European Heart Journal (1997) 18 {Supplement Q, C12-C18 Why does atrial fibrillation occur? M. J. Janse Department of Clinical and Experimental Cardiology, Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, and the Interuniversity Cardiology Institute, The Netherlands A number of electrophysiological changes have been found in isolated preparations from human atria that had been fibrillating. Action potentials had a shorter duration and a triangular configuration in contrast to action potentials from normal atria that mostly showed a distinct plateau. Refractory periods were also shorter and the normal rate Introduction In about 85% of patients with atrial fibrillation an underlying cardiac abnormality or metabolic disorder can be found, often associated with atrial enlargement1'1. Even in patients without such disorders, the arrhythmia itself can lead to atrial dilatation. It is therefore not unreasonable to assume that stretch may be arrhythmogenic. In the following brief description of pathophysiological mechanisms that may cause atrial fibrillation, I shall first discuss the effects of acute and chronic stretch. This will be followed by a description of cellular electrophysiological abnormalities and electrical remodelling. Finally it will be attempted to relate these findings to arrhythmia mechanisms. adaptation of the refractory period disappeared, so that, following a slowing of the heart rate, the refractory period did not prolong. These changes largely seem to be the result of prolonged episodes of rapid atrial activity and may be called electrophysiological remodelling. In addition, a marked dispersion refractoriness has been found which might be due to different factors, such as fibrosis and local denervation. It is likely that atrial dilatation and fibrosis are important factors in the occurrence and maintenance of atrial fibrillation. In an enlarged atrium, multiple re-entrant circuits can co-exist. Fibrosis leads to inhomogeneities in both conduction and refractoriness. Finally, the arrhythmia itself causes persistent shortening of refractoriness. All of these changes favour re-entry. (Eur Heart J 1997; 18 (Suppl C): C12-C18) Key Words: Action potential, refractory period, stretch, fibrosis, dilatation, electrical remodelling, reentry. The effects of acute and chronic stretch In recent years, the interaction between cardiac mechanics and electrophysiology has been the subject of many experimental and clinical studies. The focused issue of Cardiovascular Research of June 1996 is entirely devoted to mechanoelectric feedback'21. In that issue, Nazir and Lab review the literature dealing with mechanoelectrical feedback and atrial arrhythmias'31. Acute stretch has different effects on the configuration of the atrial action potential, depending on its timing. When stretch is applied during the plateau phase of the action potential, and the membrane potential is more positive than the equilibrium potential of the so-called stretch activated channels ( - 40 mV)'4], a repolarizing current is induced which shortens the action potential. When Correspondence: Michiel J. Janse, Department of Clinical and stretch is applied later, at times when membrane potenExperimental Cardiology, Academic Medical Center, University of tial is more negative than the equilibrium potential of the stretch-activated channels, an inward current is Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 0195-668X/97/0C0012+07 $18.00/0 © 1997 The European Society of Cardiology Downloaded from by guest on September 30, 2016 Atrial fibrillation is often associated with atrial enlargement and stretch is known to cause electrophysiological alterations. Acute stretch may, depending on the moment at which it is applied, cause action potential shortening or induce both early and delayed afterdepolarizations which, when large enough, may initiate triggered premature action potentials. The effects of acute stretch may be very different from those of chronic stretch. In fact, in dogs with mitral valve disease in which progressive atrial enlargement, leading to atrial fibrillation, developed over a period of years, hardly any changes in transmembrane potential characteristics were found. In contrast, marked fibrosis developed which could favour re-entry because of slow fragmented conduction. Why does atrial fibrillation occur? A 03; 3 t \V .'A., \ 2 -50 - <u , ®,d5) \ V . \ ^ - Et © 250 ms activated which lengthens the action potential and may cause both early and delayed after-depolarizations. These effects are schematically illustrated in Fig. 1. Shortening of the action potential favours reentry, because wavelength (i.e. the product of refractory period, which normally equals action potential duration, and conduction velocity) is shortened. It is noteworthy in this respect that during atrial flutter in humans, the ventricular contractions caused a shortening of the flutter cycle length, presumably due to stretch-induced shortening of the atrial refractory period, resulting in shortening of the wavelength and a shorter time for the circulating re-entrant wave to complete its circuit151. The