IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES, VOL. MTT-17, NO. 11, NOVEMBER 1969 927 Characteristics of Microwave Acoustic Transducers for Volume Wave Excitation THOMAS M. REEDER, MEMBER, IEEE, AND DONALD K. WINSLOW, SENIOR MEMBER, IEEE Invited Paper Abstract-Transducers which utilize acoustoelectric conversion in a piezoelectric film, plate, or surface have found wide application for gen­ erating planar volume-acoustic waves at microwave frequencies. A review is given of the electrical impedance, conversion loss, and bandwidth characteristics for piezoelectric film or plate transducers which vibrate in one-dimensional thickness extensional or shear modes. The transducer response is related to the electric and acoustic parameters that describe METAL TOP ELECTRODE (Zi. VI) ACOUSTIC SUBSTRATE :3 (Z'o. vo) the transducer configuration, and experimental examples are given to illustrate the operation of typical transducer configurations. Methods for achieving low conversion loss and/or broad bandwidth are discussed and experimental examples given. Tables of bulk material constants are sup­ plied for commonly used plate and film devices, and transducer fabrication methods are reviewed. Other types of volume wave transducers, such as those utilizing a single piezoelectric surface, a diffusion layer in a piezo­ electric semiconductor, or mode conversion at a boundary are also briefly discussed. 1. INTRODUCTION RECURRING problem in research on microwave acoustic delay lines, amplifiers, and related devices is the design of transducers for converting energy from electric to acoustic form and vice versa. In general, the desired characteristics for a transducer are low conversion 10ssl concomitant with large bandwidth. Transducer opera­ tion is a function both of the electric and acoustic parameters that describe its physical configuration and the electric cir­ cuit to which it is connected. The optimum design for a given application is frequently a compromise based on a selection of available transducer materials and the required conversion loss and bandwidth. In the present paper we review the design and fabrication of microwave transducers which utilize acoustoelectric conversion in a piezoelectric film, plate, or surface to gen­ erate planar volume-acoustic waves. The analysis and design of transducers which excite surface acoustic waves is con­ sidered elsewhere in this issue [I], [2] . As the majority of volume wave transducers in use today make use of a film or plate vibrating in either the thickness extensional or shear A Manuscript received July 31, 1969. This research was sponsored by the USAF Systems Command, Rome Air Development Center, Griffiss AFB, Rome, N. Y., under Contract AF 30602-6B-C-0074. The authors are with Stanford University, Stanford, Calif. 94305. In this paper the term conversion loss is defined as the one way conversion of electric to acoustic power (or vice versa, since the device is reciprocal). If two transducers are assembled at opposite ends of an acoustic substrate to form a delay line, the total insertion loss for the configuration is the sum of the transducer conversion losses plus the loss due to propagation through the acoustic substrate. 1 :3 PIEZOELECTRIC L AYER (Z'O. vol Fig. 1. METAL COUNTEF! ELECTRODE (Z'2. V2) The piezoelectric layer transducer. mode, we shall focus our attention on the thickness mode layer-transducer configuration shown in Fig. 1 . [n Section II a one-dimensional model is developed and use:d to predict the electric input admittance, conversion loss, and bandwidth characteristics of the layer transducer. Low conversion-loss transducer design by impedance matching of the electric and acoustic circuits is considered in Section III, as are methods for achieving broad-band operation. Section IV presents a survey of film and plate transducer data for piezoelectric materials of current interest. Fabrication methods are out­ lined, and a discussion of typical reported data is given. Transducers other than the layer type are considered III Section V and concluding remarks given in Section VI. II. IMPEDANCE, CONVERSION Loss, AND BANDWIDTH We consider the layered transducer configuration shown in Fig. 1 . The piezoelectric layer, hereafter called the piezo layer, can be made to vibrate in one or more acoustic modes by application of a harmonic potential to the metal top and counter electrodes. In order to simplify the analysis we make the following assumptions. The transducer lateral dimensions are large compared to the acoustic wavelength and the crystal symmetry of the piezo layer is properly chosen [3], [4] so that the transducer layers can be excited in a pure one­ dimensional mode, with acoustic propagation in the thick­ ness direction. Acoustic loss in the layers is assumed small enough to be neglected. The acoustic substrate has crystal symmetry appropriate to the desired mode [5] (i.e., longi­ tudinal or shear) and the electrode layers transmit acoustic power without mode conversion. Electric contact to the top 928 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES, NOVEMBER 1969 !;t '" TOP ELECTRODE , , Ii COUNTER ELECTRODE PIEZOELECTRIC LAYER �r---�tl--�I-+�==�����r-�I---2t -�--� R1.81 R2.82 L----;R tl� I:1 _Co C ____ ELECTRIC PORT Fig. 2. I i 2 I\- MASON i EQUIVALENT J ""'"" Equivalent circuit model for the layer transducer. defined by the top electrode dimensions. Because of the central importance of the piezo layer to the acoustoelectric conversion process, we find it convenient to define normal­ ized electrode thicknesses given by [8] dl = fo/II = VOh/VIto d 2 fo/f2 = VOt2/V2tO, (5) TI ZI'/ZO' = RI/Ro Tz = Z 2'/ZO' = R2/Ro TD = ZD'/ZO' = RD/Ro, (6) (7) (8) = (4) where/I and/2 are, respectively, the top and counter electrode half-wavelength frequencies. We further define a set of normalized acoustic impedance ratios, = where RI and R2, and RD are the electric unit equivalents of the electrode and substrate acoustic impedances. For the ideal lossless transducer the parameters k, Co,/o, dl, d2 , r1, r2, and rD are f>ufficient to describe transducer operation. In general, for a given choice of layers and acoustic substrate a different set ofparameters is found for shear and longitudinal operation. As seen from the tables given in Section IV, the electromechanical coupling constant usually falls in the range 0.I<k<0.7 and the typical range of normalized electrode and substrate acoustic impedances is 0. 