Extrusion and Mechanical Characterization of PVC-Leather Fiber Composites TOMk3 J. MADERA-SANTANA’, ALBERT0 CAMPOS TORRES2, and ALFRED0 M k Q U E Z LUCERO” 'Centre de Investigdn Cientifica de Yuc& A. P. 87,Cordemex, C.P. 97310 Merida, Yucath, Mexico 2Escuela Militar de Ingenieros CaLZada Mtkico-TaCuba C.P. 1 1401,M&xico, D.F. Every year great quantities of chrome tanned leather wastes produced by the footwear and clothing industries are buried or burned. These practices produce several contaminants that are released into the environment. An alternative to disposing of these wastes is to reuse them. In this work, a method to use these wastes as filler in a polymer matrix is proposed. Also, a technique for processing the composite obtained by continuous extrusion is demonstrated. To evaluate this technique, a series of PVC-leather fiber composites were prepared and extruded through a flat die to produce sheets. The process produced a leather-like sheet that could be used in several applications. The influence of the filler content on the processability and the final properties of the composite sheets were evaluated. The tests revealed that the sheets are flexible and exhibit s d c i e n t water absorption to be suitable for several applications in the footwear and clothing industry. Finally, the tests show that this composite can be formulated and processed at high productivity levels and at a low cost. XNTRODUCTION T housands of tonnes of chrome tanned leather wastes are generated every month by the shoe and clothing industries. Currently, in several countries, these kinds of waste are burned, or, even worse, are buried in suburban fields. These practices produce several problems as,for instance, the production of toxic chromium compounds that are dissolved in water and filtered to the ground table waters. Nonetheless it is important to stress that instead of burying or incinerating the wastes it is feasible to use them as fillers in several types of polymeric composites. Various methods using leather fibers as fillers in thermoplastics or rubbers have been reported in the literature (1-8). These methods permit the production of a ‘semi-synthetic leather” that is useful in several applications (for example in the footwear industry). Indeed, currently some commercially available “recycled leathers” are being produced from leather wastes. However, they are fabricated using low speed or batch T o whom correspondenceshould be addrrssed. POLYMER COMPOSITES, AUGUST 1998, Vol. 19, No. 4 processing methods such as compression molding or calendering. As a result, the cost of these materials is too high and their properties too poor to be competitive in the market. An interesting alternative is to produce flexible and resistant composites using high speed processing techniques such as extrusion. In this work, leather waste was ground to obtain bundles of short leather-fibers. These bundles were incorporated into a highly plasticized poly(viny1 chloride) (pPVC) matrix at 180°C. The composite obtained was processed by extrusion in order to create sheets. The influence of the filler content on the processability and the final properties of the composite sheets was evaluated in order to assess their suitability for eventual application in the footwear and clothing industries. ExPERlMEnlTAL Materialm F‘1yr kilograms of leather burrs obtained during the processing of chrome tanned leathers were kindly furnished by the Fabrica de Vestimenta y Equipo (FAVESEDENA) of Mexico City. After washing and drymg the waste was grounded in a Paganini-Diconet Miller, 431 Tomas J. Madera-Santana, Albert0 Campos Torres, and Alfred0 Marquez Lucero Model 1520, in order to get micro-bundles of leather fibers. These micro-bundles were sieved using a 2 mm mesh. The aspect ratio distribution of the fibers within the bundles was evaluated using an optical ICM Zeiss microscope. From this data two aspect ratio averages were evaluated. The number average aspect ratio is expressed as: yd), (WrI = p" (1) and the weight average aspect ratio is expressed as: ?M/& (W)W = 7 Tests Values Humidity (wW0) Greases and oils (wtYo) Ash (wP/o) Chrome oxide (wW0) pH in water extract Nitrogen (wW0) Protein (wtYo) Descomposition temp. ("C) Diameter average (pm) Length average (pm) 7.92 2 0.22 1.97 2 0.36 12.86 2 0.20 3.41 t 0.10 4.15 5 0.20 9.71 2 1.41 54.58 5 3.80 323.0 2 10.0 4.52 2 0.03 258.5 2 2.50 (2) when n, is the number of fibers with a n aspect ratio Wdi. Both statistical parameters were calculated from the