ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author wishes to express sincere appreciation and gratitude to Professor Mark A. Widdowson for his assistance, guidance, and support in the preparation of this dissertation. As much as I look at Dr. Widdowson as a great advisor, as much as I look at him a source of inspiration. Yet he did everything one can possibly expect from an advisor, he generated as many new ideas as I could handle, spent all the hours of the world discussing whatever technical issue was in my mind, made sure I had the best environment to work in, gave me many opportunities to present my thoughts, and had a warm heart and support in difficult moments. In addition, special thanks to Mr. Eduardo Mendez III for his help preparing and testing the SEAM3D-PUP code. Ed was a close friend whose efforts are greatly appreciated. The committee members Dr. John T. Novak, Dr. Thomas J. Burbey, Dr. G.V. Loganathan, and Dr. Conrad D. Heatwole are the ideal images of university professors. I learned a lot from them during my study and I was impressed by their ability in teaching and research that I hoped to have them in my committee and my wish came true. I thank them for the insights and suggestions throughout the research. I also thank Dr. Randal Dymond, VT professor and director of CGIT for his help and support and giving me the opportunity to create and teach in my beloved department of EWR, VT. My deepest gratitude to Prof. Bill Knocke for supporting me during my last two years of study. Thanks to all my colleagues in the department of civil and environmental engineering. Special thanks to my wife, Mona, for her love and patience, for putting up with late nights, and for taking care of my sons most of the time. Thanks for my parents for their sincere prayers for me. Thanks for every one contributed to this dissertation by teaching me even the smallest thing in my life, for all of those people I hope that I can repay you by being honest and helpful to all human being. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1......................................................................................................................................... 1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................. 1 1-1 BACKGROUND .............................................................................................................................. 1 Processes known to degrade/remove contaminates..................................................................... 2 Application of Phytoremediation to Groundwater Contaminants............................................... 3 Phreatophytes................................................................................................................................ 6 Use of Trees (Phreatophytes) in Phytoremediation ..................................................................... 7 1-2 OBJECTIVES .................................................................................................................................. 8 1-3 ORGANIZATION OF THE DISSERTATION........................................................................................ 8 CHAPTER 2....................................................................................................................................... 10 LITERATURE REVIEW ..................................................................................................................... 10 2.1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................... 10 2.2 PHYTOREMEDIATION .................................................................................................................. 13 2.2.1 Applicability of Phytoremediation..................................................................................... 13 2.2.2 Hyperaccumulators............................................................................................................ 14 2.2.3 Poplar Trees....................................................................................................................... 14 2.2.4 Phytoremediation Mechanisms.......................................................................................... 16 2.3 MODELS FOR PHYTOREMEDIATION PROCESSES ......................................................................... 20 2.3.1 Plant Uptake....................................................................................................................... 20 Local point-/field-scale models .................................................................................. 21 Diffuse sink root models............................................................................................. 21 Large-scale atmospheric modeling............................................................................. 25 Models for direct Transpiration.................................................................................. 26 Equilibrium Models for Transpiration ....................................................................... 34 2.3.2 Root Sorption...................................................................................................................... 37 Equilibrium Concentrations........................................................................................ 39 Equilibrium Plant uptake Models............................................................................... 41 Sorption/desorption Kinetics ...................................................................................... 43 Root Concentration Factor, RCF................................................................................ 44 2.3.3 Rhizosphere Biodegradation.............................................................................................. 48 2.4 RESEARCH ON PHYTOREMEDIATION .......................................................................................... 48 2.4.1 Modeling Phytoremediation: Previous Work.................................................................... 49 2.5 PHYTOREMEDIATION TECHNICAL CONSIDERATIONS ................................................................. 60 2.5.1 Advantages of Phytoremediation....................................................................................... 62 2.5.2 Limitations of Phytoremediation ....................................................................................... 62 2.5.3 Costs of Phytoremediation................................................................................................. 62 2.6 RESEARCH DEFICIENCIES ........................................................................................................... 64 2.7. RESEARCH AIMS ........................................................................................................................ 64 CHAPTER 3....................................................................................................................................... 66 MODEL DEVELOPMENT .................................................................................................................. 66 v 3.1 CONCEPTUAL MODEL ................................................................................................................. 66 3.2 MATHEMATICAL MODEL............................................................................................................ 67 3.2.1 Direct Uptake ..................................................................................................................... 67 3.2.2 Root Sorption...................................................................................................................... 69 3.3 MODEL IMPLEMENTATION ......................................................................................................... 70 CHAPTER 4....................................................................................................................................... 73 MODEL TESTING AND VERIFICATION ........................................................................................... 73 4.1 VERIFICATION OF THE PLANT UPTAKE PACKAGE ...................................................................... 73 4.2 PLANT UPTAKE ........................................................................................................................... 73 4.2.1 Closed System Model – Single Stress Period .................................................................... 73 4.2.2 Closed System Model – Multiple Stress Periods............................................................... 74 4.2.3 Flow and Transport with Direct Uptake ........................................................................... 75 4.3 ROOT SORPTION ......................................................................................................................... 76 4.3.1 Flow and Transport with Root Sorption (f = 1.0)............................................................. 76 4.3.2 Flow and Transport with Root Sorption (f < 1.0)............................................................. 77 4.3.3 Flow and Transport with Root Sorption (f = 1.0) and Aquifer Sorption ......................... 78 4.3.4 Flow and Transport with Spatially-Variable Root Sorption (f = 1.0).............................. 78 4.4 DIRECT UPTAKE AND ROOT SORPTION ...................................................................................... 79 4.4.1 Flow and Transport with Plant Uptake and Root Sorption (in the ET area only)........... 79 4.4.2 Flow and Transport with Spatially Distributed RCF and Plant Uptake.......................... 80 4.5 CONCLUSIONS............................................................................................................................. 80 CHAPTER 5..................................................................................................................................... 112 SIMULATION OF A PHYTOREMEDIATION SYSTEM USING SEAM3D-PUP ............................... 112 5.1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................... 112 5.2 MODEL DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................... 114 5.3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS ..................................................................................................... 118 5.3.1 Initial Test Case ............................................................................................................... 118 5.3.2 Effect of ET area (WET and LET) on contaminant mass removal .................................... 121 5.3.3 Effect of ET Area on Plume Concentration..................................................................... 124 Radioactive decay or biodegradation .......................................................................... 136 5.3.4 Effect of ET area and TSCF on mass-flux....................................................................... 138 5.4 EFFECT OF GROUNDWATER FLUX AND ET FLUX RATES .......................................................... 144 5.4.1 Effect of Aquifer In-Flux/ Out-Flux on Mass Removal................................................... 147 5.4.2 Effect of aquifer in-flux/ out-flux on plume concentration.............................................. 151 5.4.3 Effect of Aquifer In-Flux/Out-Flux on Average Solute Mass-Flux................................. 154 5.5 EFFECT OF DIVIDING THE ET AREA INTO TWO HALVES .......................................................... 158 5.6 EFFECT OF REMOVING THE SOURCE......................................................................................... 161 5.7 PHYTOREMEDIATION SYSTEM DESIGN METHODOLOGY .......................................................... 166 5.7.1 Design Example 1 ............................................................................................................ 173 5.7.2 Design Example 2 ............................................................................................................ 175 CHAPTER 6..................................................................................................................................... 176 ALTERNATIVE MODEL FOR SEAM3D-PUP............................................................................... 176 6.1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................... 176 6.1.1 Plant Uptake – Power Relationship ................................................................................ 176 vi 6.1.2 Plant Uptake – Plant Concentration Capacity ............................................................... 178 6.1.3 Objective........................................................................................................................... 179 6.2 MATHEMATICAL MODELS ........................................................................................................ 180 6.2.1 Freundlich Isotherm (Power Function) .......................................................................... 180 6.2.2 Langmuir Sorption Isotherm (Plant Tolerance) ............................................................. 181 6.3 MODEL VERIFICATION ............................................................................................................. 183 6.3.1 Freundlich (ISO=2) Verification..................................................................................... 183 6.3.2 Langmuir (ISO=3) Verification....................................................................................... 187 6.4 ALTERNATIVE MODEL APPLICATIONS, PCE SIMULATION ....................................................... 193 CHAPTER 7..................................................................................................................................... 197 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................................... 197 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH ............................................................................... 199 CHAPTER 8..................................................................................................................................... 201 INPUT INSTRUCTIONS ................................................................................................................... 201 SEAM3D MODEL INPUT............................................................................................................. 201 GENERAL INFORMATION ................................................................................................................ 201 Types of Input ............................................................................................................................ 201 Array Readers............................................................................................................................ 202 Units........................................................................................................................................... 203 INPUT INSTRUCTIONS ..................................................................................................................... 203 Input Instructions for the Plant Uptake Transport Package.................................................... 203 RCF Notes ............................................................................................................................. 205 TSCF Notes ........................................................................................................................... 206 FREUNDLICH, ISO=2...................................................................................................................... 208 LANGMUIR, ISO=3......................................................................................................................... 208 BIBLIOGRAPHY .................................................................................................................................. 209 APPENDIX A....................................................................................................................................... 220 AUXILIARY FIGURES AND TABLES FROM CHAPTER 5.................................................................... 220 VITA.................................................................................................................................................. 251 vii LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1.1. Schematic of phytoremediation processes. ...................................................................................... 1 Figure 1.2. Superfund Remedial Actions: Source Control Treatment Projects (FY 1982 - 2002). .......... 5 Figure 2.1. Signs used in Love Canal community of New York....................................................................11 Figure 2.2. Solute fate in plants.............................................................................................................................20 Figure 2.3. A schematic overview of the SWAP model system. ....................................................................25 Figure 2.4. Volumetric evapotranspiration, QET, as a function of head, h, in a cell where d is the extinction depth, and hs is the ET surface elevation...........................................................................27 Figure 2.5. Representation of evapotranspiration in MODFLOW...............................................................28 Figure 2.6. Plan view of model grid (left) and cross section of model grid (right) used in evaluating aquifer properties effect on phytoremediation effectiveness............................................................28 Figure 2.7. Effect of growing season duration on minimum plantation area for capture.........................30 Figure 2.8. Effect of aquifer anisotropy on minimum plantation area for capture. ...................................30 Figure 2.9. Effect of plume width on minimum plantation area for capture. .............................................31 Figure 2.10. Effect of water table, and root depth on ET rate.......................................................................31 Figure 2.11. Relationship between the translocation of chemicals to barley shoots following uptake by roots over 24 h (expressed as the Transpiration Stream Concentration Factor, TSCF) and their 1-octanol/water partition coefficient (as log Kow); ο, O-methylcarbamoyloximes; ×, substituted phenylureas............................................................................................................................35 Figure 2.12. Equilibrium modeling levels. ..........................................................................................................42 Figure 2.13. Relationship between the uptake of chemicals by plant roots (expressed as the Root Concentration Factor, RCF) from nutrient solution at 24 h and their 1-octanol/water partition coefficient (as log Kow) for O-methylcarbamoyloximes and substituted phenylureas. ................48 Figure 2.14. Decision tree for phytoremediation. .............................................................................................61 Figure 3.1. Conceptual model for the two main mechanisms simulated using the SEAM3D Plant Uptake Package. ........................................................................................................................................71 Figure 3.2. SEAM3D-PUP flowchart. ................................................................................................................72 Figure 4.1. Schematic of a closed system model for testing the direct uptake feature using the SEAM3D-RDP. ........................................................................................................................................96 Figure 4.2. Simulated dissolved concentration and mass removed by direct uptake versus time from SEAM3D-PUP and SEAM3D-SSM with TSCF = 1.0 for the closed-system, single stress period model in Figure 3.1. .....................................................................................................................97 Figure 4.3. Simulated dissolved concentration (top) and mass removed by direct uptake (bottom) versus time using SEAM3D-PUP for the closed-system model in Figure 3.1 for the range of TSCF values, varying from 0 to 1.0.......................................................................................................98 Figure 4.4. Simulated dissolved concentration and mass removed by direct uptake versus time from SEAM3D-PUP and SEAM3D-SSM with TSCF = 1.0 for the closed-system model in Figure 4.1 with two stress periods with variable rates of evapotranspiration (top). .................................99 Figure 4.5. Simulated dissolved concentration (top) and mass removed by direct uptake (bottom) versus time using SEAM3D-PUP for a four stress period, closed-system model in Figure 3.1 for the range of TSCF values, varying from 0 to 1.0. ......................................................................100 viii Figure 4.6. Conceptual model for case study 3.1.3, flow and transport with direct uptake in the ET area (no root sorption; TSCF is T, and RCF is F). Three observation points are noted: (i, j, k) = (24, 45, 1), (24, 50, 1), and (24, 56, 1). .................................................................................................101 Figure 4.7. Mass removal by direct uptake versus time using SEAM3D-PUP and SEAM3D-SSM for a one-stress period, flow-system model shown in Figure 4.6 for the range of TSCF values, varying from 0.0 to 1.0...........................................................................................................................102 Figure 4.8. Concentration versus time using SEAM3D-PUP and SEAM3D-SSM for a one-stress period, flow-system model shown in Figure 4.6 (test case 4.1.3) for the three observation points (top), and for the middle observation point for the range of TSCF values, varying from 0.0 to 1.0 (bottom). ............................................................................................................................................103 Figure 4.9. Concentration versus time for the middle observation point, (i, j, k) = (24, 50, 1) using SEAM3D-PUP (top), and comparing it with SEAM3D-RCT (bottom) for case study 4.2.1. 104 Figure 4.10. Mass removal versus time for the middle observation point, (i, j, k) = (24, 50, 1) using SEAM3D-PUP and comparing it with SEAM3D-RCT for case study 4.2.1. ............................105 Figure 4.11. Hydraulic head distribution for r =24 (top), and concentration versus time for the middle observation point, (i, j, k) = (24, 50, 1) using SEAM3D-PUP, and comparing it with SEAM3DRCT (bottom) for case study 4.2.2. .....................................................................................................106 Figure 4.12. Concentration versus time for the middle observation point, (i, j, k) = (24, 50, 1) using SEAM3D-PUP where 50% of the retardation is due to plant roots and 50% is due to soil matrix, and comparing it with SEAM3D-RCT where 100% of the retardation is due to soil matrix for case study 4.2.3.....................................................................................................................107 Figure 4.13. Screen capture for the results of R in case study ( showing R=2.0 in the roots cells only, and R=1.5 everywhere else (top), and Concentration versus time for the three middle observation points (Figure 4.6.), using SEAM3D-PUP and SEAM3D-RCT for case study ( Figure 4.14. Mass removal by direct uptake and root sorption (top) and concentration (bottom) versus time using SEAM3D-PUP and SEAM3D with the SSM and RCT Packages for case study 4.3.1............................................................................................................................................................109 Figure 4.15. Conceptual model for case study 4.3.2, flow and transport with direct uptake in the middle ET area and root sorption all over the model with different values of RCF. .............................110 Figure 4.16. Concentration (top) and mass removal by direct uptake and root sorption (bottom) versus time using SEAM3D-PUP and SEAM3D with the SSM and RCT Packages for case study 4.3.2............................................................................................................................................................111 Figure 5.1. The expected effect of using a phytoremediation system on reducing DS concentration. 113 Figure 5.2. The conceptual model with the grid dimensions and boundary conditions..........................114 Figure 5.3. Source mass in the system vs. time (using SEAM3D-SSM and SEAM3D-PUP) under NA conditions. ................................................................................................................................................115 Figure 5.4. ET rate for different stress periods. ..............................................................................................116 Figure 5.5. Initial conditions for the test models. ...........................................................................................118 Figure 5.6. Validation the results of SEAM3D-PUP by comparing the mass output of MT3DMS-SSM versus PUP for a), solute mass in aquifer and b) solute mass removal for LET=0.5Lp and WET=300m. ..............................................................................................................................................119 Figure 5.7. Solute mass in the model domain for a) Different values of TSCF, and (b) The dynamically stable plume shows constant mass removal under NA conditions and oscillates around this value for TSCF = 0.0. (WET/Ws=3.0, LET=0.5Lp). ...........................................................................119 Figure 5.8. Groundwater hydraulic head profile showing the effect of phytoremediation.....................120 ix Figure 5.9. Effect of ET width on solute mass removal for different values of TSCF: a) LET=Lp and b) LET=0.5Lp. ................................................................................................................................................122 Figure 5.10. Effect of TSCF on solute mass removal ET width values for: a) LET=Lp, and b) LET=0.5Lp. ....................................................................................................................................................................123 Figure 5.11. Observation points for concentration profile. ..........................................................................124 Figure 5.12. Concentration profiles at distances = 500, and 1000 downstream the source for different values of WET for a) LET=Lp and b) LET=0.5Lp, where TSCF=1.0................................................125 Figure 5.13. Concentration vs. distance at different observation points downstream the source at the end of different stress periods for a) LET=Lp and b) LET=0.5Lp. ...................................................126 Figure 5.14. Concentration profiles for different TSCF values used to calculate the plume length at a concentration = 1% of the source concentration for a) LET=Lp and b) LET=0.5Lp...................126 Figure 5.15. Comparison of the plume length under ET, (Lp*), to the plume length under natural attenuation only, (Lp), for different ET dimensions (W/Ws) and TSCF values. ........................131 Figure 5.16. Concentration profiles at different times after the phytoremediation system starts for two different LET. ............................................................................................................................................134 Figure 5.17. Reduction in plume length due to phytoremediation. .............................................................135 Figure 5.18. Effect of decay rate due to phytoremediation on the dissolved concentration..................137 Figure 5.19. Calculating of mass-flux for the flow model of SEAM3D-PUP...........................................138 Figure 5.20. Distribution of right-face cell flow (out-flow), aqueous concentration and mass-flux at a cross-section 500 m DS the source (WET/WS = 2.0). ......................................................................140 Figure 5.21. Mass-flux distribution at a cross-section 500 m DS the source for different TSCF values for a) WET/WS =2.50), and b) WET/WS =3.0.....................................................................................141 Figure 5.22. Average Mass-flux results at different cross-sections downstream of the source for a) LET=Lp and b) LET=0.5Lp for different values of TSCF, and WET=300. .....................................142 Figure 5.23. Average contaminant mass-flux at different cross-sections downstream the source for LET=Lp and LET=0.5Lp, (WET=300, and TSCF=1.0). ....................................................................143 Figure 5.24. Average mass-flux reduction vs. (W/Ws) for different values of TSCF and LET. ..............143 Figure 5.25. Conceptual model for the study case 5-4...................................................................................145 Figure 5.26. Solute mass in the aquifer (or model domain) for different aquifer in-flux and ET lengths (different out-flux) where the ET length starts at the source, TSCF=1.0. ..................................148 Figure 5.27. Solute mass in the aquifer (or model domain) for different aquifer in-flux and ET lengths (different out-flux) where the ET length starts at the plume toe...................................................149 Figure 5.28. Comparison of solute mass in aquifer for different ET placement. .....................................149 Figure 5.29. Effect of out-flux, UET relative to in-flux, Uin on the solute mass removal. ........................150 Figure 5.30. Concentration profiles for aquifer in-flux (Qin=2.0 m3/d/cell) and different ET lengths and locations. ...........................................................................................................................................152 Figure 5.31. Comparison for concentration profiles for different ET locations. .....................................153 Figure 5.32. Average solute mass-flux for different LET lengths and locations, Qin=200 m3/d. ..........155 Figure 5.33. Average reduction in solute mass-flux (with respect to the NA conditions) for different LET lengths and locations, Qin=200 m3/d. ........................................................................................155 Figure 5.34. Comparison between mass-flux results for different phytoremediation system dimensions and locations. ...........................................................................................................................................156 Figure 5.35. Effect of TSCF on the reduction of solute mass-flux (compared to the NA conditions) for left and right locations of ET. ..............................................................................................................157 Figure 5.36. Effect of splitting the ET area into two halves on solute concentration and mass removal. ....................................................................................................................................................................159 Figure 5.37. Effect of splitting the ET area into two halves on solute mass-flux.....................................159 Figure 5.38. % Reduction in solute mass for different ET arrangements..................................................160 x Figure 5.39. Concentration profiles at different time steps after the contaminant source is removed.162 Figure 5.40. Solute concentration profiles, source removed for LET=0.5Lp at left and right sides of the plume footprint. ......................................................................................................................................163 Figure 5.41. Solute concentration profiles, source removed for LET=Lp, and comparison of the LET location effect on concentration. .........................................................................................................164 Figure 5.42. Reduction in solute concentration (after the source is removed) for different LET lengths and locations. ...........................................................................................................................................165 Figure 5.43. Solute mass in aquifer after removing the source, (a), and with a phytoremediation system (b)...............................................................................................................................................................165 Figure 5.44. Solute mass reduction due to applying a phytoremediation system where the contaminant source is removed. ..................................................................................................................................166 Figure 5.45. Effect of WET on solute mass removal for different TSCF values for a) LET=Lp, and b) LET=0.5Lp. ................................................................................................................................................168 Figure 5.46. Effect of the TSCF on solute mass removal for different values of (WET/Ws) for a) LET=Lp and b) LET=0.5Lp.....................................................................................................................................169 Figure 5.47. Design charts for the ET width required to reduce the plume length to a certain design value for different TSCF values for a) LET=Lp and b) LET=0.5Lp. ................................................170 Figure 5.48. Effect of TSCF on average contaminant mass-flux for LET=Lp and LET=0.5Lp................171 Figure 5.49. Effect of WET/Ws on average contaminant mass-flux for a) LET=Lp and b) LET=0.5Lp. .172 Figure 5.50. Employing the design charts for a design problem..................................................................173 Figure 5.51. Estimating the phytoremediation system width for a given reduction in plume length. ..174 Figure 5.52. Estimating the value of TSCF for a given phytoremediation system width to reach a certain reduction in plume length. .......................................................................................................175 Figure 6.1. Relationship of PCE in tree cores collected at the New Haven Site plotted versus the groundwater concentration below each tree at (6 – 7.6 m). ...........................................................177 Figure 6.2. Relationship of PCE in tree cores collected at the New Haven Site plotted versus the soil concentration 1.2 m below the surface near the base of the tree. .................................................177 Figure 6.3. The Langmuir nonlinear equilibrium isotherm. ..........................................................................182 Figure 6.4. SEAM3D-PUP results for ISO=2 for a) Solute mass removal, and b) solute concentration. ....................................................................................................................................................................185 Figure 6.5. Effect of TSCF using ISO-2 for a) Solute mass removal, and b) solute concentration for initial source concentration = 10 mg/L, and N=0.75. ....................................................................186 Figure 6.6. Effect of starting concentration on mass removal using ISO-2 modeling option for a) N=0.75 and different values of TSCF, and b) TSCF=1.0 and different values of N. .............188 Figure 6.7. Concentration (a), and solute mass removal (b) vs. time for different values of ISO-3 constant, K1 (Tc=8.0)...............................................................................................................................190 Figure 6.8. Effect of plant total concentration capacity, Tc on solute mass removal for ISO-3............192 Figure 6.9. Comparing the three different Isotherms. ...................................................................................192 Figure 6.10. Comparing SEAM3D-PUP alternative model with ISO=2, and N=1.0 and the linear original code.............................................................................................................................................194 Figure 6.11. Mass-in aquifer (a), and solute mass removal (sinks) (b) for PCE with TSCF=0.7552 and N = 0.787. ................................................................................................................................................195 Figure 6.12. Concentration profile for PCE. ...................................................................................................196 Figure 7.1 Linear and segmental ET packages. ...............................................................................................199 Figure A.1. Effect of ET width on solute mass removal, LET=Lp. ..............................................................220 xi Figure A.2. Effect of ET width on solute mass removal, LET=0.5Lp..........................................................221 Figure A.3. Effect of TSCF on solute mass removal, LET=Lp......................................................................222 Figure A.4. Effect of TSCF on solute mass removal with different ET lengths. .....................................223 Figure A.5. Concentration profiles along the length of the plume for different values of TSCF at different simulation times (5 yr, and 10 yr). .......................................................................................224 Figure A.6. Concentration vs. distance at different observation points downstream the source (with exponential fitting in the bottom charts)............................................................................................224 Figure A.7. Concentration profiles for different TSCF values used to calculate the plume length at a concentration = 1% of the source concentration for LET=Lp........................................................225 Figure A.8. Concentration profiles for different TSCF values used to calculate the plume length at a concentration = 1% of the source concentration for LET=0.5Lp. .................................................226 Figure A.9 Average Mass-flux results at different cross-sections downstream the source for LET=Lp and different values of WET and TSCF.......................................................................................................227 Figure A.10. Average Mass-flux results at different cross-sections downstream the source for LET=0.5Lp and different values of WET and TSCF. ..........................................................................228 Figure A.11. Effect of the phytoremediation location and TSCF on solute mass removal....................229 Figure A.12. Concentration profiles for different aquifer in-flux (Qin=1.50 m3/d/cell) and ET lengths ....................................................................................................................................................................230 Figure A.13. Concentration profiles for different aquifer in-flux (Qin=1.05 m3/d/cell) and ET lengths ....................................................................................................................................................................231 Figure A.14. Effect of TSCF value on plume concentration for different ET locations........................232 Figure A.15. Average solute mass-flux for different LET lengths and locations, Qin=150 m3/d. .........233 Figure A.16. Average reduction in solute mass-flux (with respect to the NA conditions) for different LET lengths and locations, Qin=150 m3/d. ........................................................................................234 Figure A.17. Comparison between mass-flux results for different phytoremediation system dimensions and locations ............................................................................................................................................235 Figure A.18. Average solute mass-flux for different LET lengths and locations, Qin=105 m3/d. .........236 Figure A.19. Average reduction in solute mass-flux (with respect to the NA conditions) for different LET lengths and locations, Qin=105 m3/d. ........................................................................................237 Figure A.20. Effect of inflow rate on solute mass-flux for different values of LET and ET locations..238 Figure A.21. Effect of in-flow rate on the reduction of solute mass-flux (compared to the NA conditions) for different values of LET and ET locations................................................................239 Figure A.22. Effect of in-flow rate on the percentage reduction of solute mass-flux (compared to the NA conditions) for different values of LET and ET locations........................................................240 Figure A.23. Effect of ET locations on the percentage reduction of solute mass-flux (compared to the NA conditions) for different values of LET........................................................................................241 Figure A.24. Solute concentration profiles, source removed for LET=0.5Lp at left and right sides of the plume footprint. ......................................................................................................................................242 Figure A.25. Solute concentration profiles, source removed for LET=Lp, and comparison of the LET location effect on concentration. .........................................................................................................243 Figure A.26. Reduction in solute concentration (after the source is removed) for different LET lengths and locations. ...........................................................................................................................................244 Figure A.27. Solute mass in aquifer after removing the source, (a), and with a phytoremediation system (b)...............................................................................................................................................................245 Figure A.28. Solute mass reduction due to applying a phytoremediation system where the contaminant source is removed. ..................................................................................................................................245 Figure A.29. Solute mass-flux for different ET locations (up), and at downstream cross sections where the contaminant source is removed.....................................................................................................246 xii LIST OF TABLES Table 1.1. Types of Phytoremediation Systems, (Miller, 1996 and Schnoor, 2002). .................................... 4 Table 2.1. Costs associated with various types of remediation methods (Wood, 2003)............................13 Table 2.2. Estimates of evapotranspiration rates by hybrid poplars .............................................................16 Table 2.3. Measured Transpiration Stream Concentration Factor (TSCF) and Root Concentration Factor (RCF) for some typical contaminants and physical-chemical properties. .........................37 Table 2.4. Partition coefficient between octanol and water Kow for different chemicals. .........................39 Table 2.5. Root Concentration Factors (RCFs) of Pesticides and Related Compounds from Water into Bode) Roots (Hordeum vulgare cv. Georgie) over a Period of 24 to 48 Hours and Calculated Quasiequilibrium Factors (αpt). ..............................................................................................................45 Table 2.6. Contaminant fate transport models comparison............................................................................58 Table 2.6. Contaminant fate transport models comparison, continued. ......................................................59 Table 2.7. Major Advantages and Disadvantages of the Phytoremediation Process. ................................63 Table 4.1. Comparison of concentration versus time from SEAM3D-PUP to both an exact Solution and SEAM3D-SSM for the closed-system, single stress period model..........................................82 Table 4.2. Simulation results for mass removed by direct uptake and dissolved concentration versus time using SEAM3D-PUP and five TSCF values for the closed-system model depicted in Figure 3.1....................................................................................................................................................82 Table 4.3. Comparison of concentration and mass removed through direct uptake versus time using SEAM3D-PUP to results using SEAM3D-SSM for the closed-system, two stress period model – case (3.1.2)...............................................................................................................................................82 Table 4.4. Simulation results for mass removed by direct uptake and dissolved concentration versus time using SEAM3D-PUP and five TSCF values for the closed-system model, four stress period model..............................................................................................................................................83 Table 4.5. Simulation results for mass removed by direct uptake for TSCF = 1.0 using SEAM3D-SSM and SEAM3D-PUP for the model shown in Figure 3.6. ..................................................................84 Table 4.6. Concentration results for the three observation points along ET zone for both SEAM3DSSM and SEAM3D-PUP for TSCF = 1.0 – case study (4.1.3)........................................................85 Table 4.7. Simulation results for dissolved concentration versus time using SEAM3D-PUP and five TSCF values and compared to SEAM3D-SSM for the observation point (24, 50, 1) for the case study (4.1.3). ...............................................................................................................................................86 Table 4.8 Model parameters for the flow and transport with root sorption case study (4.2.1)................86 Table 4.9. SEAM3D-PUP and SEAM3D-RCT results for dissolved concentration at the observation point (24, 50, 1) for the flow and transport with root sorption case study – f = 1.0...................87 Table 4.10. SEAM3D-PUP and SEAM3D-RCT results for mass removal at the observation point (24, 50, 1) for the flow and transport with root sorption case study (4.2.1) – f = 1.0.........................88 Table 4.11. SEAM3D-PUP and SEAM3D-RCT results for dissolved concentration at the observation point (24, 50, 1) for the flow and transport with root sorption case study – f < 1.0, and f = 1.0. ......................................................................................................................................................................89 Table 4.12. Model parameters for the flow and transport with root sorption case study (4.2.3). ...........89 xiii Table 4.13. SEAM3D-PUP and SEAM3D-RCT results for dissolved concentration at the observation point (24, 50, 1) for the flow and transport with root sorption where 50% of the retardation factor is due to root sorption, and 50% is due to soil sorption – f = 1.0. .....................................90 Table 4.14. Concentration versus time for the three middle observation points (using SEAM3D-PUP and SEAM3D-RCT) for the model in Figure 4.6, with root sorption in ET area only for f = 1.0 (case study ...................................................................................................................................91 Table 4.15. Results for mass removal by direct uptake and root sorption versus time using SEAM3DPUP and SEAM3D with the SSM and RCT Packages (GMS) for case study 4.3.1. ...................92 Table 4.16. Results for dissolved concentration versus time using SEAM3D-PUP and SEAM3D with the SSM and RCT Packages (GMS) for case study 4.3.1. .................................................................93 Table 4.17. Dissolved concentration results for SEAM3D-PUP and SEAM3D with the SSM and RCT Packages (GMS) for case study 4.3.2. ...................................................................................................94 Table 4.18. Results of mass removal by direct uptake and root sorption using SEAM3D-PUP and SEAM3D with the SSM and RCT Packages (GMS) for case study 4.3.2......................................95 Table 5.1. Summary of the variable model parameters and runs. Five values of TSCF (0.0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, and 1.0) were used in each case. .................................................................................................116 Table 5.2. Constant Model Parameters. ............................................................................................................117 Table 5.3. Observation cells (i, j, k)....................................................................................................................124 Table 5.4. Plume lengths at a concentration equals to 1% of the source concentration for ET length = 1000 m (approximately equals to the plume length). .......................................................................129 Table 5.5. Plume lengths at a concentration equals to 1% of the source concentration for ET length = 500 m (approximately half the plume length)....................................................................................130 Table 5.6. Phytoremediation area starts at the source (XET=0.0).................................................................146 Table 5.7. Phytoremediation area starts at the plume toe (XET is variable) ................................................146 Table 6.1. Toxic Effects on Hybrid Poplar (Populus deltoides × Populus nigra DN34) from Chlorinated Aliphatic Compounds (Dietz and Schnoor 2001). ...........................................................................179 Table 6.2. Manual calculations of concentration and mass using manual calculations based on the Freundlich model for the closed system test case.............................................................................184 Table 6.3. Mass, mass removal, and concentration results using the SEAM3D-PUP Freundlich model for plant uptake for the closed system test case................................................................................184 Table 6.4. Mass removal for the closed-system test case using the SEAM3D-PUP Freundlich model for plant uptake for different values of (N)..............................................................................................184 Table 6.5. Solute concentration in groundwater for the closed-system test case using the SEAM3DPUP Freundlich model for plant uptake for different values of (N). ...........................................184 Table 6.6. Manual calculations of concentration and mass using manual calculations based on the Langmuir model for the closed system test case...............................................................................187 Table 6.7. Mass, mass removal, and concentration results using the SEAM3D-PUP Langmuir model for plant uptake for the closed system test case................................................................................189 Table 6.8. Solute concentration at the end of the simulation and solute mass loss for different plant total concentration, Tc. ...........................................................................................................................191 Table 8.1. Transpiration Stream Concentration Factors (TSCF) and Root Concentration Factors (RCF) for selected ground-water contaminants. ...........................................................................................207 Table A.1. Average mass-flux at different cross-sections downstream the plume source for different values of ET width. ................................................................................................................................247 xiv Chapter 1 Introduction 1-1 Background Phytoremediation is the use of plants to remediate contamination in soil and groundwater. Plants can be used to contain, remove, or degrade contaminants (USGS b, 2003). Figure 1.1 shows the different processes taking part in phytoremediation (Keller, 2003). In the early 90’s, phytoremediation emerged with promises of significant economies similar to those initially proposed for bioremediation. Drawing upon geobotanical observations of metal accumulation by plants growing in areas contaminated with metals such as nickel, the use of plants to extract and accumulate toxic heavy metals was proposed. It was also proposed that toxic organic compounds might be degraded by the action of microorganisms peculiar to the rhizosphere of plants (Environmental Cleanup, 2003). Photosynthesis O2 CO2 Phloem Photosynthesis +O 2 H 2O Transpiration Dark Respiration CO2, H2O O2 Xylem H2O, Nutrients Lignification Metabolites Sequestration H2O, Nutrients, O2 Transpiration CO2, H2O O2 Root Respiration Contaminant Uptake Exudation O2, CH3, COOH, C4H3OH Cometabolism Contaminant Figure 1.1. Schematic of phytoremediation processes. 