UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Army Research, Development and Engineering Command U.S. Army Research Laboratory UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Army Research Laboratory Mission Innovative science, technology, and analyses to enable full spectrum operations. Vision America’s Laboratory for the Army: Many Minds, Many Capabilities, Single Focus on the Soldier DISCOVER INNOVATE TRANSITION Making today’s Army and the next Army obsolete UNCLASSIFIED Army S&T Enterprise Secretary of the Army Honorable John M. McHugh Under Secretary of the Army Honorable Joseph W. Westphal Assistant to the Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology Honorable Heidi Shyu Army Chief Scientist Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Research & Technology) Ms. Mary Miller * Percent of S&T core program executed 71.9%* 9.9%* 14.3%* 2.3%* Army Materiel Command U.S. Army Medical Command U.S. Army Corps of Engineers U.S. Army Space & Missile Defense Command Research, Development & Engineering Command Army Medical Research & Materiel Command Engineer Research & Development Center Space & Missile Defense Technical Center Laboratories Laboratories Army Research Laboratory Research, Development & Engineering Centers 1.6%* HQDA, G-1 Personnel U.S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences (ARI) UNCLASSIFIED Army S&T Performing Organizations Personnel Medical Infrastructure/ Environmental G-1 MEDCOM USACE HQDA, G-1 Personnel 1.6%* Army Medical Command Army Corps of Engineers 9.9%* 14.3%* Strategic Missile Defense Test & Evaluation AMC SMDC Army Materiel Command Army Space & Missile Defense Command ATEC Materiel 71.9%* Army Test & Evaluation Command 2.3%* * Percent of S&T core program executed RDECOM Research, Development & Engineering Command ARL Army Research Laboratory UNCLASSIFIED AMRDEC Aviation & Missile Research, Development & Engineering Command ARDEC CERDEC ECBC Armaments Research, Development & Engineering Command CommunicationsElectronics Research, Development & Engineering Command Edgewood Chemical Biological Center NSRDEC Natick Soldier Research, Development & Engineering Command TARDEC Tank-Automotive Research, Development & Engineering Command UNCLASSIFIED FOUO Army Campaign of Learning What Have We Learned An interdependent, rapidly changing, multipolar world will require an Army that can rapidly deliver military effect at the speed of change … with less CAPABILITY Army in 2030-40 Future Force Army in 2020 Program Force Army in 2012-13 Current Force Ready, robust, regionally engaged, and expeditionary mission-tailored Army forces and adaptive soldiers and leaders are uniquely positioned to shape events in peace and prevent and rapidly end chaos at the speed conflict unfolds Empower and integrate leaders and units at the tactical edge with information and effects to seize and exploit the initiative over our adversaries in a complex and rapidly changing world TIME Informing Army Adaptation in the Near-Term ... Evolution for the Mid-Term... and Innovation for the Future Chart Source: CSA Senior Leader Seminar – March 2013 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED Strategic Drivers DoD Guidance and Priorities Army Guidance and Priorities Strategic Research Initiatives Technology Planning Agreements Collaborations and Partnerships UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED S&T in RDECOM PMs/PEOS RDECs ARL Discovery Innovation Advanced Development UNCLASSIFIED Support to Warfighter Face-Gear Technology for Block III Apache MEMS TBI Sensor Translational Neuroscience Engineering & Production MRAP Armor XM25 Counter Defilade Target Engagement System UNCLASSIFIED Business Model 6.1 $313M FY12 Funding * * Excluding $813M Direct Cite 6.2 $275M 6.3 $29M Survivability & Lethality Analyses (7%) 6.6 $58M Ballistics & Aeromechanics (13%) 6.7 $12M SBIR/STTR $30M Extramural Basic Research (24%) Academia (URI, SI) $139M UARCs $55M Other (3%) Materials Sciences (26%) Human Sciences (7%) Information Sciences (20%) Collaborative Alliances $128M In-House $510M SBIR/STTR $30M Reimbursable $455M PEOs/PMs $54M Other $43M UNCLASSIFIED Core Technical Competencies $1,269M OGA’s $76M Industry $276M Partnerships Co-op Agreements, OTAs, TSAs, Contracts, Grants, CRADAs University Affiliated Research Centers Centers Of Excellence UCSB MIT MIT USC CalTech ISN Biotechnology Soldier Survivability Immersive Environments Biologically-derived: ● Sensors ● Electronics ● Information Processing ● Protection ● Performance Enhancement ● Injury Intervention and Cure ● Full Sensory Immersion ● 3-D Mobility ● Compelling Interactive Stories Collaborative Technology Alliances Micro Autonomous Systems & Technology Robotics Network Science Cognition and Neuroergonomics High Performance Computing • Stanford University • New Mexico State University • Morgan State University • University of Texas, El Paso • High Performance