Shaping minds and hearts The Catholic University in Ružomberok Guide for E r a s m u s+ S t u d e n t s Foreign Relations and Mobility Office 4 Slovakia in Brief 6 History of Slovakia 8 The Town of Ružomberok 13 The Catholic University in Ružomberok 15 Faculties of The CU in Ružomberok 17 Faculty of Education 18 Faculty of Arts and Letters 20 Faculty of Theology (in Košice) 22 Faculty of Health 24 UPaC – University Pastoral Centre 25 University Library 28 Erasmus Study Application Procedure 29 International Cooperation 30 Useful Information 32 The Counselling Centre 35 Practical Information 36 Sightseeing 41 Tips for Trips 43 Vocabulary 46 Useful Links and Phone Numbers 49 3 Guide Contents for E r a s m u s+ S t u d e n t s 2 Address: The Catholic University in Ružomberok Rector´s Office Námestie Andreja Hlinku 60 034 01 Ružomberok SLOVAKIA Foreign Relations and Mobility Office Staff responsible: Mgr. Michaela Moldová Chovancová Erasmus Institutional Coordinator Tel.: +421 44 4304693 E-mail: Mgr. Lucia Kravčáková Erasmus Officer responsible for Incoming/Outgoing Students Tel.: +421 44 4304693 E-mail: Vitajte! Velkommen! Üdvözöljük! Welcome! Willkommen! Bienvenido! Serdecznie witamy! Benvenuti! Bienvenue! Dear friends, Guide The Catholic University in Ružomberok It´s a great pleasure for us to welcome you to The Catholic University in Ružomberok (CU). We wish you a pleasant and successful time at our institution. We hope that this guide will provide you with all the necessary information about our campus, programmes, student facilities, as well as social and spiritual life, leisure activities and other useful information concerning your stay in Ružomberok. Should you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us at any time. Erasmus team of CU in Ružomberok 5 for E r a s m u s+ S t u d e n t s 4 Slovakia in Brief Natural resources: iron ore, mercury, copper, lead, zinc The highest mountains: Vysoké Tatry (High Tatras) The highest point: Gerlachovský štít (2654,40 m above sea level) The lowest point: River Bodrog (94 m above sea level) The biggest river: Dunaj The longest river: Váh (378 km) Official language: Slovak Currency: Euro (€) Form of government: republic Political system: parliamentary democracy President: Ing. Andrej Kiska Administrative organisation: 8 Higher Territorial Units, 8 Regions, 79 Districts Member of international organisations: EU, NATO, UN, OECD, OSCE, WHO etc. 7 Guide Official name: The Slovak Republic Capital: Bratislava Date of establishment: 1st January 1993 (after separation of the Czech and Slovak Federative Republic) Location: Central Europe Bordering countries: Austria, The Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Ukraine Area: 49 035 km2 Population: 5,4 million Density of population: 110/km2 Large towns: Košice, Prešov, Nitra, Žilina, Banská Bystrica, Trnava, Martin, Trenčín, Poprad Ethnic mix of population: Slovaks (85,8 %), Hungarians (9,7 %), Roma (1,7 %), Czechs (0,8 %), Ruthenians (0,4 %), Ukrainians (0,2 %), Germans (0,1 %), others (0,2 %), unknown (1,1 %) Main agricultural crops: wheat, rye, corn, potatoes, sugar beets Breeding: cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, poultry Main fields of industry: automobile industry, chemical industry, iron ore processing, fertilizers, plastics, mechanical and electrical engineering for E r a s m u s+ S t u d e n t s 6 The Slovak territory has been inhabited since prehistoric times. Several archaeological artefacts from this period have been preserved and placed in national history museums all around the country. One of the most valuable artefacts is the Neanderthal skull cast dating from over 100 000 years ago found in 1926 near Gánovce (Poprad district). Prehistoric settlements were discovered in Smolenice, Čaka, Očkov, Nitriansky Hrádok, Havránok, Spišský Štvrtok and many other places in Slovakia. The territory of Slovakia was the border area of the Roman Empire (The Limes Romanus) and Romans waged several wars of conquest here. In 179, after winning the battle with Marcomans, Marcus Valerius Maximianus – a general of the Roman legions – chiselled an inscription dedicated to the goddess of victory into the rock on which Trenčín Castle was built in later centuries. Besides Trenčín, remains of the Limes Romanus are also preserved in Rusovce and Iža. against nomadic invaders. This activity resulted in the creation of the first political formation in our territory under the rule of the Frankish merchant Samo, known as Samo’s Empire. The Samo Empire was followed by the establishment of the Principality of Nitra at the beginning of the 9th century, and finally the Great Moravian Empire was established in 833 AD – the first common state of the Slovak and Czech ancestors. After the fall of Great Moravia, the Hungarian tribes invaded the Slovak territory and it became a part of the Kingdom of Hungary, which was eventually included in the Austro-Hungarian Empire ruled by Habsburg monarchs. Guide History of Slovakia