PERPUSTAKAAN UMP 11111111111111111 0000080264 SINUSOIDAL PWM CONTROLLER OF VOLTAGE SOURCE INVERTER FOR BETTER EFFICIENCY OF THREE PHASE INDUCTION MOTOR CHEW HONG PING Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Mechatronics Engineering Faculty of Manufacturing Engineering UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA PAHANG JUNE 2013 vi ABSTRACT Induction motors are widely used in industry nowadays. Induction motor can be controlled by adjusting voltage terminal, pole changing and frequency as scalar control. In this study, induction motor control by using SPWM technique that is better control than other scalar control methods. To generate this SPWM pulses signal, triangle wave as a carrier signal is compared with the sinusoidal wave, whose frequency is the desired frequency. The widths of these pulses signal are modulated to obtain inverter output voltage control. SPWM duty cycle control technique enable better efficiency of three phase induction motor to provide flexible control and novel cyclic operation as well as better protection schemes for the motor and control circuit. SPWM have improved the speed control and reduce the power losses in the system and is chosen as a better alternative. This paper focuses on step by step development SPWM implemented on a three phase Induction motor. Simulation model of SPWM is obtained using Multisim software. Simulation results are also provided. vi' ABSTRAK Motor induksi digunakan secara meluas dalam industri pada masa kini. Motor induksi boleh dikawal dengan melaraskan terminal voltan dan kekerapan kawalan skalar. Dalam kajian mi, kawalan motor induksi dengan menggunakan teknik SPWM yang kawalannya yang lebih baik berbanding kaedah kawalan skalar lain. Untuk menjana isyarat denyutan SPWM mi, gelombang segi tiga sebagai isyarat pembawa dibandingkan dengan gelombang sinusoidal, yang kekerapan frekuensi yang dikehendaki. Lebar isyarat denyutan mi dimodulat supaya inverter output dapat mengawal voltan yang dihantar ke motor induksi. SPWM kitar tugas kawalan teknik membolehkan kecekapan yang lebih baik untuk motor induksi tiga fasa bagi menyediakan kawalan fleksibel dan operasi kitaran novel serta skim perlindungan yang lebih baik untuk motor dan juga litar kawalan. SPWM telah meningkat mutu kawalan kelajuan yang baik dan juga mengurangkan kehilangan kuasa dalam sistem dan dipilih sebagai alternatif yang lebih baik. Kertas mi memberi tumpuan kepada langkah demi langkah pembangunan SPWM dilaksanakan pada motor induksi tiga fasa. Model simulasi SPWM diperolehi menggunakan perisian Multisim. Keputusan simulasi juga disediakan. viii TABLE OF CONTENTS Page SUPERVISOR'S DECLARATION in STUDENT'S DECLARATION iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS v ABSTRACT vi ABSTRAK vii TABLE OF CONTENTS viii LIST OF TABLES xi LIST OF FIGURES xii LIST OF SYMBOLS xiv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xv CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Project Background 1 1.2 Problem Statement 2 1.3 Objectives of the Study 3 1.4 Project Scope 3 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction 4 2.2 Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) 4 2.3 Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation (SPWM) 5 2.4 Characteristic of SPWM 7 2.5 Carrier Wave Ratio and Modulation Index 7 2.6 Optocoupler 8 2.7 Gate Driver 9 2.8 Voltage Source Inverters (VSI) 9 2.9 Structure of Three Phase Voltage Source Inverter and How It Works 10 2.10 SPWM Control Voltage Source Inverter 11 lx 2.11 Squirrel Cage Induction Motor 12 2.12 Induction Motor Operation with Non-Sinusoidal Supply Waveform 14 METHODOLOGY CHAPTER 3 3.1 Introduction 16 3.2 Project Flow Chart 16 3.3 Project Block Diagram 17 3.3.1 Block Diagram Process Flow 18 3.4 Generating SPWM signal 18 3.5 Simulation Using Multisim for SPWM Circuit 20 3.6 Optocoupler Circuit 23 3.7 Driver Circuit 25 3.8 IGBT Circuit 26 3.9 Power Supply for Control Signal Circuit 27 CHAPTER 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Introduction 28 4.2 Overall Implementation of System 28 4.3 Experiments on Sinusoidal Generating Circuit 30 4.4 Experiments on Triangle Generating Circuit 31 4.5 Experiments on Comparator Circuit 31 4.6 Experiments on Regulating Of Peak Voltage of Sinusoidal Wave 32 4.7 Experiments on Optocoupler Circuit 34 4.8 