ISBN 978-0-620-44584-9 Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering c 2009 SAIEE, Innes House, Johannesburg Copyright ° ARC BEHAVIOUR IN SMALL CAPACITIVE CURRENT INTERRUPTION WITH HIGH-VOLTAGE AIR-BREAK DISCONNECTOR 1 Y. Chai1*, P.A.A.F. Wouters 1, R.T.W.J. van Hoppe1, R.P.P. Smeets 1, 2 Electrical Power Systems Group, Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands 2 KEMA T&D Testing Services, Arnhem, the Netherlands *Email: <> Abstract: Small capacitive current interruption with air-break disconnectors in a high-voltage network is an interactive event between circuit and arc with multiple re-ignitions during opening. In order to investigate the transient phenomena, a set-up to measure arc characteristics is developed and a series of interruption tests is performed. The system voltage is up to 150kV rms and the interruption capacitive current is up to 0.35A rms. The voltages across load- and source side capacitances and the current through the disconnector are recorded. Based on test data, arc characteristics such as arc conductance, arc power and v-i characteristic are studied. A comparison between the test and simulation shows good agreement. 2. EXPERIMENTAL SET-UP 1. INTRODUCTION In a power substation, the disconnectors (in North America, also called disconnect switches) are commonly used mechanical devices. Besides having a safety function, in practice they need to interrupt a small capacitive current due to stray capacitances in the power networks. Although not designed for interrupting current, the disconnectors do have a certain current interruption capability. According to the IEC 62271-102 [1], this small capacitive current does not exceed 0.5A for rated voltage 420kV and below. However, nowadays with the fast development of power networks in the world, user’s requirement for small capacitive current interruption using air-break disconnectors frequently exceeds the above stated value. Figure 1: Laboratory set-up for capacitive current interruption with air-break disconnector. The literature related to capacitive current interruption with air-break disconnectors is quite sparse, for instance [2]-[15]. The principal work in the past is that of Andrews et al. in the 1940s. Some results from literature such as [3], [8] were collected for IEC and IEEE recommendations [11] as well. An overview is provided in [12]. However, the literature provides only a limited insight into the experiments on the capacitive current interruption with an air-break disconnector. In this contribution a more detailed approach to the electrical phenomena based on experimental data from tests in the laboratory is presented. In order to investigate the interruption phenomena, a set-up for laboratory experiments is developed. The experimental circuit includes a power source, source side capacitor (Cs), load side capacitor (Cl) and the disconnector. Figure 1 shows the set-up top view. A high voltage resonant system, capable to supply a 50Hz high voltage up to 300kV and a current up to 4A, is employed. It contains two reactors which can be connected either in series or in parallel. The inductance of each reactor can be tuned over a range of 40010,000H. The values of Cs, Cl are 2nF and 8nF respectively. A center-break type disconnector with rated voltage of 245kV is subjected to the test. The corresponding equivalent circuit of the set-up is shown in figure 2, wherein the disconnector is marked with D; Rs represents the equivalent resistivity of the circuit and Ls is the inductance of the resonant system. id is current through the disconnector to be interrupted; us is the voltage of the power supply; ucs, ucl are the voltages across the source side capacitance and the load side capacitance respectively. If ωLs=1/[ω (Cs + Cl)], the circuit in resonance (Ls is tuned to about 1kH). In order to measure voltages across the two contact blades In this paper, firstly a set-up for measurement is described in detail. Next, based on measured data, the different arc characterises such as arc voltage, arc current, arc conductance and arc power are investigated. The re-ignition voltage versus time against current is studied as well. Finally, simulations related to this phenomenon are discussed, and conclusions are drawn. Pg. 1 Paper G-19 ISBN 978-0-620-44584-9 Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering c 2009 SAIEE, Innes House, Johannesburg Copyright ° Figure 2: Arc voltage and current measurement circuit. 10 |H| of the disconnector, two capacitive voltage dividers are designed, C1/C2 and C3/C4, (C1, C3 are the high voltage arms, see fig.2). They are mounted parallel to the insulators of the disconnector as shown in figure 3. Each divider consists of 10 capacitors of 2nF, 40kV in series, carefully selected to ensure equal division ratios of both dividers. These capacitive voltage dividers have a bandwidth up to about 10MHz and 10:1 division ratio (see figure 3). The dividers are connected to PMK high voltage probes (1000:1 ratio, 14kV AC), resulting in a total voltage division ratio of 10,000:1 approximately. For current measurement, two current transformers (CT1, CT2) with a sensitivity of 0.1 volt/ampere and a bandwidth of up to 20MHz are employed. Since the dynamic range of the current is large, separate current probes are used for power frequency and for high-frequency components in the current. All test data are acquired and recorded by a 4channels (marked CHi in figure 2) Nicolet Genesis digital system with a sampling rate of 25 MS/s (16 bit), 100 MS/s (14 bit). 