The creation of Czechoslovakia in 1918 was the culmination of the long struggle of the Czechs against their Austrian rulers and of the Slovaks against Magyarization As a result of its geographical location in Central Europe, the territory of Slovakia was threatened by raids and military incursions of the Romans, the Tatars, the Turks and the Frankish Empire. During the Migration of Nations (by the turn of 6th century), the first Slavs arrived here and soon they had to defend themselves 9 for E r a s m u s+ S t u d e n t s 8 Important Historical Events 7th century – Tribal Union of Samo’s Empire 9th century – Great Moravia, the first state formation in Central Europe 11 Guide and their Hungarian rulers. Czechoslovakia became a Communist nation within Soviet-dominated Eastern Europe. In 1989, the Soviet era ended with the Velvet Revolution, and Czechoslovakia became a democratic state. The countries agreed to separate peacefully in 1993, in what is called the Velvet Divorce, and Slovakia was finally independent. In 2004, Slovakia became a member of both the European Union and NATO. 11th century – Hungarian state ruled by King Stephen I. was founded at the territory of Slovakia 1536 – The Parliament of the Kingdom of Hungary promoted Pressburg (now Bratislava) to Capital of the Kingdom 16th century – Hungary became a part of Austria after the lost battle against the Turks at Moháč 17th century –Thirty Years` War – a period full of the Turkish raids and anti-Habsburg uprisings 18th century – political and national situation created conditions for development of the Slovak National Revival when the Slovak educated class started to organise the social movement 1787 – Anton Bernolák codified the first literary form of the Slovak language 1843 – The second codification of the Slovak literary language by Ľudovít Štúr was more successful and it became the basis of the current Slovak literary language 1863 – Matica slovenská, the first national institution involved in the promotion of education and culture of Slovaks, was founded in Martin 28/10/1918 – Slovakia became a part of the newly established Czecho-Slovak Republic declared on 28 October in Prague 14/03/1939 – The independent Slovak State was declared in Bratislava. Dr. Jozef Tiso became the president of the First Slovak Republic from 1939 to 1945 29/08/1944 – launch of the Slovak National Uprising - an armed insurrection organised by the Slovak resistance movement during World War II From 1968 – Soviet troops occupied Czechoslovakia for more than twenty years for E r a s m u s+ S t u d e n t s 10 Source:,, The Town of Ružomberok Ružomberok is an administrative centre of Dolný Liptov. The town is situated on the confluence of rivers Váh and Revúca. The location of Ružomberok creates a beautiful silhouette of the town surrounded from three sides by mountains - Veľká Fatra Mountains, Chočské vrchy Mountains and Nízke Tatry (Low Tatras) and from Eastern side it is open to the Liptovská kotlina basin. Guide 17/11/1989 – the Velvet Revolution - the end of totalitarianism and communist dictatorship 01/01/1993 – the dissolution of Czechoslovakia Slovakia became an independent and sovereign state 29/03/2004 – Slovakia became a member of NATO 01/05/2004 – Slovakia became a member of the EU 21/12/2007 – Slovakia became a part of the Schengen Area 01/01/2009 – Slovakia adopted the single European currency Euro and thus became one of the countries of the European Monetary Union The first written reference to Ružomberok dates back to 1233 AD. According to the legend, after their arrival to the territory of Ružomberok, German colonists found a hill covered with rosebush and therefore they named their new home Rosenberg (Rosehill). In the course of seven centuries the town developed into a major centre of trade, market and crafts and became 13 for E r a s m u s+ S t u d e n t s 12 A quality school system was the basis for the development of trade and industry as well. Gradually, many important schools were established in the town. The first recognized school of a higher type was an Evangelical Latin Aristocratic School originated in 1567. From the last third of the 19th century almost to the middle of the 20th century, Ružomberok was an important centre of the Slovak national revival. The main philosophical and political streams of that time, which were influencing the politics in Slovakia, emerged and Ružomberok became their breeding ground. In 2000 The Catholic University in Ružomberok was established and began a new chapter in the history of the town in terms of education and the school system. Today, with population a little over 31 000, Ružomberok is the regional centre of tourism mainly due to its location. Many foreign tourists find their way to Skipark Ružomberok, a well-known skiing resort with the longest piste or groomed run in Slovakia (3 900 m) every winter. The Catholic University in Ružomberok The Catholic University in Ružomberok is a public university with a religious