Tech Dept Staffing needs

Technology Department Staffing Plan
Overview of Department
The Butler Technology and Career Development Schools Technology Department consists of
four people. It is comprised of a Technology Supervisor, two Technology Assistants and a
half-time Technology Clerk. The department supports 408 computer systems in DRL, 400 in
the Satellite Operation and 52 systems in the ERC. In addition to these computer systems are
27 notebook computers available for borrowing by faculty and staff housed in the Technology
Department and the Media Center. There are also 192 computers in 8 labs located in satellite
programs for Information Technology that are beginning to come off warranty and will then
fall under the responsibility of the Technology Department.
The department maintains four servers which support the districts e-mail, web access, remote
access and local area network. We maintain four wiring closets on the main campus with
various switches that create a fiber gigabit backbone supporting 100mb Ethernet access. The
beginnings of wireless access have been put into place in the ERC and there are plans to
expand this access through the whole building. A direct connection to SWOCA links us to
various routers and proxies that give us our Internet connectivity, content filtering and e-mail
virus scanning. We also maintain local virus scanning on our systems and e-mail server.
In addition to computer systems, the department maintains numerous printers, scanners,
multimedia projectors and SmartBoards. As of next school year, there will be 64 SmartBoards
and over 70 projectors installed. Our department also acts as a liaison with Warren County
Communication on telephone issues.
In addition to physical hardware support, our department is responsible for all software
support on the installed computer base. This includes not only the common software of the
District, but also program specific software.
Rationale for Changes
With the addition of Butler Tech On-line, there will be a need to increase technician(s) in the
department. This person’s primary responsibility will be to support the Butler Tech On-line
users by installing and configuring computer systems in the home of the students who will be
using on-line instruction. When they are not performing functions for Butler Tech On-line,
s/he or they will be utilized by the Technology Department to supplement the two technicians
currently on staff to support operations at D. Russel Lee and the satellite programs. This
person or persons would also assume responsibility for any Butler Tech On-line labs housed in
the home school districts. Based on the projection of 200 students enrolled in Butler Tech Online, the addition of three labs of Butler Tech On-line to be housed in the satellite schools and
the addition of 23 additional programs in the coming school year, the increase of staff is
With the expansion of programming offered by Butler Tech, the Technology Department will
have to grow in proportion. With the experience and additional training completed by Ryan
and Jim, I propose we add a new job description to differentiate between an experienced
technician and a basic computer tech. Listed below is an explanation of the different levels of
Computer Support Specialist that I found on the web. I like the descriptions, so I am including
them here.
Computer Support Specialist: Under direct to general supervision, provides basic
computer hardware, software and peripheral support for a designated unit(s); provides basic
computer installation and configuration; prepares, runs, debugs, and maintains basic computer
software, hardware and peripherals.
Computer Support Specialist, Senior: Under limited supervision, practices an in-depth
understanding of basic and routine computer hardware, software, and peripheral support for a
specified unit(s). Plans, modifies, and troubleshoots basic LAN/WAN functions, operations and
maintenance; resolves departmental data operating problems; provides training to users.
Computer Support Specialist, Executive: Under very limited supervision, provides basic,
routine, and advanced computer operations and/or network support at the department or sub
Enterprise level, planning, implementation, and maintenance; conducts pro-active monitoring
and troubleshooting of network problems at the highest expert level to resolve departmental
data and system integrity, access and protection including backups and updates. This person
is responsible for project implementation including budget, personnel, training and transition
and may provide mentoring to computer professionals. This is the highest level within the
Computer Support Specialist series.
Technology upgrades since 2000
Exchange Server – Managing 250 e-mail accounts
Upgraded file server hardware and software – Novell 6
ID Card System
CafeTerminal Food Service System
Addition of 18 Workforce Development Programs with 13 computer labs
Media Center Computer Lab addition
Palm Pilots for Administrators and Board of Ed
Auditorium and Board Room A/V upgrades
Wireless networking in the ERC
Windows XP and Office XP Upgrades
Completely restructured network printing methodology
Addition of Wokini Academy
Addition of Create-a-Check Software in the CFO’s office
Electronic Business Processes
Continual workstation hardware upgrades
Technology Upgrades - Future
IP Telephony
New Public Safety Educational Complex
Additional projectors and SmartBoards
Network Attached Storage for system backup
Additional Satellite Programming
Butler Tech on-line
Tablet PC’s
Expansion of existing Wireless networking
Greater use of web-based systems
Data Analytics and Management Systems
Electronic Business Processes
On-line survey and testing systems
Project Management on-line
Wireless Carts to the Satellite Programs
On-line instant testing
Technology Installation & Implementation – Summer 2003
This summer we will be installing an additional 179+ desktop computers, 115+ laptop
computers, 6 wireless carts, 30-35 projectors, 30-35 SmartBoards, 13 printers, 11 teacher
notebook and tablet computers, and 2 servers.
