CONFERENCE PROGRAM The 6th IASTED International Conference on Modelling, Simulation and Identification (MSI 2016), And The 15th IASTED International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control (ISC 2016) August 16 – 18, 2016 Campinas, Brazil LOCATION A. Elkamel – University of Waterloo, Canada D. Ferrari – Natural Computing Lab. / Mackenzie University, Brazil A. M. Frattini Fileti – University of Campinas, Brazil A. J. Gonçalvez da Cruz – Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil S. Guan – Xian Jiaotong-Liverpool University, PR China I. Jesus – Institute of Engineering of Porto, Portugal R. Josef Zemp – Chem. Engng /University of Campinas, Brazil V. Jotsov – State University in Sofia, Bulgaria S. H. Kim – Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea F. Leonardi – FEI university, Brazil Q. Li – University of Hull, UK S. Liang – Chongqing University, China PR F. Longo – University of Calabria, Italy R. Maciel Filho – Chem. Engng /University of Campinas, Brazil V. Magi – University of Basilicata, Italy L. C. Oliveira-Lopes – Federal University of Uberlandia, Brazil H. Oya – Tokyo City University, Japan S. P. Bhattacharyya – Texas A&M University, USA M. Panoiu – University "Polytechnica" of Timisoara, Romania J. H. Park – Yeungnam University, Korea R. Pasti – Natural Computing Lab./Mackenzie University, Brazil P. Pathak – Indian Institute of Technology at Roorkee, India Q. Peng – University of Manitoba, Canada C. Pinto – Porto Superior Institute of Engineering, Portugal M. Poboroniuc – Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iași, Romania C. R. B. Azevedo – Ericsson Research, Brazil N. Ratkovich – Universidad de los Andes, Colombia A. Resende Secchi – COPPE/Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil M. Rodrigues – Sheffield Hallam University, UK J. A. Tenreiro Machado – Institute of Engineering, Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal M. Trabia – University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA J. Trierweiler – Chem. Engng /Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil UNICAMP Convention Center - CDC Rua Elis Regina, 131 Cidade Universitaria, Campinas - São Paulo, CEP: 13083-854 MODELLING, SIMULATION AND IDENTIFICATION (MSI 2016) SPONSORS The International Association of Science and Technology for Development (IASTED) Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) National Counsel of Technological and Scientific Development (CNPq) Host Organization University of Campinas (UNICAMP) Conference Chair Prof. Dr. Flávio Vasconcelos da Silva (UNICAMP) INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE S. Alwash – Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan C. Angeli – Technological Institute of Piraeus, Greece M. Bezerra de Souza Jr –Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil F. Bianconi – Università degli Studi di Perugia, Italy M. C. M. Massa de Campos – CENPES/Petrobras, Brazil J. Chen – University of Calgary, Canada Z. Chen – Concordia University, Canada F. R. Cruz – Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil J. D'Angelo –University of Campinas, Brazil H. Dario Alvarez Zapata – Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia J. R. de Almeida Jr – University of São Paulo, Brazil F. Delatore – FEI University/ FATEC Santo Andre, Brazil G. Dr. VARGA – Institute of Manufacturing Science University of Miskolc, Hungary 1 G. Vasconcelos – Informatics/Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil F. Vasconcelos da Silva – Chem. Engng /University of Campinas, Brazil E. Vásquez Díaz – Universidad de Piura, Peru M. C. Yagoub – University of Ottawa, Canada A. Siqueira – University of Sao Paulo, Brazil R. Suppino – University of Campinas, Brazil S. M. Ulson de Souza – Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil H. Verdejo – Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Chile S. Vianna – University of Campinas, Brazil A. C. Vieira de Melo – University of São Paulo, Brazil Additional Paper Reviewers L. A. Alvarez Toro – University of Campinas, Brazil A. J. Assis – School of Chemical Engineering - UFU, Brazil R. Ballini – Economics/University of Campinas, Brazil A. Bineli – Federal Technological University of Parana, Brazil A. Bolzan – Chem and Food Engng/Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil M. Castro – University of Campinas, Brazil M. C. Costa – University of Campinas, Brazil T. Costa – Federal university of Itajuba, Brazil R. D. M. de Carvalho – Chem. Engng /University of Campinas, Brazil C. F. Dantas – University of Campinas, Brazil M. P. de Arruda Ribeiro – Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil R. de Sousa Junior – Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil G. Doubek – University of Campinas, Brazil E. Eyng – UFTPR, Brazil D. F. Barbin – University of Campinas, Brazil N. L. Ferreira – FEI University, Brazil G. M. Figueira – University of Campinas, Brazil M. G. A. Vieira – University of Campinas, Brazil A. Garcia – University of Campinas, Brazil A. P. Garcia – University of Campinas, Brazil C. Garcia – University of São Paulo, Brazil S. Guillaume – Institut National de Recherche en Sciences et Technologies pour l environnement et l agriculture, France R. Guirardello – University of Campinas, Brazil M. Leite – Universidade Tiradentes, Brazil L. Lona – University of Campinas, Brazil A. C. Luz Lisbôa – University of Campinas, Brazil P. Martinez – University of Campinas, Brazil R. O. Mattos Folly – Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil C. A. Moreira da Silva – Federal University of São Paulo, Brazil M. T. Moreira Rodrigues – University of Campinas, Brazil V. Murata – School of Chemical Engineering - UFU, Brazil E. Nucci – Universidade Federal de São João Del-Rei, Brazil K. Raizer – Ericsson Research, Brazil J. M. Rosa – Faculdade de Tecnologia SENAI Antoine Skaf, Brazil B. Santoro – Federal University of São Paulo, Brazil R. Santos – Instituto Federal do Sul de Minas, Brazil N. S. Sassim – University of Campinas, Brazil J. Schmitz – Federal University of Technology - Parana, Brazil A. L. Serpa – University of Campinas, Brazil V. Silveira Jr – Food Engng/University of Campinas, Brazil INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS AND CONTROL (ISC 2016) SPONSORS The International Association of Science and Technology for Development (IASTED) Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) National Counsel of Technological and Scientific Development (CNPq) Host Organization University of Campinas (UNICAMP) Conference Chair Prof. Dr. Ana Maria Frattini Fileti (UNICAMP) INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE P. A. Vargas – Heriot-Watt University, UK G. Agre – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria R. Ballini – Economics/University of Campinas, Brazil M. Bezerra de Souza Jr – Chem. Engng /Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil A. Bolzan – Chem and Food Engng/Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil M. C. M. Massa de Campos – CENPES/Petrobras, Brazil J. Cockburn – Rochester Institute of Technology, USA R. D. M. de Carvalho – Chem. Engng /University of Campinas, Brazil J. D'Angelo – Chem. Engng/University of Campinas, Brazil F. Delatore – FEI University/ FATEC Santo Andre, Brazil A. Elnagar – U. of Sharjah, UAE M. J. Embrechts – Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA J. A. Felippe de Souza – University Beira Interior (UBI), Portugal D. Ferrari – Natural Computing Lab./Mackenzie University, Brazil A. M. Frattini Fileti – University of Campinas, Brazil C. Garcia – University of São Paulo, Brazil A. Gasteratos – Democritus University of Thrace, Greece R. Giudici – Chem. Engng /University of São Paulo, Brazil S. Givigi – Royal Military College of Canada, Canada F. Gomide – University of Campinas – UNICAMP, Brazil A. J. Gonçalvez da Cruz – Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil K. M. Grigoriadis – University of Houston, USA S. Guan – Xian Jiaotong-Liverpool University, PR China 2 S. Guillaume – Institut National de Recherche en Sciences et Technologies pour l environnement et l agriculture, France R. Josef Zemp – Chem. Engng /University of Campinas, Brazil J. G. Juang – National Taiwan Ocean University, Taiwan N. Kemper Valverde – Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico J. Kim – Dongguk University, Korea B. Kovalerchuk – Department of Computer Science Central Washington University, USA G. Lambert-Torres – PS Solutions, Brazil I. S. Lee – Kyungpook National University, Korea K. Leiviskä – University of Oulu, Finland I. Lemberski – Baltic International Academy, Latvia F. Leonardi – FEI university, Brazil X. Li – Chinese Academy of Sciences, China PR Y. S. Lu – National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan G. Mangioni – University of Catania, Italy D. Moldt – Universität Hamburg, Germany J. Murata – Kyushu University, Japan Y. Okuyama – Humanitech Laboratory, Japan E. Oliveira Freire –Federal University of Sergipe, Brazil L. C. Oliveira-Lopes – Federal University of Uberlandia, Brazil H. Oya – Tokyo City University, Japan S. P. Bhattacharyya – Texas A&M University, USA R. Pasti – Natural Computing Lab./Mackenzie University, Brazil