Questionsand ExampleProblemsfrom Chapter 16 Question 1' Figurea below gives a snapsholofa wavetraveling in the directionof positive x along a string undertension.Four string elementsareindicatedby the letteredpoints.For eachofthose elements,determinewhether,at the instantof the snapshot,the elementis moving upwardor downwardor is momentarilyat rest.(Hint Lnaginethe wave as it movesthroughthe four string elements.) Figureb below givesthe displacementofa string elementlocatedat, say,x = 0 asa fimction of time. At the letteredtimes, is the elementmoving upwardor downwardor is it momentarilyat rest? a) &g b) ry c ) dpu^\ r) )a^xr\ ptA-. ") yr\t 4s s\)g \!-' U) * Question2 In the figure below, five points areindicatedon a snapshotof a sinusoidalwave.Wlat is the phasedifferencebetweenpoint 1 and(a) point 2, (b) point 3, (c) point 4, and(d) point 5? Answer in radiansand in termsof the wavelengthof the wave.The snapshotshowsa point of zero displacementat x : 0. In termsof the period T of tle wave,whenwill (e) a peakand(f) the next pointof zerodisplacement reachx : 0? I,/d A) 6'a ,b b) rr o,u 3rl* ar ") r) e'l ?4 6t ).T -/u M I c\ 'rJ e- Question3 The following four wavesare sentalong stringswith the samelinear densities(x is in metersand t is in seconds).Rankthe wavesaccordingto (a) their wave speedand (b) the tensionsin the stringsalongwhich they travel, great€stfust: (1) yr : (3 mm) sin(x- 3t) (2) yz = (6 mm) sin(2x- t) a) ly ?1?7 3 b) ll{,lr3 (3) y3: (1 mm) sin(4x-t) (4) ya: (2 mm) sin(x - 2t) V= \t =*/t< Y = )-a"(Kx--t) VqG n=7 Question4 If you setup the seventhharmonicon a string, (a) how manynodesarepresent,and (b) is therea node,antinode,or someinternediatestateat the midpoint?If you next setup the sixth harmonic, (c) is its resonantwavelengthlonger or shorterthan that for the seventhhannonic,and (d) is the resonantfrequencyhighgl 61l6v/61! (') (b) ^\ .)LOY\4pL ---==^/. 7 ,toa"a <==:-' !.r /D,'IY\/W a?V "==:=- (r) Xa^+t ---:=: A I ProblemI The equationofa transversewavetraveling along a very long string is y : 6.0 sin(O.020rx + 4.07d),ryherex andy areexpressedin centimetersandt is in seconds. Determine(a) the amplitude,(b) the wavelength,(c) the fiequencS(d) the speed,(e) the directionofpropagationofthe wave,and(f) the maximumtansversespeedofa particle in the string, (g) What is the transversedisplacementat x = 3.5 cm whent : 0.26 s? \/ = (a"o."\ 3,, f(o.o>o,, "n,') x + (+"orr"[/)t] 4) r) (l) ri = 6.0c., K=t./x -+ \-- xn/t<- *%r.oroo."-) --t =-/^n = U9::t!) ?.lr - )=loo"- d) e) _X r) q -- ey/at'= (-";* wl. LL'cAa^* .-a:(Kx*.ll) Kx *ot) u))vr =-.fui.o.,..j1rf t".o",9 ----zQ"r".x= : "75 .o v/ 5 rtill ,e-p 2 2). l$9P,1.1 =it W (a) Write an equationdescribinga sinusoidalFansveisewavetraveliirg6n a cord in the +x directionwith a wavelengthof 10 crq a frequencyof 400 Hz" and an amplitudeof 2.0 cm. (b) What is the maximumspeedof a point on the cord?(c) What is the speedof the wave? (b) q= Al/st = - w)., r.oz(Kx-*t) (.) V=\S=Y7''/t< = * = (x5:^A1s),*,1, An^o = bY"l =F;t"il 2,5t3 noAls 6A"9 "q-l V: 4.O * 16rm/: Problem3 A sinusoidalwave of frequency500 FIzhasa speedof350 rnls. (a) How far apartmetwo points that differ it phasebynl3 rad?