FACT SHEET SOURCE WATER PROTECTION LAKE AND RESERVOIR MANAGEMENT Tools help utilities predict and respond quickly to water quality change QUICK FACTS • Reservoir managers can run models—even simple ones—to predict many water quality conditions and changes • Advances in monitoring technology allow near-real time detection of contaminants and water quality characteristics • In-reservoir strategies can be very effective at preventing anoxia and algal blooms and improve other processes OVERVIEW Water treatment costs, finished water quality, and ultimately public health are directly influenced by lake and reservoir management. A proactive approach includes modeling, monitoring, and in-reservoir management strategies. Water providers often do not have control over nutrient inputs WATER RESEARCH FOUNDATION and other non-point contamination sources. Management tools and strategies can help utilities predict, track, and respond quickly to changes in water quality. Watersheds are complex systems with multiple entities that introduce inputs and pollution into the water. Downstream reservoirs are impacted by municipal, industrial, or agricultural activities upstream, which can introduce nutrients, pathogens and other contaminants. Local seasonal variations, weather, and other geographic factors can impact water quality as well. See WRF Topic Overviews, “Land Use and Water Quality” and “Wildfire, Drought, and Flood.” Simple water quality modeling and monitoring, along with common in-reservoir management strategies, can assist with overall impacts and help avoid future treatment costs. SOURCE WATER PROTECTION | LAKE AND RESERVOIR MANAGEMENT |1 WATER QUALITY MODELING MODEL SELECTION PROCESS DIAGRAM Dynamic/Mechanistic Model Selection Reservoir Water Quality Model Problem Formulation Limited funds (e.g., $25–30k) short timeframe (e.g., 3–4 months) Yes No Minimal modeling experience and expertise Yes OME empirical models No Screening level study broad brush answers Yes No Limited site, watershed data & information Yes No Sufficient information for decisions No Yes Design & implement management options 1. Model applied to your reservoir and problem types and results used in making management decisions. 2. Comprehensive user’s manual 3. Model currently supported and being updated 4. Graphical user interface available for displaying and analyzing results 5. State accepts model results if used for regulatory decisions 6. Model schematic of reservoir water quality problems Time and resources needed for model application available Revise expectations Obtain needed funds and data WATER RESEARCH FOUNDATION Yes Model selection No No Source: Wagner et al. 2013 Models are useful tools for testing the results of a potential land use or management change on reservoir water quality. They quantify the relationship between watershed characteristics to create a mathematical representation of reality. Reservoir managers can run models to predict water quality changes such as: • Effects of changing storage • Effects of mixing or oxygenation • Effects of nutrient loading or management • Influence of different water sources • Bacterial transport and die-off (Wagner 2015a) Decision-makers can assess the expected range of results from a given management action and the probability of achieving a desired result. Although modeling requires effort and funding, it can help utilities predict and adapt quickly to water quality changes (Wagner et al. 2013). Even simple order of magnitude estimations can often provide answers to assist with overall impacts. Yes Apply simpler models Yes Modeling should always begin with a clear understanding of the problem to be addressed. Utilities can consider the type of data, decision timeframe, complexity, and scale. Adequate data can be gathered through a robust, long-term monitoring program. A model is reliable only if the data and linkages are close to reality. Reservoir managers should be part of the modeling team. Even if an outside contractor is hired, reservoir managers lend information and experience to minimize assumptions by the modelers. The WRF project, Water Quality Modeling to Aid Water Supply ReserSOURCE WATER PROTECTION | LAKE AND RESERVOIR MANAGEMENT |2 A proactive management approach can help utilities reduce treatment costs and mprove environmental conditions. voir Management (Wagner et al. 2013), provides further information. RAPID WATER QUALITY MONITORING Rapid water quality monitoring systems can provide data in near-real time. A variety of instruments can quickly obtain data on specific characteristics, including velocity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, nitrogen, chloride, and toxicity. These systems may be particularly important for reservoirs vulnerable