PHYSICS OF PLASMAS VOLUME 7, NUMBER 11 NOVEMBER 2000 A new basic effect in retarding potential analyzers Juan R. Sanmartı́na) and O. López-Rebollal Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Aeronáuticos, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 28040 Madrid, Spain 共Received 25 July 2000; accepted 2 August 2000兲 The Retarding Potential Analyzer 共RPA兲 is the standard instrument for in situ measurement of ion temperature and other ionospheric parameters. The fraction of incoming ions rejected by a RPA produces perturbations that reach well ahead of a thin Debye sheath, a feature common to all collisionless, hypersonic flows past ion-rejecting bodies. This phenomenon is here found to result in a correction to Whipple’s classical law for the current characteristic of an ideal RPA 共sheath thin; inverse ram ion Mach number M ⫺1 , and ram angle of RPA aperture , small or moderately small兲. The current correction increases with the temperature ratio T e /T i , and ranges from a 15%–30% reduction at M ⫽0 to a 15%–30% increase at M ⫽2, for typical values of M , T e /T i and transparency of aperture grid. Linear analysis of the perturbed plasma beyond the sheath rests on the fact that a Maxwellian undisturbed ion distribution is Vlasov-stable against quasineutral– ionacoustic waves. © 2000 American Institute of Physics. 关S1070-664X共00兲04511-0兴 I. INTRODUCTION lector there is a retarding grid biased at a positive value V P , which rejects the less energetic ions. The collected ion current I is registered as a function of V P as this potential is swept through a broad range of values. For a planar RPA, T i is determined by fitting the full experimental characteristic I(V P ) to a formula derived by Whipple.13 Multigrid probes 共Ion Traps兲 may also serve, however, to determine ion density and composition, drifts, and, by inference, electric fields in the ionosphere.14 Analysis of RPA collection in the Earth’s ionosphere is simplified by the ordering of characteristic lengths: mean free path (⬎104 – 105 cm), ion thermal gyroradius (⬃3 ⫻102 cm), and satellite size (⬎102 cm) are large compared to the aperture width (⬃10 cm), which is itself large compared to the distance between grids (⬍1 cm), and the electron Debye length De (⬃1 cm). Outside a sheath of thickness De next to the satellite wall and RPA aperture the plasma is quasineutral. Also, the spacecraft velocity is large compared with the ion thermal speed. Whipple then took an one-dimensional approach to derive a formula for the current reaching the collector. Whipple’s law is actually used with instruments other than, though derived from, the RPA.9 Early discrepancies between data from planar RPAs and other measurements led to careful criticism of Whipple’s ideal law for the characteristic I(V P ). It was found that several effects inside the instrument 共nonuniformity of potential in grid planes, energy-dependent grid transparencies, space charge between grids, limited grid width兲 could affect the characteristic.15 Instrument design was then improved to avoid problems in using the ideal RPA law for data interpretation.10,12 The effects of grid-mesh size and relative alignment on electron motion were analyzed very recently.16 The current characteristic may also be affected by conditions outside the RPA. Although Whipple’s onedimensional approach rests on a condition of planar sheath, i.e., small De , 17 RPAs have been used in the Solar Wind, where the Debye length is large;12 nonplanar sheaths make Positively biased satellites such as the one used for electron collection by the Tethered Satellite System, flown by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration