IPOL DIRECTORATE-GENERAL FOR INTERNAL POLICIES EGOV ECONOMIC GOVERNANCE SUPPORT UNIT BRIEFING Completing the Banking Union Risk sharing initiatives and parallel risk reduction measures The present briefing gives an overview of the state of play of the various workstreams on completing the Banking Union, covering both risk sharing (European Deposit Insurance Scheme -EDIS) and risk reduction measures (see tables overleaf). It will be regularly updated. Further to the Five Presidents' Report on the completion of the Economic and Monetary Union of 22 June 2015, the European Commission tabled on 24 November 2015 a Proposal on a European Deposit Insurance Scheme (EDIS) and published a Communication 'Towards the completion of the Banking Union', which identifies a number of risk reduction measures presented as counterbalancing measures: 'If the costs associated with bank failures and insolvencies are to be mutualised, it is essential that the risk of incurring such costs is contained to the maximum extent possible'. The timing and sequencing of the risk reduction measures were however not specified for all measures in the Commission Communication, given the complexity of the issues at stake. On 17 June 2016, the Council adopted a roadmap to complete the Banking Union, calling on the Commission to table legislative proposals covering a number of risk reduction measures by the end of 2016. The Council roadmap presents these de-risking measures as preconditions to resume political negotiations on EDIS, while it stands ready to continue constructive work at technical level. Member States are divided not only on the scope and sequencing of the accompanying de-risking measures but also on how far EDIS should go and what exact shape it should take in the steady state (i.e. full common insurance, re-insurance etc...). The European Parliament has also started its internal process. The rapporteur published her working document on EDIS on 16 June 2016. It stresses the need for an impact assessment on EDIS from the European Commission as well as concrete steps in the area of risk reduction. 13 September 2016 Author: Aliénor Duvillet-Margerit, contact: egov@ep.europa.eu PE 574.392 OVERVIEW OF THE MAIN POLICY INITIATIVES FOR RISK SHARING AND RISK REDUCTION RISK SHARING RISK REDUCTION EDIS (2024) COM proposal in November 2015 (no impact assessment) Three stages: re-insurance phase (2017), co-insurance phase (2020), full insurance phase (2024); The Council adopted a roadmap to complete the Banking Union on 17 June 2016 which conditions negotiations at political level on EDIS to sufficient progress on de-risking measures; Member States announced their intention to have recourse to an intergovernmental agreement (IGA); The European Parliament’s rapporteur (MEP E. De Lange, EPP) published her working document on EDIS on 16 June 2016, calling for an impact assessment from the European Commission, concrete steps in the area of risk reduction and more clarity on the calculation of the risk-based contributions. The Commission’s communication ‘Towards the completion of the Banking Union’ of 24 November 2015 lists a number of risk reduction measures (without necessarily specifying the timing): Reduce national options and discretions (NODs) Review of the macro-prudential policy framework Harmonisation of national deposit guarantee schemes Availability of ‘bailinable’ debt: defining the level of minimum requirement for own funds and eligible liabilities (MREL) and of total loss absorbing capacity (TLAC) Consistent application of bail-in rules Reforming insolvency law Handling of non-performing loans (NPLs) Additional prudential measures: leverage, stable funding, comparability of risk-weighted assets Treatment of sovereign risk Backstop to the Single Resolution Fund (2024 at the latest) On 8 December 2015, the Council agreed to the principle of a permanent backstop to the SRF; On 17 June 2016, the Council roadmap mentioned the intention of Member States to start working on the backstop in September 2016 ‘if and when all participating Member States have fully transposed the BRRD’; The backstop should be fully operational by the end of the transition period in 2024 but ‘when the work is completed, it may be decided, in line with the risk reduction measures (...) that the backstop may become operational ahead of the end of the transition’. PE 574.392 The Council roadmap to complete the Banking Union of 17 June 2016 invites the Commission to table legislation by the end of 2016 on the following areas : TLAC/MREL Bank creditor hierarchy NODs Remaining Basel reforms (leverage ratio, net stable funding ratio) Insolvency law On the regulatory treatment of sovereign exposures, the Council agreed to wait for the outcome of the Basel Committee. 