to extreme weather events such as forest fires (Stanford et al. 2014), those that experience quick or unpredictable water quality changes, and reservoirs with low oxygen, algae, or compliance challenges (Wagner 2014). Rapid monitoring data support early warning systems, compliance, and water treatment cost savings/avoidance. In the WRF project, Rapid Water Quality Monitoring to Aid Water Supply Reservoir Management (Wagner 2014), the utilities studied spent an average of $13,750 on capital costs, $5,000 on deployment, and $3,334 on operation and maintenance. Rapid monitoring systems require data organization and experienced field WATER RESEARCH FOUNDATION staff; some instruments may need frequent calibration and maintenance. IN-RESERVOIR MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES Water quality concerns for reservoirs include temperature, dissolved oxygen, turbidity and nutrient loading. Ideally, utilities should be proactive in improving the quality of waterbodies that empty into their reservoirs and lakes through coordinated land and watershed management. See WRF Topic Overview, “Land Use and Water Quality.” After water is transported to a water treatment facility, in-reservoir management options can help avoid treatment costs (Dortch 1998). The WRF project, Oxygenation and Circulation to Aid Water Supply Reservoir Management (Wagner 2015), contains discussions of different types of these two systems. Circulation (Destratification) Pumps and jets force the movement of water to disrupt the stratification of oxygen levels in a reservoir, helping to prevent anoxia and algal blooms. While circulation can provide a consistent quality and pH equilibrium, it can be disruptive to fisheries because it disrupts thermal stratification (Dortch 1998). substances and disinfection byproduct precursors, and help reduce the release of iron, manganese, sulfides, and phosphorus. Phosphorus inactivation When aluminum sulfate or sodium aluminum is added to the reservoir, phosphorus binds to the aluminum and precipitates to the lake floor. This treatment can be very effective at reducing algal blooms, but is expensive and possibly toxic if overdosed (Dortch 1998). Biological control For drinking water reservoirs, biological controls— introducing certain insects, plants and fish—may help control algae. They are generally favored over chemical controls, but effectiveness depends on many variables. (Jeppesen et al. 1990, Leventer and Teltsch 1990, Quin 2013). Oxygenation In this strategy, oxygen is added to deep water by releasing oxygen gas or submerged chambers directly into the water, which does not disrupt thermal stratification. The increase of oxygen levels in deeper, colder layers can create a refuge for zooplankton that eat algae. It can also help oxidation processes involving oxygen-demanding SOURCE WATER PROTECTION | LAKE AND RESERVOIR MANAGEMENT |3 REFERENCES Dortch, M.S. 1998. Water Quality Considerations in Reservoir Management. Journal of Contemporary Water Research and Education 108: 32-42. http://ucowr.org/files/Achieved_Journal_Issues/V108_ A3Flood%20Control%20Operations.pdf Jeppesen, E., J.P. Jensen, P. Kristensen, M. Sondergaard, E. Mortensen, O. Sortkjaer, and K. Olrik. 1990. Fish Manipulation as a Lake Restoration Tool in Shallow, Eutrophic, Temperate Lakes 2: Threshold Levels, Long-term Stability and Conclusions. Hydrobiologia 200-201(1):219-227. doi: 10.1007/BF02530341. Leventer, H., and B. Teltsch. 1990. The Contribution of Silver Carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) to the Biological Control of Netofa Reservoirs. Trophic Relationships in Inland Waters, Developments in Hydrobiology 53: 47-55. doi: 10.1007/978-94-009-0467-5_7. Qin, B. 2013. A Large-scale Biological Control Experiment to Improve Water Quality in Eutrophic Lake Taihu, China. Lake and Reservoir Management 29(1): 33-46. doi: 10.1080/10402381.2013.767867. Stanford, B.D., B. Wright, J.C. Routt, J.F. Debroux, and S.J. Khan. 2014. Water Quality Impacts of Extreme Weather-Related Events. Denver, Colo.: Water Research Foundation. Wagner, K.J., K. Thornton, L. Christina, and D.F. Mitchell. 2013. Water Quality Modeling to Aid Water Supply Reservoir Management. Denver, Colo.: Water Research Foundation. Wagner, K. J. 2014. Rapid Water Quality Monitoring to Aid Water Supply Reservoir Management. Denver, Colo.: Water Research Foundation. Wagner, K.J. 2015a. Oxygenation and Circulation to Aid Water Supply Reservoir Management. Denver, Colo.: Water Research Foundation. Wagner, K.J. 2015b. Webcast: Reservoir Management. January 27, 2015. http://www.waterrf.org/ resources/webcasts/pages/Webcasts-detail.aspx?ItemID=104 WATER RESEARCH FOUNDATION SOURCE WATER PROTECTION | LAKE AND RESERVOIR MANAGEMENT |4