1 CO2, H2O, Cl Mineralization The potential economic benefits of using plants for remediation are impressive. Plants are robust and solar powered. Their root systems permeate soil and sediment environments with an extensive and active membrane system. The soil near their roots has a microbial population that is orders of magnitude greater than non-root soil. These benefits are provided with little or no maintenance requirements. Furthermore, plant-based systems are welcomed by the public due to their superior aesthetics and the societal and environmental benefits that their presence provides (Environmental Cleanup, 2003). The potential use of plants to remediate contaminated soil and groundwater has recently received a great deal of interest. The science of phytoremediation arose from the study of heavy metal tolerance in plants in the late 1980s. The discovery of hyperaccumulator plants, which contain levels of heavy metals that would be highly toxic to other plants, prompted the idea of using certain plant species to extract metals from the soil and, in the process, clean up soil for other less tolerant plants. Scientists also found that certain plants could degrade organic contaminants by absorbing them from the soil and metabolizing them into less harmful chemicals (Henry, 2000). More recently, engineers and scientists have applied phreatophytes to the remediation of contaminated groundwater. Phreatophytes are plants whose roots generally extend downward to the water table, which customarily feeds on the capillary fringe. Processes known to degrade/remove contaminates A number of mechanisms (discussed in greater detail in Section 2-3) have been suggested to explain why phreatophytes may be useful in clean-up contaminants, such as TCE, during phytoremediation: • Phreatophyte roots may break down contaminants in soil through the effect of the enzyme dehalogenase, root exudates that transforms or mineralizes contaminants (Schnoor, 1997). • Phreatophytes and other plants may assist in the breakdown of contaminants in soil through enhancement of microbial activity in the rhizosphere. Plant roots provide passive aeration, serve as a nutrient source for microbes, and draw water to the surface (Lay, 1999). • Plant tissues may accumulate contaminants. Poplars have demonstrated the ability to uptake and store heavy metals in intracellular root spaces, and to translocate these compounds to shoots and leaves (Hinchman, 1996). 2 • Phreatophytes may remove contaminants through metabolism, converting it all the way to normal end points such as carbon dioxides and salts (Dietz and Schnoor, 2001). • Poplars may provide a hydraulic control of aqueous contaminants, containing subsurface water through uptake, thus decreasing the tendency of surface contaminants to move toward groundwater. Poplars have been shown to transpire from 50 to 300 gallons of water per day under some conditions (Chappell, 1997). Contaminated water can be taken into the plant itself by direct uptake and stored in its structure. As plants lose their leaves or die, the organic matter needs to be collected and transported to an appropriate waste facility so that the contaminant is not reintroduced into the subsurface. Finally, plant transpiration can help to provide hydraulic control of the site during the growing season. Transpiring plants are known to create a depression in the water table; thus preventing contaminant migration by forcing surrounding groundwater to flow towards the site. (Lay, 1999). Table 1.1 lists the various applications of phytoremediation technologies. This list indicates that phytoremediation is actually a broad class of remediation techniques that include many treatment strategies. Obviously, the common thread through all of these techniques is the use of plants to treat a contaminant problem. However, due to the diverse nature of chemical contamination and the diversity of plants with the potential to treat them, remedial project managers must choose between wide varieties of phytoremediation techniques to solve the problem at hand (Chappell, 1997). Application of Phytoremediation to Groundwater Contaminants For optimum effectiveness of phytoremediation systems, the various forms of phytoremediation require different characteristics in the plants used. Poplar and cottonwood trees commonly are used because they are fast-growing and have a wide geographic distribution. Examples of other types of vegetation used in phytoremediation of surface soils include sunflower, Indian mustard, and grasses (such as ryegrass and prairie grasses) (EPA, 2001). Figure 1.2 provides a cumulative overview of in situ and ex situ treatment technologies selected for source control which phytoremediation represents (4) sites in (in situ), and (4) sites in (ex situ) remedial sites, (EPA, 2001). 3 Table 1.1. Types of Phytoremediation Systems, (Miller, 1996 and Schnoor, 2002). Treatment Method Mechanism Media Types of Plants Rhizofiltration Uptake of metals in plant roots surface water and water pumped through troughs Phytotransformation Plant uptake (sorption) and degradation of organics Enhanced microbial degradation in the rhizosphere surface water, groundwater soils, groundwater within the rhizosphere soils Aquatic plants, (e.g., duckweed, pennywort), also Brassica, sunflower Trees and grasses Plant-Assisted Bioremediation Phytoextraction Uptake and concentration of metals via direct uptake into plant tissue with subsequent removal of the plants Phytostabilization Root exudates cause metals to precipitate and become less bioavailable soils, groundwater, mine tailings Phytovolatilization Plant evapotranspirates selenium, mercury, and volatile organic compounds (VOC). soils, groundwater Removal of organics from the air Vegetative Caps Leaves take up volatile organics Air Rainwater is evapotranspirated by plants to prevent leaching contaminants from disposal sites Removal of large volumes of water from aquifers by trees. Soils Hydraulic control Plume capture/Phytotrans. 4 Groundwater Variety of natural and selected hyperaccumulators, e.g., Thalaspi, Alyssum, Brassica Various plants with deep or fibrous root systems Trees for VOCs in groundwater; Brassica, grasses, wetlands plants for Se, Hg in soil/sediments Trees such as poplar, plants (e.g., alfalfa) and grasses Poplar, willow trees Ex Situ Technologies (499) 58% In Situ Technologies (364) 42 % Soil Vapor Extraction (213) 25% Physical Separattion (20) 2% Incineration (on-site) (43) 5% Bioremediation (54) 6% Thermal Desorption (69) 8% Chemical Treatment (10) 1% Bioremediation (48) 6% Incineration (off-site) (104) 12% Solidification/Stabilization (157) 18% Other (ex situ) (42) 5% Soil Vapor Extraction (9) Neutralization (8) Soil Washing (8) Mechanical Soil Aeration (5) Solvent Extraction (5) Open Burn/Open Detonation (3) Phytoremediation (4) Vitrification (2) Solidification/ Stabilization (48) 6% Flushing (16) 2% Chemical Treatment (12) 1% Other (in situ) (27) 3% In Situ Thermal Treatment (8) Multi-Phase Extraction (8) Neutralization (4) Phytoremediation (4) Vitrification (2) Electrical Separation (1) Figure 1.2. Superfund Remedial Actions: Source Control Treatment Projects (FY 1982 2002). Phytoremediation is a relatively new technology, for which there are only a few applications at Superfund sites. Table 1.2 lists nine Superfund remedial action projects for which data on phytoremediation are available. The technology is being applied to a variety of contaminants, including halogenated VOCs, BTEX, chlorinated pesticides, radionuclides, and metals (EPA, 2001). The most commonly used flora in phytoremediation projects are poplar trees, primarily because the trees are fast- growing and can survive in a broad range of climates. In addition, poplar trees can draw large amounts of water (relative to other plant species) as it passes through soil or directly from an aquifer. This results in greater amounts of dissolved pollutants being drawn from contaminated media and reduce the amount of water that may pass through soil or an aquifer, thereby reducing the amount of contaminant flushed though or out of the soil or aquifer. In many cases, phytoremediation may have a cost advantage over other treatment technologies because it relies on the use of the natural growth processes of plants and often requires a relatively small investment in both capital and maintenance costs (EPA, 2001). 5 Table 1.2. Superfund Remedial Actions. Phytoremediation Projects FY 1982 - 1999, (EPA, 2001). Site Name Contaminants (Target Cleanup Media (Operable Unit) Levels) Type (a) Aberdeen Pesticide Dumps (OU5) Remediating Flora Status Benzenehexachloride (NR) Dieldrin (NR) Hexachlorohexane (NR) 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethene (NR) Trichloroethane (NR) Groundwater Hybrid Poplar Trees Soil and Groundwater Hybrid Poplar Operational Trees Magnolia Trees Silver Maple Trees Cadmium (5 ug/L, Groundwater) Nickle (100 ug/L, Groundwater) Benzene (0.5 mg/kg, Soil) Trichloroethene (0.4 mg/kg, Soil) Benzene (NR) Soil and Groundwater NR Design NR Pre-design Benzene (NR) Toluene(NR) Ethylbenzene (NR) Xylene (NR) Groundwater Hybrid Poplar Tress Operational Idaho National Chromium (NR) Cesium-137 (NR) Soil Engineering Laboratory Mercury (NR) Selenium (NR) Silver (USDOE, OU 21) (NR) Zinc (NR) Naval Surface Warfare Mercury (<0.14 ug/L) Soil and Center, Dahlgren, Site Groundwater 17 Prairie Cascade Willows Kochia Scoparia Operational Hybrid Poplar Trees Evergreen Trees Pre-design Naval Undersea Warfare Station (4 Areas, OU1) Tibbetts Road Poplar Trees Operational Poplar Trees Pre-design Aberdeen Proving Grounds (Edewood Area, J-Field Soil OU) Boarhead Farm Bofors Nobel (OU1) Calhoun Park Area (OU1) Soil, Sludge, and Groundwater 1,1,1-Trichloroethane (NR) Groundwater Trichloroethene (NR) Groundwater Pre-design NR - Not Reported (a) Treatments including both soil and groundwater are classified as source control treatments. Phreatophytes Phreatophytes are common in riparian habitats. The term literally means water-loving plants (such as hybrid poplar trees). They are used to aid the breakdown of contaminants as well as control contaminant transport. Plant roots in the soil increase the transfer of oxygen to the root zone. This, in turn, promotes aerobic biodegradation of the contaminant in-situ. The rhizosphere (root zone) encourages the growth of microbes in the soil that can use the contaminant as a carbon source (WRRC, Arizona, 2003). 6 Phreatophytes have the ability to adapt to the desert conditions by developing extremely long root systems to draw water from deep underground near the water table. Some roots have been recorded at 80 feet. Phytoremediation systems can also reduce recharge to the groundwater system due to the leaf canopy (Hanson, 1991). In phytoremediation systems, phreatophytes are used to control groundwater movement (downgradient flux) by reducing recharge (the plants canopy reduces precipitations reaching the ground surface, and thus reducing recharge), and increases evapotranspiration (ET). Phreatophyte-based phytoremediation systems promote direct transpiration and reduce groundwater velocity and contaminant flux, in some cases reversing the direction of groundwater flow. Removing groundwater from an aquifer system creates a depression or a capture area that helps control the transport of contaminants and remediate the groundwater. Use of Trees (Phreatophytes) in Phytoremediation Phytoremediation offers the potential for remediating groundwater and soil with the following benefits (Quinn, 2000): • Reasonably low installation cost, remediation within a suitable time frame, low operation and maintenance costs, aesthetic value, low ecological impact, and public approval. • In the last decade, hybrid poplars have been studied to determine their ability to remove or destroy contaminants such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs). • Other advantages of using poplars in certain phytoremediation systems include their fast growth rates and their ability to use vast amounts of water. • Poplars can achieve growth rates as high as 10 to 16 ft/yr (3 to 5 m/yr) (Chappell,1997).While they can transpire tremendous amounts of water (Nyer and Gatliff,1996),the rate varies, depending on climatic factors and tree density (Chappell 1997).Their ability to lower the water table indicates that they have the potential to provide groundwater containment (Nyer and Gatliff,1996; Compton et al.,1998; Newman et al.,1999). Cunningham et al. (1997) described phytoremediation as the use of plants for “solar-driven pumping and filtering systems” (though plants don’t actively transport TCE), with a root system that is “exploratory, liquid phase extractors that can find, alter, and/or translocate elements and compounds”. In the case of TCE contamination, hybrid poplars (Populus trichocarpa x Populus deltoides) and Eastern cottonwoods (Populus deltoides) have received most of the attention. These are phreatophytic 7 species, meaning that their deep roots draw water from the water table. In addition, poplars and cottonwoods have a fast growth rate, and have demonstrated an ability to take up TCE from both soil and water (Lay, 1999). Presently, there is no methodology or systematic analysis for the design of phytoremediation systems for groundwater capture and contaminant control. Likewise, software tools for application to existing sites are needed to determine the effectiveness of phytoremediation systems applied to real cases of studies. A discussion of previous research will be presented in the literature review section. This research more directly addresses the need for solute transport models that incorporate removal and attenuation of contaminants from ground-water systems by plants. 1-2 Objectives The goal of this research is to develop and validate a model that simulates the attenuating effects of plants on aqueous-phase contaminants due to the specific mechanisms of plant uptake, root sorption, and biodegradation. The model will be implemented in equations of 3D groundwater flow and solute transport, which will be solved using a computer code. Three specific research objectives are identified: 1- Develop a mathematical model for the removal and attenuation of aqueous-phase contaminants by phreatophytes from groundwater systems. The model is implemented and tested using the code SEAM3D (Sequential Electron Acceptor Model, 3D Transport). 2- Investigate the effect of different design scenarios for a poplar-based phytoremediation system on hydraulic control, solute mass removal, and dynamic reduction in plume dimensions and contaminant mass flux. 3- Extend the original SEAM3D-PUP code capabilities to include the simulation of plant uptake for different mechanisms beside the linear model presented in the original code. 1-3 Organization of the Dissertation The dissertation consists of eight chapters in addition to the bibliography and Vita. Chapter 1, the executive summary identifies the research deficiency in the point of research, the research objectives, approach. Chapter 2 is dedicated for the literature review for the research in using phytoremediation for plume control with an emphasizes on plant uptake and root sorption models. Chapter 3 has the model development stages including the conceptual and mathematical models for direct uptake and root sorption and then the model implementation. Chapter 4 is assigned for model testing and 8 verification. The verification of the plant uptake/root sorption package included the following study cases: Demonstration of plant uptake: closed system model – single stress period, closed system model – multiple stress periods, and flow and transport with direct uptake. Demonstration of root sorption: flow and transport with root sorption (f = 1.0), flow and transport with root sorption (f < 1.0), flow and transport with root sorption (f = 1.0) and aquifer sorption, flow and transport with spatiallyvariable root sorption (f = 1.0). Demonstration of direct uptake and root sorption: flow and transport with plant uptake and root sorption (in the ET area only), flow and transport with spatially distributed RCF and plant uptake. Chapter 5 includes the tested and verified model applications which involves the following study cases: Effect of ET area (WET × LET), Effect of the source and ET flux rate, Effect of dividing the et area into two halves, and Effect of removing the source on contaminant mass removal, downstream plume concentration, and solute mass-flux. For each of the study cases, in addition to representing and commenting on the results, a series of design charts are introduced to help deciding on using a phytoremediation system to achieve certain remediation goals. Chapter 6 is including the SEAM3D-PUP code modifications to count for different plant uptake mathematical models and the effect of toxicity which may lead the plant to have a maximum capacity for solute uptake. Chapter 7: Conclusions and recommendations for future research and Chapter 8: SEAM3DPUP input instructions for the plant uptake transport and root sorption package. 9 Chapter 2 Literature Review 2.1 Introduction In phytoremediation and plant/soil/water interaction models, there is no one single model that can predict every process taking place. The scope of this thesis is the contaminant mass uptake of poplar trees from the saturated zone and the effect of plant roots on the contaminant retardation and fixation by sorption. Environmental awareness has increased during the last 40 years, realizing that in the race for development and wealth, society failed to protect natural resources of our planet. Disposal of industrial wastes was done randomly, and without any regulations, and it was regarded as “a non-productive function to be achieved at the least possible cost” (Cook, 1977). This attitude in dealing with industrial wastes side by side with no governmental interference, led to massive contamination of groundwater and soil at sites across the United States (Ward, 1999) and people witnessed many environmental disasters such as the pollution of Lake Erie and Lake Ontario (International Joint Commission, 1970), the discovery of toxic waste under the Love Canal community of New York, Figure 2.1, which became a national symbol of pollution (Levine, 1982). These incidents of widespread pollution gained considerable public attention and brought about monumental changes in American society. The steps towards solving the problems of groundwater pollution begin in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s. The Solid Waste Disposal Act of 1965 (SWDA) was the first act that regulated waste on a national scale (Reed et al., 1992). The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) was approved by the Congress in 1969 establishing a national policy for the environment protection among American citizens. 10 Figure 2.1. Signs used in Love Canal community of New York. In 1970, President Richard Nixon established the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as the implementing arm of the NEPA. Other important legislation of the 1970's included the Clean Air Act (CAA; 1970), the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (FWPCA, 1972), the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA; 1974), and the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA; 1976). As stated by Reed et al. (1992), these acts and others passed by Congress provided for the “cradle to the grave” regulation of hazardous waste. Congress later passed the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA, commonly called Superfund; 1980) that enabled the federal government to delegate the costs of remedial act ion to the parties responsible for hazardous waste violations. Pressure to meet the new standards for environmental quality led whole industries to re-engineer their fundamental processes an d products (Cunningham et al., 1997) and forced some companies out of business (Cammarota, 1980). The proper disposal of hazardous waste and the need to clean existing contaminated sites became a productive function for many public and private institutions in light of the substantial fines and penalties, which could be mandated by regulatory agencies. Government agencies and private industry alike began a search for efficient, cost-effective technologies that could be used to remediate hazardous waste sites, an initiative that remains to the present day. 11 Currently 300,000 to 400,000 hazardous waste sites in the United States require some future remedial action (NRC, 1997). However, only the EPA recognizes an estimated 30,000 of these as candidates for immediate treatment (Ensley, 2000). These sites may be polluted with inorganic contaminants, organic contaminants, or more commonly mixtures of both. The remediation of all U.S. hazardous waste sites in existence could cost as much as $1 trillion (NRC, 1997), but the estimated expense for sites of immediate concern is much less. The projected cost for remediation of areas containing mixtures of heavy metals and organic pollutants is $35.4 billion over the next five years, whereas cleanup of sites contaminated with metals only would cost $7.1 billion (Ensley, 2000). The high cost of hazardous waste cleanup is due in part to the inefficiency and high cost of available technologies. Conventional remediation techniques are based on civil and chemical engineering technologies including a wide variety of physical, thermal, and chemical treatments, as well as manipulations to accelerate or reduce mass transport in the contaminated matrix (Cunningham et al., 1997). Table 2.1 summarizes approximated costs, and limitations of some of the remediation technologies. Table 2.1 shows that one of the primary driving forces behind the search for alternative remediation technologies is high cost of conventional methods. According to the NRC (1999), as cleanup at waste sites has proceeded, it has become evident that despite the billions of dollars invested, conventional remediation technologies are inadequate. The lack of commercially available technologies that can restore contaminated sites at reasonable cost has led to increasing pressure to limit waste cleanups to sites that pose immediate risks to human health. Bioremediation is a biological treatment method, which employs microbial populations in the remediation of contaminated soils and groundwater. Certain vegetation can sustain an eutrophic soil environment for the bioremediation of many priority pollutants. This method of bioremediation soils and groundwater is popularly known as phytoremediation (phyto means green plants and trees), (Davis et al., 1998). 12 Table 2.1. Costs associated with various types of remediation methods (Wood, 2003). Type of Medium Soil Bulk density = 1.3 Water Remediation Method In Situ Vitrification [1,3] Soil Incineration [3] Excavation and Landfill [3,5,7] Soil Washing [1,3,4,6] Soil Flushing [1,3] Solidification and Stabilization [1] Electrokinetic Systems [1,3] Bioremediation [1] Phytoremediation of Soil [3,5,6,7] Activated Carbon [6] Biosorption [6] Reverse Osmosis [6] Adsorption [6] Membrane separation –filtration [6] Rhizofiltration [3,7] Ion Exchange [6] Chemical Precipitation [6] Range of remediation cost (in U.S $) soil = per cubic meter water = per 1000 gallons cleaned 360 200 140 80 50 40 30 10 <1 120 9 3 1 1 <1 <1 <1 1,370 1,500 720 860 270 200 290 310 150 210 3,400 3 20 6 6 2 2 1- Woods, 1997 2- Ensley, 2000 3- Glass, 2000 4- Dennis et al., 1994 5- Salt et al., 1995a 6- Black, 1995 7- Cunningham et al., 1997 Note: Reported costs are estimates from available data. All soils were assigned a bulk density of 1.3 for the purposes of comparison. 2.2 Phytoremediation 2.2.1 Applicability of Phytoremediation Phytoremediation has been used to clean up metals, pesticides, solvents, explosives, crude oil, polyaromatic hydrocarbons, and landfill leachates. Phytoremediation can be used in combination with other cleanup approaches as a “finishing” or “polishing” step. Although some phytoremediation applications are slower than mechanical methods and are limited to the depths that are within the reach of the plant roots (EPA, 1998). Vegetation is aesthetically pleasing, improves the site’s appearance, serves as wild-life habitat and site-health monitor, prevents erosion, traps sediments, acts as a sorption and biodegradation sink for pollutants, and may be harvested for fuel and lumber. Phytoremediation, as an in situ remediation strategy, is economically competitive and acceptable by regulators where conditions are appropriate. Investigations to explore suitable plant species, transport processes, and transformation processes are the backbone of this multibillion-dollar remediation technology. The U.S. 13 EPA is currently supporting several initiatives and research projects involving the use of vegetation for bioremediation. 2.2.2 Hyperaccumulators Some plants, which grow on metalliferous soils, have developed the ability to accumulate massive amounts of the indigenous metals in their tissues without exhibiting symptoms of toxicity (Baker and Brooks, 1989). Chaney (1983) was the first to suggest using these “hyperaccumulators” for the phytoremediation of metal-polluted sites. However, hyperaccumulators were later believed to have limited potential in this area because of their small size and slow growth, which limit the speed of metal removal (Cunningham and Ow, 1996). By definition, a hyperaccumulator must accumulate at least 1000 µg Ag-1 of Co, Cu, Cr, Pb, or Ni, or 10,000 µg Ag –1 (i.e. 1%) of Mn or Zn in the dry matter (Reeves and Baker, 2000). Some plants tolerate and accumulate high concentrations of metal in their tissue but not at the level required to be called hyperaccumulators. These plants are often called moderate metal-accumulators, or just moderate accumulators (Kumar et al., 1995). The lack of variable plant alternatives for phytoremediation seemed to suppress the amount of phytoremediation research conducted between the mid 1980’s and the early half of the 1990’s. The search for plants for phytoremediation centered on the Brassica family, to which many hyperaccumulators belong (Cunningham et al., 1995). Through the work of various researchers, particularly Kumar et al. (1995) and Dushenkov et al. (1995), several high-biomass, metalaccumulating species were identified. Phytoremediation research gained momentum after the discovery of these plants, and most of our understanding of this emerging technology has come from research reports published since 1995. 2.2.3 Poplar Trees Poplar trees are typically used in phytoremediation of organic pollutants because they are long lasting (between 25 and 50 years), fast growing, hardy, and transpire large quantities of water. Poplar trees can grow six to eight feet per year, reaching heights of 30 feet depending on species. For fast two years of the tree life the expected transpiration could be 200 gallons per tree per year. Grown poplars can uptake up to 100 liter per day of groundwater (Sutherson, 1997). Phreatophytes can uptake water from the top of the saturated aquifer. As in a natural pump and treat system, the tree root system of a phreatophyte will transpire water and draw down the water table in the areas below the tree. However, a disadvantage of phytoremediation is that the roots must be able 14 to reach the contaminated groundwater for remediation, therefore, making phytoremediation an unfeasible remedial technology for deep contaminated aquifers. Some companies such as Treemediation® have patented systems to treat deep contaminated soil and groundwater. Table 2.2 lists recorded ET rates by poplar trees (Chappell, 1997). Hybrid forms of the poplar tree have been utilized at sites with soil organic chemical contamination of soil and groundwater. Most hybrid varieties are fast-growers, perennial, long-lived (25-50 years) and tolerant of organic contamination (Schnoor et al., 1995). Poplar roots can extend towards the water table and establish root mass that can potentially consume rather large quantities of water (Schnoor et al., 1995). According to Edward Gatliff, founder of Applied Natural Sciences, poplar trees have the ability to reach deep aquifers and pump 50 to 350 gallons per day (gpd) per tree (Matso, 1995). In amenable soils and temperate conditions, hybrid poplars can grow 2 meters in the first growing season and reach a height of 5 to 8 meters after 3 years (Schnoor et al., 1995). In a study at the University of Iowa (Schnoor et al., 1995), exudates from hybrid poplar roots contained 10 to 120 mg/L of dissolved organic carbon and 1 to 10 mg/L of acetic acid. An increased amount of bioavailable substrates in the root zone is likely to support growth of larger populations, if other factors are not limiting. Therefore, microbial activity could also be increased if poplars are implemented into a treatment strategy. Jordahl et al. (1997) reported the first evaluation of the effect of trees on microbial populations in the rhizosphere. The rhizosphere soils of seven-year–old Imperial Carolina poplars were used to enumerate five specific phenotypes. Total heterotrophs, denitrifiers, pseudomonads, BTX degraders, and atrazine degraders were enumerated for three rhizosphere samples previously exposed to nitrate and atrazine. The phenotypes were also enumerated in soil samples devoid of roots from an adjacent cornfield. 15 Table 2.2. Estimates of evapotranspiration rates by hybrid poplars Rate Source 100 to 200 L/day/tree (~26 to 53 gallon/day) for 5 year old trees 100 L/day/tree for a 5 year old tree under optimal conditions 13 gallons per day (estimated) when trees are calculated as low-flow Newman et al (1997) Stomp et al. (1994) Sheldon Nelson - Workshop on pumping wells Phytoremediation of Organic Contaminants (1996) Compton (1997) 1.6 to 10 gpd/tree (observed) sap flow rates for young hybrid poplars at the Aberdeen Proving grounds in Maryland 10 - 11 kg/tree/day (observed) in early summer for 1-2 year old Eastern cottonwoods growing in Texas 40 gallons per day (observed) for 5 year old trees in Utah in the summer Greg Harvey (personal communication) Ari Ferro- Workshop on Phytoremediation of Organic Contaminants (1996) In summary, the advantages of hybrid poplar trees as phytoremediation tools include: • • • • Extremely fast growing, hardy, and tolerant of high organics concentrations Preformed root initials that allow rooting along the entire buried depth Release of exudates that may stimulate active degrader populations of microbes Direct uptake of organics and, in some cases, transformation to less toxic metabolites, (Aitchison et al., 2000). 2.2.4 Phytoremediation Mechanisms Phytoremediation is accomplished through different removal mechanisms depending on the nature of the contamination and the type of vegetation. Some of these processes maybe predominant, and others can happen in accompany with others. Schnoor (2002) summarized these mechanisms as: a) Uptake and translocation: The contaminants can be absorbed with groundwater to the plants through the roots membrane, and move through the stems to the plants leaves, which is known by direct uptake. The groundwater contaminants must be soluble to be uptaken. Translocation means moving from one place to another, which means that the contaminants that were in the groundwater are now in the plant structure. Some of the contaminants that can be degraded or removed using this process are organics, lead, and BTEX. b) Uptake and enzymatic phytotransformation: In this process, groundwater contaminants are extracted from the soil, and then the nature of the contaminants changes by plant metabolism. A biochemical reaction takes place inside the plants to transform the contaminants to other harmful chemical forms. The phytotransformation takes place in many steps (the contaminants can go through many biochemical reaction processes to be 16 transformed to the final phase). Some of the contaminants that can be degraded or removed using this process are organics, lead, BTEX, and TCE. c) Rhizosphere bioremediation: Rhizosphere refers to the roots zone where bacteria are active. In this process, which requires that the contaminants be close to the roots zone, biodegradation happens due to the interaction between the contaminants and bacteria in the rhizosphere. In this process, contaminants can be degraded without actually getting into the plant structure. Some of the contaminants that can be degraded or removed using this process are nitrogen compounds, especially those used in soil fertilizing. d) Phytostabilization: The traditional means by which metal toxicity is reduced at these metal-polluted sites is by inplace inactivation, a remediation technique that employs the use of soil amendments to immobilize or fix metals in soil. In this process, the plants roots are used to stabilize the contaminants in soil, and prevent or reduce further movement. In this process, no chemical reaction takes place with the contaminants, or they are getting into the plant structure. Phytostabilization is best suited for metal contaminants where keeping them immobile would be the best choice, because they don’t eventually degrade. This technique is actually a modified version of the in-place inactivation method in which the function of plants is secondary to the role of soil amendments. Unlike other phytoremediative techniques, the goal of phytostabilization is not to remove metal contaminants from a site, but rather to stabilize them and reduce the risk to human health and the environment. Plants chosen for phytostabilization should be poor translocators of metal contaminants to aboveground plant tissues that could be consumed by humans or animals. The lack of appreciable metals in shoot tissue also eliminates the necessity of treating harvested shoot residue as hazardous waste (Flathman and Lanza, 1998). e) Phytoextraction: In this process, plant species extract contaminants (especially heavy metal contaminants) and keep them inside the plant structure (roots, stems and/or leaves). Those plants are known as hyperaccumulators. Phytoextraction refers to extraction of heavy metals into plants. It is important to extract the plants, and isolate them in some sort of a disposal facility, and thus 17 isolating those contaminants from soil. Some of the contaminants that can be removed using this process are heavy metals. The terms phytoremediation and phytoextraction are sometimes incorrectly used as synonyms, but phytoremediation is a concept while phytoextraction is a specific cleanup technology. The phytoextraction process involves the use of plants to facilitate the removal of metal contaminants from a soil matrix (Kumar et al., 1995). The time required for remediation is dependent on the type and extent of metal contamination, the length of the growing season, and the efficiency of metal removal by plants, but normally ranges from 1 to 20 years (Blaylock and Huang, 2000; Kumar et al., 1995). This technology is suitable for the remediation of large areas of land that are contaminated at shallow depths with low to moderate levels of metal- contaminants (Kumar et al., 1995; Wantanabe, 1997). f) Rhizofiltration: Metal pollutants in industrial-process water and in groundwater are most commonly removed by precipitation or flocculation, followed by sedimentation and disposal of the resulting sludge (Ensley, 2000). A promising alternative to this conventional clean-up method is rhizofiltration, a phytoremediative technique designed for the removal of metals in aquatic environments. This process takes place in plants roots when roots sorb contaminations by membrane phenomena when liquids move from more concentrated to less concentrated solutions. As in phytoextraction process, plants roots are collected when they accumulate too much contamination. This process is used with radioactive contaminants. Dushenkov and Kapulnik (2000) describe the characteristics of the ideal plant for rhizofiltration. Plants should be able to accumulate and tolerate significant amounts of the target metals in conjunction with easy handling, low maintenance cost, and a minimum of secondary waste requiring disposal. It is also desirable for plants to produce significant amounts of root biomass or root surface area. g) Hydraulic control: Hydraulic control refers to removing groundwater from an aquifer by transpiration, and thus capturing contaminants through direct uptake. In the process, the groundwater flux down gradient the contaminant area is reduced and the contaminant mass flux is consequently reduced even if contaminant mass is not removed by the plant system. In this process, which uses deep- 18 rooted plants, the plants themselves function as pumping wells. This process is suitable for volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds. h) Phytovolatilization: Phytovolatilization refers to removing contaminants through plants leaves following direct uptake and phytrotranslation. Although most applicable to volatile organic compounds (VOCs), some metal such as As, Hg, and Se may exist as gaseous species in environment. In recent years, researchers have searched for naturally occurring or genetically modified plants that are capable of absorbing elemental forms of these metals from the soil, biologically converting them to gaseous species within the plant, and releasing them in to the atmosphere. Phytovolatilization is the most controversial of all phytoremediation technologies. Mercury and Se are toxic (Suszcynsky and Shann, 1995), and there is doubt about whether the volatilization of these elements into the atmosphere is safe (Watanabe, 1997). The phytovolatilization of Se and Hg into the atmosphere has several advantages. Volatile Se compounds, such as dimethylselenide, are 1/600 to 1/500 as toxic as inorganic forms of Se found in the soil (DeSouza et al., 2000). The volatilization of Se and Hg is also a permanent site solution, because the inorganic forms of these elements are removed and the gaseous species are not likely to be redeposited at or near the site (Heaton et al., 1998). Furthermore, sites that utilize this technology may not require much management after the original planting. This remediation method has the added benefits of minimal site disturbance, less erosion, and no need to dispose of contaminated plant material (Heaton et al., 1998; Rugh et al., 2000). Heaton et al. (1998) suggest that the addition of Hg(O) into the atmosphere would not contribute significantly to the atmospheric pool. 19 2.3 Models for Phytoremediation Processes 2.3.1 Plant Uptake Water supplied to the plant by the root contributes to the overall water balance of the shoot. Despite this important function of roots, relatively little is known about the processes that govern or even regulate root water uptake. There is much evidence that the force driving water across roots is usually provided by the tension (negative pressure) created by transpiration from the shoot and extending to root xylem (Steudle, 1995; Tyree, 1997). Hence, the force driving water across the root cylinder is usually a gradient in hydrostatic pressure, that is, water uptake requires an osmotic gradient. This process of water and solute uptake is generally referred to as described in Section 2.2.4. Water is not the only substance uptaken by the plant, but the soil and the groundwater is also having solutes and minerals that are absorbed by the root and moves inside the plant stem into the shoots (leaves and fruits). Figure 2.2 is showing the different solute concentrations in a controlled volume of the plant, soil, and water. The solute concentration absorbed on the plants roots, CR depends on the factor RCF, while as the solute concentration in the plants shoots, CT depends on the factor TSCF. TSCF CT RCF C CR Figure 2.2. Solute fate in plants. 20 Currently, a variety of models are available for predicting the uptake, translocation, and elimination of organic contaminants by plants. These models can be applied to unsaturated, variablysaturated, saturated flow, and range from simple deterministic risk assessment screening tools to more complex models that consider physical, chemical, and biological processes in a mechanistic manner (Fryer and Collins, 2003). The root water uptake is currently modeled in ecological, hydrological, and atmospheric communities in different ways (Feddes et al., 2001): • • • Local point-/field-scale ecological and hydrological modeling. Considering the root system as a diffuse sink that penetrates each depth layer of soil uniformly. Large-scale atmospheric modeling. Local point-/field-scale models The local point-/field-scale models are constructed around the plant root system. The models investigate how plant roots work considering multiple vertical soil layers and by specifying details of the root distribution and the soil hydraulic characteristics that determine water availability to roots. In principle two alternative approaches can then be taken (Feddes 1981; Molz 1981). The first plant-based approach is to consider the convergent radial flow of soil water toward and into a representative individual root, taken to be a line or narrow-tube sink uniform along its length, that is, of constant and definable thickness and absorptive properties. The root system as a whole can then be described as a set of such individual roots, assumed to be regularly spaced in the soil at definable distances that may vary within the soil profile. This microscopic approach that is commonly used in ecological communities (Jackson et al. 2000b) casts the flow equation in cylindrical coordinates and solves it for the distribution of soil water pressure heads, water contents, and fluxes from the root outward. The problem with this approach is that often only steady-state conditions are considered and that the required rather detailed plant information is often not available. Diffuse sink root models The second more hydrologically oriented approach is to regard the root system as a diffuse sink that penetrates each depth layer of soil uniformly, though not necessarily with a constant strength throughout the root zone. Root water uptake can then be represented as a sink term that is added to the vertical water flow equation through the soil. One has to realize, however, that one-dimensional root system models may fail when lateral transport of water by subsurface or overland flow occurs. In case of catchments with complex sloping terrain and groundwater tables, a vertical domain model has 21 to be coupled with either a process or a statistically based scheme that incorporates lateral water transfer. This macroscopic way of solving the root water uptake problem is to combine the continuity equation of water flow with a sink term representing water extraction by plant roots: ∂θ ∂q =− −S, ∂t ∂z where θ is the volumetric water content [L3/L3], t is time [T], z is the vertical coordinate [L] taken positively upward, q is the soil water flux [L/T] taken positively upward, and S is the sink term which is representing the root water uptake rate [L3/L3 T-1]. When combining that equation with Darcy’s equation: q = − K (h ) ∂ (h + z ) , where K is the ∂z hydraulic conductivity [L/T] and h is the soil water pressure head [L], results in Richards’ equation (in one-dimension): C (h ) ∂h ∂ ⎡ ⎛ ∂h ⎞⎤ = − ⎢ K L (h )⎜ + 1⎟⎥ − S ( z , t ) ∂t ∂z ⎣ ⎝ ∂z ⎠⎦ ………. (2.1) where S(z,t) indicates that the sink term is a function of depth and time (Fayer, 2002). S can represent the root water uptake rate. The assumptions that led to the above equation are: • • • • • • Fluid is incompressible Air phase is continuous Air phase is at constant pressure Flow is one-dimensional Liquid water flow is isothermal Vapor flow is negligible. Examples of diffuse sink root models SWMS_3D model Hong et al. (2001) used two mathematical models to simulate phytoremediation effect on an MTBE plume. Those models were: SWMS_3D and UNSAT-H. Both codes can be used for quantifying ET in unsaturated zones. SWMS_3D is a computer program for simulating water and solute movement in three-dimensional variably saturated media. The program numerically solves the Richards’ equation for saturated-unsaturated water flow and the convection-dispersion equation for solute transport using Galerkin-type linear finite element schemes. The flow equation incorporates a sink term to account for 22 water uptake by plant roots. The code allows simulation of time-varying root water and contaminant uptake, surface evaporation, and infiltration. SWMS_3D also provides a means for estimating actual transpiration as a fraction of potential transpiration, based upon an experimentally determined “root-stress” curve provided by the user. This root-stress curve comprises an attenuation factor, applied to potential transpiration that varies depending upon the energy state (or head) of the water in the unsaturated zone (which can vary both spatially and with time in the domain). A root (or sink) zone of any desired shape or size within the domain could be assigned. Hence, roots concentrated near the ground surface or near the water table can be simulated. Spatially varying local water uptake within the root mass may also be taken into account by application of weighting factors (Simbnek, J., 1995). r r The Richard equation ( ∂ tθ + ∇ ⋅ q ) in the θ-based form, where θ is used to represent the volumetric r r water fraction and q = − K∇ (ψ + z ) can be modified to the following form: ⎤ ∂θ ∂ ⎡ ⎛⎜ A ∂h A⎞ = + K iz ⎟⎥ − S ⎢ K ⎜ K ij ⎟ ∂t ∂xi ⎢⎣ ⎝ ∂x j ⎠⎦⎥ ………. (2.2) where: θ = volumetric water content [L3/L3], h = hydraulic head [L], S = sink term [T-1], xi = spatial coordinates [L], where (i=1,2,3), t = time [T], and K ij are components of a dimensionless tensor KA representing the possible anisotropic nature of A the medium, and K is the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity function [L/T] given by: K (h, x, y, z ) = K s ( x, y, z )K r (h, x, y, z ) Where: Kr = relative hydraulic conductivity Ks = principal saturated hydraulic conductivity 23 ………. (2.3) The partial differential equation governing three-dimensional chemical transport during transient water flow in a variably saturated rigid porous medium is taken as: ∂θc ∂ρs ∂ ⎛⎜ ∂c ⎞⎟ ∂qi c + = − + μ wθC + μ s ρs + γ wθ + γ s ρ − Scs Dij θ ∂t ∂at ∂xi ⎜⎝ ∂x j ⎟⎠ ∂xi ………. (2.4) where c = solution concentration [ML-3], s = adsorbed concentration, qi = i-th component of the volumetric flux [L/T], μw, and μs = first-order rate constants for solutes in the liquid and solid phases [T-1], respectively; γw, and γs, = zero-order rate constants for the liquid [ML-3T-1] and solid [T-1] phases, respectively; ρ = soil bulk density [ML-3], S = sink term in the water flow equation cs = concentration of the sink term [ML-3], and Dij = dispersion coefficient tensor [L2T-1] (Simbnek, J., 1995). SWAP Model This previous modeling approach (Diffuse sink root models) is used in the models: Soil-WaterAtmosphere-Plant, (SWAP) simulation model SWAP, and Unsaturated Soil Water and Heat Flow Model , UNSAT-H. SWAP, The soil-Water-Atmosphere-Plant (SWAP) simulation model (Kroes et al., 1999) is a transient, one dimensional model that uses soil physical properties, crop characteristics, and weather hydrological data to estimate, on a daily basis, the components of the soil water balance and the distribution of water within the profile, (Figure 2.3). 