character. It was established in 2000 and in 2002 it was granted public university status. The Conference of Slovak Bishops and the National Council of the Slovak Republic took part in its foundation. Declaration of Mission Guide an important crossroads for European trade. Strong agricultural and craft tradition at the end of the 19th century pushed Ružomberok to become the most important Slovak industrial town with several big factories, mills and plants (paper, wood pulp and textile industry, woodworking, brickworks, cheese factories, etc.). Before the World War I. Ružomberok had been the biggest town of Slovakia in terms of Slovak population and industry. CU forms the mind and the heart in the sense of the Catholic moral, intellectual and academic tradition. We also offer university education and formation, and do research leading to the integral development of individuals and society. 15 for E r a s m u s+ S t u d e n t s 14 The university educates experts who respect human dignity and have a sense of the Christian way of life. It develops knowledge, research, and at the same time it contributes to the dialogue among religions and cultures; between faith and science. It encourages the complex personality improvement of students in the spirit of Christian principles and values. Values The Catholic University in Ružomberok consists of four faculties (Faculty of Education, Faculty of Arts and Letters, Faculty of Theology, Faculty of Health). As a relatively young institution, CU is still growing and developing. The latest big project – to build a new modern university library meeting the highest requirements of students, professors and researchers – was finished in September 2013. All students of The Catholic University are full members of the university community and are entitled to the opportunities and responsibilities which are available for them. All buildings provide barrier-free access through ramps and lifts. Truth • - to search for the truth and to be willing to share it Unity • - to work for the common goal and apply the principle of subsidiarity Professionalism • - to work toward the progress of individuals with quality education, science and research • Responsibility - to do good with the best intentions and respect the principle of solidarity Faculties of The Catholic University in Ružomberok Guide CU performs its activities especially in the areas of the humanities, historical, pedagogical, social, and health sciences, as well as in the areas of art, music, economics, management and law. Faculty of Education Faculty of Arts and Letters Faculty of Theology Faculty of Health 17 for E r a s m u s+ S t u d e n t s 16 Study programmes BACHELOR PROGRAMMES (3 years) • Management (single major) in Poprad • Pedagogy • Pre-school and Elementary Education (single major) • Pre-school and Elementary Education of Socially Disadvantaged Groups (single major) • Special Education and Education of Mentally Challenged People (single major) • Social Work • Medical Pedagogy (single major) • Teacher Training Study Programme (double major): Biology, Fine Art Education, Geography, Chemistry, Church Music, Computer Science, Italian Language and Literature, Mathematics, Music Education, Organ Playing, Piano Playing, Physics, Religious Education (Roman Catholic), Russian Language and Literature, Singing • Teacher Training Study Programme (single major): Fine Art Education, Computer Science, Religious Education (Roman Catholic) MASTER DEGREE PROGRAMMES (2 years) • Management (single major) in Poprad • Pre-school and Elementary Education (single major) • Social Work (single major) • Social Work in Public Administration and Social Services • Special Education and Education of Mentally Challenged People (single major) • Teacher Training Study Programme (double major): Biology, Fine Art Education, Geography, Chemistry, Church Music, Computer Science, Mathematics, Music Education, Organ Playing, Piano Playing, Physics, Religious Education (Roman Catholic), Singing • Teacher Training Study Programme (single major): Fine Art Education, Religious Education (Roman Catholic) DOCTORAL PROGRAMMES (3 years) • Didactics of Music • Social Work • Theory of Religious Education 19 Guide Faculty of Education for E r a s m u s+ S t u d e n t s 18 • Psychology (single major) • Teacher Training Study Programme (double major): English Language and Literature, German Language and Literature, Slovak Language and Literature, History, Philosophy, Religious Education (Roman Catholic) Study programmes BACHELOR PROGRAMMES (3 years) • English Language for Commercial Purposes (single major) • German Language and Culture (single major) • History (single major) • Journalism (single major) • Philosophy (single major) • Psychology (single major) • Political Science (single major) • Religion Science (single major) • Slovak Language and Culture (single major) • Teacher Training Study Programme (double major): English Language and Literature, German Language and