C. Ponzoni Carvalho Chanel – Institut Supérieur de l'Aéronautique et de l'Espace, France D. Popescu – University of Craiova, Romania C. R. B. Azevedo – Ericsson Research, Brazil A. Resende Secchi – COPPE/Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil S. A. Rodriguez – , J. Sauer – University of Oldenburg, Germany V. Silveira Jr –University of Campinas, Brazil J. Smieja – Silesian University of Technlogy, Poland C. Y. Su – Concordia University, Canada L. Sztandera – Philadelphia University, USA N. Tan – Inonu University, Turkey M. Trabia – University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA J. Trierweiler – Chem. Engng /Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil Z. Vale – Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Portugal G. Vasconcelos – Informatics/Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil F. Vasconcelos da Silva – Chem. Engng /University of Campinas, Brazil J. F. Whidborne – Cranfield University, UK J. Wu – Zhejiang University, China PR Additional Paper Reviewers C. Fontes – Universidade Federal da Bahia, Brazil R. A. Bianchi – FEI University, Brazil A. Bineli – Federal Technological University of Parana, Brazil T. Costa – Federal university of Itajuba, Brazil G. de Almeida – Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil E. Eyng – UFTPR, Brazil D. F. Barbin – University of Campinas, Brazil N. L. Ferreira – FEI University, Brazil B. Ferreira dos Santos – University of Campinas, Brazil I. C. Franco – University of Campinas, Brazil A. P. Garcia – University of Campinas, Brazil A. C. Lima – Natural Computing Lab./Mackenzie University, Brazil R. Lopes – University of Campinas, Brazil E. Martim – PUC-PR, Brazil R. O. Mattos Folly – Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil C. A. Moreira da Silva – Federal University of São Paulo, Brazil M. T. Moreira Rodrigues – University of Campinas, Brazil E. Nucci – Universidade Federal de São João Del-Rei, Brazil D. Odloak – University of São Paulo, Brazil P. Dávila – LCoN, Mackenzie University, Brazil B. Santoro – Federal University of São Paulo, Brazil N. S. Sassim – University of Campinas, Brazil J. Schmitz – Federal University of Technology - Parana, Brazil R. S. Souza – Ericsson Research, Brazil R. Suppino – University of Campinas, Brazil E. Tambourgi – University of Campinas, Brazil A. Valdman – Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil PLEASE NOTE Paper presentations are 10-15 minutes in length with an additional 5 minutes for questions. Report to your Session Chair 15 minutes before the session is scheduled to begin. Presentations should be loaded onto the presentation laptop in the appropriate room prior to your session. End times of sessions vary depending on the number of papers scheduled. 3 PROGRAM OVERVIEW Tuesday, August 16, 2016 11:00 – Keynote – Design of Nonlinear Observers with Adaptive Gains with Applications in Chemical and Biochemical Process Control (Conference Room 2) 09:00 – Registration (Lobby of UNICAMP Convention Center) 10:00 – Welcome Note (Conference Room 2) 12:15 – Lunch Break (Self-Catered) 10:15 – Coffee Break (Lobby of UNICAMP Convention Center) 14:00 – MSI Session 3/2 – Mathematical Modelling, Optimization and Simulation (Conference Room 1) 10:45 – Keynote – Advanced Control and Real-Time Optimization of Offshore Oil & Gas Production (Conference Room 2) ISC Session 4 – Artificial Neural Networks (Conference Room 2) 12:00 – Lunch Break (Self-Catered) MSI Session 4/1 – Systems Dynamics, Identification and Monitoring (Conference Room 3) 14:00 – MSI Session 1 – Energy and Bioenergy (Conference Room 1) 15:40 – Coffee Break (Lobby of UNICAMP Convention Center) ISC Session 1 – Computational Intelligence and Natural Computing (Conference Room 2) 16:10 – Keynote – Customer Feedback Control: Design and Implementation of an Effective Product Quality Assurance System for Industrial Manufacturing Processes (Conference Room 2) MSI Session 2 – Spectroscopy and Image Analysis (Conference Room 3) 19:00 – Dinner banquet (Adunicamp Restaurant) 15:00 – Keynote – Biological Control Systems: Systems Biology of Disease Diagnosis and Treatment (Conference Room 2) Thursday, August 18, 2016 09:00 – MSI Session 3/3 – Mathematical Modelling, Optimization and Simulation (Conference Room 1) 16:15 – Social Event – Zíper na Boca Choir - Unicamp (Conference Room 3) ISC Session 5 – Automatic Control Systems Engineering (Conference Room 2) 16:45 – Reception (Lobby of UNICAMP Convention Center) Wednesday, August 17, 2016 MSI Session 4/2 – Systems Dynamics, Identification and Monitoring (Conference Room 3) 09:00 – ISC Session 2 – Fuzzy Systems and Decision Support System (Conference Room 1) 10:40 – Coffee Break (Lobby of UNICAMP Convention Center) MSI Session 3/1 – Mathematical Modelling, Optimization and Simulation (Conference Room 2) 11:00 – Keynote – Design of High-Performance Extremum-Seeking Control Systems for Energy Systems and Telecommunications (Conference Room 2) ISC Session 3 – Adaptive, Predictive, Robust or Intelligent Control (Conference Room 3) 12:15 – Lunch Break (Self-Catered) 10:40 – Coffee Break (Lobby of UNICAMP Convention Center) 4 14:00 – MSI SESSION 1 – ENERGY AND BIOENERGY Chair: Prof. Dr. Roger Josef Zemp Location: Conference Room 1 13:00 – ISC Session 6 – Operations Research, Optimization and Pattern Recognition (Conference Room 1) MSI Session 5 – Mechanics and Biomechanics (Conference Room 2) 840-041 Modelling and Analysis of an Integrated Boiler and Gasifier System José M. Nikiel, Mauricio B. Souza Jr., and Rossana O. M. Folly (Brazil) 14:30 – Tutorial: Multi-Objective Autonomous Robotics for Management and Operations of Complex Logistics Systems (Conference Room 3) 840-049 Model for Determining Energy Consumption using Material Flow Simulations Sebastian Habenicht and Willibald A. Günthner (Germany) 17:30 – Closing Ceremony & Awards (Conference Room 2) Tuesday, August 16, 2016 840-050 Exergy Analysis of a Vapor Injection Refrigeration System with Flash Tank using Refrigerant Mixture R290/R600a Hugo V. de Araújo, Stella M. R. de Carvalho, and José V. H. d'Angelo (Brazil) 09:00 – REGISTRATION Location: Lobby of UNICAMP Convention Center 10:00 – WELCOME NOTE Location: Conference Room 2 14:00 – ISC SESSION 1 – COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE AND NATURAL COMPUTING Chair: Prof. Dr. Carlos R. B. Azevedo Location: Conference Room 2 10:15 – 10:45 – COFFEE BREAK Location: Lobby of UNICAMP Convention Center 10:45-12:00 – KEYNOTE (ISC) – ADVANCED CONTROL AND REAL-TIME OPTIMIZATION OF OFFSHORE OIL & GAS PRODUCTION Presenter: Prof. Dr. Argimiro Resende Secchi (Brazil) Location: Conference Room 2 841-016 Initial Population Sensitivity and Epochal Cycle of Four Generalised Game of Life Cellular Automata through Simulations Ken A. Hawick (UK) Prof. Dr. Argimiro Resende Secchi holds a degree in Chemical Engineering from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (1986), master's degree in Chemical Engineering from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1988) and doctorate degrees in Chemical Engineering from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and Caltech, USA (1992 ). He is currently associate professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; Editor of the Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering; reviewer of the journals: Creative Commons License, Latin American Applied Research, Computers and Chemical Engineering, Chemical Engineering Science, Process Biochemistry, Science & Engineering, Biotechnology Progress, Chemical Engineering Communications, Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. He has experience in Chemical Engineering with emphasis in Industrial Chemical Engineering Processes, acting on the following topics:. Modeling and process simulation, simulation and dynamic optimization, system of algebraic-differential equations. 841-035 A Bee-Inspired Multiobjective Optimization Clustering Algorithm Dávila P. F. Cruz, Alexandre A. Politi, Danilo Cunha, Leandro N. de Castro, and Renato D. Maia (Brazil) 841-029 Parameter Analysis of a Bee-Inspired Algorithm to Solve the Traveling Salesman Problem Thiago A. S. Masutti and Leandro N. de Castro (Brazil) 14:00 – MSI SESSION 2 – SPECTROSCOPY AND IMAGE ANALYSIS Chair: Prof. Dr. Douglas Barbin Location: Conference Room 3 840-021 An Optimal Cleaning Robot for all Kinds of Reflection Pools Valério Ramos Batista, Francisco de Assis Zampirolli, and José Artur Quilici-Gonzalez (Brazil) 840-026 Biospeckle Studies Carried on Handroanthus heptaphyllus Seeds Submitted to Accelerated Aging Juliana A. Fracarolli, Douglas Fernandes Barbin, Inácio M. Dal Fabbro, Leila Martins, and Adilson M. Enes (Brazil) 12:00 – LUNCH BREAK Self-Catered 5 840-039 Comparison of SVM and REPTRee for Classification of Poultry Quality Sylvio Barbon Jr., Ana Paula A. C. Barbon, Rafael Gomes Mantovani, and Douglas Fernandes Barbin (Brazil) Alcohol Plant Co-Gen Unit Rodrigo Monteiro and Danilo L. Halla (Brazil) 841-024 Bioreactor Temperature Control using a Generic Fuzzy Feedforward Control System Rodolpho R. Fonseca, Ivan C. Franco, and Flávio V. da Silva (Brazil) 15:00-16:15 – KEYNOTE (MSI) – BIOLOGICAL CONTROL SYSTEMS: SYSTEMS BIOLOGY OF DISEASE DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT Presenter: Dr. Babatunde Ogunnaike (USA) Location: Conference Room 2 841-030 Ensemble for Collaborative Filtering based on Random Projections and Boolean Matrix Thalita Firmo Drumond and Fernando J. Von Zuben (Brazil) Professor Babatunde Ogunnaike holds a degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Lagos, Nigeria (1976), master’s degree in Statistics and doctorate degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Wisconsin-Madison (1981). He is currently professor at the Chemical Engineering Department and Dean at the College of Engineering at the University of Delaware (Newark, USA); Author of five books, including: “Process Dynamics, Modeling and Control”, Oxford University Press, 1994. He is primarily concerned with the development of effective control techniques, with application to complex industrial processes and, on the other hand, with understanding biological control systems (the means by which mammalian organisms maintain stable, efficient and "near-optimal" performance in the face of external and internal perturbations). 09:00 – MSI SESSION 3/1 – MATHEMATICAL MODELLING, OPTIMIZATION AND SIMULATION Chair: Prof. Dr. Raphael Soeiro Suppino Location: Conference Room 2 840-015 Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of Transport Phenomena in Food and Bioprocesses: Fundamentals and Applications José A. Rabi and Fernando L. Caneppele (Brazil) 840-027 Coupling of Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis and MCH Dehydrogenation in a Multifunctional Reactor Luis Fernando Novazzi and Rafael Soares dos Santos (Brazil) 840-032 A Direct Numerical Simulation Estimation of Viscous Energy Dissipation Rate in Taylor Vortex Harminder Singh, Claudio Alberto Torres Suazo, Roberto de Campos Giordano (Brazil), and Alain Liné (France) 16:15 – 16:45 – SOCIAL EVENT - ZÍPER NA BOCA CHOIR - UNICAMP Location: Conference Room 3 16:45 – 18:00 – RECEPTION Location: Lobby of UNICAMP Convention Center 840-034 CFD Preliminary Study of Gas-Solid Flow in FCC Catalyst Coolers Edgar M. L. Monzón (Peru), Thiago F. de Pádua, Marina G. R. Braga, and Gabriela C. Lopes Wednesday, August 17, 2016 09:00 – ISC SESSION 2 – FUZZY SYSTEMS AND DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM Chair: Prof. Dr. Ivan Carlos Franco Location: Conference Room 1 840-040 Modelling the Thermodynamic Equilibrium of Struvite Precipitation using a Hybrid Optimization Claudia Santiviago Petzoldt (Paraguay) and Iván López Moreda (Uruguay) 841-007 Launch Vehicle Altitude Control using Adaptive Fuzzy Integral Sliding Mode Control Uzair Ansari (Pakistan) and Abdulrahman H. Bajodah (Saudi Arabia) 09:00 – ISC SESSION 3 – ADAPTIVE, PREDICTIVE, ROBUST OR INTELLIGENT CONTROL Chair: Prof. Dr. Fabrizio Leonardi Location: Conference Room 3 841-005 Decision Support System for Zoosanitary Analyses at the São Paulo Biological Institute Silvia Maria Farani Costa, Karina Ramirez Starikoff, Jose Carlos dos Santos, and Francisco Javier Ramirez Fernandez (Brazil) 841-025 Fault Tolerant Control Based on a Moving Horizon Virtual Actuator with Target Tracking Rafael R. Sencio, Flávio V. da Silva, and Thiago V. da Costa (Brazil) 841-018 Advanced Process Control Application in a Sugar and 6 840-042 A Comparison of Different Assistance Strategies in Power Assisted Wheelchairs using an Optimal Control Formulation Vinicius I. Cuerva, Marko Ackermann, and Fabrizio Leonardi (Brazil) 841-045 A Distributed Model Predictive Controller for Linear Systems with Automatic Partitioning Rosiane R. Rocha and Luís Cláudio Oliveira-Lopes (Brazil) 841-014 Distributed Model Predictive Control Algorithm Based on Hierarchy Decomposition Yuanlong Liu, Jun Zhao, and Zuhua Xu (PR China) 840-060 Optimal Control of an Electric Vehicle for Competitions in Energy Efficiency Fabrizio Leonardi, Marko Ackermann, Renato B. Sanchez, Luiz V. Puglia, and Fabio Delatore 841-017 Robustified Quadrotor Control using Generalized Dynamic Inversion and Adaptive Non-singular Terminal Sliding Mode Uzair Ansari (Pakistan), Abdulrahman H. Bajodah (Saudi Arabia), and Mirza Tariq Hamayun 840-052 Improving the Convergence of the SELEST Identifiability Procedure Lucas F. Bernardino, Kese P. F. Alberton, and Argimiro R. Secchi (Brazil) 10:40 – 11:00 – COFFEE BREAK Location: Lobby of UNICAMP Convention Center 14:00 – ISC SESSION 4 – ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS Chair: Prof. Dr. Thiago V. Costa Location: Conference Room 2 11:00-12:15 – KEYNOTE (MSI) – DESIGN OF NONLINEAR OBSERVERS WITH ADAPTIVE GAINS WITH APPLICATIONS