role of after-depolarizations, possibly induced by late systolic or early diastolic stretch, in causing atrial fibrillation is very uncertain. It is generally recognized that re-entry is responsible for fibrillation. Thus, triggered action potentials caused by either early or delayed after-depolarizations that are large enough to reach threshold, may at best provide premature atrial depolarizations that could induce re-entry, given the circumstance that an appropriate electrophysiological substrate for re-entry is present. Moreover, if atrial dilatation is indeed an important factor in causing atrial fibrillation, one should consider the effects of chronic stretch rather than the effects of acute stretch. Boyden et alS6^ published an important study in which they measured the atrial cellular electrophysiological characteristics of dogs having naturally occurring mitral valve disease with progressive enlargement of the atria. Some animals were followed for 5 years before the electrophysiological study was performed. Most dogs developed atrial arrhythmias, including atrial fibrillation. Remarkably, the transmembrane potential characteristics of atrial cells of these animals were not significantly different from those of control animals, although some cells were found with resting membrane potentials below — 60 mV and that were inexcitable. In the atria, massive interstitial fibrosis and cellular hyper- trophy were found. The authors concluded that the morphological changes were much more important in causing atrial fibrillation. The increased atrial size would permit the coexistence of many re-entrant circuits, even when wavelength remained unaltered. The increase in connective tissue would alter anisotropic properties and could lead to slow, inhomogeneous conduction, unidirectional block and re-entry. Spachs et a/.t?1 demonstrated how in an isolated preparation from a 62-yearold patient with an enlarged and hypertrophied right atrium, where virtually all muscle fibres were surrounded by collagenous septae, extra-cellular potentials were fragmented, and micro re-entry occurred. Cellular, electrophysiological abnormalities From the previous paragraph the conclusion may be drawn that morphological changes are much more important than possible alterations in cellular electrophysiology in causing atrial fibrillation. However, a number of studies, both in humans and in experimental animals, have documented changes in cellular electrophysiology in atrial fibrillation. Early studies in which transmembrane potentials were recorded from isolated preparations obtained from fibrillating human atria, either from atria of normal size or from dilated atria, showed that resting potentials were significantly reduced compared with resting potentials from cells in non-fibrillating atria18'91. In later studies, however, hypopolarized cells were infrequently found (15% of cells from fibrillating atria versus 5% in normal atria)[l0!. The functional significance of the presence of partially depolarized cells is twofold: first, conduction velocity will be decreased because of the reduction of action potential upstroke velocity and amplitude as a consequence of the low resting membrane potential; second, since in partially depolarized cells the recovery kinetics of both the fast and the slow inward current are markedly delayed, the refractory period is prolonged, and lags behind completion of repolarization. This so-called post-repolarization refractoriness results in a spatial dispersion of refractory periods. Both a reduced conduction velocity and an increase in dispersion of refractoriness predispose to re-entry. Attuel and colleagues1"1 were the first to report on an intriguing abnormality observed in patients vulnerable to atrial arrhythmias, including fibrillation. In these patients there was no, or hardly any, adaptation of the atrial refractory period to changes in heart rate. At the most rapid rates investigated (cycle lengths in the order of 350—400 ms), the range of refractory period durations was similar to that of normal patients (of approximately 160-250 ms). However, upon slowing of heart rate, no prolongation of the refractory period was observed so that at cycle lengths between 800 and 1000 ms, the refractory periods of the atria of arrhythmic patients were much shorter than those of normal Eur Heart J, Vol. 18, Suppl C 1997 Downloaded from by guest on September 30, 2016 Figure 1 Schematic representation of the effects of stretch. The solid lines depict two consecutive atrial action potentials. Stretch applied at A shortens the action potential: stretch applied at B prolongs the action potential and may result in an early after-depolarization. Stretch when repolarization is complete (C) may produce a delayed after-depolarization. (Reproduced from Mazir and Lab131 with permission, Mazir and Lab modified the scheme from Hansen et al)29K) C13 C14 M. J. Janse 280 RA RA •c 100 ms 15 n = 25 x = 158.4 sd = 9.1 10 200 140 100 200 Interval (ms) 300 Figure 2 Upper two tracings: Electrograms during a 4-s period of atrial fibrillation recorded from an epicardial site