2 ZOOM-IN ON THE RISK REDUCTION MEASURES DETAILED STATE OF PLAY (NB: quotes in the first column in the table below are extracts from the Commission Communication of 24 November 2015:'Towards the completion of the Banking Union') RISK REDUCTION MEASURE BODIES INVOLVED 1. REDUCE NATIONAL OPTIONS AND DISCRETIONS '(...)There is a need to reduce national options and discretions in the application of prudential rules. (...)The Commission will work with Member States and in close coordination with the the SSM to propose regulatory measures with a view to aligning, as necessary, the use of national options and discretions (...).' SSM COMMISSION STATE OF PLAY TIMELINE The SSM has listed national options and discretions and proposed a common approach for those in its remit (See ECB Regulation 2016/445 of 14 March 2016 and briefing PE 574.403 on national options and discretions). The Commission has started working on national options and discretions that would require amendments to CRD IV/CRR. SSM work almost completed COM proposal by end 2016 3 The ECB Regulation on the exercise of national options and discretions (NODs) available in Union law has been published on March 2016. It will enter into force on 1/10/2016. In March 2016, the ECB also published a guide to give guidance to Joint Supervisory Teams for the exercise of case-by-case NODs. An addendum to the guide covering 8 additional NODs was published on 10 August 2016. A consolidated version of the guide -including the addendum and the approach for the recognition of institutional protection schemes (IPS) should be published by the end of the year. The ECB considers its work on NODs completed. The Council roadmap to complete the Banking Union of 17 June 2016 calls on the Commission to table a legislative proposal on NODs by end 2016. PE 574.392 2. REVIEW OF THE MACROPRUDENTIAL POLICY FRAMEWORK '(...)The Commission will also consider possible revisions to the current [macro-prudential] regime, while retaining the necessary flexibility to respond to countryspecific circumstances (...).' ESRB EBA ECB SSM NATIONAL MACRO-PRUDENTIAL AUTHORITIES COMMISSION 3. HARMONISATION OF NATIONAL DEPOSIT GUARANTEE SCHEMES '(...)This harmonisation will be essential for EDIS to operate correctly in the full insurance stage. Despite the further harmonisation measures introduced by the 2014 DGS Directive, some important differences remain between national deposit guarantee schemes (...)'. PE 574.392 COMMISSION EBA NATIONAL DGS The legislation contains review clauses (i.e. ESRB regulations, CRDIV/CRR macro-prudential tools, SSM macro-prudential competences). In 2014, the European Parliament published an own initiative report on the review of the European System of Financial Supervision, including the ESRB. The Commission published a review report on the ESRB. The ESRB and the EBA published their opinions on the macro-prudential toolset. The five Presidents' report mentions the necessity to strengthen macroprudential institutions, underlying thereby the importance of macroprudential policy in the Euro Area given the single monetary policy. On 1/08/2016, the European Commission launched a public consultation on the review of the macro-prudential framework. The public consultation is open until 24/10/2016. Legislative proposal in 2017 National options exist in particular on levies, lower target amount and alternative measures. The EBA adopted guidelines on contributions and on payment commitments in May 2015, and issued draft guidelines on cooperation agreements between DGS in July 2015. Should be achieved by 2024 4 The review of the macro-prudential framework is announced for 2017 in the Capital Markets Union Action plan published in September 2015 under the heading 'Enhance capacity to preserve financial stability'. The harmonisation of national DGS is necessary for EDIS to function in the full insurance phase. Member States must ensure that the available financial means of a DGS shall at least reach a target level of 0,8 % of the amount of covered deposits of its members by 3/07/2024. 