Tech, Inc • NASA - Ames Flexible Displays • Arizona State University Materials • University of Delaware • Johns Hopkins University • Rutgers University • Drexel University • Virginia Tech International Technology Alliance Collaborative Research Alliances Multiscale Multidisciplinary Modeling of Electronic Materials Materials in Extreme Dynamic Environments Information Science UNCLASSIFIED Extramural Basic Research DISCOVER Objective: Scientific breakthroughs revolutionizing Army warfighting capabilities via engagement of academia University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Penn State University Two Dimensional Materials Research Areas: First demonstration of tailored mechanical-to-chemical energy conversion in solid materials Chemistry INNOVATE Physics Life Sciences Network Science Environmental Sciences Materials Sciences Mechanical Sciences University of Washington and IBM Almaden Single Nuclear Spin Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Mathematics Optical Negative Index Metamaterials Purdue University Computing Science Electronics TRANSITION Partner Exemplars: NIST, NSF, Omni-directional mirror incorporated into hollow core fiber, allowing high-power IR laser guiding DARPA, AFOSR, ONR, Academia OmniGuide, Inc MIT ISN Conventional Omnidirectional Mirror Mirror Madigan Army Research Center, Walter Reed Army Medical Center UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED Ballistics & Aeromechanical Sciences Objective: Resilient protective systems, enhanced lethality, and robust air platform structures and propulsion. S&T Challenges: DISCOVER Poly-CO, a future energetic material with an estimated power of 7 X RDX Material response to high rate of change environments INNOVATE Human response to munitions and weapons Accelerometers Multi-physics mechanisms under extreme conditions High energy electromagnetic behavior and armor mechanisms Planetary Gear Train Fault Detection Fundamental failure mechanisms for future armor development Partner Exemplars: ARDEC, TARDEC, AMRDEC, Sandia National Laboratories, United Kingdom DSTL, BAE Systems, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Australian Defence Science and Technology Organization, University of Maryland, Johns Hopkins University… TRANSITION M855A1 Enhanced Performance Round Over 5 million rounds shipped to theater ARL UNCLASSIFIED ARL, ARDEC, ATK, PM MAS UNCLASSIFIED Human Sciences Objective: Improve performance of humans interacting with systems through interface and training technologies DISCOVER Virtual Humans Interacting Realistically (ICT) S&T Challenges: Cognitive & Physical Performance Interaction/Integration Real-world, Real-time Neuroscience Trust in Autonomous and Robotic Systems Social – Cognitive Networks Human-Systems Integration Modeling Immersive and Adaptive Simulation Partner Exemplars: ARDEC, AMRDEC, CERDEC, NSRDEC, TARDEC, ARI, MRMC, JIEDDO, PEOSTRI, ICB, ICT, ITA, Network Science CTA, Robotics CTA, Cognition and Neuroergonomics CTA, Carnegie Mellon U, Duke, Georgia Tech, Johns Hopkins, Stanford, UCSD, UCF, Alion, DAS, UK, Germany, Taiwan, Italy… UNCLASSIFIED Brain-based “Neurotechnologies” INNOVATE Measures of Interacting Physical and Cognitive Burden Quantifying Network Performance of Commanders & Collaborative Teams TRANSITION Human Systems Integration Modeling Tools Mobile Counter IED Trainer (MCIT) (ICT) UNCLASSIFIED Information Sciences DISCOVER Objective: Robust secure networks and information processing for battlespace situational awareness; networked autonomous systems integrated with Soldier teams Control of Complex Networks NS CTA Northeastern S&T Challenges: Fundamental concepts of multigenre networks (communication, information and social/cognitive) Behavior focused algorithms, tools and techniques for cyber operations Complex heterogeneous information collection, processing and exploitation Hierarchical computing (multi-core tactical systems to mobile cloud computers to Exascale super computers) Atom Spintronics INNOVATE Ultraviolet Communications Super-resolution Imaging TRANSITION MyWIDA Partner Exemplars: CERDEC, NSRDEC, UMD, UPenn, UIUC, RPI, UDel, IBM, Raytheon/BBN, IARPA, DARPA, SOCOM, USCYBERCOM UNCLASSIFIED UTAMS Affordable Mortar & Rocket Localization (PM RUS) UNCLASSIFIED Materials Sciences DISCOVER Objective: Revolutionary materials advances through a multi-scale, multi-disciplined R&D program with robust modeling and simulation S&T Challenges: Measure, compute and predict multiscale phenomena in materials concurrently in space & time at fidelity required for Materials by Design Understanding IR Material Defects Bio-physical Modeling INNOVATE MEMS TBI Sensor Control of interfaces & defects within semiconductor and energy conversion devices Through Thickness Ceramic Tile Reinforcement High quality growth, processing, and synthesis of heterogeneous materials TRANSITION Partner Exemplars: