Schneider Electric ITB Future Trends : The Transformerless UPS Presented by Yam Hong - Asean Business Development Phone : 6324 6588 10 Ang Mo Kio Street 65, #03-06/10 Techpoint Building Singapore, Singapore 569059 Agenda ● Market Drivers for UPS Solutions ● Current and future trends of UPS Technology ● Transformerless UPS attributes ● Advantages of Transformerless UPS design ● Transformer based UPS Vs Tranformerless UPS ● Capex, Opex and Installation costs savings ● The new Galaxy 300 UPS Schneider Electric 2 Market drivers of UPS Solutions TCO – Capex & Opex Electrical Performance – Eff, Thdi, pf Schneider Electric Flexibility – Scalability, footprint 3 UPS : Current Technology Harmonics Current Reinjection (THDi) Upstream ● Double-Bridge Converter regulates by controlling firing angle of SCRs AHF ● Anti-Harmonics filter (AHF) needed to achieve < 5% THDi (IEEE 519 Stds) ● Both rectifier / inverter operating in “Buck” mode thus transformer needed to step-up voltage Transformer needed to step-up voltage Schneider Electric 4 UPS : Current Technology Input Phase Shift 12-Pulse Current Waveform Transformer Output Transformer Schneider Electric 6-Pulse Current Waveform 5 PFC Charger : Input Characteristics Low Harmonics Reinjection & pf = 1 800 Vdc Bus Buck-Boost Converter Schneider Electric 6 Natural shift to transformerless topology with UPS systems still providing high quality power to loads ● IGBT bipolar transistors enable voltage control & very short switching (nanoseconds from 10%-90% of threshold) in compact size Dualpack: ● MGE uses 5th generation “Sixpack” IGBTs – containing 1000s of transistor cells; most compact & integrated to date 3 packages of 2 IGBT ● Low to medium power devices can operate at 16kHz with output efficiencies > 90%. ● For higher power equipment, frequency limited to reach efficiencies ≤94%. Schneider Electric Sixpack: 6 IGBTs with integrated temperature sensor 7 Heat Pipes Technology Schneider Electric 8 Advantages of transformerless UPS: Mechanical ● High Density transistors/device means newest IGBT’s offer extremely compact form factor compared to early control devices ● No transformer enables to reduce weight and size ● Enables smaller package overall 1000 mm Schneider Electric 700 mm 9 Advantages of transformerless UPS: Performance ● Greater regulation flexibility accommodates wider range of input voltages. ● Improved electro-magnetic compatibility (EMI) ● Improves compliance with Generator set : ● limits input current at Generator start-up ● Input power factor close to 1 : =1 ●No reactive power or capacitive current ●smaller sizing for genset ● Combination of transformerless designs with IGBT technology & latest output filters achieves industry’s highest efficiency ● UPS battery isolated from DC bus thanks to independent charger – protecting battery from non-linear load disturbances Schneider Electric 10 Transformerless UPS reliability ● Direct thermal IGBT control results from integrated temperature sensors placed directly in rectifier & inverter bases ● If fault is detected, UPS sets-off alarm and can switch to bypass input without interruption ● Significantly reduced component count & integrated control card eliminates numerous cables and connections that can cause faults Schneider Electric Doc. Semikron Integrated Temperature sensor 11 New Transformerless 3-Phase Designs Offer Many Advantages – so what? Improved performance Minimize components count Little or no electromagnetic interference Minimized footprint / weight Easy neutral grounding MGE: among the first UPS manufacturers to design transformerless system Schneider Electric 12 Transformerless UPS – OPEX Savings & ROI Table: Unitary UPS at full load with output PF = 0.8: 250 300 400 500 kVA