Specific breakdown of the installations is attached in Appendix A .
Proposed Staff Positions – (Organization Charts – Appendix B)
Educational Technologist
An Educational Technologist is a person whose main responsibility is to instruct teachers and
staff on how to use the hardware and software currently available in their classrooms and
working with teachers in developing and implementing new technology to enhance instruction
and student learning. The ideal person for this position would have a strong curriculum and
instruction background combined with a good working knowledge of instructional and
commercial software.
Appropriate certification/licensure through the Ohio Department of Education
Willingness/ability to work with staff members and as a team member
Good organizational skills
Experience in educational technology, both hardware and software
At least three years of classroom teaching experience
State-issued driver’s license
History of good job attendance
Must pass criminal background check
Functions as a district specialist in educational technology.
Provides technical expertise in planning and developing technology strategies for use in
classrooms to enhance student learning in alignment with approved curriculum.
Provides leadership in assessing in-service education needs; plans and develops
education activities for teachers and support staff including demonstrations, workshops,
orientations and group meetings, conducts in-service activities for district staff
Collaborating with individual teachers, teams, and the Media Specialist for integrated
instruction of research/technology skills.
Acquiring knowledge of the educational programs and of student needs by becoming
familiar with the district curriculum, conversing with students to determine interest and
surveying faculty and students to determine needed resources
Using multimedia and communications tools to develop web accessible training
To serve as a role model for students in how to conduct themselves as citizens and as
responsible, intelligent human beings.
To help instill in students the belief in and practice of ethical principles and democratic
The Bureau of Labor Statistics calls these positions Instructional Coordinators and the median
annual wage is $47,970 with a range from $23,290 to $72,910 for the Cincinnati area in 2001.
Resources from:
Technology Support Specialist (formerly Technology Assistant)
Under direct to general supervision, provides basic computer hardware, software and peripheral
support for a designated unit(s); provides basic computer installation and configuration; prepares,
runs, debugs, and maintains basic computer software, hardware and peripherals. Acts as an effective
member of Technology Department Team.
High School Diploma or its equivalent
Prefer one year work experience in the area of Technology Support.
Have A+ Core or obtain within 90 days of employment. Prefer at least 1 year experience.
Valid Driver’s License
Broad knowledge of computer hardware and software
History of good job attendance
Must pass criminal background check
Be able to pass an assessment of skills administered by the Director of Technology. This
assessment may be either district generated or commercially generated.
To perform basic software, hardware and network troubleshooting.
To assist with the installation and setup of new and refurbished equipment.
To install and reinstall software on stand-alone, network and web-based computers.
To install printers and other peripherals and assist with network wiring.
To keep accurate records and logs of activities.
To assist with inventory of new, used and obsolete equipment and record entry.
To assist in organization and inventory of the software lib rary.
To assist with inventory and maintenance of computer furniture.
To be able to communicate effectively with all staff.
To perform routine preventive maintenance functions.
To assist with the routine organizational needs of the office area.
To plan and organize own work to prioritize activities.
To continuously update and improve professional competence.
To confer with supervisor regarding progress, concerns and recommendations.
To comply with applicable state and federal regulations.
To perform other duties, consistent with the position, as may be assigned.
To serve as a role model for staff and students in how to conduct themselves as citizens and as
responsible, intelligent human beings.
To help instill in students the belief in and practice of ethical principles and democratic values.
Proposed salary range for a basic tech: $25,000 - $35,000
The Bureau of Labor Statistics lists 2001 salary data for Computer Support Specialists as median annual
wage $41,480 with a range from $27,030 to $62,980 for the Cincinnati area.
Senior Technology Support Specialist (New)
DESCRIPTION: Under limited supervision, practices an in-depth understanding of basic and
routine computer hardware, software, and peripheral support for a specified unit(s). Plans,
modifies, and troubleshoots basic LAN functions, operations and maintenance; resolves
departmental data operating problems; provides training to users.
High School Diploma or its equivalent
At least 3 years work experience in the area of Technology Support
A+ Certification or Network+ Certification. Other advanced certifications would be
Valid Driver’s License
Broad knowledge of computer hardware, software and networking
History of good job attendance
Must pass criminal background check
Be able to pass an assessment of skills administered by the Director of Technology.
This assessment may be either district generated or commercially generated.
Documented professional development activities which have increased your value,
including any assessment results from those activities.