aspect ratio distribution of a sample of 200 fibers. It must be mentioned that the weight average ( l / d wis commonly accepted as the parameter that best describes the aspect ratio influence on several phenomena because of its correlation with fiber volume fraction through the accumulated fiber aspect ratio term (9). Chemical Characterization of Leather Waste The leather fibers were characterized following procedures established by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) (10, 11).The moisture content and the amount of hexane-soluble lubricant (grease and oil) were determined according to ASTM 379 and 3495-83, respectively. The ash content was evaluated following ASTM 2617-69. The degree of tannage of the leather samples was estimated by measuring the chromic oxide content (in general, properly tanned leather should contain 3 to 5 wtYo). Using an acid digestion method following ASTM 2807, the leather stability was evaluated by measuring the pH value of its aqueous extract. The value measured (4.15 ? 0.2) was well within the limits of 3 to 5 commonly considered as t h e boundary condition for tanned leather to be stable and un-degraded (11). Likewise, no damage by micro-organism decomposition was observed in the wastes and the protein substance content in the leather was evaluated according to ASTM 2868. This method uses the nitrogen percentage in the leather samples as a measure of the protein substance proportion. The nitrogen content was measured by digestion of the samples with acid in the presence of a catalyst to convert the nitrogen to ammonium ions. The quantity of ammonia in the boric acid solution was determined by back titration with standardized acid. The results of all the above test are shown in Table 1 . A plasticized poly(viny1 chloride) (pPVC), commercially available as Iztablend 143-9C-00 (supplied by Polimeros de Mckico S.A.), was used as the composite matrix. This resin contained 45.8 wt% plasticizer (dioctyl phthalate) and 0.5 wt% of commercial stabilizers and antioxidants. The average molecular weight (Mw)of the pristine WC was 86,880. A processing 432 Table 1. Physico-Chemical Characterization of Leather Waste. range between 140 and 180°C was recommended by the supplier, and in order to produce low polymer viscosity during the extrusion tests a processing temperature of 180°Cwas chosen. To evaluate the thermal stability of the leather fibers during processing they were submitted to a thermogravimetric testing using a Perkin-Elmer Thermal Analyzer Model TGS-2, under an inert a t mosphere, temperature range from 60 to 600°C. and at a heating rate of 10°C/min. The thermogravimetric results (see Fig. 1 ) confirm that leather fibers contain a high percentage of moisture, which leads to a significant weight loss at relative low temperatures (T < 125°C).indicating that short leather fibers should be dried prior to processing (12).Furthermore, a moderate but constant mass loss takes place in the range 150"C-3OO0C.This is mainly due to the removal of the crystallized water and some volatile components such as oils and greases of low molecular weight from the fibers (8, 13). A considerable mass loss is observed from 300 to 600°C as a result of extensive protein degradation and calcination. It is observed that the pWC matrix is stable up to I00 - 80 - 60 - 1 40 - 20 , , -, "m e;eL - - - pPVCmatrix I , , , , , , , , , ,, m, I , , , 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Temperature, OC Fig. 1. ?hermogram of short leatherjiber and pPVC m a b i ~ ~ POLYMER COMPOSITES, AUGUST 1998, Vol. 19, No. 4 Extrusion and Mechanical Characterization Table 2. Temperature Profile During the Pelletization Process in a Single Screw Extruder. Barrel Zone 1 (“C) 155 Die Zone 3 (“C) 165 Zone 2 (“C) 160 Zone 4 (“C) 170 Table 3. Temperature Profile Used During the Sheet Extrusion Process. Z1 22 23 (“C) (“C) (“C) 150 155 165 24 (“C) 170 25 Z6 27 Z8 Z9 (“C) (“C) (“C) (“C) (“C) 175 180 185 180 180 230°C. after which it suffers substantial decomposition. In line with the previous results, once that moisture has been released, the composites (leather fibers in pWC) are reasonably stable below 200°C. Therefore, minimal thermal degradation of both components after processing may be expected. c- -on and Extnwion All the short leather fibers were dried in a recirculating convection oven at 105°C for 24 h to remove superficial moisture. After drymg, systematically varied formulations of pWC composites containing 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60 