18-Day WALKING THE VALLEYS OF TURKEY September 1, 2017

Trip Brief
Walking the Valleys of Turkey
An 18-day hike through the dramatic landscapes of Cappadocia and nearby valleys and the
stunning Lycian Peninsula on the Mediterranean Sea.
DEPARTURE DATE: September 1, 2017
TRIP LENGTH: 18 Days/17 Nights
GROUP SIZE: 14 Maximum
MEALS: 17 Breakfasts, 6 Picnic
Lunches, 2 Dinners
FLIGHTS: 2 Domestic flights included in
the price
TRIP GRADE: Moderate
PRICES FROM: USD$2,485 Twin share
SINGLE SUPP: USD$1,425 without gender
share option.
WALKING DISTANCES: 3 to 5 hours most
days plus rest days and touring
Turkey sits at the junction of two continents, Europe and Asia and its history is a rich patchwork of
overlapping eras and empires spanning a time frame of more than 4000 years. In 1915 Gallipoli
features as an unfortunate part of the Ottoman Empire for British, Australians and New Zealanders
who lost their lives after eight months of heavy fighting. The history of modern Turkey begins with the
foundation of the republic on October 29, 1923. The next 10 years saw a steady process of secular
Westernisation through Ataturk’s Reforms, which included the unification of education; the
discontinuation of religious and other titles; the closure of Islamic courts, as well as the recognition
of the equality between the sexes and the granting of full political rights to women on 5 December
Cappadocia is an extraordinary region of Turkey that has bewitched travellers for centuries. It was
formed a millennium ago as volcanic ash first settled, then hardened into soft rock, and finally
eroded, forming the strange and fantastic spires, domes, pinnacles and gorges that will be
discovered on your journey.
Turkish cuisine is largely the heritage of Ottoman cuisine, described as a fusion and refinement of
Central Asian, Caucasian, Middle Eastern, Mediterranean and Balkan foods. Seafood and meat
are in abundance. The doner kebab is popular and always found in the markets, mezes are tasty
appetisers usually accompanied by Raki, a local aniseed flavoured alcoholic aperitif sometimes
diluted with water. Borek is flaky pastry stuffed with meat, cheese or potatoes. Turkish bread is
readily available at every meal, and all food is typically washed down with the popular national
drink, Turkish coffee. The sweet dessert Baklava is not to be missed.
The accommodation is carefully selected comfortable and centrally located hotels.
ARRIVE ISTANBUL - Day 1/Night 1 (Sept 1, 2017)
Welcome to Istanbul - one of the great cities of the world, with a history spanning thousands of
years. It has been through several incarnations, firstly as Byzantium, then Constantinople and finally
Istanbul. The city today is bustling, you can wander and absorb the vibrancy of this exciting city
that links the East and the West.
ISTANBUL – FLY CAPPADOCIA - Day 2/Night 2 (Sept 2, 2017)
A further introduction to Istanbul with guided visits to the Ayasofia Museum (St Sophia), the 17th
century Blue Mosque, and the ancient Hippodrome with Obelisk of Theodosius, Snake Pillar and
German Fountain of Wilhelm II.
In the late afternoon we farewell Istanbul and take a flight to Cappadocia where on arrival we
drive into the heart of Cappadocia and to our base for the next night.
MONASTERY VALLEY – Walking time approx. 3 hours. - Day 3/Night 3 (Sept 3, 2017)
The day starts in the Mustafapasa village which was inhabited by Orthodox Greeks until 1923 when
Turkey and Greece signed the Lausanne Treaty, concerning exchange of population between the
two countries. Today, you can still recognise Greek masonry on the face of old houses. A walk
through the Monsatery valley toward the Golgoli cave village, before hiking uphill then descending
to the Ayvali village. An opportunity to experience a local teahouse tea, and ending the day at
the beautiful old town of Gomeda.
UZENGI & PANCARLIK VALLEY - GOREME – Walking time approx. 3 hours.