4. MREL/TLAC '(...)The availability of adequate 'bailinable' liabilities through the proper implementation of the minimum requirement for own funds and eligible liabilities (MREL) requirements is crucial (...) In addition, the TLAC (Total Loss Absorbing Capacity) requirement has been developed at the international level by the Financial Stability Board. The Commission will bring forward a legislative proposal in 2016 so that TLAC can be implemented by the agreed deadline of 2019 (...)' BASEL COMMITTEE FINANCIAL STABILITY BOARD, COMMISSION EBA SRB 5. OPERATIONALIZING THE SINGLE RESOLUTION FUND '(...)The operation of the SRF should also begin smoothly, with contributions from all relevant banks flowing into the SRF on a timely and complete basis from 2016 (...)' ECOFIN COUNCIL ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL COMMITTEE SRB The EBA submitted the Draft Regulatory Technical Standard on MREL in the form of a formal opinion on 09/02/2016. The Commission now has to take its decision. The Commission has started the review of MREL, in accordance with the BRRD and holds technical discussions with Member States on the implementation of TLAC. Legislative proposal by end 2016 The SRF should be gradually phased-in as of 1 January 2016. On 8/12/2015 the Council agreed on a bridge financing arrangements in the form of bilateral committments from Member States. The contributions for 2015 were transferred to the SRF. Currently implementing an interim investment strategy, the final investment strategy for the SRF is under development according to the SRB’s 2015 Annual Report. Phasing-in from 1/01/2016 until 31/12/2023 5 The SRB intends to set MREL for significant groups by end 2016. The Commission is holding technical disscussions with Member States on TLAC/MREL. The EBA is required to prepare a report on the consistency between MREL and international standards (TLAC) by October 2016, and has already published its interim report on MREL on 19 July 2016. The Council roadmap to complete the Banking Union of 17 June 2016 invites the Commission to table a legislative proposal on MREL/TLAC by end 2016. As agreed in the Financial Stability Board, TLAC will apply as of 2019. The contributions for 2016 were transferred to the Fund by 30 June. After an 8-year transitional period, the SRF will be fully mutualised (target size of approximately EUR 55 billion i.e. 1% of covered deposits, at the end of 2023). PE 574.392 6. CONSISTENT APPLICATION OF BAIL-IN RULES '(...) There must be a consistent application of the bail-in rules under BRRD (....) To the extent that public funds or funding from the SRF are used, the application of EU State Aid and Fund Aid rules will be essential. (...)' COMMISSION SRB 7. INSOLVENCY LAW '(...) The Commission will consider bringing forward proposals enhancing legal certainty and encouraging the timely retsructuring of borrowers in financial distress (...).' COMMISSION PE 574.392 The resolution of failing banks pre2016 was not handled by the SRB but by national authorities. As the bail-in requirements of the BRRD were not yet in force, State aid rules were the only burden sharing requirements applicable,under the control of the Commission. As of 1 January 2016 The legislative initiative on business insolvency is mentioned in the Capital Markets Union Action plan, under the heading 'Foster convergence of insolvency proceedings'. On 23 March 2016, the Commission launched a public consultation on 'an effective insolvency framework within the EU', which closed on 14 June 2016. Legislative proposals by end 2016 6 The SRB is in charge of the consistent application of the BRRD bail-in rules (the SRB decisions should however be endorsed by the Commission). The EU State aid and Fund aid framework continues to apply. The Council roadmap to complete the Banking Union of 17 June 2016 invites the Commission to table a legislative proposal for minimum harmonisation in the field of insolvency law by end 2016. As regards the hierarchy of creditors in banks, the Council roadmap to complete the Banking Union of 17 June 2016 invites the Commission to table a legislative proposal on a common approach to the bank creditor hierarchy ‘to enhance legal certainty in case of resolution’ by end 2016. 