A Math Modeling Approach Total Mail Processed by USPS 2000-2009 220,000,000 210,000,000 Thousands of Items 200,000,000 Mail Volume 190,000,000 180,000,000 170,000,000 160,000,000 150,000,000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Years Past 2000 USPS-Cost and Revenue Analysis Report [Fiscal Year Reports]. (n.d.). Retrieved September 25, 2010, from http://www.usps.com/financials/cra/welcome.htm 10 Employees of USPS Field Installations Total USPS GM/PM/Installation Head 25224 Supervisors/Managers 32850 Prof/ADM/Tech-Field 8408 Clerks/Nurses 205442 Mail Handlers 54892 City Carriers 218397 Motor Vehicle Operators 8406 Vehicle Maintenance 5418 Maintenance Service 39229 Rural Carrier 65170 Area Operations Offices 1397 Total Workforce 664833 Postal Employee Stats at a Glance [Table]. (n.d.). Retrieved September 25, 2010, from http://www.lunewsviews.com/postal-employees-s tats-at-a-glance.htm Operating Costs of Postal Service Operating Expenses In 3rd quarter, fiscal year; 2010 (Millions of Dollars) Compensation and Benefits 11,866 Retiree Health Benefits 1,964 Worker’s Compensation 1,956 Transportation 1,469 Other 2,255 Total Operating Expenses 19,510 Operating Revenue 16,045 Loss from Operations 3,465 United States Postal Service [Table]. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.usps.com/financials/_pdf/ Quarter_III_FY10_10Q_Final.pdf Total Cost of Workers=15,786 in millions of dollars Current State Losing money Revenue decreasing Not capable of being self sufficient Cost Revenue Billions of Dollars Becoming obsolete Years Past 2000 United States Postal Service. (2009). Revenue, prices, and weight reports. Retrieved from http://www.usps.com/financials/rpw/welcome.htm Billions of Dollars The 10 Year Problem Cost Revenue Years Past 2000 United States Postal Service. (2009). Revenue, prices, and weight reports. Retrieved from http://www.usps.com/financials/rpw/welcome.htm Billions of Dollars The 20 Year Problem Cost Revenue Years Past 2000 United States Postal Service. (2009). Revenue, prices, and weight reports. Retrieved from http://www.usps.com/financials/rpw/welcome.htm Billions of Dollars The 50 Year Problem Cost Revenue Years Past 2000 United States Postal Service. (2009). Revenue, prices, and weight reports. Retrieved from http://www.usps.com/financials/rpw/welcome.htm Automated Postal Center Can support up to 85% of the retail services in a post office Weighs letters, flats, and packages (~70 lbs) Postage for First-Class®, Priority, express mail, parcel post, international First-class stamp sheets ZIP CODE look-up Delivery confirmation, certified, and insurance Information about other services offered by the post office Prints Express Mail labels, Certified Mail™ and return receipt forms Displays delivery and tracking information Prints receipts Implementation and Benefits Cost to Implement Benefits 32,741 Post Offices in the Need one service clerk to United States 1.05 billion dollars to add an additional APC at each location Only one current employee is tasked to do routine service check-ups (do not need to hire new employee) supervise the APC; keep two remaining service clerks to oversee other operations 205,000 service clerks (6-7 per post office) Cut ½ of the current service clerks over a period of 10 yearsinitially SAVE 2.43 billion dollars/year in operating costs Billions of Dollars Projected Effects of APC Cost Revenue Years Past 2000 United States Postal Service. (2009). Revenue, prices, and weight reports. Retrieved from http://www.usps.com/financials/rpw/welcome.htm References American Postal Workers Union. (n.d.). Handbook PO-106, Automated Postal Center Program. Retrieved September 26, 2010, from American Postal Workers Union: http://www.apwu.org/dept/ind-rel/usps_hbks/po-series/po106%20automated%20postal%20center%20program%2011-07%20%281.72%20mb%29.pdf Number of Employees by Union Code PP10 (May 8, 2006). (n.d.). Retrieved September 26, 2010, from postalreporter.com: http://www.lunewsviews.com/postal-employees-stats-at-a-glance.htm Postal Automation Discussion. (n.d.). Retrieved September 26, 2010, from Postalreporter.com: http://www.postalreporter.com/self_service.htm Potter, N. (2009, August 9). List of Post Offices To Close. Retrieved September 26, 2010, from ABC News - Technology: http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/story?id=8248335&page=1 Self Service. (n.d.). Retrieved 26 September, 2010, from USPS: http://www.usps.com/alternateaccess/selfserve.htm United States Postal Service. (2009). Revenue, prices, and weight reports. Retrieved from http://www.usps.com/financials/rpw/welcome.htm USPS. (n.d.). United States Postal Service Quarterly Financial Index, Fiscal Year 2010, Quarter III. Retrieved September 26, 2010, from USPS: http://www.usps.com/financials/_pdf/Quarter_III_FY10_10Q_Final.pdf