Literature, Slovak Language and Literature, History, Philosophy, Religious Education (Roman Catholic) DOCTORAL PROGRAMMES (3 years) • History • Journalism • Philosophy MASTER DEGREE PROGRAMMES (2 years) • History (single major) • Journalism (single major) • Philosophy (single major) 21 Guide Faculty of Arts and Letters for E r a s m u s+ S t u d e n t s 20 Faculty of Theology (in Košice) MASTER DEGREE PROGRAMMES (6 years) • Catholic Theology DOCTORAL PROGRAMMES (3 years) • Catholic Theology • Missionary and Charitable Work Study programmes BACHELOR PROGRAMMES (3 years) • Family Studies (single major) • Social Philosophy (single major) • Social Work (single major) • Teacher Training Study Programme (single major): Religious Education (Roman Catholic) • Teacher Training Study Programme (double major): Ethics, Philosophy, Religious Education (Roman Catholic) MASTER DEGREE PROGRAMMES (2 years) • Family Studies (single major) • Social Philosophy (single major) • Social Work (single major) • Teacher Training Study Programme (single major): Religious Education (Roman Catholic) • Teacher Training Study Programme (double major): Ethics, Philosophy, Religious Education (Roman Catholic) 23 Guide for E r a s m u s+ S t u d e n t s 22 UPaC – University Pastoral Centre Study programmes The role of the University Pastoral Centre of Ján Vojtaššák in Ružomberok is to assist in the integral formation of CU students through spiritual, cultural, social and sports events, and participate in fulfilling the mission of CU - shaping minds and hearts. It organises various activities aimed at spiritual, intellectual, social and physical development. BACHELOR PROGRAMMES (3 years) • Laboratory Diagnostic Methods in Health • Nursing • Physiotherapy • Public Health • Urgent Health Care Guide Faculty of Health UPaC takes care of the spiritual needs of CU students, teachers and employees, organises spiritual exercises and retreats, and offers spiritual consulting. Holy Masses are celebrated every day. UPaC priests are available for the administration of sacraments, individual spiritual discussions, and invite students to join other spiritual activities such as Bible study, Alpha courses, Lectio Divina, Taizé meetings, devotions, worship evenings, discussion groups, prayer groups, meetings or pilgrimages. UPaC is located at the premises of CU, in the basement of the Faculty of Pedagogy right near the Chapel of St. Albert. There is a computer room with a library and copy services available, a tea room with kitchen, a game room with darts, billiards, table tennis, table football and a fitness centre, UPaB - a large common room with a stage, bar, large sofa and plasma TV where students can watch movies or sports broadcasts together. Lectures, discussion clubs and film clubs take place in UPaB as well. 25 for E r a s m u s+ S t u d e n t s 24 Sport Events and Other Activities Sports meetings and tournaments in football, floorball, volleyball, basketball, table football, table tennis or billiards are organised on a weekly basis. Throughout the year students can enjoy tours and hiking expeditions, ski trips and cycling. Students have free access to the fitness centre in UPaC. Guide For more information visit the website: Other activities organised by UPaC: Cultural and Social Events Cultural life at CU is enriched by various cultural events such as concerts, theatre performances, film evenings (, exhibition and presentations organised usually once a week. A few times a year students are invited to thematic parties such as the Oldies party, Historical Ball in historical costumes or “Sedliacka veselica” in folk costumes. 27 for E r a s m u s+ S t u d e n t s 26 University Library Erasmus Study Application Procedure The new modern library of The Catholic University is located in the university campus on Hrabovská cesta 1A. It is a centre of academic activities for teachers, students, citizens of the Liptov region and Žilina self-governing region. You can find more than 310 000 books and a large archive with more than 470,000 volumes in the library, as well as a section with valuable publications. More than 500 students have possibility to study there at the same time. The building also contains rooms for cultural and social events, conference rooms, quiet study rooms, a bookshop, a coffee bar and a number of study places with computers providing access to digitized books. The library staff is ready to help you and explain how to use the on-line catalogue and electronic information resources faster and more easily. Erasmus students can use the full library services. Deadlines for submitting Erasmus applications for study at CU are as follows: Please note that applications received after deadline will not be accepted. Guide For more information visit the website of the library: For Winter Semester – May 31st For Summer Semester – November 30th Together with the application form the following documents are required to be submitted in order to become an Erasmus+ Student at CU: • Learning Agreement for studies • a photocopy of passport or ID card • a photocopy of European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) • 2 colour passport photographs: 1 glued on the Application form, 1 with the applicant´s name written on the reverse of the photograph • a digital colour photograph in .jpg format (300x360 pixels) sent by e-mail Students of Health care are obliged to submit a confirmation of being vaccinated and a copy of Occupational Safety and Health Protection Certificate. All necessary documents can be found on our website: 29 for E r a s m u s+ S t u d e n t s 28 International Cooperation The Catholic University in Ružomberok is a full member of FUCE (Fédération des Universités Catholiques Européennes) – an organisation officially representing the cooperation of European catholic universities – which is a filial organisation of IFCU (International Federation of Catholic Universities). Progress in the field of International Relations was indicated by hosting the Conference of ACISE (Association of Catholic Institutes of Education) which took place in April 2010 at CU. At present, more than 100 inter-institutional agreements and contracts with foreign universities have been signed. Since 2001, when university obtained an Erasmus University Charter, Socrates/Erasmus, LLP/ Erasmus and later Erasmus+ Programme have become the most attractive scopes of international student and teacher mobility. The number of outgoing and incoming students, teachers and other staff members has been increasing annually. Our Erasmus partner countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, The Czech Republic, England, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, The Netherlands, Turkey. 31 Guide for E r a s m u s+ S t u d e n t s 30 Accommodation The Catholic University in Ružomberok offers accommodation for ERASMUS students in student dormitories at a cost of around 90 EUR per month for one person. In order to apply for accommodation you have to fill in the column „Accommodation“, which is part of the Application form. Please keep in mind that the number of rooms is limited. Private Accommodation Many CU students find their accommodation in private houses or flats paying monthly rent starting at 70 EUR per month. If you prefer, there are many private landlords and accommodation providers within Ružomberok. Here are some useful websites: Erasmus Orientation Week One week before the official beginning of each semester all international students are invited to take part in Erasmus preparatory week organised by the Foreign Relations and Mobility Office at CU. You will be invited to attend a number of events which will help you learn more about studying at CU and living in Ružomberok. You will have the opportunity to socialise, meet other new students, attend a free Slovak language course, find out more about your course and discover the full range of services and support available at CU. We highly recommend all new international students to attend Erasmus Orientation Week. Buddy System As far as we do not want our Erasmus students to feel lost at the beginning of their Erasmus stay at CU (and of course during all this time), we provide a Buddy system to make your life at our university more comfortable and pleasant. Before arrival, each incoming Erasmus student is put into contact with a local student (CU buddy). Your buddy will pick you up upon arrival to Ružomberok, help you to arrange all the formalities, show you the campus and town, and will be at hand throughout the semester to guide you and help you if needed. Guide Useful Information Slovak Language Course for International Students Led by a qualified lector, a special course of Slovak language for international students is organised at CU. It starts one week before the official beginning of the particular semester and is a part of Erasmus Orientation Week. During this week, 4 hours of Slovak language per day are offered for incoming Erasmus students. After preparatory week, 2-hour class is held once a week during the whole semester – that makes 40-46 hours altogether. Two ECTS credits are given for this course. One of the conditions to obtain them is that students follow the course from the beginning till the end (preparatory week included). Students can enrol in the Slovak language course at the beginning of each 33 for E r a s m u s+ S t u d e n t s 32 Language of Instruction The regular language of lectures and seminars at CU is Slovak. On our website you can find a list of courses and subjects offered in English, as well as in German, Italian, Polish, Russian and Spanish. Please, note that some of these courses may not open until an appropriate number of students is interested. ECTS Credit System The Catholic University in Ružomberok uses the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) as a standard for comparing the study attainment and performance of students of higher education across the European Union