LASER INTERFEROMETER GRAVITATIONAL WAVE OBSERVATORY LIGO Laboratory / LIGO Scientific Collaboration LIGO LIGO-T1100467-v2 March 7, 2013 aLIGO Broadband Photodetector Matthew Evans, Koji Arai Distribution of this document: LIGO Scientific Collaboration This is an internal working note of the LIGO Laboratory. California Institute of Technology LIGO Project – MS 18-34 1200 E. California Blvd. Pasadena, CA 91125 Phone (626) 395-2129 Fax (626) 304-9834 E-mail: Massachusetts Institute of Technology LIGO Project – NW22-295 185 Albany St Cambridge, MA 02139 Phone (617) 253-4824 Fax (617) 253-7014 E-mail: LIGO Hanford Observatory P.O. Box 1970 Richland WA 99352 Phone 509-372-8106 Fax 509-372-8137 LIGO Livingston Observatory P.O. Box 940 Livingston, LA 70754 Phone 225-686-3100 Fax 225-686-7189 LIGO LIGO-T1100467-v2 1 Introduction The aLIGO design call for 2 modulation frequencies (9.1 and 45.5MHz) and demodulation at the first, second and third multiples of each. The highest of these is 136.5MHz, which is challenging to meet in the context of existing aLIGO photodetectors (PDs). Furthermore, the aLIGO Arm Length Stabilization (ALS, M080371) system will require demodulation at 80 and 160MHz, also challenging in the context of aLIGO PDs. The objective of this work is to find a solution to the detection of signals from 18MHz to 160MHz for 1064nm and 532nm optical wavelengths. It should be noted that the beams to be detected will arrive from the aLIGO interferometer, and thus will not be fixed to the table in position or angle, which makes the active area of the PD of special concern. Also of note is the fact that these detectors will not be used for low-noise “Science Mode” signals, and thus can be designed for inair operation and modest noise performance. 2 Search for an existing solution The first approach investigated was that of simply modifying the existing Length Sensing and Control tuned RF photodetector design (T1000694) to operate at higher frequencies. While not impossible, this approach appears difficult since this design is targeted at ultra-low-noise tuned readout of frequencies below 50MHz. A survey of commercially available detectors turns up a number of candidates all of which share a common problem: in order to operate at frequencies above 100MHz, the active area of the PDs is too small to be used in the context of a suspended interferometer (usually less than ¼ mm2). The best of these detectors, the NewFocus 1811, was used for some time in iLIGO for demodulation of the 50MHz SPOB signal, and was eventually abandoned because the small active area resulted in an unreliable signal. That is, the beam alignment on the table varied enough with time that the beam would occasionally move off the PD. It should be mentioned that a Thorlabs PD10CF detector, which claims 150MHz bandwidth, was purchased for testing. The advantage of the PD10CF, as opposed to the 1811, is the somewhat larger active area and built-in threads for mounting lenses to the PD case. The ability to mount lenses to the PD allows us to magnify the PD by a factor of about 4, limited mostly by our lens mounting precision of about 100 micro-meters, and the ergonomically dictated maximum telescope length of 3-inchs. (Magnification also implies an angular requirement on the beam impinging on the image plane of the PD which becomes onerous for magnification factors much greater than 4.) While the resulting PD image is of respectable dimension (1 mm2 apparent active area), the PD10CF response was measured to be limited to 100MHz bandwidth, which is insufficient for our highest frequency signals. A similar approach to the 1811 is likely to fail due to its smaller size (thus requiring greater magnification), and lack of built-in lens mounting options (thus preventing precise lens-PD positioning). 