SI and non-SI units for Biological quantities


SI and non-SI units for Biological quantities

Adrian F. Bristow

National Institute for Biological Standards and control

(Health Protection Agency)

National Institute for Biological Standards and Control

Assuring the quality of biological medicines

Assignment of quantities to biological medicines:

An old problem re-discovered

Assignment of quantities to biological medicines:

An old problem re-discovered

Assignment of quantities to biological medicines:

An old problem re-discovered

On March 13 th 2006, 6 healthy male volunteers were given low doses of

TGN1412, an experimental monoclonal antibody which was under clinical trial as a potential immune-activating agent, through agonistic

(stimulatory) interaction with the CD28 T-cell receptor.

All developed rapid, life-threatening adverse reactions, leading to multiple organ dysfunction. This was later confirmed to arise from a toxic

“ cytokine storm ” . Thanks to rapid intervention the men all survived, but at least some will have persistent, irreversible sequelae.

The dose (mg/kg) used was 500 times lower than the dose that had been safe in monkeys

Assignment of quantities to biological medicines:

An old problem re-discovered

Assignment of quantities to biological medicines:

An old problem re-discovered

Assignment of quantities to biological medicines:

An old problem re-discovered

Why have I told you this?

TGN1412 is a super-agonist for the CD28 T-cell receptor.

It is meant to stimulate release of T-cell cytokines

It could be argued that qualitatively the response was not unexpected.

What was unexpected was the magnitude of the response. What the clinical trial lacked was any reference framework for relating the dose quantity (mg) to the magnitude of the response in humans.

In medicine, numbers, quantities and units matter.

They make the difference between lack of efficacy, effective therapy and over-dose

They make the difference between mis-diagnosis and accurate diagnosis

Assignment of quantities to biological medicines:

An old problem re-discovered

Measurement of quantities in medicine

Therapeutic intervention Diagnosis

Most drugs (eg aspirin) are dosed in units of the SI (mg)

A significant minority, the

“biologicals”, are in arbitrary units

Several hundred quantities are measured in the diagnosis of disease

About 20% are measured in units of the

SI (mg or mol)

The majority are “biologicals”, and not traced to the SI .

Assignment of quantities to biological medicines:

An old problem re-discovered

What, in this context, is a “biological” medicine ?


Why is it an old problem re-discovered?

Biological assays and standardization in medicine: Historical background

Consider insulin:

A story of successful quantification of an unknown quantity

Diabetes Voice (Kambaskovic, D., June

2002 Volume 47 Issue 2) describes two diabetics with remarkably long life spans

Hazel Davies, who had lived for 80 years on insulin therapy after being diagnosed in 1921, and Roy Cross, who lived to be >100 after being diagnosed in 1938

This suggests that insulin was a wellcontrolled drug however:

HPLC of therapeutic insulin

1925 1995

Even now it would be impossible to assign any kind of value in SI to the 1925 insulin.

How did they do it then so successfully?

The Insulin Story: accurate quantification of an unknown quantity

Even with today’s technology, the 1920’s preparation would be too impure to assay by an HPLC method

(Insulin structure determined by Sanger in the 1950’s)


Insulin is a drug whose dose needs to be precisely controlled +/- 10%

This was clearly achieved (Hazel Davies lived to be >100)

How was this possible?

How do you measure, to within 10%, the potency of insulin in 1925?

You have to assign a precise figure to the biological activity of insulin preparations, even when you don’t know what insulin is

•What do you know?

– It lowers blood sugar

•Can you measure blood sugar?

Yes but not easily

•What can you measure?

– You can count!

- Mouse convulsion insulin assay:

Injecting fasting mice with insulin will cause some to go into hypoglycaemic convulsions. The number that do appears to be related to the amount of insulin you inject

Convulsion-inducing activity compared to reference standard

A comparative mouse convulsion insulin assay (N = 24)





Standard low dose (30mU/ml)

Standard high dose (60mU/ml)

Test low dose ?

Test high dose ? (2 x TL)

Assay 1

SH = 20/24

SL = 8/24

TH = 21/24

TL = 6/24









Statistical analysis is based on calculations of a common slope, then chi-squared for deviations for parallelism and linearity

Assay 1: 97.0% (75-126)

Convulsion-inducing activity compared to reference standard

A comparative mouse convulsion insulin assay (N = 24)





Standard low dose (30mU/ml)

Standard high dose (60mU/ml)

Test low dose ?

