ELECTRICAL SERVICE RULE BOOK BULLETIN NUMBER: DATE: EFFECTIVE UNTIL: ORIGINATED: INDIVIDUALS AFFECTED: SUBJECT: 01 November 30, 2006 Rescinded Electrical Standards Internal and External Customers Adjustable Breakers with Self-Contained MeterSockets INTRODUCTION Starting with this revision, the Electric Service Information (ESI) Manual will be changed to the Electric Service Rule (ESR) Book. Section 114. C. of the former ESI Manual limits the over-current protection for a self-contained meter-socket to no more that the maximum rating of the meter-socket. Section 114 states that the combined service or current protection rating shall not exceed the ampacity rating of the self-contained meter socket. Self contained metering is limited to a maximum of 300 amps capacity. THE PROBLEM Some electrical contractors have been using adjustable 400 ampere breakers, dialed down to 320 amperes, with 320 ampere self-contained meter-sockets. This is prohibited by the ESI Manual, as stated above. Some individuals are incorrectly assuming that if a specific installation is not addressed by the ESI Manual, then is should be allowed. It is impossible to specifically cover every conceivable service option available in the ESI Manual. It may be necessary to contact Alliant Energy personnel for clarification on those variations for which there is a question THE SOLUTION In an attempt to clarify this specific issue, Section 114. C. of the ESI Manual is hereby modified to read as follows: The combined service or current protection rating shall not exceed the ampacity rating of the self-contained meter socket. Self contained metering is limited to 300 amps capacity and adjustable breakers, whose maximum rating either individually or in combination, exceeds the rating of the self-contained meter-socket, are prohibited. Alliant Energy will not allow any combination of Fuses or Breakers to be greater than the rating of the meter-socket. For a two-hundred ampere self-contained meter-socket, a single fuse or a single breaker, rated 200 amperes maximum, is allowed. For a three-hundred twenty ampere self-contained meter-socket, either a 100 & 200 or two 150 ampere Fuses or some combination of breaker/s, with a maximum rating of 300 amperes, is allowed. QUESTIONS Contact Rob Weber (319-786-4743) in Electrical Standards with any questions concerning this bulletin. Page 10 IP&L / WP&L ELECTRIC SERVICE RULES GENERAL INFORMATION 111. Chapter 1 Issued 12 of 2006 INSPECTIONS AND MAINTENANCE Alliant Energy reserves the right, but assumes no responsibility for inspection of the customer’s installation. 112. SERVICE CONNECTIONS Alliant Energy will make all service connections to its electric distribution system. Connection to or alteration of the Alliant Energy’s electric service facilities or other equipment is prohibited and is subject to immediate disconnection. Deviations from this policy may be approved at the local office on an as needed basis. 113. IDENTIFICATION OF CONDUCTORS A. The neutral or grounded conductor of a service entrance (480 V and under) shall be identified by a white or gray color/ tape, or by three continuous white stripes on other than green insulation along its entire length. B. On 4-wire, delta connected secondary, where the midpoint of one phase winding is grounded to supply lighting and similar loads, the phase conductor having the higher voltage to ground shall be identified by an outer finish that is orange in color, by tagging, or other effective means. Such identification shall be placed at each location where a connection is made if the grounded conductor is also present. 114. CAPACITY A. Service entrances shall have ample capacity, per The National Electrical Code, see NEC Article 220, for any electrical load that may reasonably be expected to develop. All current carrying components of the metering installation shall have an ampacity rating equal to or greater than the required ampacity rating of the service entrance conductors. B. For Customer installations of two to six breakers, or sets of fuses, on the load side of a termination box, or current transformer cabinet, the sum of the ratings of the circuit breakers, or fuses shall be permitted to exceed the rating of the termination box or instrument transformer cabinet provided the load is calculated in accordance with NEC Article 220. That load shall not exceed the ampacity rating of the termination box or current transformer cabinet. The NEC article 220 load calculations shall be provided in writing to Alliant Energy. C. The combined service or current protection rating shall not exceed the ampacity rating of the self-contained meter socket. Self contained metering is limited to 300 amps capacity and adjustable breakers, whose maximum rating either individually or in combination, exceeds the rating of the self-contained meter-socket, are prohibited.