1 Lead Compensator

ECE 486
Fall 08
Reading: FPE, Section 5.5, 5.5.1, 5.5.2
Now that we are familiar with root locus plots, we can turn our attention to using them as a tool to design
dynamic controllers (also called compensators).
Lead Compensator
In our discussion on root locus plots, we came up with the following rule of thumb: poles repel and zeros
attract. In particular, we saw that a adding a zero to the system via the controller can produce stability,
when a simple proportional controller could not. Recall that this was the same conclusion that we reached
when we were studying PID control.
Example. For the unity feedback loop with P (s) =
C(s) = K(s + 1).
draw the positive root locus when C(s) = K and
However, we also discussed the fact that the PD controller C(s) = KP + KD s is not physically implementable, since it is not proper, and it would differentiate high frequency noise, thereby producing large
swings in output. In order to avoid this, we replaced the PD controller with a controller of the form
C(s) = KP + KD s+p
; the larger the value of p, the better the controller approximates P D control, but the
more susceptible it is to high frequency noise. The modified PD controller can be written as
KP p
C(s) = KP + KD
s + KP +KD p
KP (s + p) + KD ps
(KP + KD p)s + KP p
= (KP + KD p)
If we let K = KP + KD p and z =
KP p
KP +KD p ,
we obtain the dynamic controller
C(s) = K
This controller is called a lead controller (or lead compensator) if z < p and a lag controller (or lag
compensator) if z > p. To see where this terminology comes from, recall that if we applied a sinusoidal
input cos(ωt) to the controller C(s), the output would be |C(jω)| cos(ωt + ∠C(jω)) in steady state. The
phase of C(jω) is given by ∠C(jω) = ∠(jω + z) − ∠(jω + p), and if z < p, we have ∠C(jω) > 0 (i.e., the
output leads the input). On the other hand, if z > p, we have ∠C(jω) < 0 (i.e., the output lags the input).
Since we are currently interested in the case where p is large (in order to approximate a PD controller),
we will deal with lead controllers, and discuss lag controllers later.
In the last lecture, we saw that if the transfer function L(s) has a pole that is quite far out in the LHP, it
does not affect the shape of the locus near the real axis:
However, as we stated above, we may not want the pole to be too far in the LHP, in order to maintain
good noise suppression. Based on the statistics of the noise, we may have a maximum allowable value for
p, and then we will be tasked with finding z so that the root locus passes through some desired point s̄
(this point might be chosen to satisfy some performance spec, such as overshoot or rise time). Consider
the positive root locus for L(s) = P (s)C(s). To choose z, we simply apply the phase condition
i=1 ∠(s̄ + zi ) − Σi=1 ∠(s̄ + pi ) + ∠(s̄ + z) − ∠(s̄ + p) = (2l + 1)π ,
where the zi ’s and pi ’s are the zeros and poles of the plant P (s). Since everything in this expression is
known, except for ∠(s̄ + z), we can find z so that
∠(s̄ + z) = −Σm
i=1 ∠(s̄ + zi ) + Σi=1 ∠(s̄ + pi ) + ∠(s̄ + p) + (2l + 1)π ,
Example. Consider the plant P (s) = s2 (s+1)
. Design a lead compensator with pole at s = −20 so that
the closed loop system has a pole at s = −1 + j.
Lag Compensation
We will now turn our attention to PI control; in this case, we have
s + KPI
KP s + KI
C(s) = KP +
= KP
Recall that the reason for considering PI control was that it guaranteed perfect tracking for a step (if the
closed loop system is stable). It did this by introducing a pole at the origin in P (s)C(s), which is the
same as saying that it increased the DC gain of P (s)C(s) to infinity. In general, the higher we can make
the DC gain of P (s)C(s), the better it can track reference inputs. One way to do this would be to add a
PI controller to the loop, but in some circumstances, we might be interested in using a stable controller
(whereas the PI controller by itself is unstable). Thus, suppose we approximate the PI controller by
C(s) = K
where K = KP , z = K
, and p is a small positive number. The smaller we make p, the better this
controller approximates the PI controller. In particular, we are interested in using this controller to boost
the DC gain of P (s)C(s), and so we would like to make z > p. From our earlier discussion, this is a lag
• Lead compensation approximates PD control, and is used to stabilize the system and improve the
transient characteristics (by moving the locus to the left).
• Lag compensation approximates PI control, and is used to boost DC gain.
We will return to Lead/Lag design after we discuss Bode and Nyquist plots.