8. NON-PERFORMING LOANS '(...) In the context of the European semester the Commission will also call for increased attention from Member States to settle NPLs (...)' SSM COMMISSION EBA 9. ADDITIONAL PRUDENTIAL MEASURES: LEVERAGE, STABLE FUNDING, COMPARABILITY OF RISKWEIGHTED ASSETS (RWA) '(...) measures to limit bank leverage, to assure stable bank funding and to improve the comparability of riskweighted assets [should be put in place] (...). As a follow-up to the outcome of the discussions within the Basel Committee, the Commission intends to make proposals for amendments to the CRD IV/CRR (...).' BASEL COMMITTEE COMMISSION EBA The necessity to bring down the level of NPLs was mentioned in the country specific recommendations (CSR) in 2015 ((Austria, Bulgaria, Hungary, Croatia, Ireland, Italy, Portugal and Slovenia) and in 2016 (IT, IE, PT, CY, HR and SI). It is also mentioned in the 2016 CSR for the euro area. A comprehensive report published by EBA on 22 July 2016, providing updates on NPLs in the EU banking sector, shows that despite improvements NPLs remain high, with associated implications for the economy and bank's profitability. On 12/09/2016 the ECB launched a public consultation on guidance to banks on non-performing loans. Leverage: work is ongoing in Basel. The definition of the leverage ratio (LR) under CRR has been amended by a Delegated Act. Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR): the EBA published a report in December 2015 on the impact assessment and calibration of the NSFR recommending its introduction in the EU. RWA: Basel is developping specific proposals to reduce excessive variability in RWAs accross jurisdictions and banks 7 European Semester (annual cycle) The 2016 country-specific recommendations were adopted by the Council on 12 July 2016. Specific recommendations on NPLs were made to IT, IE, PT, CY, HR, SI. Legislative proposal by end 2016 LR: The report on appropriateness and calibration of the LR was published by the EBA on 3 August 2016. COM should report and possibly table a legislative proposal by end 2016. COM will have to decide on the appropriateness of a mandatory LR requirement. NSFR: If appropriate, the Commission should submit a legislative proposal by end 2016 (Article 510 CRR). The Council roadmap to complete the Banking Union of 17 June 2016 invites the Commission to table a legislative proposal ‘implementing and finalising remaining Basel reforms including the introduction of a leverage ratio, possibly set higher than 3 % for systemic banks, and the introduction of a net stable funding ratio’ by end 2016. PE 574.392 10. TREATMENT OF SOVEREIGN RISK '(...)The Commission will come forward with the necessary proposals on the prudential treatment of sovereigns, drawing on quantitative analysis under preparation in the Economic and Financial Committee and the Basel Committee (....)' BASEL COMITTEE ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL COMITTEE ECOFIN COUNCIL COMMISSION Work is on-going in Basel. The ESRB published a report on the regulatory treatment of sovereign exposures in March 2015. The Economic and Financial Committee is also working on the topic via a dedicated high level working group (HLWG) set up in 2015. The informal April ECOFIN has hold a first discussion on the topic and on the various policy options available, i.e. i) No change option; ii) Enhancing pillar 2 and/or pillar 3 requirements; iii) Changing the riskweights for Sovereigns; iv) Imposing concentration limits; v) Addressing both credit and concentration risk ('hybrid' option mixing iii and iv). Timeline not defined The Basel committee should finalise its document for public consultation by end 2016. The Commission has not announced any date for a legislative proposal on this topic. According to the Council roadmap to complete the Banking Union of 17 June 2016, the Council agrees to wait for the outcome of the Basel Committee. DISCLAIMER: This document is drafted by the Economic Governance Support Unit (EGOV) of the European Parliament based on publicly available information and is provided for information purposes only. The opinions expressed in this document are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position of the European Parliament. Reproduction and translation for non-commercial purposes are authorised, provided the source is acknowledged and the publisher is given prior notice and sent a copy. © European Union, 2016 PE 574.392 8