,iddle School Reading Cuniculum Roadr,, ap, Grade Trimester 1 Trimester 2 8 Trimester 3 Reader's Workshoo; The following structure lhould be followed. Read-Aloud: poem, short story, mytlL fable, magazine or newspaper article, part of a novel, etc, read by fte teapher. Read-alouds introduce students to a variety of genres and enablg the teacher to tbink aloud and model rcading stategies. Mini-Lesrotr: presentation ofa specific skill, strategy or idea by the teaohe! to the entire class or a group of students. Guided Practice students have the opportunity to practice a reading strateg/ with an easy, sholt &xt collaboratively. Wide ReadingMeaningful Reading Erperiences: students lead independertly, discuss books, and respond to them in joumals. Guided Strat€gic-Reading Groups: while other students work in pairs or groups or alone, the teacher works with studenls with similar needs. These groups should be flexible and based upon formative assessment. Conferences: one-on-one meetines with students about their readin Skills and Strategies r Plot plot -Subplot -Multiple plots Conflict -Multiple conflicts -Person vs. Fate QAR (Question Answer Relationships) Extended Response Making Connections o Character -Circular . . o o e o r character motivations/development Setting -Reinforce time, place, tone and mood with more sophisticated texts Theme -Universal Themes Text Structure Visualizing Inferring -Deeper analysis of o ' o o Figurative Language -Extended understanding and application of simile, metaphor, personification ' Symbolism -Identiffing symbols in literature and their meaning o . o o Note-taking Determining Importance Synthesizing Point of view Questioning Genre Vocabulary o Academic Vocabulary o Explicit Vocabulary Instruction lhydra helio circ,circum -ive Roots and Affixes: theo spect paterlpart hydro mid under bin omni aud actdlacri ad cata mal ary ob .iddle School Reading Curriculum Roadr,,ap, Grade Trimester 1 Trimester 2 8 Required Texts . Multicultural America: The following selections are from the section "Struggles" and should be taught by the end of the 2no trimester. Many of the selections are intended to be taught together, as indicated. "I was Born at the Wrong Time"; "I learned to Sew'' "Harriet Tubman" & " Camp Harmony" & o'The Noble Experiment" & "Rosa . Parks" Each student should read either Assessments . o District Writing Assessment MAP o Extended Resoonse Assessments . o o Fiction Common Assessment ISAT: Readirg, Math MAP (tarseted students Trimester 3 Required Texts . Multicultural America "Sweet Potato Pie" . African American Literature: "The Park" . Other selections of choice from these two textbooks. Assessments . o MAP Extended Response