Monitoring Alarms

Monitoring Alarms
You must review the Understanding Fault Management section to know how
Cisco Prime Collaboration Manager handles the fault.
Choose Monitoring > Alarms to access the Alarm Browser page.
Table 19-1 lists the following information for each alarm in the Alarm Browser:
Table 19-1
Alarm Browser
Alarm unique identification number.
Indicates the severity of the alarm which can be, critical, major, minor, warning, or
To view the events are associated with the alarm, hover the mouse over an alarm
severity and click the quick view icon that appears. The Events of Alarm window
appears, displaying the following details about the events for the alarm you selected:
Description—Alarm description.
Source—Device that triggered the alarm.
Time—Date and time when the alarm occurred.
This summary windows lists only the five latest events. To see the complete list, click
See Event History.
In the Events of Alarm window, you can click on:
The See Event History link to display the events associated with the selected
The Monitor Endpoint or Monitor Session link to launch the Endpoints
Monitoring or Sessions Monitoring page. This link appears only for session and
endpoint alarms.
Indicates the status of the alarm.
Indicates the device that triggered the alarm.
Displays the date and time when the alarm occurred.
Displays the alarm assigned category, such as sessions, endpoints, and so on.
Name of the generated alarm.
Cisco Prime Collaboration Manager 1.1 User Guide
Chapter 19
Monitoring Alarms
Viewing Alarm Details
Table 19-1
Alarm Browser (continued)
Displays the name of the person to whom this alarm is assigned. (If a name was
Displays messages about the alarm.
Use the check box to select one or more alarms. To select all alarms displayed in the Alarm Browser,
click the topmost box. See Updating an Alarm for more information.
The top of the Alarm Browser displays the number of selected alarms, the total number alarms, a Refresh
icon, and the Settings icon to customize the Alarm browser columns.
Cisco Prime CM provides the following pre-defined filters. You can access these filters from the Show
drop-down list.
All Active Alarms—Alarms with severity critical, major, or minor.
Assigned to me—Alarms which are assigned to you. That is, the Owner column displays your login
Unassigned Alarms—Alarms that are not assigned to any user. That is, the Owner column displays
Cleared Alarms—Alarms that are cleared.
Alarms in last X minutes or hours—Alarms that were newly triggered or changed severity in the last
X minutes or hours. All alarms in critical, major, minor, or cleared are displayed.
You can also create your own filter, see Advance Filter, page B-3 for the steps on how to create a filter.
Viewing Alarm Details
You can view alarm details from the Alarm Browser (Monitoring > Alarms) page by clicking the arrow
in the far left of the Alarm Browser page. This displays the details for a specific alarm.
Table 19-2 lists the details that are displayed in the Alarm Browser. This table is refreshed every two
Cisco Prime Collaboration Manager 1.1 User Guide
Chapter 19
Monitoring Alarms
Viewing Alarm Details
Table 19-2
Viewing Alarm Details
General Info for
Endpoints Alarms
Creation Time
Month, day, year, hour, minute, second, AM or PM alarm created.
Category of the alarm (endpoints).
Description of triggered alarm.
Is Acknowledged
Displays whether or not the alarm is acknowledged by the user.
Last Modified Time
Month, day, year, hour, minute, second, AM or PM alarm last modified.
Device that generated the alarm.
Level of security: Critical, Major, Minor, Warning, Clear, Info.
Previous Severity
Severity of the alarm after the most recent polling cycle.
Hostname of the device.
IP address used to manage the device.
Endpoint model, such as ciscoCTS500.
Serial number of the endpoint.
Date and time when the endpoint was last discovered.
Software running on the device, such as IOS, CatOS, CTS.
Software version running on the device.
E-mail address as defined in the endpoint
Phone Number
IP Phone details as defined in the endpoint.
Hostname of the Cisco Unified CM server, where the endpoint is registered.
Session ID
Session ID.
Session Subject
Details on the session as provided by you at the time of scheduling it. For ad
hoc point-to-point sessions, the endpoints names are displayed.