wtYo of leather fibers were preblended (to ensure homogeneity) and then compounded using a single screw extruder (Nieto Model HD125, 31 mm diameter and L/D = 2 1/ 1).The three heating zones on the barrel and one on the die were activated to produce a linear temperature profile as reported in Table 2. After running the extruder, the melted pWC- Chrome tanned leather wastes leather fiber compound was passed through a water bath and then chipped into pellet form using a Brabender Lab pelletizer Model 10-1272. As in the first extrusion step, each pelletized formulation was dried for 8 h at 105°C prior to use. In order to obtain sheets, a second extrusion step was performed in a semi-industrial single screw extruder (Nieto Model HD60/24, 60 mm diameter and L/D = 24/1). The nine heating zones of the barrel were activated to produce the temperature profile shown in Table 3. The die temperature and the screw speed were 180 and 40 rpm, respectively, and a slit die of 600 mm width was adapted. The gap between the die lips was 1.5 mm. Subsequently, the extruded sheets were cooled in a calender using three 45 mm diameter rollers. A flow chart of the entire preparation process is shown in Rg. 2. Using the described procedure 20 kg of each formulation was processed. From known extrusion residence times and corresponding material weights, the output rates of the operation were determined. Imperfect edges of samples were trimmed using a cutter positioned between the two rollers and horizontally disposed with a span of 50 cm. The sheets were wound and unwound between these rollers to check the finishing quality as well as its length. The final width of the sheets were measured and registered for each formulation and the average thickness of sheets measured by taking ten readings between the central zone and the edges in each case. - compo.itachprocterirption A series of specimens for mechanical testing were cut at three different orientations (0”. 45” and 90”)to Grinding and drying Adition of pPVC Pelletization Sheet extrusion and calendering Useful width Calibration process Mechanical evaluation m.2. schematicprocedure for the composite prepamtion process. POLYMER COMPOSITES, AUGUST 1998, Vol. 19, No. 4 433 Tom6.s J . M a d e r a - S a n t a n a , Albert0 Campos Torres, and Alfedo M a r q u e 2 Lucero the extrusion flow direction. An automatic hollow die punch (CEAST Model 6050) was used to produce tensile specimens following ASTM D-638-82 (Type N) Method. The tensile properties were measured using an universal tensile machine (Instron Model 1125). The crosshead speed used was 10 mm/min and a minumum of six samples tested for each composite formulation. The data produced was processed using Instron Series M software and the fracture surfaces of the tensile specimens micro-photographed using a scanning electron microscope JEOL JSM-5400 LV. Water absorption tests were performed on 1.0 X 4.0 cm samples cut from each composite without the superficial layers that were removed by sanding. The tests involved submerging the samples in distilled water for periods of 8 and 24 h. The static absorption of water was determined gravimetrically following the ASTM D- 1815-70method and the density of each composition was determined from ASTM D-792. This enabled the fiber volume fraction of each sample to be calculated. RESULTS Leather fibers are mainly composed of collagen. Collagen itself is made up of three polypeptides of approximately equal molecular weight arranged as a triple helix. These molecules form into protofibrils that further aggregate to produce leather fibers. The fibers are grouped in bundles that constitute a three-dimensional "woven fabric" (14).m e 3 shows some m i cal fiber bundles obtained after grinding. These bundles typically are formed by 10 to 50 fibers of similar aspect ratio slightly intermeshing among themselves. The aspect ratio distribution of the fibers contained in the bundles is shown in Fig. 4.mom this distribution the aspect ratio averages by number (Z/dj, = 45.1 and by weight ( l / d j W = 66.1 were calculated. The corresponding polydispersity index was - 1.46. It is important to indicate that many of the following results are expressed as relative magnitudes for each formulation experimented. All the relative magnitudes (M,) used are defined as the quotient between the value corresponding to the composite (M,)and this corresponding to the pristine matrix (M0): b Fig. 3. Micrographs of short ieatherjibers. 