Day 4/Night 4 (Sept 4, 2017)
Todays walk is along the Uzengi Valley known for its interesting rock formations and centuries old
pigeon houses that have been cut into the soft rock. After our picnic lunch we walk along Pancarlik
valley with its terraced gardens, historic churches and ‘fairy chimney’ rock formations typical of the
Cappadocia area.
ZEMINDERESI & AVCILAR VALLEYS - GOREME – Walking time approx. 3 hours.
Day 5/Night 5 (Sept 5, 2017)
Starting the day with a trek though the unforgettable Zeminderesi. This is a particular valley with
special rock formations. At the end of the trek we discover the Love valley, an amazing
spectacular place which has captured the tourists for years with the huge phallic shaped pillars all
naturally formed by the erosion of volcanic rock. Small valleys, cones, peaks and fairy chimneys
alternate harmoniously on the pathway today.
AKVADI VALLEY - UCHISAR & PIGEON VALLEY - GOREME – Walking time approx. 5 hours.
Day 6/Night 6 (Sept 6, 2017)
A short drive to join the hiking trail at the beginning of the Akvadi valley, also known as the White
Valley. We walk through the valley following an old river bed surrounded by fruit gardens and
vineyards. The fairy chimneys feature again in this valley, although they are particularly slim and
distinct from those seen on the previous day. At around noon we arrive at Uçhisar village to visit the
high viewpoint known as the "fortress", a volcanic ash peak. In the afternoon we walk through the
Pigeon valley. This valley takes its name from the numerous pigeon houses built in the 18th century,
which were carved from any available space including abandoned cave dwellings and were used
for the purposes of collecting fertilizer, some of which are still maintained today by local farmers
who claim the droppings are the key reason for the succulent and sweet Cappadocian fruit which
is acclaimed throughout Turkey. In the afternoon we arrive back at our base in Goreme.
PASABAGLARI VALLEY & KIZILCUKUR - GOREME - Walking time approx. 4 to 5 hours.
Day 7/Night 7 (Sept 7, 2017)
A drive down the road to Pasabaglari Valley, also referred to as Priest Valley. We walk on a cliffside
dominated by Cappadocia's most famous fairy chimneys, quite unique with their multiple stems
and caps. We reach the sleepy village of Çavusin, one of Turkey's first Christian settlements and
home to a church dedicated to St John the Baptist. During a visit of the old church we see a fresco
of Salome dancing for Herodes. We continue our walk toward Kizilcukur (Red Valley), where its
magnificently sculptured, red-tuff rock formations have created arguably the most beautiful valley
in Cappadocia. Small valleys, cones, peaks and fairy chimneys blend harmoniously with fascinating
cave chapels that date back to the early Christian period. We walk today for about five to six
hours. In the afternoon there is the possibility to visit the local handicraft centres, which are a major
source of income for people living in this area. Returning to Goreme, we have a night at leisure. We
may have an opportunity to attend a folk dance show or perhaps try an authentic Turkish bath.
CAPPADOCIA – IHLARA - KONYA - Walking time approx. 2 to 3 hours. - Day 8/Night 8 (Sept 8, 2017)
We leave the fairytale landscapes of Cappadocia behind and drive to the incredible underground
city of Derinkuyu, with some dwellings containing rooms expanding seven levels beneath ground
Go on to the village of Belisirma in the Valley of Ihlara on the slopes of Mount Hasan, one of the
volcanos responsible for the forming of Cappadocia. From here we embark on a wonderful walk
along the Melendiz River and experience traditional village life, as we walk through the beautiful
Ihlara Valley to Ihlara village. There are dozens of Byzantine cave chapels to explore along the way
and most of them are decorated with exquisite biblical frescoes.
KONYA - ANTALYA - Day 9/Night 9 (Sept 9, 2017)
We take a five-hour drive to the coastal city of Antalya one of the best-known classical sites in
Turkey. A highlight here is the beautifully preserved theatre at Aspendos, one of the finest in the
ancient world.
We'll have time to wander and enjoy the picturesque city of Antalya with its ancient Roman walled
port, and the lovely ‘old town’, Kaleici, with its beautifully restored Ottoman mansions and
Hadrian’s Gate.