Experiments on Driver Circuit 34 4.9 Experiments on Driver after Connected with IGBT 37 4.10 Experiments on Speed of Induction Motor 38 4.11 Experiments on Efficiency of Induction Motor Control Method between SPWM Techniques with Direct Terminal Voltage Supply 41 x CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 5.1 Introduction 44 5.2, Conclusion 44 5.3 Recommendation 45 REFERENCES APPENDICES Al LM 324 Op-amp Datasheet 50 A2 TL 082 Op-amp Datasheet 52 A3 LM 311 Analog Comparator Datasheet 54 A4 4N25 Optocoupler Datasheet 55 A5 Driver IR 2130 Datasheet 56 A6 Seminkron 200GB123D Datasheet 58 Bi Final Year Project 1 Gantt Chart 60 B2 Final Year Project 2 Gantt Chart 61 xi LIST OF TABLES Table No. 4.1 Title Experiment Results of Current Drawn By the Induction Motor with Different Voltage among Direct Terminal Voltage Supply and with SPWM Technique Page 42 xli LIST OF FIGURES Title Figure No. Page 2.2 Pulse width modulation signal 5 2.2 Sinusoidal pulse width modulation 6 2.3 Optocoupler 8 2.4 Structure of three phase voltage source inverter 12 2.5 The modulation wave of PWM 12 3.1 Project flow chart 16 3.2 Project block diagram 17 3.3 Three phase sinusoidal wave (modulating wave) 18 3.4 Triangle wave (carrier wave) 18 3.5 A comparator configured as shown produces aPWM output 19 3.6 Sinusoidal PWM signal after comparing of triangle wave with sinusoidal wave 19 3.7 SPWM generating circuit diagram 20 3.8 Three phase sinusoidal wave with 120 degree of phase different 21 3.9 Simulation result of SPWM generator for 0 degree phase different of sinusoidal wave. 21 3.10 Simulation result of SPWM generator for 120 degree phase different of sinusoidal wave 21 3.11 Simulation result of SPWM generator for 240 degree phase different of sinusoidal wave 22 3.12 Triangle wave generator circuit 22 3.14 Optocoupler circuit from Multisim software 23 3.14 Simulation result for optocoupler 24 3.15 Gate driver circuit 25 3.16 One of the three high side drivers of 1R2130 25 3.17 Six IGBT in the Voltage Source inverter circuit 26 3.18 Power supply for control signal circuit 27 4.1 The overall implementation of the system 28 4.2 The Implementation of control signal and IGBT circuit 29 4.3 Three phase sinusoidal wave from sinusoidal wave generator circuit 30 xlii 44 One of the three phase sinusoidal wave from sinusoidal wave generator circuit 30 4•5 The triangle wave from triangle wave generator circuit 31 4.6 Three phase output SPWM signal from comparator . 31 4.7 One of the SPWM signal output from analog comparator circuit 32 4.8 The sinusoidal wave and output SPWM signal when peak 32 voltage is regulated to 6V 4•9 The sinusoidal wave and output SPWM signal when peak 33 voltage is regulated to 2.11 V 4.10 One of the non-inverting and inverting three phase SPWM signal from optocoupler 34 4.11 One of the three high and low outputs of driver circuit 34 4.12 The view of dead time occurred between high and low 35 output signal 4.13 Detail view of the dead time that occurs when the high signal is turned on and the low signal is turned off 35 4.14 Detail view of the dead time that occurs when the high signal is turned off and the low signal is turned on 36 4.15 One of the three phase driver high and low output signal from gate driver after connected with IGBT. 37 4.16 One of the three phase IGBT output to the induction motor 38 4.17 The speed of induction motor with 37V 38 4.18 The speed of induction motor with 40 V 39 4.19 The speed of induction motor with 52 V 39 4.20 The maximum speed of the induction motor 40 4.21 Experiment results of current drawn by the induction motor at 30 V Using direct terminal voltage supply technique 41 4.22 Experiment results of current drawn by the induction motor at 30 V using SPWM technique 41 4.23 Graph of current versus voltage 42 xlv LIST OF SYMBOLS D Duty cycle f1 Desired fundamental frequency of the inverter Switching frequency of the inverter M Amplitude modulation index Ma Modulated ratio Mf Frequency modulation ratio N Carrier wave ratio P Number of pulses per cycle of the sine wave Rms Root mean square T Period of rectangular waveform Ton Pulse duration Ts Period of rectangular waveform V Volt V fl Peak amplitude of the control signal Vd Voltage input Vmax Voltage maximum Vmin Voltage minimum Vout Voltage output Peak amplitude of the triangle waveform