EPE Newsletter – NOVEMBER 2015 Newsletter contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. EPE 2016 ECCE Europe: 5 to 9 September 2016, Karlsruhe, GERMANY: Deadline Receipt of Synopses: 15 November! ............. 1 EPE 2015 ECCE Europe – Proceedings from the conference ........................................................................................................ 1 ECPE: Calendar of Events 2015-2016 ........................................................................................................................................... 2 Future EPE ECCE Europe and Technically Sponsored conferences ............................................................................................... 2 Other conferences ........................................................................................................................................................................ 3 EPE Events The EPE Conference Committee invites you to come to EPE'16 ECCE Europe. The 18th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (and Exhibition), to be held in Karlsruhe, Germany, from 5 to 9 September 2016. Please get our Call for Papers: http://www.epe2016.com/index.html Conference dates: Monday, September 5 Tutorials Tuesday-Thursday, September 6 - 8 Conference Sessions Friday, September 9 Technical Visits The Sponsorship Opportunities and the list of our exhibitors at EPE’16: http://www.epe2016.com/SponsorsExhibitors/index.html 2. EPE 2015 ECCE Europe EPE Association thanks every delegate, exhibitor, organizer, etc… for the success of the EPE’15 conference in Geneva. Follow this link to see the pictures: http://event-epe2015.web.cern.ch/content/photos If you want to buy the proceedings of the conference, please contact Nancy Langsberg: Nancy.Langsberg@vub.ac.be EPE Newsletter – November 2015 1/3 3. ECPE: Calendar of Events 2015-2016 Date Location Event 9 - 10 Dec. 2015 Nuremberg, Germany ECPE Workshop Advances in Thermal Materials and Systems for Electronics - Chairmen: Prof. E. Wolfgang (ECPE), D. Saums (DS&A LLC), Dr. O. Wittler (Fraunhofer IZM) 4 - 5 Feb. 2016 Zurich, Switzerland ECPE Workshop Smart Transformers for Traction and Future Grid Application J.W. Kolar (ETH Zurich), Prof. M. Liserre (CAU Kiel) 8 - 10 March 2016 21 - 22 Oct. 2015 Nuremberg, Germany Hannover, Germany Conference & ECPE Annual Event ECPE Workshop Topic - Chairmen: Prof. CIPS 2016 - Int. Conf. on Integrated Power Electronics Systems in conjunction with the ECPE Annual Event 2016 Drivers, Control and Protection Circuits for MOSFETs and IGBTs Chairmen: Prof. A. Mertens (Univ. of Hannover), Dr. S. Araujo (Univ. of Kassel), J. Koszescha (ECPE) The ECPE Calendar 2015 with all ECPE Workshops and Tutorials is available on the ECPE website www.ecpe.org for download. More info: info@ecpe.org 4. Future EPE ECCE Europe and Technically Sponsored conferences 2016: APEC 2016, 20-24 March 2016, Long Beach, California, US: http://www.apec-conf.org/ IPEMC 2016 - ECCE Asia in Hefei, China from 22-25 May 2016: http://www.ipemc2016.org/ EPE 2016 ECCE EUROPE, 05-08 September 2016, Karlsruhe, Germany: http://www.epe2016.com/ ECCE North America, 18-20 September 2016, Milwaukee, US: https://ieee-collabratec.ieee.org/app/event/35489 2017: EPE 2017 ECCE EUROPE, 11-14 September 2017, Warsaw, Poland: http://www.epe2017.com/ EPE Newsletter – November 2015 2/3 5. Other conferences More information: European Battery, Hybrid & Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Congress EPE Newsletter – November 2015 3/3