Neutron production Ulli Köster, ILL What is a neutron ? 1. a subatomic particle 2. a matter wave Neutrons are everywhere 13% neutrons Bound neutrons are everywhere 45% neutrons Carbon-12 98.9% 6 protons 6 neutrons Carbon-13 1.1% 6 protons 7 neutrons Big Bang Nucleosynthesis Free neutrons have become rare The Neutron’s Circle of Life 1. How neutrons are born 2. How neutrons are conformed to use 3. How neutrons die 4. What neutrons are good for (except neutron scattering and nuclear spectroscopy) How neutrons are born 1. Alpha-induced reactions: 9Be(α,n)12C +5.7 MeV How neutrons are born 1. Alpha-induced reactions: 9Be(α,n)12C +5.7 MeV 2. Deuteron fusion: d(d,n)3He +3.3 MeV, t(d,n)4He +17.6 MeV How neutrons are born 1. Alpha-induced reactions: 9Be(α,n)12C +5.7 MeV 2. Deuteron fusion: d(d,n)3He +3.3 MeV, t(d,n)4He +17.6 MeV 3. Photo-dissociation: 9Be(γγ ,n)2α -1.66 MeV How neutrons are born 1. Alpha-induced reactions: 9Be(α,n)12C +5.7 MeV 2. Deuteron fusion: d(d,n)3He +3.3 MeV, t(d,n)4He +17.6 MeV 3. Photo-dissociation: 9Be(γγ ,n)2α -1.66 MeV 4. Spontaneous fission: 252Cf(sf)134Te+115Pd+3n +212 MeV How neutrons are born 1. Alpha-induced reactions: 9Be(α,n)12C +5.7 MeV 2. Deuteron fusion: d(d,n)3He +3.3 MeV, t(d,n)4He +17.6 MeV 3. Photo-dissociation: 9Be(γγ ,n)2α -1.66 MeV 4. Spontaneous fission: 252Cf(sf)134Te+115Pd+3n 5. Neutron-induced fission: +212 MeV 235U(n,f)134Te+99Zr+3n +185 MeV γp np n th How neutrons are born 1. Alpha-induced reactions: 9Be(α,n)12C +5.7 MeV 2. Deuteron fusion: d(d,n)3He +3.3 MeV, t(d,n)4He +17.6 MeV 3. Photo-dissociation: 9Be(γγ ,n)2α -1.66 MeV 4. Spontaneous fission: 252Cf(sf)134Te+115Pd+3n 5. Neutron-induced fission: 6. Beta-delayed n emission: +212 MeV 235U(n,f)134Te+99Zr+3n +185 MeV 87Br(β- )87Kr*→ → 86Kr+n +1.3 MeV How neutrons are born 1. Alpha-induced reactions: 9Be(α,n)12C +5.7 MeV 2. Deuteron fusion: d(d,n)3He +3.3 MeV, t(d,n)4He +17.6 MeV 3. Photo-dissociation: 9Be(γγ ,n)2α -1.66 MeV 4. Spontaneous fission: 252Cf(sf)134Te+115Pd+3n 5. Neutron-induced fission: 235U(n,f)134Te+99Zr+3n 6. Beta-delayed n emission: 7. Spallation: 208Pb(p,3p 20n)185Au -173 MeV + 200 Fr 1.4 GeV p fragmentation + 238 11 U Li + X fission n p + 144 Ba + 92 Kr +185 MeV 87Br(β- )87Kr*→ → 86Kr+n +1.3 High energy nuclear reactions spallation +212 MeV MeV Spallation + Fragmentation + Fission W. Wlazło et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 84 (2000) 5736. T. Enqvist et al., Nucl. Phys. A 686 (2001) 481. How neutrons are born 1. Alpha-induced reactions: 9Be(α,n)12C +5.7 MeV 2. Deuteron fusion: d(d,n)3He +3.3 MeV, t(d,n)4He +17.6 MeV 3. Photo-dissociation: 9Be(γγ ,n)2α -1.66 MeV 4. Spontaneous fission: 252Cf(sf)134Te+115Pd+3n 5. Neutron-induced fission: 6. Beta-delayed n emission: 7. Spallation: 208Pb(p,3p +212 MeV 235U(n,f)134Te+99Zr+3n +185 MeV 87Br(β- )87Kr*→ → 86Kr+n +1.3 20n)185Au -173 MeV MeV A nuclear chain reaction A single-pulse neutron source Uncontrolled chain reaction of fast-neutron induced fission ≈25 kg of 93% 235U 235U(n,f) cross-section as function of energy Moderation A controlled nuclear chain reaction using thermal neutron induced fission 1. Moderate neutrons 2. Control neutron losses 40*2.5 = 100 100 103 98 89 85 40 80 neutron numbers are given for a typical PWR reactor ≈0.6% of fission neutrons are beta-delayed by 12 s on average ⇒slows down reactor kinetics (∆k = 0.001) from ≈0.05 s to ≈80 s ⇒ essential for reliable control of reactor power 40*2.5 = 100 100 103 98 89 85 40 80 Research reactor Components of a nuclear reactor 1. Fuel 2. Moderator 3. Control rods 4. Coolant 5. Pressure vessel 6. Containment 7. Steam generator (for power plants) or experimental facilities (for research reactors) Moderator elastic collisions with light atoms (mass A): average energy loss En+1 - En = 2 En A/(A+1)2 ln(En) – ln(En+1) = ξ = 1 – (A-1)2/(2A) * ln[(A+1)/(A-1)] Moderating power: Moderating ratio: Light water (H2O) Heavy water (D2O) Beryllium (Be) Graphite (C) Polyethylene (CH2)x ξΣ scatter 1.28 0.18 0.16 0.064 3.26 ξΣ scatter/Σ abs. 58 21000 130 200 122 The first nuclear reactor on Earth Isotopic abundance 100.0% 10.0% 1.0% 235U 238U 0.1% -5000 -4000 -3000 -2000 Time before now (My) Choice of coolant coolant = moderator ⇒ passive regulation ⇒ intrinsic safety RBMK: graphite moderator water cooling ⇒ positive void coefficient ! -1000 0 RHF fuel element 8.6 kg 235U, 93% enriched 27 8 December 1987: Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty 1 warhead = 25 kg HEU = 3 fuel elements for ILL The ILL reactor contributes to permanent disarmament! The reactor core and vessel Fuel element : -Ri = 14 cm -Re = 19 cm Vessel: - R = 125 cm Beam tubes : -13 Horizontal -4 inclined Sources -VCS -HCS -HS BD : 25 janv ier 2008 Some comments on recent events… Reactor fuel elements = 1st barrier pencil assembly UO2 pellets 2nd barrier: primary cooling circuit 3rd barrier: containment Thermal neutron induced fission Nuclear decay heat Fukushima 2 and 3: 784 MWe, 2300 MWth 150 MW 35 9 5 3 Nuclear decay heat ILL: 57 MWth 3.7 MW 0.9 0.2 0.1 Decay heat can be passively cooled by natural convection! Secondary reactions Safety features of the ILL reactor Double safety hull with ventilation and filtration Hydrogen recombination Water reservoir inside hull Redundance Safety features of Generation 3+ reactors (EPR) Molten core catcher area Double safety hull with ventilation and filtration Heat removal system Hydrogen recombination Water reservoir inside hull Redundance:4 individual systems Power reactor ⇔ Research reactor • heat used to produce • neutrons used for electricity applications • neutrons just to maintain • heat not used chain reaction • needs high power, high temperature and high pressure for good thermal efficiency • BWR: 75 bar, 285°C • PWR: 155 bar, 315°C • operates at lower power, low temperature (ILL 30-48°C) and low pressure (<14 bar) • vessel and all inserts made from pure Al-alloy • 25 cm thick steel pressure vessel ⇒ • modular and exchangeable defines lifetime (40..60 y) ⇒ no finite lifetime ILL: Replacement of the reactor vessel 1990-94 ILL: Replacement of the reactor vessel 1990-94 The risk profile of power versus research reactors ILL reactor Power reactor Tav erage=39 °C p: few bar Spallation neutron source versus reactor Advantage for reactor • higher time-averaged flux (for high-flux reactor) • flux very constant over time • larger irradiation volume possible (multiple fuel elements) • much lower electricity bill Advantage for spallation neutron source • pulsed operation much easier • much higher peak flux for TOF applications • does not carry “reactor” in its name Urban legend: “Reactors are dirty, spallation neutron sources are clean.” Back to physics: the neutron as a tool to study fission LOHENGRIN Setup Experimental setup (straight beam) Experimental setup (bent beam) RED Magnet Target position Condenser Reactor wall Reactor core Introduction of new target Light water pool Main magnet Heavy water vessel Container for used targets Neutron tomography beamline 1m 11Li production in thermal neutron induced fission? 235U + n ⇒ 11Li + 140Xe + 85Br + 85 A 235 + 1 = 11 + 140 Z 92 + 0 = 3 + 54 ∆M (MeV) 40.919 8.071 40.801 -72.990 + 35 -78.610 Q (MeV) = (40.919 + 8.071) – (40.801 – 72.990 – 78.610) = +159.8 Detection of rare ternary particles Exotic!??? Exotic 1013 per s produced worldwide in nuclear power plants! 