and other collaborating European countries. ISIC Card As an incoming Erasmus student you become a temporary student of CU, therefore we suggest you get the International Student Identification Card (ISIC). It can be useful not only to identify yourself as a student but it functions as a library card of the University library as well as a credit smart card providing access to a university catering system. Besides, ISIC allows you to get great deals and discounts on sightseeing, entertainment, food, shopping, cultural activities or travel tickets. You can find more information here: The Counselling Centre The Counselling Centre of CU provides its students and graduates with comprehensive advice, help and support in different life situations. A professional team of the Counselling Centre offers: - career counselling, - psychological counselling, - social and legal counselling. Guide academic year or particular semester. For more information, please, contact our Foreign Relations and Mobility Office. The Counselling Centre is also a supportive workplace for students with special needs and for students/parents with children. The Counselling Centre cooperates with the University Pastoral Centre (UPaC). The service includes a psychological SOS line: 00420 917 224 662 (daily from 8 p.m. to 12 p.m.) and distance counselling via e-mail address: (anytime). 35 for E r a s m u s+ S t u d e n t s 34 Arrival There are several options of travelling to Ružomberok (train, bus, plane): By plane: - to: Vienna-Schwechat International Airport (direct lines from the airport to Bratislava Main Bus Station – Mlynské Nivy) - to: Bratislava Airport (BTS) - to: Košice International Airport (take a train or bus to Ružomberok) By train: - from: Bratislava Main Station – fast trains (direction Košice) - from: Košice Railway Station – fast trains (direction Bratislava, Prague) - from: Poprad-Tatry Railway Station – fast trains (direction Bratislava, Prague) By bus: - from: Bratislava Main Bus Station – Mlynské Nivy (direction Ružomberok, Liptovský Mikuláš, Tatranská Lomnica, Poprad, Prešov, Košice, Bardejov) - from: Košice Bus Station (direction Ružomberok, Námestovo, Žilina, Zvolen, Trnava, Bratislava) ::in Ružomberok:: From Ružomberok Railway Station to the Catholic University (Hrabovská cesta 1, 034 01 Ružomberok) you can go on foot (about 30 min), pick up a taxi either from a taxi rank or by calling a taxi service (taxi fare approximately 3 - 5 € within the city) or use public bus transport (MAD; tickets available in a bus; you can use a bus No. 1, 3 or 4 direction Katolícka univerzita, Klačno; normal adult ticket price = ”celý lístok” is 0,55 €). For more information, please see: Guide Practical Information Foreign Police Please note that as a foreign student you have to legalize your stay in Slovakia by presenting yourself at the Foreign police office after your arrival within ten days. The Foreign police building is located on Bánovská cesta 8111, 010 01 Žilina. Health Insurance There is no health insurance coverage provided for students by CU or clinical facilities. Students are expected to be personally responsible for treatment needed due to accidental injury or health risks. Students are strongly advised to purchase personal accident and health insurance for the entire period of their stay in Slovakia. Incoming students are required to have a health insurance policy (e.g. European Health Insurance Card – EHIC). Health Service There is an ambulance service with an emergency room in the Central Military Hospital Ružomberok (Ústredná 37 for E r a s m u s+ S t u d e n t s 36 IN CASE OF EMERGENCY CALL 112. Visa The Catholic University in Ružomberok will provide assistance, when required, in securing visas for incoming participants, according to the requirements of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education. Information and assistance can be provided by the Foreign Relations and Mobility Office staff. Money The official currency in the Slovak Republic is Euro (€) and it is not possible to pay for services in other currencies. You can change your money at an exchange office (Zmenáreň) which is more advantageous than a bank (rates and fees are not very favourable there). You can pay by credit card in most shops, however, it is not common to pay this way in post offices or local transport. Catering If you prefer, you can have meals in one of our student canteens or in a restaurant. The prices for lunch range from 2,60 € to 3,20 € (when using ISIC card you will get a discount of at least 1 €/meal).You need to buy lunch tickets or you can activate your student card to work as a prepaid lunch card in our student canteens. To place an order, you have to load your ISIC card with cash at the Accommodation and Catering Facilities Office or via internet banking. Please do not forget to book your meal one day in advance. You can buy a quick snack directly on campus (the ground floor of the Faculty of Arts and Letters, the Faculty of