5 0 ∠H [°] 100k 1M 10M 90 0 100k 1M 10M Frequency [Hz] Figure 3: The voltage divider and its step wave frequency response. 20 u (kV) 10 (a) d 0 -10 -20 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 time(ms) 1 (b) d i (A) 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -100 The operating steps are as follows: firstly the system is energized with the closed disconnector on a chosen level of us. Next, the inductance Ls is tuned until Ls and Cs in parallel with Cl become resonant. Once the system is in resonance, the measurement is started. The disconnector blades are opened and the voltages across source and load side capacitor and the disconnector current are acquired simultaneously. 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 time(ms) 50 1 0 Arc Duration d 0 (C) u (kV) d i (A) id(A) ud(kV) 3. TEST DATA ANALYSIS A series of measurements is done with the voltages in the range of 50kV to 150kV rms. The current through the disconnector before interruption ranges from 0.12A to 0.35A rms. In this section, recorded wave shapes for voltage and current are shown and from the results the arc behaviour is analyzed. 375 380 385 390 -50 395 time(ms) 0 During the measurement, the voltage ud across the contacts of the disconnector is not measured directly, but it is derived by subtracting the voltages across both capacitances ud=ucs-ucl. Figures 4a-d show the voltage and current of the disconnector and their enlargements. The interruption starts at time=0 and stops at time=473ms. The entire process consists of multiple Arc Extinction -1 d 0 d Typical wave shapes for voltages and current 50 (d) u (kV) id(A) ud(kV) 1 i (A) 3.1. -1 -50 445 450 455 460 465 470 475 480 time(ms) Figure 4: the disconnector’s voltage and current and their expansions at period from 370ms to 400ms and 445ms to 485ms. Pg. 2 Paper G-19 Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering c 2009 SAIEE, Innes House, Johannesburg Copyright ° ISBN 978-0-620-44584-9 2 220 180 160 ir(kV) ur(A) 1 i (A) 140 0 0 r r 120 u (kV) 200 voltage(kV) 50 80kV 128kV 144kV 170kV 200kV 100 80 -1 60 40 -50 20 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 -2 0 500 time(ms) 100 200 300 400 500 600 time(ms) Figure 5: Source side capacitance voltage ucs amplitude decay versus time for different measurement. ir(kV) ur(A) 50 i (A) Arc duration 0 r 0 r 1 u (kV) periods with arc extinctions and re-ignitions. The TRV (Transient Recovery Voltage) [16] period and arc duration can be observed clearly from those figures. There is one re-ignition in each half cycle at the beginning, but there are several re-ignitions in each half cycle just before the arc extincts completely (figure 4d), since maintaining the arc is more difficult with a larger air gap. Once a re-ignition occurs, the voltage and the current contain high-frequency components [17], which can be observed in figure 4c and 4d as well. Arc extinction -1 -50 380 385 390 395 400 time(ms) Figure 6: Arc voltage and current and its expansion at period from 375ms to 400ms. -3 x 10 Because the test voltage source is a resonant system, the amplitude of voltage ucs (and also ucl) and current id decay due to running out of resonance with power frequency and due to arc losses. Figure 5 shows the amplitude of ucs as a function of time for each interruption. A group of test data with source voltage level ranging from 100kV to 200kV peak is selected. According to figure 5, the voltage decay becomes more pronounced at the later stages of the interruption process due to increasing energy dissipation with larger air gap. Also the arc resistance becomes larger. That the voltage ucs does not reach zero at the end point of arc extinction is because of the long air gap’s dielectric withstand capability when disconnector blades are moving. Figure 4d also confirms the TRV is larger than the last re-ignition voltage at the moment when the arc extinct completely. This means the experimental system works satisfactory even though there is decay in source voltage, unlike the field situation. conductance(siemens) 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 time(ms) -4 conductance(siemens) x 10 2 1 0 280 290 300 310 320 330 time(ms) In all cases the arc lasts less than 500ms with interruption current level ranging from 0.18A to 0.5A peak. With higher supply voltage the arc lasts longer as observed from figure 5 as well. Figure 7: Wave shape of arc conductance and its expansion at time=275ms-330ms. 3.2. voltage and current wave shapes are in phase which indicates the resistive characteristic of the arc. Arc behaviour