DRAFT CONCEPT PROPOSAL SOLICITATION FORM for Inclusion of Projects in the MONTEREY PENINSULA, CARMEL BAY, AND SOUTH MONTEREY BAY (“MONTEREY PENINSULA”) 2013 INTEGRATED REGIONAL WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN UPDATE Note: This solicitation is a preliminary solicitation of the IRWM Plan update and requests basic introductory information on projects in conceptual and implementation stages. A subsequent solicitation for projects will occur as a future phase of the 2013 IRWM Plan update which will require thorough details for projects to be ranked in the 2013 IRWM Plan. 1. PROJECT PROPONENT (NAME OF ORGANIZATION): Type of Entity: Public agency Nonprofit organization Private citizen or privately owned business Privately owned water utility Other (describe):BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 2. PROJECT TITLE: 3. NAME, TITLE, AND AFFILIATION OF CONTACT PERSON: 4. Phone: 5. Email: 6. Mailing Address: 7. Project Eligibility: Geographic Location To be eligible for inclusion in the IRWMP, projects must lie within the geographic scope of the Monterey Peninsula IRWM Region or provide a benefit to water resource issues in the Region1. Please describe the location of the project and the area(s) of benefit. The preferred method is to upload a GIS layer with the project’s location/envelope. If not available, please include coordinates in latitude/longitude or in the State Plan coordinate system. dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd 1 The planning Region is located in Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) Region 3 and lies between the Salinas River groundwater basin and the Big Sur coast. The planning region is approximately 347 square miles and consists of coastal watershed areas in Carmel Bay and south Monterey Bay between Pt. Lobos on the south and Sand City on the north – a 38.3-mile stretch of the coast that includes three Areas of Special Biological Significance (Pt. Lobos, Carmel Bay, and Pacific Grove). The area encompasses the six Monterey Peninsula cities (Carmel-by-the Sea, Del Rey Oaks, Pacific Grove, Monterey, Sand City, and Seaside), and extends into portions of the unincorporated area of Monterey County in the Carmel Highlands, Pebble Beach and the inland areas of Carmel Valley and the Laguna Seca area. For a map of the planning region see: http://www.mpwmd.dst.ca.us/Mbay_IRWM/2011IG/WorkPlan.pdf 8. Project Eligibility: Prop 84 IRWM Criteria: To be eligible for inclusion in the IRWMP, projects must yield multiple benefits and include one or more of the following elements. Please check all that apply: Water supply reliability, water conservation and water use efficiency. Storm water capture, storage, clean-up, treatment, and management. Removal of invasive non-native species, the creation and enhancement of wetlands, and the acquisition, protection, and restoration of open space and watershed lands. Non-point source pollution reduction, management and monitoring. Groundwater recharge and management projects. Contaminant and salt removal through reclamation, desalting, and other treatment technologies and conveyance of reclaimed water for distribution to users. Water banking, exchange, reclamation and improvement of water quality. Planning and implementation of multipurpose flood management programs. Watershed protection and management. Drinking water treatment and distribution. Ecosystem and fisheries restoration and protection. 9. Project Eligibility: IRWMP Goals and Objectives (* = High Priority): To be eligible for inclusion in the IRWMP, projects must be consistent with the goals and objectives of the Monterey Peninsula IRWM region, which include the following (please check all that apply). Water Supply (WS) WS-1. Meet existing water supply replacement needs of the Carmel River system and Seaside Groundwater Basin.* WS-2. Maximize use of recycled water.* WS-3. Seek long-term sustainable supplies for adopted future demand estimates. WS-4. Optimize conjunctive use of surface and groundwater. WS-5. Evaluate, advance, or create water conservation throughout the Region in compliance with the State’s 20x2020 Water Conservation Plan. Water Quality (WQ) WQ-1. Improve ocean water quality, including Areas of Special Biological Significance (ASBS), by minimizing pollutants in stormwater discharges.* WQ-2. Improve inland surface water quality for environmental resources (e.g. steelhead) and potable water supplies.* WQ-3. Protect and improve water quality in groundwater basins.* WQ-4. Meet or exceed water quality standards established by regulatory agencies and stakeholders. Flood Protection & Erosion Prevention (FP) FP-1. Develop regional projects and plans necessary to protect existing infrastructure and sensitive habitats from flood damage, erosion, and sea level rise, in particular, along the southern Monterey Bay shoreline and Carmel Valley.