on the right ventricle (RV) and a site on the right atrium (RA) in a patient during open-heart surgery. Lower tracing: same tracing as the right atrium recording in A, in which the vertical lines are the activation moments as determined by an interactive computer program. Lowest panel: 25 intervals between activation moments are expressed in a histogram. The mean atrial fibrillation interval at this particular site, that is, the index of local refractoriness, was 158-4 ms. (Reproduced from Ramdat Misier et a/.'121 with permission.) patients. These findings were largely supported by later studies, in which action potentials from isolated atria were recorded at different pacing rates'101. Again, a poor adaptation of both action potential duration and refractory period to heart rate was found. Moreover, the effective refractory period was usually shorter in atrial tissue obtained from patients with atrial fibrillation than from normal atrial preparations, except at short cycle lengths where, because of post-repolarization refractoriness, refractory periods were longer. In addition, it was found that the proportion of triangular action potentials in the atrial fibrillation group was much greater than in the control group (97% vs 23%). Finally, dispersion of action potential duration was much greater in the atrial fibrillation group than in the control group. Increased dispersion in refractoriness was also found by direct measurements during cardiac surgery in patients with chronic atrial fibrillation'121. In that study, the average interval between local activations during atrial fibrillation, the so-called atrial fibrillation interval, was used Eur Heart J, Vol. 18, Suppl C 1997 160 180 AF interval (ms) 200 Figure 3 Relation between atrial fibrillation (AF) intervals and the refractory period, determined with the extrastimulus technique during regular pacing of the atria at a basic cycle length of 400 ms, at four epicardial sites. (Reproduced from Ramdat Misier et al)121 with permission.) as an index of local refractoriness (see Fig. 2). As shown in Fig. 3, there was a good correlation between the refractory period duration, determined with the extra stimulus technique during regular pacing of the atria at a cycle length of 400 ms, and the atrial fibrillation interval, measured during atrial fibrillation at the same right atrial epicardial sites. The advantage of using the atrial fibrillation interval is that simultaneous recordings during brief episodes of atrial fibrillation could be made at 40 atrial sites, whereas classical determination of refractory periods at 40 sites with the extra stimulus technique would take an inordinate amount of time, and would in fact be impossible during an operation. We employed this technique in ten patients with idiopathic paroxysmal atrial fibrillation and in a control group of six patients. Reasons for operation were the 'corridor' operation for drug refractory atrial fibrillation (eight patients), surgical ablation of accessory pathways in patients with atrial fibrillation (two patients) and surgical treatment of post-infarction ventricular tachycardia refractory to medical therapy (six control patients). After a routine median sternotomy, a multi-electrode grid with up to 40 electrode terminals was placed over the right atrium and atrial fibrillation was induced by premature stimulation. The average atrial fibrillation interval in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, recorded at a total of 247 sites, was 152 ± 3 ms, compared with a value of 176 ± 81 ms recorded at 118 sites in the control group (/ > <005). Dispersion in atrial fibrillation intervals, defined as the variance of the fibrillation intervals at all recording sites, was three times larger in the atrial fibrillation group than in the control group (Fig. 4). The question arises whether the Downloaded from by guest on September 30, 2016 •J3 Why does atrial fibrillation occur? 180 10 15 20 Electrodes 25 30 short refractory period is the cause or the result of atrial fibrillation. Recent studies suggest that the latter is the case. Electrical remodelling In an experimental model, the hypothesis was tested that atrial fibrillation itself causes the electrophysiological changes in the atrium that favour both induction and maintenance of atrial fibrillation'131. In chronically instrumented conscious goats, in which 27 electrodes were sutured onto the epicardium of both atria, a special device was implanted that could detect the presence or absence of atrial fibrillation and could also induce atrial fibrillation by delivering a 1-s burst of biphasic stimuli (strength four times diastolic threshold; interval 20 ms). Initially, electrically induced atrial fibrillation lasted only a few seconds before it terminated spontaneously. However, when the arrhythmia was repetitively re-induced, the episodes of atrial fibrillation gradually became longer, until chronic fibrillation (i.e. lasting longer than 24 h) occurred within periods varying among individual animals from several days to 2 weeks (Fig. 5). Repetitive induction of atrial fibrillation did not