Instructions For Removing and Replacing The Sash In The Brighton Double Hung Picture Window Tools Needed: Stiff putty knife, small pry bar, end nipper or pliers (for pulling nails), deglazing or utility knife, cordless drill/driver, vise-grip, pneumatic finish nailer with 1 ¼’’ nails (or hammer with 1 ¼’’ finish nails, tube of clear silicone sealant. 1. Remove sash stops. (jambs and head) Starting with the jambs, work the thin blade of the putty knife in behind them, and pry inward carefully so as not to damage the wood. Once you have it started, utilize the small pry bar to continue removal. 2. Remove sill board/cover utilizing putty knife and pry bar, as was done in step one. Notice how sill board/cover is nailed along front edge to the supporting piece below it. Keep this in mind for later re-installation. 3. Remove all nails from the stops and the frame with the end nippers or pliers. (Stops are nailed from outside of frame from factory, so some nails may remain in the jambs and header) 4. Remove sill fill board. This is best accomplished by driving a 1 ½’’ deck or wood screw about ½ way into one end of the board and utilizing a pliers or vise-grip to pull the board up and out. Note: On units 48’’ and wider, there will be screws at the center of the sill fill board that will need to be extracted prior to removal of the board – two in sash and one into sill. 1 5. Remove sash clips by extracting the 4 screws in each. 6. Utilizing either a deglazing tool, or utility knife, cut the seal between the frame and sash. You may have to make several passes in order to completely cut through the seal, which is about ½’’ wide. Note: If sash is to be reused, you will need to mask off the cladding in order to protect it from being scratched while cutting the seal. 7. Starting at the top, push sash toward interior. Sash will be very tight in frame, due to blocking around perimeter of sash, and also the caulking applied to interior frame corners, so you may need to utilize a small pry bar to aid in removing sash. Note: You will need the aid of another person to “catch” the sash on the interior as you are prying or pushing sash out of frame. Once you have the sash broken loose from the original seals, you can simply tilt the top of the sash toward interior and lift out. Be sure to save the rubber blocking that was used to square sash. 8. Once you have the old sash removed, the frame can now be prepped for installation of the new sash. You can start this process by removing the original sealing tape with a stiff plastic putty knife or narrow piece of polyacrylate (plexiglass). A minor amount of adhesive residue from the old seal may remain on the frame cladding. 2 9. Apply new sealing tape to frame cladding. Keep tape parallel with edge, and approximately 1/16’’ back from edge. At top corners, miter the end of the tape and start tape about 1/16’’-1/8’’ from corner gasket. At bottom, butt the tape tightly against sill gasket. (See inset picture) 10. Apply a generous amount of clear silicone sealant to all 4 inside corners making sure that it overlaps the tape joints at the top, and the tape ends at the sill. Block here first 11. Set replacement sash into frame opening, bottom first, then tilt top in. Center the sash horizontally in the frame. Starting at the top, block tightly between the sash and frame, utilizing the blocks saved from removing the old sash. You may need to use a small pry bar at top to ensure that the weatherstrip at the sill is compressed sufficiently. 12. While applying moderate outward force on sash, install the sash clips into their original positions in frame. 3 13. Re-install the sill filler board. Make sure it is fully seated before running screws back into sash and sill. (Narrow units may not have the screws-sill board will not be fastened in the case.) 14. Re-Install perimeter sash stops, starting with the sill. Note: Do not nail stops until you have all of them in position. Continue with re-installation of sash stops, placing the header in position next. You may have to hold header in place until the jamb stops are re-installed to support the header. 15. Starting with header, apply a considerable outward force on sash stop to ensure that the sash seats sufficiently into the seal in frame. Nail into place with 1 ¼’’ finish nails. Continue by exerting the same outward force on the jamb stops, and nail them into place. 16. To fasten the sill stop in place, first ensure that the front edge of the sill stop is flush with the face of the existing vertical sill cover. You will then nail the sill stop to the sill cover at the front edge, keeping your nails approximately ¼’’ back from the edge to ensure that the nail doesn’t “blow out” the face of the sill cover. Space nails about 4’’ apart. Also, place 3-4 nails towards back edge of sill stop at center. Set your nails if necessary, and fill nail holes with suitable matching wood putty. 4