in February 1996 共TSS-1R mission兲, produce perturbations that spread beyond thin Debye sheaths.1 This phenomenon, which had been noticed both in experiments and in numerical calculations,2,3 appears to be a fundamental feature of collisionless, hypersonic plasma flows past ion-rejecting bodies: A low ion-density wake develops behind the body; ions missing from the wake are those perturbing the plasma far ahead. We argue here that this same phenomenon may affect the workings of a Retarding Potential Analyzer in a basic way. Accurate values of the temperature T i of ionospheric ions are needed for establishing a valid energy budget of the upper atmosphere for the Earth, as well as for other planets, and may require processing data from a large number of measurements.4 In a laboratory plasma T i is a parameter hard to measure. The Retarding Potential Analyzer 共RPA兲 has been used on board satellites since the beginning of the space age, having been kept as the standard in situ probe for determining T i in the ionosphere;5 a RPA will soon be flown on the Chinese ROCSAT-1 spacecraft.6 RPA instruments have been also used on board rockets at the bottom of the ionosphere;7 on the Shuttle for measuring the plasma perturbations produced by the Shuttle itself;8,9 in the Venus4,10 and Mars11,12 ionospheres; and on the TSS-1R electron collector.1 A RPA is a multigrid electrostatic probe. An entrance grid in the spacecraft wall is biased negative relative to the potential in the undisturbed plasma to repel, like the wall itself, incoming electrons; ions are collected by an electrode at the back of the instrument. Between the aperture and cola兲 Electronic mail: 1070-664X/2000/7(11)/4699/8/$17.00 4699 © 2000 American Institute of Physics 4700 Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 7, No. 11, November 2000 J. R. Sanmartı́n and O. López-Rebollal data analysis difficult, however.17,18 Whipple’s law is also favored by high values of ion Mach number M of the spacecraft motion through the plasma;19 too low a value of M results in ‘‘internal shadowing,’’ as in the case of limited grid width.8,19 Similarly, the law requires not too large an angle between normal to RPA sensor and spacecraft velocity;10 spacecraft spin keeps the angle varying, but measurements with moderately small are quite usual.10,12,20 The phenomenon studied here, however, affects Whipple’s law in a more basic way in the sense that it holds for an ideal RPA, too. It was noted that ions rejected by the retarding grid should emerge from the RPA to form a jet with the same cross section of the entrance grid.21 Unless the transparency ␣ E of that grid is very small, the field disturbance will not be confined to a sheath and will have a radically three-dimensional character; this will affect incoming ions and thus the collected current I. It was independently suggested that ions somehow reflected from the satellite wall could excite electrostatic Lower Hybrid waves, which might explain anomalous data in RPA experiments with spacecraft velocity near parallel to the geomagnetic field.20 Lower Hybrid waves were supposedly excited by the TSS-1R electron collector, too.22 In Sec. II we recall conditions leading to Whipple’s ideal law, which appears as the ␣ E ⫽0 limit of a more general solution. An analysis of the perturbation beyond the RPA sheath at moderately small ␣ E is presented in Sec. III. A correction to Whipple’s law is then derived in Sec. IV and results are discussed in Sec. V. In the Appendix our analysis is shown to rest on the condition that the undisturbed plasma be stable in the Vlasov sense. FIG. 1. Grid schematics and ideal potential profile of a