alter conduction velocity, but gave rise to a marked shortening of the refractory period from control values of 151 ± 12 ms to 93 ± 20 ms after 24 h. In addition, the normal rate of adaptation of the refractory period was abolished, or even reversed, resulting in a shortening of the refractory period at slower heart rates. These changes could also be obtained by regular pacing at a rapid rate. When the atria were paced at a cycle length of 180 ms, the ventricles responded in a 2:1 fashion. After 24 h, the atrial refractory period had shortened from 140 to 105 ms. When the atrial pacing cycle was lengthened to 360 ms, with the ventricles now being activated in a 1:1 manner so that ventricular rate and haemodynamic conditions remained constant, it took 24 h for the atrial refractory period to return to its original value. These results indicate that, following cardioversion of atrial fibrillation after 1 or 2 days, conditions remain favourable for re-induction of atrial fibrillation for at least 12 h. This electrical remodelling may be responsible for the well known fact that cardioversion has a much higher success rate when atrial fibrillation is of recent onset'141. On the ventricular level, persisting T wave changes following a single paroxysm of ventricular tachycardia had been described in 1935[151. Rosenbaum et a/.'161 used the term cardiac 'memory' to describe the T wave inversion that developed after about 24 h of pacing and which could persist for several weeks after pacing was stopped. Katz'171 has suggested that such longlasting T wave abnormalities could be initiated by stretch, which would induce changes in gene expression that in their turn would lead to the formation of abnormal potassium channels. It is possible that such a process might also occur on an atrial level. Future research concerning the changes in gene expression resulting in alterations of the ion channels involved in atrial repolarization, such as the transient outward current or the delayed rectifier, might unravel the mechanisms of the atrial fibrillation-induced and persisting shortening of the action potential and the refractory period. Once the mechanism is known, ways may be found to counteract the changes in gene expression. It must be acknowledged that, besides the shortening of the refractory period, other factors must also play a role in the development of chronic atrial fibrillation. The refractory period reaches a steady state within a few days following induction of atrial fibrillation, whereas it often takes a few additional weeks for atrial fibrillation to become persistent'131. Possibly, atrial enlargement and the development of fibrosis are required as well. The wavelength and inducibility of atrial fibrillation It has been recognized for a long time that during re-entrant rhythms, the conduction time of the reentrant impulse travelling around an area of block must be long enough to allow fibres proximal to the zone of block to recover their excitability. The wavelength for circus movement re-entry has been defined as the distance travelled by the depolarization wave during the refractory period: wavelength=conduction velocity x refractory period. When the wavelength is short, because of depressed conduction, the refractory period is shortened, or both, small areas of conduction block may already be sufficient for the establishment of re-entrant circuits. Since conduction block is more likely to occur in small areas than in a large segment of atrial myocardium, it is to be expected that inducibility of atrial fibrillation depends on wavelength. If wavelength during fibrillation is long, fewer wavelets can circulate through Eur Heart J, Vol. 18, Suppl C 1997 Downloaded from by guest on September 30, 2016 Figure 4 Atrial fibrillation intervals recorded simultaneously at 37 sites (electrodes) in a control patient and at 32 sites in a patient with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. D indicates controls and • atrial fibrillation. (Reproduced from Ramdat Misier et a/.1'2' with permission.) C15 C16 M. J. Janse Burst pacing_AF Duration of fibrillation > Sinus rhythm Control 20 s After 2 weeks >24h 2s the atria and fibrillation may be self-terminating. If wavelength is short, a greater number of wavelets will be present and fibrillation will tend to be stable and longlasting. Wavelength is therefore also important for maintenance of fibrillation. In conscious dogs, in which multiple electrodes for recording and stimulation had been attached to both atria, both refractory periods and conduction velocity were measured. To change wavelength, a variety of drugs (acetylcholine, propafenone, lidocaine, ouabain, quinidine, sotalol) were administered, and the refractory period, conduction velocity, and their product were correlated with the induction of atrial arrhythmias during premature stimulation'181. In all dogs (n=19), atrial arrhythmias (n = 549) including atrial fibrillation (n = 208) could be induced by single premature stimuli. Although at shorter refractory periods, a relatively high incidence of atrial fibrillation was observed, prolongation of the