2 LIGO LIGO-T1100467-v2 3 Design The aLIGO Broadband Photodetector (BBPD) is built around a 2.5mm diameter photodiode (PerkinElmer/Excelitas FFD-100), coupled to a 50 Ohm RF amplifier (Mini-Circuits MAR-6SM+). The FFD-100 is a silicon photodiode which offers low capacitance and series resistance with a modest bias despite its large active area (12pF and 10 Ohm at 15V). The responsivity of this diode at 1064nm is low, but acceptable at 0.1A/W, while the responsivity at 532nm is good at 0.3A/W. Using a 50 Ohm RF amplifier to provide the PD’s RF readout allows for a simple design and a good response over a wide range of frequencies. The trade-offs relative to a resonant detector are the noise performance of the PD, which is limited by this 50 Ohm transimpedance, and the ability to remove unwanted frequencies before amplification, although options to add some filtration are still available. The frontend preamplifier MAR-6SM+ has the lowest noise level (N.F. 2.3dB) among the monolithic wideband amplifiers in Mini-Circuits’ line-up. The cascade of MAR-6SM+ and GALI-6+ amplifiers provides total 32dB of amplification (i.e. 20dB+12dB), resulting in an apparent transimpedance (as seen on the output) close to 2 kOhm. This amplifier also has a highpower output with good linearity (1dB compression at 18dBm), and provides amplification from DC to 4GHz. The DC path is made to respond up to 100kHz with 2 kOhm transimpedance. The response is noninverting and driven by a standard op-amp (OP27). This choice of transimpedance gives a 10V output for maximal incident optical power (50mW of 1064nm, or 15mW of 532nm). It also roughly matches the RF and DC transimpedance, and matches their ranges for a typical modulation depth of 10% (1Vrms of RF for 10V of DC). Photodiode Resonant Circuit Low Noise RF Amp a15 RF Notch RF High-Pass COC3a C3a GND PIC3a02 PIC3a01 100n PIR20 1 COR20 R20 0 GND PIPD10A PIL202 COL1 L1 DNS DNS COL2 L2 10uH COTP5 TP5 10uH COC4 C4 PIL101 PIU102 GND PIU103 10n COL21 L21 10uH GND PIL2102 PIU104 PIC20a02 COC20a C20a 100n PIC20b02 COC20b C20b 1n PIC1a01 PIC1a02 COC1a C1a DNS PIC1b02 COC1b C1b DNS PIC2a01 PIC2a02 10n COC6 C6 10n PIU202 GALI-6a GND Front Panel COJ2 J2 PIJ201 RF OUT SMA PIJ202 PIJ203 PIJ204 PIJ205 GND DC Amp 0-100kHz COTP1 TP1 COR11 R11 a15 PIC2b01 PIR1102 COC9 C9 PITP101 PIR1101 PIC2b02 COC2b C2b DNS PIC2302 PIR901 10uH PIL702 PIC701 PIC702 PIL801 PIL802 10uH COC7 C7 10n GND COR12 COR13 R12 R13 1k 2k PIR1201 PIR1301 a15 GND 1 PIU301 COC13 C13 1n DNS 5 COU3 U3 OP27GS PIU305 6 PIU306 3 PIC1301 PIC1302 8 PIU308 PIU304 PIC2401 PIC2402 GND PIC1402 PIC1401 a15 PIU307 PIU303 PIR1202 PIR1302 PIR902 2k PIC2301 100n 2 PIU302 COL8 L8 COC14 C14 COR9 R9 1n GND COL7 L7 Compensation Cap PIC902 PIC901 1k COC23 C23 PIL701 GND PIL2 02 COL22 L22 10uH PIU203 PIC602 PIC601 GND MAR-6SMa DC Low-Pass PIL301 COC2a C2a COC5 C5 GND PIL302 PIL2 01 COU2 U2 10n 10uH PIL201 PIC1b01 PIR2202 PIC502 PIC501 PIU201 PIL2002 PIC20b01 1n GND GND PIC20a01 COR22 R22 PIR2201 COC22 150 C22 COL3 L3 COL20 L20 PITP501 PIL2001 COU1 U1 PIC2 01 PIC2 02 7 PIR20 2 PIL102 COPD1 PD1 PIPD10CASE GND PIC3b02 PIC3b01 PIPD10K PIL2101 PIC401 PIC402 PIU101 10n COC3b C3b -15 a15 PIR2102 680 COC21 C21 4 Bias Voltage COR21 R21 PIR2101 PIC2101 PIC2102 High Power RF Amp -15 COC24 C24 100n COR10 R10 PIR1001 100 COJ1 J1 PIR1002 PIJ101 PIJ102 DC OUT BNC GND GND Figure 1: Circuit schematic of aLIGO Broadband photodetector Mounting Hole 3 LIGO LIGO-T1100467-v2 COH1 COC33 COC32 PAC3301 PAC3202 COD1 PAD102 PAR3101 COH2 PAD101 PAH101 PAR3002 COR22 PAD104 PAD103 PAJ205 PAJ202 PAJ201 PAJ204 PAJ203 PAC3302 PAL3102 PAL3002 COL31 COL30 PAL3101 COC31 PAC3102 PAC3101 PATP301 PAL3001 COC2 PAC2201PAC2101 PAC2202PAC2102 COC21 COR21 COC20a PATP201 COTP5 PATP501 COTP4 PATP401 COP1 COH3 COL20 COR20 PAH301 PAL2202 PAJ104 COC20b COC1a COC1b PAC1a02 PAC1b02 PAC1a01 PAC1b01 COC34PAC3401 PAC3402 PAJ102 PAJ101 PAU203 COU2 PAU202 PAU103 COU1 PAU101 PAC402 PAC401 PAC3a01 PAC3b01 COPD1 PAC3a02 PAC3b02 COC4 