Retarding Potential Analyzer 共RPA兲; E, P, and G are Entrance, Retarding and Suppressor grids, C is the collector. II. THE WHIPPLE MODEL We use a frame moving with the spacecraft and let the satellite wall be the 共infinite兲 plane x⫽0, the entrance grid E being a circle of radius R centered at the origin; the plasma fills the half-space x⬍0 共Fig. 1兲. Behind the retarding grid P there is a suppressor G that is biased highly negative to turn back all electrons able to get past E, and to inhibit photo and secondary emission from the collector C. For simplicity we take equal satellite and grid-E bias, V E ⬍0. Potential V(r̄) and ion distribution function f (r̄, v̄ ) obey Poisson and steady Vlasov equations, respectively, 冋 冉 冊 冕 册 eV ⵜ V⫽4 e N ⬁ exp ⫺ k BT e 2 f e ⫽0, v̄ •ⵜ f ⫺ ⵜV• mi v̄ f d v̄ , x⬍0, 共1兲 共2兲 x⬍0, where m i is ion mass, T e electron temperature, and N ⬁ unperturbed ion or electron density. With m e U 2 /k B T e very small and e 兩 V E 兩 /k B T e moderately large, electrons do follow Boltzmann’s law except near the wall and grid E, where the electron density will be exponentially small anyway. We partition f in the form f ⬅ f ⫹⫹ f ⫺, f ⫹ 共 v x ⬍0 兲 ⬅0, The boundary conditions are f ⫺ 共 v x ⬎0 兲 ⬅0. 共3a兲 V→0, ⫹ f 共 v x ⬎0 兲 → f ⬁ 共 v̄ 兲 共3b兲 as x→⫺⬁, 共4a兲 V⫽V E , f ⫺ 共 v x ⬍0 兲 ⫽H 共 R⫺r⬜ 兲 g 共 r̄⬜ , v̄ 兲 at x⫽0. 共4b兲 Here f ⬁ is the Maxwellian of a single ion species drifting at velocity Ū, f ⬁ 共 v̄ 兲 ⫽ N ⬁ m 3/2 i 共 2 k BT i 兲 冋 3/2 exp ⫺ 共 v x ⫺U x 兲 2 ⫹ 共 v̄⬜ ⫺Ū⬜ 兲 2 2k B T i /m i ⬅ f M 共 v x ⫺U x , v̄⬜ ⫺Ū⬜ 兲 , 册 共5兲 r̄⬜ ( v̄⬜ ) is the position 共velocity兲 vector perpendicular to the x axis; H is Heaviside’s step function, which takes into account that ions striking the wall at r⬜ ⬎R are neutralized; and the distribution g depends on ion incidence and RPA model. We let the drift Ū make an angle with the normal to the wall in the x-y plane, U x ⫽U cos , Ū⬜ ⫽1̄ y U sin 共Fig. 1兲. We take the Mach number M ⬅ 冑m i U 2 /k B T i moderately large. In low Earth orbit, M ranges from 8 to 4 for T i ⬃1600 K and O⫹ and He⫹ ions, respectively; for H⫹, one has M ⫽3 at T i ⬃750 K. We will also consider moderately small incidence angles, writing sin ⬃, cos ⬃1; we let M Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 7, No. 11, November 2000 A new basic effect in retarding potential analyzers be formally arbitrary, however, the characteristic value for v⬜ in 共5兲 then being 冑k B T i /m i or U , whichever is the largest. The domain in ion phase-space for which collisional and finite satellite-wall effects are important 共corresponding to undisturbed distant ions moving away from grid E兲 need not be considered, those ions making a fraction of order exp关⫺ 12M 2(1⫺2)兴 of the entire population; we shall actually ignore terms of order M ⫺2 . For an ideal RPA, as discussed in the Introduction, the distribution g in boundary condition 共4b兲 takes a simple form. Since width-to-depth grid ratio and M are moderately large, and is small, ions arriving at E with v x such that 1 2 2 m i v x ⬍e(V P ⫺V E ), which are rejected by the retarding grid P, emerge from E near the point of entry with the same v̄⬜ and opposite v x . This leads to g⬇ ␣ E2 H 冋冑 册 V P ⫺V E 2e ⫺ 兩 v x 兩 f ⫹ 共 x⫽0,r̄⬜ , v̄⬜ , 兩 v x 兩 兲 , mi v x ⬍0. 共6兲 We consider ␣ E2 formally small, and write expansions 2 ⫾ V⫽V 0 ⫹ ␣ E2 V 1 ⫹ . . . , f ⫾ ⫽ f ⫾ 0 ⫹ ␣ E f 1 ⫹ . . . , the effect of the rejected ions proving to be moderately small for actual values ␣ E2 ⬃1. Since g vanishes with ␣ E2 , and V E is negative, 2 we will have f ⫺ 0 ⬅0. The solution of order zero in ␣ E is thus one-dimensional, Eqs. 共1兲 and 共2兲 reading 冋 冉 冊冕 2 eV 0 d V0 ⫺ 2 ⫽4 e N ⬁ exp dx k BT e f⫹ e dV 0 f ⫹ 0 0 ⫺ ⫽0, vx x mi dvx vx v x ⬎0 册 d v̄ f ⫹ 0 , 共7兲 v x ⬎0. 