Spring 2016 Accountancy CRN Course CoR Pt Cr Title Days Begin & End Time Instructor1 Prerequisites 10016 AC 312 H01 (H)Financial Acc and Report II MR 11:00am 12:20pm Read PREQ: AC 311. Honors Program Only 10017 AC 312 H02 (H)Financial Acc and Report II MR 12:30pm 01:50pm Read PREQ: AC 311. Honors Program Only Days Begin & End Time Instructor1 W 11:00am 01:50pm Frydenberg Days Begin & End Time Instructor1 Focus Computer Information Systems CRN 10103 Course CoR Pt Cr IT 101 H01 Title (H) Info Tech and Comp System Prerequisites Focus Service-Learning 4th-credit option. Honors Program Only Economics CRN Course CoR Pt Cr Title Prerequisites Focus 10129 EC 112 H01 (H) Prin of Macroeconomics MR 12:30pm 01:50pm Mukerjee PREQ: EC 111. Honors Program Only 10130 EC 112 H02 (H) Prin of Macroeconomics MR 02:00pm 03:20pm Mukerjee PREQ: EC 111. Honors Program Only 10131 EC 112 H03 (H) Prin of Macroeconomics MW 03:30pm 04:50pm Ortmeyer PREQ: EC 111. Honors Program Only 10136 EC 224 H01 (H) Intermediate Price Theory MR 11:00am 12:20pm Quinn PREQ: EC 111 & EC 112. Honors Program Only 10141 EC 225 H01 (H) Intermed Macroeconomics MW 09:30am 10:50am Jackson PREQ: EC 111 & EC 112. Honors Program Only Days Begin & End Time Instructor1 English & Media Studies CRN Course CoR Pt Cr Title 10161 CIN 375 H01 (H) Women and Film MR 02:00pm 03:20pm Siomopoulos 10170 COM 210 H01 (H) Effective Speaking MR 11:00am 12:20pm Herzberg Prerequisites Focus Fulfills LIT requirement or A&S elec. Honors Program Only PREQ: Expository Writing I, Fulfills A&S or HUM/SS elective, not LIT elective. Honors Program Only C, D C Finance CoR -- Courses with a ** in the CoR field are Cluster courses (corequisites). Pt -- All courses are Full semester unless otherwise indicated. Cr -- All courses are 3 credit hours unless otherwise indicated. CC# or WP -- By the time the course begins, your class code must be at LEAST the given number or you must be eligible through the window policy. (CPR) -- Concurrent prerequisite. IP -- Instructor permission is required, course not available through BannerWEB. 1 D -- Diversity I -- International C -- Communication Intensive sections. FOR UP-TO-DATE COURSE AVAILABILITY, GO TO http://www.bentley.edu/registrar/ Nov 3, 2015 9:41 AM Spring 2016 CRN Course CoR Pt Cr Title Days Begin & End Time Instructor1 Prerequisites Focus 10269 FI 306 H01 (H) Financial Markets & Invest MW 08:00am 09:20am Smith PREQ: FI 305. Formerly FI 320. Honors Program Only 10275 FI 307 H01 (H) Adv Managerial Finance MR 11:00am 12:20pm Gregory PREQ: FI 305. Formerly FI 380. Honors Program Only General Business Days Begin & End Time Instructor1 Prerequisites 10403 CRN GB 310 H01 Course CoR Pt Cr (H) Bus Processes & Systems Title TR 03:30pm 04:50pm Proudfoot PREQ: GB 212, GB 213 & GB 214 & (CC5 or WP). Honors Program Only. Focus 10432 GB 410 H01 (H) Global Strategy MW 09:30am 10:50am Edelman Days Begin & End Time Instructor1 PREQ: (All 100 and 200 level GB courses & GB 310) and GB 320 CPR & (CC7 or WP). Honors Program Only Global Studies CRN Course CoR Pt Cr Title Prerequisites 10462 GLS 116 H01 (H) International Relations W 11:00am 01:50pm ResendeSantos 10469 GLS 405 001 Model US Cong:HomelandSecurity W 11:00am 01:50pm Gulati Focus Honors Program Only I PREQ: Class code 3 or higher. ONLY Class Code 3 and above may register. C History CRN 10489 Course CoR Pt Cr HI 395 H01 Title (H) History of Medicine Days Begin & End Time Instructor1 MW 09:30am 10:50am Andrews Days Begin & End Time Instructor1 MW 03:30pm 04:50pm Gulati Prerequisites Focus Honors Program Only I Honors CRN 10749 Course HNR 440 H01 CoR Pt Cr Title (H) Honors Capstone Project CoR -- Courses with a ** in the CoR field are Cluster courses (corequisites). Pt -- All courses are Full semester unless otherwise indicated. Cr -- All courses are 3 credit hours unless otherwise indicated. CC# or WP -- By the time the course begins, your class code must be at LEAST the given number or you must be eligible through the window policy. (CPR) -- Concurrent prerequisite. IP -- Instructor permission is required, course not available through BannerWEB. 2 Prerequisites Focus Honors Program Only. D -- Diversity I -- International C -- Communication Intensive sections. FOR UP-TO-DATE COURSE AVAILABILITY, GO TO http://www.bentley.edu/registrar/ Nov 3, 2015 9:41 AM Spring 2016 CRN 10750 Course CoR Pt Cr HNR 445 H02 Title (H) Honors Capstone Course Days Begin & End Time Instructor1 TR 03:30pm 04:50pm Purao Days Begin & End Time Instructor1 Prerequisites Focus Honors Program Only. Mathematical Sciences CRN Course CoR Pt Cr Title Prerequisites 10554 MA 205 H01 (H)Chaos,Fractals and Dynamics MR 02:00pm 03:20pm Hadlock 10560 MA 235 H01 (H) Differential Equations MR 12:30pm 01:50pm Predescu Days Begin & End Time Instructor1 (H) Evol, Human Genetics & Beh MTW 09:30am 10:50am Arenella Honors Program Only W 11:00am 01:50pm Hall Honors Program Only Honors Program Only Focus PREQ: MA 126 or MA 139 or MA 141. Honors Program Only PREQ: MA 139 or MA 141 Honors Program Only Natural & Applied Sciences CRN Course CoR Pt Cr 4 Title 10658 NASC 112 H01 10689 PS 301 H01 (H)Beh Health in Nat Dis Zones 10691 PS 311 H01 (H) Social Psychology MW 05:00pm 06:20pm Nurick Title Days Begin & End Time Instructor1 MR 02:00pm 03:20pm Payson Days Begin & End Time Instructor1 W 11:00am 01:50pm Boeri Prerequisites Focus C, D D Philosophy CRN 10720 Course CoR Pt Cr PH 101 H01 (H) Problems of Philosophy Prerequisites Focus Honors Program Only Sociology CRN 10737 Course SO 244 H01 CoR Pt Cr Title (H)Deviance and Social Control CoR -- Courses with a ** in the CoR field are Cluster courses (corequisites). Pt -- All courses are Full semester unless otherwise indicated. Cr -- All courses are 3 credit hours unless otherwise indicated. CC# or WP -- By the time the course begins, your class code must be at LEAST the given number or you must be eligible through the window policy. (CPR) -- Concurrent prerequisite. IP -- Instructor permission is required, course not available through BannerWEB. 3 Prerequisites Focus Honors Program Only D D -- Diversity I -- International C -- Communication Intensive sections. FOR UP-TO-DATE COURSE AVAILABILITY, GO TO http://www.bentley.edu/registrar/ Nov 3, 2015 9:41 AM