The arc voltage ur is obtained by selecting the periods where the arc is present from the ud wave forms (e.g. figure 4a). The arc current ir is equal to id during these periods. An example of the wave shape of ur and ir is shown in figure 6 with an interruption current of 0.35A rms and resonant voltage of 145kV rms. The arc occurs between time=0 and 473ms. In a half cycle, the voltage firstly rises very quickly and then drops to a relatively steady level which is in the order of a few kV. The Based on the measured arc voltage and current characteristics, the arc conductance ir(t)/ur(t), arc power ur(t)×ir(t) and arc v-i characteristics are derived. Typical results are plotted in figures 7, 8 and 9 for a system voltage of 145kV and an interruption current of 0.35A. The arc conductance varies during each half cycle. As the air gap between the disconnector blade contacts becomes larger, the arc conductance decreases Pg. 3 Paper G-19 Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering c 2009 SAIEE, Innes House, Johannesburg Copyright ° ISBN 978-0-620-44584-9 3000 80 60 2000 40 1500 voltage(kV) arc power(W) 2500 1000 500 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 20 0 -20 0.35A 0.30A 0.25A 0.22A 0.15A -40 time(ms) -60 1800 -80 0 1600 100 200 300 arc power(W) 400 500 time(ms) 1400 Figure 10: Re-ignition voltages versus interruption current. 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 335 340 345 350 355 360 365 370 375 380 385 time(ms) Figure 8: Wave shape of arc power and its expansion at time=335ms-385ms. 4000 Figure 11: Simulation circuit for interruption phenomena. 3000 2000 u (V) 1000 r 1 0 0.8 measured id simulated id -1000 0.6 -2000 0.4 -3000 0.2 d -5000 i (A) -4000 -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 -0.2 ir(A) -0.4 Figure 9: Wave shape of arc voltage-current characteristics. (and the arc resistance increases) until the arc extinguishes completely. For instance, it reaches a value of about 1.5 mS corresponding to a resistance of 700Ω at time=150ms and decreases to about 0.1mS corresponding to a resistance of 10kΩ just before extinction. The arc power tends to increase with larger air gap. Its value goes up to about 1.5kW. The expanded plot in figure 8 shows that each half cycle the arc power rises rapidly upon re-ignition. After that it remains almost constant, and then starts to drop till zero when the arc current goes to zero. The shape of the voltage-current characteristics of the arc is a hysteresis loop, owing to the arc nonlinear nature. The arc is also non-stationary because of the dynamic changes in arc length, as a consequence of electrodynamics forces and convection. The arc voltage remains almost constant irrespective of the arc current. -0.6 -0.8 -1 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 times(s) Figure 12: Wave shapes for simulated and measured current id. measured id simulated id 0.4 0 d i (A) 0.2 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 0.24 0.25 0.26 0.27 0.28 0.29 0.3 0.31 0.32 times(s) 3.3. Figure 13: Expansion for figure 13 at 0.24s to 0.32 s. Re-ignition voltage Multiple re-ignitions occur during interruption. By analyzing the wave shape envelope of the disconnector voltage ud, the re-ignition voltage can be obtained: for each arc re-ignition point in ud both re-ignition time and voltage are taken. In order to present the re- ignition voltage wave shapes, one group of test data is selected with different current id as a parameter. The results for the tests performed at currents ranging from 0.15A to 0.35A rms are given in figure 10. The curves Pg. 4 Paper G-19 Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering c 2009 SAIEE, Innes House, Johannesburg Copyright ° ISBN 978-0-620-44584-9 5. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION 3000 In this paper, a set-up is described to investigate capacitive current interruption for relatively low current phenomena with a high voltage air-break disconnector. The current level ranges from 0.12A to 0.35A and voltage level is from 50kV to 150kV. Although there is a drawback for resonant supply as high voltage source in the test, the investigation shows that set-up works satisfactory. 2000 arc voltage (v) 1000 0 -1000 measured ur simulated ur -2000 The small capacitive current interruption is a complex phenomenon with multiple arc interruptions and reignitions that are confirmed by the test. Test data also shows that, in order to maintain an arc at this small current level, there is at least one re-ignition per half cycle. The arc during interruption consists of single power frequency loops that start with reignition and interrupt at current zero, with the arc voltage having a flat part of a few kV. The arc conductivity ranges from 0.1mS to 15mS with the interruption current level 0.12A-0.35A. The arc power is smaller than 1500W and tends to increase with the blades moving with a several certain drops in the entire interruption process. Besides it shows the arc has a resistive nature, the voltage-current characterises further show the arc voltage does not increase with increasing of arc current. -3000 -4000 0.255 0.26 0.265 0.27 0.275 0.28 0.285 0.29 time(s) Figure 14: comparison between measured- and simulated arc voltage. clearly show that re-ignition voltage increases with air gap when the blades open. The re-ignition voltage reaches a value up to a few tens of kV. With the larger interruption current, the re-ignition voltage drops because there is a higher energy input to the arc upon re-ignition. The arc path needs more time to recover its dielectric strength. 