Includes all Essential Functions from the Technology Support Specialist in addition to
the following:
Troubleshoot basic and routine computer, network, or server problems; act as a
liaison between faculty, staff, and administration and the IT Department.
Respond to system failures to bring system back to functioning levels of operation.
Assist with designated computer security systems/password/file protection protocol.
Provide basic and routine technical assistance and advice to faculty, staff, and
students with computer or data communications related hardware, software and
peripheral questions by phone or in person.
Act as a mentor and resource person for level I Techs.
Coordinate work flow for the department.
To serve as a role model for staff and students in how to conduct themselves as citizens
and as responsible, intelligent human beings.
To help instill in students the belief in and practice of ethical principles and democratic
Proposed salary range for a senior tech: $35,000 - $45,000
The Bureau of Labor Statistics lists 2001 salary data for Computer Support Specialists as
median annual wage $41,480 with a range from $27,030 to $62,980 for the Cincinnati area.
Future Growth
Network Administrator
As we grow, it may become necessary to have a person dedicated to administering the various
networks we have in place. We are currently running Novell 6.0 for our Local Area Network,
Windows 2000 server for our Web, Exchange and SQL servers, Windows NT on our RAS/FTP
server and MAC X OS for the network in Graphic communications. There is a whole web
component of Novell 6.0 that we aren’t using due to lack of knowledge and training.
A network administrator manages LAN performance and security. S/he is responsible for all
installs, maintenance and monitoring of the networks, as well as, recommending equipment
upgrades and associated purchases. Essential functions include:
Acquiring, installation and maintenance of network hardware and software.
Recommending purchases related to network servers and software upgrades.
Managing user accounts and assigning appropriate rights.
Establishes and implements LAN policies, procedures and standards.
Manages LAN security and network performance.
Analyze future needs and makes budget recommendation to IT Director for inclusion
in department budget forecasts.
Troubleshooting network problems.
Proposed salary range: $45,000 to $55,000
The Bureau of Labor Statistics lists 2001 salary data for Network Administrators as median
annual wage $53,250 with a range from $33,730 to $87,640 for the Cincinnati area.
Sample Job Descriptions
Programmer Analyst
Description: Reviews, analyzes and modifies programming systems including encoding, testing,
debugging and documenting programs. Developing reports based on ad hoc queries and
manipulating data imports and exports from web-based SQL Databases. Be proficient in SQL
Programming using Microsoft SQL Server 2000, as well as, Java/HTML Script. Proficiency in
Visual Basic 6.0, ASP and .NET is desirable.
At least 5 years experience in developing SQL database-driven web applications.
Ability to perform a requirements analysis and design program specifications.
Must be able to provide references and samples of work.
Ability to aggregate legacy data into relational databases.
Is able to interpret business need into
Ability to communicate complex ideas to customers and stakeholders.
This position may best be filled with a contract or freelance programmer or an IT firm
specializing in providing programmers on an as needed basis.
The Technology Department at this time is small and as a result, we have all had to be
generalists. As the department grows, we may be afforded the opportunity to maximize on
the strengths of the current and future personnel by having staff members become more
specialized in their areas of strength. Ryan has strengths in the areas of networking and
software and I could see him moving into the position of Network Administrator. Jim’s
strengths are in the area of hardware troubleshooting and repair. I think he would be an
excellent mentor to any new techs coming into the department. Pat has increased her skills in
technology over the three years she has been in the department.
Remove the Technology Staff from the BVEA. Section 1.0100 of the Master Agreement
states “Excluded from the bargaining unit are all central office employees and
administrative assistants reporting to central office administrators. . .” I am a central
office administrator, therefore, my direct reports should be non-union.
Revise salary schedules to reflect salary ranges presented in this document.
All contracts for Technology Staff will be 232 days.
Due to the knowledge and training acquired by Ryan Burgess and Jim Smith in the time
they have been employed, move them to the Senior Technology Support positions.
Recognizing the growth in knowledge Pat Fleming has demonstrated in the department,
move her to the Technology Support Specialist position and move the Transportation
duties she now performs to the CFO’s office. If numbers enrolled in Butler Tech On-line
do not support hiring another tech, Pat would assume the primary responsibility of
coordinating and installing systems for Butler Tech On-line.
Using the Salary schedules attached (Appendix D) place Ryan Burgess on step 4 of the
Senior Technology Support Specialist Schedule, Jim Smith on step 3 of the Senior
Technology Support Specialist Schedule and Pat Fleming on step 2 of the Basic
Technology Support Specialist Schedule. The Educational Technologist would be placed
on the Teacher’s Schedule.
Using the Gantt chart provided, a yearly reevaluation of department needs will be
performed to determine any changes needed in department structure and staffing.
(Gantt Chart – Appendix C)