Ian Stewart - Passive installers.pptx

‘LPCB Passive Installer Schemes
(including LPS 1500/1531/1197/1271)’
Answering the needs of the market
Ian Stewart
Passive installer scheme manager
May 2011
Why is passive fire protection so
Maintains structural stability of steel frame buildings
Reduces deflection of floors
Maintains compartmentation
Reduces spread of smoke
Maintains escape routes
What happens if it fails?
Ø Potential building collapse
Ø Potential loss of life
Ø Major rebuilding cost
Why Passive installer schemes?
• Reduces the risk of loss of life and product
failures by ensuring professional installation
• Reduces damage caused to property and hence
insurance losses should a fire occur
• Allows installers to comply with AD-B Vol2
• Encourages insurers and building control that fire
safety has been given appropriate consideration
• Reduced liability
Benefits of Passive installer schemes
• Reduces risk for manufacturers, end users, insurers,
clients, specifiers, contractors, legislators ………
• Differentiation for installers
• Installer self certifies his work
• Encourages maintenance of passive via O&M manuals
• Regulatory Reform order
• Reduced liability
• Create a level playing field for installers
LPCB Passive installer schemes
Installer schemes are available in the form of Loss Prevention Standard (LPS)
for the following Passive Fire Protection products :•
Fire doors (Maintenance and repair)
Fire shutters (Maintenance and repair)
Smoke barriers (Maintenance and repair)
Fire doors (Installation)
Security doors (Installation)
Fire shutters (Installation)
Smoke barriers (Installation)
Compartment wall systems (LPS 1208 tested)
Penetration, cavity barriers and linear gaps
Board fire protection
Intumescent coatings
Spray fire protection
Fire rated ductwork
Fire resistant dampers
Fire rated compartment walls
Offsite applied intumescent coatings
LPS 1197
LPS 1197
LPS 1197
LPS 1271
LPS 1271
LPS 1271
LPS 1271
LPS 1500
LPS 1531
LPS 1531
LPS 1531
LPS 1531
LPS 1531
LPS 1531
LPS 1531
LPS 1531
LPS 1500
• LPS 1500 Issue 2.0
• Requirements for the LPCB Approval and
Listing of companies installing fire resistant
compartment wall systems in buildings
• This standard defines the requirements for companies
installing fire resisting compartment walling systems
approved by LPCB to the requirements of LPS 1208.
Summary of LPS 1500
New installer scheme specifically for the installation of LPCB
Approved Composite Construction Elements.
– Load-bearing compartment walls and partitions
– Non Loading bearing compartment walls and partitions
– External wall
– Curtain wall
– Cavity Barriers
– Roofs (where fire resistance is required)
– Load-bearing compartment floors
– Insulated Panels for enclosing production and storage areas in
food factories.
Typical composite panel application
Screw fixings to steel
Fast fire wall construction
Summary of LPS 1500
• New Approach to Schemes for the Installers of
Passive Fire Protection.
• Provides a link between LPCB Approved Products
and competency and training of Installers
• Technical site inspection based assessment
Summary of LPS 1500
• Applications
3 companies approved
• Technical issues
Distance the panels can be unsupported or unrestrained
Fire break at wall and soffit
Door installation
Penetration details
LPS 1531
• LPS 1531 Issue 1.0
• Requirements for the LPCB Approval and
Listing of companies installing or applying
passive fire protection products
• This standard defines the requirements for companies
installing or applying a generic range of passive fire
protection products
LPS 1531
Installer scheme specifically for the installation of
the following passive fire protection products or
1. Penetration, cavity barriers and linear gap seals
2. Fire rated board and cladding to structural elements
3. Intumescent coatings to structural elements
4. Fire rated spray materials
5. Fire rated ductwork systems
6. Fire resisting dampers
7. Fire resistant compartment wall systems
8. Offsite application of intumescent coatings to structural elements
Fire Stopping
Allowing for new cables?
Missed out floor penetration
Fire Stopping
Channel or stud framing missing?
Fire Stopping
How do you fire stop this?
Fire Stopping
Use of Foam fillers?
Patress seals?
Fire curtains with dampers?
Intumescent coatings
Exposed external steel balcony
What went wrong?
Intumescent coatings
on-site application
Brush applied too thick
High Humidity & low temp
Water damage
Intumescent coatings – offsite
Off-site intumescent
touch up and
damage repair
Summary of LPS 1531
• New Approach to Schemes for the Installers of Passive
Fire Protection.
• Installers will self certify their work with an LPCB
Certificate of Conformity
• Improved standards of passive fire protection product
• Site surveillance inspection of up to 15% of installations.
• Technical site inspection based assessment scheme.
Summary of LPS 1531
• Applications
Processing 4
Approved 33
• Technical issues
1. Fire rated damper installation. (Ref new GBG out at this show)
2. Framing out penetrations in drywalls
3. Use of PU foams
LPS 1197 Service and Maintenance
of Doors
Maintenance contractors
• LPS1197: Issue 3.0
Requirements for the LPCB Approval and Listing of
companies Undertaking the Maintenance and Repair
of Doorsets, Shutters and Active Smoke/Fire Barriers
LPCB approved maintenance contractors who repair and maintain
firedoors and shutters are approved in accordance with LPS1197.
Fire doors (Maintenance and repair)
Fire shutters (Maintenance and repair)
Smoke barriers (Maintenance and repair)
LPS 1197
LPS 1197
LPS 1197
Summary of LPS1197
• Applications
Approved 12
• Technical issues
None to report
Ensure performance criteria are met.
LPS 1271 Fire and Security Door
Installation contractors
• LPS1271: Issue 1.0
Requirements for the LPCB Approval and Listing of
companies installing fire and security doorsets and
shutters and smoke barriers
LPCB approved maintenance contractors who repair and maintain
firedoors and shutters are approved in accordance with LPS1271.
Fire doors (Installation)
Security doors (Installation)
Fire shutters (Installation)
Smoke barriers (Installation)
LPS 1271
LPS 1271
LPS 1271
LPS 1271
Summary of LPS1271
• Applications
Processing 2
• Approved 8
• Technical issues
None to report
Ensure performance criteria are met
Fire doors
Fire door testing
Fire resistant shutters
BRE Passive inspection service
An independent third party site inspection can:
ØProvide confidence to all interested parties that the Passive Fire Protection
has been installed correctly and in accordance with the manufacturers
ØConfirm that the choice of products is suitable for the application.
ØEnsure that the workmanship is of a standard that ensures the fire
protection will meet the design specification.
Inspection is best carried out at an early stage during installation thus
enabling the sub-contractor to have the opportunity to rectify any
problems rather than impact on the critical path of the construction.
The Red Books
Products and services approved by us are
listed in the Red
• Volume 1 Fire Detection and Alarm products
and services. Related installers.
• Volume 2 Passive fire protection products
and services. Security protection systems.
Related installers. Management systems.
Construction products.
• Available on-line at www.redbooklive.com
• CD and hard copy
Thank you for your attention
BRE Global answering the needs of the
Ian Stewart
Passive installer scheme manager
May 2011