共8兲 Equation 共8兲 with boundary condition 共3b兲 is trivially solved, giving f⫹ 0 ⫽fM v x⬎ 冕 冋冑 冑 v 2x ⫹ 册 2e V 共 x 兲 ⫺U x , v̄⬜ ⫺Ū⬜ , mi 0 2e ⫺ V 0 共 x 兲 ⬎0, mi 共9兲 共10兲 Using 共10兲 in 共7兲 to integrate once with boundary condition 共3a兲 yields 冋 冉 冊册 冉 冊 2 De d eV 0 2 dx kT e V 0 共0兲⫽V E . 2 Since the particle flux along x is conserved, the lowest order current to the collector is due to ions with velocity v x outside the sheath such that 21 m i v 2x ⬎eV P , I0 ⫽A E e ␣ 冕 冕 d v̄⬜ ⬁ 冑2eV P /m i ⫽A E eN ⬁ U cos 冋 v x d v x f ⬁ 共 v̄ 兲 1⫺erf ⌬ ⫹ 2 冑 2 册 2 e ⫺⌬ , 2M cos 冉 冊 eV 0 eV 0 eV 0 Te ⫽exp ⫺1⫺ ⫺ kT e kT e 2M 2 T i kT e 2 , 共7⬘兲 Equation 共7⬘兲 can be readily integrated to determine V 0 (x)/V E as function of x/ De and parameters eV E /k B T e and M 2 T i /T e ; here, De is the Debye length, 冑4 e 2 N ⬁ /k B T e . At large 兩 x 兩 / De , V 0 (x)/V E vanishes as exp(x/De) and f ⫹ 0 approaches f ⬁ ( v̄ ). 共11兲 ␣ ⫽ ␣ E ⫻ ␣ P ⫻ ␣ G being the overall RPA transparency 共Fig. 1兲 and ⌬⬅ 冑 eV P M cos ⫺ . k BT i & 共12兲 This is Whipple’s formula.13 As V P is increased, the bracket in 共11兲 decreases from 1 to 0, the decrease being centered around ⌬⫽0, or eV P ⫽ 12 m i U 2 cos2 . When limited to this lowest order perturbation, no small- approximation is used in the solution, so as to recover Whipple’s result as usually written. III. LOW ENTRANCE TRANSPARENCY PERTURBATIONS Terms of order ␣ E2 lead to a correction to Whipple’s formula. Inside the sheath, the equation for f ⫺ 1 in 共2兲 is 冉 vx 冊 e dV 0 f ⫺ 1 ⫹ v̄⬜ • f⫺ ⫺ ⫽0, x r̄⬜ 1 m i dx v x v x ⬍0, 共13兲 which must be solved with boundary condition 共4b兲. Using f⫹ 0 for g to first order in Eq. 共6兲, the second term in the parenthesis of 共13兲 is of order De /M R ( De /R) relative to the first, for small 共large兲 M , and may be dropped. The solution to 共13兲 is then readily determined; as x/ De→⫺⬁ one finds f⫺ 1 冉 冊 x →⫺⬁,r̄⬜ ⫽H 共 R⫺r⬜ 兲 H De 冉冑 2eV P ⫺ 兩 v x兩 mi ⫻ f M 共 v x ⫹U x , v̄⬜ ⫺Ū⬜ 兲 . 2 d v̄ f ⫹ 0 ⬇N ⬁ 共 1⫹eV 0 /kT i M 兲 . 4701 In the region outside the sheath, the equation for 冉 vx 冊 ⫹ v̄⬜ • f ⫺ ⫽0, x r̄⬜ 1 冊 共14兲 f⫺ 1 is 共15兲 thermal motion spreading the jet of rejected ions over distances of order MR; if M is large there is an imbedded subregion with caracteristic length R/ along x. Equation 共15兲 is solved by Fourier transforming with respect to r̄⬜ , and then integrating with respect to x, to yield f̃ ⫺ 1 共 x,k̄⬜ 兲 ⬅ 冕 dr̄⬜ f ⫺ 1 共 x,r̄⬜ 兲 exp共 ⫺ik̄⬜ •r̄⬜ 兲 冉 ⫽ f̃ ⫺ 1 共 0,k̄⬜ 兲 exp ⫺i 冊 k̄⬜ • v̄⬜ x , vx 共16a兲 4702 Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 7, No. 11, November 2000 J. R. Sanmartı́n and O. López-Rebollal with the r̄⬜ integration extended to the entire y-z plane. Here, f̃ ⫺ 1 (0,k̄⬜ ) must equal the Fourier transform of (x/ f⫺ De→⫺⬁, r̄⬜ ) above, 1 2R J 共 k R 兲H k⬜ 1 ⬜ f̃ ⫺ 1 共 0,k̄⬜ 兲 ⫽ 冋冑 ⫹U x , v̄⬜ ⫺Ū⬜ 兲 , 册 v x ⬍0, 共17兲 1⫹erf ⌬ H 共 R⫺ 兩 r̄⬜ ⫹ x1̄ y 兩 兲 , 2 共18a兲 N⫺ 1 共 兩 x 兩 ⰇM R,z⫽0 兲 ⬇N ⬁ 冉 冊 冉 冉 冊冊 1⫹erf ⌬ 1 M R ⫻ 2 2 x ⫻exp ⫺ M2 y ⫹ 2 x 2 2 . 共18b兲 Equation 共18a兲 reduces to 共17兲 unless M is large. In both illustrative results 共18a兲, and 共18b兲 we ignored terms of order 1/M . The density N ⫺ 1 gives rise to a first-order potential perturbation, V 1 , which in term produces a first-order perturbation of the incoming ion population, f ⫹ 1 . Outside the sheath, where quasineutrality holds, Eq. 共1兲 to first order reads N⬁ eV 1 ⬇ k BT e 冕 ⫺ f⫹ 1 d v̄ ⫹N 1 , while the equation for 冉 vx 冊 f⫹ 1 ⫽ 冉 共19兲 冊 共20兲 Fourier transforming 共20兲 and using boundary condition 共3b兲 to first order, one finds f̃ ⫹ 1 共 x,k̄⬜ 兲 ⫽ 冕 冋 dx ⬘ k̄⬜ • v̄⬜ exp ⫺i 共 x⫺x ⬘ 兲 vx ⫺⬁ v x ⫻ x 再 册 Ñ ⫺ eṼ 1 Ñ ⫹ 1 1  ⫺ ⫽ , k BT i N ⬁ N ⬁ 冎 f , v̄⬜ ⬁ 冕 ˜Ṽ 共 k ,k̄ 兲 ⬅ 1 x ⬜ ⬁ ⫺⬁ and then, integrating over v̄ , one arrives at Ñ ⫹ 1 in terms of Ṽ 1 , 冕 冋 d v̄ v x ⬎0 v x 册 k̄⬜ • v̄⬜ f ⬁ . v̄ vx 共22兲 共23兲 ⬅ Ti , Te 共24兲 x⬍0. dx exp共 ⫺ik x x 兲 Ṽ 1 共 x,k̄⬜ 兲 , one uses Eq. 