refractory period did not always prevent atrial fibrillation. In fact, the predictive power of refractory period duration alone, or conduction velocity alone, for induction of arrhythmias was poor. In contrast, wavelength correlated very well with inducibility of atrial arrhythmias. It is therefore reasonable to assume that drugs that would increase wavelength, by prolonging the refractory period, increasing conduction velocity, or both, would be anti-fibrillatory. Indeed, mapping experiments in dogs with atrial fibrillation in which the arrhythmia was terminated by flecainide or propafenone'19'201 showed that, because of the use-dependent increase in refractoriness, the size of the re-entrant circuits Eur Heart J, Vol. 18, Suppi C 1997 increased and the number of re-entrant wavelets decreased, until block in the remaining circuit(s) occurred and sinus rhythm was restored. Dispersion of refractoriness Although one factor predisposing to re-entry, the shortening of the refractory period, may be the result of prolonged episodes of rapid atrial activity, another factor, dispersion of refractory periods, is unlikely to be due to rapid atrial excitation. Different factors may be involved in this dispersion. Vagal stimulation shortens the atrial refractory period in a non-uniform way'21'221, possibly because 'fibres immediately adjacent to vagal post-ganglionic endings are exposed to relatively high concentrations of the cholinergic mediator and are profoundly affected, while fibres more remote from sites of acetylcholine liberation are influenced to a much less degree''2'1. Both the shortening of the refractory period and the increase in dispersion are arrhythmogenic because 'an early ectopic impulse generated during a period of vagal stimulation is bound to be propagated along an irregular wavefront as the impulse encounters areas in varying states of excitability. The likelihood of fibrillation must be enhanced by such irregularity''211. These mechanisms may operate in the syndrome of vagally mediated paroxysmal atrial fibrillation occurring in relatively young patients without structural heart disease described by Coumel et a/.'231. It is difficult to find an explanation for the much rarer adrenergically mediated paroxysmal atrial fibrillation'241, since stellate Downloaded from by guest on September 30, 2016 Figure 5 Prolongation of the duration of episodes of electrically induced atrial fibrillation (AF) after maintaining AF for 24 h and 2 weeks respectively. The three tracings show a single atrial electrogram recorded from the same goat during induction of AF by a 1-s burst of stimuli (50 Hz, 4 x threshold). In the upper tracing the goat has been in sinus rhythm all the time and AF self-terminated within 5 s. The second tracing was recorded after the goat had been connected to the fibrillation pacemaker for 24 h showing a clear prolongation of the duration of AF to 20 s. The third tracing was recorded after 2 weeks of electrically maintained AF. After induction of AF this episode became sustained and did not terminate. (Reproduced from Wijffels et a/.'131 with permission.) Why does atrial fibrillation occur? ganglion stimulation was found to have no effect on atrial refractoriness'221. Whereas vagal stimulation may result in functional inhomogeneities in normal hearts and cause atrial fibrillation, it has been suggested that fibrosis provides the pathological basis for electrophysiological inhomogeneities in atrial fibrillation in rheumatic heart disease. Extracellular electrograms from atrial strips from patients with rheumatic mitral stenosis were found to be fragmented ('toothbrush appearance') and this was attributed to fibrosis'251. Similar fragmented electrograms have been found in patients with atrial fibrillation; the fragmentation increased during premature stimulation, and the conduction delay was greater in patients with atrial fibrillation than in control patients1261. Summary In summary, it is likely that atrial dilatation and the development of fibrosis are important factors for the occurrence and maintenance of atrial fibrillation. 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This led to 'zigzag' conduction in the transverse direction and to fragmented extracellular electrograms. Fibrosis may result not only in slow, zigzag conduction, but also in an increase in dispersion of refractoriness since, in wellcoupled cells, the current flow during repolarization will tend to decrease dispersion by prolonging action potentials with a short duration and shortening action potentials with a long duration. Dispersion of atrial refractoriness does increase with age and is increased in patients with atrial fibrillation'10'121. Another factor that could contribute to dispersion of the atrial refractory period is the presence of partially depolarized cells'8'91, because in these cells the recovery of excitability lags behind completion of repolarization (post-repolarization refractoriness). Finally, in atria with regional fibrosis, sympathetic and parasympathetic fibres may be interrupted. 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