@) What is the phasedifferencebetweentwo displacementsat a certainpoint at times 1.00ms apart? v--\f -+ Y=Y?= a -booftf I 7 Soqls 500ftt v-- Sson/s to) o,w c:w+,ef1 pf-ae ta t4t'ttnvl*'lt k b Po4ru+a\Ai 'T-- \ro) l/| = /+= a"Tb"-^;r" /u aX q" 'cr/o[ I *, /,\ u, ^^a^;"* pd;Jro t" t/ /5ool1Z = O.Dolos. ' t/1, (o.too*t) tf -- t^- t , t rr r a tr \ I- a_pzal J,-oD*s + Pt .rnl'b'."i l.oons'pA.a-q, PvPe";A ' 'J trEo-td.'r -\ fr 'lx 4 ,v^Lawc(2, ,q:"" dltWe",rc .= 7^(.r_*) = T ^^)^;.,,) Problem 4 A stretchedstring hasa massper unit length of 5.00 g/cm anda tensionof 10.0N. A sinusoidal wave on this stringhasan arnplitudeof0.12 mm anda frequencyof 100Hz andis traveling in the negativedirection of an x-axis. Write anequationfor this wavein the form: y(x,t) : y' sin(kx t ot). ) (xr|') -- /. ).0= S ( K x +*t) 4-L u'. ;,1rq tgro x- 'du-;h-"t O"J?,m\ - l.t*lo-e", 4r = A.rrt = 3.n-(toolf z) : K = *n/> G\Sn^Afs --) rue ,ti gl* l( "u""I \ \t=.,=[4--->=/*E K= \-n/s=tW -) K= (roouz)( D . s o l b / n ) lo.oN yt(x,t) = ( t"a*,6-'.)A"" + (6rr^^i/,)tf L(ruo;,,)x .= t,,n -l I 1V {t\ Problem5 The equatioaof a tansv€rsewave on a string is y = (2.0mm) sin [(20 m r)x - 1600s ')q The tensionin the string is 15N. (a) What is the wave speed?(b) Find the linear densityof the sfring in gams per meter. :;.4"tI|*\ ))rou< t;= . I r\ ) txrt/ = ,rrX_-L) )rr -a-'L\1 1 (o) v =*/K = 't:## -.._ V = 3 6 n / s :::: tD = 6oo"^l1s 1 u. (b) f-v = ,lO^ -- v'. 2/l+_- A= z/u^ ---) A = l.to7t to-\yx/71 Jl = l3!-4aa'/s )* r----------:--:--t -l-{ : lte.1 g/^ Problem 6 Two identicaltaveling waves,moving in the samedirection,areout of phaseby n/2 rad. What is ths emplitudeof thJresultantwave in termsof fie-common amplitudea; oftletwo combiningwaves? Y = )* -a""( Kx--*) t yn .a/r\(fx- *t + d) -= Ay"'/r d).Ar" ( Kx-.,t *'/rd) Q=n/' y = Ay- or. ('/r)4/(Kx--* *n/q) r-,ac ( t'./u ) dY''\ /-.J /-t \ ["4ty^ ' \ .,' t--- Problem7 A string that is stretchedbetweenfixed supportsseparatedby 75.0 cm hasresonantfrequencies of 420 and315Hz with no intemrediateresonantfrequencies.What me (a) the lowestresonant frequencyand (b) the wave speed? a.' '=nV \Jn " -"a wl'e*41n2 --4 @ , t di ffi! UD (^) $ ,= 1osttt X= -75 l$ocr.r'l.5orn (u) v= )l-ll*") - r", (r"s,+r) - Problem8 l/st.s nfs What arethe threelowestfrequenciesfor standingwaveson a wirel0l0 m long havinga massof I 00 g, which is stretchedundera tensionof 250N? i'" n /- P4.,ru-Itk lfrqytlr"4i" \t= 19 - l-z = IZL " {,,(t l{.t.1 J r') (?t5oN)(lo.or", - a\\/,/ Y= " /Ut- a^s Wnor\ ),ra /' y. /,-^ v')=l)l,t)"-. / \ n (/5)F1/si = t ( to.o.) n (f.9Hz) I > t 6l < C o " l o o h) n = ?, f= is.grfz Problem 9 In an experimenton standingwaves,a sting 90 cm long is attachedto the prongof an electricallydriven tuning fork that oscillatesperpendicularto the lengthof the shing at a frequencyof 60 Hz. The massof the string is 0.044kg. What tensionmustthe string be under (weightsareattachedto the other end)if it is to oscillatein four loops? o,?Sn \=q5.-,= {= Go,}z v - ) f --(o.,ts,)(a"pr) : \'tnfs 4o"u r-1 I.> l-> ,,1 A I IZL l_- r/ -L __ n v/t rl v^ = 77n (o.otqp{(}1nf s)^ ( o"ro,.,) ? = 35,{, r\l