共24兲 to solve for ˜Ṽ 1 and then transform back with respect to k x to find ⫽ 冕 ⬁ 0 冕 ˜ ⫺ 共 k̄ 兲 dk x exp共 ik x x 兲 Ñ 1 ⬁ ⫺⬁ 2  ⫹L 共 k̄ 兲 N⬁ , ds exp共 ⫺ik x s 兲 ik̄•L̄ 关 sk̄⬜ 兴 . 共25兲 共26兲 Using 共23兲 in Eq. 共26兲 for L(k̄), the v̄⬜ integration can be carried out exactly; also, changing variable from s to ⬅ 冑kT i /m i ⫻k⬜ s/ v x & the v x integral can be carried out, too, when terms exponentially small are neglected. We then find L(k̄) in terms of a single integral 冕 ⬁ 0 ⬅ 共21兲 eṼ 1 共 x ⬘ ,k̄⬜ 兲 , k BT i Equation 共24兲 is a linear integral equation defined in the half-space x⬍0; singular; and with a difference kernel as in the Wiener–Hopf problem.23 Our equation, however, is of Volterra type. In order to solve it, we consider an extended problem: Use Eq. 共24兲 with the function Ñ ⫺ 1 (x⬍0) on the right-hand-side continued to the halfspace x⬎0, to find Ṽ 1 (x,k̄⬜ ) in the entire range ⫺⬁⬍x⬍⬁. We must then show that our choice of right-hand-side in 共24兲 for x⬎0 has no effect on the resulting solution for Ṽ 1 in the physical domain of definition 共x⬍0兲; this is proved in the Appendix. Here, by taking Fourier transforms with respect to x, e.g., L 共 k̄ 兲 ⬅L 关 共 k̄ 兲兴 ⬅ e Ṽ 1 共 x ⬘ ,k̄⬜ 兲 mi x⬘ vx ⫹Ṽ 1 共 x ⬘ ,k̄⬜ 兲 ik̄⬜ • k BT i N ⬁m i 冎 x⬘ Finally, Fourier transforming Eq. 共19兲 one obtains an equation for Ṽ 1 (x,k̄⬜ ) k BT i v x ⬎0. ⫺⬁ 再 dx ⬘ L x 关共 x⫺x ⬘ 兲 k̄⬜ 兴 ⫻exp ⫺i 共 x⫺x ⬘ 兲 L 共 k̄ 兲 ⫽⫺ V1 e V1 ⫹ • f , m i x v x r̄⬜ v̄⬜ ⬁ x L̄ 关共 x⫺x ⬘ 兲 k̄⬜ 兴 ⬅ eṼ 1 共 x,k̄⬜ 兲 in 共2兲 takes the form ⫹ v̄⬜ • f⫹ x r̄⬜ 1 冕 ⫹ik̄⬜ •L̄⬜ 关共 x⫺x ⬘ 兲 k̄⬜ 兴 共16b兲 1⫹erf ⌬ H 共 R⫺r⬜ 兲 , 2 N⫺ 1 共 兩 x 兩 ⰆM R,r̄⬜ 兲 ⬇N ⬁ N⬁ ⫽ 2eV P ⫺ 兩 v x兩 f M 共 v x mi where J 1 is the Bessel function of first kind and order. Inte⫺ gration of f̃ ⫺ 1 in 共16a兲 over v̄ yields Ñ 1 (x,k̄⬜ ), and Fourier inversion with respect to k̄⬜ yields N ⫺ 1 (r̄) outside the sheath. In particular, one finds N⫺ 1 共 x⫽0,r̄⬜ 兲 ⫽N ⬁ Ñ ⫹ 1 共 x,k̄⬜ 兲 2 d exp共 ⫺ 2 兲 exp共 2i 兲 , ⫺k̄•Ū k⬜ 冑2k B T i , 共27兲 where we now neglected terms of order M ⫺2 ; note that perturbations steady in the satellite frame have frequency ⫺k̄•Ū in the ionospheric frame. Next, using 共16a兲, and 共16b兲 in Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 7, No. 11, November 2000 冕 ˜ ⫺ 共 k̄ 兲 ⫽ Ñ 1 ⬁ ⫺⬁ dx exp共 ⫺ik x x 兲 冕 v x ⬍0 A new basic effect in retarding potential analyzers d v̄ f̃ ⫺ 1 共 x,k̄⬜ 兲 , 共28兲 the v̄⬜ and x integrations can be carried out exactly, while the v x integral can be explicitly evaluated to order M ⫺2 ⫻ ˜ ⫺ 共 k̄ , 兲 Ñ ⬜ 1 • N⬁ ⬇ 冑2 3 M RJ 1 共 k⬜ R 兲 k⬜2 冋 ⫻ 1⫹erf ⌬⫺ 冑 exp关 ⫺ 共 ⫹&M sin 兲 兴 2 2 2 e ⫺⌬ 兵 1⫺2 M 册 ⫻ 共 ⫹&M sin 兲共 ⫹ 冑1/2M sin 兲 其 , 共29兲 where we used polar coordinates k⬜ , for k̄⬜ with sin ⬅ky /k⬜ , and changed from k x to . We thus finally obtain eṼ 1 共 x,k̄⬜ 兲 ⫽ kT i 冕 冋 d k⬜ x exp ⫺i 共 &⫹M sin 兲 M ⫺⬁  ⫹L 共 兲 ⬁ ⫻ ˜ ⫺ 共 k̄ , 兲 k⬜ Ñ ⬜ 1 M &N ⬁ 册 共30兲 . Positive v x ions entering the sheath within the cylinder r⬜ ⬍R with energy 21 m i v 2x ⬎ 12 m i v x min2⬅e(VP⫺␣E2 V*) will cross the retarding grid P and reach the collector 共Fig. 1兲; here, V * is V 1 (⫺xⰆM R, R/ ; r̄⬜ ). Within the sheath, the ion flux through the lateral surface of that cylinder leads to corrections of order De /M R or De /R, which we neglect. To first order in ␣ E2 the current collected is thus given by I⫽ ␣ e 冕 冕 冕 AE dr̄⬜ d v̄⬜ ⬁ v x min v x d v x 共 f ⬁ ⫹ ␣ E2 f * 兲 ⬇I 0 ⫹ ␣ E2 I 1 , 共31兲 with f * ⬅ f ⫹ 1 (⫺xⰆM R, R/ , r̄⬜ ). The integral involving f ⬁ yields Whipple’s result, I 0 , plus a small term due to the perturbed potential V * in v x min . This term is added to the integral involving f * , where we may set v x min ⬇冑2eV P /m i , to get the full current correction, ␣ E2 I 1 冕 冕 冕 I 1⫽ ␣ e ⫹ AE dr̄⬜ ⬁ 冑2eV P /m i d v̄⬜ 冋 冉 冑 冊 册 eV * f v ⫽ mi ⬁ x v xd v x f * . 