xv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS IC Internal circuit PWM Pulse width modulation SPWM Sinusoidal pulse width modulation EMI Electromagnetic interference CSI Current source inverter DC Direct current AC Alternating current IGBT Insulated gate bipolar transistor IGCTs Insulated gate commutated transistor IEGTs Injection enhanced gate thyristor MTTF Mean time to failure SCIM Squirrel cage induction motor ASD Adjustable speed drive PPU Power processing unit Op-amp Operational amplifier CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1, PROJECT BACKGROUND The advantages of the utilization of the three phase induction motor are increasing day by day. This lead the induction motor has found enormous applications in industries these days. The proper functionality of induction motor is important to achieve high efficiency control of motor and better use of electric power, since improving efficiency in electric drives is important, mainly for economic saving and reduction of environmental pollution (W. Leonhard, 1996). In order to attain proper functionality, regulating of the speed of the induction motor is a need. Controlling the speed of induction motor by adjusting the voltage supply, rotor resistance control and pole changing method are ineffective. So, in order to fulfill the requirement for better efficiency, a better technique of control method which uses sinusoidal pulse width modulation technique is implemented. The system consist of three phase power supply circuit, three phase diode bridge rectifier, IGBT, Gate driver, optocouplers, three phase pulse width modulated generator circuit and an three phase induction motor. In this project, the carrier wave and the modulated wave are compared using the comparator IC. Low pulses generated when the amplitude of the carrier signal is lower than the modulated signal, otherwise, high pulse is produced. The output frequency is controlled by the controlled signal. The switches speed is determined by frequency of carrier signal. The control circuit is then protected from higher voltage of three phase power supply by optocoupler circuit. The driver is use to drive the lower voltage output 2 of control circuit to suit the requirement gate voltage of voltage source inverter, IGBT. IGBT is acted as switching devices to control the voltage output to the three phase induction motor. The driver has two types of pulse signal to switch the IGBT. Low signal directly switch the lower part of IGBT leg. The upper part is switched by the voltage provided by Bootstrap circuit. 1.2 -. PROBLEM STATEMENT Controlling the induction motor by adjusting the voltage supply, rotor resistance control and pole changing method are ineffective, the PWM technique is apply to replace these methods. Today industry is using electricity for motor. As the Power dissipation of induction motor is large or high power consumption using the conventional method If the conventional method still applied to the industry, this may cost them the bill of electricity. Besides, problem encountered in inverter drives is the non-sinusoidal nature of the supply voltage, which results in increased motor losses and harmful torque pulsations producing undesirable speed oscillations. Torque pulsations and speed ripple may be appreciable at low frequency, wore they may result in abnormal wear of gearteeth or torsional shaft failure. Hence, in applications where constant or precise speed controlled of induction motor is important. When a voltage source inverter is used, pulse width modulation (PWM) techniques are usually employed, whereby the quasi square wave shape is modulated so as to minimize or eliminate the low order harmonic voltage components and thereby reduce the torque pulsations. Hence, better efficiency can be achieved using PWM control method. 1.3 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY i. To design and implement a SPWM generator to control VSI. ii. To use the VSI to control three phase induction motor for better efficiency. iii. To compare power loss between SPWM and direct terminal voltage control techniques. 