40 35 i Leather fibers M, = MJMo Also, it is important to mention that formulations with a fiber content > 40 wtYo were difficult to process and are not reported. m e 5 shows the relative output rate of extruded sheet as a function of the composite fiber content. An important dropoff in output rate is observed at high fiber contents. The evolution of relative useful width and thickness of extruded sheets is plotted as a function of the fiber content in Fig. 6. It can be seen that an increase in the fiber content reduces the useful width of the composite sheet by up to %Yo, while the thickness increases by 40%. Concerning the mechanical properties of the composites, Figs. 7 a - b show the fracture surfaces often- 434 LL 15 10 5 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Aspect ratio ( / I d 1 Fig. 4. Aspect ratio R / d l disirhution of short e m s . POLYMER COMPOSITES, AUGUST 1998, Vol. 19, No. 4 Extrusion and Mechanical Characterization \ d 0.8 - 6 U e 5 0.6 n C a 0 w 2 Y -m 04- 2 Q, (pPVC) = 375.0 2 5.0g h i n 1 o'2 0.0 10 0 40 30 20 Fiber content, wt % Q. 5. Relative extrusion output rate as afunction of the lee* cuntent. w,,(pPVC)= %- 1.00 - 3 a 5 a 0.95 -: f ;D - 1.3 2 E. m - 0.90- " 1.2 g X -a 0.85 p: 0.80 - c 582.0+0.5mm b 8 - - 1.1 a3 .- Q. 7. Micrographs of compositefmcture surfaces. + Relative useful mdth, w, & 1.2 Relative thtdtness. 1, li 0 70 0 10 20 30 40 Fiber content, wt % Q. 6. Average values of relatiw usefur width and thickness of ewbuded sheets. d i%\ Go(pPVC)= 5.81 MPa 4 cn sile samples with 20 wto/o leather fiber at 0" and 90". respectively. In these surfaces preferential fiber orientations are clearly absent. This may be due to the ability of the flexible fibers to bend and coil during flow thus avoiding alignment (15).Furthermore, visual surface inspection of the sheets indicate that the fibers are dispersed in the composite up to a fiber content of 30 W w o . At this leather composition a significant number of fiber bundles were noticeable to the naked eye. These bundles could have emerged from the original fiber bundles that were not dispersed by the shear stress flow during the processing or h m the relatively long flexible leather fibers in the molten polymer. POLYMER COMPOSl7ES,AUGUST 1998, Vol. 19, No. 4 oo -.-45" C 0.2 - 435 Tonuis J . Madera-Santana, Albert0 Campos Torres, and Alfred0 Marquez Lucero 15 I Orientation of tensile test + 0" --c 45" 4 90" ru- -aa In TI 0 E .0 C -m In 0) .-> -m d Q) CI 0 1 , 0 I I I I 10 20 30 40 0 1 0 elastic modulus values at 0 ' . 45" and 90"to the exbusionjbw direction Futhermore, Rg.8 illustrates the variation in tensile strength as a function of the fiber content. The presence of leather fibers in the pWC matrix produces an important drop in tensile strength until a minimum value is reached a t a fiber content of 20 wt%. However, a slight increase of this parameter with the fiber content is observed at higher compositions. Also, although tensile strength was measured at three different orientations to the extrusion flow (direction OD), no anisotropy was observed. This behavior was expected because the leather fibers did not show any tendency towards preferred orientations. Elastic modulus is shown to be strongly influenced by fiber content, especially at compositions > 30 Wh (Rg.9). Moreover, it is noted that there are few anisotropic effects. Finally, Flg. 10 illustrates how water absorption increases with fiber content. Assuming for the present purposes that pWC is a hydrophobic matrix and the leather fibers are hydrophobic, we noted that the water absorption of the sheets with 30 and 40 wtYo of leather fibers is greater than the standard required by the footwear industry (30%) and hence could have commercial significance. DISCUSSION Flow properties of pWC-short leather fiber suspensions, in similar formulations and processing temperature as those used in this work, have been reported previously (151.It has been shown that the addition of short leather fibers into pWC matrices produces an increase in viscometry-torque values as illustrated in liyg. 1 1 . This is due to viscosity increases in the system caused by interaction between the fibers (Rg.12). However, suspensions with fiber content between 0.45 436 30 40 20 Fiber content, wt K Fiber content, wt % Q. 9. Re- ~ 10 Q. 10. Water absorption of pPVC-leatherj b r composites a m 8 and 24 h of immersion. /? + A + 3.15radls 5.25radls 0 ' 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 Fiber content, wt % Q. 1 1 . Torque ualues of pPVC-&&Jiber composites measured by