CHRISTMAS SHOEBOX PROJECT 702 N Ridge Rd, East Lorain, OH 44055 B R I N G I N G U N TO T H E S A I N T S E N CO UR AG EM EN T T O S ER V E 440.233.4091 Fax 440.233.4580 st SHOEBOX This Chri stmas make an underpri vil eged chi ld smil e by gi vi ng him or her a speci al shoebox fill ed wi th i tems you pi cked. E ncourage a struggli ng parent w hil e bl essi ng their son or daughter. You can make a diff erence this Christmas by filli ng a shoebox f or BU SE S to gi ve to a w ell -deservi ng chil d. A BOUT THE P ROJECT : Some parents struggl e to provi de a speci al gift f or their chil d duri ng the Chri stmas season, and chil dren struggl e not recei vi ng a speci al gif t. BU SE S International ’s Chri stmas Shoebox Project i s desi gned to express the l ove of God to both chil dren and thei r parents. By fill i ng a shoebox wi th ki d-f ri endl y i tems and sendi ng i t to BU SE S Internati onal , you provi de an opportuni ty for a chil d to experi ence a moment of love, happi ness and hope. The i tems i n your shoe box may not l ast l ong, but the impact of l ove will be f el t for a l if eti me. W HERE WI LL MY S HOEBOX GIFT GO ? Currentl y, w e’re f ocusi ng our project on f amili es li vi ng i n the Appal achi a Mountai n Regi on and i n the ci ti es of Lorai n/El yri a, Ohio. These areas have a reported poverty l evel How to pack a BUSES International Christmas Shoebox 1 among chil dren twi ce that of the nati onal l evel and have been desi gnated by the U .S. government as “Di stressed”. The chil dren i n these areas struggl e day to day wi th hunger, OR Use a standard size shoebox, a similar size plastic storage box with lid, or a new backpack. PRAY TO MAKE THE MOST FOR THE CHILD WHO WILL RECEIVE YOUR SPECIAL BABY BOXES (AGE 0-1): GIFT . 2 GIFT IDEAS B ACKPACK IMPACT, BE SURE YOUR BOX IS FULL. Each box must include: Baby lotion, baby shampoo, diaper cream, baby wipes, bottle, bib, spoon, and a pacifier plus tape a pack of diapers to your box. nd Extra items: socks, t-shirts, hair brush, baby toys BOY OR GIRL Choose an age group: 0-1, 2-4, 5-10; 11-14. Clearly label or mark the top of your shoebox indicating “Boy or Girl” and the age group. BOY & GIRL BOXES (AGE 2-14): Each box needs to include the following PLUS some extras listed below: Coloring book, small box of crayons/color markers, 3-4 blue/black pens, 3-4 pencils, pencil sharpener, eraser, comb, toothbrush, tooth paste, bar of soap, washcloth, socks, balloons/punch balls, 3 rd stickers, candy/snacks FILL YOUR BOX OR PACK Completely fill your shoebox with new kid friendly items and treats. (No peanuts or violence related items) For Baby Boxes, attach a pack of diapers. EACH BOX NEEDS TO BE FULL. 4 th 5 THESE EXTRA ITEMS FOR YOUR AGE GROUP BOY (A GE 2-4): Rubber ball or baseball, small cars, small stuffed animal, toys BOY (A GE 5-10): Safety scissors, rubber ball or baseball, small cars, small building blocks, small flashlight, etc. BOY (A GE 11-14): Safety scissors, calculator, baseball, yo-yo, paddleball, small flashlight, watch, deodorant, etc. INCLUDE YOUR DONATION Send a donation of $3 or more for each shoebox to help with shipping and project costs. Place your donation in an envelope and tape it to the top of your shoebox. D ONATIONS CAN ALSO BE MADE ONLINE . th DROP OFF NOW ADD OR MAIL Place 3 thick, heavy-duty, rubber bands around your shoebox and lid, then drop it off or mail it to BUSES International. Call ahead to schedule a drop-off. i nsuffi ci ent cl othi ng, i nadequate housi ng, and GIRL (AGE 2-4): Hair bands/scrunchies, jump rope, small stuffed animal/doll, toys GIRL (AGE 5-10): Hair bands/scrunchies, safety scissors, small stuffed animal/doll, jump rope, small flashlight, etc. GIRL (AGE 11-14): Hair bands/scrunchies, safety scissors, calculator, fingernail polish, games, small flashlight, watch, deodorant, etc. CANDY/SNACKS IDEAS: (Original packaging or place in a plastic baggie; no peanuts) Hard candies, lollipops, gum, taffy, gummies, etc. Beef sticks, jerky, raisins, fruit snacks, cracker snacks, snack bars, etc. PERSONALIZE YOUR BOX : You may enclose a personal note to the child and a photo of you and your family. You may wrap l ack of healthcare. A LL SHOEBOXES MUST BE DELIVERED BY D ECEMBER 1 ST your box (Wrap the lid separately). Line your plastic box with wrapping paper so it shows through, then fill. Please know that elaborate decorations on the outside may not survive shipping. PLEASE DO NOT INCLUDE: Used or damaged items; violence related items such as toy guns, knives, or action figures; leaky liquids; vitamins or medications; breakable items; aerosol cans; etc.