1.4] PROJECT SCOPE After intensively reviewed on the PWM generator, there are many issues need to be tackled in order to achieve a preliminary objective. The scopes of this thesis are used for the guideline of the project. The project scopes are as follows: i. In the project, VSI converter is used, it consist of PWM signal, optocouplers, Gate driver, IGBT, three phase diode bridge rectifier and a three phase induction motor. ii. To generate PWM signal some of the components are used such as LM 324 opamp, TL 082 op-amp, and LM3 11 op-amp. To protect the control circuit for power circuit, optocoupler isolator is used such as 4N25. JR 2130 is used as, the Gate driver for the IGBT. IGBT SKM 200GB123D is used as the switching •devices for VSI. iii. The simulation circuit is designed by using Multisim software part by part according to the theories and methods that gain from the literature review. Then simulate and analysis the output waveform. iv. Construct all the circuits related on protoboard based on collected data from simulation part and test the circuits with induction motor. / CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 INTRODUCTION In this chapter, the overview and theories of several fields involve in this dissertation are discussed. These theories will help us to understand the upcoming discussion on SPWM generator, optocoupler, driver, Voltage Source Inverter, induction motor and its implementation. 2.2 PULSE WIDTH MODULATION (PWM) •Due to advances in solid state power devices, switching power converters are used in more and more modern motor drives to convert and deliver the required energy to the motor. The energy that a switching power converter delivers to a motor is controlled by Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) signals applied to the gates of the power transistors. PWM signals are pulse trains with fixed frequency and magnitude and variable pulse width. There is one pulse of fixed magnitude in every PWM period. However, the width of the pulses changes from pulse to pulse according to a modulating signal. When a PWIVI signal is applied to the gate of a power transistor, it causes the turn on and turns off intervals of the transistor to change from one PWM period to another PWM period according to the same modulating signal. The frequency of a PWM signal must be much higher than that of the modulating signal, the fundamental frequency, such that the energy delivered to the motor and its load depends mostly on the modulating signal (Yu, Z. and Mohammed, A. 1997). 5 Pulse-width modulation is a very efficient way of providing intermediate amounts of electrical power between fully on and fully off. A simple power switch with a typical power source provides full power only, when switched on. PWM is a comparatively recent technique, made practical by modern electronic power switches. .PWM can be used to reduce the total amount of power delivered to a load without losses normally incurred when a power source is limited by resistive means. This is because the average power delivered is proportional to the modulation duty cycle (Baburao Kodavati, 2010). YIUU I yflujil 0 D.T 2T 2T+D.T T T+D.T 3T 31'+D.T Time Figure 2.1: Pulse width modulation signal Source: Baburao Kodavati 2010 Based on Figure 2.1 the duty cycle D is defined as the ratio between the pulse duration ('r) and the period (T) of a rectangular waveform. Furthermore, the advantages of using PWM based switching power converter over linear power amplifier are easy to implement and control and lower power dissipation (Yu, Z. and Mohammed, A. 1997). 2.3 SINUSOIDAL PULSE WIDTH MODULATION (SPWM) Sinusoidal PWM refers to the generation of PWM outputs with sine wave as the modulating signal. It is called as sinusoidal PWM because the pulse width is a sinusoidal function of the angular position in the reference signal (Sathish Kumar T, Gowrishankar, 2012). The on and off instants of a PWM signal in this case can be determined by comparing a reference sine wave (the modulating wave) with a high frequency triangular wave (the carrier wave) as shown in Figure 2.2. Sinusoidal PWM technique is commonly used in industrial applications. The frequency of the modulating wave determines the frequency of the output voltage. The peak amplitude of modulating wave determines the modulation index and in turn controls the rms value of output voltage. The rms value of the output voltage can be varied by changing the modulation index. This technique improves distortion factor significantly compared to other