kVA kVA kVA / / / / 200 240 320 400 kW kW kW kW Efficiency MGE 90G7K NET 93.8% 92.0% 93.9% 92.5% 93.7% 92.5% 94.0% 92.5% Energy savings 1 year Energy savings 5 years 2 920 € 2 710 € 3 100 € 4 840 € 14 600€ 13 550 € 15 500 € 24 200 € Formula: Annual energy saving = Pu x (1/ηc - 1/ηSchneider) x H x C Pu = kW at UPS output ηc = 90-NET efficiency ηSchneider = Galaxy 7000 efficiency H = number of hours in 1 year (8760 hours) C = kWh price = 0.08 € Table: Unitary UPS at 50% load with output PF = 0.8: 250 300 400 500 kVA kVA kVA kVA / / / / 100 120 160 200 kW kW kW kW Efficiency MGE 90-NET G7K 93.0% 91.5% 94.2% 92.0% 94.0% 92.0% 94.0% 92.0% Energy savings 1 year Energy savings 5 years 1 240 € 2 130 € 2 590 € 3 240 € 6 200 € 10 650 € 12 950 € 16 200 € in I RO ! s r a e 5Y Note : The OPEX increases significantly with parallel installation. Additional savings in cooling energy not factored in above calculations. Schneider Electric 13 Transformerless UPS - Lower Capex & Installation Costs Low input current for right sizing of the different components of the installation Thanks to IGBT Charger, MGE Galaxy 7000 has lower input current A high input current has an impact on the dimensioning of the equipment in the electric installation: Cable over-sizing, Genset over-sizing, Transformer over-sizing, Circuit-breaker over-sizing. Example for cable. The table below shows the cable size recommended by Chloride and Schneider: 250 kVA 300 kVA 400 kVA 500 kVA Schneider Electric MGE Galaxy 7000 1 x 150 mm² 1 x 240 mm² 2 x 150 mm² 2 x 240 mm² 90-NET 2 x 120 mm² 2 x 180 mm² 2 x 240 mm² 5 x 120 mm² e w Lo a C r x e p u f o o t p % 0 3 14 Transformerless UPS – Smaller Footprint & Less Weight UPS footprint without battery: 250 300 400 500 kVA kVA kVA kVA MGE Galaxy 7000 1.20 m² 1.20 m² 1.20 m² 1.54 m² 90-NET 1.39 1.39 1.39 1.73 m² m² m² m² Delta G7K / 90-NET 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.12 Larger footprint Waste of space Power density: 250 300 400 500 kVA kVA kVA kVA MGE Galaxy 7000 187 kW/m² 225 kW/m² 300 kW/m² 292 kW/m² 90-NET 144 173 230 231 kW/m² kW/m² kW/m² kW/m² Delta G7K / 90-NET 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.26 For MGE Galaxy 7000, more kW in the same footprint Weight: 250 300 400 500 Schneider Electric kVA kVA kVA kVA MGE Galaxy 7000 960 kg 960 kg 1100 kg 1470 kg 90-NET 1860 1860 2095 2495 kg kg kg kg 1 Delta G7K / 90-NET 1.94 1.94 1.90 1.70 k c a r ce a sp $2 S = K th n o m / 15 Symmetra® PX - Ultra Hi-Efficiency UPS 500kW of High-Efficiency 475kW 450kW 425kW 400kW 375kW 350kW 325kW 300kW 275kW 250kW 225kW 200kW 175kW 150kW 125kW 100kW 75kW 50kW 25kW Scalable Power Protection f Ef Schneider Electric c n e i ic o t p u y ! % 96 16 Proven & Unmatched 45 years of experience Silcon SYPX SUVT SYMW Galaxy 7000 ●8th generation of three-phase UPS G 6000 G5000 PW EPS 2000 Alpes 3000 Alpes 4000 MG 60 60ies Schneider Electric 70ies 80ies 90ies 2000 17 Introducing the new MGE Galaxy 300 Effective 3-Phase Power protection against downtime and Data loss “Simplicity you can trust” Schneider Electric 18 MGE Galaxy 300 Applications 400V (10-40 kVA 3:3) and (10-30 kVA 3:1) Commercial buildings Facilities Banks Hotels Telecom Wireless communication Mobile and fixed telephone infrastructure Radio and TV broadcasting MGESchneider Galaxy 300} Electric Small IT environments Data storage equipment Network equipment Computer room equipment Industrial environments Manufacturing equipment Control automation 19 MGE Galaxy 300 Specifications summary 3:3 and 3:1 UPS Two enclosure sizes from 10kVA to 40kVA Parallel redundant capable (up to 2) Double conversion on-line Input power factor correction: >0.98 at load >50% Output power factor 0.8 Built-in batteries Voltage Tolerance : +/- 20%, (340 – 477V) full load Frequency Tolerance : 45 – 65Hz Efficiency : up to 93% @ full load Input ITHD < 7% at full load Output VTHD < 2% linear, < 5% non-linear Overload capacity 125% for 2 minutes 150% for 60 seconds 1000% 500ms in bypass mode UPS classification VFI-SS-112 Schneider Electric Narrow enclosure 400mm Width Available sizes 10kVA, 15kVA, 20kVA (3:3) Wide enclosure 500mm Width Available sizes 20kVA (3:1), 30kVA, 40kVA 20 MGE Galaxy 300 Summary Effective three phase power protection against downtime and data loss for mission critical applications ● Optimized footprint - narrow tower or wide tower depending on load requirements ● Double conversion on line topology guarantees consistently high level of power quality and availability with permanently corrected power and instant transfer time ● Parallel capability up to 2 units for redundancy ● Fast charging capability reduces battery recharge time, and protects battery against damage caused by deep discharge ● Full integrated bypass and simple interface with step-by-step wizards for setup or maintenance ● Low cost of acquisition designed to provide an optimized price/performance ratio, with a number of features carefully selected to optimize both performance and cost level Schneider Electric “Simplicity you can trust” 21 Transformerless : UPS of the Future Schneider Electric 22 Conclusion ● Transformerless UPS systems from Schneider offer these advantages: ● Highest efficiency for lower cost of operation ● Adaptation to all distributed network types over a wide voltage range ● Enhanced compatibility with generator sets ● Exceptional output performance whatever the load type – including new generation non-linear capacitive loads ● A compact size that easily fits into a variety of customer’s infrastructures. Schneider Electric 23 Helping people to make the most of their energy Thank you Schneider Electric 24 Compatible to ALL Architecture, Safety & Earthing Standards Normes Construction et sécurité CEI 62040 1-2 / CEI 60950 Performances et topologie CEI 62040-3 / EN 62040-3 CEM immunité CEI 61000-4-2 / EN 62040-2 niveau 4 (décharges électrostatiques : 15 KV air, 8 kV contact) CEI 61000-4-3 / EN 62040-3 niveau 3 (champs électro magnétiques rayonnés : 10 V/m) CEI 61000-4-4 / EN 62040-2 niveau 4 (transitoires rapides : 4 kV sur câbles secteur) CEI 61000-4-5 / EN 62040-2 niveau 4 (onde de choc forte énergie : 2 kV couplage entre lignes CEI 61000-4-6 / EN 62040-2 niveau 3 (immunité conduite : 10 Veff sur câbles secteur) CEI 61000-4-8 / EN 55024 niveau 4 (immunité rayonnée : 30 A/m) CEM émission CEI 62040-2 : C3 distribution contrôlée en standard / C2 classe A en option Harmoniques CEI 61003-2 / CEI 61003-4 Conception fabrication ISO 14001 / ISO 9001 Certification et marquage CE / LCIE Schneider Electric 25 Transformer Vs tranformerless design Phenomena at the UPS level Phenomena Transformer topology How to ground the neutral at the output of the UPS ? to reduce the potential between neutral and ground) It is forbiden to ground the neutral WITHOUT total galvanic isolation : the neutral cannot have 2 different references to earth. Then, we need to implement an AC by-Pass transformer. Its neutral is connected to the inverter transformer neutral, both being grounded to a unique earth. Schneider Electric 26 Transformer Vs tranformerless design Phenomena at the UPS level Phenomena Transformerless topology How to ground the neutral at the output of the UPS ? to reduce the potential between neutral and ground) .. .. (1) . With a unique output transformer, there is a total galvanic isolation and the neutral can be grounded. Conclusion : same methodology needed as with transformer based UPS : add 1 transformer Schneider Electric 27