torquerheometry, a)er M t v q u Q et aL (15). and 0.55 v01Yo show a reduction in torque and viscosity values. This is related to the appearance of voids and fissures in the material when removed from the torque-rheometer. From previous observations, the critical pigment volume concentration (CPVC) described by Patton (16)was found to be exceeded. In other words, at this concentration maximum effective fiber packing is achieved and the addition of further fibers to the pWC no longer produces a homogeneous composite, but leads to the formation of voids and discontinuities in the matrix. These discontinuities POLYMER COMPOSITES, AUGUST 1998, Vol. 19, No. 4 Extrusion and Mechanical Characterization qa(pPVC,Iradk) = 1.077 5 0.003KPa.s 0 -+ 1 2.10ndls v + F .-dcn rp 4.20rad/s 5.25 rad/s + I 4 - l 1 0.6 D .- 0 3 - Q .-> -m c) P I T=18OoC J 0 .-cn> Relative consistency index, m, Power law index, n - 0.4 s-. J n 2 ~ 0.0 I I I I 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.0 Fiber content, wt O h Fig. 12. Relatiue viscosity values of pWC-katkjiber composites measured at 180°C,a&r M&rquez et al. (1 5). make further production of continuous sheets by extrusion impossible. The relationship between the viscosity (q) and the shear rate (i.) of the pWC-leather fiber suspensions (the suspension forms when the pWC is melted at 180°C),may be fairly well described by a power law equation: (3) where rn and n are the consistency and power law indexes respectively. Figure 13 shows the values of these indices as a function of the fiber content. The suspension behavior becomes more viscous as the fiber content was increased (17). Evidently, this change in the rheological properties of the suspension produces a significant modification of the flow profile in the extrusion die. The flow rate in this zone is susceptible to change in the flow distribution of the suspension over the width of the die before it reaches the final lip for thickness adjustment. Any slight change in the rheology of the suspension leads to instability, which may produce irregularities observed in the edge zone. It also explains why these irregulanties increase with fiber content. The fact that the sheet thickness increases with fiber content is mainly due to calendering. Indeed, the polymer matrix is more easily compressed than the filled composite and some factors such as plastic recovery, swelling and relaxation of both components will also have an important influence on this phenomenon. Concerning the mechanical properties of the sheets, these are affected by several parameters particularly fiber characteristics such as length, orientation, dispersion, geometry and degree of interfacial adhesion POLYMER COMPOSTTES, AUGUST 1998, Vol. 19, No. 4 8a 0.0 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.2 X ; 0.6 Fiber Content, wt% Fig. 13. Power law index values of pWC-leatherjibercomposites measured at 180°C * a Mcjrquez et al. (15). to the matrix (18-23). A number of authors claim that the main factors controlling the properties of a fiberfilled composite are the critical length of the fiber and interfacial shear strength between fiber and matrix. The critical length of the fiber (fc)in composites is a parameter that determines the amount of stress transferred to the fiber. In a study carried out by Termonia (24), the effect of fiber characteristics on the mechanical properties of short fiber-reinforced composites has revealed that the influence of fiber orientation on elastic modulus and tensile strength of the composite is weak, but an optimum fiber aspect ratio is essential for effective reinforcement. A micro-failure mechanism that originates at the fiber ends and propagates along the fiber-matrix interface without the fiber breaking is reported as being common. On the other hand, interfacial shear strength effects produced on the surface of the fiber are said to be due to the 'shear lag" between fiber and matrix during composite failure. Monette (25) reports that the critical aspect ratio is related to interfacial shear strength and fiber strength only and not to matrix properties. Thus it is also essential to improve the interfacial shear strength to obtain a stronger composite. In the case of the current composites, micro-photographs of the fracture surfaces of the samples (Figs. 7a and 7b)reveal that the leather fibers are well distributed over the surface as well as a poor adhesion of leather fibers to the pWC matrix. Indeed, fibers that have been pulled from the matrix do not show any signs