冉 0 ⫺⬁ dx exp i ⬁ 冑2eV P /m i dvx 冊 冕 dk̄⬜ exp共 ik̄⬜ •r̄⬜ 兲 42 eṼ 1 共 x ⬘ ,k̄⬜ 兲 k̄⬜ • v̄⬜ x⬘ ik̄⬜ mi vx 冊 v̄⬜ ⫺ f , v̄⬜ v x v x ⬁ 共32⬘兲 I 1 ⫽⫺ ␣ A E eN ⬁ U 冋 2 册 2 1⫺erf2 ⌬ e ⫺⌬ 1⫹erf ⌬ e ⫺⌬ 1⫺erf ⌬ . ⫻ c1 ⫺c 2 ⫺c 3 2 M 2 M 2 共33兲 Here c 1 , c 2 , and c 3 are functions of  ⬅T i /T e and M , and are given by double integrals involving L( ) c j 共  ,M 兲 冕 2 0 d 2 冕 d exp关 ⫺ 共 ⫹&M sin 兲 2 兴 hj ,  ⫹L 共 兲 ⫺⬁ 冑2 ⬁ 共34兲 &h 1 ⫽L 共 兲 , 共35a兲 冑 h 2 ⫽1⫺ 共 1⫺2 2 ⫺ &M sin 兲 L 共 兲 , 共35b兲 冑 h 3 ⫽ 关 1⫺2 共 ⫹&M sin 兲共 ⫹ 冑1/2M sin 兲兴 L 共 兲 . 共35c兲 Figures 2–4 show c j , j⫽1 – 3; they are real because the real and imaginary parts of L are even and odd functions of , respectively. We note that c 2 approaches some limit function c 2 (  , ⬁) 共whereas c 1 , c 3 vanish兲 when formally taking M →⬁. That function is easily obtained by writing ⫹ 冑 2M sin ⬅⬘⫽O(1), and using the asymptotic approximation for L( ) at large values of its argument, ⫺L( ) ⬃1/2 2 ⬃1/(4M 2 2 sin2 )Ⰶ1 共see the Appendix兲. We then find c 2⬇ 2eV P mi 冕 共32兲 ⫽ 冕 d 2 0 ⫻ We take f * from 共21兲, where we set x⫽0, integrate by parts the first term within braces, and take the Fourier inverse with respect to k̄⬜ . The full first order current then becomes AE d v̄⬜ dr̄⬜ with Ṽ 1 (x ⬘ ,k̄⬜ ) given by Eq. 共30兲. The resulting multiple integral for I 1 can be considerably simplified. The r̄⬜ and v̄⬜ integrations are straightforward. Changing variable from x ⬘ to ⬅⫺ 冑kT i /m i ⫻k⬜ x ⬘ / v x &, the k⬜ integral can be carried out exactly, and the and v x integrations can be carried out to order M ⫺2 in terms of the L( ) function. The final result is ⫽ IV. MODIFIED CURRENT LAW 冕 冕 冕 冕 ⬘ 冉 I 1⫽ ␣ e 4703 2 ⬁ d⬘ ⫺⬁ 冑2 exp共 ⫺ ⬘ 2 兲 1⫺ 共 ⫺2 2 ⫹ 2 兲 ⫻ 共 ⫺1/2 2 兲 冑  1 2  冑2 . 共36兲 Values at M ⫽2 in Fig. 3 are already close to the asymptotic result 共36兲. 4704 Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 7, No. 11, November 2000 J. R. Sanmartı́n and O. López-Rebollal FIG. 2. Coefficient c 1 (  ,M ) in Eq. 共33兲 for the current correction; , M , and are temperature ratio T i /T e , ram Mach number for ions, and ram angle for the RPA, respectively. One might have surmized full vanishing of the correction I 1 as M →⬁, the reflected-ion density in Eq. 共18b兲 2 2 being exponentially small 关 N ⫺ 1 /N ⬁ ⬃exp(⫺2M )兴 at the incidence angle y/x⬇ ; the density maximum lies of course along the reflected velocity ⫺U x , Ū, i.e., at y/x⫽⫺ 共Fig. 1兲. Further, with  of order unity and 共 ⫹Real part of L兲 ⬎0 throughout the integration in 共25兲, V 1 behaves in a way similar to N ⫺ 1 . Ions incident on the RPA should then be negligibly perturbed at distances 兩 x 兩 /M R⭓O(1). Note, however, that incident ions, and ions reflected from all gridE points below each particular incidence point in Fig. 1, do cross over distances 兩 x 兩 ⬃R/ ⰆM R, where the density N ⫺ 1 is given by 共18a兲; this keeps I 1 from vanishing with 1/M . Our correction to Whipple’s law is then the replacement I 0 →I 0 ⫹a E2 I 1 , with I 0 and I 1 given by Eqs. 