Test high dose ? (2 x TL)

Assay 1

SH = 20/24

SL = 8/24

TH = 21/24

TL = 6/24




Assay 2

SH = 8/24

SL = 1/24

Th = 9/24

Tl = 2/24





10 10






30 60

Statistical analysis is based on calculations of a common slope, then chi-squared for deviations for parallelism and linearity

Assay 1: 97.0% (75-126) Assay 2: 111.3% (74.0-181)

Combination: 100.75% (80.2

– 126)

Sir Henry Dale established that a unit of insulin can only effectively be described in terms of a reference material, not in terms of an absolute response

The Insulin Story exemplifies all aspects of a

“biological” as the term is used in medicine:

• The medicinal substance was isolated from a biological source

(extracts of animal pancreata – bovine, porcine)

• Accurate quantification of the active principle was achieved by quantifying its activity in a test measuring function rather than quantity of substance

– i.e. what it does, rather than what it is

• Quantification is dependent on the science of biological standardization

– The unit of insulin can only be described in terms of a reference material, not in terms of an absolute response (eg. number of convulsions)

Statistical combination of independent assays can produce precise numbers from an inherently imprecise and irreproducible method

“Biologicals” and Biological Reference materials: the current portfolio

WHO Biological reference materials

Established by NIBSC (>400)


Clotting factors



Cytokines and growth factors



Micobiological antigens


Antisera and immunoglobulins

Genomic DNA, cDNA and RNA


Blood Coagulation factor VIII

Tissue plasminogen activator

Follicle stimulating hormone



Whole cell Pertussis vaccine

Hepatitis B antigen

Botulinum toxin

Anti-HPV-16 Ab

HIV clade 1 genetic reference panel

“Biologicals” and Biological Reference materials: the current portfolio

WHO Biological reference materials

Established by NIBSC

Number > 400, including:

Clotting factors



Cytokines and growth factors



Micobiological antigens


Antisera and immunoglobulins

Genomic DNA, cDNA and RNA

Examples of quantitative measurement methods (bioassay)

Clot lysis in vitro

Stimulation of cell proliferation in vitro

Protection of test animals against microbiological challenge

Animal or cell death

Assignment of quantities to biological medicines:

An old problem re-discovered

Chemical drugs Biological drugs

Where the dose or clinical effect can be related to a fundamental physical constant, measuring quantity or effect

Where the dose or clinical effect can only be related to the response in a complex measurement system such as an animal or a living cell, and can be traced only to the effect produced by a reference material


This complexity is irreducible!

A “biological” analytes is considered by WHO as one

“…of biological origin, which cannot be characterized adequately by chemical and/or physical means alone…”

(WHO, Tech. Rep. Ser. 800, 1990, 181-213).

This is a practical definition, relating the structural complexity of the material being standardised to the current utility of analytical methods.

Assignment of quantities to biological medicines:

An old problem re-discovered

Does this paradigm really still reflect analytical reality in the second decade of the 21 st century?

It is true that our understanding of what meets the definition of a “biological is changing

• Aspirin

• Adrenaline

• Ampicillin

• Oestradiol

• Insulin

• Growth hormone

• Rec Hep-B vaccine

• Erythropoietin

• Tissue plasminogen activator

• Albumin

• Anti-TNF receptor MAb

• Clotting factor VIII

• Viral gene delivery vectors

• Meningococcus vaccine

• Stem cells

• Organs m.w














>100kb DNA


Assignment of quantities to biological medicines:

An old problem re-discovered

Although the last twenty years has seen a progressive move towards physcichemical analytical methods for many smaller proteins, the

“new” medicine, based on biotechnology encompasses therapeutic interventions such as engineered antibodies, complex glycoproteins, gene-therapy delivery vectors, stem cells, and engineered vaccines.

These are comfortably below the “biologicals” cut-off line and their measurement remains dependant on complex biological systems.

Assignment of quantities to biological medicines:

An old problem re-discovered

Is this definition still valid?

A “biological” analytes is considered by WHO as one

“…of biological origin, which cannot be characterized adequately by chemical and/or physical means alone…”

(WHO, Tech. Rep. Ser. 800, 1990, 181-213).

This is a practical definition, relating the structural complexity of the material being standardised to the current utility of analytical methods.

The short answer is yes!

