Please refer the College's website for information on what General Education Courses your program requires. SOC, HIST, ECON and ENG 230 and up are all considered Humanities courses. Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology General Education Courses AH 106 AH 111 ANT 106 BIO 120 BIO 250 BUSN 106 CHEM 101 CIS 105 CIS 111 DCIS 011 DENG 012 DENG 014 DMAT 010 DMAT 030 DENG 020 DENG 021 DENG 025 DENG 026 DMAT 020 DMAT 021 DSOC 010 ECON 211 ENG 106 ENG 111 ENG 116 ENG 216 ENG 221 ENG 230 ENG 240 ENG 250 ENG 255 HEAL 111 HEAL/PE HIST 106 HIST 111 MATH 111 MATH 126 MATH 131 MATH 132 MATH 136 Introduction to Healthcare Medical Terminology Introduction to Anthropology Human Biology Human Anatomy and Physiology Small Business Management Basic Chemistry Drawing with AutoCAD Introduction to Computer Applications Computer Concepts Concepts of English Developmental Reading Fundamentals of Mathematics Introduction to Algebra Basic Writing I Basic Writing II Basic Reading I Basic Reading II Basic Mathematics I Basic Mathematics II Success Strategies Principles of Economics Composition I Writing for Publication Short Story and Poetry Technical Report Writing Public Speaking Composition II Intro to Drama and and Analysis Introduction to Folklore Short Contemporary Novel Basic First Aid Heal/PE courses American History I American History II Business Mathematics Technical Mathematics I Intermediate Algebra Elementary Geometry Technical Mathematics II Reading Area Community College General Education Course Equivalencies RES 110 Orientation to Respiratory Care ANT 140 BIO 250 BIO 255 MGT 230 CHE 120 Cultural Anthropology Anatomy and Physiology I Anatomy and Physiology II Small Business Management Principles of Chemistry IFT 110 IFT 101 COM 051 COM 061 MAT 020 MAT 030 COM 041 COM 051 COM 021 COM 061 MAT 010 MAT 020 Microcomputer Applications Introduction to Personal Computers Basic Writing 2 Advanced Reading Basics of College Mathematics Algebra 1 Basic Writing 1 Basic Writing 2 Basics of College Reading Advanced Reading Math Skills Review Basics of College Mathematics BUS 200 or 201Macro or Micro Economics COM 121 English Composition COM 163 Writing for the Media COM 211 Poetry Writing COM 141 Technical Writing COM 151 Fundamentals of Speech COM 131 Composition and Literature HUM 251 Introduction to Drama HIS 110 HIS 115 BUS 110 MAT 150 MAT 160 History of the United States I History of the United States II Business Mathematics Foundations of Mathematics College Algebra MAT 155 Foundations of Mathematics II Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology General Education Courses MATH 139 MATH 141 MATH 150 MATH 207 MATH 215 PHYS 100 PHYS 101 PHYS 106 PHYS 113 PHYS 213 PHYS 223 PHYS 202 PSY 116 RESP 251 SCI 106 SOC 106 SOC 121 SOC 206 SOC 216 SOC 221 Discrete Mathematics Trigonometry Elementary Statistics Pre-Calculus Calculus Application of Physics How Things Work Physics in Everyday Life Statics General Physics I General Physics II Application of Physical Principles in Respiratory Care Introduction to Psychology Microbiology and Infection Control Ecology Principles of Sociology Critical Thinking Sociology of Deviant Behavior Multiculturalism Marriage and Family Reading Area Community College General Education Course Equivalencies MAT 165 MAT 210 MAT 180 MAT 220 Trigonometry Statistics Precalculus Calculus I PHY 150 PHY 120 Applied Physics Principles of Physics PHY 240 PHY 245 Physics I Physics II PSY 130 BIO 280 ENV 130 SOC 130 HUM 271 SOC 210 General Psychology Microbiology The Environment Sociology Introduction to Philosophy Social Problems SOC 220 The Family