共11兲 and 共33兲, respectively. At ⌬ negative enough few ions are rejected by the RPA and the correction is negligible ( ␣ E2 I 1 /I 0 →0 as ⌬→⫺⬁). For ⌬ moderately positive the dependence of the ratio ␣ E2 I 1 /I 0 on all four parameters, ⌬, M , , and M , is quite complex. At normal incidence (M ⫽0) the correction ratio is negative, its magnitude increasing with increasing M or decreasing . The current reduction goes through a maximum somewhere between ⌬⫽0 and ⌬⫽2. At ⌬⫽1 in particular, and taking ␣ E2 ⫽0.9, current is reduced by 12%–20% at  ⫽1 and M ⫽4 – 8; and by 20%–33% at  ⫽0.5 and M ⫽4 – 8. At M ⫽2, however, the correction ratio is positive; also, it grows monotonically with ⌬. Its magnitude now increases when either Mach number M or temperature ratio  decreases. At ⌬⫽2, and again taking ␣ E2 ⫽0.9, the corrected current is larger than Whipple’s current by 11% at  ⫽1, M ⫽8, and by 33% at  ⫽0.5, M ⫽4. The greater magnitude of our correction at lower  is manifest in the first term of 共24兲; at large electron temperature the electrons refuse to cooperate, so to speak, in balancing the reflected-ion density. On the other hand, the change FIG. 3. Coefficient c 2 (  ,M ) in Eq. 共33兲. Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 7, No. 11, November 2000 A new basic effect in retarding potential analyzers 4705 FIG. 4. Coefficient c 3 (  ,M ) in Eq. 共33兲. of sign in I 1 as M increases is the result of two competing effects. Incoming ions are clearly subject to a retarding deceleration, because V 1 , as N ⫺ 1 itself, is positive; the second term in the bracket of Eq. 共32兲 should then be negative, whereas the first term is positive. One can easily show, in particular, that, at large M 关when c 1 , c 3 vanish in Eq. 共33兲, yielding I 1 ⬎0兴, the integrations in 共32兲 over its first and second terms yield 2I 1 and ⫺I 1 , respectively. Our correction to the extremum of the slope dI/V P of the current characteristic is weaker than the correction for the current itself; the slope extremum is sometimes used for a simple estimate of ion temperature. Use of Whipple’s current 共11兲 yields ⫺ dI 0 dV P ⫽ ␣ A Ee 2N ⬁ 冑2 m i k B T i exp共 ⫺⌬ 2 兲 , with the extremum at ⌬⫽0 and kT i ⬀1/兩 dI/dV P 兩 2 max . For M ⫽2 in our full-current formula the extremum still occurs at ⌬⬇0 but its value is reduced by a factor of 1— ␣ E2 (c 2 ⫺c 3 )/M ; for ␣ E2 ⫽0.9 the corrected temperature is then smaller than Whipple’s temperature by 4% at  ⫽1, M ⫽8 and by 15% at  ⫽0.5, M ⫽4. For M ⫽0 the extremum occurs at ⌬ ext⬇⫺2 ␣ E2 c 1 / 冑 , with its value increased by a 2 ; the actual temperature is now larger than factor 1⫹⌬ ext Whipple’s value by 7% at  ⫽1 and by 15% at  ⫽0.5. V. CONCLUSIONS We have described a basic correction to Whipple’s classical law 关Eqs. 共11兲 and 共12兲兴 for the current I to a planar Retarding Potential Analyzer 共RPA兲, which is a standard multigrid probe serving to determine ion temperature T i and other ionospheric parameters. Grid-related effects inside the RPA, which could invalidate Whipple’s law, had been corrected in the past by proper instrument design. The effect here considered arises from those ions that are rejected by the RPA and perturb the plasma far ahead of the sheath at its front. This phenomenon is a fundamental feature of collisionless, hypersonic plasma flows past ion-rejecting bodies, and was noticed in a broader context both in experiments and in numerical calculations. Ion rejection is a process essential to a RPA. In deriving our correction to the current, we considered the case of a single ion species, which is easily generalized, and took the transparency of the aperture grid ␣ E formally small, the effect of the rejected ions proving to be moderately small for actual values ␣ E ⬃1. We also considered an ideal RPA as implied in Whipple’s law: We assumed inverse ion ram Mach number M ⫺1 , ram angle of aperture normal , and ratio of Debye length to aperture width, small or moderately small, but let M arbitrary. For a ‘‘nonideal’’ RPA, rejected ions would still affect the incoming plasma, although our analysis, as Whipple’s law itself, would not hold. Our correction to Whipple’s law, given by Eqs. 