ways of multi-phase modulation. It eliminates all harmonics less than or equal to 2p-1, where flp is defined as the number of pulses per half cycle of the sine wave. The output voltage of the inverter contains harmonics. However, the harmonics are pushed to the range around the carrier frequency and its multiples (Yu, Z. and Mohammed, A. 1997). The regular PWM modulation methods can be classified as an open loop and a closed loop owing to its control strategy. The SPWM use open loop PWM techniques. The fundamental frequency SPWM control method was proposed to minimize the switching losses. (Rodriguez J., Kouro, S., Rebolledo, J., Pontt,2005; 0. Lopez, J. Alvarez, J. Doval-Gandoy, F.D. Freijedo,2008; Jinghua Z., Zhengxi L,2008 and W. Shireen, L. Tao, 2008 ) In order to implement Sinusoidal PWM using analog circuits, one has to use the following building blocks - (1) High frequency triangular wave generator; (2) Sine wave generator; (3) Comparator; and (4) Inverter circuits with dead band generator to generate complimentary driving signals with required dead band. jY4TAY7Y Figure 2.2: Sinusoidal pulse width modulation Source: Yu, Z. and Mohammed, A. 1997 7 In the inverter of Figure 2.4, the switch Qi and Q2 are controlled based on the comparison of sinusoidal wave and the triangle wave which are mixed in a comparator. When sinusoidal wave has magnitude higher than the triangle wave the output of the comparator is high, otherwise it is low. Vd Vcon> Vtri Qi is on, V0 = -- Vcon< Vtri Q2 is on, V0 Vd - 2- ( 2.1) ( 2.2) 2.4 CHARACTERISTIC OF SPWM The advantages of using SPWM technique are: i. Reduction of harmonic ii. Control of inverter output voltage The disadvantages of using SPWM technique are: i. Reduction of available voltage ii. Increase of switching losses due to high SPWM frequency iii. EMI problems due to high-order harmonic Harmonic will be minimized if the triangle wave frequency is chosen to be an odd triple multiple of the sinusoidal wave frequency that is 3,9,15 times the sinusoidal wave. 2.5 CARRIER WAVE RATIO AND MODULATION INDEX Carrier wave ratio and modulation index are two important parameters in the PWM technique. The carrier wave ratio is defined as N f/f, where, f1 is the desired fundamental frequency of the inverter and fs is the switching frequency of the inverter. The amplitude modulation index is defined as M = V 0 IVt1-, where, V 0 is the peak amplitude of the control signal, and Vtrj is the amplitude of the triangular waveform. 8 Modulation index can be in the range of 0 to 1 (H. Sarhan and R. Issa, 2005). There is a key parameter to indicate the ability the inverter output voltage and the parameter is utilization ratio of the DC link voltage. Usually it is defined as the ratio of fundamental amplitude of line voltage of inverter and DC bus voltage. There is a linear relationship between amplitude of line voltage and phase voltage, so the modulation index and DC voltage utilization ratio have a same meaning essentially (Jingjing Han, Ruifang Liu and Hui Huang, 2011) 2.6 ,OPTOCOUPLER Figure 2.3: Optocoupler In electronic, voltage isolator also calls an optocoupler or photocoupler which transfer electrical signals between two isolated circuits by using light. The internal circuit of optocoupler is shown in Figure 2.3. Optocoupler prevent high voltage from disturbing the system receiving signal. Typically available optocoupler withstand inputto-output voltage up to 10kV and voltage transient with speed up to 10kV per microsecond. The optocoupler consists of a phototransistor and an LED in the same package. Optocoupler can be used for both transmission of digital and analog (on/off) signal. 2.7 GATE DRIVER Gate driver is a device that connects the control electronics up to the power stage. It is actually a powerful amplifier that can power Mosfet and IGBT. It accept a low power input from a controller IC and produce a high-current drive input for the gate of a high-power transistor which are power Mosfet and IGBT. Besides, these driver help to control electronics that need higher power than the PWM signals can generate. Gate driver also help to increase the input capacitance of power semiconductor associated with the circuit the driver is located on. This can be used in conjunction with several of other discrete transistors. There are two type of gate driver can be used for the electronics devices which are on-chip gate drivers and off-chip gate drivers. The onchip gate drivers can be used when application is for a low , voltage and low-current uses. For the off-chip gate driver, which are referred to as discrete gate drivers. These are ideal for high voltage and high current applications. Discrete gate drivers also increase the galvanic isolation to help protect the device from electrical faults and mechanical faults. 