Assignment of quantities to biological medicines:

An old problem re-discovered

Description of the amount of material in terms of basic physical constant is complicated by:

Extreme complexity


Assignment of quantities to biological medicines:

An old problem re-discovered

1 Complexity

Consider clotting factor VIII, a large (ish) glycoprotein used to treat haemophilia

Clotting factor VIII

2361 amino acids

268kD (protein)



51 amino acids,


Growth hormone

191 amino acids


Assignment of quantities to biological medicines:

An old problem re-discovered

Peptide mapping is a front-line technique for analysing proteins

Factor VIII Somatropin

Tryptic peptides:

3-10 14





Tryptic peptides:

3-10 108





Irresolvable in one dimension

Assignment of quantities to biological medicines:

An old problem re-discovered

Erythropoietin: a therapeutic glycoprotein

A single subunit globular glycoprotein, 165 amino acids

3 N-linked and 1 O-linked glycosylation sites

Mr Approx 30,600 (ie 35% CHO)

Kidney-derived hormone maintaining erythrocyte maturation in vivo

Used in treatment of anaemia associated with renal failure and other conditions

2 Heterogeneity

Glycosylation: a non-template-directed process which produces heterogeneous products

Glycosylation: N-linked glycan structures

Sialic acid





N-acetyl glucosamine

Asparagine biantennary triantennary tetraantennary

Charge based fractionation of pharmaceutical erythropoietin products

Assignment of quantities to biological medicines:

An old problem re-discovered

For heterogeneous glycoproteins, quantification by mass (mg) is meaningless – the structures all have different molecular weights

Quantification in mol protein is feasible, but -






200 250 300

Terminal glycosylatyion (Z)


Mol protein is not a measurement that reflects the biological activity of the molecule

Assignment of quantities to biological medicines:

An old problem re-discovered

Complexity of vaccines

Proteomics-based identification of antigenically-active components present in OMV

Vaccines against Meningococcal group B disease

-At least 30 different antigens can be identified in this vaccine

-The relationship between antigen quantity and protective immunity is not understood

-Protective immunity can only be measured in a

(biological) challenge protection assay

Assignment of quantities to biological medicines:

An old problem re-discovered

So description of quantity in terms of basic physical constants is both difficult and misleading.

What about description of function in terms of basic physcal constants?

Most pharmacologically active biologicals exert their actions by interacting with a receptor

Can this be an analytical target for expressing function in terms of physical constants?

Assignment of quantities to biological medicines:

An old problem re-discovered

Analysis of receptor binding by surface plasmon resonance

Interaction of active bio-molecules with their receptors can be measured and described in physico-chemical terms by techniques such as surface plasmon resonance

Receptor binding is a good analogue of biological activity in cell bioassays in vitro

What’s the problem?

Assignment of quantities to biological medicines:

An old problem re-discovered

Erythropoietin: relationships between glycosylation and biological activity

In vitro activity (receptor binding) In vivo activity

400 200

150 300






200 250 300

Terminal glycosylatyion (Z)



200 250 300

Terminal glycosylatyion (Z)


Factors affecting the ability of erythropoietin to bind to its receptor are not the same as those affecting its ability to stimulate red blood cell formation in a whole organism

Assignment of quantities to biological medicines:

An old problem re-discovered

Activity-determining factors

In vitro

Amount of substance

Receptor affinity

Signal Transduction in responsive cells

In vivo

Amount of substance

Receptor affinity

Signal Transduction in responsive cells

Access to target tissue

Plasma half life

Assignment of quantities to biological medicines:

An old problem re-discovered

-Insulin analogues with up to 10-fold higher receptor affinity, or with similarly reduced receptor affinity have been produced (eg B-10 Asp insulin)

-The receptor-binding properties of such analogues are reflected in their in vivo potency

-It is not reflected in the in vivo potency, which is usually similar to the parent molecule

-Similarly, insulin analogues with reduced receptor binding do not show reduced activity in vivo


Assignment of quantities to biological medicines:

An old problem re-discovered

Maintenance of the biological blood glucose-lowering activity action of insulin in vivo depends on the circulating plasma levels

The main route of clearance of insulin in vivo is through its receptor

Increasing the affinity for the receptor increases the rate of removal from the plasma compartment and vice versa

Changes in receptor affinity are not reflected in changes in in vivo activity (and therefore in clinical efficacy)

Ribel et al(1990) Diabetes 39 10333-1039

Assignment of quantities to biological medicines:

An old problem re-discovered

Chemical drugs Biological drugs

Where the dose or clinical effect can be related to a fundamental physical constant, measuring quantity or effect

Where the dose or clinical effect can only be related to the response in a complex measurement system such as an animal or a living cell, and can be traced only to the effect produced by a reference material


This complexity is irreducible!

Assignment of quantities to biological medicines:

An old problem re-discovered

-There is a need for robust and accurate quantitation in all areas of medicine, including biological medicines

-Although some progress has been made in applying measurement science to bio-molecules, much of this area of medicine remains beyond its scope present capacities

-The use of complex measurement systems based on biological responses remains embedded in the approach to controlling this type of medicine

-A reductionist approach to measurement in this field, breaking down the system into measurable components, seems unpromising – biological systems are not the sum of their parts

-Developing a metrology for complex systems seems overdue!

Thank you for your attention