2·10-10 per fission Neutron (particle) physics: the neutron as an object Neutron Decay • clean semi-leptonic decay νe p(udu) W • clear theoretical understanding: only 3 free parameters in Standard Model • ratio of coupling constants • and its phase • Quark mixing from the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix n(udd) τ −1 ∝ Vud (1 + 3λ2 ) 2 λ= gA gV Vud Ideal system for precision measurements e- Why is neutron-decay important? neutron-decay provides key input for many disciplines: astrophysics, cosmology and particle physics From cold to ultracold neutrons Ultracold neutrons nuclei in surface T ≈ 2 mK E ≈ 100 neV v ≈ 5 m/s λ ≈ 1000 Å neutron Typically: 99.99 % - elastic reflection 0.009% - inelastic scattering to the thermal energy range 0.001% - absorption UCN Total reflection under any angle on suitable materials like Be, Ni, C ⇒ possibility to store for long time The UCN facility PF2 at ILL Neutron turbine A. Steyerl (TUM - 1985) Vertical guide tube Cold source Reactor core 56 Measurements of the neutron lifetime τn exponential decaylaw : N = N0e−λt or, ultimately, measure the exponential decay directly Storage experiments w ith UCN Beam experiments w ith cold neutrons “counting the surviving neutrons” “ UCN bottle” “counting the dead neutrons” 1 1 N (t 1 ) = ⋅ ln τm t 2 - t 1 N( t2) N(t 21 ) e l nβ 1 1 1 1 1 = + + + + ... τm τβ τ wall τ leak τvacuum 0 (experiment) 1 τ wall = µ ⋅ v eff 0 (extrapolation) N0 1 1 = τm τβ l nβ = Two relative measurements dN N − v⋅τ =− 0e n dt τn Two absolute measurements A “typical” UCN storage experiment at ILL – MamBo I Glass w alls: H=0.3 m, W=0.4 m L=0.5m … 0.01 m (surface A and volume V sizeable) 1 1 1 = + + ... τ m τβ τ wall τ wall → number of wall collisions, i.e. mean free path λ Measure storage lifetime τst for different volume to surface ratios V/A and extrapolate for V ∞ 1 τ wall →0 “GRAVITRAP” Neutron Lifetime Experiment at the PF2/MAM beam position in the ILL 6σ P. Geltenbort 878.5(8) s 60 Magnetic confinement • For µ n = -60.3 neV/T, a 2T field generates a 120 neV barrier. • Force due to field gradient, F = -µ (dB/dz), repels only one spin state. • Use permanent magnets. • Step 3: 3D confinem ent • Step 1: 1D confinem ent - top (gravity) - bottom (magnetic shutter) 1 – permanent magnets 2 – magnetic poles • Step 2: 2D confinem ent UCN: Particle physics with “human dimensions” Speed: some m/s Jumps up to 2.5 m high Magnetic field: 1 T may repel UCN 0.6 m high ≈ 10 min half-life ≈ 15 min lifetime Scales of temperature and energy in neutron physics Ultra cold nanoparticles 20 nK 10-12 Cold moderators 10-3 ? 1 3 10 10 10-7 10-3 10-1 VUCN Reactor moderators Temperature, K 107 Neutron energy, eV Fission Quantum states of neutrons in the Earth’s gravitational field Neutrons as a tool for medicine The Nuclear Medicine Alphabet SPECT Camera PET-Scanner β+ γ Auger-e- α β- Cancer and efficiency of treatments At time of diagnosis Diagnosed Cured by: Surgery Radiation therapy Surgery+radiation therapy All other treatments and combinations incl. chemotherapy Fraction cured Primary With tumor metastases 58% 42% Total 100% 22% 12% 6% 5% 69% 12% 45% Over one million deaths per year from cancer in EU. ⇒ improve early diagnosis ⇒ improve systemic treatments Immunology approach Target (antigen) Antibody Roelf Valkema, EANM-2008. Multidisciplinary collaboration to fight cancer Target Peptide, antibody, etc. Linker Receptor Radionuclide Immunology Structural biology Coordination chemistry Nuclear physics and radiochemistry Nuclear medicine and medical physics 1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecantetraacetate Helmut Maecke, EANM-2007. Roelf Valkema, EANM-2008. Lymphoma therapy: RITUXIMAB+177Lu F. Forrer et al., J Nucl Med 2013;54:1045. Alternative production route to 177Lu • Free of long-lived isomer • Non-carrier-added quality • “Needs” high-flux reactor The rising star for therapy Acknowledgements Thanks for transparencies from: Hartmut Abele Roger Brissot Bruno Desbriere Peter Geltenbort Bastian Maerkisch Valery Nesvishevsky Anatoli Serebrov Oliver Zimmer