* FP-2. Develop approaches for adaptive management that minimize maintenance and repair requirements (sustainable flood management systems). FP-3. Protect quality and availability of water while preserving or restoring ecologic and stream function. FP-4. Provide community benefits beyond flood protection, such as public access, open space, recreation, agricultural preservation, and economic development. Environmental Protection and Enhancement (EV) EV-1. Protect and enhance sensitive species and their habitats in the regional watersheds; promote the steelhead run. EV-2. Identify opportunities to assess, protect, enhance, and/or restore natural resources, including consideration of climate change, when development water management strategies and projects. EV-3. Minimize adverse environmental effects on biological and cultural resources when implementing strategies and projects. EV-4. Identify opportunities for open spaces, trails and parks long streams and other recreational areas in the watershed that can be incorporated into projects. EV-5. Identify and integrate elements from appropriate Federal and State species protection and recovery plans. Climate Change (CC) CC-1. Evaluate adaptation measures and mitigative solutions to climate change effects. CC-2. Support increased education, monitoring and research to increase understanding of long-term impacts of climate change in the region. CC-3. Support efforts to increase education, research and use of energy conservation measures and alternatives to fossil fuel and non-renewable resources to reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with water and wastewater facility operations and IRWM projects. Regional Communication and Cooperation (RCC) RC-1. Identify cooperative, integrated strategies for protecting both infrastructure and environmental resources, including from climate change impacts.* RC-2. Foster collaboration among regional entities as an alternative to litigation. * RC-3. Identify and pursue additional opportunities for public education, outreach, and communication on water resource management and climate change, including to disadvantaged communities and stakeholders with interests in water management issues. RC-4. Build relationships with State and Federal regulatory agencies and water forums and agencies. 10. Project Eligibility: IRWMP Resource Management Strategies: To be eligible for inclusion in the IRWMP, projects must implement one or more Resource Management Strategies of the Monterey Peninsula IRWM region, which are shown on page 4. Please list all that apply. 11. Summary Description of Project: Please include a brief summary of the project (500 words maximum, attach page, as necessary). Describe the project need, the project concept, and which entities would be involved in carrying out the project. Summarize the project status to the extent possible. RESOURCE MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES Reduced Water Demand Agriculture Water Use Efficiency Urban Water Use Efficiency Crop Idling for Water Transfers Irrigated Land Retirement Rainfed Agriculture Improve Operational Efficiency and Transfers Conveyance – Regional/Local System Reoperation Water Transfers Waterbag Transport/Storage Technology Increase Water Supply Conjunctive Management & Groundwater Storage Seawater or Brackish Water Desalination Precipitation Enhancement Recycled Municipal Water Surface Storage – Regional/local Dewvaportation or Atmospheric Pressure Desalination Fog Collection Improve Water Quality Drinking Water Treatment and Distribution Groundwater Remediation/Aquifer Remediation Matching Quality to Use Pollution Prevention Salt and Salinity Management Urban Runoff Management Improve Flood Management Flood Risk Management Practice Resources Stewardship Agriculture Lands Stewardship Economic Incentives Ecosystem Restoration Forest Management Recharge Area Protection Water-Dependent Recreation Watershed Management Other (Provide Detailed Description) HOW TO SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION Please email your completed application to: Larry Hampson, Larry@mpwmd.net If you do not have email access, please mail or hand-deliver one copy of your application to: MONTEREY PENINSULA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT c/o Larry Hampson 5 HARRIS COURT, BLDG. G, MONTEREY, CA 93940 FOR QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS APPLICATION FORM OR THE IRWMP PROCESS: Larry Hampson, District Engineer, MPWMD Email: Larry@mpwmd.net Phone: (831)658-5620 Web address (2007 Plan/2009 RAP): http://www.mpwmd.dst.ca.us/Mbay_IRWM/Mbay_IRWM.htm Web address (2013 Plan Update): http://www.mpwmd.dst.ca.us/Mbay_IRWM/2010PG/2010PG.htm