24 Precipitation Atmosphere Interception Transpiration Soil evaporation Plant Surface runoff Unsaturated Zone Drainage/ Subsurface Infiltiration • Transport of: Saturated Zone o Soil water o Soil heat o Solutes (salts, tracers) • Influenced by: o Water repellency o Swelling and shrinkage o Hysteresis Drainage/ Subsurface Infiltiration Deep Groundwater Figure 2.3. A schematic overview of the SWAP model system. Large-scale atmospheric modeling In general circulation models (GCMs) land surface parameterizations are often based on the concept of a big leaf (Deardorff 1978), implying that the land represented in each grid element of the model is homogeneously covered by a big leaf. However at the resolvable scale of GCMs land surfaces are very heterogeneous. Avissar and Chen (1993) have therefore developed a set of prognostic equations for momentum, heat, moisture, and other gaseous material quantifying mesoscale circulations generated by landscape discontinuities and turbulent fluxes. On the other hand various soil–vegetation–atmosphere transfer (SVAT) schemes have been developed for use in GCMs and numerical weather prediction models. Their weakest component however remains their link with the lower boundary. SVAT models face various difficulties, which include (Kalma et al. 1999) comparable complexity between system components; scaling incongruities between atmospheric, hydrological, and terrestrial components; and validation of SVATs at appropriate timeand space scales. SVATs, which sometimes may be overparameterized, use a variety of different methods to represent the relationship between roots, soil moisture and transpiration. Moreover, SVAT parameters are generally highly variable in space and difficult to measure. Because of all these reasons, it was not a surprise that the Project for Intercomparison of Landsurface Parameterization Schemes showed that different SVATs/Land Surface Schemes (LSSs) 25 driven by the same meteorological forcing of air temperature, humidity, wind speed, incoming solar radiation, longwave radiation, and rainfall can produce remarkably different surface energy and water balances (Chen et al. 1997; Koster and Milly 1997; Pitman et al. 1999). The question in this context was therefore raised: what is the role of roots? Models for direct Transpiration Evapotranspiration (ET) is a key process associated with plant uptake and plant-based bioremediation (Davis et al., 1998). This phenomenon plays a significant role in sites with low precipitation. ET prevents the percolation of precipitation into such contaminated site and draws up the groundwater from the saturated zone. ET is the combination of two processes, evaporation from the soil surface and transpiration from leaf surfaces of plants. ET depends on the plant species and environmental factors such as temperature, wind velocity, and humidity. ET substantially influences shallow water table levels of 2-5 m. When the water table is deeper (6-10 m), only deep-rooted and drought resistant plants are able to send their roots down near the water table and pump up the water (Pollock, 1994). This increases the net water flux and evapotranspiration by creating vertical waterpressure gradients. This process clearly also transports the dissolved contaminants in the groundwater to the unsaturated zone and into the roots. Sometimes, solar-driven transpiration translocates contaminants into the stem of the plant. Boersma et a1. (1990) reported that accumulation of romacil in plants increased in proportion to the transpiration rate. MODFLOW Evapotranspiration of groundwater may occur when the water table is close to the land surface or when phreatophytes draw water from below the water table. Several groundwater flow models incorporate losses from the saturated zone due to evapotranspiration, including the widely-used Modular Groundwater Flow Code (MODFLOW). The Evapotranspiration Package of MODFLOW requires the user to assign a maximum ET rate RETM to each cell from which ET may occur. The maximum rate is used when the water table in a cell equals an assigned head value, normally equal to the elevation of the land surface hs. No evapotranspiration occurs when the water table declines below an assigned “extinction” depth (d). In between these two extremes the ET rate is assumed to be linear, as shown in Figure 2.4 and 2.5 (Anderson and Woessner 1992 ; McDonald, and Harbaugh 1988). The volumetric rate at which groundwater is removed by evapotranspiration is calculated in the MODFLOW ET package as follows: 26 QET = RETM ΔxΔy ………. (2.5) where QET = QETM For h > hs QET = 0 For h > (hs – d) QET = QETM [h − (hs − d )] d For (hs – d) ≤ h ≤ hs where h is the elevation of the water table calculated by the model, Figure 2.4. The extinction depth (d) is normally 6 to 8 feet below the land surface but may be deeper if deep-rooted phreatophytes are present. Thomas et al. (1989) set d equal to 12 feet beneath a playa in Nevada and 30 feet in the area around the playa in which phreatophytes were growing. Danskin (1988) used 12 feet for the extinction depth in Owens Valley in Southern California. Q Q ET Maximum Evapotranspiration ETM Slope = Q ETM ______ d h 0 hs d Figure 2.4. Volumetric evapotranspiration, QET, as a function of head, h, in a cell where d is the extinction depth, and hs is the ET surface elevation. 27 d hs h (h s - d ) Figure 2.5. Representation of evapotranspiration in MODFLOW. Matthews et al. (2002) investigated the effectiveness of phytoremediation through applying a PPS on unconfined aquifer. The goal of their research was to develop a relationship between the plantation area, and the capture of an aqueous contaminant plume. The model used constant head boundaries to simulate the contribution of recharge to groundwater upgradient of the plantation area, Figure 2.6. The following model assumptions were employed in Matthews et al. (2002): 1234- The lower layers remain fully saturated. Unconfined homogenous anisotropic sand aquifer. Growing season period is 7 months (full effect of ET). Hydraulic conductivity ranges were selected to match a site with predominately silty soil to potentially sandy. 5- The authors used MODFLOW Recharge Package to simulate ET (Evapotranspiration) effect by specifying a negative recharge rate within the footprint of the phytoremediation plantation. 6- The recharge rate outside the plantation area was set to 0. Figure 2.6. Plan view of model grid (left) and cross section of model grid (right) used in evaluating aquifer properties effect on phytoremediation effectiveness. 28 The main findings of Matthews et al. (2002) were: 1- The minimum plantation area for capture was found to be directly proportional to the ground water flow rate (Q), and thus in direct proportion with (K, b, and I ) 2- Nonlinear relationships were observed between the minimum phytoremediation plantation area needed for capture and growing season duration, Figure 2.7. A location with a 9-month growing season required 20% less plantation area than a location with the default 7-month growing season, while a location with a 5-month growing season required 40% more of plantation area. 3- Higher aquifer anisotropy increases the phytoremediation area required to capture the plume, Figure 2.8. 4- Wider plume width requires more phytoremediation area for capturing the plume, Figure 2.9. 5- The phytoremediation area needed to capture the specified contaminant plume was relatively insensitive to specific yield and aquifer storativity. The minimum plantation area required for capture varied <5% when the specific yield was varied between 0.01 and 0.25. Similarly, separate simulations in which storativity was decreased by a factor of 3 and specific yield held constant resulted in no significant change in the minimum plantation area required for capture. In contrast, except in very permeable soils, the time required to develop the capture zone was strongly dependent on aquifer storage. 6- Evapotranspiration fluxes through plantations, appropriately sized to contain the plume, substantially exceeded the groundwater flux through the plume itself. 7- Phytoremediation may be impractical or not cost-effective in situations where the required plantation area needed exceeds the amount of tillable land available. 29 16,000 Plantation Area, m 2 12,000 8,000 4,000 3 6 9 Growing Season Duration, months 12 Figure 2.7. Effect of growing season duration on minimum plantation area for capture. 18,000 Plantation Area, m 2 Sandy Soil Kh=0.0002 cm/s 12,000 Kh=0.0008 cm/s Kh=0.002 cm/s 6,000 Silty Soil 0 0 50 100 150 200 Anisotropy Ratio Figure 2.8. Effect of aquifer anisotropy on minimum plantation area for capture. 30 Plantation Area, m 2 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 0 30 60 90 120 Plume width, m Figure 2.9. Effect of plume width on minimum plantation area for capture. The research of Matthews et al. (2002) did not employ the MODFLOW ET package. Therefore, sensitivity of results to a number of input parameters was not considered: 1- Extinction depth (d): The model simulated ET by applying a negative recharge to the area of plantation, which did not take into account the root extinction depth, Figure 2.10, McDonald and Harbaugh, 1988. 2- ET rate (QET): The model used constant ET rate (by applying constant negative recharge) hs h Maximum Evapotranspiration 3- Aquifer heterogeneity (K): The model was based on uniform values of hydraulic conductivity. Land surface elevation (SURF) Q ETM Slope = ______ d d d hs h 0 QETM QET (hs - d) Figure 2.10. Effect of water table, and root depth on ET rate. 31 Potential problems in the design approach proposed by (Matthews et al., 2002) include: 1- Using negative recharge to simulate the plants uptake gave results indicating that vertical anisotropy has a strong effect on phytoremediation area required to capture the plume. This might be due to the fact that extracting water from the lower layers using the recharge package in MODFLOW has to force water to come all the way from the bottom to the top, which is somehow like a vertical one-directional movement where Kz plays an important role. Matthews et al. (2002) mentioned, “Using the MODFLOW ET package, which incorporates a linear dependence between ET rate and depth to the water table, resulted in varying groundwater withdrawal rates from run to run, complicating comparisons” 2- The authors didn’t consider if extremes in transient site conditions such as seasonally varying water table gradients, depth to groundwater, and seasonal or biological variations in ET rate can be adequately represented in a steady-state model require or need additional research, but the authors commented that “At a minimum, steady-state simulations are useful for screening level design evaluations.” 3- Simulating the recharge using a constant head boundary made the water-table depth constant without applying the phytoremediation simulation. 4- Using a constant ET rate while the ET rate is different by seasons. 5- The authors neglected the effects of vertical ground water flow gradients that might be induced by precipitation recharge and/or local hydrogeologic conditions on phytoremediation effectiveness. 6- This analysis did not explicitly consider the effects of local variations in the configuration or degree of contamination of a ground water plume nor did we evaluate alternative plantation layouts in addition to a simple rectangular design. 7- Just as optimal design for conventional ground water pump-and-treat systems is quite site specific, we expect that plantation layout and plume configuration will have significant effects on phytoremediation effectiveness. Because of the unique geometry of groundwater extraction during phytoremediation, additional research is needed to evaluate this issue. Matthews et al. (2002) research paper was an introductory effort to have an idea about designing phytoremediation area required to capture a groundwater plume. The research is simplifying a lot of 32 parameters, and the design procedure should not be taken as is, but it needs more investigations for other site-specific parameters. MT3DMS MT3DMS, Zheng (1999), is an update to the original MT3D, Zheng, (1990). MT3D stands for the Modular 3-Dimensional Transport model, and MS denotes the Multi-Species structure for accommodating add-on reaction packages. MT3DMS has a comprehensive set of options and capabilities for simulating advection, dispersion/diffusion, and chemical reactions of contaminants in groundwater flow systems under general hydrogeologic conditions. MT3DMS can be used to simulate changes in concentrations of miscible contaminants in groundwater considering advection, dispersion, diffusion, and some basic chemical reactions, with various types of boundary conditions and external sources or sinks, Zheng (1999). The partial differential equation describing the fate and transport of contaminants of species k in 3D, transient groundwater flow systems can be written as follows: ∂ (θC k ) ∂ = ∂t ∂xi k ⎞ ⎛ ⎜ θDij ∂C ⎟ − ∂ (θvi C k ) + qS C S + ∑ Rn ⎜ ∂x j ⎟⎠ ∂xi ⎝ ………. (2.6) Where θ porosity of the subsurface medium, dimensionless Ck dissolved concentration of species k, ML-3 t time, T xi,j distance along the respective Cartesian coordinate axis, L Dij hydrodynamic dispersion coefficient tensor, L2T-1 vi seepage or linear pore water velocity, LT-1; it is related to the specific discharge or Darcy flux through the relationship, vi = qi θ qs volumetric flow rate per unit volume of aquifer representing fluid sources (positive) and sinks (negative), T-1 Csk concentration of the source or sink flux for species k, ML-3 ΣRn chemical reaction term, ML-3T-1 33 It is important to know that when using MT3DMS combined with MODFLOW ET package to simulate solute plant uptake, the model does not take into consideration the factor TSCF and it assumes 100% of solutes will be translocated from the saturated zone of groundwater table up to the plant and hence to the atmosphere. Equilibrium Models for Transpiration Contaminant mass that enters the roots and does not accumulate there (as quantified by the RCF) crosses the endodermis and enters the transpiration stream of the plant. Generally, plants translocate water through their vascular bundles, which are mostly comprised of xylem and phloem. Studies have revealed that solubility and volatility parameters are critical during iranslocation of organic compounds in plants. Boersma et al. (1990) argued that the transfer of organic substances into a plant is primarily a function of the lipophilicity (lipid loving potential) of the compounds. The uptake advective flux is quantified by the transpiration stream concentration factor, TSCF, which represents the ratio of the concentration of the compound in the transpiration stream within the plant to the concentration of the compound in soil pore water (Briggs et al. 1982, Burken and Schnoor 1997, Trapp 1995). TSCF = CTS C ………. (2.7) Where CTS is the concentration in the transpiration stream within the plant, and C is the solute concentration in groundwater. The lowest possible value for TSCF is 0. Because passive uptake is assumed for all xenobiotic compounds, the highest possible value for TCSF is 1.0 (Briggs et al. 1982, Trapp 1995). TSCF has been shown to be independent of soil pore water concentration. Contaminant flux into the transpiration stream can be calculated from transpirative water flux, soil pore water concentration, and TSCF using U = (TSCF )QC ………. (2.8) Where U is the contaminant mass flux and Q is the transpirative water flux, provided mass is eliminated from the plant shoots via metabolic degradation or volatilization out the leaves. If neither metabolism nor volatilization occur, equation 2.8 does not apply and TSCF becomes a partition coefficient which expresses equilibrium concentrations, (Schnoor 2002). Although the TSCF contaminant flux concept is inherently steady-state, many previous efforts have applied the formula to quantify uptake as part of a dynamic model (Behrendt et al. 1995, Burken and Schnoor 1997) which 34 implies that plants adjust their equilibrium to new environmental conditions fast enough such that this approach is reasonably accurate. TSCF values are also ultimately determined experimentally. The user can perform the experiments directly for the compound and plant species of interest, rely on experimental data of others, or use empirical equations based on curves fitted to experimental data that relate TSCF to chemical properties such as the Kow for a specific plant. An example for barley roots was developed with O- methylcarbamoyloximes and phenylureas by Briggs, et al 1982, Figure 2.11. (TSCF ) = 0.756 × exp ⎢− (log K ow − 2.5) ⎡ 2 ⎣ 2.58 ⎤ ⎥ ⎦ ………. (2.9) 1-octanol/water partition coefficient Transpiration Stream Concentration Factor, TSCF O-methylcarbamoyloximes 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 -1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 Log Kow Figure 2.11. Relationship between the translocation of chemicals to barley shoots following uptake by roots over 24 h (expressed as the Transpiration Stream Concentration Factor, TSCF) and their 1-octanol/water partition coefficient (as log Kow); ο, Omethylcarbamoyloximes; ×, substituted phenylureas. 35 Another example for poplar roots was developed with twelve organic compounds commonly found at hazardous waste sites by Burken and Schnoor (1998): (TSCF ) = 0.784 × exp ⎢− (log K ow − 1.78) ⎡ ⎣ 2 2.44 ⎤ ⎥ ⎦ ………. (2.10) It is recommended to use Briggs’ equation for herbal plants (experiments were done with the grass barley), and Burken & Schnoors equation for woody plants (experiments were done on poplars), (Trapp 2004). For each of these equations, there is a maximum TSCF of about 0.8 in the moderately hydrophobic range (Kow ≅ 100). At higher Kow values, TSCF decreases probably in part because compounds become so hydrophobic that they sorb heavily to soil solids and root membranes. At lower Kow values, TSCF decreases probably in part because compounds become so hydrophilic that they have trouble crossing the lipid-rich root membranes (5a, 8). However, the TSCF concept is probably a simplification and there may also be other factors at work (Briggs et al. 1982). Experimental data in the literature, including that used to generate the equations for estimating both RCF and TSCF discussed above, are mostly derived from plants grown in hydroponic solution in laboratories. The accuracy of the values estimated by these equations varies due to the scatter in the data used to derive them (Briggs et al. 1982, Burken and Schnoor 1998). In addition, one researcher recently discovered a compound (1,4-dioxane) that significantly deviates from the TSCF equation’s prediction (Aitchison et al. 2000). In this case, an unexpectedly high TSCF was observed for dioxane, a fairly hydrophilic substance. The article suggests that the reason for this is that there are other potential ways that hydrophilic substances can enter roots without having to bind and pass through the lipid rich cell membranes (Aitchison et al. 2000). RCF and TSCF values estimated from hydroponic experiments have been applied to estimate uptake from soil water. This is generally reasonable because soil water is often in or close to equilibrium with bulk soil concentrations, (Burken and Schnoor 1997, Trapp 1995), Table 2.3. However, each application of this assumption should be evaluated separately (Burken and Schnoor 1997). Caution should be exercised when selecting TSCF values for compounds that are known to degrade metabolically in the transpiration stream of plants (e.g. atrazine), (Burken and Schnoor 1997). This is 36 because TCSF values are typically estimated by measuring mass emanating from plant leaves plus mass accumulating in plant tissues – if significant degradation is occurring in tissues and that mass loss in not being accounted for in the estimation of the TSCF value, the TSCF value, and hence any mass loss from groundwater calculated using that TSCF value in (equation 2.8), may be erroneously low (Briggs et al. 1982). Table 2.3. Measured Transpiration Stream Concentration Factor (TSCF) and Root Concentration Factor (RCF) for some typical contaminants and physical-chemical properties. +Log Kow Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene m-Xylene TCE Aniline^ Nitrobenzene Phenol* Pentachlorophenol Atrazine 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1,4-Dioxane Methyl-tert-butyl ether TNT RDX HMX 2.13 2.69 3.15 3.20 2.33 0.90 1.83 1.45 5.04 2.69 4.25 -0.27 1.1 1.90 0.87 0.19 + Solubility --log C w sat @25 °C, (mol/l) + Henry’s Constant K H , , @25 °C (dimensionless) + Vapor Pressure -log P o @25 °C (atm) Transpiration Stream Conc. Factor (TSCF) † (dimensionless) Root Concentration Factor, RCF † (L/kg) 1.64 2.25 2.80 2.77 2.04 0.41 1.77 0.20 4.27 3.81 3.65 Miscible 0.36 3.36 3.57 4.77 0.2250 0.2760 0.3240 0.2520 0.4370 2.2x10-5 0.0025 a >1.0x10 -5 1.5x10-4 1x10-7 0.1130 2.0x10-4 0.56 - 0.90 1.42 1.90 1.98 1.01 2.89 3.68 3.59 6.75 9.40 3.21 0.05 0.49 - 0.82 0.81 0.80 0.78 0.75 0.32 0.82 0.48 0.04 0.57 0.04 0.72 0.65 0.46 0.16 0.21 1 3 2 11 3 420 3 12 30 8 19 <1 <1 49 1.3 5.6 ^ pKa = 4.87, test conducted at pH 6.8 * pKa = 9.99, test conducted at pH 6.8 + Physical chemical properties (Schwarzenbach, et al., 1993) † Measured data from hydroponic studies with hybrid poplars (Burken and Schnoor, 1998; Dietz and Schnoor, 2001) 2.3.2 Root Sorption The equilibrium partitioning between a hydrophobic phase (lipids, oils, etc.) and water is described by the n-octanol-water partition coefficient Kow (L3/L3), which is a measure of the equilibrium concentration of a compound of octanol and water that indicates the potential for partitioning into soil organic matter (i.e., a high Kow indicates a compound which will preferentially partition into soil organic matter rather than water). K ow = CO C ………. (2.11) where CO is the equilibrium concentration of a substance in n-octanol (M/L3), and C is that in water (M/L3). The Kow is used as a predictor for the partitioning between lipid phases in the environment and water. Measured values are available for many compounds (Bedient 1994). 37 Kow is measured by mixing a chemical in an octanol and water solution the system is allowed to reach equilibrium. The two phases will partition and a ratio of the chemicals concentration in the octanol phase and water phase is taken. This ratio gives a relation of a chemicals accumulation in water. More polar compounds will tend to have a low Kow. This is also a measurement of the hydrophobicity of an organic. The more hydrophobic the more the contaminant will adsorb to soil and have a low solubility. Kow is inversely related to the solubility of a compound in water. Kow is a dimensionless parameter and usually ranges from 0.001 to about 100,000,000 and Log Kow is used in models to estimate plant and soil invertebrate bioaccumulation factors. The Kow was first developed in the pharmaceutical industry and has become a key parameter in studies of environmental fate of organic chemicals. Kow was found to be related to water solubility, soil/sediment sorption coefficients, bioconcentration factors (BCF), (Leo et al 1971, Bedient 1994). The parameter Kow has been widely used to model organic compound uptake by plants because octanot-water partitioning resembles the root tissues-soil water partitioning of many organic compounds. If an organic compound has a log Kow < 1, it is highly water soluble. Such contaminants are also mobile in plant xylem and phloem. Plants seldom accumulate these compounds beyond the rare at which they are passively taken up into the transpiration stream. Nitroguanidine is one such example. These contaminants usually are not targets for bioremediation studies using plants, (Schnoor et al 1995). Contaminants with log Kow between approximately l and 4 are generally xylem mobile and immobile in phloem. Compounds of this type are expected to be good targets for bioremediation. Many of the priority pollutants listed by U.S. EPA fall in this category with log Kow between 1 and 4. Compounds with log Kow greater than 4 are plant xylem and phloem immobile. They tend adsorb onto root surfaces and not be translocated to shoots of the plant. Most of the polyaromatic hydrocarbons compounds (PAHs) fall in this category (ITRC 2001). Table 2.4 lists the measured in-lab values for Kow for different chemicals, (Bedient et al. 1994, Gallagher 1998,Trapp 2004). 38 Table 2.4. Partition coefficient between octanol and water Kow for different chemicals. Chemical MTBE Benzene Toluene o-Xylene p-Xylene Ethyl benzene m-Xylene Terbutylazine Parathion Anthracene DDT Benzo(a)pyrene Octanol-water partition coeff. (at 20 °C) Kow log Kow 13.8 1.14 135 2.13 490 2.69 589 2.77 1413 3.15 1413 3.15 1585 3.20 1622 3.21 6457 3.81 28184 4.45 954993 5.98 1 348 963 6.13 Equilibrium Concentrations If a substance is dissolved until it is a soluble in two adjacent, non-mixable phases (such as groundwater and roots), the ratio of concentration in these two phases will have a certain value. The calculation of equilibrium partition coefficients allows the estimation of the partition tendency of a chemical. This concept has been quite successful for the estimation of chemicals’ fate. Together with diffusion and advection processes, it is the basis of almost all exposure models, (Trapp, 1998). A large amount of research has been devoted to understanding the parameters involved in sorption/desorption of contaminants to soils and/or sediments. In one widely cited study, researchers derived an equation for the partition coefficient for hydrophobic solutes between sediment organic carbon and the aqueous phase (Karickhoff, Brown and Scott, 1979). The organic carbon partition coefficient (Koc) is a measure of the tendency for organics to sorb onto the soil (or sediment) and is defined as the ratio of the amount (mass) of a chemical sorbed per unit mass of organic carbon in the soil or sediment to the concentration of the chemical in the soil (or sediment) solution at equilibrium, K oc = Ca , in which Ca is the concentration adsorbed (mass chemical adsorbed / mass organic carbon) C and C is the concentration in water (mg chemical / L H2O), (Fetter 1999). The performance of bioremediation diminishes as Koc increases due to the lower bioavailability of contaminants strongly sorbed to natural organic matter, (Looney, 2000). 39 In the study of (Karickhoff, Brown and Scott, 1979), the partition coefficient was related in two separate equations between the octanol-water coefficient Kow and aqueous solubility (S), log K oc = 1.00 log K ow − 0.21 , and ………. (2.12) log K oc = −0.54 log S + 0.44 where S represents the aqueous solubility expressed as mole fraction. Koc was then related by definition to the partition coefficient (Kd) between the total sediment and the aqueous phase, Kd f oc K oc = ………. (2.13) where foc represents the mass fraction of organic carbon in the soil. The partition coefficient, Kd describes the equilibrium distribution of a chemical between solids and groundwater. This is usually described as a sorption isotherm between the concentration of the chemical sorbed onto the soil and the concentration remaining in solution at equilibrium, (ASTM E1943). Kd = Cs C ………. (2.14) where Kd is the distribution coefficient (L3/M), Cs is the sorbed concentration (M/M of soil), and C is the dissolved concentration (M/L3 of the groundwater). By employing such equations, researchers could then estimate the equilibrium concentrations of a broad range of solutes based upon the Kow and/or solubility. Furthermore, the study found that the linear partition coefficients were relatively independent of sediment solute concentrations and ionic strength of the aqueous suspensions (Karickhoff et al. 1979). Retardation resulted from sorption is defined as the process by which the movement of a reactive chemical through an aquifer or geological unit is slowed or impeded due to sorption, (ITRC, 2002). It is important for in situ bioremediation systems because retardation is a numeric value used to describe the attenuation of a plume to sorption. If a contaminant is heavily retarded, it may not be available for in situ bioremediation to occur, (ITRC, 2002). 40 Retardation is expressed in terms of the retardation coefficient, R: R =1+ ρb × K d ………. (2.15) ne where ρb is the bulk density of the soil matrix (M/L3), Kd is the partition coefficient, and ne is the effective porosity (L3/L3). The retardation factor represents the transport velocity of the chemical relative to the velocity of groundwater flow. The transport velocity of the chemical in groundwater, vc, can be derived from R by: vc = v , where v is the groundwater velocity, and vc is the velocity of R chemical in groundwater, (ASTM, E1943-98). These values are important to in situ bioremediation design to determine the degree of contamination. Determining dissolution, retardation, and velocity help evaluate the feasibility or enhancement of in situ bioremediation. Comparison of conservative tracers (bromide, chloride) with contaminant movement can assist in velocity determinations, (ITRC, 2002) Equilibrium Plant uptake Models Equilibrium means that the whole chemical mass in the system is distributed between compartments according to the equilibrium partition coefficient. For the steady-state modeling process the input = output, process (transient), or dm = 0 , and for the dynamic modeling dt dm = Input − Output . dt Trapp, (1995), summarized the equilibrium modeling processes by introducing the concepts of connected compartments, Figure 2.12. Each compartment represents one media, i.e. air, water, soil, ……. Etc. The main levels of modeling are: 1- Level 1: Equilibrium, no reactions, closed system 2- Level 2: Equilibrium, open system, reactions, steady-state. 3- Level 3: Non-equilibrium, open system, reactions, steady-state. 4- Level 4: Non-equilibrium, open system, reactions, non-steady-state. 41 Comp. 1 Comp. 2 Comp. n h b (1) input h output b (2) input input h output b output (3) Figure 2.12. Equilibrium modeling levels. The whole compartments are forming what’s Trapp, (1998) called an (Environmental Segment), where each and every solute concentration can have different phases (similar to soil/water/air block) and the concentration in each phase can be calculated based on different equations, and then they are related together through the equilibrium concept. For example, Trapp, (1998), in the model CemoS, used Richards’s equation to calculate pressure head in partially saturated soil, and then used the equations of Dispersion/advection for first order degradation: C ( x, t ) = 2 A exp ⎡− ( x − ut ) ⎤ exp(− λt ) ⎢ ⎥ 4 Dt ⎦ 4πDt ⎣ m Where: C(x,t) Concentration of the chemical substance at x and t, (M/L3). x Coordinate in the flow direction, (L). t Time after release, (T). m Mass of the chemical substance released, (M). 42 ………. (2.16) A Cross-sectional area, (L2) D Dispersion coefficient (L2/T) u Flow velocity in the direction of flow (x-direction), (L/T) λ First order reaction rate constant, (T-1). Then the concentration in the groundwater phase is related to the concentration in the plant roots by the factor, RCF, where RCF = CR , where CR is the concentration sorbed in and on the roots, and C C in the concentration in soil pore water. Sorption/desorption Kinetics Researchers have argued that models based solely upon equilibrium do not adequately describe the sorption/desorption processes of fluctuating systems such as frequently flooded topsoils. One model describes the kinetics of sorption/desorption based upon not only Kow and organic carbon content but also solution diffusivity, soil density, and soil porosity (Wu and Gschwend. l986). These researchers found that the rate of hydrophobic compound desorption decreases with increasing Kow, organic carbon, and aggregate size, and increases with water flaw. Other researchers found that the sorption/desorption kinetics of aged organic compounds were temperature dependant (Comelissenetal.,1997). Colder systems, it was found tended to retain sorbed contaminants longer than warmer systems. Hence, although the temperature dependence of hydrophobic contaminant biodegradation is often attributed to the temperature dependence of biological activity itself (Ghadiri. Rose and Connell 1995), hydrophobic contaminants are also less likely to be bioavailable under cooler conditions. PCB’s in particular have engendered a spate of recent sorption kinetics research. It has been reported, for example, that PCB’s tend to deserts in a two-phase model, whereby PCB’s deserts from sediments first relatively quickly, then slowly over an extended period (Ghosh et al. 1999). The desorption rate constants for the labile pool were found to be two orders of magnitude higher than the rate commands for the slowly describing deal. Both pools, however, were shown to desarb mare slowly with increasing overall chlorination. decreasing nation chlorination, and decreasing temperance. This study was in agreement with an earlier study, wherein PCB contaminated sails were submerged into water and the relative PCB desorption rates were measured (Girvin et al , 1997). In the earlier study, the labile fraction was found to consist of 80-90 % of the total PCB concentration, and 43 most of this fraction desorbed within 48 hours of contact with water. Although this study demonstrated that PCB’s were able to reach equilibrium in a matter of hours or days. It should he noted that the organic content of the soils studied was relatively low (<0 2 %) and likely had a large impact on the desorption kinetics. Root Concentration Factor, RCF In early studies, Lichtenstein (1959) found that lindane in soil was taken up by root crops (e.g., carrots and potatoes) more readily from light mineral soils than from a muck soil. Similarly, Walker (1972) showed that the concentrations of atrazine in shoots of wheat plants growing in 12 different soils were inversely proportional to soil-organic-matter (SOM) contents. In a more specific study on the effect of soil type on crop uptake, Harris and Sans (1967) compared the levels of dieldrin accumulated by carrots, radishes, and other root crops from three well-characterized contaminated field plots in relation to the soil pesticide levels; the three soil types studied—a sandy soil, a clay loam, and a muck soil-differed widely in SOM content (1.4 to 66.5%) and other soil constituents. Plant dieldrin concentrations were much lower for crops from the muck soil than from sandy and clay soils; by contrast, soil dieldrin concentrations were considerably higher in the muck soil than in the two other soils. For plant uptake of contaminants from soil-free nutrient solutions, Briggs et al. (1982) measured the uptake by barley roots of two series of organic compounds, O-methylcarbamoyloximes and substituted ureas, which vary widely in lipophilicity. They concluded that the root uptake of both types of compounds approached the equilibrium values in a relatively short time (24 to 48 h). Rhizosphere bioremediation and rhizofiltration require contaminants to be associated on or near the roots. Briggs, et al. (1982) defined the Root Concentration Factor (RCF) as the ratio of organic chemical sorbed on the root (mg/kg of fresh root tissue) to that in hydroponic solution (mg/L), or * RCF = CR , where CR* is the concentration sorbed in and on the roots, and C in the concentration in C soil pore water. It also typically includes partitioning to water in the root interiors, but this portion is negligible except for hydrophilic substances, thus, the slope of a linear sorption isotherm is a measure of the RCF and has units of L/kg (mL/g dry roots). Table 2.5 summarize the measured values of log Kow, and RCF of Briggs, et al. (1982) quoted from (Cary, 2001). 44 Table 2.5. Root Concentration Factors (RCFs) of Pesticides and Related Compounds from Water into Bode) Roots (Hordeum vulgare cv. Georgie) over a Period of 24 to 48 Hours and Calculated Quasiequilibrium Factors (αpt). log Kow RCF αpt Aldoxycarb -0.57 0.66 0.74 Oxamyl -0.47 0.91 1.02 Acetone O-methylcarbamoyloxime -0.13 0.95 1.06 Aldicarb 1.08 0.94 0.90 Benzaldehyde O-methylcarbamoyloxime 1.49 1.48 1.19 4-Chlorobenzaldehyde O-methylcarbamoyloxime 2.27 2.80 0.98 3,4-Dichlorobeozaldehyde O-methylcarbamoyloxime 2.89 5.61 0.64 3-Phenylbenzaldehyde O-methylcarbamoyloxime 3.12 8.72 0.61 4b 81.1 21 -0.12 0.73 0.82 80 1.20 1.25 4-Fluorophcnllurea 1.04 1.10 1.06 3.(Methylthio)phenylurea 1.97 0.94 0.72 4.Chlorophenylurea 1.80 2.00 1.28 4.Bromophenylurea 1.98 3.17 1.63 3,4-Dichlorophenylurea 2.64 5.86 1.09 4-Phenoxyphenylurea 2.80 7.08 0.97 4-(4-Bromophenoxy)phenylurea 3.7 34.9 0.68 Compound O-Methylcarbamoyloximes 3-(3,4-Dichlorophenoxy)benzaldehyde O-methylcarbamoyloxime Substituted ureas 3-Methylphenylurea Phenylurea The root concentration factors (RCFs), increased monotonically, but not proportionally, with the Kow values of the compounds. Similar empirical correlations for contaminants in plant roots and leaves were also observed (Trapp 1995). In view of the influences of soil type and contaminant identity on plant uptake, the plant contaminant levels is related to physico-chemical properties of the contaminants and to the properties and compositions of plants and soils. Most current models for plant uptake of contaminants from soil, water, or air are formulated on a differential mass-balance basis in terms of the rates of contaminant interface transfer, plant growth and transpiration, and contaminant metabolism, along with some estimated transfer coefficients (Riederer, 1990; Trapp et al., 1990; Paterson et al., 1994; Trapp and Matthies, 1995; Tam et al., 1996). Although these models are intended primarily for delineating the rates of contaminant uptake by plants (or their specific parts) with time from given external source(s), the model calculations are very sensitive to the 45 accuracy of assumed contaminant interface-transfer rates and coefficients. Alternatively, equilibrium models have been utilized in some studies to assess contaminant levels in plants (or their parts) after their exposure to chemicals in water over a certain period of time (Briggs et al., 1982; Trapp, 1995). However, the actual state of a contaminant in plants may or may not be at equilibrium with the external source, (Chiou, 2003). A quasi-equilibrium partition model has recently been developed by Chiou et al. (2001) to account for the passive plant uptake of contaminants from their external sources in soil or water. The model takes explicit account of the plant contaminant level in relation to the source level and plant composition. Moreover, the model contains both equilibrium and kinetic features and sets the upper (equilibrium) limit for the level of a contaminant in a plant with respect to the external-source level, against which the actual approach to equilibrium of the contaminant in the plant at the time of analysis can then be estimated. Although in the initial model testing by Chiou et al. (2001) the partition coefficients of contaminants with certain plant components have had to be estimated, the observed consistency of the plant-uptake data with the conceived model parameters is stimulating to warrant further investigation. The essential features of the model are presented below. Organic chemicals with log Kow values greater than 3.0 are strongly sorbed to roots. Table 2.3 provides a number of organic chemicals, their physical chemical properties, and measured RCF values on hybrid poplar roots. Of these, pentachlorophenol and 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene are strongly sorbed to root tissues based on hydrophobic partitioning, (Schnoor, 2002). However, contaminants can be immediately transformed at the root surface by extracellular enzymes or by membrane-bound enzymes. Two exceptions to the governing rule of hydrophobic interactions at the root-water interface are aniline and phenol (Table 2.3), (Schnoor, 2002). These compounds bind irreversibly to the root (especially aniline) and are chemically transformed. They are not appreciably desorbed because they are covalently bound as metabolic products in plant tissue (Lang, 1998; Hughes, et al., 1997). Other examples include the reduction of nitroaromatic explosive compounds such as 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene, (Hughes, et al., 1997 and Thompson et al. 1998). Benzotrizoles in aircraft deicing fluids appear to be taken up and incorporated into the lignin fraction of the plant (Castro, et al., 2001; Castro, et al., 2000). RCF values are determined by experiments. Empirical regression equations indicate RCF increases with the octanol-water partition coefficient, Kow. An example for barley roots was developed with Omethylcarbamoyloximes and phenylureas by Briggs, et al. (1982) showed that the greater the hydrophobicity of the organic chemical, the greater was the tendency for sorption. 46 log(RCF − 0.82 ) = 0.77 log K ow − 1.52 , or ………. (2.17) RCF = 0.82 + 0.0302(K ow ) 0.77 Figure 2.13 represents the measured, and fitted curve for RCF in terms of log Kow, (Briggs et al., 1982). Burken and Schnoor (1998) published a similar relationship for twelve organic contaminants typically found at waste sites with hybrid poplar roots grown hydroponically. log(RCF − 3.0 ) = 0.65 log K ow − 1.57 , or ………. (2.18) RCF = 3.0 + 0.027(K ow ) 0.65 Also Trapp, S. in 2004, presented a similar equation to calculate the partition coefficient of roots to external solution, KRW (units = mass per volume/mass per volume), which describes the equilibrium partitioning between root concentration CR (mg/kg of fresh root weight) and water concentration, CW (mg/L). The partitioning occurs into the water, the lipid and the gas phase of the root according to the equation: K RW = WR + LR a(K ow ) b ρR + PA (root )K AW ρW ………. (2.19) Where W and L are water and lipid content of the plant root, “b” is a correction exponent for differences between plant lipids and octanol, for roots is 0.77, a = 1 ρoc tan ol = 1.22 . ρR is the density of the fresh root, and ρW is the density of the external solution. Partitioning into the gas phase of the root, PA(root), is usually negligible. 47 1-octanol/water partition coefficient O-methylcarbamoyloximes Root Concentration Factor, RCF 100 10 1.0 -1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 Log Kow Figure 2.13. Relationship between the uptake of chemicals by plant roots (expressed as the Root Concentration Factor, RCF) from nutrient solution at 24 h and their 1-octanol/water partition coefficient (as log Kow) for O-methylcarbamoyloximes and substituted phenylureas. 2.3.3 Rhizosphere Biodegradation The plant root zone (rhizosphere) is providing a rich natural environment for bacteria to biologically remediate the contaminants. Simulating the effect of plant roots on contaminants biodegradation is no different from other known biodegradation simulating software packages. SEAM3D, for instance, is having a biodegradation package which can be used to simulate the plant root effect. 2.4 Research on Phytoremediation Phytoremediation of organic contaminants has generally focused on three classes of compounds: chlorinated solvents, explosives and petroleum hydrocarbons (PHCs). Banks et al. (1997) and E. N. Drake (1997) have conducted pioneering research into the phytoremediation of petroleum hydrocarbons. Jerald Schnoor at the University of Iowa has done extensive studies on the uptake of chlorinated and explosives by varieties of hybrid poplar (Thompson and Schnoor, 1996; Thompson et al., 1998; and Schnoor, 1997). 48 Extensive studies on the phytoremediation of chlorinated solvents have been conducted at the University of Washington (Newman et al., 1997: Newman et al., 1998; and Newman et al., 1999). In recent years, researchers have begun to address the potential of phytoremediation to treat organic contaminants other than TCE, including polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) (Aprill and Sims, 1990; Pradhan et al., 1998; and Fiorenza et al., 2000) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) (Ferro et al., 1994). Table 1.4 lists the organic contaminants that have been reported to be degraded more rapidly in rhizosphere soil than in unplanted soil with phytoremediation. 2.4.1 Modeling Phytoremediation: Previous Work Mathematical models of using plants in bioremediation/plume control are helpful for assessing the practical implications of phytoremediation. Simulation models with some assumptions help to predict the feasibility of proposed phytoremediation schemes. Knowledge of the groundwater hydrology, soilwater fluxes, site geological characteristics, contaminant phyrotoxicity, and environmental factors are critical in modeling plant-based bioremediation, (Trapp 2004). Researchers have developed models to study movement of water in vegetated soils under tile influence of evapotranspiration (Feddes et al., 1975, Neuman et al., 1975, Marino and Tracy, 1988). Marino and Tracy (1988) proposed and verified a macroscopic root-soil water flow model that simulated the movement of water through a vegetated environment. The model includes processes such as water storage effects in the root and limiting and wilting root-water potentials that affect the plant’s transpiration rate. Models developed to study the fate and transport of contaminants in the presence of vegetation are relatively limited (Briggs et al., 1982, Boersma et al., 1990, Davis et al., 1993, Trapp, 1995). In one of the most used research articles in the area of plant uptake, based on studies with barley plants, the uptake of several organics in homologous series, Briggs et al. 1982 proposed relationships for RCF and TSCF based on linear regression with log Kow values. They found that compounds with partition coefficient values of about 100 (log Kow = 2) show a maximum translocation into the transpiration stream of the plant; typically this is as much as 80% of soil-water contaminant concentration. They also cited examples of compounds that deviate from the predictive transpiration stream concentration curve. Attempts to discern organic compound uptake and metabolism by plants as compared to extent of rhizosphere biodegradation, are presently a challenge to plant physiologists, environmental engineers, and microbiologists. 