EFE RESEARCH – MARKET COMMENT 19.08.15 Members of the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange Market Comment 19.08.2015 Index Industrial Mining Previous 139.53 Today 137.73 Move pts 1.80 Change % 1.29 38.72 35.59 3.13 8.08 SOURCE: ZSE Heavy weight losses dominate… The Industrial Index extended losses in Wednesday trades giving up 1.80pts or 1.29% to close at 137.73pts as trades where dominated by top capitalized falls. SeedCo that has been holding its ground till today lost 4.53% to settle at $1.00, ECONET gave up 3.45% to end at $0.28, DELTA eased 2.20% to $0.8761, OKZIM let go 3.10% to $0.075 and HIPPO retreated 0.61% to $0.3910. With the exception of DELTA that traded mixed with swings in intraday trades, the above mentioned stocks ended up firmly bid at their traded levels. The resources Index was not spared today and fell 3.13pts or 8.08% to settle at 35.59 pts weighed down by BINDURA that shed 6.67% to $0.0280 and RIOZIM that dropped 14.29% to $0.12, both on selloffs. Meanwhile Falgold and Hwange remained unchanged at $0.0060 and $0.0350 registering no trades. Volumes tumbled 68.33% to 1.1mn shares while value traded slumped 35.40% to $0.76mn. Foreign money anchored the ZSE albeit relatively less than yesterday with 41.86% declines in inflows to $0.62mn and 65.58% drop in outflows to $0.39m. Foreign interest of the day was largely confined to DELTA and ECONET buys and sales and the demand in SEEDCO. Market Snapshot Market Cap US$ Today Previous Change 3,611,426,257 3,662,835,502 -1.40% 760,133.00 1,176,683.99 -35.40% Foreign buys US$ 615,242 1,058,133 -41.86% Foreign sales US$ 392,800 1,141,159 -65.58% 38 30 26.67% 1,103,273 3,483,974 -68.33% Turnover US$ No. of trades Volume Today's Gainers Price Change % Change MEIK.zw 11.33 0.62 5.79 Today's Losers Price Change % Change RIOZ.zw 12.00 2.00 14.29 BIND.zw 2.80 0.20 6.67 SEED.zw 100.00 4.75 4.53 ECO.zw 28.00 1.00 3.45 OKZ.zw 7.50 0.24 3.10 EFE RESEARCH – MARKET COMMENT 19.08.15 Members of the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange Volume and Value drivers Dividend Monitor Counter BAT Upcoming Events LDR 21.08.15 Rate 0.47 Company Event Venue NTS AGM RIO NICOZ DIAMOND Payment Date 04.09.15 Time Date Stand 4 608 ,Graniteside,Harare 14.30pm 26.08.15 AGM No.1 Kenilworth Rd,Highlands,Hre 10.30am 28.08.15 AGM Nicoz Diamond Insurance Centre 12.00pm 21.08.15 This document has been prepared by EFE Securities (Private) Limited (EFE), for the information of its clients. Although the statements of fact in this report have been obtained from sources that the company believes to be reliable, we do not guarantee their accuracy, and any such information may be incomplete or condensed. All opinions and estimates included in this report constitute the company’s judgment as of the date of this report and are subject to change without notice. The securities discussed and mentioned in this report may not be suitable for all investors. Investors must make their own investment decisions based on their specific investment objectives and financial position and using such independent advisors they believe necessary. This report is for informational purposes only and is not intended as an offer or solicitation with respect to the purchase or sale of any security. EFE and any of the individuals preparing this report may at any time have a long and/ or short position in any securities of companies in this report. In addition EFE may from time to time perform investment banking or other services for, or solicit investment banking or other business from any entity mentioned in this report. EFE may at time s buy and sell shares on an agency or principal basis to its clients. Shares may rise or fall and investors may end up with a reduced amount from their initial capital invested. Additional information on EFE’s recommended securities is available on request.