IN CHEMICAL AND BIOCHEMICAL PROCESS CONTROL Presenter: Prof. Martin Guay (Canada) Location: Conference Room 2 841-027 Operational Control of an Electric Submersible Pump Working with Gas-Liquid Flow using Artificial Neural Network Luis R. Pineda (Colombia), Alberto Luiz Serpa, and Jorge Luiz Biazussi (Brazil) Prof. Martin Guay received his Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. He is currently professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Queen's University. His research interests are in nonlinear control theory, particularly in the areas of differential geometric control, constructive controller design of nonlinear systems and hybrid systems. Current research is focused on hybrid systems control, adaptive learning control and extremum-seeking control (real time optimization method for steady-state engineering problems). 841-011 The Use of Artificial Neural Networks for Flow Pattern Identification and GVF Determination in Two-phase Flows Mauricio Figueiredo (Brazil), Hugo Gutierrez (Colombia), Ana M. F. Fileti (Brazil), Nicolas Ratkovich (Colombia), and Ricardo D.M. Carvalho (Brazil) 841-019 Applying of an Artificial Neural Network in Dyeings of Cotton with Reactive Black 5 Dyestuff Jorge M. Rosa and Ana M. F. Fileti (Brazil) 12:15 – LUNCH BREAK Self-Catered 841-003 Artificial Neural Networks for Modelling the Drying Process Dynamics of Schinus terebinthifolia Raddi Fruit Bruno G. Silva and Ana M. F. Fileti (Brazil) 14:00 – MSI SESSION 3/2 – MATHEMATICAL MODELLING, OPTIMIZATION AND SIMULATION Chair: Prof. Dr. José Vicente Hallak d'Ângelo Location: Conference Room 1 14:00 – MSI SESSION 4/1 – SYSTEMS DYNAMICS IDENTIFICATION AND MONITORING Chair: Prof. Dr. Vivaldo Silveira Júnior Location: Conference Room 3 840-022 Thermodynamic Analysis of Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis Employing Gibbs Energy Minimization Kelvin A. Pacheco and Reginaldo Guirardello (Brazil) 840-020 Principal Component Analysis in Multivariate Microphones Response to Simulated Leakage in Metal Pipeline of Compressed Air Luiza B. Fernandes, Rejane B. Santos, and Ana M. F. Fileti (Brazil) 840-023 Parallel Optimization of a Simulation of Dynamic Behavior of Directional Sucker-rod Pumping Roger R. F. Araújo and Samuel Xavier-de-Souza (Brazil) 7 Thursday, August 18, 2016 840-024 Orthogonal Least Square Based Non-Linear System Identification of a Refrigeration System Tarcisio S. S. Dantas, Ivan C. Franco, and Flávio V. da Silva (Brazil) 09:00 – MSI SESSION 3/3 – MATHEMATICAL MODELLING, OPTIMIZATION AND SIMULATION Chair: Prof. Dr. Gustavo Matheus de Almeida Location: Conference Room 1 840-030 Artificial Neural Network Based Identification of the Gas Volume Fraction in an Electrical Submersible Pump Carlos Uriel Cortés Rodriguez, Alberto Luiz Serpa, and Jorge Luiz Biazussi (Brazil) 840-058 Transmission Lines Model with Different Basic Structures Applied to Transient Electromagnetic Simulations Luís H. Jus, Aghatta C. Moreira, Melissa O. Santos, Thainá G. Pereira, Afonso J. Prado, Elmer M. Gennaro, and José Pissolato Filho (Brazil) 840-055 Variation of Transfer Function for Dynamic Behavior of a Vegetable Oil Refrigeration Unit Cíntia C.M de Oliveira, Maíra de P. Gonçalves, José L. P. Brittes, and Vivaldo Silveira Junior (Brazil) 840-006 Random Number Generator Influence on Differential Search Performance Wadee S. Alhalabi, Areej Alsaadi (Saudi Arabia), and Elena-Niculina Dragoi (Romania) 840-059 Fault Detection in Continuous and Periodic Industrial Chemical Processes with Hidden Markov Models Gustavo Matheus de Almeida and Song Won Park (Brazil) 840-056 Life Dynamics Cellular Modelling and Simulation Mahamadou Traoré (Senegal), Laurent Esclade (France), Ousmane Thiaré (Senegal), and Bernard Pottier (France) 15:40 – 16:10 – COFFEE BREAK Location: Lobby of UNICAMP Convention Center 840-005 Styrene-butadiene Copolymerization Simulation: A Qualitative Analysis of the Increase of Solid Stella F. G. Camargo and Ana M. F. Fileti (Brazil) 16:10-17:25 – KEYNOTE (ISC) – CUSTOMER FEEDBACK CONTROL: DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF AN EFFECTIVE PRODUCT QUALITY ASSURANCE SYSTEM FOR INDUSTRIAL MANUFACTURING PROCESSES Presenter: Dr. Babatunde Ogunnaike (USA) Location: Conference Room 2 840-011 Optimal Boundary Control of a Timoshenko Beam via Maximum Principle Seda Göktepe Körpeoğlu, Kenan Yıldırım, and İsmail Küçük (Turkey) Professor Babatunde Ogunnaike holds a degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Lagos, Nigeria (1976), master’s degree in Statistics and doctorate degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Wisconsin-Madison (1981). He is currently professor at the Chemical Engineering Department and Dean at the College of Engineering at the University of Delaware (Newark, USA); Author of five books, including: “Process Dynamics, Modeling and Control”, Oxford University Press, 1994. He is primarily concerned with the development of effective control techniques, with application to complex industrial processes and, on the other hand, with understanding biological control systems (the means by which mammalian organisms maintain stable, efficient and "near-optimal" performance in the face of external and internal perturbations). 