurs for more than 24 consecutive hours, the excess usage penalty shall be reduced accordingly. II. mark to market compensation = volume exposure x price exposure x percentage mtmc The mark to market compensation is only chargeable for the hours that an overshoot or undershoot of the total contracted storage volume occurs and the bid price ladder is called. When these conditions are not met, the mark to market compensation is zero. The volume exposure: as defined above. The price exposure: a gas price in €/kWh that equals the highest absolute difference between the bid price ladder price called for on that gas day and the neutral gas price for that gas day. - Percentage mtmc: 100% when an undershoot or overshoot occurs for one single hour; 50% when an overshoot or undershoot occurs for the following two to four consecutive hours; and 20% when an overshoot or undershoot occurs for the following five or more consecutive hours. This period may be spread over more than one gas day. Release 1, 20-11-2012 Page 2 of 2