2.8 VOLTAGE SOURCE INVERTERS (VSI) Motor drive systems fed by pulse-width modulation voltage source inverters (PWM-VSI5) are widely used in industrial applications for variable-speed operation, such as aeronautics, railway traction and robotics. The wide use of VSI is due to the high switching frequency of the semiconductor (Baburao Kodavati et. Al, 2010; Rodriguez J., Kouro, S., Rebolledo and J., Pontt, 2005) and the use of PWM speed controllers. Besides, based on (Aeron Vander Meulen and John Maurin, 2010), in the medium voltage adjustable speed drive market, the various topologies have evolved with components, design, and reliability. The two major types of drives are known as voltage source inverter (VSI) and current source inverter (CSI). In industrial markets, the VSI design has proven to be more efficient, have higher reliability and faster dynamic response, and be capable of running motors without de-rating. 10 VSI fully integrated design saves money with higher efficiencies, minimizing install time, eliminating interconnect power cabling costs, and reducing building floor space. Efficiencies are 97% with high power factor through all load and speed ranges. Fast dynamic response for rapid changes in motor torque and speed allow a wide range of applications. Minimum component count increases the mean time to failure (MTTF), an important number in critical uptime applications. Also, new replacement motors are not required for retrofit applications. All of these factors produce a high-quality, robust, industrial design. The voltage source inverter topology uses a diode rectifier that converts utility, line AC voltage (60 Hz) to DC. The converter is not controlled through electronic firing like the CSI drive. The DC link is parallel capacitors, which regulate the DC bus voltage ripple and store energy for the system. The inverter is composed of insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) semiconductor switches. There are other alternatives to the IGBT: insulated gate commutated thyristors (IGCTs) and injection enhanced gate transistors (IEGTs).The IGBT switches create a PWM voltage output that regulates the voltage and frequency to the motor. A capacitive load in the VSIs will generate large current spikes, which can be prevented by an inductive filter between the AC side of VSI and the load. The efficiency parameters of an inverter such as switching losses and harmonic reduction are principally depended on the modulation strategies used to control the inverter (E. Babaei, S.H. Hosseini, G. Gharehpetian, 2010; A.H. Ghaemi, H.A. Abyaneh, K. Maziumi, 2011; M. Ramasamy and S. Thangavel, 2012). The Inverter control techniques are based on fundamental frequency and high switching frequency. 2.9 STRUCTURE OF THREE PHASE VOLTAGE SOURCE INVERTER AND HOW IT WORKS The structure of a typical three phase voltage source power inverter is shown in Figure 2.4. Va, Vb and Vc are the output voltages applied to the windings of a motor. Qi through Q6 are the six power transistors that shape the output, which are controlled by a, a', b, b', c and c'. When an upper transistor is switched on, that is when a, b or c is 11 1, the corresponding lower transistor is switched off, that is the corresponding a', b' or c' is 0. The on and off states of the upper transistors Qi, Q3 and Q5 or equivalently, the state of a, b and c are sufficient to evaluate the output voltage (Yu, Z. and Mohammed, A. 1997). 