PHASELLIS – CIRALI BEACH - Walking time approx. 5 hours. - Day 10/Night 10 (Sept 10, 2017)
Transferring to Camyuva to start todays walk to the Greco-Roman site of Phaselis. The unique
environment of the site (between the sea and Mount Olympus) adds to the magic of several
remains (theatre, ports, doors, aqueduct). At noon transfer to the village of Ulupinar where a
special seafood dinner is included. Then walk through the pines to the "flames of the Chimera"
which inspired the famous myth. For hundreds of years, sailors could see the flames from sea and
used them as a landmark to navigate, but today they are more often used by hikers to brew tea.
These flames, according to some ancient literature, gave birth to the myth of the Chimera, a fire
breathing mythical beast with the body and head of a lion, with the head of a goat arising from its
back, and a tail that ended in a snake's head.
APERLEA – KAS - Walking time approx. 5 hours. - Day 11/Night 11 (Sept 11, 2017)
Drive to the village of Kilicli near where we will visit the ancient city of Apollonia. We descend the
carob hill to a creek and the ancient city of Aperlea, enjoying the beautiful walking through this
ancient land, arriving at Kas for the evening.
KAS - Day 12 & 13/Night 12 & 13 (Sept 12 & 13, 2017)
The perfect place to break the journey and enjoy the Turquoise Coast of southwestern Turkey. The
district has a typical Mediterranean climate of hot, dry summers and warm, wet winters, which
allows the growth of oranges, lemons and bananas. The lowland areas are also planted with cut
flowers and a variety of fruits and vegetables, many are grown all year round under glass. The
hillsides produce honey, and almonds.
SAKLIKENT GORGE – SITE OF PINARA – FETHIYE - Walking time approx. 4 hours.
Day 14/Night 14 (Sept 14, 2017)
Transfer from the town of Kas where we will visit the small theatre which enjoys an exceptional
location facing the sea and the Greek island of Meis / Kastellorizo. Then depart to Saklikent gorge
that forms a huge gash 18 kms long in the mountain. We enter the gorge on foot towards the
source of the river that carved this spectacular canyon. After lunch, taken near the canyon, there
is a short transfer to join the site of Pinara, completely lost in the pine forest. Pinara was one of the six
largest ancient cities of Lycia where some rather singular tombs are still scattered.
ALINCA - FARALYA - Walking time approx. 4 to 5 hours. - Day 15/Night 15 (Sept 15, 2017)
After a short transfer, we depart from the village of Alinca. Hiking along the coast on a path
overlooking the sea which leads first to the village of Kabak, then the beautiful secluded cove.
After a picnic lunch we continue our journey, still above the waves, to the village of Faralya on a
cliff above the famous and paradise like Butterflies Valley. Before the construction of a small road
on the slopes of Mount Baba, Faralya existed, cut off from the world. Nature is still wild and offers
unforgettable panoramas.
FARALYA – OLUDENIZ - FETHIYE - Walking time approx. 6 hours. - Day 16/Night 16 (Sept 16, 2017)
Todays walk will commence towards the village of Kirme located at the foot of Baba Dag. We
follow the coastal path on the side of Mount Baba offering spectacular views of the beach of
Oludeniz, the infamous Dead Sea. This is a great spot to relax in the turquoise waters of the lagoon
which has exceptional beauty. After this relaxing break, our route takes us to the ancient village of
Kayakoy formerly inhabited by Greeks. It has been completely abandoned during the population
exchange that took place in 1923 between Greece and Turkey. A real ghost town situated in the
middle of a forest of oaks and carob plantations.
FETHIYE - Day 17/Night 17 (Sept 17, 2017)
Fethiye is the perfect place to end a great holiday, an international atmosphere, prominent marina
and probably the only city in the world where you can find sarcophagus in the streets. These preRoman Lycian relics are especially spectacular when floodlit at night. A free day to relax before
our last evening gathering to celebrate the journey through the magical valleys of Turkey.
Day 18 (Sept 18, 2017)
Although the trip finishes with a return flight to Istanbul airport, the memories of beautiful Turkey will
live on.
Wandering the World hopes you have had a trip of a lifetime and chose to wander with us again.