49 Briggs et al. (1982), defined two terms, root concentration factor (RCF) and transpiration stream concentration factor (TSCF), to mathematically represent the adsorption and translocation of the organics in plants. RCF is defined as the ratio of the contaminant concentration in the roots to that in the soil-water. Whereas, TSCF is defined as the ratio of the contaminant concentration in the transpiration stream to that in the soil-water. Main point of value for Briggs et al. (1982) research paper was the declaration that TSCF is independent of concentration of the external solution. Also they defined the RCF as the concentration in roots over the external solution concentration, which seems to imply that it means the mass in the roots and not necessarily sorbed – but later references to RCF both use the “in” term but go on to clarify that the mass they are referring to is that sorbed to the outside of the roots (Burken and Schnoor, 1997, 1998) or to the endodermis – an internal part of the cortex in the roots that separates the xylem in the roots from everything outside (Trapp, 1995). Either way, this sorbed concentration is stuck in the roots, and not subject to uptake by the plant with the transpiration water stream. Boersma et al. (1990) modeled the passive and active uptake of xenobiotic chemicals by a compartmental representation of the physical and chemical processes in terrestrial plants. They also accounted for movement of water and organic nutrients within the plants. Models considering active and passive processes for uptake of contaminants interacting with roots and shoots have also been studied (Trapp and McFarlane, 1995). Trapp et al. (1995), developed generic one-compartment model for uptake of organic chemicals by foliar vegetation. It presents equations that indicate equilibrium between the two phases, and also operate on the principle that using TSCF values based on hydroponic experiments for modeling plants in soil. The model itself generates a linear differential equation of first order with concentration in the plant leaves being the only variable with respect to time. Partitioning is assumed to be equilibrium between soil and porewater, flux is coming in from soil (using the TSCF equation from Briggs et al., 1982) and air, and degradation is occurring within the plant. Among the simplifications the model has, steady environmental conditions is one of the most significant. They also generated an equation showing time to reach steady state, with values in the range of a week or two for two examples calculations. The result includes the effects of uptake from air and degradation internally, and therefore isn’t necessarily representative of a value for the uptake from soil process, which seems, based on other 50 researches, to be much quicker (Burken and Schnoor, 1997, 1998). They relied on TSCF data from a Kow based formula from (Briggs et al. 1982) that used hydroponic data, but apply it to soil. Behrendt et al. (1995) created a dynamic numerical model from the perspective of the soil and as a dynamic uptake model that uses TSCF. They express the equations mainly in terms of the bulk soil concentration, and give partition equations to soil water (which they assume is in local equilibrium), but not air, although they don’t really say whether this is a saturated or unsaturated case. They also did an analytical model, also in terms of total soil concentration, and derive some interesting equations for soil concentration and total soil mass over time due to the effects of plant uptake, in-situ biodegradation, and leaching. They concluded that the maximum of the pesticide root uptake as a function of sorption parameters depends on the degradation rate of the chemicals in the Autumn scenario, but almost not in the Spring scenario. In 1995, Narayanan et al., conducted experiments and mathematical modeling to get at how alfalfa plants affect biodegradation not only by uptake, but also how plants influence the hydrology and geochemistry of the soil to increase the biodegradation that is going on in the soil. The experimental model consists of a chamber of a two U-shaped channels packed with fine sandy soil collected from near a landfill. Alfalfa plants were grown in the channel under laboratory conditions for nearly two years. The water fed to the plants in one channel was contaminated with toluene, and the other channel with phenol solution at different concentrations. The contaminant concentrations in the groundwater were monitored at sampling wells located along each of the channels. In the mathematical model, they used the variably saturated 1-D model used by Davis et al., 1998. The root-soil water flow model and the variably saturated contaminant degradation models were solved simultaneously using a Galerkin finite element method. Burken, and Schnoor (1997) investigated the uptake and metabolism of atrazine by poplar trees. In their research, they applied the TSCF concept to a dynamic uptake model, which is based on Trapp et al. (1995). The dynamic mathematical model was intended to simulate the experiments only and was not intended to be a general model. Their use of the essentially steady-state concept of TSCF in a dynamic uptake model implies that doing so is reasonably accurate – i.e. that plants return to steadystate quickly enough after a perturbation that use of such an approach isn’t particularly inaccurate. This paper also presents the equations to relate the atrazine concentration in porewater and both RCF, and TSCF: 51 ⎛ d [Atra ]W ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ = −k1W [ Atra ]W − k2W [Atra ]W − −k3W [Atra ]W − dt ⎝ ⎠ T [ Atra ]W [Atra ]RS ⎞ ⎛ TSCFAtra − k S ⎜ [ Atra ]W − ⎟ VW RCF ⎠ ⎝ ………. (2.20) ⎛ d [Atra ]L ⎞ T [ Atra ]R − k1L [ Atra ]L − k2 L [ Atra ]L − −k3 L [Atra ]L ⎜ ⎟= dt VL ⎝ ⎠ ………. (2.21) They apply the TSCF concept to porewater in soil, and turn around and plug in TSCF data for atrazine derived based on the Kow and equation for TSCF derived from hydroponic experiments (Briggs et al. 1982), so it appears that hydroponic data can be used for soil scenarios, although they don’t explicitly say they are doing so, nor give reasons why doing so is valid. (Trapp et al, 1995) also does the same thing. This paper indicates significant atrazine degradation in the roots, which means that TSCF data generated by measuring the flux from the plant plus remaining mass in the plant would miss a potentially significant amount of mass taken up by the plant and metabolized and therefore underestimate the TSCF and therefore underestimate uptake. This would vary by compound and means that where in-plant degradation is significant, TSCF data may not be accurate. The model developed in this paper accounts for metabolism within the plant as a separate term, after the mass has been brought into the plant transpiration stream via the TSCF factor. Burken and Schnoor (1998) tried to predict the relationships for uptake of organic contaminants by hybrid poplar trees. In their article better characterized the TSCF conceptual model, which appears to be an empirical model of steady-state flux. The paper presents the TSCF and RCF data/curves/equations from (Briggs et al. 1982), and adds their own experimentally derived data, and creates new curves/equations for comparison. The paper indicated that steady-state will be quickly achieved and TSCF accounts for mass transpired and mass in plant without referring to the mass transformed in plant which would vary by contaminant. It also provides equation (2-21): TSCF = Ctranspiration stream Cbulk solution uptake = TSCF × Trans × Cbulk solution 52 ………. (2.22) uptaket1− t 2 = TSCF × Trans(t1− t 2 ) × 1 (Cbulk solution , t1 + Cbulk solution , t 2 ) 2 The research indicated that these results are from hydroponic experiments in the absence of soil sorption processes. Aitchison et al., 2000, did both hydroponic and soil experiments. Hydroponic results are presented in the familiar TSCF format, and the following results were obtained: • • • • 30-79% (average = 54%) of the dioxane mass had been removed from the planted reactors 10% removed from the excised tree reactors 8% removed from the unplanted control Concentration of 1,4-dioxane remained relatively constant in all reactors, indicating that the compound may be freely diffusing into the plant via water osmosis. The results indicate that degradation of 1,4-dioxane by indigenous root-zone microorganisms is minimal in comparison to plant uptake. The majority of 1,4-dioxane taken up into the plant was volatilized (average = 77%), with the remaining mass concentrated primarily in the stem. Rapid uptake of 1,4-dioxane by hybrid poplar trees makes phytoremediation appear as an attractive alternative at dioxane-contaminated sites. Further research will examine poplar removal of 1.4-dioxane from contaminated soil, (Aitchison et al., 2000). Although the dioxane results do not fit the fitted equations from other authors, reason is suggested that there are ways that hydrophilic substances can be taken into roots without having to be directly transported across via lipophilic mechanisms at the bilayer. Soil results are not presented in TSCF form, even though soil moisture was kept consistently at nearly field capacity during the experiments. In 2001, Landmeyer presented direct and indirect methods to monitor groundwater use by Poplar trees: 1- Measuring groundwater level changes using monitoring wells, which recorded a maximum decline, by using sensitive pressure transducers that can resolve up to 0.01 ft or greater change in water level. 2- Monitoring the water pressure: The reduction in groundwater levels near the surface of the water table can lower water pressures beneath the trees throughout the entire saturated thickness of the aquifer, hence, a vertical flow component can exist in saturated zones at depths greater than root penetration. 53 3- Measuring the downgradient groundwater flux. The reduction of groundwater flux will indicate the poplar trees usage of water. 4- Measuring the contaminant mass flux (Q×C) upstream and downstream the poplar trees. The difference will estimate the plant contaminant uptake. Chiou et al., 2001 presented a passive transport model for roots uptake. For a contaminant at a location within the plant, local equilibrium is assumed to exist between plant water phase, and various plant organic components. This article defines uptake as mass that is taken up by the plant from soil and stays in the plant (i.e. doesn’t volatilize out the leaves, etc). The focus is what mass will remain when, for instance, the plant is eaten. The more water-soluble compounds (Kow ≤ 100) would quickly equilibrate their concentrations in plant water with those in pore water. Some of this plant water is mobile as part of the transpiration stream, and volatile compounds would therefore attain a steady-state flux out the leaves. A plot of total mass stored in the plant would level off fairly quickly for both volatile and non-volatile compounds. A plot of total mass removed from groundwater would increase linearly for volatile compounds, similar to the linear plots shown in the TSCF experiment papers. A plot of total mass removed from groundwater would be identical the plot of mass stored in the plant for non-volatile compounds, and would therefore level off quickly. This would make the TSCF model not apply to non-volatile compounds. All of this ignores plant growth, which would tend to make the plot of total mass in the plant (and therefore also the plot of total removal from groundwater for non-volatile compounds) increase slightly instead of leveling off completely, and make the plot of total removal of groundwater for volatile compounds curve slightly upward instead of increasingly linearly. The more fat-soluble compounds (Kow ≥ 100) would behave the same way as the water soluble ones, except that attainment of equilibration concentrations in plant lipid with those in pore water would occur more slowly. This is because the concentration of the fat-soluble compounds in the transpiration water flux would be less (due to their lipiphilicity), and their sorptive tendencies will be greater (again, due to their lipiphilicity). Unlike with the water-soluble compounds, the flux of fatsoluble compounds out the leaves would remain minimal for a noticeable amount of time, even for volatile compounds, during which the plant lipid would be getting saturated with that particular compound. For both water and fat-soluble compounds, the approach to equilibrium occurs faster with faster transpirational water flux. 54 The value for TSCF should account for the flux of both types of compounds, and therefore vary between different plant species (based on, among other things, varying lipid content) and different compounds (based on, among other things, varying lipiphilicity). Although a volatile fat soluble compound could take a significant amount of time to reach equilibrium and start to appear in the water transpired out the leaves, the uptake via the roots should stay constant with time, and if TSCF values are calculated by adding together mass volatilized out the roots to mass contained within the plant, they should be accurate whether or not the compound has come to equilibrium with the plant lipid phase. That is, unless a significant fraction of the compound metabolizes in the plant, (such as for barley, compounds with log Kow < 3), equilibrium is largely reached within 2 days, whereas for compounds with log Kow > 3 it is a bit more complicated. The model points out that uptake of organics is related to organic matter content of the soil – meaning if you dump a bunch of organics in the soil, more will be taken up by plants if they’re growing in a mineral soil than if they’re growing in muck. However, the reason this is true is that more will partition to the water in the mineral soil, and because we’re going to be specifying water concentration as the driver getting mass into the roots, and we’ll be accounting for sorption (which in theory should account for organic matter partitioning via a Koc×foc type of equation). In summary, they stated that for a contaminant at a location within the plant, local equilibrium is assumed to exist between plant water phase and various plant organic components; however, the local concentration may or may not be in equilibrium with external water, (Chiou et al., 2001). Kijune et al., 2001 conducted a study to investigate the plant contamination by organic pollutants in phytoremediation. This study modeled the interaction by considering two-compartments model: root compartment in interaction with soil and groundwater, and shoots compartment in interaction with air and the root compartment and models the dynamic uptake of two organic, non-volatile compounds that do metabolize somewhat in the plant. The uptake into the transpiration stream within both the roots and shoots uses the familiar TSCF. The soil sorption to roots uses the familiar RCF equation of (Briggs et al., 1982) after adding a kinetic part to it. Kijune et al., 2001 presented plots indicating that the two compounds are sucked up into the plant until they reach equilibrium with the soil water concentration in both roots and shoots, and then slowly decline as degradation reduces the concentrations both in the plant and indirectly via equilibrium adjustment in the soil. The results also showed that more lipophilic compounds reach equilibrium more slowly than hydrophilic ones, and that at least with roots, they reach a higher concentration in 55 plant tissue. They don’t reach a higher concentration in shoots because of the filtering effect of the TSCF. They also considered degradation by microbes and sorption in the rhizosphere in the model, and estimated transpiration water flux using a water stress index. The model also indicated that: 1) uptake from soil air is negligible even in vadose zone, 2) non-volatile compounds do not leave the shoots other than by degradation/metabolism, 3) flux downward via phloem is dwarfed by flux upward via xylems. In 2002, Ying presented a phytoremediation model for plant uptake and contaminant transport in the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum. They took the CTSPAC model that was developed to model coupled transport of water, heat, and solutes in the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum in 1-D and adapted it to phytoremediation. The model control volume is the soil vadose zone in this case, and they included both advection and diffusion into roots from what appears to be soil pore water in their equations, and they present the equations, although there may not be enough info from this article alone to apply them confidently. Either way, their model seems more rigorous and complicated than the TSCF model Freyer and Chistopher, (2003), compared a series of equilibrium (regression), steady state, and dynamic models for uptake of organic compounds by herbaceous plants from soil (as well as air). They attempted to validate the models with independent data from both hydroponic and soil growing conditions. They selected three dynamic, three regression based, and three steady-state models making a total of nine models for comparison. The results indicated that dynamic models offer performance advantages for acute exposure durations and for rapidly changing environmental media. Equilibrium/steady-state regression-based models perform better for chronic exposure durations, where stable conditions are more likely to exist. Thoma and Wolf, 2003 presented a Mathematical Model of Phytoremediation in which, detailed site-specific information is not needed for Petroleum-Contaminated Soil. The model took into account the root length density but not uptake by plants. The model was equilibrium mass-balance four compartments representing the root itself, the rhizosphere, a decaying root zone, and a non-rootinfluenced zone (the bulk soil). The model takes into consideration the root growth and thus the corresponding volumetric changes in the other compartments and describe the rate of growth and decay of the root biomass as a function of time. 56 Many authors have investigated models for solute transport simulation in groundwater. The most popular models available are: 1- MOC is the USGS 2-D Solute Transport and Dispersion in Ground Water by L.F. Konikow and J.D. Bredehoeft. 2- MT3D - Modular Three-Dimensional Transport Model,: MT3D is capable of modeling advection in complex steady-state and transient flow fields, anisotropic dispersion, first-order decay and production reactions, and linear and nonlinear sorption. 3- 3DFEMFAT - 3-D Finite-Element Model of Flow and Transport through SaturatedUnsaturated Media. 4- ANALGWST (DG) - Version: 1.1 last updated 1996/04/03: A set of programs that calculate analytical solutions for one-, two-, and three-dimensional solute transport in ground-water systems with uniform flow. 5- BIOMOC (DOS/DG/SGI/Sun) - Version: 1.0 last updated 1999/03/10: A multispecies solute-transport model with biodegradation. 6- HST3D (DOS/DG/Sun) - Version 2.2.11 last updated (Mar. 5, 2004): Three-dimensional flow, heat, and solute transport model. 7- SUTRA and related programs: 2D, 3D, variable-density, variably-saturated flow, solute or energy transport, and others. 8- SEAM3D, “Sequential Electron Acceptor Model 3-Dimensions”: a numerical model for subsurface solute transport with aerobic and sequential anaerobic biodegradation. SEAM3D is based on the numerical model MT3DMS. Extending the simulation beyond just the solute movement, SEAM3D is also taking into account both chemical reaction and electron acceptor, and sequential aerobic/anaerobic biodegradation. The above models, including SEAM3D are not having a package for solute plant uptake, and root sorption, which would be useful for determining the potential of using phytoremediation at contaminated groundwater sites. Table 2.6 lists a comparison of most popular plant uptake models. 57 Table 2.6. Contaminant fate transport models comparison. Reference Control Volume Phases Briggs et al., 1982 Soil/Plant (Barley) Soil Water/Plant Burken J. G. and J. L. Schnoor. 1998 Soil/Plant (poplar trees) Soil Water/Plant Marino and Tracy, 1988 Root hair Soil water/roots Mass balance Trapp, and Matthies, 1995 Roots/shoots (2 compartments) Soil water, plant, air Mass balance Trapp et al., 1995 Whole plant parts (root, stem, and fruits) Soil water, plant, air Mass balance Behrendt et al., 1995 Soil/Plant Soil water, plant Equilibrium, 1-D Narayanan 1995 Soil/Plant Soil water, plant Experimental/Equilibrium Chiou et al., 2001 Soil/Roots Soil water, roots Equilibrium Trapp, 2000 Soil, Roots, plant cell Soil water/plant Equilibrium and dynamic steady-state. ES et al., Type Equilibrium Experimental/empirical Equilibrium Experimental/empirical 58 Abstract Measured equilibrium concentration in soil and plants. Fate of 12 organic compounds in poplar trees. Variably-saturated flow model via a root extraction term that is a function of the water pressure gradient across the root-soil interface as well as soil and root parameters. Applicable to grass and green fodder. Processes considered are: translocation to shoots, gaseous depositions on leaves, volatilization from leaves, metabolism and degradation processes, dilution by exponential growth. Assumptions: 1- There are no transport processes except the passive processes of diffusion and advection. 2- The partition between plant tissue and aqueous solution is driven by the lipid and water content of the plant and the lipophilicity of the chemical (expressed as Kow). Homogenous partially saturated soil, constant 1-D vertical leaching (no diffusion/dispersion), time constant and depth constant root water uptake rate, equilibrium distribution of chemicals between soil matrix and soil water. Used Alfalfa plants for the two-years experiment. Passive transport model for roots uptake. For a contaminant at a location within the plant, local equilibrium is assumed to exist between plant water phase, and various plant organic components. The model approach combines the processes of lipophilic sorption, electrochemical interactions, ion trap, advection in xylem and dilution by growth. Table 2.6. Contaminant fate transport models comparison, continued. Reference Control Volume Phases Type Abstract SWMS-3D a computer program for simulating 3D water flow and solute transport in variably saturated media. It can be integrated with Partially saturated soil SWMS_3D Mass balance –Dynamic 3-D (no plant uptake) Soil/water UNSAT-H to simulate plant water uptake (but with no partition factor, i.e. it assumes 100% of chemical mass is transferred to the plant, or, TSCF=1.0). CemoS was developed for the exposure prediction of hazardous chemicals released to the environment. Nine different models were Trapp et al., 1998, CemoS (Chemical exposure model System) implemented involving chemicals fate simulation in air, water, soil and Soil water, plant, ait Soil water, plant, air Equilibrium/mass balance plants after continuous or single emissions from point and diffuse sources. Scenario studies are supported by a substance and an environmental database. Paterson Mackay, 1994 and SWAP (Soil, Water, Atmosphere and Plant) Soil, plant (root, stem, and foliage), and air Soil water, roots in partially saturated soil, and air. Soil/water, and air plant, Soil /plant/air Mechanistic/mass balance/dynamic ES Mass balance Dynamic 1-D A three-compartment model of chemical transport and transformation in a plant exposed to soil and air. –Transient * ES = Environmental Segment. 59 Based on Richards’ equation, SWAP simulates vertical transport of water, solutes and heat in unsaturated/saturated soils. The program is designed to simulate the transport processes at field scale level and during entire growing seasons. 2.5 Phytoremediation Technical Considerations Several criteria should be considered before phytoremediation of organic contaminants in the rhizosphere is selected as an appropriate treatment option for a particular contaminated site. These criteria are related to the chemical and environmental characteristics important to microbial degradation in general as well as the characteristics (limitations) of the vegetation specifically. The mechanism of vegetation uptake of organic pollutants is governed by the chemical and physical properties of the pollutant, environmental conditions, and the plant species, (ITRC, 1999). Vapor pressure reflects the volatilization potential when the chemical is not yet dissolved in a groundwater system. Water solubility is an indication of the extent to which the compound can dissolve into the water phase. The Henry's Law constant is an indicator of the equilibrium distribution of a compound between water and air. The organic carbon water partition coefficient (Koc) is a reflection of the compound’s tendency to sorb to the organic carbon matrix within soil systems. The organic carbon sorption will retard the migration of the compound. The octanol/water partition coefficient (Kow) of an organic contaminant is an important parameter to assess when considering the potential of phytoremediation for cleanup (Burken and Scanner, 1997). The Kow is related to observed root uptake and translocation of organics within plants. Hydrophobic compounds such as PAHs (log Kow greater than 3) are not translocated to above ground plant tissues (shoots and leaves), (Aprill and Sims, 1990). Uptake from soil through plant roots is the predominant pathway of accumulation for organic compounds that have high water solubility, low Henry’s Law constants, and low Kow values. Hydrophobic chemicals log Kow > 3.5) are expected to be sorbed strongly to soils and not bioavailable to plants for translocation. Moderately hydrophobic chemicals log Kow = 1~3.5) are expected to be taken up by plants and metabolized, volatilized, or incorporated into plant tissues as non-extractable bound residue. Hydrophilic chemicals log Kow < l) are not expected to be taken up or sorbed by plants (Schnoor, 1997). The phytoremediation decision tree is presented in Figure 2.14, ITRC 1999. 60 Decision Tree for Phytoremediation Groundwater Will the climate support the proposed plants YES NO YES Is time or space a constraints NO YES Is the contaminant physically within the range of the proposed plant typically less than 10-20 feet bgs for Salix species - willows, cottonwoods, poplars)? Will the plants be used for hydraulic control only (prevent groundwater from YES reaching the contaminated zone)? NO YES NO Will the state regulations allow YES this type of phytoremediation? Will the rhizosphere microbes and plant-exuded enzymes degrade the target YES contaminants in the rhizosphere and will the metabolic products be acceptable? Is the log Kow of the contaminants or metabolic products between 1 and 3.5 (will uptake occur)? NO YES Will the plant accumulate the contaminant or metabolic products after uptake? YES Is the level of accumulation acceptable YES for this site throughout the growth of the plant? Is the quantity and rate of transpiration NO acceptable for this site? YES Is the final disposition of the contaminant or metabolic products acceptable? NO Can controls be put in place to prevent the transfer of the contaminant or metabolic products from a plant to human/animals? NO Can the contaminant or metabolic product be immobilized to acceptable levels? NO NO NO NO Does the plant material constitute a waste if harvested? YES NO YES YES Can engineering controls make it acceptable? YES NO Will the plant degrade the contaminant after uptake and are YES the metabolic products acceptable? YES NO Will the plant transpire the NO contaminant or metabolic products? NO YES Is the contaminant at phytotoxic concentrations (this may require a greenhouse dose-response test)? NO NO Will the water be mechanically pumped and applied to the Phytoremediation system? Can the plant waste be economically disposed? YES YES NO Phytoremediation has the potential to be effective at the site Phytoremediation is not an option at the site; consider other options D U Figure 2.14. Decision tree for phytoremediation. 61 2.5.1 Advantages of Phytoremediation Phytoremediation is cost-effective. As a stand-alone solution, phytoremediation costs between onetenth and one-third that of conventional remediation technologies. Both capital costs and operating costs of phytoremediation are minimal. As an adjunct to conventional remediation methods, Phytoremediation reduces both cleanup time and operations and maintenance costs. The cost of phytoremediation is 10-50% of the cost of mechanical, thermal, or chemical treatments (Flathman and Lanza, 1998). Phytoremediation is a permanent in situ solution. Most conventional methods result in the transfer of contaminants from one medium to another or from the site to a landfill, merely postponing a permanent solution. 2.5.2 Limitations of Phytoremediation Phytoremediation technology application is limited by a number of factors despite its diversity. The limitations of phytoremediation are that contamination must be shallow, the site must be a large enough to apply agronomic techniques, there must be sufficient remedial time, and its effectiveness is affected by contaminant variability, weather variability, animal and insect damage, and the presence of toxic chemicals and salt. Phytoremediation can only work at sites that are well suited for plant growth. This means that the concentration of pollutants cannot be toxic to the plants, and the pollution cannot be so deep in the soils or groundwater that plant roots cannot reach it. As a result, phytoremediation may be a good strategy for sites conducive to plant growth with shallow contamination, it may be a good secondary or tertiary phase in a treatment train for highly polluted sites, or it may not be a viable option for a site. A brief comparison between advantages and limitations of phytoremediation as a remedial option is listed in Table 2.7. 2.5.3 Costs of Phytoremediation In the United States the costs of remediation is astronomical, with an estimate of surpassing 700 billion dollars for the tens of thousands of contaminated sites that need to be cleaned-up (Revkin, 2001). So far, 410 Superfund Sites (32%) on the National Priority List (NPL) have been remediated of hazardous waste to levels safe for human health and the environment. The most common technologies used in these clean-up projects was excavating and removing hazardous soil and solid waste (45%), covering the landfill with a protective cap (39%) and pumping and treating contaminated groundwater (34%). These technologies are very costly. Cost estimates for excavation and disposal range from 62 $270.00 to $460.00 per ton depending on the nature of hazardous materials and methods of excavation Approximate industry costs for capping a contaminated site are $175,000 to $225,000 per acre ( Not only are these two technologies costly they do not eliminate the contamination, but move the waste in an area that has no access to the public. Actual costs of pumping arts treating a chlorinated solvent. volatiles, and selenium contaminated site was $27,600,000, which corresponds to $23.00 per 1000 gallons of groundwater extracted and $64.00 per pound of contaminant removed. Table 2.7. Major Advantages and Disadvantages of the Phytoremediation Process. Advantages Limitations Less soil disturbance compared to conventional methods Reduces by up to 95 percent the amount of waste to be landfill Useful as an in situ and ex situ application Reduces the cost of remediation as compared with the cost of standard engineering methods Reduction in soil erosion, (Ecological Engineering 1998). Cost-effective technology: can reduce the cost of clean up of a site to between one-third and one-hundredth of the cost of some existing remediation technologies (Boyajian and Devedjian 1997). Applicable to treat a wide variety of contaminants: Amenable to a variety of organic and inorganic compounds Aesthetically pleasing: Plants and vegetation can clean up sites with minimal disruption to the local community (Boyajian and Devedjim 1997). Permanent treatment solution: Phytoremediation permanently decreases the availability, toxicity, and concentrations of contaminants (Banks et al.2000). Restricted to sites with shallow contamination within the roaring zones of remediating plants. Slow reaction rates: Phytoremediation may take several growing seasons to clean up a site effectively, (Rock 1997). Restricted to sites with tow contaminant concentrations Harvested plant material from phytoextraction may to classified as a hazardous waste Remediating plant materials restricted by climatic and cite conditions Seasonal constraints: Many climatic factors may influence the effectiveness of a phytoremediation system, such as rainfall patterns, wind duration at various seasons, etc. (ITRC, 2000). Shallow, low/moderate levels of contaminant concentration: If the contaminant concentration is too high, the contaminant will be toxic to the plant species (Schnoor 1997). Large surface area required: Phytoremediation systems can require large surface areas of land, in order to completely remediate the contaminant (ITRC, 2000). Unfamiliar to regulators: up to 2000, regulatory standards for phytoremediation have not been developed. Therefore, regulators evaluate and approve the proposed phytoremediation applications on a site-by- site basis (Rock 1997). In situ application avoids excavation: less secondary wastes are generated since the soils are not removed (Chappell 1997). High public acceptance Estimates of costs for phytoremediation of a one acre site, including site preparation, planting, and removal (harvest) of plant material, range from $2000.00 to $5000.00 (Phytokinetics). US AEC estimated that the cost for phytoremediation of one acre of lead-contaminated soil to a depth of 50-cm was $60,000 to $100,000, whereas excavating and land filling the same soil was $400,000 to $1,700,000. Growing a green crop on an acre of land can be completed significantly less (2-4 orders of magnitude) than excavation and reburial (Cunningham, 1996). 63 One out of many success stories for phytoremediation will be presented next. A phytoremediation company used sunflowers and Indian mustard to remediate lead-contaminated soil in Detroit. The lead contamination was reduced by 43% with a project cost of $900,000. It was estimated that the costs of hauling off the 5,700 cubic yards of lead-contaminated soil would have been more than a million dollars (Revlon, 2001). Table 2.1 compares some of the costs of other remedial technologies to phytoremediation. 2.6 Research Deficiencies Most of the research studies in phytoremediation have focused on plant physiology (testing and developing new plant species suitable for use in phytoremediation) and the effect of plants on groundwater and soil pollution. Research on the uptake of water and solutes in the field is very rare. The effect of plants on groundwater levels and the amount of water that can be extracted by plants by evapotranspiration is on great interest. However, only a few attempts to predict water table drawdown or to estimate the extent of aquifer zone potentially affected by ET from phytoremediation plantation are documented in the literature, (Hong et al., 2001, and Mathews, et al., 2002). Solving the problem of phytoremediation system effect on groundwater is critical for the design point of view, as for an efficient capture of the groundwater plume, or for groundwater control purposes, the impact of PPS should be known. 2.7. Research Aims The need to model the plant uptake is important to monitor the remediation of contaminated soil or groundwater. Focusing on the concept of capturing the groundwater in the contaminated area is not enough to indicate that the plume is controlled. As been mentioned in the literature, the tendency of contamination to be uptaken depends on Kow, and thus depends on RCF and TSCF. From this point of view comes the objective of this thesis to develop a new transport package for SEAM3D called the Phytoremediation Uptake Package (PUP) to incorporate contaminant mass loss from groundwater due to sorption and uptake by plants. This new package accounts for both uptake and sorption to plant roots, as well as uptake into the transpiration stream of plants. The new package is designed to cross-over the Evapotranspiration package of MODFLOW which does not take into consideration the TSCF and assumes that 100% of mass is removed with the transpired groundwater. 64 The new phytoremediation package will use the same input files used by MODFLOW except for the ET files. SEAM3D/PUP will use its own input file for plant uptake which is similar to ET file but involves the employment of TSCF. The PUP will use the same source/sink input files used by SEAM3D, and it will have its own input file for root sorption. Plant uptake and root sorption information will be saved in the file with extension (*.pup). 65 Chapter 3 Model Development 3.1 Conceptual Model In the subsurface, dissolved organic chemicals are known to be removed by the influence of the root systems of phreatophytic plants by any one of three mechanisms: 1. Direct Transpiration (Uptake) 2. Root Sorption 3. Biodegradation The affinity of a solute to be transpired into the root system of a plant is quantitatively represented by the Transpiration Stream Concentration Factor (TSCF). The TSCF of any compound x is defined as the ratio of the concentration of x in the transpiration stream to the concentration of x in the saturated zone. The value of TSCF varies from 0 to 1.0 and depends upon the chemical properties of the compound, (Schnoor 2002). The Root Concentration Factor (RCF) is a parameter that is similar to the distribution coefficient used in modeling sorption to aquifer solids. The RCF of any compound x is defined as the ratio of the concentration of x sorbed to the root system to the concentration of x in the saturated zone, (Schnoor 2002). Values of zero for TSCF and RCF indicate that a solute will not be transpired by or sorbed to plant roots, respectively. Relatively large values of TSCF and RCF for a compound reflect a high affinity for transpiration and sorption, respectively. 66 3.2 Mathematical Model Model variables and governing equations for SEAM3D are not presented in this report. The complete system of governing equations used in SEAM3D consists of coupled partial and ordinary differential equations describing solute transport, biodegradation, biogeneration, microbial growth and decay, and sorption, (Widdowson 2002). Boundary and initial conditions are user-specified and are required to develop a complete mathematical model. The description of the mathematical model for SEAM3D-PUP is limited to sink terms for direct uptake and root sorption. 3.2.1 Direct Uptake As a starting point, consider the equation of mass balance for the concentration (Sls) of a volatile organic compound (VOC) in the mobile aqueous phase: − ⎞ ⎛ ∂ (θviCi ) + ∂ ⎜⎜θDij ∂Ci ⎟⎟ + Rsource / sin k ,i − ρb ∂Ci + qsCls* = θ ∂Ci ∂xi ∂xi ⎝ ∂x j ⎠ ∂t ∂t ……. (3.1) where θ = aquifer porosity [Lo]; xi = distance [L]; t = time [T]; Ci = aqueous phase concentration [Mls L-3] for VOC i; vi = average ground-water velocity [L T-1]; Dij = tensor for the hydrodynamic dispersion coefficient [L2 T-1]; Rsource / sin k , i = mass source-sink term for reactions and mass transfer [Mls L-3 T-1]; ρb = bulk density of the aquifer [Ms L-3]; Ci = solid phase concentration [Mls Ms-1] for VOC i; qs = volumetric flow rate per unit volume of aquifer (total) representing fluid sources (positive) and sinks (negative) [T-1]; and Ci* = VOC concentration associated with the point source or sink [Mls L-3]. The term qs Ci* represents the combined rate of mass removal due to all fluid sources and sinks. In the case of a point sink, the concentration is generally not specified, and the codes (SEAM3D and MT3DMS) use Ci* = Ci . Evapotranspiration is considered an areal sink in which the rate of mass removal is calculated using either a user-specified sink concentration (which is independent of the cell concentration) or the codes use Ci* = Ci . 67 The modifications to SEAM3D are based on the concept of the transpiration stream concentration factor (TSCF) so that CiT = concentration of the transpiration stream = τ i Si . The TSCF parameter will be an input parameter that can vary over space and is compound specific. The volumetric rate of direct transpiration of groundwater from the saturated zone (QET) is calculated using the Evapotranspiration Package of MODFLOW. In SEAM3D-PUP the term general groundwater source/sink qs is replaced by the areally distributed fluid sink term (qET) calculated in SEAM3D, where qET is calculate at each cell as QET divided by the saturated cell volume. Equation (1) is then written as − ⎞ ⎛ ∂ (θviCi ) + ∂ ⎜⎜θDij ∂Ci ⎟⎟ + Rsource / sin k ,i − ρb ∂Ci + qsCi* − qETτ iCi = θ ∂Ci ……. (3.2) ∂xi ∂xi ⎝ ∂x j ⎠ ∂t ∂t As shown in Figure 2.4, the magnitude of QET in any model cell varies from 0 to a user-specified maximum ET rate (QETM) and is dependent on the hydraulic head, calculated cell-by-cell as QET = QETM QET = 0 QET = QETM ......... for h > hs [h − (hs − d )] = Q d ETM ......... for h > (hs − d ) ×f ………. (3.3) .......... for (hs − d ) ≤ h ≤ hs Where h = elevation of the water table calculated by the model [L]; hs = land surface elevation [L]; d = root extinction depth [L]; and f = volumetric fraction of the roots in the saturated zone. The rate of solute mass removal for any compound due to direct plant uptake per model cell volume is expressed in terms of the TSCF and the solute concentration, volumetric rate of direct transpiration, and total volume of the cell uptake Rsin k ,i = CiT QET = (TSCF )Ci qET Vcell where Vcell = saturated cell volume. 68 ………. (3.4) 3.2.2 Root Sorption Sorption of contaminants in the rhizosphere will be defined using the concept of the Root Concentration Factor (RCF = ri ), defined as the ratio of CiR , contaminant concentration sorbed to the roots (mass per root mass), to the contaminant concentration in solution. Because the RCF is an equilibrium model, this approach enables the rate of mass to be quantified in terms of the aqueous contaminant concentration. For application to the root system of phreatophytes, the sink term for mass removal to the roots is linked to the level of ground water relative to the root depth. The governing transport equation is revised to include an additional term for sorption to the root system: − R ⎞ ⎛ ∂ (θviCi ) + ∂ ⎜⎜θDij ∂Ci ⎟⎟ + Rsource / sin k ,i − ρbS ∂Ci − ρbR f ∂Ci + qsCi* = θ ∂Ci ∂xi ∂xi ⎝ ∂x j ⎠ ∂t ∂t ∂t …. (3.5) where ρ bR = root density per total volume of aquifer [MR L-3]; and f represents the fraction of the root system in contact with groundwater, as defined above in the MODFLOW ET Package. By representing sorption using equilibrium models, the concentrations associated with the roots and with the aquifer sediment are expressed in terms of aqueous concentration variable using riCi and K d , i Ci , respectively. Equation (5) is then simplified to: − ⎞ ⎛ ∂ (θviCi ) + ∂ ⎜⎜θDij ∂Ci ⎟⎟ + Rsource / sin k ,i + qsCi* = (ρbS K d ,i + rls ρbR f + θ )∂Ci ……. (3.6) ∂xi ∂xi ⎝ ∂x j ⎠ ∂t or − ⎞ ⎛ ∂ (θviCi ) + ∂ ⎜⎜θDij ∂Ci ⎟⎟ + Rsource / sin k ,i + qsCi* = Riθ ∂Ci ∂xi ∂xi ⎝ ∂x j ⎠ ∂t ………. (3.7) where the term Rls is the retardation factor modified for the sorption unto roots, given by ρbS K d ,i ri ρbR f Ri = 1 + + θ θ 69 ………. (3.8) 3.3 Model Implementation The SEAM3D-PUP is designed to simulate the effect of the first two mechanisms. The Biodegradation Package of SEAM3D is ideally suited to simulate the influence of the root systems on microbially-mediated mass transformation and degradation. Figure 3.1 shows the conceptual model of the SEAM3D-PUP. Plants simulated using PUP have root systems that reached the saturated zone and possess the ability to transpire water from the saturated zone (i.e., phreatophytes) Dissolved species are subject to either direct uptake into the plant transpiration stream or sorption to the root surfaces, or both simultaneously. For initial testing purposes, the Source-Sink Mixing Package (SSM) and the Reaction Package (RCT) of SEAM3D were modified to simulate the effects of plant uptake and sorption to roots, respectively. For final implementation in SEAM3D, a separate Plant Uptake Package was created to simulate both effects simultaneously. The SSM can be utilized in SEAM3D when using PUP to simulate any groundwater source or sink with the exception of evapotranspiration. This eliminates any model errors created by “doublecounting” direct transpiration by both the PUP and the SSM. SEAM3D-PUP can only be executed when the MODFLOW ET Package is active. When simulating root sorption without direct transpiration, the maximum rate of evapotranspiration should be set to zero in the MODFLOW ET Package and input for the SSM must be included. Simulation of rhizosphere bioremediation will be implemented using the SEAM3D Biodegradation Package without any anticipated changes to the code. The SEAM3D-PUP flowchart is illustrated in Figure 3.2. The code starts after MODFLOW is run to find the hydraulic head values and thus the cell flow rates. The groundwater flux and the ET flowrate are calculated after using the ET package as a sink term in the groundwater flow equation, (McDonald, and Harbaugh 1988). 70 hs h Maximum Evapotranspiration d Q ETM Slope = ______ d CT = (TSCF) C Land surface elevation (SURF) d h-(h s-d) VR hs h C Vt 0 QETM (hs - d) QET C R = (RCF) C Figure 3.1. Conceptual model for the two main mechanisms simulated using the SEAM3D Plant Uptake Package. 71 Input Data TSCF RCF TSCF=T Input arrays for TSCF values for each species in each layer for each stress period SEAM3D-PUP TSCF package is reading Read the values of QET (solved by MODFLOW ET package) QET solved by ET package in MODFLOW, thus it’s only using the cells assigned in the ET package as the plant For the GW transport equation, add the term uptake Rsin k ,i CT Q = i ET = (TSCF )Ci qET Vcell uptake cells. It is often referred to the phytoremediation area as the ET area. to the sink term. RCF=T Input constant value for root density and array for RCF for each species in each layer for each stress period. Read the corresponding values for SURF, and EXDP for the cells with RCF > 0. Calculate f Calculate total retardation factor: [h − (hs − d )] = ρbS K d ,i ri ρbR f + Ri = 1 + θ θ d END Figure 3.2. SEAM3D-PUP flowchart. 72 Chapter 4 Model Testing and Verification 4.1 Verification of the Plant Uptake Package To test and verify the SEAM3D Plant Uptake Package, a number of simulations were performed to demonstrate model capabilities and both major mechanisms. Simulations include closed systemmodels where concentration versus time is simulated and dynamic transport models. The test problems were selected to cover a wide range of real-world conditions. In most of the tests, the SEAM3D-PUP package is tested against the SEAM3D/MT3D-SSM, and/or SEAM3D/MT3D-RCT. 4.2 Plant Uptake Initially, test cases were selected to verify the plant uptake separate from the root sorption for closed and open of flow systems. For each test case, the concentration break- through values and the solute mass values are recorded and compared to SEAM3D-SSM (TSCF = 1.0 only) and for variable TSCF values. The test cases for the plant uptake verification are: 1. Closed flow system, single MODFLOW stress period 2. Closed flow system, multiple MODFLOW stress period 3. Flow and transport model 4.2.1 Closed System Model – Single Stress Period Time-dependent test cases were devised, in which advection, dispersion, and source/sink terms were negligible, so concentration changes depended solely on plant uptake. In each case, the model domain represented a 100 × 100 × 10 m unconfined aquifer, divided into 100 cells with dimensions of 10 × 10 × 10 m for each cell. In generating the groundwater flow field, the water table was horizontal (h = 8.0 m), so all values of vi were zero in the transport simulations. The starting concentration of 73 the single solute model was uniform (10 mg/L), and rates of evapotranspiration and recharge (0.01 m/d) were identical at all nodes, forcing the concentration gradients to be zero. Figure 4.1 depicts the model domain. In this 10-day single stress period simulation, the volumetric rate of recharge (100 m3/d) is equal to the volumetric rate of evapotranspiration using MODFLOW. The problem was simulated using the SSM Package in SEAM3D and SEAM3D-PUP with a value of TSCF = 1.0. Simulation results in Table 4.1 and Figure 4.2 showing concentration versus time show an identical match between the two codes. These results were also verified with using a spreadsheet model. Dissolved mass removed through plant uptake versus time is included in the plot. The problem was repeated to investigate the effect of the input parameter TSCF on concentration and mass versus time. As the TSCF decreases, the mass of the solute taken by the plant decreases, and thus increases the concentration of the solute in groundwater, compared with that of TSCF =1.0. Tables 4.2 and Figure 4.3 show concentration versus time for five values of TSCF ranging from 0.0 to 1.0. Dissolved mass versus time is included in the table. A comparison of total mass removed through plant uptake at time = 10 days shows that SEAM3D-PUP is working correctly for values of TSCF < 1.0. 4.2.2 Closed System Model – Multiple Stress Periods The first problem was repeated for two MODFLOW stress periods over a 20-day simulation timeframe to confirm that no coding errors were present in SEAM3D. The problem was simulated using both the SSM Package in SEAM3D and SEAM3D-PUP with a value of TSCF = 1.0. At time = 10 days, evapotranspiration and recharge are turned off in the second MODFLOW stress period, effectively eliminating direct uptake in the transport model. As a result, no change in the dissolved phase concentration during the second stress period is expected. Simulation results for mass removed and concentration versus time are presented in Table 4.3 and Figure 4.4. These results verify that mass removal ceases with a change in the maximum evapotranspiration rate input parameter using the MODFLOW ET Package. This problem was repeated for four stress periods over 40 days. In stress periods 1 and 3, the maximum rates of evapotranspiration and recharge rate are equal (0.01 m/d). In stress periods 2 and 4, evapotranspiration and recharge are turned off in MODFLOW. The results are presented in Table 4.4 and Figure 4.5. 