Publisher: Commonwealth Of Learning, Canada

Ramachandra T.V., 2006. Management of Municipal Solid Waste,
Commonwealth Of Learning, Canada and Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore,
Printed by TERI Press, New Delhi.
Publisher: Commonwealth Of Learning, Canada and Indian
Institute of Science, Bangalore, Printed by TERI Press, New Delhi.
Abstract: Solid material thrown away as unused from various
sectors such as agricultural, commercial, domestic, industrial and
institutional constitutes solid wastes. This places an enormous strain
on natural resources and seriously undermines efficient and
sustainable development. Management of Municipal Solid Waste
discusses the ways to salvage the situation through efficient
management of solid wastes from waste generation to final disposal.
The various processes such as waste generation, collection, storage,
processing, recovery, transport, and disposal, are explained with the
support of case studies. The book discusses reduction of waste at the
source and to foster implementation of integrated solid waste
management systems that are cost-effective and protect human
health and the environment.