of polymer residues on their surfaces. This lack of adhesion is mainly due to chemical and physical differences between leather fibers (made up of collagen macromolecules)and thermoplastic. Also. it is aPparent that the fiber critical aspect ratio needed to im437 Tomcls J . Madera-Santana. Albedo Campos Torres, and Alfiedo Marquez Lucero prove mechanical properties is not reached in the current case. This leads to a fall in tensile strength as the fiber content is increased. However, it is observed that there is a composition level, beginning a t 20 wt%. where the tensile strength increases with the fiber content. At this composition, bundles and agglomerates of leather fibers begin to appear. The addition of further leather fiber contributes to a n increase in the number and size of agglomerates, but not the number of isolated fibers. This means that the number of microfractures originated in such fibers remains constant, leading to a net improvement of tensile properties a s the nonfissure-producing reinforcement volume fraction is increased. This is a kind of compound that "benefits" from having an increase in the number of fibers not leading to fissure. This result produces a positive balance and a consequential increase in tensile strength. To increase the tensile strength of the composites described it has been found there are two alternatives: a) to increase the fiber length and b) to increase the compatibility of fibers with the matrix. The first factor can be improved by a method patented by Picagli et aL (26).where leather wastes are submitted to a wet fibrillation process. In this process, leather is stirred in water to a concentration of 2-15 wt%. Then the slurry is passed into a fibrillating apparatus in which it is subjected to intense and prolonged rubbing or shearing actions. The wet fibrillation is continued until the slurry reaches a 'Canadian Standard Freeness" of about + 100 d to -800 d,with the time required to finish the process being - 2 hours. This produces a material with unbroken fibrils capable of being transformed into leather-like composites. Concerning the need to improve compatibility between matrix and reinforcement, various alternative treatments for natural fibers (for use with thermoplastics) have been carried out. In the case of thermoplastics filled with cellulosic fibers. two main methods have been used. The first is to apply coupling agents such a s silane. titanate. or zirconate derivatives (27. 28). The second is the superficial modification of the fiber by polymer chain grafting. This last method may be particularly useful for leather fiber-thermoplastic compatibilization. Polymer grafting directly on to leather fibers has been studied by some authors, and the use of this kind of filler may be used to reinforce thermoplastics (5-7). CONCLUSIONS The current work demonstrates the feasibility of producing low cost "leather-like" composites (with a leather fiber content as high as 40 wtoh)a t high production rates. The production methods described could help eliminate the major pollution environmental problems associate with leather wastes. An increase in elastic modulus with fiber content was found for all the composites formulations investigated. In most cases, a decrease in tensile strength with the 438 fiber content was observed, reaching a minimum value at 20 wtvo of reinforcement (at higher leather contents a slight increase in strength was measured). In all cases, the tensile and moisture absorption properties of the composites were found to be high enough for use in industries such as shoe manufacturing. ACKN0WLEDGHE"S The authors are grateful to the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia (CONACYT) Mexico, for financial support of this research. The authors would also like to give special thanks to Dr. Melvin 0. W. Richardson from Loughborough University a n d to Dr. Flavio Vazquez from Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Mexico for their valuable personal communications and discussions. Also we wish to thank MC. Silvia M. Arce of the Universidad de Guadalajara and Jafet Quijano of the Centro de Investigacion Cientifica de Yucakin for their valuable help in the SEM microphotographs and performing calculations for this work. REFERENCES 1. C. Pichon. Technic&. 5, 53 (1984). 2. P. Hamel. Technicuir. 9. 153 (1983). 3. D. Ayad. R. Cenillon. and J . F. May. Ang. Makromof. C h a . 199.79 (1986). 4. D. Ayad. R. Genillon. and J. F. May. 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