PAL101 PAL102 PAR902 PAC901 PAR901 PAC902 COR9 COC9 COR10 PAL302 PAL301 PAPD10CASE COL2 COC2a COC2b PAC2a02 PAC2b02 PAL202 PAL201 PAC2a01 PAC2b01 COJ1 COC7 PAC702 PAC701 PAL701 PAL702 PAC2402 PAR1201 COU3 PAR1102 PAR1101 COL7 COC14 PAC1402 PAC1401 COC24 PAC2401 PAU301 PAU302 PAU303 PAU304 COL3 COSN COR11 PAPD10K COC3b COL1 PAPD10A PAR1001 PAR1002 PAU308 PAU307 PAU306 PAU305 PAC502 PAC501 COC5 PAU102 COC3a COC23 PAC2302 PAC2301 PAU201 PAL2102 PAC20a01 PAC20a02 PAC20b01 PAC20b02 PAL2001 PAL2002 PAR2002 PAR2001 PAJ103 PAC601 PAC602 COL22 COL21 PAR2101 PAR2102 PAL2101 COTP2 COC30 PAP103 PAP102 PAP101 PAC3002 PAC3001 PAH201 COC6 PAC3201 PAR3102COR31 PAR3001 COR30 PAR2 01 PAR2 02 PAL2201 COTP3 COJ2 COC13 PAC1301 PAC1302 PAL802 PAL801 COL8 PAR1202 PAR1302 PAR1301 COR12 COR13 PATP101 COTP1COH4 PAC3501 COC35 PAC3502 PAH401 Figure 2: Design of the PCB (left) and the photo of the assembly (right) 4 Response The RF response of the BBPD is designed to be high in the region of interest to aLIGO interferometer sensing and control; 18 to 160MHz. The high frequency end of the response is, in principle, limited by the time constant determined by the junction capacitance of the diode and the transimpedance of the preamp. This yields the cutoff frequency of 160MHz. The low frequency photocurrent (f<1MHz) is guided to the audio frequency circuit by the blocking filters (C3s, C4, and L3) before the RF amplifier. It should be noted that to reach lower RF frequencies it is sufficient to replace L1 and L2 with larger inductances (e.g., 10uH), and C1, C2 and C4 with larger capacitances (e.g., 10nF), though the DC path should be modified slightly to compensate (e.g., C9 and C15 set to 1nF). Similarly, these components can be modified to reject frequencies below a given cut-off (currently 5MHz), or even to notch unwanted frequencies (e.g., 9MHz). Additional spare pads (L1, C1a, and C1b) are provided to allow further flexibility of internal filtering such as a notch filter. Some complication is added to the DC path in order to provide a 25V bias to the PD (R12 and R13 on the schematic). The balanced design rejects noise entering via the +15V supply, but there is clearly some compromise to the DC path simplicity and noise performance required in trade for RF response above 50MHz (see figure 4, response vs. bias voltage). Therefore, the PCB is designed to allow an external high voltage bias at TP5 while the original bias is to be decoupled by removing R20. Note that the actual bias voltage across the diode is V(TP5) – 10V (i.e. the original bias voltage is –25V) as the cathode voltage is determined by the virtual short of the DC current amplifier (TP1). shows the response of the BBPD. The transimpedance is 2.3 kOhm at 15MHz where the maximum response is achieved. With the default configuration, the response goes down to 890 Ohm at 160MHz. The high frequency response can be extended up to 200MHz by applying an external high-voltage reverse bias at TP5, by removing R20 to decouple the original bias voltage. This capability of extended response was demonstrated by a proof-of-principle setup circuit depicted in Figure 4. Figure 3 4 LIGO LIGO-T1100467-v2 aLIGO Broadband PD response (2011/7/5) 4 Transimpedance (Ohm) 10 3 10 2 10 1 10 Phase [deg] 0 10 5 10 180 120 60 0 −60 −120 −180 5 10 6 7 10 8 10 6 7 10 9 10 10 8 10 9 10 10 Frequency [Hz] Figure 3: Magnitude and phase response of the aLIGO broadband photodetector Perkin Elmer FFD−100 / ERA−5SM 3 10 Hamamatsu S3399 or Perkin Elmer FFD-100 -VBIAS +15V 1n RF out 10uH (RDC=7!) 1n 1n ERA-5SM Transimpedance [Ω] 2 150 470pF SMD (500V) 10 Vbias 3V 5V 10V 20V 25V 30V 50V 100V −3dB line 1 10 10! 0 10 5 10 6 10 7 10 Frequency [Hz] 8 10 9 10 Figure 4: Response of the photodiode with various bias voltages (right). This test was performed with a test circuit (left). 