74 4.2.3 Flow and Transport with Direct Uptake In this test case, advection, dispersion, and source/sink terms were included using a steady-state groundwater flow model. The objective is to first match the concentration and mass results using SEAM3D-SSM and to demonstrate the capability of SEAM3D-PUP to simulate mass removal by plant uptake for different values of TSCF. The model dimensions were 200 × 100 × 10 m for an unconfined aquifer (Figure 4.6). The model domain was divided into 100 cells in the x-direction, and 50 cells in the y-direction, with cell dimensions of 2 × 2 × 10 m. Groundwater inflow is generated by injection wells at the left model boundary using a constant flow rate, Qin = 0.4 m3/d, in each cell. A constant head (h = 8.0 m) was set at the downgradient right model boundary. An area of ET is selected to be 20 m wide, and 100 m width to cover the whole width of the model (Figure 4.6). The ET rate (0.01 m/d/cell) resulted in a total ET flowrate (QET) equal to 0.4 m3/d for each row of cells. Because inflow = outflow, the water table was horizontal downstream of the ET zone. One MODFLOW stress period equal to 3,650 days was used, but the SEAM3D simulation was time dependent. The problem was simulated using SEAM3D with the SSM Package and SEAM3D with PUP for TSCF = 1.0. The problem was also simulated using SEAM3D-PUP for ranging from 0.0 to 1.0. Simulation results in Table 4.5 and Figure 4.7 showing mass removal through plant uptake versus time, and in Table 4.6 and Figure 4.8 showing concentration versus time, show an identical match between the two codes (for the case when TSCF = 1.0 where 100 % of solute mass is extracted by ET). The concentration breakthrough curves are presented for three observation points (i, j, k) = (24, 45, 1), (24, 50, 1), and (24, 56, 1) in Table 4.6 and in Figure 4.8 (top). For the open flow-system model, as shown in the closed system model, when TSCF decreased, the total mass of the solute removed by the plant decreased (Figure 4.7). Consequently, the concentration of the solute in groundwater increased relative to simulation results for TSCF =1.0 (Table 4.7 and Figure 4.8, bottom plot). A comparison of total mass removed through plant uptake at time = 3650 days shows that SEAM3D-PUP is also working correctly for values of TSCF < 1.0 (data not shown). 75 4.3 Root Sorption Test cases were selected to verify root sorption separate from plant for different flow systems. For each case, the concentration break through values and the solute mass values are recorded and compared. To simulate the root sorption package, the plant uptake part of the PUP package is set off (TSCF = F), and the root sorption package, RCF is (T). The test cases for the root sorption verification are: 1. Flow and Transport with Root Sorption (f = 1.0) 2. Flow and Transport with Root Sorption (f < 1.0) 3. Flow and Transport with Root Sorption (f = 1.0) and Aquifer Sorption 4. Flow and Transport with Spatially-Variable Root Sorption (f = 1.0) For the simulation of sorption to roots, SEAM3D-PUP is patterned after the Chemical Reaction Package (RCT) in SEAM3D for sorption to aquifer solids. The RCT Package calculate the aqueous concentration change due to sorption to aquifer solids using term for the effect of root sorption is 1 S ρ b K d . In the PUP package the same ne 1 fρ bR (RCF ) . By setting ρ bS K d = fρ bR (RCF ) in the two ne separate models (SEAM3D-RCT and SEAM3D-PUP), a comparison of solutions was obtained. The similarity between the SEAM3D-RCT package, and SEAM3D-PUP package can be achieved by setting ρ bS in RCT equal to ρ bR in PUP, and Kd in RCT equal to RCF in PUP, and setting f = 1.0. Different values for root bulk density, ρ bS , and RCF are assumed to maintain a constant value of the retardation factor, R, represented in the equation: R =1+ ρbS ∂C ne ∂C =1+ ρbS ne Kd Where Kd is the distribution coefficient [L3M-1]. 4.3.1 Flow and Transport with Root Sorption (f = 1.0) The model has the same settings as described in Section 4.1.3 (see Figure 4.6), with a difference that ET rate is set to be zero (no plant uptake is simulated). Also, the plants roots are assumed to be active over the entire model domain to produce a homogenous constant retardation factor. 76 The test is achieved by using SEAM3D- RCT with different values of Kd to control the retardation factor, while in SEAM3D-PUP package, the plant uptake is not active, (TSCF is set to F), and the root sorption is active, (RCF is set to T). Note that when implementing PUP, the retardation factor due to soil sorption can be simulated, but to simulate the root sorption only, Kd is must be set to be zero in the RCT Package (see Table 4.8). Three values of the retardation factor were simulated in each model (R = 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0). Table 4.8 lists the values of Kd and RCF used to generate the three test values for R. For each case, input parameters for solid and root densities were ρ bS = ρbR = 1750000 g . m3 The test results (concentration breakthrough) and a comparison with SEAM3D-RCT at the observation point (i, j, k) = (24, 50, 1) is presented in Table 4.9 and Figure 4.9 (bottom plot). The results for solute mass removal at the same observation point for different values of RCF and retardation factor are presented in Table 4.10 and Figure 4.10. For the three values of retardation factor, the simulation results using SEAM3D-PUP showed an excellent match with SEAM3D-RCT. The results in Figure 4.9 (top plot) demonstrate that the plant roots can have retardation effect on the solute transport. As the values of the input parameters (f, ρ bR , and RCF) increase, the retardation factor increases, decreasing the contaminant velocity, with the increase of (f, ρ bR , and RCF). 4.3.2 Flow and Transport with Root Sorption (f < 1.0) The model settings are the same as in 4.2.1 but with a value of f < 1.0, the volumetric fraction of the roots submerged in groundwater, which is a function of the hydraulic head in each model cell. Figure 4.11 (top) shows the hydraulic head distribution for the MODFLOW, yielding an average h value of 8.5 m. For hs = 10.0 m, and d = 4.0 m, the average f is 0.625. The simulation results in this test case are difficult to compare directly with SEAM3D-RCT used in GMS because SEAM3D-PUP package with f < 1.0 has a spatially-varying retardation factor with a different value of f (and R) in each cell. To set a model in GMS using SEAM3D-RCT with a constant retardation factor (R = 2.0) that can approximate the results of SEAM3D-PUP, the value of K d = 8.93 × 10 −8 was used in the GMS, yielding a homogenous retardation factor of 1.62. This 77 compares well with an spatially-averaged retardation factor (1.625) in the SEAM3D-PUP model domain. Table 4.11 and Figure 4.11 (bottom plot) show concentration breakthrough curves for both models at the observation point (i, j, k) = (24, 50, 1) for a constant and variable value of f. Unlike the case for f = 1.0, the results for SEAM3D-RCT and SEAM3D-PUP do not show an exact match, but the concentration values are relatively close for f < 1.0. 4.3.3 Flow and Transport with Root Sorption (f = 1.0) and Aquifer Sorption This test problem is used to validate the SEAM3D-PUP package if both soil sorption (RCT Package) and root sorption (PUP) are working simultaneously. The model setup for this test case is exactly as that used in test case (4.2.1) but with f = 1.0, and the effect of root and aquifer media sorption are equally combined. The root sorption is combined with soil sorption by setting Kd in the RCT package and RCF in the PUP Package so that R = 2.00 where 50% is due to roots and 50% is due to aquifer matrix. The model parameters are shown in Table 4.12. To achieve this effect, Kd was set equal to 7.143×10-8 and RCF was set to 7.143×10-8 to give a total R = 2.0 (1+0.5 from soil + 0.5 from roots). To compare the SEAM3D-PUP results with the SEAM3D-RCT results, a model is set up as in test case 4.2.1 with Kd = 14.3×10-8, which will give a retardation factor = 2.0. The results for this test case are shown in Table 4.13 and Figure 4.12, which showed exact match between SEAM3D-PUP and SEAM3D-RCT (concentration breakthrough curves) at the observation point (i, j, k) = (24, 50, 1). 4.3.4 Flow and Transport with Spatially-Variable Root Sorption (f = 1.0) This test problem is designed to demonstrate SEAM3D-PUP will work properly if root sorption is variable in designated model cells rather than uniform over the entire model domain. This problem is designed to demonstrate that the root sorption cells can be controlled by input arrays of root bulk density, ρ bR or root concentration factor, RCF for the active root sorption areas, or both. The root sorption is inactive over the entire domain except for column # j=46 to j=55 (10 cells) and along the whole model width (see Figure 4.6). Both Kd (in the RCT Package) and RCF (PUP) are set to equal 7.143×10-8 m3/g. In the PUP model, values for ρ bR = 1750000 g/m3 for the root sorption 78 area and ρ bR = 0.0 for the rest of the model area. The result is a model where R =2.0 in the root sorption area and R = 1.5 for the rest of the model. The results in Table 4.14 and Figure 4.13 show concentration breakthrough curve results for three observation points using SEAM3D-PUP (spatially-variable R) and SEAM3D-RCT for a uniformlydistributed retardation factor (R = 1.5). At the upgradient side of the phyto zone ((i, j) = (24, 45)) a comparison of the breakthrough curves shows a nearly exact match. Downgradient, at the center and end of the phyto zone, (i, j) = (24, 50) and (24, 56), respectively, the impact of the roots is apparent with the increasingly delayed breakthrough relative to the SEAM3D-RCT results with uniform sorption. These results demonstrate that the SEAM3D-PUP package is working properly if root sorption is only active over a designated area of the model. 4.4 Direct Uptake and Root Sorption For all the previous test cases, either plant uptake (TSCF) is active and root sorption (RCF) is inactive or vice versa. In this test case, plant uptake is combined with root sorption. Two test cases are presented: 4.4.1 Flow and Transport with Plant Uptake and Root Sorption (in the ET area only) The model setting is shown in Figure 4.6, which is the exact test case as 4.1.3, with one exception Root sorption was added in the ET area only, from column # j=46 to j=55 (10 cells) and along the whole model width (50 cells in y-direction). The values of Kd and RCF are both equal to 7.143×10-8 m3/g, which will give a retardation factor equals to 2.0 in the ET area, and 1.5 for the rest of the model area. Two values of TSCF are selected: TSCF = 1.0 and TSCF = 0.5. The results are presented in Table 4.15, Table 4.16 and Figure 4.14. The results show that low values of TSCF is indicating low solute mass taken by the plants, and thus increased concentration. The only case where the results of SEAM3D-PUP can be compared to SEAM3D results with the SSM and RCT Packages is when RCF = 0.0 (no root sorption) and TSCF = 1.0. The comparison yields an exact match. 79 4.4.2 Flow and Transport with Spatially Distributed RCF and Plant Uptake The model setup for this problem is shown in Figure 4.15. This test case is different from case 4.2.1 in that the root bulk density and RCF are spatially variable in two different regions as shown in Figure 4.15. The net retardation factor is 2.0 for the entire model domain where 50% of it comes from soil, and 50% from roots. The retardation factor is calculated from the equation R = 1 + ρbS ne K d . The plant uptake (QET) is active only in the middle region and equals to 0.01 m/d (from cell # 46 to cell # 56). The results from SEAM3D-PUP and SEAM3D with the SSM and RCT Packages (Tables 4.17, Table 4.18 and Figure 4.16) show an excellent match. This verifies the capability of SEAM3D-PUP in dealing with different combinations of plant uptake over a specified area with root sorption spatially changing over the model area. 4.5 Conclusions A new code for plant uptake and root sorption simulation in saturated unconfined aquifer is presented. The new code named (SEAM3D-PUP) is verified by using hypothetical models with different settings. The different model settings included closed system models with single and multiple stress periods, flow and transport with direct uptake and root sorption spatially distributed over the model domain. In each model run the results of the solute mass in the aquifer, and the mass removal by ET (sinks term), and the solute dissolved concentration at specific observation points are compared. In case of root sorption simulation, the retardation factor calculated from SEAM3D-RCT package, and SEAM3D-PUP are compared. The new SEAM3D-PUP module demonstrated identical agreement with SEAM3D-SSM and SEAM3D-RCT packages for plant uptake and root sorption simulations for a wide range of model settings. SEAM3D-PUP will enable modelers to simulate the effect of a phytoremediation system with poplar trees on solute transport, in which TSCF and RCF can be incorporated. Previously, this has been a limiting constraint because MT3DMS does not consider TSCF in the Source/Sink Mixing, SSM package or RCF in the Reaction, RCT package. The only way to take TSCF into consideration when modeling contaminant transport in MT3DMS is to assume it is equal to 1.0, and to simulate the effect of the root sorption is to increase the sorption capacity of the aquifer layers in the areas of a 80 phytoremediation system. Another limitation of simulating TSCF and RCF in MT3DMS is that they are not a function of the saturated thickness or the aquifer water table. TSCF and RCF are inherent physical/chemical properties of the solute compound in groundwater which makes the previous models inflexible it terms of dealing with different contaminant transport simulations. 81 Table 4.1. Comparison of concentration versus time from SEAM3D-PUP to both an exact Solution and SEAM3D-SSM for the closed-system, single stress period model. Concentration Time, Days SEAM3D-SSM Exact Solution SEAM3D-PUP 10.00 9.95 9.90 9.85 9.80 9.75 10.0000 9.9500 9.9003 9.8507 9.8015 9.7525 10.0000 9.9500 9.9002 9.8507 9.8015 9.7525 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 Table 4.2. Simulation results for mass removed by direct uptake and dissolved concentration versus time using SEAM3D-PUP and five TSCF values for the closed-system model depicted in Figure 3.1. Time (d) 0 2 4 6 8 10 TSCF = 1.0 Mass Conc. (g) (mg/L) 0 10 2000 9.95 3990 9.9002 5970 9.8507 7940 9.8015 9900 9.7525 TSCF = 0.75 Mass Conc. (g) (mg/L) 0 10 1500 9.9625 2994 9.9251 4483 9.8879 5966 9.8508 7444 9.8139 TSCF = 0.5 Mass Conc. (g) (mg/L) 0 10 1000 9.975 1997 9.9501 2992 9.9252 3985 9.9004 4975 9.8756 TSCF = 0.25 Mass Conc. (g) (mg/L) 0 10 500 9.9875 999 9.975 1498 9.9625 1996 9.9501 2493 9.9377 TSCF = 0.0 Mass Conc. (g) (mg/L) 0.0 10.0 0.0 10.0 0.0 10.0 0.0 10.0 0.0 10.0 0.0 10.0 Table 4.3. Comparison of concentration and mass removed through direct uptake versus time using SEAM3D-PUP to results using SEAM3D-SSM for the closed-system, two stress period model – case (3.1.2). SEAM3D-PUP SEAM3D-SSM Time (d) Conc. (mg/L) Mass Out (g) Conc. (mg/L) Mass Out (g) 0 10 0 10 0 2 9.95 2000 9.95 2000 4 9.9002 3990 9.900249 3990 6 9.8507 5970.1 9.850748 5970.1 8 9.8015 7940.2 9.801495 7940.2 10 9.7525 9900.5 9.752487 9900.5 12 9.7525 9900.5 9.752487 9900.5 14 9.7525 9900.5 9.752487 9900.5 16 9.7525 9900.5 9.752487 9900.5 18 9.7525 9900.5 9.752487 9900.5 20 9.7525 9900.5 9.752487 9900.5 82 Table 4.4. Simulation results for mass removed by direct uptake and dissolved concentration versus time using SEAM3D-PUP and five TSCF values for the closedsystem model, four stress period model. Time (d) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 TSCF = 0.0 Conc. Mass mg/L g 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 TSCF = 0.25 Conc. Mass mg/L g 10.00 0 9.99 500 9.98 999.37 9.96 1498.1 9.95 1996.3 9.94 2493.8 9.94 2493.8 9.94 2493.8 9.94 2493.8 9.94 2493.8 9.94 2493.8 9.93 2990.6 9.91 3486.9 9.90 3982.5 9.89 4477.6 9.88 4972 9.88 4972 9.88 4972 9.88 4972 9.88 4972 9.88 4972 TSCF = 0.5 Conc. Mass mg/L g 10.00 0 9.975 1000 9.9501 1997.5 9.9252 2992.5 9.9004 3985 9.8756 4975.1 9.8756 4975.1 9.8756 4975.1 9.8756 4975.1 9.8756 4975.1 9.8756 4975.1 9.8509 5962.6 9.8263 6947.7 9.8017 7930.3 9.7772 8910.5 9.7528 9888.2 9.7528 9888.2 9.7528 9888.2 9.7528 9888.2 9.7528 9888.2 9.7528 9888.2 83 TSCF = 0.75 Conc. Mass mg/L g 10.00 0 9.9625 1500 9.9251 2994.4 9.8879 4483.1 9.8508 5966.3 9.8139 7444 9.8139 7444 9.8139 7444 9.8139 7444 9.8139 7444 9.8139 7444 9.7771 8916.1 9.7404 10383 9.7039 11844 9.6675 13299 9.6313 14749 9.6313 14749 9.6313 14749 9.6313 14749 9.6313 14749 9.6313 14749 TSCF = 1.0 Conc. Mass mg/L g 10.00 0 9.95 2000 9.9002 3990 9.8507 5970.1 9.8015 7940.2 9.7525 9900.5 9.7525 9900.5 9.7525 9900.5 9.7525 9900.5 9.7525 9900.5 9.7525 9900.5 9.7037 11851 9.6552 13792 9.6069 15723 9.5589 17644 9.5111 19556 9.5111 19556 9.5111 19556 9.5111 19556 9.5111 19556 9.5111 19556 Table 4.5. Simulation results for mass removed by direct uptake for TSCF = 1.0 using SEAM3D-SSM and SEAM3D-PUP for the model shown in Figure 3.6. g g g g NET MASS FROM FLUIDSTORAGE g 182.5 5.12E+05 -5.12E+05 5.12E+05 -4.023E-05 0 5.12E+05 1.83E-05 2.01E-04 365 8.84E+05 -8.84E+05 8.84E+05 -111.03 0 8.84E+05 2.12E-05 8.82E-05 547.5 1.25E+06 -1.25E+06 1.25E+06 -7225.9 0 1.24E+06 5.00E-05 8.90E-05 TIME SEAM3D-PUP SEAM3D-SSM d TOTAL IN TOTAL OUT SOURCES SINKS TOTAL MASS IN AQUIFER g DISCREPANCY (%) TOTAL IN-OUT ALTERNATIVE 730 1.62E+06 -1.62E+06 1.62E+06 -55039 0 1.56E+06 3.09E-05 6.77E-05 912.5 1.98E+06 -1.98E+06 1.98E+06 -180154 0 1.80E+06 4.42E-05 -7.33E-05 -6.79E-05 1095 2.35E+06 -2.35E+06 2.35E+06 -387812 0 1.96E+06 5.33E-05 1277.5 2.71E+06 -2.71E+06 2.71E+06 -659936 0 2.05E+06 1.57E-04 1.20E-04 1460 3.08E+06 -3.08E+06 3.08E+06 -973960 0 2.10E+06 6.50E-05 5.28E-05 1642.5 3.44E+06 -3.44E+06 3.44E+06 -1312250 0 2.13E+06 -4.36E-05 -7.99E-05 1825 3.81E+06 -3.81E+06 3.81E+06 -1663540 0 2.15E+06 -1.05E-04 -1.64E-04 2007.5 4.17E+06 -4.17E+06 4.17E+06 -2021460 0 2.15E+06 -1.50E-04 -2.13E-04 2190 4.54E+06 -4.54E+06 4.54E+06 -2382630 0 2.16E+06 9.91E-05 5.51E-06 2372.5 4.91E+06 -4.91E+06 4.91E+06 -2745350 0 2.16E+06 2.96E-04 2.55E-04 2555 5.27E+06 -5.27E+06 5.27E+06 -3108810 0 2.16E+06 4.93E-04 4.60E-04 2737.5 5.64E+06 -5.64E+06 5.64E+06 -3472630 0 2.16E+06 6.65E-04 6.25E-04 2920 6.00E+06 -6.00E+06 6.00E+06 -3836620 0 2.17E+06 8.25E-04 8.33E-04 3102.5 6.37E+06 -6.37E+06 6.37E+06 -4200700 0 2.17E+06 9.82E-04 9.89E-04 3285 6.73E+06 -6.73E+06 6.73E+06 -4564840 0 2.17E+06 1.10E-03 1.09E-03 3467.5 7.10E+06 -7.10E+06 7.10E+06 -4929010 0 2.17E+06 1.25E-03 1.25E-03 3650 7.46E+06 -7.46E+06 7.46E+06 -5293210 0 2.17E+06 1.31E-03 1.30E-03 182.5 5.12E+05 -5.12E+05 5.12E+05 -4.02275E-05 0 5.12E+05 2.44E-05 2.01E-04 365 8.84E+05 -8.84E+05 8.84E+05 -111.03 0 8.84E+05 2.83E-05 8.11E-05 547.5 1.25E+06 -1.25E+06 1.25E+06 -7225.9 0 1.24E+06 5.00E-05 8.90E-05 730 1.62E+06 -1.62E+06 1.62E+06 -55039 0 1.56E+06 3.09E-05 6.02E-05 912.5 1.98E+06 -1.98E+06 1.98E+06 -180154 0 1.80E+06 5.68E-05 -7.25E-05 1095 2.35E+06 -2.35E+06 2.35E+06 -387812 0 1.96E+06 6.39E-05 -6.79E-05 1277.5 2.71E+06 -2.71E+06 2.71E+06 -659936 0 2.05E+06 1.57E-04 1.20E-04 1460 3.08E+06 -3.08E+06 3.08E+06 -973960 0 2.10E+06 7.31E-05 5.28E-05 1642.5 3.44E+06 -3.44E+06 3.44E+06 -1312250 0 2.13E+06 -4.36E-05 -7.99E-05 1825 3.81E+06 -3.81E+06 3.81E+06 -1663540 0 2.15E+06 -1.05E-04 -1.64E-04 2007.5 4.17E+06 -4.17E+06 4.17E+06 -2021460 0 2.15E+06 -1.56E-04 -2.13E-04 2190 4.54E+06 -4.54E+06 4.54E+06 -2382630 0 2.16E+06 8.81E-05 1.10E-05 2372.5 4.91E+06 -4.91E+06 4.91E+06 -2745350 0 2.16E+06 2.96E-04 2.55E-04 2555 5.27E+06 -5.27E+06 5.27E+06 -3108810 0 2.16E+06 4.84E-04 4.65E-04 2737.5 5.64E+06 -5.64E+06 5.64E+06 -3472630 0 2.16E+06 6.74E-04 6.25E-04 2920 6.00E+06 -6.00E+06 6.00E+06 -3836620 0 2.17E+06 8.41E-04 8.37E-04 3102.5 6.37E+06 -6.37E+06 6.37E+06 -4200700 0 2.17E+06 9.82E-04 9.93E-04 3285 6.73E+06 -6.73E+06 6.73E+06 -4564840 0 2.17E+06 1.11E-03 1.10E-03 3467.5 7.10E+06 -7.10E+06 7.10E+06 -4929010 0 2.17E+06 1.26E-03 1.26E-03 3650 7.46E+06 -7.46E+06 7.46E+06 -5293210 0 2.17E+06 1.33E-03 1.32E-03 84 Table 4.6. Concentration results for the three observation points along ET zone for both SEAM3D-SSM and SEAM3D-PUP for TSCF = 1.0 – case study (4.1.3). Time, d 182.5 365 547.5 730 912.5 1095 1277.5 1460 1642.5 1825 2007.5 2190 2372.5 2555 2737.5 2920 3102.5 3285 3467.5 3650 j = 45 1.2E-05 0.927818 14.17174 41.40879 66.84296 83.43466 92.44934 96.87458 98.92119 99.83408 100.232 100.4034 100.4764 100.5074 100.5204 100.5259 100.5282 100.5291 100.5295 100.5296 SEAM3D-SSM 50 56 8.532E-09 6.972E-19 0.1377061 9.643E-07 5.6473708 0.0012467 25.322618 0.0329837 51.114315 0.2064269 72.227707 0.6465797 85.772156 1.3849308 93.346741 2.3662646 97.247032 3.5080974 99.152687 4.7399039 100.05186 6.0138955 100.46619 7.3017144 100.65306 8.5879049 100.73701 9.8645144 100.77406 11.12765 100.79036 12.375437 100.79752 13.607041 100.80064 14.822114 100.80196 16.020529 100.8025 17.202309 45 1.2E-05 0.92782 14.172 41.409 66.843 83.435 92.449 96.875 98.921 99.834 100.23 100.4 100.48 100.51 100.52 100.53 100.53 100.53 100.53 100.53 85 SEAM3D-PUP 50 56 8.53E-09 6.97E-19 0.13771 9.64E-07 5.6474 1.25E-03 25.323 3.30E-02 51.114 0.20643 72.228 0.64658 85.772 1.3849 93.347 2.3663 97.247 3.5081 99.153 4.7399 100.05 6.0139 100.47 7.3017 100.65 8.5879 100.74 9.8645 100.77 11.128 100.79 12.375 100.8 13.607 100.8 14.822 100.8 16.021 100.8 17.202 Table 4.7. Simulation results for dissolved concentration versus time using SEAM3D-PUP and five TSCF values and compared to SEAM3D-SSM for the observation point (24, 50, 1) for the case study (4.1.3). Time d 182.5 365 547.5 730 912.5 1095 1277.5 1460 1642.5 1825 2007.5 2190 2372.5 2555 2737.5 2920 3102.5 3285 3467.5 3650 TSCF=1.0 8.53E-09 0.13771 5.6474 25.323 51.114 72.228 85.772 93.347 97.247 99.153 100.05 100.47 100.65 100.74 100.77 100.79 100.8 100.8 100.8 100.8 Conc. Mg/L SEAM3D-PUP TSCF=0.75 TSCF=0.50 TSCF=0.25 8.63E-09 8.74E-09 8.84E-09 0.14465 0.15203 0.15988 6.1159 6.6375 7.2201 28.228 31.627 35.634 58.524 67.652 79.043 84.677 100.82 122.34 102.55 125.45 158.05 113.33 141.92 185.44 119.39 152.43 206.11 122.67 159.03 221.83 124.4 163.15 233.95 125.3 165.74 243.4 125.77 167.37 250.84 126.02 168.4 256.73 126.14 169.06 261.4 126.21 169.47 265.12 126.24 169.74 268.08 126.26 169.91 270.44 126.27 170.02 272.31 126.27 170.09 273.81 TSCF=0.0 8.95E-09 0.16824 7.8726 40.393 93.559 151.87 206.79 256.77 302.96 346.78 389.24 430.92 472.13 513.02 553.65 594.07 634.28 674.29 714.11 753.73 SEAM3D-SSM 8.53E-09 0.137706 5.647371 25.32262 51.11432 72.22771 85.77216 93.34674 97.24703 99.15269 100.0519 100.4662 100.6531 100.737 100.7741 100.7904 100.7975 100.8006 100.802 100.8025 Table 4.8 Model parameters for the flow and transport with root sorption case study (4.2.1) SEAM3D-RCT (in GMS) SEAM3D-PUP ET package RCT package QET = 0.0 Kd = 14.3×10-8, 7.143×10-8, and 5.0×10-8 RCF Package N/A QET = 0.0 Kd = 0.0 RCF =14.3×10-8, 7.143×10-8, 5.0×10-8 for all model domain. 86 and Table 4.9. SEAM3D-PUP and SEAM3D-RCT results for dissolved concentration at the observation point (24, 50, 1) for the flow and transport with root sorption case study – f = 1.0. Time, d 182.5 365 547.5 730 912.5 1095 1277.5 1460 1642.5 1825 2007.5 2190 2372.5 2555 2737.5 2920 3102.5 3285 3467.5 3650 Concentration, SEAM3D-PUP RCF= 0.0 14.3×10-8 7.14×10-8 (R=1.0) (R=1.50) (R=2.0) 2.51E-09 2.95E-22 0 8.68E-02 8.02E-05 5.73E-09 4.3175 9.39E-02 1.16E-03 21.417 1.8098 9.99E-02 46.109 8.6658 1.0713 67.815 21.607 4.5137 82.59 37.92 11.517 91.177 54.046 21.722 95.77 67.791 33.796 98.036 78.338 46.169 99.144 85.921 57.691 99.635 91.071 67.653 99.878 94.47 75.849 99.965 96.624 82.301 100.02 97.984 87.247 100.03 98.805 90.925 100.04 99.314 93.625 100.03 99.607 95.558 100.04 99.791 96.94 100.03 99.888 97.902 Concentration, SEAM3D-RCT Kd = 0.0 14.3×10-8 7.14×10-8 (R=1.0) (R=1.50) (R=2.0) 2.51E-09 0 2.95E-22 0.086838 5.73E-09 8.02E-05 4.317454 0.001165 0.093881 21.41726 0.09986 1.809845 46.10904 1.071324 8.665835 67.81548 4.513667 21.60671 82.58997 11.51749 37.91979 91.177 21.72207 54.04603 95.76965 33.79574 67.79108 98.03575 46.16918 78.33845 99.14414 57.69147 85.92098 99.63529 67.65306 91.07111 99.878 75.84943 94.47012 99.96533 82.30144 96.6244 100.021 87.24729 97.98402 100.0264 90.92463 98.80501 100.0442 93.62485 99.31432 100.0345 95.55785 99.60679 100.0445 96.94 99.79102 100.0329 97.9018 99.88799 87 Table 4.10. SEAM3D-PUP and SEAM3D-RCT results for mass removal at the observation point (24, 50, 1) for the flow and transport with root sorption case study (4.2.1) – f = 1.0. Mass Sinks by Sorption, g Time d R = 1.0 SEAM3D/PUP 182.5 R = 1.50 R = 2.0 SEAM3D/RCT SEAM3D/PUP SEAM3D/RCT SEAM3D/PUP SEAM3D/RCT 0 0 0 0 0 0 365 -5.34E-20 -5.33545E-20 0 0 0 0 547.5 -1.73E-06 -1.72796E-06 -1.25787E-19 -1.25787E-19 -6.74083E-37 -6.74081E-37 730 -0.07007 -0.0700696 -9.49089E-09 -9.4909E-09 -2.74002E-19 -2.74002E-19 912.5 -19.388 -19.388 -0.000294574 -0.000294574 -4.1154E-10 -4.1154E-10 1095 -606.58 -606.58 -0.12633 -0.12633 -6.78682E-06 -6.78682E-06 1277.5 -5903.6 -5903.6 -6.9958 -6.9958 -0.00291474 -0.00291474 1460 -28593 -28593 -119.72 -119.72 -0.19725 -0.19725 1642.5 -88591 -88591 -973.8 -973.8 -4.4008 -4.4008 1825 -203531 -203531 -4794 -4794 -47.357 -47.357 2007.5 -380364 -380364 -16552 -16552 -306.58 -306.58 2190 -614512 -614512 -44105 -44105 -1371.8 -1371.8 2372.5 -894531 -894531 -96787 -96787 -4652.8 -4652.8 2555 -1207350 -1207350 -183131 -183131 -12752 -12752 2737.5 -1541710 -1541710 -308882 -308882 -29570 -29570 2920 -1889250 -1889250 -476080 -476080 -60016 -60016 3102.5 -2244450 -2244450 -683255 -683255 -109383 -109383 3285 -2603890 -2603890 -926350 -926350 -182601 -182601 3467.5 -2965640 -2965640 -1199890 -1199890 -283553 -283553 3650 -3328580 -3328580 -1498020 -1498020 -414681 -414681 88 Table 4.11. SEAM3D-PUP and SEAM3D-RCT results for dissolved concentration at the observation point (24, 50, 1) for the flow and transport with root sorption case study – f < 1.0, and f = 1.0. Time Days 182.5 365 547.5 730 912.5 1095 1277.5 1460 1642.5 1825 2007.5 2190 2372.5 2555 2737.5 2920 3102.5 3285 3467.5 3650 SEAM3D-PUP RCF = 14.3×10-8 RCF = 14.3×10-8 R = 2.0 (f = 1.0) Rav. = 1.62 (f < 1.0) 0 1.69E-24 5.73E-09 6.39E-06 1.16E-03 2.26E-02 9.99E-02 0.69298 1.0713 4.3541 4.5137 13.024 11.517 26.055 21.722 40.934 33.796 55.27 46.169 67.534 57.691 77.25 67.653 84.479 75.849 89.659 82.301 93.225 87.247 95.641 90.925 97.224 93.625 98.264 95.558 98.919 96.94 99.346 97.902 99.603 SEAM3D-RCT Kd = 8.93×10-8 Kd = 14.3×10-8 R=1.625 R=2.0 0 0 1.04639E-05 5.73E-09 0.032857418 0.0011648 0.903235376 0.09986043 5.281054497 1.07132351 15.02291298 4.51366711 28.97231102 11.5174875 44.29027176 21.7220707 58.5772171 33.795742 70.46270752 46.169178 79.65240479 57.6914749 86.34081268 67.6530609 91.04132843 75.8494339 94.21688843 82.3014374 96.33469391 87.2472916 97.69844818 90.9246292 98.58332825 93.6248474 99.13118744 95.5578537 99.48442841 96.9400024 99.6929245 97.9018021 Table 4.12. Model parameters for the flow and transport with root sorption case study (4.2.3). SEAM3D-RCT (in GMS) SEAM3D-PUP ET package RCT package QET = 0.0 Kd = 14.3×10-8 (Ro = 1.0) RCF Package N/A QET = 0.0 Kd = 7.143×10-8 (Ro = 0.5) RCF = 7.143×10-8 for all model domain (Ro = 0.5)*. * Ro = R − 1.0 89 Table 4.13. SEAM3D-PUP and SEAM3D-RCT results for dissolved concentration at the observation point (24, 50, 1) for the flow and transport with root sorption where 50% of the retardation factor is due to root sorption, and 50% is due to soil sorption – f = 1.0. Time 182.5 365 547.5 730 912.5 1095 1277.5 1460 1642.5 1825 2007.5 2190 2372.5 2555 2737.5 2920 3102.5 3285 3467.5 3650 SEAM3D-PUP f = 1.0, Kd = 7.143×10-8, RCF = 7.143×10-8 R=2.0 0 5.97E-09 1.18E-03 0.10072 1.078 4.535 11.56 21.785 33.874 46.254 57.775 67.73 75.917 82.358 87.293 90.96 93.652 95.579 96.956 97.913 SEAM3D-RCT Kd = 14.3×10-8 R=2.0 0 5.73E-09 0.0011648 0.09986043 1.071323514 4.513667107 11.51748753 21.72207069 33.79574203 46.16917801 57.69147491 67.65306091 75.8494339 82.30143738 87.24729156 90.92462921 93.62484741 95.5578537 96.94000244 97.90180206 90 Kd = 7.143×108 R=1.5 2.95E-22 8.01901E-05 0.093880534 1.809844971 8.665835381 21.60671043 37.91978836 54.04603195 67.79107666 78.33844757 85.92098236 91.07110596 94.47012329 96.62440491 97.98402405 98.80500793 99.3143158 99.60678864 99.79102325 99.88798523 Table 4.14. Concentration versus time for the three middle observation points (using SEAM3D-PUP and SEAM3D-RCT) for the model in Figure 4.6, with root sorption in ET area only for f = 1.0 (case study Time d 182.5 365 547.5 730 912.5 1095 1277.5 1460 1642.5 1825 2007.5 2190 2372.5 2555 2737.5 2920 3102.5 3285 3467.5 3650 Concentration, SEAM3D-PUP Cell # 1,24,45 1,24,50 1,24,56 7.17E-15 7.01E-23 0 2.77E-03 3.88E-05 6.09E-08 0.5472 6.05E-02 2.64E-03 5.1989 1.3229 0.18961 16.981 6.8422 1.8616 33.551 18.019 7.3016 50.662 32.968 17.442 65.367 48.556 30.93 76.701 62.514 45.454 84.791 73.753 58.961 90.309 82.209 70.363 93.925 88.228 79.274 96.251 92.377 85.911 97.707 95.135 90.62 98.617 96.949 93.89 99.169 98.103 96.072 99.51 98.844 97.529 99.711 99.299 98.458 99.836 99.59 99.068 99.906 99.76 99.439 Concentration, SEAM3D-RCT Cell # 1,24,45 1,24,50 1,24,56 7.18E-15 2.95E-22 0 0.002836 8.02E-05 3.77E-07 0.567037 0.093881 0.006977 5.402804 1.809845 0.367179 17.62783 8.665835 3.014644 34.71582 21.60671 10.48911 52.19154 37.91979 22.97352 67.01652 54.04603 38.1467 78.26171 67.79108 53.2793 86.13787 78.33845 66.41999 91.39576 85.92098 76.8526 94.75832 91.07111 84.54449 96.86582 94.47012 89.97752 98.14613 96.6244 93.62997 98.9231 97.98402 96.04946 99.37786 98.80501 97.57979 99.65079 99.31432 98.56155 99.80378 99.60679 99.15042 99.89709 99.79102 99.52755 99.94511 99.88799 99.73798 91 Table 4.15. Results for mass removal by direct uptake and root sorption versus time using SEAM3D-PUP and SEAM3D with the SSM and RCT Packages (GMS) for case study 4.3.1. Time d 182.5 365 547.5 730 912.5 1095 1277.5 1460 1642.5 1825 2007.5 2190 2372.5 2555 2737.5 2920 3102.5 3285 3467.5 3650 No Sorption PUP TSCF=1.0 TSCF=0.5 4.02E-05 2.02E-05 111.03 58.211 7225.9 3999.3 55039 32386 180154 112843 387812 257841 659936 463210 973960 716844 1312250 1005750 1663540 1319100 2021460 1648860 2382630 1989410 2745350 2337000 3108810 2689160 3472630 3044270 3836620 3401320 4200700 3759640 4564840 4118800 4929010 4478540 5293210 4838680 SSM 4.02E-05 111.03 7225.9 55039 180154 387812 659936 973960 1312250 1663540 2021460 2382630 2745350 3108810 3472630 3836620 4200700 4564840 4929010 5293210 92 With Sorption, RCF=Kd=7.14E-8 PUP SSM+RCTS TSCF=1.0 TSCF=0.50 4.445E-15 2.2236E-15 5.88941E-15 0.19045 0.0966125 0.2422 141.88 73.598 178.75 3224 1719 4016.2 20444 11247 25117 69213 39380 83717 163878 96557 195010 310368 189418 363359 506753 320161 584044 746376 487571 847695 1020820 688359 1143940 1321880 918337 1463580 1642530 1173090 1799270 1977190 1448530 2145670 2321650 1740970 2498990 2672850 2047300 2856740 3028630 2364870 3217240 3387480 2691530 3579460 3748420 3025520 3942750 4110710 3365390 4306690 Table 4.16. Results for dissolved concentration versus time using SEAM3D-PUP and SEAM3D with the SSM and RCT Packages (GMS) for case study 4.3.1. Time d 182.5 365 547.5 730 912.5 1095 1277.5 1460 1642.5 1825 2007.5 2190 2372.5 2555 2737.5 2920 3102.5 3285 3467.5 3650 No Sorption PUP TSCF=1.0 TSCF=0.5 8.53E-09 8.74E-09 0.13771 0.15203 5.6474 6.6375 25.323 31.627 51.114 67.652 72.228 100.82 85.772 125.45 93.347 141.92 97.247 152.43 99.153 159.03 100.05 163.15 100.47 165.74 100.65 167.37 100.74 168.4 100.77 169.06 100.79 169.47 100.8 169.74 100.8 169.91 100.8 170.02 100.8 170.09 SSM 8.53E-09 0.137706 5.647371 25.32262 51.11432 72.22771 85.77216 93.34674 97.24703 99.15269 100.0519 100.4662 100.6531 100.737 100.7741 100.7904 100.7975 100.8006 100.802 100.8025 93 With Sorption, RCF=Kd=7.14E-8 PUP SSM+RCT TSCF=1.0 TSCF=0.50 2.42E-22 2.42E-22 1.02E-21 7.88E-05 8.25E-05 0.00017114 9.26E-02 0.10063 0.147660106 1.7828 2.0105 2.477855444 8.494 9.9313 10.85120964 21.118 25.598 25.43725586 37.007 46.472 42.66545486 52.755 68.574 58.80244827 66.271 89.014 71.95365906 76.775 106.35 81.6647644 84.468 120.38 88.43369293 89.831 131.37 92.90344238 93.486 139.87 95.7955246 95.899 146.39 97.58740234 97.493 151.42 98.70779419 98.512 155.29 99.36778259 99.18 158.29 99.77896118 99.594 160.63 100.0050125 99.869 162.47 100.1519852 100.03 163.91 100.221077 Table 4.17. Dissolved concentration results for SEAM3D-PUP and SEAM3D with the SSM and RCT Packages (GMS) for case study 4.3.2. Time d 182.5 365 547.5 730 912.5 1095 1277.5 1460 1642.5 1825 2007.5 2190 2372.5 2555 2737.5 2920 3102.5 3285 3467.5 3650 Concentration, mg/L GMS PUP 0 0.00E+00 1.98E-08 2.04E-08 0.00221116 2.23E-03 0.15716679 0.15828 1.50656378 1.5143 5.88046932 5.9035 14.1743917 14.218 25.5782661 25.639 38.4262619 38.498 51.0445251 51.119 62.3712158 62.442 71.8477325 71.911 79.4293365 79.483 85.2455826 85.289 89.6107025 89.645 92.7893448 92.816 95.0880737 95.108 96.7042007 96.719 97.848732 97.86 98.6308365 98.639 94 Table 4.18. Results of mass removal by direct uptake and root sorption using SEAM3D-PUP and SEAM3D with the SSM and RCT Packages (GMS) for case study 4.3.2. TIME GMS\SEAM3D SEAM3D-PUP d TOTAL IN TOTAL OUT SOURCES g g g SINKS NET MASS FROM FLUIDSTORAGE TOTAL MASS IN AQUIFER DISCREPANCY (%) g g g TOTAL IN-OUT ALTERNATIVE 182.5 638789 -638789 638784 0 0 638784 0.00001957 -0.000009784 365 1028980 -1028980 1028960 -0.00016 -35.75 1028930 0.00001822 -0.00001216 547.5 1403180 -1403180 1403160 -3.5726 15.406 1403170 0.00005345 0.00004159 730 1772400 -1772400 1772350 -254.84 -63.969 1772030 0.00007053 -0.00004894 912.5 2139800 -2139800 2139730 -3018.5 14.656 2136730 0.00005842 -0.00002045 1095 2506170 -2506170 2506070 -15314 -84.594 2490670 0.00008978 0.0001057 1277.5 2872200 -2872200 2872070 -48285 9.0313 2823800 0.00007834 0.00009548 1460 3237920 -3237920 3237760 -113223 -99.469 3124430 0.00007721 0.0001803 1642.5 3603610 -3603610 3603410 -217983 -1.8438 3385420 0.00007631 0.0001743 1825 3969170 -3969170 3968930 -365627 -116.47 3603180 0.00008818 0.0002528 2007.5 4334780 -4334770 4334490 -554961 -18.969 3779500 0.00005767 0.0001593 2190 4700310 -4700310 4699980 -781930 -133.72 3917910 0.00003191 0.00007115 2372.5 5065920 -5065920 5065530 -1041010 -38.219 4024480 0.00002961 0.00007095 2555 5431460 -5431460 5431020 -1326320 -154.72 4104540 0.00002762 -0.00005466 2737.5 5797070 -5797070 5796560 -1632380 -64.969 4164120 0.0000345 -0.00007062 2920 6162630 -6162630 6162060 -1954390 -166.59 4207500 0.00006491 -0.00004615 -0.000009096 3102.5 6528270 -6528260 6527610 -2288410 -82.594 4239120 0.00009191 3285 6893840 -6893830 6893110 -2631300 -173.34 4261630 0.00007253 0.00007843 3467.5 7259500 -7259490 7258670 -2980670 -95.844 4277900 0.00007576 0.00006415 3650 7625090 -7625080 7624190 -3334690 -183.09 4289310 0.00007869 0.00007747 182.5 638931 -638930 638931 0 638930 0.00001956 0.0001125 365 1029150 -1029150 1029130 -0.000154673 0 -35.562 1029090 0.00001215 0.00008197 547.5 1403370 -1403370 1403330 -3.5388 16.875 1403340 0.00007126 0.0001843 730 1772610 -1772610 1772530 -253.14 -60.25 1772220 0.00006347 0.00003466 912.5 2140020 -2140020 2139910 -3002.8 17.062 2136930 0.00003505 -0.000004427 1095 2506400 -2506400 2506260 -15250 -83.688 2490920 0.00001995 0.00009036 1277.5 2872450 -2872450 2872260 -48115 7.1875 2824150 0.00002611 -0.00001618 1460 3238180 -3238180 3237940 -112885 -105.31 3124950 0.00002316 0.00004271 1642.5 3603880 -3603880 3603600 -217425 -6.4375 3386170 0.00001387 0.00001778 1825 3969460 -3969460 3969120 -364822 -123.81 3604180 0 0.000008661 2007.5 4335080 -4335080 4334690 -553902 -25.062 3780760 0 -0.00004326 2190 4700620 -4700620 4700170 -780619 -142.44 3919420 0.00002127 -0.00006383 2372.5 5066220 -5066220 5065710 -1039460 -47.562 4026200 -0.000009869 -0.00002714 2555 5431780 -5431780 5431210 -1324590 -156.06 4106470 -0.00002762 -0.0001116 2737.5 5797410 -5797410 5796760 -1630490 -64.438 4166210 -0.00001725 -0.0001456 2920 6162970 -6162970 6162240 -1952360 -169.19 4209720 0 -0.0000781 3102.5 6528620 -6528620 6527800 -2286280 -80.938 4241450 0.00001532 -0.00006415 3285 6894210 -6894200 6893310 -2629090 -177.69 4264040 0.0000145 0.00003355 3467.5 7259870 -7259870 7258860 -2978390 -94.438 4280380 0.00003444 0.00003186 3650 7625480 -7625470 7624390 -3332370 -184.19 4291830 0.00005246 0.0001189 95 ET Recharge h 0 = 8m 10 m Figure 4.1. Schematic of a closed system model for testing the direct uptake feature using the SEAM3D-RDP. 96 Conc. (SEAM3D-PUP) Mass (SEAM3D-PUP) 10 12000 9.95 10000 9.9 8000 9.85 6000 9.8 4000 9.75 2000 9.7 Mass Out (g) Solute Concentration (mg/L) Conc. (SEAM3D-SSM) Mass (SEAM3D-SSM) 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 Time (d) Figure 4.2. Simulated dissolved concentration and mass removed by direct uptake versus time from SEAM3D-PUP and SEAM3D-SSM with TSCF = 1.0 for the closed-system, single stress period model in Figure 3.1. 97 TSCF=1.0 0.75 0.5 0.25 0 GMS/SEAM3D 10 Dissolved Concentration (mg/L) 9.95 9.9 9.85 9.8 9.75 9.7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Time, d TSCF = 1.0 0.75 0.5 0.25 0 GMS/SEAM3D 10000 9000 8000 Mass Out (g) 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Time, d Figure 4.3. Simulated dissolved concentration (top) and mass removed by direct uptake (bottom) versus time using SEAM3D-PUP for the closed-system model in Figure 3.1 for the range of TSCF values, varying from 0 to 1.0. 98 ET Rate 0.01 Time 10 20 Conc. (SEAM3D-PUP) Mass (SEAM3D-PUP) Conc. (SEAM3D-SSM) Mass (SEAM3D-SSM) 10000 10 8000 7000 9.9 6000 5000 9.85 4000 9.8 Mass Out (g) Dissolved Concentration (mg/L) 9000 9.95 3000 2000 9.75 1000 9.7 0 0 10 20 Time (d) Figure 4.4. Simulated dissolved concentration and mass removed by direct uptake versus time from SEAM3D-PUP and SEAM3D-SSM with TSCF = 1.0 for the closed-system model in Figure 4.1 with two stress periods with variable rates of evapotranspiration (top). 99 SEAM3D/PUP, TSCF=0 SEAM3D/PUP, TSCF=0.25 SEAM3D/PUP, TSCF=0.50 SEAM3D/PUP, TSCF=0.75 SEAM3D/PUP, TSCF=1.0 SEAM3D/SSM, TSCF=1.0 10 Dissolved Concentration (mg/L) 9.9 9.8 9.7 9.6 9.5 9.4 0 10 20 30 40 Time (d) SEAM3D/PUP, TSCF=0 SEAM3D/PUP, TSCF=0.25 SEAM3D/PUP, TSCF=0.50 SEAM3D/PUP, TSCF=0.75 SEAM3D/PUP, TSCF=1.0 SEAM3D/SSM, TSCF=1.0 20000 18000 16000 Mass Out (g) 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 0 10 20 30 40 Time (d) Figure 4.5. Simulated dissolved concentration (top) and mass removed by direct uptake (bottom) versus time using SEAM3D-PUP for a four stress period, closed-system model in Figure 3.1 for the range of TSCF values, varying from 0 to 1.0. 100 j=100 200.0 Conc. = 100 mg /L (each) i=50 20.0 90.0 Obs. Points Q in= 0.4 m3/d (each) (10.0) Land Surface 100.0 90.0 Constant Head ET ET (8.0) (0.0) Impermeable Figure 4.6. Conceptual model for case study 3.1.3, flow and transport with direct uptake in the ET area (no root sorption; TSCF is T, and RCF is F). Three observation points are noted: (i, j, k) = (24, 45, 1), (24, 50, 1), and (24, 56, 1). 101 Mass Out (ET), g Thousands TSCF=1.0 0.75 0.50 0.25 SEAM3D-SSM 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 0 365 730 1095 1460 1825 2190 2555 2920 3285 3650 Time, d Figure 4.7. Mass removal by direct uptake versus time using SEAM3D-PUP and SEAM3DSSM for a one-stress period, flow-system model shown in Figure 4.6 for the range of TSCF values, varying from 0.0 to 1.0. 102 SEAM3D-SSM 1, 24, 45 1, 24, 50 1, 24, 56 SEAM3D-PUP 1,24,45 1,24,50 1,24,56 110 100 90 Conc., mg/L 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 365 730 1095 1460 1825 2190 2555 2920 3285 3650 Time, Days TSCF=1.0 0.75 0.5 0.25 0.0 SEAM3D-SSM 800 700 Conc., mg/L 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 365 730 1095 1460 1825 2190 2555 2920 3285 3650 Times, d Figure 4.8. Concentration versus time using SEAM3D-PUP and SEAM3D-SSM for a onestress period, flow-system model shown in Figure 4.6 (test case 4.1.3) for the three observation points (top), and for the middle observation point for the range of TSCF values, varying from 0.0 to 1.0 (bottom). 103 RCF=0.0 (R=1.0) RCF=5.0e-8, (R=1.35) RCF=14.3e-8, (R=2.0) 100 90 80 Conc., mg/L 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 365 730 1095 1460 1825 2190 2555 2920 3285 3650 Time, Days SEAM3D-PUP RCF=0.0, (R=1.0) RCF=5.0e-8, (R=1.35) RCF=14.3e-8, (R=2.0) SEAM3D-RCT, Kd=0.0, (R=1.0) Kd=5.0e-8, (R=1.35) Kd=14.3e-8, (R=2.0) 100 90 80 Conc., mg/L 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 365 730 1095 1460 1825 2190 2555 2920 3285 3650 T ime, Days Figure 4.9. Concentration versus time for the middle observation point, (i, j, k) = (24, 50, 1) using SEAM3D-PUP (top), and comparing it with SEAM3D-RCT (bottom) for case study 4.2.1. 104 SEAM3D/PUP, R=1.5 SEAM3D/RCT, R=1.5 SEAM3D/PUP, R=2.0 SEAM3D/RCT, R=2.0 SEAM3D/PUP, R=1.0 SEAM3D/RCT, R=1.0 Mass Sink, g Thousands 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 0 365 730 1095 1460 1825 2190 2555 2920 3285 3650 Tim e, d Figure 4.10. Mass removal versus time for the middle observation point, (i, j, k) = (24, 50, 1) using SEAM3D-PUP and comparing it with SEAM3D-RCT for case study 4.2.1. 105 j=24 (t=3650) 10 Hydarulic Head, m 9.5 9 8.5 8 7.5 7 0 20 40 60 100 80 cell # SEAM3D-RCT, R=2.0 SEAM3D-PUP, f < 1.0, Rav.=1.62 SEAM3D-RCT, R=1.625 SEAM3D-PUP, f=1.0, R=2.0 100 90 80 Conc., mg/L 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 356 712 1068 1424 1780 2136 2492 2848 3204 3560 Time , d Figure 4.11. Hydraulic head distribution for r =24 (top), and concentration versus time for the middle observation point, (i, j, k) = (24, 50, 1) using SEAM3D-PUP, and comparing it with SEAM3D-RCT (bottom) for case study 4.2.2. 106 SEAM3D-RCT (Kd=7.143e-8), R=1.5 SEAM3D-PUP(soil:Kd=7.143e-8+Roots:RCF=7.143e-8), f=1.0, R=2.0 SEAM3D-RCT (Kd=14.3e-8), R=2.0 100 90 80 Conc., mg/L 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 365 730 1095 1460 1825 2190 2555 2920 3285 3650 Tim e, d Figure 4.12. Concentration versus time for the middle observation point, (i, j, k) = (24, 50, 1) using SEAM3D-PUP where 50% of the retardation is due to plant roots and 50% is due to soil matrix, and comparing it with SEAM3D-RCT where 100% of the retardation is due to soil matrix for case study 4.2.3. 107 PUP (j=24,i=45) PUP (j=24, i=50) PUP (i=24, j=56) W/out PUP (j=24, i=45) W/out PUP (i=24, j=50) W/out PUP (i=24, j=56) 100 90 80 Conc., mg/L 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 365 730 1095 1460 1825 2190 2555 2920 3285 3650 Time, d Figure 4.13. Screen capture for the results of R in case study ( showing R=2.0 in the roots cells only, and R=1.5 everywhere else (top), and Concentration versus time for the three middle observation points (Figure 4.6.), using SEAM3D-PUP and SEAM3D-RCT for case study ( 108 SEAM3D-PUP, TSCF=1.0, RCF=0.0 (R=1.0) SEAM3D-PUP, TSCF=0.5, RCF=0.0 (R=1.0) GMS/SEAM3D, Kd=0.0 (R=1.0) SEAM3D-PUP, TSCF=1.0, RCF=7.14e-8(R=1.5) SEAM3D-PUP, TSCF=0.5, RCF=7.14e-8(R=1.5) GMS/SEAM3D, Kd=7.14e-8 (R=1.5) Thousands 6000 5000 Mass, g 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 0 365 730 1095 1460 1825 2190 2555 2920 3285 3650 Time, d SEAM3D-PUP, TSCF=1.0, RCF=0.0 (R=1.0) SEAM3D-PUP, TSCF=0.5, RCF=0.0 (R=1.0) GMS/SEAM3D, Kd=0.0 (R=1.0) SEAM3D-PUP, TSCF=1.0, RCF=7.14e-8(R=1.5) SEAM3D-PUP, TSCF=0.5, RCF=7.14e-8(R=1.5) GMS/SEAM3D, Kd=7.14e-8 (R=1.5) 180 160 140 Conc., mg/L 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 365 730 1095 1460 1825 2190 2555 2920 3285 3650 Time, d Figure 4.14. Mass removal by direct uptake and root sorption (top) and concentration (bottom) versus time using SEAM3D-PUP and SEAM3D with the SSM and RCT Packages for case study 4.3.1. 109 -8 R=2.0 90.0 20.0 90.0 RCF = 6.25×10 -8 RCF = 7.143×10 ρbR =2.00 ×106 g / m3 -8 R=2.0 ρbR =1.75 ×106 g / m3 Qin R=2.0 ρbR =2.00 ×106 g / m3 RCF = 6.25×10 -8 Constant Head Kd = 7.143×10 Figure 4.15. Conceptual model for case study 4.3.2, flow and transport with direct uptake in the middle ET area and root sorption all over the model with different values of RCF. 110 GMS/SEAM3D SEAM3D/PUP 100 90 80 Conc., mg/L 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 365 730 1095 1460 1825 2190 2555 2920 3285 3650 3285 3650 Tim e, d SEAM3D-PUP GMS/SEAM3D Thousands 4000 3500 3000 Mass, g 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 0 365 730 1095 1460 1825 2190 2555 2920 Tim e, d Figure 4.16. Concentration (top) and mass removal by direct uptake and root sorption (bottom) versus time using SEAM3D-PUP and SEAM3D with the SSM and RCT Packages for case study 4.3.2. 111 Chapter 5 Simulation of a Phytoremediation System Using SEAM3D-PUP 5.1 Introduction The remediation goals of each site may be different. For some sites, the remedial action objective (RAO) is determined by a contaminant concentration downstream the source, and a remediation approach is needed to shrink a plume to a certain length to avoid mixing with groundwater at a withdrawal well or other receptor. For other cases, the RAO could be removing the solute mass from the source as soon as possible and the plume length would not have much weight in the decision making process. Furthermore, some remediation goals would be decreasing the mass-flux of the groundwater carrying the contaminates to a certain level at a certain cross-section (normal to the flow direction). With these three different remediation goals in mind, the objective of the study in this chapter is to examine the effect of a phytoremediation system with different geometric/hydrological arrangements on: 1- The contaminant concentrations downstream the source (expressed in plume length at a concentration 1% of the source concentration). 2- The solute mass removal from the aquifer 3- The mass-flux at different cross-sections downstream the contaminant source. Towards achieving that goal, the plan of runs will include: 1- Effect of ET dimensions (width and length) on a dynamically steady state plume. 2- Effect of ET flux with respect to aquifer flux (UET/Uin). 3- Effect of a phytoremediation system when the contaminate source is removed on the remediation outcomes. This study demonstrates the usefulness of the SEAM3D-PUP package in addressing several issues pertaining to the design or evaluation of a phytoremediation system that relies on phreatophytes. 112 Mass uptake or removing of contaminants is not explicitly addressed in most groundwater models such as Evapotranspiration package in MODFLOW and the Source/Sink Mixing (SSM) package in MT3DMS. Computational tools are needed to predict the effect of an engineered system of deeprooted poplars to provide a large degree of solute mass uptake, despite seasonal variation in water use rates by the plantation. Modeling clearly has applications at phytoremediation sites for evaluating or designing a remediation system with respect to factors such as tree planting density (Maximum ET rate), plants dimensions of the phytoremediation system (WET and LET) relative to plume dimensions (Lp), the contaminant source width (Ws), groundwater flow rate (Qin), and seasonal effects (represented in different ET rates during stress periods). The study in this chapter involves simulating a contaminant plume in a groundwater flow system in an unconfined aquifer with constant flowrate under natural attenuation conditions and comparing the results to the case of using the plants for controlling the plume dimensions and the mass flux downstream the source. The natural attenuation processes include physical transport (advection, dispersion) and/or biodegradation. The model will be used to determine the extents to which the phytoremediation system will have on reducing the downstream plume concentration to a certain limit at a specific distance, (Figure 5.1). Source Compliance Well In-Flow Figure 5.1. The expected effect of using a phytoremediation system on reducing DS concentration. 113 5.2 Model Description In the first part of the study, a schematic of the model is designed to simulate the plume movement under natural attenuation (NA) processes, and then with plant uptake, Figure 5.2. Sorption will have no effect on the steady state plume except it will increase the time to reach the steady state. Although biodegradation is enhanced due to the rhizosphere and can be simulated using the SEAM3D Biodegradation Package, the rhizosphere effect will be directly considered. The model dimensions are 1500m×500m, with uniform cell size of 5m×5m. The flowrate is kept constant to the system at the left boundary by using injection wells along the whole length. The in-flux = 1.5 m3/d/cell with a total inflow rate = 150 m3/day. Other model parameters were selected such that to control the plume steady-state length to be within the two-thirds of total model length. The longitudinal dispersivity was set to be equal to 10.0 d, and the ratio of transverse to longitudinal dispersivity was equal to 0.20. The first order decay rate was set to be equal to 0.001 d-1. The previously mentioned model parameters with initial concentration at the source cells equal to 1.0 mg/L, produced a steady-state plume of approximately 940 m of length. The phytoremediation area was selected to be 1000m×300m which covers the steady-state plume, (Figure 5.2). 1500.0 Well Cells Length of SS Plume, Lp Constant-head Cells Source Plume toe 500.0 ET Area ET L ET Figure 5.2. The conceptual model with the grid dimensions and boundary conditions. The right boundary of the model is a constant-head boundary. The model will be run first without the trees to estimate the time required for the plume to reach the steady state. Figure 5.3, which shows that the mass-in reaches a constant value which indicates that the plume is stable after approximately 16 years (32 stress periods). The ET parameters such as ET surface elevation, hs, and extinction root 114 depth, d, were selected to maintain maximum ET rate in all the cells to be easy to compare with the SEAM3D-PUP package. To compare the results from the SEAM3D-SSM runs using the ET package versus the SEAM3D-PUP runs using the PUP package, TSCF is turned on, and set to a value equal to 1.0. 