CERDEC, ECBC, TARDEC, NSRDEC, ARDEC, AMRDEC, DARPA, Dept of Energy, PEO-Soldier, PEO-IEW&S, PEO-Ground Combat Systems, PEO-Chemical & Biological Defense, PEO-Ammunition, SERDP, SOCOM, JIEDDO, DTRA UNCLASSIFIED C-QWIP IR Detector Production line @ L3 Concurrent Design & Processing – Enhanced Combat Helmet Production UNCLASSIFIED Survivability/Lethality Vulnerability Assessment & Analysis METHODOLOGY DEVELOPMENT Objective: Assess and enhance the survivability, lethality, and vulnerability (SLV) of military systems ARL conducted a series of experiments that uncovered the nature of Li-ion batteries’ fire hazards—which can be lethal within seconds— and quantified their extent. Technical Challenges: Developmental systems' incorporation of exponentially advancing technologies requiring new assessment methodologies. Rapidly evolving, diversifying threats creating new vulnerabilities and susceptibilities. Methodology for incorporation of emerging technologies into SLV analysis codes Partner exemplars: ATEC, PEOs and PMs, AMSAA and other analysis agencies, RDECs, MRMC INNOVATE Optimized Modular EW Network (OMEN) QRC-335 (400) pod TRANSITION At NIE, ARL analyzed hardware, assessed units’ cyber defense posture, performed penetration testing, & recommended mitigations. ARL SMEs observed soldiers to assess protection, detection, reaction, restoration UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED Talented Workforce S&E Degree Distribution Doctorate 552 Bachelors 348 Masters 479 Civilians Total S&E Military Officer Enlisted Contractors Full-Time Part-Time UNCLASSIFIED 1980 1379 17 21 1027 53 309 Electrical/Electronics Engineers 197 Mechanical Engineers 193 Physicists/Physical Scientists 165 Computer Scientists/Engineers 99 General/Industrial Engineers 92 Chemical Engineers/Chemists 79 Materials Engineers 58 Engineering Psychologists 47 Aerospace Engineers 45 Operations Research Analysts 40 Mathematicians/Statisticians 15 Meteorologists 10 Neuroscientists 10 Biologists 7 Biomedical Engineer 13 Other 210 90 E&S Technicians Post-Docs UNCLASSIFIED Workforce Recognition Thompson-Reuters 2012 “Top 100 Global Innovators” Army R & D Lab of the Year - 2004 & 2006 Army R & D Collaboration Award – 2003, 2006, 2008 (4) 11 (of 80) Army’s Greatest Inventions Awards 82 (of 351) Army RDA Awards 2004 – 2011 3 Wilbur Payne Awards for Best Army Analysis NATO Scientific Achievement Award 10 Presidential Rank Awards 2 Vice-Presidential Hammer Awards (Pay for Performance & Fed Lab) Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists & Engineers The Honorable Heidi Shyu, Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology, and ARL’s Mr. Ronald E. Meyers on acceptance of Thomas Reuters Top 100 Innovator’s Award. UNCLASSIFIED SPIE President’s Award 3 IEEE Awards – Harry Diamond, Hans Karlsson, & Peter Mark American Helicopter Society – Howard Hughes Award 62 Fellows in Professional Technical Societies UNCLASSIFIED Technical Infrastructure Microsystem Indoor Testing Grounds Electromagnetic Vulnerability Assessment Facility Novel Energetics Research Facility DSRC & Scientific Visualization Facility Rotorcraft Survivability Assessment Facility Zahl Physical Sciences Laboratory Robotics Research Facility Rodman Materials Research Laboratory Vertical Impulse Measurement Facility Specialty Electronic Materials and Sensors Cleanroom Vehicle Research Laboratory Shooter Performance Facility Environment for Auditory Research Access to Partner Facilities Transonic Experimental Facility UNCLASSIFIED Academia Industry Pulse Power Facility Fuel Reformation Laboratory UNCLASSIFIED Corporate Outreach Initiatives Army High Performance Computing Research Center (AHPCRC) ARL Summer Student Symposium Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering (JSNN) North Carolina A&T State University Partnership in Research Transformation (PIRT) Graduate College Level International Science and Engineering Fair International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) For the Inspiration and Recognition of Science (FIRST) Research and Engineering Apprentice Program (REAP) Junior Science and Humanities Symposium (JSHS) Engage 9-12 Junior Solar Sprint (JSS) Excite K-8 Gains in the Education of Mathematics and Science (GEMS) eCybermission UNCLASSIFIED Army Research Laboratory Unprecedented Capabilities… DISCOVERY: Advancing science and engineering knowledge for the Future Force, and shaping the national research investment in areas of vital interest to the Army. CAPABILITY Army in 2030-40 Future Force Army in 2020 Program Force Army in 2012-13 Current Force UNCLASSIFIED INNOVATION: Identifying and providing novel applications of science and engineering to enable Warfighter dominance in regionally focused expeditionary operations. TRANSITION: Continuous focus on identifying and executing opportunities to provide the Current Force with new capabilities in response to a complex and rapidly changing world. TIME