5 LIGO LIGO-T1100467-v2 The spectral response of the BBPD was also measured. For 1064nm light, it was found to be 0.08A/W and 0.3A/W for 633nm light. These correspond to the expected spectral response of the FFD-100 only if the overall efficiency of the transmission of light into the PD is around 70% (see figure below, taken from the FFD-100 data sheet). Figure 5: Spectral response of FFD-100 5 Noise performance The output noise of the BBPD was measured by changing the power of the incident light from an incandescent light bulb. The average noise levels between 15MHz and 20MHz were plotted against the DC photocurrent flowing on the diode (Figure 6). From the dependence of the noise on the DC photocurrent (iDC), the (average) transimpedance (gdet) and the shot-noise intercept current1 (idet) can be obtained. The measurement indicates that the BBPD will be shot-noise limited when the DC photocurrent is more than 0.22mA. The frequency dependence of the shot noise intercept current is obtained from the dark noise current (Figure 7). This was calculated from the output noise voltage (i.e. dark noise voltage) by the transimpedance. The shot noise intercept current at 160MHz is about 3mA. Since the current noise level is limited by the reduced response of the photodetector at the high frequency, this noise level can be improved by increasing the bias voltage. These photocurrents can be converted to input power at some wavelength with the responsivity values given in the previous section. 1 The shot-noise intercept current is the level of the DC photo current where the contribution of shot noise becomes comparable to the dark noise of a photodetector. 6 LIGO LIGO-T1100467-v2 aLIGO Broadband PD shotnoise intercept current: 15MHz~20MHz −6 10 Vn: Output noise level [V/rtHz] BBPD fitting: Vn = gdet sqrt[2e (i dc + idet)] transimpedance (gdet): 2.33e+03 Ohm shot noise intercept current (idet): 2.22e−01 mA measured data −7 10 −8 10 idet = 0.222 mA −7 10 −6 10 −5 10 −4 10 −3 −2 10 −1 10 idc: DC photo current [A] 10 Figure 6: Shot noise intercept current measured with illumination from an incandescent light. aLIGO Broadband PD current noise level shotnoise intercept current Current Noise [pA/rtHz] 2 10 10mA 1mA 1 10 0.2mA 0.1mA 6 10 7 10 8 10 Frequency [Hz] Figure 7: Frequency dependence of the input intercept current 7 LIGO LIGO-T1100467-v2 6 Interfaces The electrical interface of the BBPD has two outputs and one input, all located on the topside of the case. The RF and DC outputs are provided by SMA and BNC connectors. These match aLIGO electronics (c.f., T1000044 and D1002932) and provide the user with a clear indication of the purpose of each output (augmented by labeling next to each). The input power, a dual-15V supply, uses an M8-3pos connector. This matches the power provided on aLIGO optical tables (see D1002932) for commercial detectors by Thorlabs and Newfocus. Green LEDs adjacent to the power connecter give a visual indication that the BBPD is properly powered. The mechanical interface to the optical table is provided by an 8-32 threaded hole on each side of the BBPD case, which mates with standard optical posts. There are 4 additional holes provided on each side to allow for specialized adapters. None of these holes penetrates the BBPD case, so the RF shielding is not compromised and there is no risk of damage to the BBPD due to screws inserted into the case. Furthermore, the BBPD case provides a threaded bushing centered on the photodiode that matches standard lens tubes, ND filters, etc. Figure 8: CAD images of the chassis for the BBPD. Backside (left) and Front side (right). The BBPD case is attached to its electrical ground, so care must be taken to avoid ground loops. When the BBPD is mounted on an optical post, the post should be electrically isolated from the table. Electrical breaks of this sort were used in initial LIGO and took the form of a dielectric pedestal which mates to standard optical posts. 8