Education and the University Library). For more information go to: Internet Internet is available in all buildings of CU (class rooms, corridors of the faculties, student houses, library etc.). When you register at the university, you will get the password to have access to CU WiFi with your own devices (laptop, smartphone, or tablet). Guide Vojenská nemocnica) that is open 24/7. It is necessary to bring a valid European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) for medical treatment in the hospital. Mobile Phone Operators There are three mobile phone network operators in Slovakia at present: Orange, T-mobile and O2 (Mostová 20, Podhora 10, A. Bernoláka 4). Each operator has a local store in the centre of Ružomberok. We recommend you to buy a SIM card from one of the operators mentioned. Starter kits cost around 12 €. Post Offices Main Post Office (Hlavná pošta) Antona Bernoláka 3 Mon. – Fri.: 8:00 – 18:00 Sat.: 8:00 – 11:00 Post office in TESCO Hrabovská cesta 5270 Mon. – Sun.: 9:00 – 19:00 39 for E r a s m u s+ S t u d e n t s 38 Indians Steakhouse and Pub (, Pizzeria da Andrea (, Pizza Camino (, Koloseum (www.koloseumrestaurant. sk), Laverna (, Hotel Áčko Restaurant (, Hotel Kultúra Restaurant (, Koliba u dobrého pastiera (, Café Efekt (, Café Passé (, Relax Club, People Lounge, Club 33 You can find current information on discos, concerts, cinema, theatre and other cultural events on the following website: Shopping Besides various small shops in the centre of the town, you can choose from several supermarkets (TESCO, KAUFLAND, LIDL, BILLA, HYPERNOVA) or the retail park Stop Shop area on Bystrická cesta. Sightseeing Culture House of Andrej Hlinka (Kultúrny dom Andreja Hlinku) The historical dominant of the pedestrian zone is the Culture House of Andrej Hlinka. The object was built in 1928 and it was named after Andrej Hlinka, an outstanding figure of our history, a priest and a native from Černová who has a prominent place in the history of fostering the Slovak national awareness. Guide Restaurants, clubs, disco, cinema The majority of pubs, cafés and restaurants are situated in the centre of Ružomberok. If you are up for dining out or going out for coffee, you can choose from various kinds of restaurants and cafés that might differ in the quality of the service, price, size or location. A Daily Menu (“Denné menu”) consisting of two courses is served in restaurants from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and starts at the price of 3,50 €. The most favourite restaurants and cafés are: Roman-Catholic church of St. Andrew (Rímsko-katolícky kostol sv. Andreja) The Roman-Catholic church of St. Andrew was built in late Gothic style in 1585 and reconstructed in New Roman style in 1902. There is an original Gothic baptistery (16th century) and significant artworks of the artists such as A. Belopotocký, J. Hanula and E. Massanyi inside the church. Stained glass windows in the southern nave of the church were created by Ľudovít Fulla. The church bell “Andrej” (1506) placed in the tower is the oldest one in the Liptov region. Liptov Museum (Liptovské múzeum) The Liptov Museum in Ružomberok emerged as an institution of Liptovská muzeálna spoločnosť (The Liptov Museum Society) in 1912. The museum is located in a building which was constructed by the project of Vojtech Donner, a renowned architect from Ružomberok. Museum exhibitions offer the visitor 41 for E r a s m u s+ S t u d e n t s 40 For opening time and more information see: Ľudovít Fulla Gallery (Galéria Ľudovíta Fullu) In Ružomberok you can find an extended exposition of the Slovak National Gallery presenting a valuable collection of paintings, graphics, tapestries and commercial artworks of the national artist Ľudovít Fulla, one of the most important figures of Slovak Modern Art. The Gallery was opened in 1969. It is situated close to the Liptov Museum. Tips for Trips Likava Castle The biggest castle of Liptov was built in 1315 when Liptov became a part of the larger Zvolen district which was administered from Pustý hrad near Zvolen. The castle was owned by the Hunyady family, later by Ján, the non-marital son of King Matej Korvín, in the 16th century the owners were the Krušič family and in the second half of the 16th century the Illesházy family. Guide a comprehensive picture of the living and non-living nature of the Liptov region, significant archaeological finds and sites, its history from the earliest times to the present. There are many expositions available to the public, e.g. an exposition about the life and work of Andrej Hlinka and other permanent exhibitions: folklore, ethnography, history of Liptov 1948 – 1945, history of paper-making, sacral art, geology, palaeontology, botany, zoology, archaeology, feudalisms and guilds. All exhibitions are located in the main building of the museum. At the beginning of the 18th century, the castle was the site of battles between the Rákoczi and the emperor‘s armies during the uprisings of the estates. From 1707 the castle has been in ruins. Since 1980 archaeological research and conservation works are being carried out. There is a hiking trail from Ružomberok to the castle. 