Fast Fourier Transform Background on Fourier series • It can be shown that any continuous function x(t) defined over T1 ≤ t ≤ T2 can be expressed as the following infinite sum $ x(t) = % #$ z $ k (cos(k" 0 t) + i sin(k" 0t)) = x(t) = % #$ z k exp(ik" 0 t) zk are complex numbers x + iy, i = √-1 ω0 = 2 π /(T2 - T1) ! • We call the infinite sum a Fourier series 5/5/09 Scott B. Baden /CSE 262 / Sp 2009 2 Deriving a Fourier Series • The coefficients zk are called the complex amplitude of the kth component • They may be obtained by the following formula zk = 1T $ %e "ik# 0 t x(t) dt "$ • For example, the square wave may be expressed ! as a sum of odd harmonics: A1*sin(x) + A2*sin(3x) + A3*sin(5x) + … 5/5/09 Scott B. Baden /CSE 262 / Sp 2009 3 Fourier Series approximation of a square wave (2/π)∑ sin(kx)/k k odd 5/5/09 Scott B. Baden /CSE 262 / Sp 2009 4 Fourier transform • For a continuous signal defined from + ∞ to -∞ there is a continuous Fourier spectrum • This is the Fourier transform -∞ -iωt dt, where e -iωt = cos(ωt) - i sin(ωt) X(ω) =⌠ ⌡ x(t) e -∞ • Whereas the harmonics corresponding to the zk have frequencies that are discrete multiples of ω0 the harmonics in the Fourier spectrum have all frequencies between + ∞ and -∞ • We can recover the original function with the inverse -∞ transform -1 x(t) = (2 π) ⌠ X(ω) e iωt d ω ⌡ -∞ 5/5/09 Scott B. Baden /CSE 262 / Sp 2009 5 Fourier transform of the square wave Using the Fourier transform, we can determine the $ the coefficients zk = 1T % (cos(k" 0 t) + jsin(k" 0 t)) S(t) dt #$ ! 5/5/09 Scott B. Baden /CSE 262 / Sp 2009 6 Computing Fourier transform • For a continuous function we can determine the coefficients using the Fourier transform zk = 1T • • • ! $ %e "ik# 0 t x(t) dt "$ The Discrete Fourier Transform determines the coefficient for a discrete function defined on uniformly spaced sampling points: O(N2) algorithm ! 1 N "1 N #1 i2 "kn / N X(k) = $ x(n)e"i2 #kn / N x(n) = X(k)e $ n= 0 N n= 0 Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), Cooley and Tukey (1965) Divide and conquer, O(N lg N) ! 5/5/09 Scott B. Baden /CSE 262 / Sp 2009 7 Using the Discrete Fourier transform • Consider the spectrum of the square wave 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 5/5/09 0 1 2 3 4 5 Scott B. Baden /CSE 262 / Sp 2009 6 7 8 Shifting • • • • The FT is centered about the origin But the DFT is centered about N/2 We need to correct with a circular shift operation Or, multiply by (-1)k prior to taking the transform 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 5/5/09 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Scott B. Baden /CSE 262 / Sp 2009 9 FFT • Cooley and Tukey (1965), O(N lg N) • Divide and conquer → iterative computation • K = 0:N-1, M = N / 2 5/5/09 Scott B. Baden /CSE 262 / Sp 2009 10 Recursive formulation 5/5/09 Scott B. Baden /CSE 262 / Sp 2009 11 Iterative formulation 5/5/09 Scott B. Baden /CSE 262 / Sp 2009 12 FFT “Butterfly graph” • lg N stages • At each iteration i, apply a butterfly operation to combine pairs of elements spaced 2N-i units apart • “Twiddle” factors 5/5/09 Scott B. Baden /CSE 262 / Sp 2009 13 A 2D Discrete Fourier Transform 5/5/09 Scott B. Baden /CSE 262 / Sp 2009 15 1D Spatial Frequencies 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 5/5/09 Scott B. Baden /CSE 262 / Sp 2009 16 1D Spatial Frequencies 5/5/09 Scott B. Baden /CSE 262 / Sp 2009 17 2D Spatial Frequencies 5 1 0.9 4 0.8 0.7 3 0.6 0.5 2 0.4 1 0.3 0.2 0 0.1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -1 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 5/5/09 Scott B. Baden /CSE 262 / Sp 2009 18 Implementing the 2D FFT • The 2D FFT is separable • We may express it in terms of 1D FFTs • We take row transforms – Apply the 1D FFT algorithm to each row • Next take column transforms – Apply the 1D FFT algorithm to each column 5/5/09 Scott B. Baden /CSE 262 / Sp 2009 19 A few details • The data end up in bit-reversed order – Thus, element 17=010001 → 100010 = 34 • We use libraries to compute the FFTs – MKLIB, ESSL • Parallel libraries, e.g. PESSL • Other algorithms – FFTW “Fastest FFT in the West:” – “Faster FFTs via Architecture Cognizance,” K. Gatlin and L. Carter, PACT 2000 5/5/09 Scott B. Baden /CSE 262 / Sp 2009 20