4. COMPARISON WITH SIMULATION AND MODELING In this paper, although the capacitive current for interruption in the test is relatively low, the arc behaviour can be clearly observed. Most arc durations are smaller than 500ms. The air gap re-ignition voltage is about a few 10kV which is much lower than a few 100kV compared with test current level with 2A in [17]. The reason is that the arc duration lasts shorter and the air gap for re-ignition is smaller. In order to compare with test, the experimental circuit is modelled using Matlab for a specific condition with a resonant voltage ucs of 145kV and a current of id 0.35A. The parameters in figure 11 are set as close as possible to those parameters in the measurements: us=1.31kVpeak, Rs=2040Ω, Ls=1013H, Cs=2nF, Cl=8nF, LH=16µH, RH=50Ω. LH and RH are equivalent inductance and resistance of the circuit. Their values are obtained from the higher frequency components in the test results [17]. The arc is modelled by the real voltage wave shape, which is also obtained from the test results. The simulated and measured current wave shape id and its expansion are shown in figure 12 and 13. The contact separation is at 0.02s. The measured and simulated currents have a good match. The final project goal is to investigate how to improve capacitive current interruption capability with high voltage air-break disconnector. In the near future, measurements will be performed at interruption current level up to 4A, for different combination of capacitances at source and load side. 6. REFERENCES Even though the Cassie arc model is developed for higher arc currents, as a first attempt in the simulation, this classic arc model has been used. Based on a few assumptions, the equation 1 dG 1 E 2 = − 1 G dt θ E0 2 [1] IEC Standard on “High-voltage switchgear and control gear-Part 102: Alternating current disconnectors and earthing switches”, IEC 62271102, 2001. [2] P.A. Abetti, “Arc interruption with disconnecting switches,” Master Thesis, Illinois, Institute of Technology, January 1948. [3] F.E. Andrews, L.R. Janes and M.A. Anderson, “Interrupting ability of horn-gap switches”, AIEE Transactions, Vol. 69, 1950. [4] E.C. Rankin,” Experience with methods of extending the capability of high-voltage air break switches,” AIEE Transactions, Vol. 79, February 1960. [5] A. Foti and J.M. Lakas, “EHV switch tests and switching surges,” IEEE Transactions on Power was obtained [16], where E is arc voltage, E0 is constant, θ is arc time constant, G is arc conductance. Through calculation and parameters evaluation from test data, E0=601V, θ=1ms, the compared result in a few cycles is presented in figure 14. It appears that simulation and test data do not match well. Especially the high arc voltages just after re-ignition are not represented well. The results suggest that this model is not suitable to test. In our future work, more data will become available also at higher interruption current, and more emphasis will put on arc model investigation for an arc current range up to several amperes. Pg. 5 Paper G-19 ISBN 978-0-620-44584-9 Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering c 2009 SAIEE, Innes House, Johannesburg Copyright ° [12] D. F. Peelo, “Current interruption using high voltage air-break disconnectors”. Ph.D. dissertation, Dept. Electrical Engineering, Eindhoven Univ. of Technology, 2004, ISBN: 9038615337. [13] D.F. Peelo, R.P.P. Smeets, L. van Der Sluis, S. Kuivenhoven, J.G. Krone, J.H. Sawada and B.R. Sunga, “Current interruption with high voltage airBreak disconnectors”, Cigre Conference, 2004, Paris. [14] D.F.Peelo, R.P.P Smeets, J. G. 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[7] CEA Project 069 T 102 report, “The interrupting capability of high voltage in disconnects switches”, July 1982. [8] D.F. Peelo, “Current interrupting capability of air break disconnect switches”, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. PWRD-1, No. 1, January 1986 and Correction, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. PWRD-2, No. 4, Oct. 1987. [9] S.G. Patel, W.F. Holcombe and D.E. Parr, “Application of air-break switches for deenergizing transmission lines,” IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. 4, No. 1, January 1987. [10] H. Knobloch, “Switching of capacitive currents by outdoor disconnectors,” Fifth International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Braunschweig, August 1987. [11] IEEE Std c37.36b, "IEEE Guide to Current Interruption with Horn-Gap Air Switches", 1990 Pg. 6 Paper G-19