09:00 – ISC SESSION 5 – AUTOMATIC CONTROL SYSTEMS ENGINEERING Chair: Prof. Dr. Andrea Valdman Location: Conference Room 2 841-004 Mechanism Design and Motion Control System Realization for 6-strut Tensegrity Robots Bin Li, Wenjuan Du, Cong Wang, Wenyuan Liu, and Liangquan Zhang (PR China) 841-012 Implementation of Indirect Field Oriented Control (IFOC) for a Three-phase Induction Motor Juan U. Moreano and Edilberto H. Vásquez (Peru) 841-013 Advanced Process Control in Cobalt Stripping Caio O. Biondi and Danilo L. Halla (Brazil) 19:00 – DINNER BANQUET Location: Adunicamp Restaurant - UNICAMP Av. Érico Verissimo, 1479, Cidade Universitaria, Campinas – São Paulo, CEP 13083-851 841-022 Enhanced Control Strategy of a Semi-Industrial Boiler Based on Failure Diagnosis Systems: A Study Case on Hybrid Automation Systems Andréa P. Parente, Andrea Valdman, Mauricio B. Souza 8 learning control and extremum-seeking control (real time optimization method for steady-state engineering problems). Jr., and Rossana O. M. Folly (Brazil) 841-046 Control Allocation: A Brief Comparison between a Reference based and a Model Factorization Approaches Nádia G. Sousa and Luís Cláudio Oliveira-Lopes (Brazil) 12:15 – LUNCH BREAK Self-Catered 09:00 – MSI SESSION 4/2 – SYSTEMS DYNAMICS IDENTIFICATION AND MONITORING Chair: Prof. Dr. Marko Ackermann Location: Conference Room 3 13:00 – ISC SESSION 6 – OPERATIONS RESEARCH, OPTIMIZATION AND PATTERN RECOGNITION Chair: Prof. Dr. Newton Libanio Ferreira Location: Conference Room 1 840-029 Active Learning Concepts Applied on a Automotive Mechatronic System Fabio Delatore, Fabrizio Leonardi, and Alexsander Tressino Carvalho (Brazil) 841-010 Facial Expression Recognition based on DT-CWT and Weighted Inverse Cloud Model Yanqiu Li (PR China), Fuji Ren (Japan), and Min Hu (PR China) 840-048 Velocity Simulation of an Electrochemical Reactor for Textile Wastewater Treatment Claudia L. M. Gasparovic, Eduardo Eyng, Laercio M. Frare, Larissa B. C. Sabbi, Michelle Budke Costa, and Fábio Orssatto (Brazil) 841-026 Residential Energy Management System Based on Coevolutionary Particle Swarm Optimization Driele P. da S. Ribeiro and Luiz C. P. da Silva (Brazil) 841-037 Gas Leak Detection System based on Internal Displacement of an Acoustic-Electronic Device Flávio Gonçalves Cavalieri and Ana M. F. Fileti (Brazil) 840-062 3D Modelling and Structural Simulation of Scaffolds for Cardiovascular Implants Janaina de A. Dernowsek, Rodrigo A. Rezende, Pedro Y. Noritomi, Daniel T. Kemmoku, Julia A. Nogueira, Vladimir Mironov, and Jorge V. L. da Silva (Brazil) 841-040 Formalizing Priority-based Load Balancer for a Datacenter Vasudevan Janarthanan (Canada) 13:00 – MSI SESSION 5 – MECHANICS AND BIOMECHANICS Chair: Prof. Dr. Fabio Delatore Location: Conference Room 2 840-063 An Educational Tool with Remote Access for Teaching Modelling Control Systems for Engineering Courses Wânderson O. de Oliveira Assis, Alessandra D. Coelho, Rubens Gedraite, Eduardo Nadaleto da Matta, and Léo Kunigk (Brazil) 840-035 Ring Fixators in Traumatology (An Engineering Point of View) Karel Frydrýšek, Jiří Kohut, Vojtěch Bajtek, Milan Šír, and Leopold Pleva (Czech Republic) 10:40 – 11:00 – COFFEE BREAK Location: Lobby of UNICAMP Convention Center 11:00-12:15 – KEYNOTE (ISC) – DESIGN OF HIGH-PERFORMANCE EXTREMUM-SEEKING CONTROL SYSTEMS FOR ENERGY SYSTEMS AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS Presenter: Prof. Martin Guay (Canada) Location: Conference Room 2 840-046 Simple Probabilistic Model for the Influence of the Atmosphere on the Earth’s Crust Ivo Wandrol and Karel Frydrýšek (Czech Republic) 840-051 Optimal Control of the Wheelchair Wheelie Erivelton G. dos Santos, Fabrizio Leonardi, and Marko Ackermann (Brazil) Prof. Martin Guay received his Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. He is currently professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Queen's University. His research interests are in nonlinear control