Session Status
Displays the status of the session, such as in-progress, completed, and so
Session Start Time
Session start time.
Creation Time
Month, day, year, hour, minute, second, AM or PM alarm created.
Category of the alarm (session).
Description of triggered alarm.
Is Acknowledged
Displays whether or not the alarm is acknowledged by the user.
Last Modified Time
Month, day, year, hour, minute, second, AM or PM alarm last modified.
Displays the name of the person to whom this alarm is assigned. (If a name
was entered.)
Severity of the alarm.
Previous Severity
If the session is in the Cleared state, the severity of the alarm that was before
the Cleared state is displayed.
General Info for
Session Alarms
For example, assume that while the session was in-progress, a major alarm
was triggered. After the session is complete, the session alarm is
automatically Cleared. The alarm severity displays Major because the
previous alarm severity for this session was Major.
Cisco Prime Collaboration Manager 1.1 User Guide
Chapter 19
Monitoring Alarms
Updating an Alarm
Table 19-2
Viewing Alarm Details (continued)
Device information retrieved from log messages.
If there are any endpoints (CTS) peripheral alarms on the audio
expansion unit, auxiliary control unit, or microphones, check the
corresponding CTS configurations in the Cisco Unified CM server
and ensure that they match with the connected CTS peripherals.
To add a new note, click Annotate. Type the note and click Submit to save
and display the note or Cancel to close the page without saving the note.
Updating an Alarm
From the Alarms (Monitoring > Alarms) page, you can modify the alarms by selecting the checkbox
next to an alarm and then clicking one of the tasks at the top of the Alarm Browser page.
Change Status—Change the alarm status to one of the following:
– Acknowledge—You can acknowledge the alarm to prevent it from appearing in the Alarm
Summary page. The alarm remains in Cisco Prime CM and you can search for all
Acknowledged alarms, using the alarm search functionality.
– Unacknowledge—You can choose to unacknowledge an already acknowledged alarm.
– Cleared—Clear the selected alarms. The alarms are removed from the Alarm Browser.
Assign—For the selected alarm, you can:
– Assign to me—Assigned to admin, by default. You cannot change the user.
– Unassign—Unassigns the alarm from your name.
Annotation—Enter an annotation for the selected alarm, then click Submit. The annotation that you
entered appears when you view the alarm details.
Viewing the Alarm Summary
The Alarm Summary at the bottom of the Cisco Prime CM client page displays the total count of critical,
major, and minor alarms currently detected by Cisco Prime CM.
Alarms indicate the current fault or state of an element, and alarms are generated by one or more events.
The alarm can be cleared but the event remains. See Understanding Fault Management for more
information about alarms.
Alarms are color coded as follows:
Red—Critical Alarm
Orange—Major Alarm
Yellow—Minor Alarm
Cisco Prime Collaboration Manager 1.1 User Guide
Chapter 19
Monitoring Alarms
Viewing the Alarm Summary
When you hover the mouse over the Alarm Summary, a popup window appears, listing the number of
critical, major, and minor alarms for each of the following device types that appear in your system:
Endpoint—Total number of hardware alarms (peripheral errors) in all endpoints.
Service Infrastructure—Total number of alarms in call and session control (Cisco Unified CM and
Cisco VCS), management (CTS-Manager and Cisco TMS), multipoint switches (CTMS), and
multipoint control units (Cisco TS, Cisco MCU).
Session—Total number of endpoints (that are part of the session) and network alarms (jitter, latency,
or drop). See Session Monitoring Table to understand the behavior of the session alarms for the past,
in-progress, and future sessions.
Cisco Prime CM does not monitor events and alarms from the network devices. The Network Devices
link in the alarm summary always displays zero.
In the Alarm Summary toolbar, you can also click on the Critical, Major, or Minor link to view all
critical, major, or minor alarms for all device types. The selected severity alarms are listed in the Alarm
Cisco Prime Collaboration Manager 1.1 User Guide
Chapter 19
Monitoring Alarms
Viewing the Alarm Summary
Cisco Prime Collaboration Manager 1.1 User Guide