MOWER BLADES MOWER BLADES The OREGON® Gator® series of lawn mower blad enhancements designed to boost performance a Gator Mulcher® feature on every Gator® blade pro bagging and discharge efficiency, saving you tim F E AT U R E S HIGH-LIFT Superior Bagging Superior Side Discharge The aggressive blade angle increases air flow to push debris up-and-out for superior bagging or side discharge. GATOR® MULCHER® Superior Mulching Cleaner, more efficient cutting performance can eliminate the need to bag, saving time and hassle. A P P L I C AT I O N S G3 ™ Engineered with the core Gator® mulching features that make them a great choice for normal and abrasive conditions. — G3 blades may include additional features and/or other dimensions than listed above. des deliver a full range of and durability. The exclusive ovides outstanding me and hassle. S P E C I F I C AT I O N S X-TENDED CUTTING LENGTH™ FUSION® THICKER AND WIDER STEEL STOCK Increased Cutting Preserves Cutting Edge Superior Longevity Up to twice the cutting length optimizes the cutting efficiency with each revolution. G5 Tungsten carbide is “fused” into the blade — creating an ultra-hard layer at the cutting edge and increasing the time between sharpening. Greater width and thickness extends blade life and allows for longer lifting arch to improve bagging and mulching. ™ An optimum combination for a wide range of mower units. Features a high-lift contour as well as two additional, premium features to improve performance and retain blade sharpness. WIDTH THICKNESS LIFT 3.00" 76.2 mm 0.250" 6.35 mm 1.00" 31.75 mm 3.00" 76.2 mm ≤ 0.203" ≤ 5.156 mm 1.00" 31.75 mm ≤ 2.50" ≤ 63.5 mm ≤ 0.203" ≤ 5.156 mm 0.75" 25.4 mm R Radius-cut end All Gator® blades feature progressive geometry to maintain maximum cutting length throughout the life of the blade. G6 ®Heavy-duty blades designed for commercial applications and to withstand punishing conditions, while offering the full-range of features that make Gator® series blades unique. OREGON® mower blades are QUALITY CONTROL created using manufacturing »»OREGON® blades not only meet specifications, processes that combine the latest »»OREGON® consistently delivers quality mower technology with a comprehensive range of quality control standards. OREGON® blades often are the specification blades through established manufacturing standards for 26 characteristics. Look for the Certified Quality label on OREGON® blades. These processes and standards are designed to provide OREGON® blades with the consistency and longevity that professionals demand and homeowners prefer. COMPUTER CONTROLLED STRAIGHTENING »»Superior straightness and consistency »»Cleaner cut, especially on multi-blade decks »»Reduced vibration SELECTION »»Find a full range of replacement blades for most residential and commercial mowers at or in the OREGON® catalog. O R E G O N ®, B LO U N T, I N C . P O B OX 22127 P O R T L A N D, O R , U. S . A . 97269 - 2127 800 - 223 - 5168 O R E G O N D I S T R I B U T I O N LT D. 5 0 5 E D I N B U R G H R D. N ., G U E L P H , O N TA R I O, C A N A D A N 1 H 6 L 4 800-223-5168 OREGON, G6, Gator, Gator Mulcher, and Fusion are registered trademarks and G3, G5, and Xtended Cutting Length are trademarks of Blount, Inc. 107316 AC 05/14