2.10 SPWM CONTROL VOLTAGE SOURCE INVERTER An inverter bridge that consists of six switches whose state of on or off is controlled by the PWM drives is used in a most common way. The outputs are connected to each motor terminal to supply the power for motor. The structure of the voltage-source inverter (VSI) for three-phase induction motor system is shown in Figure 2.4. A SPWM scheme is used to control the switching devices to generate approximate sinusoidal signals in the stator phases. Figure 2.5 shows the general principle of SPWM. An isosceles triangle carrier wave is compared with a sinusoidal modulating wave, and the points of intersection determine the switching point of power devices. The output waveform of the inverter controlled by SPWM is a series of rectangle pulses, whose amplitudes are same and the widths are different. The switching angle control is decided by the switching frequency and modulation index, and the output fundamental wave amplitude has a linear relationship with the amplitude modulation index. And the change of the switching frequency can only change the centre of the fundamental wave frequency distribution, which does little influence on the amplitude of each harmonic (Zang, C., Z. Pei, J. He, T. Guo, J. Zhu, and W. Sun, 2009). It can be seen that the pulses in the output waveform have a sine weighting equivalent to the reference waveform. This method was realized first with analog circuits, and it can be modelled in the MATLAB/simulink to generate a series of simulated PWM wave. There are six power switches in total in the three-phase VSI and when one of the switches in the upper half inverter bridge is opened, the corresponding one in the lower half bridge will be closed. So there are actually only 8 switching modes (000, 001 ...1 11) existing in three-phase VSI (Jingjing Han, Ruifang Liu and Hui Huang, 2011). 12 motor phases Figure 2.4: Structure of three phase voltage source inverter Source: Yu, Z. and Mohammed, A 1997 Figure 2.5: The modulation wave of PWM Source: Jingjing Han, Ruifang Liu and Hui Huang 2011 2.11 SQUIRREL CAGE INDUCTION MOTOR As the Squirrel Cage Induction Motor (SCIM) drives have been the traditional alternating current workhorses in the industries, and their widespread acceptance makes this study very important not only for its evaluation but to provide comparison with other drive systems. The maximum efficiency point occurs when the SCIM magnetizing 14 2.12 INDUCTION MOTOR OPERATION WITH NON-SINUSOIDAL SUPPLY WAVEFORM The developments in the power electronics field have lead to an ever-increasing use of static switching devices to control the torque and speed of ac motors. Invariably, the output voltage and current waveforms of these devices contain numerous harmonics and these harmonics have detrimental effects on the motor performance in form of derating and torque pulsation, especially at low speed. The order and magnitude of these harmonics depend on the design as well as nature of load being supplied. Prior to the advent of solid-state controllers for the speed control of induction machines, the supply voltage used to be sinusoidal in nature, being practically free from the time harmonics. The standard integral slot windings, having similar pattern of conductor distribution for all the phases, have been used with these machines giving reasonably good performance (P.L. Alger, 1975; B. Heller and V. Hamata, 1977). At present time, the induction motors are widely supplied from several types of solid-state adjustable voltage—frequency controllers with a wide range of operating features. However, in any case, the motor has to be de-rated for the harmonic effects due to the non-sinusoidal nature of the voltage supply. The magnitude and the distribution of the additional losses and the related motor de-rating, in steady state, depends on the harmonic contents of the applied voltage and, in some way, on the motor design. The output voltage of the present day static controllers deviates substantially from the sinusoidal form and contains wide spectrum of time harmonics of which the lower order time harmonics in general, having frequency closer to the wanted output frequency and the sub-harmonics in particular, are found to be potentially objectionable in practice (L.A. Doggett, E.R. Queer, 1929; G.C. Jam, 1964; E.A. Klingshirn and H.E. Jordan, 1968 ) and are at the same time found difficult to be filtered off (B.R. Relley, 1964; B.D. Bedford and R.G. Hoft, 1970) Hence, attempts are made to highlight the current and future issues involved in the development of induction motor drive technology to impart good dynamic stability with improved performance. Induction motors are the most used in industry since they are