40000 35000 Mass-in, g 30000 25000 GMS-NA 20000 SEAM3D-PUP 15000 10000 5000 0 7300 6935 6570 6205 5840 5475 5110 4745 4380 4015 3650 3285 2920 2555 2190 1825 1460 1095 730 365 0 Time, days Figure 5.3. Source mass in the system vs. time (using SEAM3D-SSM and SEAM3D-PUP) under NA conditions. After the plume reaches steady dimensions, the ET dimensions are first estimated to contain the footprint of the stable plume of length =Lp under natural remediation conditions only, and then the trees are introduced to the system. The ET rate is maximum at one stress period and then equals to zero for the next stress period and the ET rate cycles between zero and maximum for the rest of simulation periods which are equal to 20 stress periods of 182.5 days each (Figure 5.4). The maximum ET rate is representing the plant capacity of evapotranspiration and can be controlled in the field by controlling the number of trees in a unit area. A maximum ET rate of 0.001 (m3/d)/m2 per cell area (25 m2) is equivalent to 6.6 gal/day/tree, if we use one tree in each cell (Table 2.2). The total QET is kept at all runs equals to or less than the total inflow to prevent back water flow from the right constant head boundary. 115 starting time of the new simulation t=0 ET ET ET ET ET t (years) 0 10 20 21 22 23 24 Time for the plume to be stable Figure 5.4. ET rate for different stress periods. After one test case was performed, two different values for the ET lengths were used: LET=Lp and LET=0.5Lp, five different values for ET width (relative to the contaminant source width are: WET/Ws=3.0, 2.5, 2.0, 1.5, and 1.0), simultaneously with changing the TSCF values five times for each model. Table 5.1 summaries the model parameters for different ET lengths, ET rates, and TSCF values. Table 5.2 lists the model parameters which were constant in all the runs. Table 5.1. Summary of the variable model parameters and runs. Five values of TSCF (0.0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, and 1.0) were used in each case. Length, QET (max QET Width, Qin Qin (wells) ET area, WET/Ws LET (total) ET rate) (total) WET Cells m3/d/cell m m m3/d m3/d/cell m3/d 100 1.0 1000 1.5 150 0.0005 20×200 50 150 1.5 1000 1.5 150 0.0005 30×200 75 200 2.0 1000 1.5 150 0.0005 40×200 100 250 2.5 1000 1.5 150 0.0005 50×200 125 300 3.0 1000 1.5 150 0.0005 60×200 150 100 150 200 250 300 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 500 500 500 500 500 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 150 150 150 150 150 116 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 20×100 30×100 40×100 50×100 60×100 50 75 100 125 150 Table 5.2. Constant Model Parameters. Groundwater flow Parameter value Contaminant Transport Parameter value Horizontal Hydraulic Conductivity Horizontal Anisotropy Root Extinction depth 187 m/d Substrate1 initial concentration 1.0 mg/L 1.0 4.0 m 0.25 10.0 m Ground Surface Elevation 5.0 m Constant Head Boundary Model Thickness (one layer) 5.25 m 10.0 m Porosity Longitudinal Dispersivity Transverse/Longitudinal Dispersivity First order decay rate Number of stress periods Stress period length 20 182.5 d 0.2 0.001 1/d The metrics by which different simulations will be compared are based on a quantitative reduction in: • • • Contaminant mass (plume) Plume length (concentration based) Mass flux: o Downgradient of the source area o Other transects along the groundwater flow normal to plume centerline 117 5.3 Results and Discussions 5.3.1 Initial Test Case In this section of the study, the new code is first compared with MT3DMS-SSM results. The model is run using the previous parameters described in section 5.2 until he plume reaches a steady-state under natural attenuation conditions only (no ET simulation). The concentration results from that simulation are set to be the initial concentrations in the model where phytoremediation is simulated, Figure 5.5. NA Starting simulation Conditions NA End of simulation* *ET Starting Simulation Conditions ET End of simulation Figure 5.5. Initial conditions for the test models. The phytoremediation system dimensions were 500m×300m (LET=0.5Lp, and WET is selected to be three times the source width, Ws). The maximum ET rate was 0.001 m3/d/cell giving a total ET rate equals to the total inflow rate = 150 m3/d. Figure (5.6.a) shows solute mass in the aquifer (or model domain) and (5.6.b) shows the solute mass removed (sink term) for both MT3DMS-SSM and SEAM3D-PUP with TSCF=1.0. The results indicated exact match. Figure 5.6.a. shows that the solute mass in the aquifer reaches a constant value in case of natural attenuation conditions and after the plume reached a steady state. The plot shows that the solute mass in the aquifer begins to oscillate up and down according to the stress periods where ET is active and then reaches a dynamically steady state, Figure 5.6.a. 118 SEAM3D-PUP, TSCF=1.0 NA MT3DMS-SSM Thousands 34 32 Mass-out(sinks), g Thousands MT3DMS-SSM 36 Mass-in, g 30 28 26 24 SEAM3D-PUP NA 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 22 20 20 0 365 730 1095 1460 1825 2190 2555 2920 3285 0 3650 0 Time, Days 365 730 1095 1460 1825 2190 2555 2920 3285 3650 Time, d (a) (b) Figure 5.6. Validation the results of SEAM3D-PUP by comparing the mass output of MT3DMS-SSM versus PUP for a), solute mass in aquifer and b) solute mass removal for LET=0.5Lp and WET=300m. After validating the run results, additional model runs were performed for different values of TSCF (0.0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75) to check the results sensitivity of solute mass removal towards TSCF. The results for this run are represented in the Figures (5.7.a and 5.7.b) which show the expected trend of increased solute mass removal with higher values of TSCF. The increased mass-flux to the phytoremediation zone occurs for all values of TSCF as the flowrate is increased no matter what the mass-removal is. Also Figure 5.7.a shows that the larger the TSCF value, the longer will it take the plume to reach the 36 Thousands Thousands dynamic steady-state condition where the mass in the aquifer oscillates up and down a constant value. 34 32 36 34 32 TSCF=1.0 Mass-in, g Mass-in, g SSM, W=300 30 TSCF=0.75 28 TSCF=0.50 TSCF=0.25 26 30 TSCF=0.0 28 NA 26 TSCF=0.0 NA 24 24 22 22 20 20 0 365 730 1095 1460 1825 2190 2555 2920 3285 3650 0 Time, Days 365 730 1095 1460 1825 2190 2555 2920 3285 3650 Time, Days (a) (b) Figure 5.7. Solute mass in the model domain for a) Different values of TSCF, and (b) The dynamically stable plume shows constant mass removal under NA conditions and oscillates around this value for TSCF = 0.0. (WET/Ws=3.0, LET=0.5Lp). 119 In Figure 5.7b, even when TSCF=0.0 (theoretically, there is no mass removal from the system), the pumping and cyclic effect of ET draws more flow to the source area and thus increase the mass flux from the source area. Figure 5.8 displays the decline in groundwater head along the model longitudinal centerline due to the phytoremediation effect (for the case where LET=0.5Lp, and WET=300). Increasing the hydraulic gradient or q to the source area will result in increasing the total solute mass in the system model, which explains the higher values of M (in case of TSCF=0.0) than those of natural attenuation. The same increase in mass flux at source occurs for all values of TSCF (Figure 5.7a). 5.8 5.7 Hydraulic Head, m 5.6 5.5 No ET 5.4 With ET 5.3 5.2 5.1 5 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 Dist., m Figure 5.8. Groundwater hydraulic head profile showing the effect of phytoremediation. 120 5.3.2 Effect of ET area (WET and LET) on contaminant mass removal The model runs presented in Table 5.1 were performed. The main three parameters under investigation were: WET: 5 different values, LET: 2 different values, and TSCF: 5 different values giving a total of 5×2×5 = 50 model runs. The initial ET width was selected to contain the plume as it was a little wider than the plume. It would not be good from the practical point of view to select a wider phytoremediation system relative to the plume width. The wider the phytoremediation system, the more mass-flux towards the ET zone, and this will result in a wider plume. This also will be discussed in more details in Section 5.3.4. Figure 5.9 shows that the higher the TSCF value (as TSCF reaches 1.0 theoretically), the higher the solute mass removal from the aquifer. It is also interesting to refer to the fact that the amount of water withdrawn is the same for all TSCF values, but the solute mass removed form the model domain is different. Figure 5.9 also shows that the amount of solute mass removal for the same value of TSCF is higher in case of LET=0.5Lp compared with LET=Lp despite the fact that the total QET is the same (maximum ET rate is different). The full set of figures of this section is presented in Appendix A. 121 Thousands 36 34 32 ET, W=300 Mass-in, g 30 TSCF=1.0 TSCF=0.75 28 TSCF=0.50 TSCF=0.25 26 TSCF=0.0 24 22 20 0 365 730 1095 1460 1825 2190 2555 2920 3285 3650 Time, Days a) LET=Lp, QET = 0.0005 m3/d/m2 Thousands WET=300 36 34 32 Mass-in, g ET, W=300 30 TSCF=1.0 TSCF=0.75 28 TSCF=0.50 TSCF=0.25 26 TSCF=0.0 24 22 20 0 365 730 1095 1460 1825 2190 2555 2920 3285 3650 Time, Days b) LET=0.5Lp, QET = 0.001 m3/d/m2 WET=300 Figure 5.9. Effect of ET width on solute mass removal for different values of TSCF: a) LET=Lp and b) LET=0.5Lp. 122 Thousands 36 34 W=300 32 Mass-in, g W=250 W=200 30 W=150 W=100 28 NA 26 24 0 365 730 1095 1460 1825 2190 2555 2920 3285 3650 Time, d a) LET=Lp, QET = 0.0005 m3/d/m2 Thousands TSCF=0.750 36 34 W=300 Mass-in, g 32 W=250 W=200 30 W=150 W=100 28 NA 26 24 0 365 730 1095 1460 1825 2190 2555 2920 3285 3650 Time, d b) LET=0.5Lp, QET = 0.001 m3/d/m2 TSCF=0.750 Figure 5.10. Effect of TSCF on solute mass removal ET width values for: a) LET=Lp, and b) LET=0.5Lp. The results indicating the followings: 1- The width of the phytoremediation system, WET, is affecting the solute mass-removal. The higher the width, the more mass is removed, Figure 5.10. However, the reduction in solute mass is not noticeable for WET=150 to 300. 2- The density of trees closer to the contaminant source (The case where LET=0.5Lp) has higher effect on solute mass removal. The higher the trees density closer to the contaminant source (represented in maximum ET rate), the higher the solute mass removal, Figure 5.9. 3- The width of the ET area will have slight effect on the mass removal for different values of TSCF. Figure 5.10 shows the mass removal curves for different ET widths, and the charts are very close together except for WET=100. 123 5.3.3 Effect of ET Area on Plume Concentration For the same model parameters described in section 5.2, the solute dissolved concentration values are estimated using SEAM3D-PUP at selected observation points along the longitudinal model centerline and downstream the source, (Figure 5.11). The observation points are 100 m apart and are listed in Table 5.2. The solute dissolved concentrations at the observation points under natural attenuation conditions only, are presented in Table 5.3. 1500.0 1100.0 100.0 WET 500.0 L ET Figure 5.11. Observation points for concentration profile. Table 5.3. Observation cells (i, j, k) i j k Distance from the source, m NA concentration, mg/L 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 8 28 48 68 88 108 128 148 168 188 208 228 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.0 100.0 200.0 300.0 400.0 500.0 600.0 700.0 800.0 900.0 1000.0 1100.0 1.0 0.6308 0.3843 0.2309 0.1388 0.08392 0.05108 0.0313 0.0193 0.01197 0.00747 0.00468 124 The ET width is changed five times (WET/WS = 3.0, 2.5, 2.0, 1.5, and 1.0) where Ws is the width of the source. The TSCF values were (1.0, 0.75, 0.50, 0.25, 0.0) and the concentration values are recorded at the observation points at different stress periods. Figure 5.12 shows the effect of WET on the reduction of plume concentration with time. The wider the photo zone, the lower the plume concentration downstream the source. The case where LET=0.5Lp showed more concentration reduction with time than the case of LET=Lp. The reduction in concentration is due to the fact that maximum ET rate in the case of LET=0.5Lp double the maximum ET rate in case of LET=Lp. Although the total QET is the same, but the withdrawal effect of the trees in the first case is higher because it is closer to the source (cells of highest concentrations). 0.09 0.09 0.08 0.08 0.07 0.07 NA W=250 W=200 0.04 W=150 0.03 NA 0.06 W=300 0.05 Conc., mg/L Conc., mg/L 0.06 W=100 W=300 0.05 W=250 W=200 0.04 W=150 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 0 W=100 0 0 365 730 1095 1460 1825 2190 2555 2920 3285 3650 0 365 730 1095 1460 Time, d 1825 2190 2555 2920 3285 3650 Time, d Distance from source = 500 Distance from source = 500 0.008 0.008 0.007 0.007 0.006 0.006 NA W=300 Conc., mg/L Conc., mg/L NA 0.005 W=250 0.004 W=200 W=150 0.003 0.005 W=300 W=250 0.004 W=200 W=150 0.003 W=100 W=100 0.002 0.002 0.001 0.001 0 0 0 365 730 1095 1460 1825 2190 2555 2920 3285 3650 0 Time, d 365 730 1095 1460 1825 2190 2555 2920 3285 3650 Time, d Distance from source = 1000 a) LET=Lp Distance from source = 1000 b) LET=0.5Lp Figure 5.12. Concentration profiles at distances = 500, and 1000 downstream the source for different values of WET for a) LET=Lp and b) LET=0.5Lp, where TSCF=1.0. Figure 5.13 shows the results of concentration profile at different stress periods for TSCF=1.0, and for a) LET=Lp and b) LET=0.5Lp. The results is showing that the reduction in plume length due to phytoremediation is a slow process (takes years to significantly reduce the plume length) and also shows that the reduction in plume concentration starts to take place at a certain distance downstream 125 the source (approximately equal to 300m in case of LET=Lp, and 200m for LET=0.5Lp). The reduction in the plume length was larger in the case of LET=0.5Lp than in the case of LET=Lp. The full set of charts for this case study is presented in Appendix A. W=300, L(ET)=0.5Lp 1 1 0.1 0.1 Conc., mg/L Conc., mg/L W=300, L(ET)=Lp t=+365 t=+1825 0.01 t=+3650 0.001 t=+365 t=+1825 0.01 t=+3650 0.001 0.0001 0.0001 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 0 100 200 300 400 500 Dist., m 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 Dist., m a) b) Figure 5.13. Concentration vs. distance at different observation points downstream the source at the end of different stress periods for a) LET=Lp and b) LET=0.5Lp. W/Ws=3.0, L(ET)=Lp 1 Conc., mg/L 0.1 NA GMS-ET TSCF=1.0 0.01 TSCF=0.75 TSCF=0.50 TSCF=0.25 TSCF=0.0 0.001 0.0001 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 Dist., m a) LET=Lp, QET = 0.0005 m3/d/m2 W/Ws=3.0, L(ET)=0.5Lp 1 Conc., mg/L 0.1 NA GMS-ET TSCF=1.0 0.01 TSCF=0.75 TSCF=0.50 TSCF=0.25 TSCF=0.0 0.001 0.0001 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 Dist., m b) LET=0.5Lp, QET = 0.001 m3/d/m2 Figure 5.14. Concentration profiles for different TSCF values used to calculate the plume length at a concentration = 1% of the source concentration for a) LET=Lp and b) LET=0.5Lp. 126 The concentration profile charts (Figures 5.14) were used to find the distance at a concentration = 1% of the source concentration (i.e. 0.01 mg/L) and that distance is considered to be the plume length, Lp* (The shrunk plume length due to phytoremediation effect). The results are arranged in Table 5.4 and 5.5. The plume length under natural attenuation conditions, Lp, and the reduced plume length due to the phytoremediation effect, Lp*, are used to create deign charts to estimate the phytoremediation dimensions required to reach certain RAO. The charts and design examples are presented in Section 5.4. The concentration results indicating the followings: 1- The width of the phytoremediation system, WET, is affecting the solute concentration downstream the source and thus the plume length. The higher the width of the phytoremediation system, the shorter the plume length for both LET=0.5Lp and LET=Lp, (Figure 5.12). 2- Figure 5.14 shows the sensitivity of plume concentration towards the range of TSCF values. The trend was expected as the TSCF increases, the more the solute mass removal, and thus decreasing the concentration. It is also noticeable that the concentration profiles for different values of TSCF tend to gather in one line after a certain distance downstream the source in the case of LET=0.5Lp. While in the case of LET=Lp, the concentration profiles for different values of TSCF remain separate lines. This leads to the conclusion that TSCF will have minimal effect of the concentration after a certain distance downstream the source, and the longer LET, the longer that distance will be. 3- The density of trees closer to the contaminant source (The case where LET=0.5Lp) has higher effect on the solute concentration reduction downstream the source. The higher the tree density closer to the contaminant source (represented in maximum ET rate), the lower the solute concentration downstream the source, (Figures 5.13 and 5.14). Comparing the length of plume after phytoremediation, Lp*, and the plume length under natural attenuation conditions, Lp, for different ET lengths is presented in Figures 5.15. 127 4- The reduction of the plume length relative to the NA plume length ( Lp − Lp * Lp % ) reached a percentage of approximately 26% for the case where LET=0.5Lp or with maximum ET rate of 0.001 m3/d/m2) and a value of approximately 15% for the case where LET=Lp or with maximum ET rate of 0.0005 m3/d/m2 after 10 years of applying the phytoremediation system, (Figures 5.16 and 5.17). The full set of figures of this section model runs are presented in Appendix A. 128 Table 5.4. Plume lengths at a concentration equals to 1% of the source concentration for ET length = 1000 m (approximately equals to the plume length). ET width, WET TSCF M Qin (100 cells) Max ET rate ET area QET Uin Lp Lp* m3/d/cell (m3/d)/m2 (cells) m3/d m2/d m m Lp*/Lp UET =qET*LET, 1000*.001 UET/Uin m2/d 300 1.00 1.5 0.0005 200×60 150 0.3 940 759 0.808 0.5 1.67 250 1.00 (150 m3/d) 0.0005 200×50 125 0.3 940 784 0.835 0.5 1.67 200 1.00 0.0005 200×40 100 0.3 940 805 0.856 0.5 1.67 150 1.00 0.0005 200×30 75 0.3 940 827 0.880 0.5 1.67 100 1.00 0.0005 200×20 50 0.3 940 850 0.904 0.5 1.67 300 0.75 0.0005 200×60 150 0.3 940 784 0.835 0.5 1.67 250 0.75 0.0005 200×50 125 0.3 940 810 0.862 0.5 1.67 200 0.75 0.0005 200×40 100 0.3 940 831 0.884 0.5 1.67 150 0.75 0.0005 200×30 75 0.3 940 857 0.912 0.5 1.67 100 0.75 0.0005 200×20 50 0.3 940 879 0.936 0.5 1.67 300 0.50 0.0005 200×60 150 0.3 940 809 0.861 0.5 1.67 250 0.50 0.0005 200×50 125 0.3 940 834 0.888 0.5 1.67 200 0.50 0.0005 200×40 100 0.3 940 859 0.913 0.5 1.67 150 0.50 0.0005 200×30 75 0.3 940 885 0.942 0.5 1.67 100 0.50 0.0005 200×20 50 0.3 940 905 0.963 0.5 1.67 300 0.25 0.0005 200×60 150 0.3 940 834 0.887 0.5 1.67 250 0.25 0.0005 200×50 125 0.3 940 862 0.917 0.5 1.67 200 0.25 0.0005 200×40 100 0.3 940 887 0.944 0.5 1.67 150 0.25 0.0005 200×30 75 0.3 940 912 0.970 0.5 1.67 100 0.25 0.0005 200×20 50 0.3 940 934 0.994 0.5 1.67 300 0.0 0.0005 200×60 150 0.3 940 858 0.912 0.5 1.67 250 0.0 0.0005 200×50 125 0.3 940 889 0.946 0.5 1.67 200 0.0 0.0005 200×40 100 0.3 940 912 0.970 0.5 1.67 150 0.0 0.0005 200×30 75 0.3 940 939 0.999 0.5 1.67 100 0.0 0.0005 200×20 50 0.3 940 960 1.021 0.5 1.67 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 129 Table 5.5. Plume lengths at a concentration equals to 1% of the source concentration for ET length = 500 m (approximately half the plume length). ET width, WET 300 TSCF 1.00 Qin (100 cells) Max ET rate ET area QET Uin m3/d/cell (m3/d)/m2 (cells) M3/d m2/d 0.001 100×60 150 0.001 100×50 1.5 3 (150 m /d) Lp Lp* Lp*/Lp UET =qET*LET, 500*.001 UET/Uin m2/d m m 0.3 940 628 0.668 0.5 1.67 125 0.3 940 666 0.709 0.5 1.67 250 1.00 200 1.00 0.001 100×40 100 0.3 940 706 0.751 0.5 1.67 150 1.00 0.001 100×30 75 0.3 940 747 0.795 0.5 1.67 100 1.00 0.001 100×20 50 0.3 940 791 0.842 0.5 1.67 300 0.75 0.001 100×60 150 0.3 940 656 0.698 0.5 1.67 250 0.75 0.001 100×50 125 0.3 940 692 0.736 0.5 1.67 200 0.75 0.001 100×40 100 0.3 940 737 0.784 0.5 1.67 150 0.75 0.001 100×30 75 0.3 940 778 0.828 0.5 1.67 100 0.75 0.001 100×20 50 0.3 940 821 0.873 0.5 1.67 300 0.5 0.001 100×60 150 0.3 940 676 0.719 0.5 1.67 250 0.5 0.001 100×50 125 0.3 940 718 0.764 0.5 1.67 1.5 1.5 200 0.5 0.001 100×40 100 0.3 940 762 0.811 0.5 1.67 150 0.5 0.001 100×30 75 0.3 940 802 0.853 0.5 1.67 100 0.5 0.001 100×20 50 0.3 940 845 0.899 0.5 1.67 300 0.25 0.001 100×60 150 0.3 940 695 0.740 0.5 1.67 250 0.25 0.001 100×50 125 0.3 940 737 0.784 0.5 1.67 200 0.25 0.001 100×40 100 0.3 940 786 0.836 0.5 1.67 150 0.25 0.001 100×30 75 0.3 940 830 0.883 0.5 1.67 100 0.25 0.001 100×20 50 0.3 940 872 0.928 0.5 1.67 300 0.0 0.001 100×60 150 0.3 940 713 0.759 0.5 1.67 250 0.0 0.001 100×50 125 0.3 940 758 0.806 0.5 1.67 200 0.0 0.001 100×40 100 0.3 940 806 0.857 0.5 1.67 150 0.0 0.001 100×30 75 0.3 940 849 0.903 0.5 1.67 100 0.0 0.001 100×20 50 0.3 940 893 0.950 0.5 1.67 1.5 1.5 130 TSCF=1.0 1.05 1.00 0.95 Lp*/Lp 0.90 0.85 L(ET)=0.5Lp L(ET)=Lp 0.80 0.75 0.70 0.65 0.60 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3 W/Ws W/Ws=3.0 0.95 0.90 Lp*/Lp 0.85 0.80 L(ET)=0.5Lp L(ET)=Lp 0.75 0.70 0.65 0.60 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 TSCF Figure 5.15. Comparison of the plume length under ET, (Lp*), to the plume length under natural attenuation only, (Lp), for different ET dimensions (W/Ws) and TSCF values. 131 W=300, L(ET)=0.5Lp, t=+365, TSCF=1.0 Conc., mg/L 1 0.1 t=+365 NA (+365) 0.01 0.001 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 Dist., m W=300, L(ET)=Lp, t=+365, TSCF=1.0 Conc., mg/L 1 0.1 t=+365 NA (+365) 0.01 0.001 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Dist., m (a) Time = +365 after phytoremediation starts Figure 5.16. Concentration profiles at different times after the phytoremediation system starts for two different LET. 132 W=300, L(ET)=0.5Lp,t=+1825, TSCF=1.0 Conc., mg/L 1 0.1 t=+1825 NA 0.01 0.001 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 Dist., m W=300, L(ET)=Lp, t=+1825, TSCF=1.0 Conc., mg/L 1 0.1 t=+1825 NA 0.01 0.001 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 Dist., m (b) Time = +1825 (5 years) after phytoremediation starts Figure 5.16. Concentration profiles, Continued. 133 W=300, L(ET)=0.5Lp,t=3650, TSCF=1.0 1 Conc., mg/L 0.1 t=+3650 0.01 NA 0.001 0.0001 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 Dist., m L(ET)=Lp, W=300, t=3650, TSCF=1.0 1 Conc., mg/L 0.1 t=+3650 0.01 NA 0.001 0.0001 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 Dist., m (c) Time = +3650 (10 years) after phytoremediation starts Figure 5.16. Concentration profiles, continued. 134 30.0 % reduction in plume length 25.0 20.0 L(ET)=0.5Lp 15.0 L(ET)=Lp 10.0 5.0 0.0 0.00 730.00 1460.00 2190.00 2920.00 3650.00 +Time, d Figure 5.17. Reduction in plume length due to phytoremediation. 135 Radioactive decay or biodegradation The groundwater contaminant chemical reactions include first-order irreversible rate reaction (such as radioactive decay), reversible equilibrium-controlled sorption with linear, Freundlich, or Langmuir isotherms, and reversible equilibrium-controlled ion exchange for divalent ions, (Zheng and Wang, 1998). The first-order irreversible rate reaction term included in the governing equation, (λ1θC + λ2 ρbC ) , represents the mass loss of both the dissolved phase (C) and the sorbed phase (C ) . The rate constant ⎛ ⎞ ln 2 ⎟ ⎜ is usually given in terms of the half-life, λ = ⎜ , (Fetter 1999). ⎜ t 1 ⎟⎟ ⎝ 2 ⎠ Where t1/2 is the half-life of radioactive or biodegradable materials (i.e., the time required for the concentration to decrease to one-half of the original value). For radioactive decay, the reaction generally occurs at the same rate in both phases. For biodegradation, however, it has been observed that certain reactions occur only in the dissolved phase. That is why two different rate constants may be needed. It should be noted that various biodegradation processes in the subsurface are usually more complex than that described by the first-order irreversible rate reaction, (Zheng and Wang, 1998). The radioactive decay/degradation process is assumed to follow first-order kinetics, which means that the rate of loss of mass at any given time is directly proportional to the mass present at that time. The contaminant concentration at a distance x relative to the source concentration, is given in the ⎡⎛ v − v 2 + 4 D λ x L equation: C ( x ) = C0 exp ⎢⎜ x ⎜ 2 DL ⎢ ⎣⎝ ⎞ ⎤ ⎟ x ⎥ , (Bedient et al., 1994). ⎟ ⎥ ⎠ ⎦ It is estimated that enhanced biodegradation will occur in the plantation area. Figure 5.18 represents the contaminant concentration profile for different values of decay rate, λ, which indicates that the higher the value of λ, the lower the plume concentration and thus the shorter the plume length. Increasing the decay rate from 0.001 to 0.002 d-1 (to resemble the rhizosphere effect) resulted in 136 decreasing the plume length from 625m to 400m approximately which represents about 36% reduction. NA W/Ws=3.0, L(ET)=0.5Lp, TSCF=1.0 1 Conc., mg/L 0.1 λ=0.001 d-1 0.01 NA Lamda=0.001 Lamda=0.002 0.001 0.0001 λ=0.002 d-1 0.00001 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 Dist., m Figure 5.18. Effect of decay rate due to phytoremediation on the dissolved concentration. 137 5.3.4 Effect of ET area and TSCF on mass-flux The mass-flux of the contaminants is equal to the average concentration (mg/L) times the average flowrate (L/d). The flowrate is calculated for each cell along the model cross-section using the equation Q= − KA(h2 − h1 ) , Where Q is the volumetric flow (L3T-1); K is the hydraulic conductivity of the L material in the direction of flow (LT-1); A is the cross-sectional area perpendicular to the flow (L2); h1-h2 is the head difference across the prism parallel to flow (L); and L is the length of the prism parallel to the flow path (L). The flowrate values of each cell can be found in the binary MODFLOW output file with extension *.CCF (the cell to cell flow file). The value of right-face flow (flow leaving the cell) is found for each cell, and multiplied by the concentration at the same cell to find the mass-flux at that particular cell. The average mass-flux will equal to the summation of the mass-flux of all the cells at a certain crosssection, m& = ∑ Ci × qi , (Figure 5.19). Δz n Cn qx (out) qx (in) Δy h1 h2 qn Δx x x+Δx C3 m& = ∑ Ci × qi C2 n C1 q3 q2 q1 Figure 5.19. Calculating of mass-flux for the flow model of SEAM3D-PUP. 138 The model parameters are the same as listed in table 5.1. Figure 5.20.a shows the flowrate leaving the right cell face (on the left y axis), the transverse concentration profile at X=500 m downstream the source, and the contaminant mass-flux (on the right y-axis). The contaminant mass-flux is maximum at the model centerline, and decreases at both ends to the left and right of the flow direction. Figure 5.20.b shows the sensitivity of mass-flux results towards TSCF for a model width equal to 300.0 m (WET/Ws= 3.0) and LET=Lp. The higher the TSCF, the lower the solute mass-flux. The mass-flux was reduced even when TSCF=0.0 due to the groundwater withdrawal by the trees. Figure 5.21.a shows a reduction in mass-flux due to the phytoremediation system relative to the massflux of natural attenuation conditions only, in a magnitude of 97% in case of TSCF=1.0. Comparing the mass-flux distribution across the model width (normal to the flow direction) at a distance = 500 m for different values of ET widths, shows that the mass-flux reduction in case of LET=0.5Lp is greater than that of LET=Lp. The two dashed vertical lines in the charts represent the left and right boundaries of the ET area, Figures 5.20.a and 5.21.a. The phytoremediation system was effective to the extent that it reversed the mass-flux for the case where WET=300 shown in 5.20b. All the rest of the run figures for different values of ET width and length, and different TSCF values are in Appendix A. 139 0.7 0.049 0.6 0.042 0.5 0.035 0.4 0.028 0.3 0.021 0.2 0.014 0.1 0.007 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Conc., mg/L & Mass-flux, g/d Flow, m3/d X=500, L(ET)=0.5Lp Flow Conc. Mass-flux 0 100 cell # across the model width (a) W=300, X=500, L(ET)=Lp 150 130 Mass-flux, mg/d 110 TSCF=1.0 90 TSCF=0.75 TSCF=0.5 70 TSCF=0.25 TSCF=0.0 50 NA 30 10 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Cell # across the model width (b) Figure 5.20. Distribution of right-face cell flow (out-flow), aqueous concentration and massflux at a cross-section 500 m DS the source (WET/WS = 2.0). 140 14 140 12 120 10 100 8 80 6 60 4 40 2 20 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Mass-flux (NA), mg/d Mass-flux, mg/d W=250, X=500, L(ET)=0.5Lp TSCF=1.0 TSCF=0.75 TSCF=0.50 TSCF=0.25 TSCF=0.0 NA 0 100 Cell # across the model width (a) 4 130 2 110 0 90 -2 70 -4 50 -6 30 -8 10 -10 0 20 40 60 80 Mass-flux (NA), mg/d Mass-flux, mg/d W=300, X=500, L(ET)=0.5Lp TSCF=1.0 TSCF=0.75 TSCF=0.5 TSCF=0.25 TSCF=0.0 NA -10 100 Cell # across the model width Figure 5.21. Mass-flux distribution at a cross-section 500 m DS the source for different TSCF values for a) WET/WS =2.50), and b) WET/WS =3.0. 141 The average mass-flux values were then calculated at different model cross-sections 100m apart. The cell concentrations, Ci, and the cell flowrate, qi are estimated at each cell along the model crosssection. The summation m& = ∑ Ci × qi gives the average mass-flux at a particular cross-section. n The average mass-flux results represented in Figure 5.22 indicated the efficiency of using a phytoremediation system to reduce the contaminant mass-flux. The system with dense trees (and higher QET of LET =0.5Lp) was more efficient in mass-flux reduction at all downstream sections and even reversed the mass-flux direction in the case of WET/Ws=3.0, Figure 5.21.b. The negative numerical values of mass-flux are not clear in Figure 5.22.b, but the full results of the average mass-flux Thousands for all the model runs in this section can be found in Table A.1, Appendix A. 35 30 Av., Mass-flux, mg/d 25 NA 20 TSCF=1.0 TSCF=0.75 15 TSCF=0.50 TSCF=0.25 10 TSCF=0.0 5 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 -5 Dist., m 3 2 WET=300 Av., Mass-flux, mg/d Thousands a) LET=Lp, QET = 0.0005 m /d/m 35 30 25 NA 20 TSCF=1.0 TSCF=0.75 15 TSCF=0.50 TSCF=0.25 10 TSCF=0.0 5 0 -5 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 Dist., m b) LET=0.5Lp, QET = 0.001 m3/d/m2 WET=300 Figure 5.22. Average Mass-flux results at different cross-sections downstream of the source for a) LET=Lp and b) LET=0.5Lp for different values of TSCF, and WET=300. 142 The average mass-flux results indicated the following: 1) The highest reduction in mass-flux occurred for the highest value of WET and TSCF, Figure 5.23; 2) The reduction in mass-flux is proportionally increasing with the increase of ET width in the case where LET = Lp, and changes Thousands abruptly after the ET width is larger then the source width in the case where LET=0.5Lp, (Figure 5.24). 35 30 Av., Mass-flux, mg/d 25 20 NA L(ET)=Lp 15 L(ET)=0.5Lp 10 5 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 -5 Dist., m Figure 5.23. Average contaminant mass-flux at different cross-sections downstream the source for LET=Lp and LET=0.5Lp, (WET=300, and TSCF=1.0). 3000 2500 2500 2000 2000 1500 1500 1000 1000 500 500 0 Av. Mass-flux, mg/d 3500 3000 Av. diff in mass-flux, mg/d Av. Mass-flux, mg/d 3500 Av. MF Av. Diff. MF 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3400 3400 2900 2900 2400 2400 1900 1900 1400 1400 900 900 400 400 -100 3 Av. MF Av. Diff. MF -100 0 W(ET)/Ws Av. diff in mass-flux, mg/d X=500, TSCF=1.0, L(ET)=0.5Lp X=500, TSCF=1.0, L(ET)=Lp 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 W(ET)/WS Figure 5.24. Average mass-flux reduction vs. (W/Ws) for different values of TSCF and LET. 143 5.4 Effect of Groundwater Flux and ET flux rates The second set of runs will investigate the effect of the model system (or the unconfined aquifer) influx represented in the well discharge, Qin relative to the out-flux represented in QET. The in-flux is a ⎛ m3 ⎞ Qin Qin Qin ⎜ d ⎟ h= = function of the saturated thickness, h, that is U in = q × h = , where h is (B × h ) B ⎜⎜ m ⎟⎟ A ⎝ ⎠ the saturated thickness and B is the model width. The in-flow to the aquifer is kept constant by using injection wells at the left boundary. The total flow-in will equal to the number of wells multiplied by the well flow. Three values for well flow are assumed (2.0, 1.5, and 1.05 m3/d/cell) giving three different values of aquifer flux (0.4, 0.3, and 0.21 m3/d/m). On the other hand, the out-flux of the max max aquifer resulted from the phytoremediation system U ET = qET × LET , where qET is the maximum ET rate which is kept constant and equal to 0.0005 m3/d/m2 and LET is the phytoremediation system length, m. The out-flux values are controlled by changing LET values. LET is selected according to the plume length under natural attenuation conditions, (Figure 5.25a). After the model is run under the previous conditions, and the plume is already characterized according to geological and hydro-geological parameters reaching steady-state stability, the length of ET is changed four times in proportion to the recorded stable plume length to be equal to (Lp, 0.75Lp, 0.5Lp, and 0.25Lp), (Figure 5.25.b). Furthermore, the phytoremediation area is placed at different locations in the model relative to the contaminant source and the plume toe. If the phytoremediation area starts at the plume toe going towards the source, a model parameter defining the distance from the source to the phyto zone, XET is introduced, (Figure 5.25.c). When the phytoremediation zone starts at the contaminant source, XET will equal to zero. The total number of model runs is displayed in Tables 5.6 and 5.7. 144 Q ET Constant-head Cells L ET Q in WET (a) L(ET)4 L(ET)3 L(ET)2 L(ET)1 (b) Source ET In-Flow X ET (c) Figure 5.25. Conceptual model for the study case 5-4. 145 Table 5.6. Phytoremediation area starts at the source (XET=0.0). NA length, Lp=1237, ET Max. Length=1240, TSCF=1.0, WET=300, ET max rate=0.0005 m3/d/cell ET length, LET 310 Area 2 m Qin 3 m /d/cell Qin 3 m /d QET 3 m /d Uin 2 m /d Lp m Lp* m Lp*/Lp UET 2 m /d UET/Uin 93000 2.0 200 46.5 0.4 1237 1125.4 0.910 0.16 0.388 620 186000 2.0 200 93 0.4 1237 1044.4 0.844 0.31 0.775 930 279000 2.0 200 139.5 0.4 1237 1009.2 0.816 0.47 1.163 1240 372000 2.0 200 186 0.4 1237 1011.4 0.818 0.62 1.550 UET 2 m /d UET/Uin NA length = 976, ET max length = 980, TSCF=1.0, WET=300, ET max rate = 0.0005 ET length, LET 245 73500 1.5 150 36.75 0.3 976 886.2 0.908 0.12 0.408 490 147000 1.5 150 73.5 0.3 976 820.7 0.841 0.25 0.817 735 220500 1.5 150 110.25 0.3 976 793.4 0.813 0.37 1.225 980 294000 1.5 150 147 0.3 976 796.5 0.816 0.49 1.633 Area 2 m Qin 3 m /d/cell Qin 3 m /d QET 3 m /d Uin 2 m /d Lp m Lp* m Lp*/Lp NA length = 703.5, ET max length = 700, TSCF=1.0, WET=300, ET max rate = 0.0005 ET length, LET Area 2 m Qin 3 m /d/cell Qin 3 m /d QET 3 m /d Uin 2 m /d Lp m Lp* m Lp*/Lp UET/Uin UET 2 m /d 175 52500 1.05 105 26.25 0.21 731.5 664.6 0.909 0.09 0.417 350 105000 1.05 105 52.5 0.21 731.5 614.3 0.840 0.18 0.833 525 157500 1.05 105 78.75 0.21 731.5 592.0 0.809 0.26 1.250 700 210000 1.05 105 105 0.21 731.5 594.8 0.813 0.35 1.667 Table 5.7. Phytoremediation area starts at the plume toe (XET is variable) NA length = 976, ET max length = 980, TSCF=1.0, WET=300, ET max rate = 0.0005 ET length, LET XET 245 0.75Lp 73500 1.5 150 36.75 0.3 976 968.7 0.992 0.12 490 0.5Lp 147000 1.5 150 73.5 0.3 976 933.4 0.956 0.25 0.817 735 0.25Lp 220500 1.5 150 110.25 0.3 976 873.8 0.895 0.37 1.225 980 0.0 294000 1.5 150 147 0.3 976 796.5 0.816 0.49 1.633 Area 2 m Qin 3 m /d/cell Qin 3 m /d QET 3 m /d Uin 2 m /d Lp m Lp* m Lp*/Lp UET 2 m /d UET/Uin 0.408 NA length = 1237, ET max length = 1240, TSCF=1.0, WET=300, ET max rate = 0.0005 ET length, LET XET Area 2 m 310 0.75Lp 93000 2.0 200 46.5 0.4 1237 1225.6 0.991 0.16 620 0.5Lp 186000 2.0 200 93 0.4 1237 1181.0 0.955 0.31 0.775 930 0.25Lp 279000 2.0 200 139.5 0.4 1237 1107.3 0.895 0.47 1.163 1240 0.0 372000 2.0 200 186 0.4 1237 1011.4 0.818 0.62 1.550 Qin 3 m /d/cell Qin 3 m /d QET 3 m /d Uin 2 m /d Lp* m Lp m Lp*/Lp UET 2 m /d UET/Uin 0.388 NA length =703.5, ET max length = 700, TSCF=1.0, WET=300, ET max rate = 0.0005 ET length, LET XET 175 0.75Lp 52500 1.05 105 26.25 0.21 731.5 723.7 0.989 0.09 350 0.5Lp 105000 1.05 105 52.5 0.21 731.5 696.0 0.951 0.18 0.833 525 0.25Lp 157500 1.05 105 78.75 0.21 731.5 651.6 0.891 0.26 1.250 700 0.0 210000 1.05 105 105 0.21 731.5 594.8 0.813 0.35 1.667 Area 2 m Qin 3 m /d/cell Qin 3 m /d QET 3 m /d Uin 2 m /d 146 Lp m Lp* m Lp*/Lp UET 2 m /d UET/Uin 0.417 5.4.1 Effect of Aquifer In-Flux/ Out-Flux on Mass Removal The solute mass removal (represented in total solute mass in the aquifer) is presented in the figures 5.26 to 5.29. The starting point of simulation is when phytoremediation is applied after the plume has reached a steady-state. The total simulation time after phytoremediation effect is active is ten years or twenty stress periods. Depending on the value of in-flux, Qin, the length of the steady-state plume is determined. Results showed that the steady-state plume lengths are 1237m, 976m, and 731.5m for Qin= 200, 150, 105 m3/d respectively, (Table 5.4). The longest ET lengths (LET=Lp) are then selected to be 1240m, 980m, and 700m respectively. Figure 5.26 shows the solute mass in the aquifer (or model domain) for different aquifer in-flux rates (200, 150, and 105 m3/d) and four different ET lengths (LET=Lp, 0.75Lp, 0.5Lp, and 0.25Lp). The different ET lengths produce different out-flux, UET. The values of UET are presented in table 5.4 and 5.5. For each of the ET lengths, two different locations for the phyto area are selected. The first placement is at the source (the left edge of the phyto area coincide with the source left edge), and at the plume toe (The right edge of the phyto area is touching or slightly to the right of the plume toe). The two previous phyto locations will be referred to as: (at source, and at the plume toe), respectively. For all the runs in this section, TSCF value was assumed to be 1.0. Also, Figures 5.26 and 5.27 are showing that the placement of the ET area away from the contaminant source has very low effect on the solute mass removal even though the quantity of groundwater transpired is the same. For example, comparing the location of the ET areas in Figure 5.28 is showing that placing a phyto system of LET = 0.5Lp starting the contamination source gave much better results for solute mass removal than placing the same ET area at the plume toe. 147 Q=200, ET at the source Thousands LET=0.25 Lp Mass rmoval, g LET= 0.50Lp LET= 0.75Lp 46 44 42 40 38 36 L(ET)/Lp=0.25 34 L(ET)/Lp=0.50 32 L(ET)/Lp=0.75 30 28 L(ET)/Lp=1.00 26 24 22 20 0 365 730 1095 1460 1825 2190 2555 2920 3285 3650 Time, d (a) (b) Q=150, ET at the source Q=105, ET at the source Thousands 46 44 42 40 38 36 L(ET)/Lp=0.25 34 32 L(ET)/Lp=0.50 30 L(ET)/Lp=1.00 Mass rmoval, g Mass rmoval, g Thousands LET= Lp L(ET)/Lp=0.75 28 26 46 44 42 40 38 36 L(ET)/Lp=0.25 34 32 L(ET)/Lp=0.50 30 L(ET)/Lp=1.00 L(ET)/Lp=0.75 28 26 24 24 22 22 20 20 0 365 730 1095 1460 1825 2190 2555 2920 3285 3650 0 Time, d 365 730 1095 1460 1825 2190 2555 2920 3285 3650 Time, d (c) (d) Figure 5.26. Solute mass in the aquifer (or model domain) for different aquifer in-flux and ET lengths (different out-flux) where the ET length starts at the source, TSCF=1.0. 148 LET=0.25 Lp Thousands Q=200, ET at the plume toe LET= 0.75Lp 45 40 Mass rmoval, g LET= 0.50Lp 50 L(ET)/Lp=0.25 L(ET)/Lp=0.50 35 L(ET)/Lp=0.75 L(ET)/Lp=1.00 30 25 20 0 365 730 1095 1460 1825 2190 2555 2920 3285 3650 Time, d (a) (b) Q=150, ET at the plume toe Q=105, ET at the plume toe Thousands 36 34 32 30 L(ET)/Lp=0.25 L(ET)/Lp=0.50 28 L(ET)/Lp=0.75 L(ET)/Lp=1.00 26 25 24.5 24 23.5 Mass rmoval, g Mass rmoval, g Thousands LET= Lp L(ET)/Lp=0.25 23 L(ET)/Lp=0.50 22.5 L(ET)/Lp=0.75 22 L(ET)/Lp=1.00 21.5 24 21 22 20.5 20 20 0 365 730 1095 1460 1825 2190 2555 2920 3285 3650 0 365 730 1095 1460 1825 2190 2555 2920 3285 3650 Time, d Time, d (c) (d) Figure 5.27. Solute mass in the aquifer (or model domain) for different aquifer in-flux and ET lengths (different out-flux) where the ET length starts at the plume toe. L(ET)/Lp = 0.75 Thousands 34 33 32 Mass removal, g Mass removal, g Thousands L(ET)/Lp=0.50 35 ET at source ET at plume toe 31 30 35 34 33 32 31 ET at source 30 ET at plume toe 29 28 27 29 26 28 25 0 365 730 1095 1460 1825 2190 2555 2920 3285 3650 0 Time, d 365 730 1095 1460 1825 2190 2555 2920 3285 3650 Time, d Figure 5.28. Comparison of solute mass in aquifer for different ET placement. 149 There is a trend of increased solute mass removal with the increase of the ET length relative to the plume length, LET/Lp. The reduction of solute mass is acute for values of LET/Lp < 1.0 and tends to reach a stable value with LET/Lp > 1.0 which leads to the conclusion of the closer the ET area to the contaminant source, the more efficient the system for mass removal, figure 5.29.a and b. Figures 5.29.c and 5.29.d show that the change in aquifer in-flux, Qin, has minimal effect on the solute mass reduction when the phyto zone is at the plume toe. ET at the source 18 18 17 17 % reduction in solute mass % reduction in solute mass ET at the source 16 15 Qin=200 Qin=150 14 Qin=105 13 12 11 16 15 Qin=200 Qin=150 14 Qin=105 13 12 11 10 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 10 0.000 1.2 0.500 1.000 1.500 2.000 U(ET)/U(in) (a) (b) ET at the plume toe ET at the plume toe 18 18 16 16 % reduction in solute mass % reduction in solute mass L(ET)/Lp 14 12 Qin=200 10 Qin=150 8 Qin=105 6 4 2 14 12 Qin=200 10 Qin=150 8 Qin=105 6 4 2 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.000 1.2 L(ET)/Lp 0.500 1.000 1.500 2.000 U(ET)/U(in) (c) (d) Figure 5.29. Effect of out-flux, UET relative to in-flux, Uin on the solute mass removal. 150 5.4.2 Effect of aquifer in-flux/ out-flux on plume concentration The next parameter in the design outcomes is the reduction in plume concentration due to using of a phytoremediation system. The concentration profiles for different ET lengths and locations is shown in Figures 5.30 for the value of in-flux, Qin=200. The rest of the charts for Qin=150, 105 m3/d are shown in Appendix A. The in-flow discharge to the model domain is controlled by changing the well flowrate at the model left boundary. The results indicated that the higher the in-flux, the longer the plume length to reach the dynamic stability. The shorter ET lengths (for the cases of LET=0.25 Lp) has little effect on the plume concentration specially if its location is at the plume toe, (Figure 5.30). The concentration profiles for all the ET lengths and locations are lower than the natural attenuation-only concentration. Comparing the effect of ET location on the plume downstream concentration indicated that the best location for a phytoremediation system is closer as possible to the contaminant source, (Figure 5.31). TSCF has the expected effect on the plume length that is the higher the TSCF value, the more solute mass is uptaken, and the lower the plume concentration. 151 Q=200 Conc., mg/L 1 0.1 L(ET)=0.25 Lp L(ET)=0.50 Lp L(ET)=0.75 Lp L(ET) = Lp NA 0.01 0.001 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 Dist., m (a) ET starts at the source Q=200 Conc., mg/L 1 0.1 L(ET) = 0.25 Lp L(ET) = 0.50 Lp L(ET) = 0.75 Lp L(ET) = Lp NA 0.01 0.001 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 Dist., m (b) ET starts at the plume toe Figure 5.30. Concentration profiles for aquifer in-flux (Qin=2.0 m3/d/cell) and different ET lengths and locations. 152 Q=150 Conc., mg/L 1 0.1 L(ET)=0.25 Lp at right edge 0.01 0.001 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Dist., m Q=150 Conc., mg/L 1 0.1 L(ET)=0.50 Lp at right edge 0.01 0.001 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Dist., m Q=150 Conc., mg/L 1 0.1 L(ET)=0.75 Lp at right edge 0.01 0.001 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Dist., m Figure 5.31. Comparison for concentration profiles for different ET locations. 153 5.4.3 Effect of Aquifer In-Flux/Out-Flux on Average Solute Mass-Flux The third parameter to investigate in the design outcomes is the mass-flux. The mass-flux results are estimated for different inflow rates (200, 150, and 105 m3/d), for different ET lengths, and locations. The ET lengths are changed four times with respect to the stable plume length: 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, and 1.0 of Lp. The steady-state plume length is different for each inflow rate, and LET are selected accordingly, (Table 5.6 and 5.7). The first set of figures, Figure 5.32 to 5.35 displays the average solute mass-flux for different LET lengths and locations, the reduction in mass-flux due to the effect of ET, and comparison between mass-flux results in the case of the ET at the source and at the plume toe. Figure 5.32 shows the average solute mass-flux at different cross-sections downstream the source. The Qin for this chart equals to 200 m3/d, and a TSCF = 1.0. The mass-flux curves tend to be one line at a distance closer to the source, and then each line separates a different downstream distance according to LET. The lowest mass-flux values were for the case of LET = Lp (UET/Uin=1.55). It is clear that the higher UET/Uin, the lower the mass-flux at the same cross-section. Figure 5.33 shows the reduction and percentage reduction in mass-flux relative to the mass-flux under natural attenuation conditions due to the use of a phyto system. The highest reduction in massflux occurred at the plume toe for LET=Lp. A comparison between mass-flux results for LET/Lp = 0.5 and 0.75 for a phytoremediation system at the source and at the plume toes shows that the mass-flux is lower in the first case, (Figure 5.34.) Figure 5.35 displays the mass-flux sensitivity to TSCF for different ranges of ET dimensions and locations. The TSCF effect on mass-flux is almost insignificant for smaller values of UET/Uin and when the ET area is at the plume toe. 154 Qin=200, ET at the plume toe Qin=200, ET at the source 100000.0 100000.0 10000.0 Mass-flux, mg/d Mass-flux, mg/d 10000.0 L(ET)/Lp=0.25 1000.0 L(ET)/Lp=0.50 L(ET)/Lp=0.75 L(ET)/Lp=1.0 100.0 NA L(ET)/Lp=0.25 1000.0 L(ET)/Lp=0.50 L(ET)/Lp=0.75 L(ET)/Lp=1.0 100.0 NA 10.0 10.0 1.0 1.0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 0 200 400 600 Dist., m 800 1000 1200 1400 Dist., m Figure 5.32. Average solute mass-flux for different LET lengths and locations, Qin=200 m3/d. Reduction in mass flux Qin=200, ET at the right edge 4.5 3.5 L(ET)/Lp=0.25 L(ET)/Lp=0.50 2.5 L(ET)/Lp=0.75 L(ET)/Lp=1.0 1.5 0.5 Thousands 5.5 Reduction in Mass-flux, mg/d Thousands Reduction in Mass-flux, mg/d Reduction in mass flux Qin=200, ET at the left edge 5.5 4.5 3.5 L(ET)/Lp=0.25 L(ET)/Lp=0.50 2.5 L(ET)/Lp=0.75 L(ET)/Lp=1.0 1.5 0.5 -0.5 -0.5 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 0 200 400 600 Dist., m 1000 1200 1400 % Reduction in mass flux Qin=200, ET at the right edge % Reduction in mass flux Qin=200, ET at the left edge 95 % reduction in Mass-flux 95 % reduction inMass-flux 800 Dist., m 75 L(ET)/Lp=0.25 L(ET)/Lp=0.50 55 L(ET)/Lp=0.75 L(ET)/Lp=1.0 35 15 -5 75 L(ET)/Lp=0.25 55 L(ET)/Lp=0.50 L(ET)/Lp=0.75 L(ET)/Lp=1.0 35 15 -5 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 0 Dist., m 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 Dist., m Figure 5.33. Average reduction in solute mass-flux (with respect to the NA conditions) for different LET lengths and locations, Qin=200 m3/d. 155 Qin=200, L(ET)/Lp=0.50 Qin=200, L(ET)/Lp=0.75 100000.0 100000.0 10000.0 Mass-flux, mg/d Mass-flux, mg/d 10000.0 1000.0 at source at plume toe 100.0 1000.0 at source at plume toe 100.0 10.0 10.0 1.0 1.0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 0 1400 200 600 800 1000 1200 1400 L(ET)=0.75Lp L(ET)=0.5Lp 6000.0 6000.0 5000.0 5000.0 Mass-flux (difference), mg/d Mass-flux (difference), mg/d 400 Dist., m Dist., m 4000.0 3000.0 2000.0 1000.0 4000.0 3000.0 2000.0 1000.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 -1000.0 -1000.0 Dist., m Dist., m Figure 5.34. Comparison between mass-flux results for different phytoremediation system dimensions and locations. 156 100000 35 30 10000 Mass-flux, mg/day 25 TSCF=1.0 Mass-flux, mg/day Thousands Qin = 150, LET/Lp = 0.50. TSCF=0.75 20 TSCF=0.5 TSCF=0.25 15 TSCF=0.0 NA 10 TSCF=1.0 TSCF=0.75 TSCF=0.5 1000 TSCF=0.25 TSCF=0.0 NA 100 5 0 10 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Dist., m Dist., m Semi-log scale 100000 35 30 10000 Mass-flux, mg/day 25 TSCF=1.0 Mass-flux, mg/day Thousands Qin = 150, LET/Lp = 0.50. TSCF=0.75 20 TSCF=0.5 TSCF=0.25 15 TSCF=0.0 NA 10 TSCF=1.0 TSCF=0.75 TSCF=0.5 1000 TSCF=0.25 TSCF=0.0 NA 100 5 0 10 0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 1200 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Dist., m Dist., m Semi-log scale Figure 5.35. Effect of TSCF on the reduction of solute mass-flux (compared to the NA conditions) for left and right locations of ET. 157 5.5 Effect of Dividing the ET Area into Two Halves Sometimes the contaminant site may have constraints on selecting the location of a phytoremediation system. It may not be possible to place the phyto area closer to the contaminant source. The set of runs in this section is examining the effect of dividing the total ET area into two halves and thus reporting the effect on the design metric (concentration, solute mass removal, and mass-flux). The ET area is divided into two haves and the segments are arranged as shown in the following figure: 1- First and third quarters (1 & 3) 3- One segment at the source 2- Second and fourth quarters (2 & 4) 4- One segment at the plume toe The best performance for the phyto system, in terms of solute-mass removal and reducing the plume concentration downstream the source, was the location #3 (one segment at the source), (Figure 5.36). Still if this selection is not available, the second best performance was the location #1 then #2 and location #4 comes in the last order. Figure 5.38 shows the order of the phyto system performance in terms of solute mass removal to be as follows: Location #3, #1, #2, and then #4. Figure 5.37 shows the results of solute mass-flux for the four arrangements listed above. The order of best performance is the same as in mass removal and solute concentration. 