43 for E r a s m u s+ S t u d e n t s 42 Bešeňová, Thermal Spa Vlkolínec Vlkolínec is a picturesque village under the administration of the town of Ružomberok. Vlkolínec has been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site since 1993, and is one of ten Slovak villages that have been given the status of folk architecture reservations. This status was granted because the village is an untouched and complex example of folk countryside architecture ofthe region of the Northern Carpathians. Veľký Choč Veľký Choč peak is one of the most scenic points in Slovakia. In sunny weather it provides a wonderful view ranging from the Polish border (Babia hora 1723 meters above sea level) in the north to Krížna and Low Tatras in the south, Western and High Tatras in the west and the summit of Malá Fatra Mountains (Veľký Rozsutec 1610 meters) in the east. Guide Skipark Ružomberok, Malinô Brdo SKIPARK Centre in Ružomberok is situated on the hillsides of Veľká Fatra Mountains above the town Ružomberok, at altitudes of 545 to 1209 metres. Distance from the centre of the town is 2 km. The gate of the centre is Hrabovo, from where the cableway to Malinô Brdo leads. The town Ružomberok forms a centre of the region of Lower Liptov, attractive for tourists. The modern thermal baths Bešeňová which offer their services all year long are situated about 12 km from the town. The Spa uses geothermal water springs form a depth of 1987 m with a temperature of 60,5 oC. Lúčky, Medical Spa The Lúčky Spa is convenient for prevention and treatment of various diseases and also for people looking for relaxation and rest from their everyday obligations and stress. Moreover, visitors can choose from a number of attractions offered. For more advice and information on Ružomberok and its surroundings please contact or visit the Tourist information centre: Informačné centrum Ružomberok Tourist Information Centre A. Bernoláka 1, 034 01 Ružomberok +421 44 432 10 96, +421 44 431 36 11 45 for E r a s m u s+ S t u d e n t s 44 for E r a s m u s+ S t u d e n t s 46 Vocabulary Thank you - Ďakujem Please / You are welcome – Prosím Not at all – Niet za čo Here you are – Nech sa páči Hello – Ahoj Good morning – Dobré ráno Good afternoon – Dobrý deň Good evening – Dobrý večer Good night – Dobrú noc Goodbye / Bye – Dovidenia I´m sorry / Pardon? – Prepáčte I don´t speak Slovak – Nehovorím po slovensky I do not understand – Nerozumiem I need help – Potrebujem pomoc What is your name? – Ako sa voláte? My name is... – Volám sa... Nice to meet you – Teší ma I am from... / I come from – Pochádzam z... I like... – Mám rád… I study... – Študujem... How do I get to... – Ako sa dostanem do... Railway station – Železničná stanica Train – Vlak Bus station – Autobusová stanica Bus – Autobus Arrival/Departure – Príchod/Odchod Where is...? / Where do I find...? – Kde je ....? / Kde sa nachádza...? Campus / Student hall – Internát Café – Kaviareň Restaurant – Reštaurácia Grocery – Potraviny Bakery – Pekáreň Pharmacy – Lekáreň Newsstand – Novinový stánok Police – Polícia Open/Closed – Otvorené/Zatvorené How much is it? – Koľko to stojí? Have you a table for... – Máte stôl pre... ľudí? May I have the bill, please. – Účet, prosím. Meals – Jedlá Drinks - Nápoje Main course – Hlavné jedlo Breakfast – Raňajky Lunch – Obed Dinner – Večera Water – Voda Bread – Chlieb 47 Guide Yes – Áno No – Nie I do not know – Neviem Maybe - Možno for E r a s m u s+ S t u d e n t s 48 Price - Cena one, two, three, four, five – jeden, dva, tri, štyri, päť six, seven, eight, nine – šesť, sedem, osem, deväť ten – desať twenty, fifty – dvadsať, päťdesiať a hundred, a thousand – sto, tisíc Help! – Pomoc! Stop! – Zastavte! Call the doctor! – Zavolajte doktora! Call the police! – Zavolajte políciu! Where is the nearest hospital? – Kde je najbližšia nemocnica? Entrance – Vstup Exit – Východ Emergency Exit – Únikový východ Useful Links and Phone Numbers Emergency phone numbers 112 150 155 158 159 – – – – – General Emergency Fire Brigade Ambulance Police Local Police Useful links The Catholic University official website: Guide Milk – Mlieko Vegetable – Zelenina Fruit – Ovocie The Catholic University on Facebook: Ružomberok official website: Liptov region official website: Slovakia travel guide: Travel connections: 49 9 6 7 2 4 3 1 Rector`s Office of the CU 2 Faculty of Education 1 3 Faculty of Education 2 4 Faculty of Arts and Letters 5 Faculty of Health 6 University Library 7 Railway Station Bus Station 8 Ruža Student Hall 9 Saint Family Church in Rybárpole 5 1 8 51 Guide for E r a s m u s+ S t u d e n t s 50 2 1 3 5 4 6 7 8 9 This publication has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views of the author. Text: Foreign Relations and Mobility Office of The Catholic University in Ružomberok Photo: CU archive, Internet