theory, particularly in the areas of differential geometric control, constructive controller design of nonlinear systems and hybrid systems. Current research is focused on hybrid systems control, adaptive 840-065 An Optimal Control Framework to Predict Gait Patterns Resulting from Changes in Musculoskeletal Properties Gilmar F. Santos, Aline A. Gomes, Isabel C. N. Sacco, and Marko Ackermann (Brazil) 9 14:30-17:30 – TUTORIAL – MULTI-OBJECTIVE AUTONOMOUS ROBOTICS FOR MANAGEMENT AND OPERATIONS OF COMPLEX LOGISTICS SYSTEMS Presenter: Carlos R. B. Azevedo, Klaus Raizer, Ricardo Souza and Eric Rohmer (Brazil) Location: Conference Room 3 multi-objective optimization, stochastic simulation, machine learning, and computational intelligence. Raizer, PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Campinas (2015) and is currently an Experienced Researcher in Management and Operations of Complex Systems at Ericsson Research Brazil. He has experience in computational intelligence, cognitive architectures, robotics and automation. Klaus Abstract - In this tutorial, we will explore the interplay between multi-objective computational intelligence approaches and autonomous robotics for managing complex logistics operations. In typical scenarios, each node of a supply network - e.g. suppliers, warehouses, retailers - has little information about the current states of the nodes affecting them. Such lack of information leaves no choice but to react to incoming orders from other nodes by relying on static business policies in order to fulfill production, inventory replenishment, storage, and delivery requests. As a consequence, achieving adequate service levels under acceptable costs can become very challenging. Vendor-Managed Inventory (VMI) approaches, where the supplier assumes full responsibility of replenishing the retailers inventories, can alleviate this problem by taking advantage of increased integration between nodes and conducting proactive automated operations for reducing supply-demand gaps. This tutorial will explain how to model and simulate an intelligent, automated VMI strategy allowing for efficient real-time integration of warehouse operations with multi-retailer inventory replenishment tasks. We will describe the simulated environment built with V-REP, a comprehensive robot simulator, where an autonomous industrial robot receives instructions generated by a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm running in real-time, aiming to simultaneously maximize profit and minimize shortage and surplus risks, while deciding on-the-fly which and how many products should be delivered to which retailers and when. Action selection is performed by monitoring inventory levels and stochastic customer ordering events at the retailers. In summary, the tutorial goals are (1) to expose multiple criteria decision-making concepts for supporting real-time expression of different degrees of risk aversion preferences; (2) to expose how retailer inventory control can lead to a sequence of warehouse pickup and delivery problems with deadlines; and (3) to demonstrate the cascading effects on the simulated robot behavior of demand events in the retailers side that can disrupt the supplier’s service level capacity. Ricardo Souza, MSc (2011) and PhD Candidate on the Electrial and Computer Engineering at the University of Campinas, is currently an Experienced Researcher in Management and Operations of Complex Systems at Ericsson Research Brazil. He has experience in networked robotics, Internet of Things, Wireless Sensor Networks. Eric Rohmer, Polytechnic Diploma (1996), B.S. (1997), MSc. (2000) in France, and a PhD in Advanced Robotics at Tohoku University, Japan (2005), currently is a Professor and Robotics Researcher at the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Unicamp and a collaborator at Coppelia Robotics. His current field of investigation includes assistive robotics and robotic simulations. 17:30 – 17:45 – CLOSING CEREMONY & AWARDS Location: Conference Room 2 17:45 – END OF CONFERENCE **************************************************** IASTED would like to thank you for attending MSI and ISC 2016. Your participation helped make this international event a success, and we look forward to seeing you at upcoming IASTED events. **************************************************** Biographies Carlos R. B. Azevedo, PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Campinas (2014) and is currently an Experienced Researcher in Management and Operations of Complex Systems at Ericsson Research Brazil. Carlos is experienced in anticipatory 10