158 1 35000 34000 33000 Solute Mass, g Conc., mg/L 0.1 Right edge 2&4 1&3 Left edge 0.01 Right Edge 32000 2&4 1&3 31000 Left Edge 30000 29000 0.001 0 200 400 600 800 1000 28000 1200 0 Dist., m 365 730 1095 1460 1825 2190 2555 2920 3285 3650 Time, d (a) Plume concentration at the end of simulation (b) Solute mass removal Figure 5.36. Effect of splitting the ET area into two halves on solute concentration and mass removal. 35000 100000 30000 10000 Mass-flux, mg/d Mass-flux, mg/d 25000 Right Edge 20000 2&4 1&3 15000 Left Edge Right Edge 1000 2&4 1&3 100 Left Edge 10000 10 5000 0 1 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 0 Dist., m 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Dist., m Figure 5.37. Effect of splitting the ET area into two halves on solute mass-flux. 159 18 Reduction of solute mass % 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Left Edge Right Edge 1&3 2&4 Figure 5.38. % Reduction in solute mass for different ET arrangements. 160 5.6 Effect of Removing the Source In this set of runs, the source will be removed by assigning zero concentration in the source area and removing the constant concentration ID in the source cells. Different positions for the ET area will be applied depending on the distance from the source. The object of this section is to evaluate the usefulness of a phyto system even after the contaminant source is removed. The previous set of ET area locations was used in the simulation of this section. Figure 5.39 shows the concentration profiles along the model centerline at different time steps after the contaminant source is removed. The profiles indicated that the use of a phyto system reduced the solute concentration for the distance closer to the source to approximately 500m downstream the source, and then follow the same trend of natural attenuation conditions. The location of the phyto system has noticeable effect on the concentration profile after the source is removed. Comparing the concentration profile for using the phyto system and under natural attenuation only shows that the reduction in concentration zone changes with time. Figure 5.40 shows that the reduction in concentration zone is at approximately 450m downstream the source at t=+1825d, but started at approximately 820m downstream the source at time =+3650d. Figure 5.41 shows the same trend for LET=Lp. The reduction in solute concentration (after the source is removed) for different LET lengths and locations is shown in Figure 5.42 which indicates that there was some distance where the concentration due to the use of a phyto system will be less than the natural attenuation concentration, but not for the whole distance downstream the source. In terms of solute mass removal, applying a phyto system after the source is removed has good effect on removing the contaminant in less time, (Figure 5.43). The solute mass reduction due to the phytoremediation system where the contaminant source is removed for different ET dimensions (LET= Lp, 0.5Lp at the source, and 0.5Lp at the plume toe) is presented in Figure 5.44. 161 Contaminant source removed L(ET)=0.5Lp at the Right edge Removed source Vs. NA 1 1 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.7 NA 0.6 t=+182.5 Conc., mg/L Conc., mg/L 0.8 t=+547.5 0.5 t=+912.5 0.4 t=+1277.5 0.3 t=+1642.5 0.7 NA 0.6 t=+182.5 t=+547.5 0.5 t=+912.5 0.4 t=+1277.5 0.3 t=+1642.5 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0 0 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 200 400 900 1000 1100 600 800 1000 1200 Dist., m Dist., m L(ET)=0.5Lp at the left edge L(ET)=Lp 1 1 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.7 NA 0.6 t=+182.5 Conc., mg/L Conc., mg/L 0.8 t=+547.5 0.5 t=+912.5 0.4 t=+1277.5 0.3 t=+1642.5 0.7 NA 0.6 t=+182.5 t=+547.5 0.5 t=+912.5 0.4 t=+1277.5 0.3 t=+1642.5 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0 0 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 Dist., m Dist, m Figure 5.39. Concentration profiles at different time steps after the contaminant source is removed. 162 L(ET)=0.5Lp (LEFT), t=+3650 L(ET)=0.5Lp (LEFT), t=+1825 0.08 0.008 0.07 0.007 0.06 0.006 Conc., mg/L Conc., mg/L 0.05 NA 0.04 ET 0.03 0.005 ET 0.003 0.02 0.002 0.01 0.001 0 NA 0.004 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 0 100 200 300 400 Dist., m 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 Dist., m L(ET)=0.5Lp (RIGHT), t=+1825 L(ET)=0.5Lp (RIGHT), t=+3650 0.08 0.008 0.07 0.007 0.06 0.006 0.05 Conc., mg/L Conc., mg/L 500 NA 0.04 ET 0.03 0.005 ET 0.003 0.02 0.002 0.01 0.001 0 NA 0.004 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 0 100 200 Dist., m 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 Dist., m Figure 5.40. Solute concentration profiles, source removed for LET=0.5Lp at left and right sides of the plume footprint. 163 L(ET)=Lp, t=+1825 0.08 0.008 0.07 0.007 0.06 0.006 0.05 Conc., mg/L Conc., mg/L L(ET)=Lp, t=+1825 NA 0.04 ET 0.03 0.005 NA 0.004 ET 0.003 0.02 0.002 0.01 0.001 0 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 0 1000 1100 100 200 300 400 500 t=+1825 700 800 900 1000 1100 t=+3650 L(ET)=0.5Lp (Right) L(ET)=0.5Lp (Left) L(ET)=Lp NA 0.08 0.008 0.07 0.007 0.06 0.006 Conc., mg/L Conc., mg/L NA 600 Dist., m Dist., m 0.05 0.04 0.03 L(ET)=0.5Lp(Left) L(ET)=Lp 0.005 0.004 0.003 0.02 0.002 0.01 0.001 0 L(ET)=0.5Lp(Right) 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 0 100 200 300 Dist., m 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 Dist., m Figure 5.41. Solute concentration profiles, source removed for LET=Lp, and comparison of the LET location effect on concentration. 164 t=+1825 t=+3650 L(ET)=0.5Lp(RIGHT) L(ET)=0.5Lp(LEFT) L(ET)=Lp 0.02 0.004 0.015 0.003 Reduction in concentration, mg/L Reduction in concentration, mg/L L(ET)=0.5Lp(LEFT) 0.01 0.005 0 -0.005 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 L(ET)=Lp 0.002 0.001 0 -0.001 1000 1100 L(ET)=0.5Lp(RIGHT) 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 -0.002 -0.01 -0.003 -0.004 -0.015 -0.005 -0.02 -0.006 Dist., m Dist., m Figure 5.42. Reduction in solute concentration (after the source is removed) for different LET lengths and locations. NA (Source removed) ET only NA only ET, Source removed 40000 35000 Solute mass, g 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 0 365 730 1095 1460 1825 2190 2555 2920 3285 3650 Time, d Figure 5.43. Solute mass in aquifer after removing the source, (a), and with a phytoremediation system (b). 165 L(ET)=0.5Lp, Left, Source ON NA(Source removed) L(ET)=0.5Lp, Right L(ET)=0.5Lp, Left L(ET)=Lp % reduction in solute mass at different times 50.0 40 35 % reduction in solute mass Thousands Solute mass, g NA, Source ON 30 25 20 15 10 5 40.0 30.0 Lp 20.0 Left Right 10.0 0.0 0 0 365 730 1095 1460 1825 2190 2555 2920 3285 -10.0 0 3650 365 730 1095 time, d 1460 1825 2190 2555 2920 3285 3650 Time, d Figure 5.44. Solute mass reduction due to applying a phytoremediation system where the contaminant source is removed. 5.7 Phytoremediation System Design Methodology A set of design charts for estimating a phytoremediation system dimensions for different remediation goals (of reducing the solute mass in the aquifer, reducing the plume length to a certain value, and/or reducing the average solute mass-flux at a certain cross-section downstream the contaminant source) and different TSCF values (according to the contaminant and tree types) are given in Figure 5.45 through Figure 5.49. The set of design charts in this section investigates the effect of the relative ET width to the source width, Ws for different values of TSCF on the design outcomes explained at the end of section 5.2. For the mass-removal design charts represented in Figure 5.45, the higher the ratio, WET , the more Ws the solute mass removal. Figure 5.46 can be used in design purposes providing that the source width, TSCF, and the reduction of the solute mass are known, so that the ET width can be estimated for a certain RAO of solute mass reduction. In Figure 5.46, M* denote the solute mass in the aquifer at the end of simulation period when a phytoremediation system is active, relative to M which represents the solute mass in the aquifer under natural attenuation conditions only. Figure 5.46 shows that the higher TSCF, the less the solute mass in aquifer (meaning more mass removal). A similar series of design charts are produced for the two other design metrics including plume length, and average contaminant mass-flux fore a wide variety of different modeling parameters. Figure 166 5.47 represents the effect of the relative phytoremediation system width, WET to the source width, Ws on the plume length for different values of TSCF. Figure 5.48 represents the effect of WET/Ws values on the average contaminant mass-flux, and Figure 5.49 represents the average mass-flux reduction vs. TSCF for different values of (WET/Ws) and LET. The design charts can be used to estimate the required phytoremediation width and length to achieve a certain design goal included in the design metric. The design charts presented in this section are also a useful decision making tool to decide if phytoremediation is the right option for the site remediation. Two design examples for using the charts in designing a phytoremediation system for plume length control are introduced in section 5.7.1 and 5.7.2. 167 Solute mass removal, L(ET)=0.5Lp 12000 12000 10000 10000 8000 Solute mass removal, g Solute mass removal, g Solute mass removal, L(ET)=Lp TSCF=1.0 TSCF=0.75 6000 TSCF=0.50 TSCF=0.25 4000 TSCF=0.0 8000 TSCF=1.0 TSCF=0.75 6000 TSCF=0.50 TSCF=0.25 TSCF=0.0 4000 2000 2000 0 100 150 200 250 0 100 300 150 200 W(ET), m 300 L(ET)=0.5Lp Thousands 36 34 32 TSCF=0.75 30 TSCF=0.50 TSCF=0.25 28 36 34 32 TSCF=1.0 Mass-in. g Mass-in aquifer, g Thousands L(ET)=Lp TSCF=1.0 TSCF=0.75 30 TSCF=0.50 TSCF=0.25 28 TSCF=0.0 26 TSCF=0.0 26 24 24 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 0 0.5 1 W/Ws 1.5 2 2.5 3 W/Ws L(ET)=Lp L(ET)=0.5Lp 1 1 0.95 0.95 0.9 Mass-in/Mass-in(NA) Mass-in/Mass-in(NA) 250 W(ET), m TSCF=1.0 TSCF=0.75 0.85 TSCF=0.5 TSCF=0.25 0.8 TSCF=0.0 0.75 0.9 TSCF=1.0 TSCF=0.75 0.85 TSCF=0.5 TSCF=0.25 0.8 TSCF=0.0 0.75 0.7 0.7 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 0 W/Ws 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 W/Ws a) LET=Lp b) LET=0.5Lp Figure 5.45. Effect of WET on solute mass removal for different TSCF values for a) LET=Lp, and b) LET=0.5Lp. 168 L(ET)=Lp L(ET)=0.5Lp 1.05 1.05 1.00 1.00 0.95 0.95 NA NA 0.90 W/Ws=3.0 W/Ws=2.5 M*/M M*/M W/Ws=3.0 W/Ws=2.0 0.85 0.90 W/Ws=2.5 W/Ws=2.0 0.85 W/Ws=1.5 W/Ws=1.5 W/Ws=1.0 0.80 W/Ws=1.0 0.80 0.75 0.75 0.70 0.70 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 TSCF 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 TSCF a) LET=Lp b) LET=0.5Lp Figure 5.46. Effect of the TSCF on solute mass removal for different values of (WET/Ws) for a) LET=Lp and b) LET=0.5Lp. 169 1000 1000 950 950 900 NA 850 Plume Length, m Plume Length, m 900 TSCF=1.0 TSCF=0.75 800 TSCF=0.50 TSCF=0.25 750 TSCF=0.0 NA 850 650 650 200 250 600 100 300 TSCF=0.50 TSCF=0.25 TSCF=0.0 700 150 TSCF=0.75 750 700 600 100 TSCF=1.0 800 150 ET Width, m 200 250 300 ET Width, m 1.05 1.05 1.00 1.00 0.95 0.95 0.90 0.90 TSCF=1.0 TSCF=0.75 Lp*/Lp Lp*/Lp TSCF=1.0 0.85 TSCF=0.50 TSCF=0.25 0.80 0.85 TSCF=0.75 TSCF=0.50 TSCF=0.25 0.80 TSCF=0.00 TSCF=0.00 0.75 0.75 0.70 0.70 0.65 0.65 0.60 0.60 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3 W/Ws W/Ws 1.05 1.05 1.00 1.00 0.95 0.95 0.90 0.90 W/Ws=3.0 W/Ws=2.5 Lp*/Lp Lp*/Lp W/Ws=3.0 0.85 W/Ws=2.0 W/Ws=1.5 0.80 0.85 W/Ws=2.5 W/Ws=2.0 W/Ws=1.5 0.80 W/Ws=1.0 W/Ws=1.0 0.75 0.75 0.70 0.70 0.65 0.65 0.60 0.60 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 0 TSCF 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 TSCF a) LET=Lp b) LET=0.50Lp Figure 5.47. Design charts for the ET width required to reduce the plume length to a certain design value for different TSCF values for a) LET=Lp and b) LET=0.5Lp. 170 X=500, L(ET)=0.5Lp 4000 4000 3500 3500 3000 3000 Av. Mass-flux, mg/d Av. Mass-flux, mg/d X=500, L(ET)=Lp TSCF=1.0 2500 TSCF=0.75 TSCF=0.50 2000 TSCF=0.25 1500 TSCF=0.0 1000 2500 TSCF=1.0 2000 TSCF=0.75 TSCF=0.50 1500 TSCF=0.25 TSCF=0.00 1000 500 500 0 0 -500 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 0 0.5 1 W(ET)/Ws X=1000, L(ET)=Lp 2 2.5 3 X=1000, L(ET)=0.5Lp 450 450 400 400 350 350 300 Av. Mass-flux, mg/d Av. Mass-flux, mg/d 1.5 W/Ws TSCF=1.0 250 TSCF=0.75 200 TSCF=0.50 150 TSCF=0.25 TSCF=0.0 100 50 300 TSCF=1.0 250 TSCF=0.75 200 TSCF=0.50 150 TSCF=0.25 TSCF=0.00 100 50 0 0 -50 -50 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 0 W(ET)/Ws 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 W/Ws Figure 5.48. Effect of TSCF on average contaminant mass-flux for LET=Lp and LET=0.5Lp. 171 3500 3000 3000 2500 Av. Mass-flux, mg/d Av. Mass-flux, mg/d 2500 2000 W/Ws=3.0 W/Ws=2.5 1500 W/Ws=2.0 W/Ws=1.5 W/Ws=1.0 1000 W/Ws=3.0 2000 W/Ws=2.5 W/Ws=2.0 1500 W/Ws=1.5 1000 W/Ws=1.0 500 500 0 0 -500 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.4 0.6 TSCF X=500 X=500 0.8 1 240 250 200 190 150 Av. Mass-flux, mg/d Av. Mass-flux, mg/d 0.2 TSCF W/Ws=3.0 W/Ws=2.5 W/Ws=2.0 100 W/Ws=1.5 W/Ws=1.0 50 W/Ws=3.0 140 W/Ws=2.5 W/Ws=2.0 W/Ws=1.5 90 W/Ws=1.0 40 0 -50 -10 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 TSCF 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 TSCF X=1000 a) LET=Lp X=1000 b) LET=0.5Lp Figure 5.49. Effect of WET/Ws on average contaminant mass-flux for a) LET=Lp and b) LET=0.5Lp. 172 5.7.1 Design Example 1 Design preliminary phytoremediation system to reduce the plume length from Lp to Lp* at the compliance well, Figure 5.50, provided that the given parameters are: • • • • • In-flow, m3/day Ws (width of the source) Lp (length of the dynamically stable plume) In-flow = out-flow TSCF=1.0 Source Compliance Well In-Flow Lp* Lp Figure 5.50. Employing the design charts for a design problem. Steps of the solution: 1- Assume the length of the phytoremediation area = Lp 2- Use the following chart (Figure 5.51) to find the width of the phytoremediation area. For example, Lp Lp * = 0.70 , W ≅ 2.62 Ws The width of the plantation area (WET) = 2.62 the source width, Figure 5.51. 173 Calculating the density of trees: Assuming the tree species is recorded to uptake 5 gal/day = 0.01892706 m3/d, Max. ET rate = In - flow = ET rate per m2. Area(ET ) Number of trees in m2 = ET rate per m2/ ET rate of one tree 1.00 0.95 0.90 0.85 Lp*/Lp TSCF=1.0 TSCF=0.75 TSCF=0.50 0.80 TSCF=0.25 TSCF=0.00 0.75 0.70 0.65 0.60 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 W/Ws Figure 5.51. Estimating the phytoremediation system width for a given reduction in plume length. 174 5.7.2 Design Example 2 * L What would be the value for TSCF if the plume length was to be reduced 25% ( p = 0.75 ) using an Lp ET area with W W = 2.6 . Using the following chart, and after drawing the = 2.6 line by Ws Ws interpolation, TSCF should be greater than or equal 0.54, Figure 5.52. 1.00 0.95 0.90 LP*/LP 0.85 W/Ws=3.0 W/Ws=2.5 W/Ws=2.0 W/Ws=1.5 W/Ws=1.0 0.80 0.75 W/Ws=2.6 0.70 0.54 0.65 0.60 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 TSCF Figure 5.52. Estimating the value of TSCF for a given phytoremediation system width to reach a certain reduction in plume length. 175 Chapter 6 Alternative Model for SEAM3D-PUP 6.1 Introduction In this chapter, alternative models for plant uptake are investigated. In previous three chapters, the original SEAM3D-PUP model is presented and tested based on the one model for plant uptake. This may limit the flexibility of the model during calibration to data from controlled experiments or remediation systems in the field. 6.1.1 Plant Uptake – Power Relationship In the original SEAM3D-PUP model, the relationship between the solute concentration in groundwater, C, and the concentration in the plant transpiration stream, CT, was assumed linear. This approach is based on carefully-controlled experiments in the laboratory, which showed a linear trend for C versus CT for a wide variety of solutes/plants (Shnoor 1995, 1997, 2002). Recent research at field sites has shown a correlation between the amounts of contaminants observed in tree tissue and the concentration of contaminants measured in the groundwater (Vroblesky et al., 1999; Ma and Burken 2002). Although experimental results from the laboratory show a linear trend for C versus CT in the case of this particular solute (tetrachloroethene, PCE) and plant (hybrid poplar), the regression of the field data suggests that this could be different for certain individual cases, as shown in Figures 6.1 and 6.2 (Struckhoff and Burken, 2005). The data points in there figures were extracted from the original figures and are re-plotted. A regression analysis was performed to find the best fit equation, which was Y = 0.7552 × X 0.787 , or on the form of C T = (TSCF ) × C N , where N = empirical exponent. This suggests that an alternative model for plant uptake may be more appropriate and less constraining to simulate the contaminant fate in a phytoremediation system relative to the linear model. 176 10,000 R=0.48 μg PCE/kg tree core 1000 100 10.0 1.0 0.10 0.10 1.0 10.0 100 μg PCE/L groundwater 1000 10,000 Figure 6.1. Relationship of PCE in tree cores collected at the New Haven Site plotted versus the groundwater concentration below each tree at (6 – 7.6 m). 100,000 R=0.88 g PCE/kg tree core 10,000 1000 100 10.0 1.0 0.10 0.10 1.0 10.0 100 1000 10,000 100,000 1000,000 μg PCE/kg soil Figure 6.2. Relationship of PCE in tree cores collected at the New Haven Site plotted versus the soil concentration 1.2 m below the surface near the base of the tree. 177 6.1.2 Plant Uptake – Plant Concentration Capacity The plants that can uptake and accumulate toxic contaminants from groundwater without showing symptoms of toxicity are called hyperaccumulators, (Baker and Brooks, 1989). Hyperaccumulators can survive high contaminant concentrations compared to other plant species but still was not effective to be used in phytoremediation because of their small sizes and slow growth rate, (Cunningham and Ow, 1996). To investigate the effect of toxic contaminants on trees used in phytoremediation, Dietz (2000) and Dietz and Schnoor (2001) tested a series of nine chlorinated aliphatic compounds (Table 6.1) for phytotoxicity to hybrid poplar (Populus deltoids × Populus nigra ‘DN34’). Pre-rooted 20-centimeter (8inch) cuttings of hybrid poplar (Populus deltoids × Populus nigra ‘DN34’) were grown hydroponically with the lower root portion in sealed reactors to minimize volatilization (Thompson et al. 1998).Chemical solutions were replaced every 2 days to maintain a constant exposure concentration. Phytotoxicity tests were conducted with triplicate reactors dosed for a period of 2 weeks. At the higher solvent concentrations (above the zero growth levels), wilting of shoots and damage to roots were observed. At concentrations between zero-growth and hall zero-growth levels, fine root formation was arrested, similar to other studies (Newman et al. 1997). Reduction in total biomass and transpiration were monitored as indicators of acute toxcicity, and both showed similar patterns. Highly chlorinated aliphatic compounds were more toxic to poplar (Populus spp.) cuttings than compounds with fewer chlorine atoms within the set of five ethenes or four ethanes tested (Table 6.1). The ethenes were more toxic than the corresponding ethanes, contrasting with, results by Schubert et al. (1995). 178 Table 6.1. Toxic Effects on Hybrid Poplar (Populus deltoides × Populus nigra DN34) from Chlorinated Aliphatic Compounds (Dietz and Schnoor 2001). Zero-growth 50 percent transpiration Chemical log Kow concentration, mg/L concentration, mg/L Tetra-chloro-ethylene 3.4 38 ± 6 45 ± 3 Tri-chloro-ethylene 2.42 118 ± 12 131 ± 22 trans-Dichloro-ethylene 2.06 349 ± 74 465 ± 50 cis-Dichloro-ethylene 1.86 582 ± 57 494 ± 83 1,1-Dichloro-ethylene 2.13 543 ± 54 281 ± 56 1,1,2,2-Tetra-chloro-ethane 2.39 151 ± 17 151 ± 34 1,1,2-Ttichloroethane 2.07 253 ± 36 307 ± 20 1,1,1-Tti-chloro-ethane 2.49 267 ± 29 160 ± 33 1,1-Dichloro-ethane 1.79 1059 ± 109 802 ± 165 "Source Hoard, P.H., ed. (1990) Handbook of Environmental Fate and Exposure Data for Organic Chemicals. Lewis Publishers, Chelsea, Michigan U.S. The previous study suggests that the plant has a specific maximum tolerance to the contaminants due to toxicity. Bulk flow in the xylem from root to shoot is driven by transpiration from the shoot, which creates a negative pressure in the xylem that pulls up water and solutes (Taiz L and Zeiger E., 2002). Species such as poplar are phreatophytes, or water spenders; they have long roots that tap into the ground water. Mature poplar trees can transpire 200–1000 liters of water per day (EPA, 1999; Wullschleger et al., 1998). In addition to plant species composition, vegetation height and density affect transpiration, as well as environmental conditions: Transpiration is generally maximal at high temperature, moderate wind, low relative air humidity, and high light (Taiz L and Zeiger E., 2002). Consequently, phytoremediation mechanisms that rely on translocation and volatilization are most effective in climates with low relative humidity and high evapotranspiration. 6.1.3 Objective The present chapter describes alternative models for plant uptake that incorporate non-linear, equilibrium relationship between contaminant concentrations in the saturated zone and plant transpiration stream. Two new models for plant uptake are proposed; 1) one based on the power function observed in field data, and 2) one designed to investigate plant tolerance to VOC contaminants in groundwater by assuming that the tolerance of a plant to a VOC is reflected in the relationship between the contaminant concentrations in groundwater and the maximum VOC 179 concentration in plant tissue. Both models are described and implemented in SEAM3D-PUP. Results from both models are compared with the linear model. 6.2 Mathematical Models The mathematical models for plant uptake are analogous to those for sorption of a hydrophobic contaminant in soil and aquifer sediment. All three models describe partitioning between the aqueous (groundwater) and transpiration (plant) phases and are based on the assumption of instantaneous, equilibrium kinetics. In addition to the linear isotherm (TSCF model), two non-linear models are considered: 1- Linear sorption isotherm 2- Freundlich sorption isotherm (Power function) 3- Langmuir sorption isotherm (Plant total concentration capacity) 6.2.1 Freundlich Isotherm (Power Function) The Freundlich isotherm is a more general equilibrium sorption equation than the linear equilibrium model. It was developed mainly to allow for an empirical account of the variation in adsorption heat with concentration of an adsorbate (vapor or solute) on an energetically heterogeneous surface (Chiou 2002). When an adsorption relationship can be plotted as a straight line on log-log paper, it is described by the Freundlich isotherm. For plant uptake, the relationship between a solute concentration of the species i in groundwater, C, and the concentration in the plant transpiration stream, CT, is expressed by a power function CiT = KC iN ………. (6.1) where K is a coefficient equal to TSCF at C = 1 [L3 Mi] and N is an empirically-based exponent. The slope of the curve on a log-log plot of C versus CT is represented by N. In sorption studies, the N value is in principle less than 1, because the adsorption isotherm is commonly concave to the C axis, and varies with the extent of adsorption. Depending on the adsorbent, the constancy of N may apply to a narrow or wide range of C. In the case of plant uptake, it can be determined from the slope of the plot of log CT versus log C over a specific range. 180 The limitations of Freundlich sorption isotherm includes (Zheng & Bennett, 1995): • Assumes that there is a unlimited number of available sorption sites. • Validity is limited to the limits of experimentally derived data. Using mass balance of the solute in groundwater and the Freundlich sorption isotherm to drive the governing equation for plant uptake θ ∂Ci = −(TSCF )CiN q ET ∂t ………. (6.2) which can be substituted for Equation (3.4). 6.2.2 Langmuir Sorption Isotherm (Plant Tolerance) Langmuir (1918) considered the adsorption of gases or vapors on a plane surface that contains a fixed number of identical active sites. From a kinetic consideration, the rate of vapor desorption from the occupied sites is set equal to the rate of adsorption on the unoccupied sites at equilibrium. In the case of sorption experiments, the ratio of the aqueous to solid-phase concentrations (C/C*) are plotted versus C on arithmetic graph paper. If this falls on a straight line (Figure 6.3), it is the nonlinear Langmuir adsorption isotherm (Olsen & Watanabe 1957), which is of the form C* = αβ C 1 + αC ………. (6.3) where β is the concentration of sorption sites or the maximum sorption capacity and α is the Langmuir constant. 181 C/C* (M/M) C* (M/M) 1 β 1 1 αβ C (M/L3) C (M/L3) Straight line on log-log graph paper, 1 1 C = + C * αβ β C Curvilinear on linear graph paper Figure 6.3. The Langmuir nonlinear equilibrium isotherm. The Langmuir isotherm can be adapted for the case of plant uptake to account for plant tolerance to a VOC or semi-volatile organic compound as follows CiT = ⎛ L3 where K1 ⎜⎜ ⎝M ⎞ M ⎟⎟ , and Tc ⎛⎜ 3 ⎝L ⎠ K1 × TcCi 1 + K1Ci ………. (6.4) ⎞ ⎟ are constants dependent on the compound and the susceptibility of the ⎠ plant to toxicity effects. At low concentrations where K1C << 1, the model is linear where K1×Tc = TSCF. At relatively large groundwater concentrations where K1C >> 1, the model reaches a constant value where CiT = Tc . The expression for mass loss due to plant uptake becomes θ ⎛ K ×T C ⎞ ∂Ci = −⎜⎜ 1 c i ⎟⎟qET ∂t ⎝ 1 + K1Ci ⎠ which can be substituted for Equation (3.4). 182 ………. (6.5) 6.3 Model Verification The same test case used to verify the original SEAM3D-PUP code (Figure 4.1 – Closed system model with single stress period) was used to verify the new alternative SEAM3D-PUP code. For each new option (Freundlich, ISO=2, and Langmuir, ISO=3), the output concentrations and solute mass uptaken are calculated manually at different time steps. The manually calculated results are then compared with the alternative code output. 6.3.1 Freundlich (ISO=2) Verification The solute mass removed from the model due to the trees sink effect was calculated at different time steps using the equation: M calc = M o − ΔM = M o − QET (TSCF )(C ) Δt , where M0 is the starting N mass time = 0 and QET is the evapotranspiration rate which is a function of surface elevation, maximum ET rate, and root extinction depth. The QET value is set to be maximum in this model simulation, C is the solute concentration in groundwater, N is the Freundlich power constant (set to be equal to 2.0), and TSCF is set equal to 1.0. Once mass removal is calculated, the new solute concentration in groundwater at the end of time step is calculated using the equation Ccalc = Co − ΔC = Co − ΔM calc ΔM = Co − n calc where A is the total model area, h is the average nV fluid ∑ Ahθ i =1 hydraulic head, and θ is the effective porosity. The manual calculations for C and M are presented in Table 6.2 and the SEAM3D-PUP results for concentration and mass are listed in Table 6.3. The manual calculations and the SEAM3D-PUP results showed perfect match, indicating the code was correctly formulated. The sensitivity of the SEAM3D-PUP results (mass and aqueous concentration) to different values of N are listed in Tables 6.4 and 6.5, respectively, and are shown in Figure 6.4 and 6.5, respectively. 183 Table 6.2. Manual calculations of concentration and mass using manual calculations based on the Freundlich model for the closed system test case. Time step, d C, mg/L ΔM, g Total M, g 2 4 6 8 10 -20,000 -38,050 -54,426 -69,353.7 -83,019.5 9.5 9.04875 8.639 8.266 7.924 -20,000 -18,050 -16,376 -14,927.7 -13,665.9 Table 6.3. Mass, mass removal, and concentration results using the SEAM3D-PUP Freundlich model for plant uptake for the closed system test case. TIME (d) 2 4 6 8 10 TOTAL IN TOTAL OUT (g) 20000 38050 54426 69354 83020 (g) -20000 -38050 -54426 -69354 -83020 SOURCES SINKS (g) (g) -20000 -38050 -54426 -69354 -83020 0 0 0 0 0 NET MASS FROM FLUID-STORAGE TOTAL MASS IN AQUIFER LOCATION OF OBSERVATION POINTS (K,I,J) = (1,1,1) 0 0 0 0 0 380000 362000 346000 331000 317000 9.5000 9.0487 8.6394 8.2662 7.9245 Table 6.4. Mass removal for the closed-system test case using the SEAM3D-PUP Freundlich model for plant uptake for different values of (N). Time step, d 0 2 4 6 8 10 1 0 2000 3990 5970.1 7940.2 9900.5 0.75 0 1124.7 2247 3366.9 4484.5 5599.7 Iso=2, N 0.5 0 632.46 1264.4 1895.9 2526.8 3157.3 0.25 0 355.66 711.23 1066.7 1422.1 1777.5 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Table 6.5. Solute concentration in groundwater for the closed-system test case using the SEAM3D-PUP Freundlich model for plant uptake for different values of (N). Time step, d 0 2 4 6 8 10 1.0 10 9.95 9.9002 9.8507 9.8015 9.7525 0.75 10 9.9719 9.9438 9.9158 9.8879 9.86 Iso=2, N 0.50 10 9.9842 9.9684 9.9526 9.9368 9.9211 0.25 0.0 10 9.9911 9.9822 9.9733 9.9644 9.9556 184 10 9.995 9.99 9.985 9.98 9.975 10000 9000 Mass Out (Sinks), g 8000 7000 N=1.0 6000 N=0.75 N=0.5 5000 N=0.25 N=0.0 4000 Iso=1 3000 2000 1000 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 Time, d (a) 10 9.95 N=1.0 Conc., mg/L 9.9 N=0.75 N=0.5 9.85 N=0.25 N=0.0 9.8 Iso=1 9.75 9.7 0 2 4 6 8 10 Time, d (b) Figure 6.4. SEAM3D-PUP results for ISO=2 for a) Solute mass removal, and b) solute concentration. 185 6000 Mass out (Sinks), g 5000 4000 TSCF=1.0 TSCF=0.75 TSCF=0.50 3000 TSCF=0.25 TSCF=0.0 2000 1000 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 Time, d (a) 10.02 10 9.98 Conc., mg/L 9.96 TSCF=1.0 TSCF=0.75 9.94 TSCF=0.50 9.92 TSCF=0.25 TSCF=0.0 9.9 9.88 9.86 9.84 0 2 4 6 8 10 Time, d (b) Figure 6.5. Effect of TSCF using ISO-2 for a) Solute mass removal, and b) solute concentration for initial source concentration = 10 mg/L, and N=0.75. 186 To further elucidate the isotherm trends (of linear, power, and maximum capacity), the problem was re-run for different values of TSCF and ISO-2 power constant (N) and a range of starting concentration. The results are summarized in Figure 6.6. The plots of groundwater concentration versus solute mass for different values of TSCF are similar to Figure 6.1. As expected, the higher the value of TSCF, the greater the solute mass loss at the end of the simulation. In Figure 6.6.b., the higher the ISO-2 power constant, the more solute mass is removed for the same initial concentration. 6.3.2 Langmuir (ISO=3) Verification In this case, solute mass removed from the model due to the trees sink effect was calculated as a function of time using the equation M calc = M o − ΔM , where M0 is the starting mass at time = 0 and ΔM is the mass removal by trees at the end of time step Δt and can be calculated from the equation: − 1 K1 × Tc ∂C K ×T , which can be approximated to ΔM = − 1 c QET × Δt . Once the CQET = neVt 1 + K1C ∂t 1 + K1C mass removed is calculated, the new solute concentration in groundwater at the end of time step is calculated using the equation Ccalc = Co − ΔC = Co − ΔM calc ΔM = Co − n calc where A is the total nV fluid ∑ Ahθ i =1 model area, h is the average hydraulic head, and θ is the effective porosity. The manual calculations for C and M and SEAM3D are represented in Tables 6.6 and 6.7, respectively for the case where K1 = 0.8 and Tc = 8.0. Again, a comparison of the manual and SEAM3D results showed an identical match. Table 6.6. Manual calculations of concentration and mass using manual calculations based on the Langmuir model for the closed system test case. Time step, d C, mg/L ΔM, g Total M, g 1 2 3 4 5 9.955 9.911 9.866733 9.822355 9.778 -1777.78 -1776.89 -1776.008406 -1775.113784 -1774.212444 -1777.78 -3554.67 -5330.68 -7105.8 -8880 187 10000 9000 8000 Mass (Sinks), g 7000 TSCF=1.0 6000 TSCF=0.75 5000 TSCF=0.5 4000 TSCF=0.25 3000 2000 1000 0 0 5 10 15 20 C, mg/L (a) N=0.75 Mass (Sinks), g 100000 N=1.0 10000 N=0.75 N=0.25 1000 1 10 100 C, mg/L (b) TSCF=1.0 (log-log scale) Figure 6.6. Effect of starting concentration on mass removal using ISO-2 modeling option for a) N=0.75 and different values of TSCF, and b) TSCF=1.0 and different values of N. 188 Table 6.7. Mass, mass removal, and concentration results using the SEAM3D-PUP Langmuir model for plant uptake for the closed system test case. TIME TOTAL IN TOTAL OUT SOURCE S SINKS (d) 2 4 6 8 10 (g) 1777.8 3554.6 5330.7 7105.8 8880.0 (g) -1777.8 -3554.7 -5330.7 -7105.8 -8880.0 (g) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 (g) -1777.8 -3554.7 -5330.7 -7105.8 -8880.0 NET MASS FROM FLUIDSTORAGE 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 TOTAL MASS IN AQUIFER g 398222 396446 394669 392894 391120 LOCATION OF OBSERVATION POINTS (K,I,J) = (1,1,1) 9.9556 9.9111 9.8667 9.8224 9.7780 For the ISO-3 simulation option, two variables have to be estimated first. The Langmuir plant uptake constant, K1 (L3/M), and the total plant concentration capacity, Tc (M/L3). The selection of the two parameters K1 and Tc depends on the fitted field or lab data for the solute concentration in groundwater, C versus the solute mass concentration in the plant (represented in terms of total solute mass in plant/plant core mass). Assuming different values for K1, the SEAM3D-PUP simulation using ISO-3 option, indicated that the lower the value of K1, the lower the solute concentration, Figure 6.7a, and the higher the solute mass removal, Figure 6.7b. 189 10 9.8 9.6 Conc., mg/L 9.4 K1=1.0 9.2 K1=0.75 9 K1=0.50 K1=0.25 8.8 K1=0.0 8.6 8.4 8.2 8 0 2 4 6 8 10 Time, d Mass out, g Thousands (a) 80 70 60 K1=1.0 50 K1=0.75 40 K1=0.50 K1=0.25 30 K1=0.0 20 10 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 Time, d (b) Figure 6.7. Concentration (a), and solute mass removal (b) vs. time for different values of ISO-3 constant, K1 (Tc=8.0). 190 As the plant total concentration capacity, Tc, increases, the ability of the plant to translocate more solute mass from groundwater increases. Table 6.8 lists the results of solute mass concentration in groundwater versus mass removal by plants for different values of Tc. The graphical display of the results is shown in Figure 6.8. To show the trend or relationship between the solute concentration in groundwater, C, and the solute mass uptaken by a phytoremediation system, the three simulation options are plotted in Figure 6.9. The plotted values are following the trends expected for the linear sorption isotherm, Freundlich sorption isotherm (Power function), and Langmuir sorption isotherm (Plant total concentration capacity). Table 6.8. Solute concentration at the end of the simulation and solute mass loss for different plant total concentration, Tc. Initial Conc., mg/L 0 1 2.5 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 50 Tc=5.0 C 0 0.92975 2.392 4.8687 5.8639 6.8602 7.8573 8.855 9.853 19.844 49.838 Tc=8 M 0 2810 4321.2 5251.4 5445.4 5592.8 5708.4 5801.6 5878.2 6248.8 6493.3 C Tc=10.0 M 0 0.8619 2.2853 4.738 5.7282 6.7207 7.7149 8.7102 9.7063 19.688 49.675 C 0 5523.9 8587.4 10479 10872 11171 11405 11593 11748 12495 12986 191 0 0.88875 2.3278 4.7902 5.7824 6.7765 7.7718 8.7681 9.765 19.75 49.74 M 0 4450.1 6887.7 8390.6 8703.8 8941.4 9127.7 9277.8 9401.2 9996.9 10389 Langmuir, Iso=3, K1=0.75 14000 Mass (Sinks), g 12000 10000 Tc=10.0 8000 Tc=8.0 6000 Tc=5.0 4000 2000 0 0 5 10 15 20 Cw, mg/L Figure 6.8. Effect of plant total concentration capacity, Tc on solute mass removal for ISO-3. Mass (Sinks), g Thousands Linear, Iso=1 Freundlich, Iso=2 Langmuir, Iso=3 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Cw, mg/L Figure 6.9. Comparing the three different Isotherms. 192 18 20 6.4 Alternative Model Applications, PCE simulation One of the several model runs in chapter 4 is selected to demonstrate the different SEAM3D-PUP alternative model options. The model selected is described in (Figure 5.2). First, the results are verified by setting a simulation for ISO=2 and set the power constant to 1.0 (which will reduce to linear C/M relationship). The TSCF value is set to be equal to 0.7552 to resemble the PCE data, (Struckhoff and Burken, 2005). The results of solute mass change versus time and solute concentration versus distance of the original and alternative SEAM3D-PUP are plotted in Figure 6.10. The results for both the original and modified SEAM3D-PUP showed perfect match. The recorded field and lab results for PCE uptake showed that the best simulation option is by using isotherm=2 with TSFC= 0.7552 and N = 0.787 according to the fitting equation Y = 0.7552 × X 0.787 , which is on the form C T = (TSCF ) × (C ) . The simulation of PCE uptake using N ISO=3 option will depend on the plant maximum concentration capacity (Tc). This factor can be assumed equal to 0.0 to 0.8, however, the ISO=3 simulation option is best suiting simulating site with high solute concentration in groundwater (Table 6.1). The Tc value will be assumed to be equal to 0.6. The higher the value of Tc, the closer the results to the linear simulation option (ISO=1). Figures 6.1 and 6.12 can be used to estimate mass removal, and concentration profile specific PCE with TSCF=0.7552 and N = 0.787. 193 Thousands 36 34 32 Mass, g 30 ISO=2, N=1.0 28 Linear 26 24 22 20 0 365 730 1095 1460 1825 2190 2555 2920 3285 3650 Time, d (a) Solute mass removal of PCE 1 Conc., mg/L 0.1 ISO=2, N=1.0 0.01 Linear 0.001 0.0001 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 Dist., m (b) PCE Concentration profile Figure 6.10. Comparing SEAM3D-PUP alternative model with ISO=2, and N=1.0 and the linear original code. 194 Mass (in aquifer), g Thousands ISO-1 ISO-2 ISO-3, Tc=0.6 ISO-3, Tc=0.7 36 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 0 365 730 1095 1460 1825 2190 2555 2920 3285 3650 Time, d (a) Thousands ISO-1 ISO-2 ISO-3, Tc=0.6 ISO-3, Tc=0.7 140 120 Mass (Sink), g 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 365 730 1095 1460 1825 2190 2555 2920 3285 3650 Time, d (b) Figure 6.11. Mass-in aquifer (a), and solute mass removal (sinks) (b) for PCE with TSCF=0.7552 and N = 0.787. 195 ISO-1 ISO-2 ISO-3, Tc=0.6 ISO-3, Tc=0.7 1 Conc., mg/L 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Dist, m Figure 6.12. Concentration profile for PCE. 196 900 1000 1100 Chapter 7 Conclusions and Recommendations A general groundwater solute transport with phytoremediation model was developed to study fate and movement of organics in the presence of vegetation. The model consisted of two components: one for root-sorption and one for plant uptake. The mathematical model was solved with a finite difference-based algorithm using the original SEAM3D code and adding a new separate Plant Uptake Package (SEAM3D-PUP). The code was verified by comparing the results of root sorption from SEAM3D-PUP to the results of SEAM3D/MT3DMS Reaction Package for sorption to the aquifer matrix. For the plant uptake problem, the results of SEAM3D-PUP were verified through comparison to the results of the SEAM3D/MT3DMS Source-Sink Mixing Package. This study demonstrates the usefulness of numerical groundwater modeling in addressing several issues pertaining to the design or evaluation of a phytoremediation system which depends on phreatophytes. While the direct uptake or translocation of contaminants is not explicitly addressed, the engineered system of deep-rooted poplars trees (or similar species) was predicted to provide a large degree of hydraulic control, despite seasonal variation in water use rates by the plantation. The evapotranspiration was turned periodically on and off to simulate seasonal changes in plants consumption. Modeling clearly has application at phytoremediation sites for evaluating or designing a containment system with respect to factors such as tree planting density (by changing the maximum ET rate), plume width versus groundwater flow rate, seasonal effects, residence time of groundwater within the microbially active rhizosphere, prediction of downgradient distance where the contaminant concentration reaches a point of compliance (POC), and future modifications to the system design to reduce the contaminate mass-flux even after the contaminant source is removed. The model was used to investigate several site design parameters for phytoremediation including plantation width (WET) and length (LET), groundwater flux compared to ET flux, and the effect of using phytoremediation after the contamination source is removed. Each of those parameters was 197 tested with respect to three output metrics: solute mass removal and decreases in solute concentrations and solute mass-flux. In general, modeling researches on phytoremediation helped to determine the various mechanisms involved in movement of soil constituents in presence of plants. This model could also be utilized in design to predict the feasibility of using trees/phytoremediation for controlling or remediation contaminated soils and groundwater. Phytoremediation is economically competitive and results are impressive to regulators and user communities. Enhanced biodegradation in presence of plants occurs in this process but was not demonstrated in this study because the focus of new model was plant uptake and root sorption. SEAM3D has a Biodegradation Package which can be used to simulate the rhizosphere biodegradation effect. The root zone supports an eutrophic environment by exuding sloughed root masses and rhizodeposits that provide carbon and energy to diverse microbial consortia indigenous to soil. The alternative model presented in Chapter 6 extended the capabilities of plant uptake simulation to include three different ways of addressing the concentration/mass relationship. The first approach represented in the original SEAM3D-PUP assumes a linear relationship between groundwater solute concentrations and relative the transpiration stream concentrations, which is analogous to linear isotherm sorption. The linear approach can be used in situations of low groundwater solute concentrations because it is assumed the plants are capable of transpiring the whole solute mass without subjecting to toxicity. The alternative model includes two other concentration relationships. The first is the non-linear power function analogous to Freundlich isotherm. That approach (which is referred to as ISO=2) is suitable for a larger range of moderate solute concentrations. The second model is analogous to the Langmuir isotherm and suggests that the plant reaches a maximum capacity of handling (or transpiring) solute mass due to high solute concentrations in groundwater. The high solute concentration may lead to plant toxicity as suggested by (Dietz and Schnoor 2001). This approach (referred to as ISO=3) is suitable for modeling phytoremediation systems in contaminated sites with high solute concentrations. The alternative models in the SEAM3D-PUP make use of recent field and laboratory finding for different plant uptake measures. The statistical analysis of the groundwater/transpiration concentration relationship will determine which trend is more appropriate for a given contaminant/plant combination (i.e., linear, power, or power with a maximum capacity). 198 Researchers recently presented the results of a field investigation at a PCE-contaminated site indicating that the experimental results suggests using the ISO-2 option with a value of TSCF = 0.7552 and a = 0.787 (Struckhoff and Burken, 2005). Other site conditions such as plume source concentrations may suggest using different simulation options, but in all cases, field or lab records of plant uptake are important to estimate RCF and TSCF values. Recommendations for Future Research 1- Model improvements SEAM3D reads the head values using the results from MODFLOW and uses the results from the ET package which assumes a linear relationship between head and ET rate. A more comprehended ET hs Hydraulic Head, L ETSX (extenction depth) B C t3 Segmen hs nt 1 2 d Segm e t en gm Se Q ETM Slope = ______ d A Land surface elevation (SURF) d h Maximum Evapotranspiration h Maximum Evapotranspiration package that assumes a segmental relationship between h & ET rate may be applied, Figure (7.1) D h QET 0 QETM QET (hs - d) QET(L3/T) Figure 7.1 Linear and segmental ET packages. 2- The RCF and TSCF are input into SEAM3D-PUP as design parameters, where the user has to know these two values for different contaminants. There would be another alternative to the previous procedure where the model can have a database of different types of contaminants 199 where the user may select the type of solute, and the software can estimate the RCF, and TSCF form the database. 3- The software package needs a graphical user interface instead of editing ASCII text files for the inputs. The GUI will be integrated into the original SEAM3D SI. 4- The software package needs to be tested against suitable field data. 5- SEAM3D has a separate biodegradation package which should be suitable to be used with SEAM3D-PUP package to simulate the biodegradation rhizosphere effect. 6- There are good potential for conducting more statistical analysis and/or regression for the results of the studied cases to come up with empirical relationships between the phytoremediation system design parameters (including ET dimensions, location, ET rate, and ET flux) and the site remediation goals (including solute mass reduction, downstream plume concentration, and solute mass-flux) which can be easily used as a decision supporting tool. 7- The alternative model gives more flexibility for the designer/decision maker to select from three different options according to the site situations (mainly the source concentration). The selection is categorized according to the source concentration as follows: a. Low source concentration: options 1 (Linear Isotherm), and option 2 (Freundlich Isotherm) gives conservative results with respect to mass removal. b. Medium source concentration: option 2 (Freundlich Isotherm) gives conservative results with respect to mass removal. c. High source concentration: option 3 (Langmuir Isotherm) gives conservative results with respect to mass removal. 8- As mentioned in #7, it is totally up to the phytoremediation system designer to choose from three different code options. The suitable code for each source concentration (as suggested by the author in #7) needs more verification using recorded site data. 200 Chapter 8 Input Instructions SEAM3D MODEL INPUT General Information Estimation of model parameters for biodegradation may be based on laboratory measurements, published values, and theoretical estimates. To produce maximum flexibility, SEAM3D allows parameters to vary across the aquifer layers and among the various substrates and electron acceptors for biodegradation. However, in the absence of detailed information, the user is advised to enter identical parameter values to describe the layers and certain biodegradation processes. Thus, parameter estimation can be simplified when available data do not support a more detailed analysis. Types of Input Like MT3DMS, input for SEAM3D may be formatted, list-directed, or unformatted. Formatted Input variables may be formatted as integer, real, character, or logical. In the detailed input instructions (Sections 4.2.1 to 4.2.6), the format column uses I to specify an integer, F for a real number, A for a character variable, and L for a logical variable. Input conventions follow the standards of the FORTRAN 77 language. List Directed List directed, or free format, input involves a sequence of values separated by blanks or commas. The list directed record terminates when a slash (/) is encountered, repeat counters are permitted, and each new record should begin on a new line of the input file. 201 Unformatted Unformatted files contain binary characters and must be written and read by the computer. Relative to formatted files, unformatted files are smaller and can be processed more readily. Array Readers Most of the input data for SEAM3D is handled by the subroutines IARRAY and RARRAY in the utility module of the program. IARRAY reads one or two dimensional integer arrays, and RARRAY reads one or two dimensional real arrays. Three dimensional arrays are handled by reading a two dimensional areal array for each model layer. Each time an array reader is called, it initially reads an array control record, which occupies a single line of the input filed and is formatted as follows: Record: IREAD CNSTNT (real) or FMTIN IPRN A20 I10 ICONST (integer) Format: I10 F10.0 (real) or I10 (integer) If IREAD = 0, then RARRAY sets all elements of the array equal to CNSTNT, or IARRAY sets all elements equal to ICONST. If IREAD = 100, then array values (entered on the lines following the array control record) are read in the format specified by FMTIN. If IREAD = 101, then array values are read as blocks, which are entered on the lines following the array control record. The first line contains only the record NBLOCK, which is an integer specifying the number of blocks to follow. Each block occupies a single line, consisting of I1, I2, J1, J2, VALUE; where I1 is the index of the first row of the block, I2 is the index of the last row, J1 is the index of the first column of the block, J2 is the index of the last column, and VALUE is the value assigned to array elements within the block. If IREAD = 102, then array values are read as zones. If IREAD = 103, then array values are read in list directed format. 