共31兲, 共33兲–共35兲, depends on M and the temperature ratio  ⬅T i /T e , in addition to both M and retarding bias V P . For typical values  ⫽O(1), perturbations outside the sheath, which are steady in the spacecraft frame, decay monotonically away from the RPA. The perturbed potential is positive, as the rejected-ion space charge itself, and results in opposite, competing effects on the current: Incoming ions are subject to a retarding decceleration, but once in the sheath they face a reduced potential hill in coming to the retarding grid. For ␣ E ⬃1 and  ⫽0.5– 1, the correction to the current amounts to 15%–30%, being negative at M ⫽0 but positive at M ⫽2. From the extremum in the slope of the current characteristic I(V P ), sometimes used for a quick estimate of T i , the corrected T i is only 5%–15% larger 共smaller兲 than Whipple’s value for M ⫽0 共for M ⫽2兲. Our linear analysis can be extended to any ionospheric ion distribution that is Vlasov-stable against quasineutral ion–acoustic waves. Actually, the full steady solution, involving the beam of rejected ions, might itself be unstable against Lower Hybrid perturbations. These need extend, however, over extremely long distances along the geomagnetic field, which is only possible in the special case of a spacecraft moving nearly parallel to the field.20 4706 Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 7, No. 11, November 2000 J. R. Sanmartı́n and O. López-Rebollal ACKNOWLEDGMENT This work was supported by the Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnologı́a of Spain, under Grant No. PB97-0574-C04-1. advanced. Finally, note that this equation is the dispersion relation for electrostatic waves of phase velocity much less than the electron thermal speed of a Maxwellian plasma at rest24 2 Di APPENDIX: UNIQUENESS OF SOLUTION 2 De We show here that in Eq. 共25兲, written as eṼ 1 共 x,k̄⬜ 兲 k BT i ⫽ 冕 ⬁ dk x exp共 ik x x 兲 ⫺⬁ 2  ⫹L 共 k̄ 兲 ⫹ 冕 ⬁ 0 dx ⬘ e ⫺ik x x ⬘ 册 冋冕 0 ⫺⬁ dx ⬘ e ⫺ik x x ⬘ Ñ ⫺ 1 共 x ⬘ ,k̄⬜ 兲 N⬁ 共A1兲 , the contribution from the x ⬘ ⬎0 range of integration vanishes for x⬍0 whatever the function Ñ ⫺ 1 , so that our choice of right-hand-side in 共24兲 for x⬎0 had no effect on the resulting solution in the physical domain of definition. The vanishing of the x ⬘ ⬎0 contribution to 共A1兲 for x⬍0 is a result of the property 冕 ⬁ ⫺⬁ dk x exp关 ⫺ik x 共 x ⬘ ⫺x 兲兴 2  ⫹L 共 k x ,k̄⬜ 兲 ⬅0, x ⬘ ⫺x⬎0, 共A2兲 which arises from facts 共i兲 L(k x 兲, when continued analytically for complex k x , is analytical in the lower half-plane, and 共ii兲 the equation  ⫹L(k x )⫽0 has no roots in that halfplane. Then the integral 共A2兲, rewritten as ␦ 共 x ⬘ ⫺x 兲 ⫹  ⫹L ⫺ 共 ⬁ 兲 冕 dk x 关 L ⫺ 共 ⬁ 兲 ⫺L 共 k x 兲兴 exp关 ⫺ik x 共 x ⬘ ⫺x 兲兴 , 关  ⫹L ⫺ 共 ⬁ 兲兴关  ⫹L 共 k x 兲兴 ⫺⬁ 2 ⬁ x ⬘ ⫺x⬎0, will clearly vanish; here, L ⫺ (⬁)⬅L( 兩 k x 兩 →⬁, Im kx⬍0). To establish facts 共i兲 and 共ii兲 above, we note the relation of our function L( ) in Eq. 共27兲 to the plasma dispersion function Z( ), 24 L⫽⫺ 21 dZ/d , 冕 冋冕 Z 共 兲 ⬅2i ⫽ ⬁ 0 d exp共 ⫺ 2 ⫹2i 兲 dt exp共 ⫺t 2 兲 t⫺ ⫺⬁ 冑 ⬁ 册 for Im ⬎0 , with the large- asymptotic approximation, L( )⬃⫺ 21 2 , which was used in Sec. IV. We also note that dZ( )/d is an entire function of , and is equal to a positive number nowhere in the upper half-plane Im ⬎0, there existing therefore no Im kx⬍0 solution to the equation  ⫹L(k x )⫽0, as ⫺ 1 dZ 2 ⫽⫺k 2 Di ⬇0, 2 d when taking long wave numbers 共kⰆ1/ De , 1/ Di兲, with in 共27兲 standing for /k(2k B T i /m i ) 1/2. Property 共A2兲 relates then to the fact that a Maxwellian plasma is stable in the Vlasov sense against quasineutral ion–acoustic waves. 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