Dr. habil Astrid Kiendler-Scharr CURRICULUM VITAE PERSONAL DATA Name Marital status Nationality Astrid Kiendler-Scharr, geb. Kiendler married, two children born 10/1999 and 5/2002 Austrian PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Since 01/2006 01/2005 - 12/2005 08/2003 - 12/2004 08/2002 – 07/2003 08/1999 – 08/2002 Head of the FZ-Jülich young investigator group „Stable Isotopes in Aerosols“ at Institut für Energie- und Klimaforschung: Troposphäre (IEK-8), Forschungszentrum Jülich, Scientific focus: formation and transformation of organic aerosol, influence of biosphere emissions on atmospheric aerosol, stable isotopes and reaction kinetics in atmospheric processes Research Associate (Tenure Track) at ICG-2, Forschungszentrum Jülich Postdoctoral research associate at ICG-2, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Scientific focus: chemical composition of organic aerosol; influence of organic coatings on aerosol water interaction on parental leave in Sunnyvale, California, USA Postdoctoral research associate at Max-Planck-Institute for Nuclear Physics, Atmospheric Physics Division (Group of Prof. Dr. F. Arnold) Heidelberg, Scientific focus: Ions in the exhaust plumes of jet engines and their effect on particle formation EDUCATION 28/01/2010 Habilitation University Köln, Germany, Meteorology department, “Formation of secondary organic aerosols from biogenic emissions of volatile organic compounds” 06/1996 – 07/1999 Ph.D. student at the Max-Planck-Institute for Nuclear Physics, Atmospheric Physics Division, Heidelberg “Development and application of a novel aircraft borne ion trap mass spectrometer apparatus for the analysis of trace gases and ions: measurements in a laboratory, in the plume of jet engines and atmospheric trace gas measurements with aircrafts” Conferment of doctorate “Dr. rer. nat.” in July 1999 (“magna cum laude”) 02/1995 – 02/1996 Diploma student in physics at the University of Innsbruck, Institute for Ionphysics (Group of Prof. Dr. T. Märk) “Electron attachment to CCl4, CCl2F2, and SF6 at high energy resolution” Diploma degree (“Mag. Rer. nat.”) in February 1996 (with distinction) 10/1991 – 02/1996 Study of Physics at the University of Innsbruck, Austria AWARDS AND HONORS 1995 Leistungsstipendium of the faculty of natural sciences, University Innsbruck („best student award”) 1996 Leistungsstipendium of the faculty of natural sciences, University Innsbruck („best student award”) 2006 young investigator group “Stable Isotopes in Aerosols” grant from Forschungszentrum Jülich 2008/2009 Member of the Helmholtz Academy for executive managers in sciences COMMUNITY SERVICE AND OTHER ACTIVITIES Reviewing Journals: Nature, Geophysical Research Letter, Journal of Geophysical Research, Environmental Science and Technology, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Aerosol Science and Technology, Atmospheric Environment, Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry Granting agencies: Review Panel member for EuroVOL (EUROCORES activity of the European Science Foundation, ESF), Swiss national science foundation (SNF), Switzerland, The Netherlands organisation for scientific research (NWO), The Netherlands Steering Group: member of the steering group for PEGASOS (collaborative project within the EC 7th framework programme “Pan European Gas-AeroSOl-climate interaction Study”) and leader of theme 2: “Atmospheric processes” Conference Convening and Program Committees Since 2009 Member of the Program Committee of Atmospheric Science Division, European Geosciences Union Since 2006 Convener of the Session Aerosol chemistry and microphysics European Geosciences Union - General Assembly Since 2008 Co-Convener of the Session Stable Isotopes in Atmospheric Research European Geosciences Union - General Assembly 2006 Convener of the Session Aerosol Chemistry, International Aerosol Conference, St. Paul, USA 2010 Session chair at the International Aerosol Conference, Helsinki, Finland in the sessions “Studies on SOA precursors and partitioning, and isoprene chemistry” and “Atmospheric Chemistry: SOA” Workshop Organization and other activities Organization of the ESF-Introp Summer School “Climate effects of secondary organic aerosols”, Forschungszentrum Jülich, August 2006 Organization of the Sixth international AMS Users Meeting, Forschungszentrum Jülich, August 2005 Elected spokesperson of the Institute for Chemistry and Dynamics of the Geosphere, ICG-2: Troposphere, Forschungszentrum Jülich, 2005 - 2010 Secretary of the EGU Atmospheric Sciences Division (Gases and Aerosols) MEMBERSHIPS Gesellschaft für Aerosolforschung (GAeF) European Geophysical Union (EGU) Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (DPG) QUALIFICATIONS AND FIELDS OF INTEREST Aerosol Physics and Chemistry, Stable Isotopes in Aerosols, Development of Mass Spectrometric Methods for Atmospheric Trace Species, Methods for Data Analysis in Organic Aerosol Mass Spectrometry, Atmospheric Chemistry, Atmosphere Biosphere Exchange and Feedback Mechanisms, Aerosol Climate Interactions