202 If IREAD is equal to a nonzero value other than 100, 101, 102, or 103, then array values are read from a separate file. If IREAD is positive, then IREAD is the unit number for the separate file, which is formatted according to FMTIN. If IREAD is negative, then the separate file is unformatted, and the absolute value of IREAD is its unit number. If IREAD ≠ 0 and CNSTNT or ICONST ≠ 0, then all elements in the array are multiplied by CNSTNT or ICONST. The format specifier FMTIN must be enclosed in parentheses. If IREAD ≠ 0, then IPRN acts as a flag to indicate whether the array will be printed for checking. The array will not be printed in IPRN is negative. Units Like MT3DMS, SEAM3D requires the user to specify units and use consistent units for all input and output variables. In addition, the time unit must be consistent with that used in the flow model. The single exception to this rule involves the concentrations of solid phase electron acceptors, which are entered as mass of electron acceptor per 1 x 106 mass of soil solids (e.g. micrograms per gram). Units of METERS for length and GRAMS for mass are convenient because they produce concentration units of grams per cubic meter, which is equivalent to milligrams per liter. Input Instructions Note: Input instructions for the extended alternative model are presented in red. Input Instructions for the Plant Uptake Transport Package This input file must be created only if the Phytoremediation Package is specified in the Basic Transport Package; i.e., TRNOPT(10) is set to “T”. Input is read on unit 13, which is preset in the main program. Input to the Phytoremediation (PUP) Package is read from the file that is type "PUP". All non-array parameters are free format if the word FREE is specified in item 4 of the Basic Package input file; otherwise, the non-array parameters have 10-character fields. 1. Record: FRCF FTSCF ISOTHMP Format: 2L2, I10 o FRCF is a logical flag for simulating root sorption; 203 o FTSCF is a logical flag for simulating transpiration. o ISOTHMP is a flag indicating which type of plant uptake is simulated: ISOTHMP =1, Linear isotherm (equilibrium-controlled); =2, Freundlich isotherm (equilibrium-controlled); =3, Langmuir isotherm (equilibrium-controlled); (Enter 2 if FRCF=T) 2. Array: RHOBR(NCOL,NROW)(one array for each layer) Reader: RARRAY o RHOBR is the bulk density of the root medium (unit: ML-3 ). (Enter 3 for each species if ISOTHMP>1) 3. Array: SP1P(NCOL,NROW) (one array for each layer) Reader: RARRAY SP1P is the first plant uptake parameter. The use of SP1P depends on the type of plant uptake selected (i.e., the value of ISOTHMP): For Freundlich plant uptake (ISOTHMP=2), SP1P is the Freundlich exponent N. For Langmuir plant uptake (ISOTHMP=3), SP1P is the Langmuir equilibrium constant (Kl) (unit: L3 M-1). (Enter 4 for each species if ISOTHMP>2) 4. Array: SP2P(NCOL,NROW) (one array for each layer) Reader: RARRAY SP2P is the second plant uptake parameter. The use of SP2P depends on the type of plant uptake: For Langmuir plant uptake (ISOTHMP=3), SP2P is the total concentration of the plant uptake sites available (Tc) (unit: ML-3). FOR EACH STRESS PERIOD (Enter 5 through 8 if FRCF=T) 5. Record: INSURF INEXDP INRCF Format: 3I10 o INSURF--is the PUP/ET surface (SURF) read flag. If INSURF >= 0, an array containing the PUP/ET surface elevation (SURF) will be read. If INSURF < 0, the PUP/ET surface from the preceding stress period will be reused. o INEXDP--is the extinction depth (EXDP) read flag. If INEXDP >= 0, an array containing the extinction depth (EXDP) will be read. If INEXDP < 0, the extinction depth from the preceding stress period will be reused. o INRCF--is the root concentration factor (RCF) read flag. 204 If INRCF >= 0, an array containing the root concentration factor (RCF) will be read for each species. If INRCF < 0, the root concentration factors from the preceding stress period will be reused. (Enter 6 if INSURF >= 0) 6. Array: SURF(NCOL,NROW)(one array for each layer) Reader: RARRAY o SURF--is the elevation of the PUP/ET surface. (Enter 7 if INEXDP >= 0) 7. Array: EXDP(NCOL,NROW)(one array for each layer) Reader: RARRAY o EXDP--is the PUP/ET root extinction depth. (Enter 8 for each species if INRCF >=0) 8. Array: RCF(NCOL,NROW) Reader: RARRAY o RCF--is the root concentration factor. (Enter 9 through 10 if FTSCF=T) 9. Record: INTSCF Format: 1I10 o INTSCF--is the transpiration concentration factor (TSCF) read flag. If INTSCF >= 0, an array containing the transpiration concentration factor (TSCF) will be read for each species. If INTSCF < 0, the transpiration concentration factors from the preceding stress period will be reused. (Enter 10 for each species if INRCF >=0) 10. Array: TSCF(NCOL,NROW) Reader: RARRAY o TSCF--is the transpiration concentration factor. o Enter TSCF=1.0 in case of ISO-3 because TSCF is implicitly simulated (K1×TC) END INPUT RCF Notes • RCF must be between 0.0 and 1.0. Thus if the RCF is specified as less than 0.0 it will be set to 0.0 by the program. Correspondingly, if the RCF specified is greater than 1.0 it will be set to 1.0 by the program. 205 • PUP/ET parameters (PUP/ET surface and root extinction depth) are specified in twodimensional arrays, SURF and EXDP, with one value for each vertical column. Accordingly, PUP/ET is calculated for one cell in each vertical column. IEVT (the layer indicator array code from the EVT package) determines for which cell/layer in the column PUP/ET will be calculated (See EVT input file). • If root sorption is simulated, the first retardation factors displayed in the standard output file represent retardation values without the root sorption effect. Following retardation factor arrays represent the total values (including root sorption) recalculated for each stress period. TSCF Notes • TSCF must be between 0.0 and 1.0. Thus if the TSCF is specified as less than 0.0 it will be set to 0.0 by the program. Correspondingly, if the TSCF specified is greater than 1.0 it will be set to 1.0 by the program. • If the Source/Sink Mixing Package (SSM) is also used, TSCF must be coordinated with CEVT from SSM. Either TSCF or CEVT must be set to zero for all grid locations where EVTR is less than or equal to zero (i.e. where EVTR indicates that water is exiting the model). If this is not done, the same mass may be removed from the model domain twice and mass balance errors will occur. • TSCF only has meaning if the evapotranspirative water flux (EVTR) is negative, indicating that water is being drawn out of the aquifer. If EVTR is positive for a cell with non-zero TSCF, the program will terminate and an error message will be generated. • SEAM3D assumes evaporation is insignificant in cells and for stress periods where phytoremediation is active. If this is not true, model results will be less accurate. • The location and flow rate of discharge is obtained from the flow model directly through the unformatted flow-transport link file. 206 Table 8.1. Transpiration Stream Concentration Factors (TSCF) and Root Concentration Factors (RCF) for selected ground-water contaminants. Benzene, (C6H6) Toluene, (C7H8) Ethylbenzene, (C8H10) m-Xylene, (C6H4(CH3)2) o-Xylene, (C6H4(CH3)2) MTBE, (C5H12O) 1,3,5-TMB, (C9H12) PCE, (C2Cl4) TCE, (C2HCl3) 1,2-cisDCE, (C2H2Cl2) Vinyl Chloride, (C2H3Cl) Perchlorate (ClO4) TCA, (C2H3Cl3) Tetrachloromethane, CTC (CCl4) Naphthalene, (C10H8) Acenaphthylene, (C12H8) Acenaphthene, (C12H10) Fluorene, (C13H10) Phenanthrene, (C14H10) Log Kow TSCF RCF (L/kg) 2.13 2.65 3.13 3.20 2.95 1.20 3.42 3.14[3] 2.33[1] 1.86[3] 1.23[3] -7.18[4] 2.49[3] 2.6[5] 0.71 0.74 0.63 0.61 0.70 0.41 0.56 5.96 0.75[2] 3.44 3.17 3.00 4.12 4.32 3.6 4.5 6.0 6.2 4.9 3.2 6.5 0.37 3.0[2] 0.78 0.69 0.64 0.60 3.37 4.33 4.07 4.18 4.46 4.45 0.56 0.21 0.29 0.25 0.17 0.17 7.2 20.6 14.9 17.0 24.3 24.0 Anthracene, (C14H10) Physical chemical properties (Schwarzenbach, et al., 1993) 2 Measured data from hydroponic studies with hybrid poplars (Burken and Schnoor, 1998; Dietz and Schnoor, 2001). 3 Arthur D. Little, Inc. (1987). The installation restoration program toxicology guide, Volume 1. Section 2:1-16. 4 ITRC 2002, 5 The International Uniform Chemical Information Database (IUCLID), 1996 1 207 Example *.pup input files Freundlich, ISO=2 1 TT … 2 0 1750000. … 3 0 0.80 … 0 1.00 … 2 4 … … 5 1 1 6 7 8 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 8.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 9 10 Root sorption is OFF (F), direct uptake is ON (T), and ISOTHMP=1 Array for the root bulk density. Only if FRCF = T Array for the Freundlich exponent N, if Isotherm=2 (> 1) for species 1 Array for the Freundlich exponent N, if Isotherm=2 (>1) for species 2 1 … … … … … … … … 1.00 0.00 INSURF, INEXDP, INRCF (reading flags for surface elevation, extinction depth, and RCF) Surface Elevation array Extinction depth array RCF value for species #1 RCF value for species #1 INTSCF is the TSCF read flag. Array for TSCF value (=1.0) stress period #1, species 1 Array for TSCF for species 2 Langmuir, ISO=3 1 TT 2 0 1750000. … 3 0 0.80 … 0 1.0 … 0 8.0 … 0 1.0 … 5 1 1 6 7 8.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 9 0 0 0 0 1 … … … … … 10 0 1.00 … 0 0.00 … 4 … 3 1 … Root sorption is OFF (F), direct uptake is ON (T), and ISOTHMP=1 Array for the root bulk density. Only if FRCF = T Array for the Langmuir equilibrium constant (Kl), if Isotherm=3 for species 1 Array for the Langmuir equilibrium constant (Kl), if Isotherm=3 for species 2 Array for the total concentration of the plant uptake sites available, if Isotherm=3 (Tc)for species #1 Array for the total concentration of the plant uptake sites available, if Isotherm=3 (Tc)for species #2 INSURF, INEXDP, INRCF (reading flags for surface elev, extinction depth, and RCF) Surface Elevation array Extinction depth array RCF value for species #1 RCF value for species #1 INTSCF is the TSCF read flag. 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Effect of ET width on solute mass removal, LET=Lp. 220 Thousands W(ET)=300, L(ET)=0.5Lp 36 34 32 ET, W=300 Mass-in, g 30 TSCF=1.0 TSCF=0.75 28 TSCF=0.50 TSCF=0.25 26 TSCF=0.0 24 22 20 0 365 730 1095 1460 1825 2190 2555 2920 3285 3650 LET=0.5Lp, QET = 0.001 m3/d/m2 a) W=300 W(ET)=250, L(ET)=0.5Lp W(ET)=200, L(ET)=0.5Lp 34 32 GMS-ET 30 Mass-in, g Thousands 36 TSCF=1.00 TSCF=0.75 28 TSCF=0.50 TSCF=0.25 26 36 34 32 GMS-ET 30 Mass-in, g Thousands Time, Days TSCF=1.00 TSCF=0.75 28 TSCF=0.50 TSCF=0.25 26 TSCF=0.00 TSCF=0.00 24 24 22 22 20 20 0 365 730 1095 1460 1825 2190 2555 2920 3285 3650 0 365 730 1095 1460 1825 2190 2555 2920 3285 3650 Time, d b) W=250 c) W=200 W(ET)=150, L(ET)=0.5Lp W(ET)=100, L(ET)=0.5Lp Thousands 36 34 32 ET 30 TSCF=1.0 Mass-in, g Mass-in, g Thousands Time, d TSCF=0.75 28 TSCF=0.5 TSCF=0.25 26 36 34 32 GMS-ET 30 TSCF=1.0 TSCF=0.75 28 TSCF=0.50 TSCF=0.25 26 TSCF=0.00 TSCF=0.00 24 24 22 22 20 20 0 365 730 1095 1460 1825 2190 2555 2920 3285 3650 0 Time, d 365 730 1095 1460 1825 2190 2555 2920 3285 3650 Time, d d) W=150 e) W=100 Figure A.2. Effect of ET width on solute mass removal, LET=0.5Lp. 221 Thousands L(ET)=Lp, TSCF=1.0 36 34 W=300 Mass-in, g 32 W=250 W=200 30 W=150 W=100 28 NA 26 24 0 365 730 1095 1460 1825 2190 2555 2920 3285 3650 LET=Lp, QET = 0.0005 m3/d/m2 TSCF=1.0 L(ET)=Lp, TSCF=0.75 L(ET)=Lp, TSCF=0.50 34 W=300 32 Mass-in, g Thousands 36 W=200 30 W=150 W=100 28 36 34 W=300 32 W=250 W=250 Mass-in, g Thousands Time, d W=200 30 W=150 W=100 28 NA 26 NA 26 24 24 0 365 730 1095 1460 1825 2190 2555 2920 3285 3650 0 365 730 1095 1460 2190 2555 TSCF=0.75 TSCF=0.50 L(ET)=Lp, TSCF=0.25 L(ET)=Lp, TSCF=0.0 Thousands 36 34 W=300 32 Mass-in, g 1825 2920 3285 3650 Time, d W=200 30 W=150 W=100 28 36 34 W=300 32 W=250 Mass-in, g Thousands Time, d W=250 W=200 30 W=150 W=100 28 NA 26 NA 26 24 24 0 365 730 1095 1460 1825 2190 2555 2920 3285 3650 0 Time, d 365 730 1095 1460 1825 2190 2555 2920 Time, d TSCF=0.25 TSCF=0.0 Figure A.3. Effect of TSCF on solute mass removal, LET=Lp. 222 3285 3650 Thousands L(ET)=0.5Lp, TSCF=1.0 36 34 W=300 Mass-in, g 32 W=250 W=200 30 W=150 W=100 28 NA 26 24 0 365 730 1095 1460 1825 2190 2555 2920 3285 3650 LET=0.5Lp, QET = 0.001 m3/d/m2 TSCF=1.0 L(ET)=0.5Lp, TSCF=0.75 L(ET)=0.5Lp, TSCF=0.50 34 W=300 32 Mass-in, g Thousands 36 W=200 30 W=150 W=100 28 36 34 W=300 32 W=250 W=250 Mass-in, g Thousands Time, d W=200 30 W=150 W=100 28 NA 26 NA 26 24 24 0 365 730 1095 1460 1825 2190 2555 2920 3285 3650 0 365 730 1095 1460 Time, d TSCF=0.75 2920 3285 3650 L(ET)=0.5Lp, TSCF=0.0 Thousands 36 34 W=300 32 W=200 30 W=150 W=100 28 36 34 W=300 32 W=250 Mass-in, g Thousands 2190 2555 TSCF=0.50 L(ET)=0.5Lp, TSCF=0.25 Mass-in, g 1825 Time, d W=250 W=200 30 W=150 W=100 28 NA 26 NA 26 24 24 0 365 730 1095 1460 1825 2190 2555 2920 3285 3650 0 Time, d 365 730 1095 1460 1825 2190 2555 2920 3285 3650 Time, d TSCF=0.25 TSCF=0.0 Figure A.4. Effect of TSCF on solute mass removal with different ET lengths. 223 T=10 yr, L(ET)=0.5Lp T=5 yr, L(ET)=0.5Lp 1 1 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.7 TSCF=1.0 0.6 TSCF=0.75 0.5 TSCF=0.5 0.4 TSCF=0.0 Conc., mg/L Conc., mg/L 0.7 NA 0.3 TSCF=0.75 0.5 TSCF=0.5 0.4 TSCF=0.0 NA 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 Dist., m Dist., m T=10 yr, L(ET)=Lp T=5 yr, L(ET)=Lp 1 1 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 TSCF=1.0 0.6 TSCF=0.75 0.5 TSCF=0.5 0.4 TSCF=0.0 Conc., mg/L Conc., mg/L TSCF=1.0 0.6 NA 0.3 TSCF=1.0 0.6 TSCF=0.75 0.5 TSCF=0.5 0.4 TSCF=0.0 NA 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 Dist., m Dist., m Figure A.5. Concentration profiles along the length of the plume for different values of TSCF at different simulation times (5 yr, and 10 yr). W=300, L(ET)=0.5Lp 10 1 1 0.1 Conc., mg/L Conc., mg/L W=300, L(ET)=Lp 10 t=+365 t=+1825 t=+3650 0.01 0.001 0.1 t=+365 t=+1825 t=+3650 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.0001 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 0 Dist., m 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 Dist., m Figure A.6. Concentration vs. distance at different observation points downstream the source (with exponential fitting in the bottom charts). 224 W/Ws=3.0, L(ET)=Lp 1 Conc., mg/L 0.1 NA GMS-ET TSCF=1.0 TSCF=0.75 0.01 TSCF=0.50 TSCF=0.25 TSCF=0.0 0.001 0.0001 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 Dist., m LET=Lp, QET = 0.0005 m3/d/m2 (a) W=250, L(ET)=Lp W=200, L(ET)=Lp 1 1 NA GMS-ET Conc., mg/L Conc., mg/L NA 0.1 TSCF=1.0 TSCF=0.75 TSCF=0.50 0.01 TSCF=0.25 0.1 GMS-ET TSCF=1.0 TSCF=0.75 75 TSCF=0.5 0.01 TSCF=0.25 TSCF=0.0 TSCF=0.0 0.001 0.001 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 Dist., m Dist., m (b) (c) W=150, L(ET)=Lp W=100, L(ET)=Lp 1 1 NA GMS-ET Conc., mg/L Conc., mg/L NA 0.1 TSCF=1.0 TSCF=0.75 TSCF=0.5 TSCF=0.25 0.01 0.1 GMS-ET TSCF=1.0 TSCF=0.75 TSCF=0.50 TSCF=0.25 0.01 TSCF=0.0 TSCF=0.0 0.001 0.001 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 0 Dist., m 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 Dist., m (d) (e) Figure A.7. Concentration profiles for different TSCF values used to calculate the plume length at a concentration = 1% of the source concentration for LET=Lp. 225 W/Ws=3.0, L(ET)=0.5Lp 1 Conc., mg/L 0.1 NA GMS-ET TSCF=1.0 TSCF=0.75 0.01 TSCF=0.50 TSCF=0.25 TSCF=0.0 0.001 0.0001 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 Dist., m LET=0.5Lp, QET = 0.001 m3/d/m2 (a) W=250, L(ET)=0.5Lp W=200, L(ET)=0.5Lp 1 1 NA GMS-ET Conc., mg/L Conc., mg/L NA 0.1 TSCF=1.0 TSCF=0.75 TSCF=0.50 0.01 TSCF=0.25 0.1 GMS-ET TSCF=1.0 TSCF=0.75 75 TSCF=0.5 0.01 TSCF=0.25 TSCF=0.0 TSCF=0.0 0.001 0.001 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 Dist., m Dist., m (b) (c) W=150, L(ET)=0.5Lp W=100, L(ET)=0.5Lp 1 1 NA GMS-ET Conc., mg/L Conc., mg/L NA 0.1 TSCF=1.0 TSCF=0.75 TSCF=0.5 TSCF=0.25 0.01 0.1 GMS-ET TSCF=1.0 TSCF=0.75 TSCF=0.50 TSCF=0.25 0.01 TSCF=0.0 TSCF=0.0 0.001 0.001 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 0 Dist., m 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 Dist., m (d) (e) Figure A.8. Concentration profiles for different TSCF values used to calculate the plume length at a concentration = 1% of the source concentration for LET=0.5Lp. 226 Av., Mass-flux, mg/d Thousands W=300, L(ET)=Lp 35 30 25 NA 20 TSCF=1.0 TSCF=0.75 15 TSCF=0.50 TSCF=0.25 10 TSCF=0.0 5 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 -5 a) LET=Lp, QET = 0.0005 m3/d/m2 WET=300 W=250, L(ET)=Lp W=200, L(ET)=Lp 35000 35 30000 30 NA 25 Mass-flux, mg/d Mass-flux, mg/d Thousands Dist., m TSCF=1.0 20 TSCF=0.75 TSCF=0.50 15 TSCF=0.25 10 TSCF=0.00 5 TSCF=1.0 20000 TSCF=0.75 TSCF=0.50 15000 TSCF=0.25 10000 TSCF=0.0 5000 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 Dist., m Dist., m WET=250 WET=200 W=150, L(ET)=Lp W=100, L(ET)=Lp 35000 30000 Mass-flux, mg/d NA 25000 TSCF=1.0 20000 TSCF=0.75 TSCF=0.50 15000 TSCF=0.25 10000 TSCF=0.0 5000 Thousands 0 Mass-flux, mg/d NA 25000 35 30 NA 25 TSCF=1.0 20 TSCF=0.75 TSCF=0.50 15 TSCF=0.25 10 TSCF=0.0 5 0 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 100 110 120 0 0 0 Dist., m Dist.,m WET=150 WET=100 Figure A.9 Average Mass-flux results at different cross-sections downstream the source for LET=Lp and different values of WET and TSCF. 227 Thousands Av., Mass-flux, mg/d W=300, L(ET)=0.5Lp 35 30 25 NA 20 TSCF=1.0 TSCF=0.75 15 TSCF=0.50 TSCF=0.25 10 TSCF=0.0 5 0 -5 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 Dist., m LET=0.5Lp, QET = 0.001 m3/d/m2 WET=300 W=250, L(ET)=0.5Lp W=200, L(ET)=0.5Lp Thousands 35000 25000 NA Mass-flux, mg/L Mass-flux, mg/d 30000 TSCF=1.0 20000 TSCF=0.75 TSCF=0.50 15000 TSCF=0.25 TSCF=0.00 10000 25 NA TSCF=1.0 TSCF=0.75 TSCF=0.50 15 TSCF=0.25 TSCF=0.00 10 5 0 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Dist., m Dist., m WET=250 WET=200 W=150, L(ET)=0.5Lp W=100, L(ET)=0.5Lp Thousands 35 30 25 NA Mass-flux, mg/d Thousands 30 20 5000 Mass-flux, mg/d 35 TSCF=1.0 20 TSCF=0.75 TSCF=0.50 15 TSCF=0.25 TSCF=0.00 10 900 1000 1100 35 30 25 NA TSCF=1.0 20 TSCF=0.75 TSCF=0.50 15 TSCF=0.25 TSCF=0.0 10 5 5 0 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 0 Dist., m 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 Dist., m WET=150 WET=100 Figure A.10. Average Mass-flux results at different cross-sections downstream the source for LET=0.5Lp and different values of WET and TSCF. 228 36000 35000 35000 34800 34000 34600 NA GMS 32000 TSCF=1.0 31000 TSCF=0.75 TSCF=0.5 30000 TSCF=0.25 29000 NA 34400 Mass removal, g Mass removal, g 33000 GMS 34200 TSCF=1.0 34000 TSCF=0.75 TSCF=0.5 33800 TSCF=0.25 33600 TSCF=0.0 28000 33400 27000 33200 26000 TSCF=0.0 33000 0 365 730 1095 1460 1825 2190 2555 2920 3285 3650 0 365 730 1095 1460 1825 2190 2555 2920 3285 3650 Time, d ET at the left edge ET at the right edge TSCF=0.50 TSCF=0.75 Thousands 35 34 33 Mass removal, g Mass removal, g Thousands Time, d 32 31 LEFT Edge 30 RIGHT Edge 29 35 34 33 32 31 LEFT Edge 30 RIGHT Edge 29 28 28 27 27 26 26 0 365 730 1095 1460 1825 2190 2555 2920 3285 3650 0 Time, d 365 730 1095 1460 1825 2190 2555 2920 3285 3650 Time, d TSCF=0.5 TSCF=0.75 Figure A.11. Effect of the phytoremediation location and TSCF on solute mass removal. 229 Q=150 1 Conc., mg/L 0.1 L(ET)=0.25 Lp L(ET)=0.50 Lp 0.01 L(ET)=0.75 Lp L(ET) = Lp NA 0.001 0.0001 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Dist., m (a) ET starts at the left edge Q=150 1 Conc., mg/L 0.1 L(ET) = 0.25 Lp L(ET) = 0.50 Lp L(ET) = 0.75 Lp 0.01 L(ET) = Lp NA 0.001 0.0001 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Dist., m (b) ET starts at the right edge Figure A.12. Concentration profiles for different aquifer in-flux (Qin=1.50 m3/d/cell) and ET lengths 230 Q=105 1 Conc., mg/L 0.1 L(ET)=0.25 Lp 0.01 L(ET)=0.50 Lp L(ET)=0.75 Lp L(ET) = Lp 0.001 NA 0.0001 0.00001 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Dist., m (a) ET starts at the left edge Q=105 1 Conc., mg/L 0.1 L(ET)=0.25 Lp 0.01 L(ET)=0.50 Lp L(ET)=0.75 Lp L(ET) = Lp 0.001 NA 0.0001 0.00001 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Dist., m (b) ET starts at the right edge Figure A.13. Concentration profiles for different aquifer in-flux (Qin=1.05 m3/d/cell) and ET lengths 231 1 1 NA NA 0.1 0.1 TSCF=1.0 TSCF=0.75 TSCF=0.50 TSCF=0.25 0.01 GMS Conc., mg/L Conc., mg/L GMS TSCF=1.0 TSCF=0.75 TSCF=0.50 TSCF=0.25 0.01 TSCF=0.0 TSCF=0.0 0.001 0.001 0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 1200 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Dist., m Dist., m ET at the left edge ET at the right edge (a) L(ET)=0.5Lp, TSCF=0.50 Conc., mg/L 1 0.1 Left Right 0.01 0.001 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 Dist., m (b) Figure A.14. Effect of TSCF value on plume concentration for different ET locations. 232 Qin=150, ET at the left edge 100000.00 34.95 29.95 10000.00 24.95 Mass-flux, mg/d Mass-flux, mg/d Thousands Qin=150, ET at the left edge L(ET)/Lp=0.25 19.95 L(ET)/Lp=0.50 L(ET)/Lp=0.75 14.95 L(ET)/Lp=1.0 9.95 L(ET)/Lp=0.25 1000.00 L(ET)/Lp=0.50 L(ET)/Lp=0.75 100.00 L(ET)/Lp=1.0 10.00 4.95 -0.05 1.00 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 0 200 400 Dist., m 1000 1200 100000.00 34.95 29.95 10000.00 24.95 Mass-flux, mg/d Thousands 800 Qin=150, ET at the right edge Qin=150, ET at the right edge Mass-flux, mg/d 600 Dist., m L(ET)/Lp=0.25 19.95 L(ET)/Lp=0.50 L(ET)/Lp=0.75 14.95 L(ET)/Lp=1.0 9.95 L(ET)/Lp=0.25 1000.00 L(ET)/Lp=0.50 L(ET)/Lp=0.75 100.00 L(ET)/Lp=1.0 10.00 4.95 -0.05 1.00 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 0 Dist., m 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Dist., m Figure A.15. Average solute mass-flux for different LET lengths and locations, Qin=150 m3/d. 233 Reduction in mass flux Qin=150, ET at the right edge 29.50 24.50 L(ET)/Lp=0.25 L(ET)/Lp=0.50 19.50 L(ET)/Lp=0.75 14.50 L(ET)/Lp=1.0 NA 9.50 Thousands 34.50 Mass-flux, mg/d Thousands Mass-flux, mg/d Reduction in mass flux Qin=150, ET at the left edge 34.50 29.50 24.50 L(ET)/Lp=0.75 4.50 -0.50 400 600 800 1000 L(ET)/Lp=1.0 NA 9.50 4.50 200 L(ET)/Lp=0.50 14.50 -0.50 0 L(ET)/Lp=0.25 19.50 1200 0 200 400 Dist., m 800 1000 1200 4.50 4.00 3.50 3.00 L(ET)/Lp=0.25 2.50 L(ET)/Lp=0.50 2.00 L(ET)/Lp=0.75 1.50 L(ET)/Lp=1.0 1.00 0.50 Thousands Reduction in mass flux Qin=150, ET at the right edge Reduction in Mass-flux, mg/d Thousands Reduction in mass flux Qin=150, ET at the left edge Reduction in Mass-flux, mg/d 600 Dist., m 4.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 L(ET)/Lp=0.25 2.00 L(ET)/Lp=0.50 1.50 L(ET)/Lp=0.75 1.00 L(ET)/Lp=1.0 0.50 0.00 0.00 -0.50 -0.50 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 200 400 1200 600 800 1000 1200 Dist., m Dist., m % Reduction in mass flux Qin=150, ET at the left edge % Reduction in mass flux Qin=150, ET at the right edge % reduction in Mass-flux, mg/d % reduction in Mass-flux 95 75 L(ET)/Lp=0.25 55 L(ET)/Lp=0.50 L(ET)/Lp=0.75 L(ET)/Lp=1.0 35 15 -5 95 75 L(ET)/Lp=0.25 L(ET)/Lp=0.50 55 L(ET)/Lp=0.75 L(ET)/Lp=1.0 35 15 -5 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 0 Dist., m 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Dist., m Figure A.16. Average reduction in solute mass-flux (with respect to the NA conditions) for different LET lengths and locations, Qin=150 m3/d. 234 L(ET)/Lp=0.25 100000.00 35.00 30.00 10000.00 25.00 20.00 Mass-flux, mg/d Mass-flux, mg/d Thousands L(ET)/Lp=0.25 LEFT RIGHT 15.00 10.00 1000.00 LEFT RIGHT 100.00 10.00 5.00 1.00 0.00 200 400 600 800 1000 0 1200 200 400 600 Dist., m Dist., m L(ET)/Lp=0.50 L(ET)/Lp=0.50 800 1000 1200 100000.00 35.00 30.00 10000.00 25.00 20.00 LEFT 15.00 RIGHT Mass-flux, mg/d Thousands Mass-flux, mg/d 0 10.00 1000.00 LEFT RIGHT 100.00 10.00 5.00 0.00 1.00 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 0 200 400 Dist., m 35.00 1000 1200 100000.00 30.00 10000.00 25.00 20.00 Mass-flux, mg/d Thousands 800 L(ET)/Lp=0.75 L(ET)/Lp=0.75 Mass-flux, mg/d 600 Dist., m LEFT RIGHT 15.00 10.00 1000.00 LEFT RIGHT 100.00 10.00 5.00 0.00 1.00 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 0 Dist., m 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Dist., m Figure A.17. Comparison between mass-flux results for different phytoremediation system dimensions and locations 235 Qin=105 ET at left edge 25.0 100000.0 20.0 10000.0 Mass-flux, mg/d Thousands Mass-flux, mg/d Qin=105 ET at left edge L(ET)/Lp=0.25 15.0 L(ET)/Lp=0.50 L(ET)/Lp=0.75 10.0 L(ET)/Lp=1.0 1000.0 L(ET)/Lp=0.25 L(ET)/Lp=0.50 L(ET)/Lp=0.75 100.0 10.0 5.0 1.0 -0.1 0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 1200 200 400 800 1000 1200 Qin=105 ET at right edge 25.0 100000.0 20.0 10000.0 Mass-flux, mg/d Thousands Qin=105 ET at right edge Mass-flux, mg/d 600 Dist., m Dist., m L(ET)/Lp=0.25 15.0 L(ET)/Lp=0.50 L(ET)/Lp=0.75 10.0 L(ET)/Lp=1.0 1000.0 L(ET)/Lp=0.25 L(ET)/Lp=0.50 L(ET)/Lp=0.75 100.0 10.0 5.0 1.0 -0.1 0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 1200 Dist., m 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Dist., m Figure A.18. Average solute mass-flux for different LET lengths and locations, Qin=105 m3/d. 236 Qin=105, ET at right edge Thousands 23.5 18.5 Mass-flux, mg/d Mass-flux, mg/d Thousands Qin=105, ET at left edge L(ET)/Lp=0.25 13.5 L(ET)/Lp=0.50 L(ET)/Lp=0.75 L(ET)/Lp=1.0 8.5 NA 23.5 18.5 L(ET)/Lp=0.25 13.5 L(ET)/Lp=0.50 L(ET)/Lp=0.75 L(ET)/Lp=1.0 8.5 NA 3.5 3.5 -1.5 -1.5 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 0 200 400 Dist., m 2.0 1.5 L(ET)/Lp=0.25 1.0 L(ET)/Lp=0.50 0.5 L(ET)/Lp=0.75 0.0 L(ET)/Lp=1.0 Thousands 2.5 1000 1200 2.5 2.0 1.5 L(ET)/Lp=0.25 1.0 L(ET)/Lp=0.50 0.5 L(ET)/Lp=0.75 0.0 -0.5 -0.5 -1.0 -1.0 -1.5 L(ET)/Lp=1.0 -1.5 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 0 200 400 Dist., m 90 80 60 L(ET)/Lp=0.25 50 L(ET)/Lp=0.50 40 L(ET)/Lp=0.75 30 L(ET)/Lp=1.0 Mass-flux, mg/d 70 20 10 0 -10 400 600 800 1000 1200 % Reduction in mass flux Qin=105, ET at right edge 100 200 600 Dist., m % Reduction in mass flux Qin=105, ET at left edge Mass-flux, mg/d 800 Reduction in mass flux Qin=105, ET at right edge Mass-flux, mg/d Thousands Mass-flux, mg/d Reduction in mass flux Qin=105, ET at left edge 0 600 Dist., m 800 1000 1200 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 L(ET)/Lp=0.25 L(ET)/Lp=0.50 L(ET)/Lp=0.75 L(ET)/Lp=1.0 0 Dist., m 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Dist., m Figure A.19. Average reduction in solute mass-flux (with respect to the NA conditions) for different LET lengths and locations, Qin=105 m3/d. 237 L(ET)/Lp=0.25 Right edge 50.00 Thousands Thousands L(ET)/Lp=0.25 Left edge 45.00 40.00 30.00 Qin=200 25.00 Qin=150 Mass-flux, mg/d Mass-flux, mg/d 35.00 Qin=105 20.00 15.00 45.00 40.00 35.00 30.00 Qin=200 25.00 Qin=150 20.00 Qin=105 15.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 0.00 0.00 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 0 200 400 Dist., m 50.00 Thousands Thousands 45.00 40.00 30.00 Qin=200 1200 1400 25.00 Qin=150 Qin=105 20.00 15.00 45.00 40.00 35.00 30.00 Mass-flux, mg/d Mass-flux, mg/d 1000 L(ET)/Lp=0.50 Right edge 35.00 Qin=200 25.00 Qin=150 20.00 Qin=105 15.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 0.00 0.00 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 0 200 400 Dist., m 600 800 1000 1200 1400 Dist., m L(ET)/Lp=0.75 Left edge L(ET)/Lp=0.75 Right edge 50.00 Thousands Thousands 800 Dist., m L(ET)/Lp=0.50 Left edge 45.00 40.00 35.00 30.00 Qin=200 25.00 Qin=150 20.00 Qin=105 Mass-flux, mg/d Mass-flux, mg/d 600 15.00 45.00 40.00 35.00 30.00 Qin=150 20.00 Qin=105 15.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 0.00 Qin=200 25.00 0.00 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 0 Dist., m 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 Dist., m Figure A.20. Effect of inflow rate on solute mass-flux for different values of LET and ET locations. 238 6 5 4 3 Qin=200 2 Qin=150 Qin=105 1 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Thousands L(ET)/Lp=0.25 Right edge Reduction in Mass-flux, mg/d Thousands Reduction in Mass-flux, mg/d L(ET)/Lp=0.25 Left edge 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 Qin=200 Qin=150 -0.4 Qin=105 -0.6 -0.8 -1 1400 -1 -1.2 0 -2 200 400 Dist., m 4 3 Qin=200 Qin=150 2 Qin=105 1 0 600 800 1000 1200 1400 Thousands Reduction in Mass-flux, mg/d Thousands Reduction in Mass-flux, mg/d 5 400 1400 1000 1200 1400 0.8 0.6 0.4 0 -0.2 Qin=200 0 200 400 600 800 Qin=150 Qin=105 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1 -2 -1.2 Dist., m Dist., m L(ET)/Lp=0.75 Right edge 6 Reduction in Mass-flux, mg/d 5 4 3 Qin=200 Qin=150 2 Qin=105 1 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 Thousands L(ET)/Lp=0.75 Left edge Thousands 1200 0.2 -1 Reduction in Mass-flux, mg/d 1000 L(ET)/Lp=0.50 Right edge 6 200 800 Dist., m L(ET)/Lp=0.50 Left edge 0 600 2 1.5 1 Qin=200 0.5 Qin=150 0 Qin=105 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 -0.5 -1 -1 -2 -1.5 Dist., m Dist., m Figure A.21. Effect of in-flow rate on the reduction of solute mass-flux (compared to the NA conditions) for different values of LET and ET locations. 239 L(ET)/Lp=0.25 Right edge 100 100 80 80 % Reduction in Mass-flux % Reduction in Mass-flux L(ET)/Lp=0.25 Left edge 60 Qin=200 40 Qin=150 Qin=105 20 0 60 Qin=200 40 Qin=150 20 Qin=105 0 -20 -40 -20 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 0 1400 200 400 800 1000 1200 1400 L(ET)/Lp=0.50 Right edge 100 100 80 80 % Reduction in Mass-flux % Reduction in Mass-flux L(ET)/Lp=0.50 Left edge 60 Qin=200 40 Qin=150 Qin=105 20 0 60 Qin=200 40 Qin=150 20 Qin=105 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 -20 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 -20 -40 Dist., m Dist., m L(ET)/Lp=0.75 Left edge L(ET)/Lp=0.75 Right edge 100 100 80 80 % Reduction in Mass-flux % Reduction in Mass-flux 600 Dist., m Dist., m 60 Qin=200 Qin=150 40 Qin=105 20 0 60 Qin=200 Qin=150 40 Qin=105 20 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 0 -20 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 -20 Dist., m Dist., m Figure A.22. Effect of in-flow rate on the percentage reduction of solute mass-flux (compared to the NA conditions) for different values of LET and ET locations. 240 L(ET)/Lp=0.25 Q(in)=150 100 100 90 90 80 80 % Reduction in Mass-flux % Reduction in Mass-flux L(ET)/Lp=0.50 Q(in)=150 70 60 50 LEFT Edge 40 RIGHT Edge 30 20 10 70 60 50 LEFT Edge 40 RIGHT Edge 30 20 10 0 0 -10 -10 0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 1200 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Dist., m Dist., m L(ET)/Lp=0.75 Q(in)=150 100 90 % Reduction in Mass-flux 80 70 60 50 LEFT Edge 40 RIGHT Edge 30 20 10 0 -10 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Dist., m Figure A.23. Effect of ET locations on the percentage reduction of solute mass-flux (compared to the NA conditions) for different values of LET. 241 L(ET)=0.5Lp (LEFT), t=+3650 L(ET)=0.5Lp (LEFT),t=+3650 0.008 0.1 0.007 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.005 Conc., mg/L Conc., mg/L 0.006 NA 0.004 ET 0.003 1E-05 1E-06 NA 1E-07 ET 1E-08 0.002 1E-09 0.001 1E-10 1E-11 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1E-12 1100 0 Dist., m 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 Dist., m L(ET)=0.5Lp (LEFT), t=+1825 L(ET)=0.5Lp (LEFT),t=+1825 0.08 1 0.1 0.07 0.06 0.001 0.05 0.0001 Conc., mg/L Conc., mg/L 0.01 NA 0.04 ET 0.03 0.02 1E-05 NA 1E-06 ET 1E-07 1E-08 1E-09 0.01 1E-10 1E-11 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1E-12 1100 0 Dist., m 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 Dist., m L(ET)=0.5Lp (RIGHT), t=+1825 0.008 0.08 0.007 0.07 0.006 0.06 Conc., mg/L Conc., mg/L L(ET)=0.5Lp (RIGHT), t=+3650 0.005 NA 0.004 ET 0.003 0.05 NA 0.04 ET 0.03 0.002 0.02 0.001 0.01 0 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 0 1000 1100 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 Dist., m Dist., m Figure A.24. Solute concentration profiles, source removed for LET=0.5Lp at left and right sides of the plume footprint. 242 L(ET)=Lp, t=+1825 0.08 0.008 0.07 0.007 0.06 0.006 0.05 Conc., mg/L Conc., mg/L L(ET)=Lp, t=+1825 NA 0.04 ET 0.03 0.005 NA 0.004 ET 0.003 0.02 0.002 0.01 0.001 0 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 0 1000 1100 100 200 300 400 500 t=+1825 NA 700 800 900 1000 1100 t=+1825 L(ET)=0.5Lp (Right) L(ET)=0.5Lp (Left) NA L(ET)=Lp 0.08 1.00E+00 0.07 1.00E-01 0.06 L(ET)=0.5Lp (Right) L(ET)=0.5Lp (Left) L(ET)=Lp 1.00E-02 Conc., mg/L Conc., mg/L 600 Dist., m Dist., m 0.05 0.04 0.03 1.00E-03 1.00E-04 1.00E-05 0.02 1.00E-06 0.01 0 1.00E-07 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 0 100 200 300 400 500 Dist., m t=+3650 NA 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 Dist., m t=+3650 L(ET)=0.5Lp(Right) L(ET)=0.5Lp(Left) L(ET)=Lp NA 0.008 L(ET)=0.5Lp(Right) L(ET)=0.5Lp(Left) L(ET)=Lp 0.1 0.01 0.007 0.001 0.0001 Conc., mg/L Conc., mg/L 0.006 0.005 0.004 0.003 1E-05 1E-06 1E-07 1E-08 1E-09 0.002 1E-10 0.001 1E-11 0 1E-12 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 0 100 200 300 Dist., m 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 Dist., m Figure A.25. Solute concentration profiles, source removed for LET=Lp, and comparison of the LET location effect on concentration. 243 L(ET)=0.5Lp at the left edge L(ET)=0.5Lp at the right edge 0.005 0.004 0.015 Reduction in concentration, mg/L Reduction in concentration, mg/L 0.02 0.01 0.005 t=+1825 t=+3650 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 -0.005 -0.01 -0.015 -0.02 0.003 0.002 0.001 t=+1825 t=+3650 0 -0.001 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 900 1000 1100 -0.002 -0.003 -0.004 -0.005 Dist., m Dist., m t=+1825 L(ET)=Lp L(ET)=0.5Lp(LEFT) 0.02 L(ET)=0.5Lp(RIGHT) L(ET)=Lp 0.02 0.015 Reduction in concentration, mg/L Reduction in concentration, mg/L 800 0.01 0.005 t=+1825 t=+3650 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 -0.005 -0.01 -0.015 0.015 0.01 0.005 0 -0.005 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 -0.01 -0.015 -0.02 -0.02 Dist., m Dist., m t=+3650 t=+3650 L(ET)=0.5Lp(LEFT) L(ET)=0.5Lp(RIGHT) L(ET)=Lp L(ET)=0.5Lp(LEFT) L(ET)=0.5Lp(Right) L(ET)=Lp 0.003 300 0.002 200 0.001 % reduction in C Reduction in concentration, mg/L 0.004 0 -0.001 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 -0.002 -0.003 -0.004 100 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 -100 -200 -300 -0.005 -400 -0.006 Dist., m Dist., m Figure A.26. Reduction in solute concentration (after the source is removed) for different LET lengths and locations. 244 40000 ET, source ON NA,Source ON ET, Source removed 40000 30000 35000 25000 30000 Solute mass, g Solute mass, g 35000 NA (Source removed) 20000 15000 10000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 5000 0 0 0 730 1460 2190 2920 3650 4380 5110 5840 6570 0 7300 365 730 1095 1460 1825 2190 2555 2920 3285 3650 Time, d Time, d (a) (b) Figure A.27. Solute mass in aquifer after removing the source, (a), and with a NA, Source ON L(ET)=0.5Lp, Left, Source ON NA, Source ON L(ET)=0.5Lp, Left, Source ON NA(Source removed) L(ET)=0.5Lp, Right NA(Source removed) L(ET)=0.5Lp, Right L(ET)=0.5Lp, Left L(ET)=Lp L(ET)=0.5Lp, Left L(ET)=Lp 100000 40 35 30 Solute mass, g Thousands Solute mass, g phytoremediation system (b). 25 20 15 10000 1000 10 5 0 100 0 365 730 1095 1460 1825 2190 2555 2920 3285 3650 0 365 730 1095 1460 time, d Reduction in solute mass after using ET 2190 2555 2920 3285 3650 % reduction in solute mass at different times 2900 50.0 2400 40.0 % reduction in solute mass Reduction in solute mass, g 1825 time, d 1900 Lp 1400 Left Right 900 400 30.0 Lp 20.0 Left Right 10.0 0.0 -100 0 365 730 1095 1460 1825 2190 2555 2920 3285 -10.0 0 3650 365 730 Time, d 1095 1460 1825 2190 2555 2920 3285 3650 Time, d Figure A.28. Solute mass reduction due to applying a phytoremediation system where the contaminant source is removed. 245 400 150 350 100 % reduction in mass-flux Mass-flux, mg/d 300 250 NA 200 Right Left 150 Full 100 50 50 Full Left Right 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 -50 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 -100 -50 Dist., m Dist., m at X=1000 0.7 12 0.6 10 0.5 Mass flux, mg/d 8 NA 0.4 L(ET)=0.5Lp, Left L(ET)=0.5Lp, Right 0.3 L(ET)=Lp 0.2 NA 6 L(ET)=0.5Lp, Left L(ET)=0.5Lp, Right 4 L(ET)=Lp 2 0.1 0 0 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 -2 Dist., m Dist., m at X=1000 0.01 0.005 Mass flux, mg/d Mass flux, mg/d at X=500 0 0 100 200 300 -0.005 400 500 L(ET)=Lp -0.01 -0.015 -0.02 Dist., m Figure A.29. Solute mass-flux for different ET locations (up), and at downstream cross sections where the contaminant source is removed. 246 Table A.1. Average mass-flux at different cross-sections downstream the plume source for different values of ET width. W/Ws =3.0, LET=0.5Lp Dist. 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 31898.91 20398.85 13003.02 8307.07 5318.9 3413.276 2195.318 1415.162 914.3307 592.1101 384.3042 250.0108 TSCF=1.0 32641.06 15063.07 6098.404 2002.789 401.407 -55.24647 -7.376162 -1.085158 -0.179134 -0.034383 -0.00486 -0.001958 TSCF=0.75 32657.11 15833.02 6722.883 2328.417 496.7229 -71.05185 -9.259253 -1.276102 -0.195157 -0.035371 -0.004881 -0.001958 TSCF=0.50 32673.36 16644.88 7413.178 2711.859 615.74 -91.56965 -11.63977 -1.504324 -0.213265 -0.036421 -0.004906 -0.001959 TSCF=0.25 32689.75 17501.75 8187.245 3162.813 764.7523 -118.1618 -14.64152 -1.776896 -0.233604 -0.037584 -0.004926 -0.001959 TSCF=0.0 32707.94 18409.24 9042.449 3690.563 951.1825 -152.7812 -18.44344 -2.103634 -0.256642 -0.038831 -0.004949 -0.001959 W/Ws =2.50, LET=0.5Lp Dist. 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 31898.91 20398.85 13003.02 8307.07 5318.9 3413.276 2195.318 1415.162 914.3307 592.1101 384.3042 250.0108 TSCF=1.0 32915.228 15552.211 6722.3057 2546.0797 756.91563 108.48747 76.837504 45.506058 28.505975 19.045963 13.072447 8.8791296 TSCF=0.75 32929.569 16329.386 7387.622 2944.0209 924.86608 138.29661 96.320875 54.51716 32.031378 20.135391 13.293012 8.89893 TSCF=0.50 32947.587 17149.227 8128.6091 3403.6426 1132.4308 176.59762 120.76384 65.412521 36.065089 21.317288 13.510912 8.9212269 TSCF=0.25 32965.5517 18020.208 8946.50284 3942.1329 1389.12725 225.938574 151.6494 78.6103536 40.713715 22.6253461 13.7513441 8.94392278 TSCF=0.00 32983.7527 18934.7625 9852.64807 4570.15185 1705.49563 289.61161 190.654261 94.6164713 46.0727655 24.0672915 14.0089144 8.96761858 TSCF=1.0 33125.591 15998.211 7327.2167 3092.0883 1144.5545 324.59511 200.34204 117.72951 73.888286 49.427501 34.140504 23.553534 TSCF=0.75 33143.185 16784.449 8032.4327 3550.386 1384.4002 408.43334 249.02984 142.29053 84.932653 53.720094 35.41242 23.790564 TSCF=0.50 33159.401 17609.799 8804.692 4083.0028 1672.1928 514.84406 309.96671 172.20585 97.830761 58.520344 36.787762 24.041694 TSCF=0.25 33177.395 18486.468 9665.6622 4698.708 2028.033 650.17981 386.30917 208.66955 112.91809 63.898869 38.275401 24.307977 TSCF=0.00 33192.463 19409.05 10611.701 5412.7932 2459.6353 823.35171 482.0612 253.1439 130.58817 69.925767 39.885577 24.587924 W/Ws =2.00, LET=0.5Lp Dist. 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 31898.91 20398.85 13003.02 8307.07 5318.9 3413.276 2195.318 1415.162 914.3307 592.1101 384.3042 250.0108 247 W/Ws =1.50, LET=0.5Lp 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 31898.91 20398.85 13003.02 8307.07 5318.9 3413.276 2195.318 1415.162 914.3307 592.1101 384.3042 250.0108 TSCF=1.0 33221.3 16415.44 7937.72 3668.934 1580.528 602.8832 371.4798 223.3898 142.2885 96.01605 66.67826 46.44781 TSCF=0.75 33238.27 17194.81 8666.178 4176.41 1882.074 743.3309 454.3311 268.5966 164.9089 106.1652 70.51732 47.52271 TSCF=0.50 33253.85 18022.01 9462.012 4762.617 2245.309 918.5848 556.6887 323.5199 191.563 117.6792 74.72219 48.67336 TSCF=0.25 33268.05 18893.05 10346.87 5434.548 2678.907 1137.677 683.4037 390.325 222.9683 130.7561 79.33544 49.90368 TSCF=0.00 33285.5 19809.71 11317.6 6211.474 3206.755 1412.275 840.4046 471.6692 260.1012 145.6247 84.39885 51.21418 W/Ws =1.0, LET=0.5Lp 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 31898.91 20398.85 13003.02 8307.07 5318.9 3413.276 2195.318 1415.162 914.3307 592.1101 384.3042 250.0108 TSCF=1.0 31825.68 18154.64 10200.97 5641.729 3083.563 1683.237 985.2151 599.0137 383.5043 258.0699 178.0829 123.4365 TSCF=0.75 31829.5 18901.81 10982.25 6281.398 3547.401 1986.419 1155.937 696.4961 436.0639 283.9326 189.3581 127.4878 TSCF=0.50 31831.83 19686.67 11838.47 7006.372 4089.315 2354.243 1361.781 812.9197 497.6466 313.4068 201.8213 131.8604 TSCF=0.25 31835.62 20516.8 12774.26 7824.646 4734.922 2801.379 1610.492 952.2732 569.8693 347.0149 215.6152 136.5642 TSCF=0.00 31839.43 21378.65 13789.77 8754.69 5493.746 3347.478 1911.704 1119.322 654.7882 385.4239 230.8906 141.642 W/Ws =3.0, LET=Lp Dist. 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 31898.91 20398.85 13003.02 8307.07 5318.9 3413.276 2195.318 1415.162 914.3307 592.1101 384.3042 250.0108 TSCF=1.0 32321.06 17778.68 9408.858 4774.561 2303.867 1043.815 437.1834 165.9602 54.71013 12.37973 -2.008 -0.328229 TSCF=0.75 32329.06 18211.04 9845.368 5111.889 2526.054 1173.373 503.9652 195.1042 91.02759 14.69951 -2.349601 -0.371041 TSCF=0.50 32338.59 18657.48 10306.35 5474.634 2769.732 1319.537 581.1245 229.4085 76.92278 17.45394 -2.749055 -0.419476 248 TSCF=0.25 32348.22 19111.41 10790.78 5863.736 3038.008 1484.582 670.3788 269.7824 91.21343 20.72547 -3.216359 -0.474403 TSCF=0.0 32356.37 19582.24 11301.17 6277.587 3334.301 1670.985 773.6675 317.3085 108.1605 24.61094 -3.762509 -0.536588 W/Ws =2.50, LET=Lp Dist. 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 NA 31898.91 20398.85 13003.02 8307.07 5318.9 3413.276 2195.318 1415.162 914.3307 592.1101 384.3042 250.0108 TSCF=1.0 32447.57 18008.547 9721.0965 5092.5109 2576.2527 1248.9631 577.42303 253.82004 106.14167 40.947532 12.871472 8.7276899 TSCF=0.75 32457.087 18433.34 10167.362 5444.9971 2815.7464 1398.5387 662.09816 296.81673 125.3787 48.454983 15.056925 9.8710016 TSCF=0.50 32463.626 18879.382 10635.449 5822.509 3080.7046 1566.6878 759.50282 347.19879 148.10678 57.349441 17.621116 11.170279 TSCF=0.25 32471.7049 19338.5127 11127.7879 6224.89563 3370.85638 1755.7273 871.601661 406.248138 175.00606 67.8908697 20.6318845 12.6478341 TSCF=0.00 32481.393 19807.9443 11644.4855 6662.03361 3691.18901 1968.49162 1000.70416 475.455418 206.800709 80.3803167 24.1648052 14.327968 TSCF=1.0 32544.76 18210.34 10021.889 5409.2292 2850.1809 1463.2067 729.95891 354.96645 169.89475 79.821713 35.660181 23.262271 TSCF=0.75 32552.735 18641.766 10471.943 5772.2386 3108.3195 1631.0019 831.68738 412.09014 199.27628 93.774732 41.480425 26.256892 TSCF=0.50 32560.737 19089.232 10952.586 6161.5756 3389.3483 1818.7869 948.06837 478.63081 233.85835 110.23808 48.302242 29.667631 TSCF=0.25 32568.806 19544.285 11442.253 6577.9675 3697.7831 2029.1053 1081.3224 556.14049 274.54873 129.67161 56.299961 33.551904 TSCF=0.00 32578.436 20016.844 11965.426 7024.084 4034.8452 2265.9983 1233.8486 646.47863 322.44203 152.60877 65.676443 37.974631 W/Ws =2.0, LET=Lp Dist. 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 NA 31898.91 20398.85 13003.02 8307.07 5318.9 3413.276 2195.318 1415.162 914.3307 592.1101 384.3042 250.0108 W/Ws =1.50, LET=Lp Dist., m 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 NA 31898.91 20398.85 13003.02 8307.07 5318.9 3413.276 2195.318 1415.162 914.3307 592.1101 384.3042 250.0108 TSCF=1.0 32586.05 18407.35 10349.2 5753.273 3156.064 1706.277 908.8326 478.9115 252.5642 133.8801 70.25268 46.03622 TSCF=0.75 32592.2 18831.02 10788.42 6119.064 3422.757 1886.314 1023.89 548.3149 291.7524 154.6711 80.37786 51.36535 TSCF=0.50 32599.87 19272.13 11261.3 6514.218 3715.079 2086.579 1154.434 628.3736 337.4098 179.007 92.16507 57.41988 249 TSCF=0.25 32609.15 19723.59 11751.7 6922.434 4027.64 2309.464 1302.64 720.8272 390.6813 207.5052 105.8996 64.30616 TSCF=0.0 32616.94 20188.23 12271.11 7370.956 4374.168 2555.937 1470.946 827.6331 452.8993 240.8943 121.9102 72.13453 W/Ws =1.0, LET=Lp Dist., m 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 NA 31898.91 20398.85 13003.02 8307.07 5318.9 3413.276 2195.318 1415.162 914.3307 592.1101 384.3042 250.0108 TSCF=1.0 32501.35 18735.71 10850.77 6261.872 3598.162 2053.235 1165.472 660.3766 376.9442 217.8663 126.4624 83.15738 TSCF=0.75 32503.23 19111.17 11243.68 6591.792 3840.802 2223.975 1279.646 733.3096 421.0981 243.1854 140.0181 90.45315 TSCF=0.50 32505.13 19492.47 11657.94 6935.06 4102.287 2411.615 1407.207 816.0255 471.6537 272.3007 155.55 98.6584 250 TSCF=0.25 32505.51 19889.82 12085.06 7310.616 4390.332 2618.137 1549.955 909.9049 529.5853 305.8381 173.3812 107.9001 TSCF=0.0 32507.38 20287.22 12534.95 7699.612 4700.445 2845.316 1709.73 1016.544 596.082 344.4571 193.8649 118.313 VITA Amr A. El-Sayed was born on August 27, 1968, in El-Minia, Egypt. He finished High School in 1986, and he was ranked first in the mathematical branch for his district, as the high school examination is the same nationwide in Egypt. In 1986, he entered the program of Faculty of Engineering, El-Minia University, Egypt. During his study in the Engineering school, he was elected the ideal student for El-Minia University, Egypt in the year 1988, and was elected the Ideal student for dorms three years in a row. El-Sayed, Amr graduated in 1990 from the civil engineering department, and he was ranked first with the degree of honor. He started his graduate studies in the year 1992 as a TA/RA in the civil engineering department, faculty of Engineering, El-Minia University, and had his Master degree in the year 1996 under the title “Effect of non-homogenous layers beneath floors of hydraulic structures on seepage characteristics”. During the period of 1994 to 2000, El-Sayed was working as part-time designer in many consulting offices. In the year 1999, he was awarded a scholarship from the Egyptian government to pursue his Ph. D. degree in civil engineering. He entered Virginia Tech civil and environmental engineering program in the Fall of 2000 and graduated in the Fall of 2006. 251 AMR A. EL-SAYED 310D Patton Hall, Virginia Tech., Blacksburg VA 24060 «(540) 257-4192/(540) 231-4421 E-mail:, webpage: EDUCATION KNOWLEDGE/SKILLS ACCOMPLISHMENTS EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, VA PhD Candidate (Environmental & Water Resources), graduating Dec 06 El-Minia University, Egypt, El-Minia, Egypt, 1996 Master of Science in Civil Engineering Thesis title: "Effect of non-homogenous layers beneath floors of hydraulic structures on seepage characteristics" El-Minia University, Egypt, El-Minia, Egypt, 1990 B. Sc. in Civil Engineering Rank 1st. With the degree of Honor Numerical Modeling for groundwater/contaminant transport: GMS 6.0, FORTRAN Land Developments/Road Design using Autodesk Products: Land Desktop 2007, Civil 3D 2007, Revit Building 8.1, MicroStation, and GEOPAK Surface water simulation/Pipe Network analysis using: HEC-HMS & HECRAS, Bentley (Haestad Methods): WaterCAD, StormCAD Geospatial Analysis using ArcGIS 9.x 1- More than 14 years experience in civil engineering. 2- Re-planning main roads leading to Cairo Stadium 1990. 3- Design of many buildings in El-Minia University, Egypt (List of projects is available at request). 4- Design the webpage, and CD of EWRI conference in Roanoke, VA in 2002 (Reference: Prof. David Kibler, Virginia Tech) 5- Create digital CAD files for the "Slope Stability Manual" U.S Army's corps of Engineers. (Reference: Prof. Mike Duncan, Virginia Tech) 6- SEAM3D – Plant Uptake Package (PUP), Technical report to USGS. (Reference: Prof. Mark Widdowson, Virginia Tech) Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg VA Ph. D. student/TA/RA/Instructor • Fall 2005, Spring 05, and Fall 2006: Instructor and course builder for CEE 4204 CAD Applications in CEE. • Spring 2005: Instructor EngE 1234 Engineering Hands-on Lab. • Fall 2004: Instructor EngE 1024 Engineering Exploration. • Spring 2004: Instructor CEE 3304 Fluid Mechanics. • Summer 2003: TA CEE 3304 Fluid Mechanics. • Spring 2002, Fall 2002, Spring 2003: Instructor EF 1234 Hands-on Lab. • Fall 2001: TA CEE 4334 Hydraulic Structures. • Summer 2001: TA CEE 3304 Fluid Mechanics 252 (08/00 present) EMPLOYMENT HISTORY El-Minia University, El-Minia, Egypt Research Assistant/M. Sc. Student Engineering consultation office (ECO), El-Minia, Egypt Designer engineer Software developer, prepare CAD drawings, and technical reports. Road construction company, Cairo, Egypt, Site engineer Road construction engineer. RELATED COURSEWORK PRESENTATIONS/ PROJECTS Fluid Mechanics for CEE Water Resources and Hydrology. CAD/GIS Applications in Civil and Environmental Engineering. FORTRAN/Visual BASIC programming. Water surface simulation using HEC-RAS (Guest speaker for CEE 3314_Water Resources Engineering, Spring 2006) Increase your productivity: Autodesk Civil 3D. (Seminar guest speaker in Auburn Univ., AL, Fall 2006) Watershed Delineation, and Travel Time Calculation using GIS (Guest speaker for CEE 5224_Advanced GIS, Fall 2004) Strouble’s Subwatershed Study Area (Storm Sewers Project for CEE 5224, Fall 2002) Design of Earth Dams using SEEP2D (Guest speaker for CCEE 4334_Hydraulic Structures, Fall 2001) INTERESTS KEYWORD SUMMARY Fine Arts, Reading Table Tennis, Basketball Traveling/interaction with people. Civil Engineering/Education CAD/GIS applications Water recourses/Groundwater Modeling 253 (01/92 - 08/00) (01/92 - 08/00) (01-90 - 01/92)