1 <r< 5. electrode is made such that the free surface is undisturbed. Acoustic energy generated by the piezo layer is radiated into the acoustic substrate such that the initial beam size is defined by the dimensions of the top electrode. Transducers satisfying the above description may be analyzed by the one-dimensional theory developed by Mason [6] and ex­ tended by Berlincourt [3], Sittig [7]-[9], and others [10] ­ A. Transducer Electrical Input Impedanc e [13]. As is shown in the Appendix, the electrical input imped­ The results of the one-dimensional analysis are con­ ance of the lossless layer transducer has the form veniently summarized by the equivalent circuit shown in Fig. 2 where the piezo layer is represented by the Mason Za IjjwCo + Za, (9) circuit [6], the electrode layers are modeled by transmission lines, the top electrode free surface is assumed to be an where Za= Ra+jXa is a radiation impedance resulting from acoustic short circuit, and the substrate is represented by a acoustic excitation. Electrical power flow into the real part real impedance load. Following Berlincourt et al. [3] we of this impedance Ra represents the flow of mechanical power define electric unit equivalents for the thickness directed into the acoustic substrate. The configuration of layers and substrate form a one-dimensional acoustic resonator which force (FD and particle velocity (Ui) as follows may be operated in fundamental and overtone resonance (1) modes. The resonator cannot be excited at even mUltiples of Vi Fi/� Ii Ui'� (2) the piezo layer half-wavelength frequency (/0) due to phase cancellation of the piezoelectrically induced stress. Thus, where �=hCo may be regarded as the turns ratio of an the frequency response of Ra, which mirrors the response of acoustic to electric circuit transformer, h if> the appropriate the acoustic resonator, has fundamental and overtone re­ piezoelectric constant, and Co is the clamped (constant sponse lobes that extend from frequency 0 to 2/0, 2/0 to 4[0, strain) capacitance of the piezo layer. The above definitions and so on. The present discussion will be principally con­ allow the piezo layer specific acoustic impedance2 (Zo') to be cerned with operation in the fundamental mode between expressed in electrical ohms by frequencies 0 and 2/0, but operation in the overtone modes is also important for some applications. AZo' 11" ) = --Ro = -(3 Where the electrode layers are acoustically thin (d!, wOCOk2 �2 d2<0.1), the frequency response of Za has the relatively where /0= wo/211" vo/2to is the half-wavelength frequency simple form given in (44) through (47). The real and imag­ defined by the piezo layer acoustic velocity Vo and thickness inary parts of Za exhibit essentially even and odd symmetry to, the quantity k is the appropriate electromechanical cou­ about/o, respectively, with pling constant [3], [4] , and A is the transducer active area (10) Ra = Ra (4k2/1I"TD) (1/woCo) (11) Xa = 0 2 The specific acoustic impedance of a material is defined by Z' =pv = = = = = where p is the material mass density and v is the acoustic wave velocity. The prime is used in this paper to set apart acoustic impedances, which have the units kg!m2·s in the MKS system, from electric impedances, which are defined in ohms. at /=/0' The frequency response over the fundamental andl overtone ranges is identical for f this case with range center frequencies given by /n=nodd O' REEDER AND WINSLOW: CHARACTERISTICS OF MICROWAVE ACOUSTIC TRANSDUCERS For use in impedance matching considerations it is desir­ able to assess the electric Q of the transducer input imped­ ance. However, the usual definition of circuit Q is somewhat difficult to apply since the radiation impedance is a function of frequency. Since the transducer response is related to the piezo layer/0, it is convenient to define at/ =/0 a transducer radiation Q given by Qr = l/woCoRa, (12) = Z8e + l/jwCo + Za. 20 .., Iii 16 _ 12 " ..!... '" 8 9 4 o (13) As the typical layer transducer may have parameters in the range 0.1<k<0.7 and 0.1<rD<5, the radiation Q can cover a wide range of values depending on the transducer con­ figuration. For many microwave designs the value of Qr is in the range 5 to 50. The resultant electric impedance be­ havior is quite reactive and can present some difficult design problems. As an example, consider the case of a longitudinal mode thin-film transducer with the thin electrode (ZnO/Z­ oriented sapphire) configuration. Parameter values for this case are frequently l /wo Co=50 ohms, k=0.2, and rD= 1.24. The corresponding values of Ra and Qr are then 2.1 ohms and 24, respectively. In the above discussion we have tacitly assumed that the transducer layers are electrically lossless. For most layer transducers the piezo layer is a high-quality dielectric so that conduction losses through the layer may be neglected. However, the effect of series contact and electrode conduc­ tion impedances are often significant at microwave frequen­ cies and cannot be neglected. We shall represent the series impedance by Zse=R.e+jXse so that the total input imped­ ance for the transducer becomes Za 24·r-�--------n--' Q which for the thin electrode case reduces to Q, = l/woCoRa = 7rrD/4k2. 929 (14) Although current flow through thin electrode layers may contribute to Z8., the major portion of Zse usually arises from the available methods of electric contact to the top electrode layer, which is typically obtained with a miniature metal spring 01 thin bonded wire. For typical microwave con­ figurations the component X8e is inductive with inductance values in the range 0.1 to 1 nH [14]. Values of Rse in the range 0.1 to 2 ohms have been reported [15], [16], and for devices operating above 1 GHz, R8e is frequently equal or larger than Ra. B. Untuned Conversion Loss If the transducer is connected directly to a source with real impedance Zo, the transducer is said to be untuned. Un­ tuned conversion of electromagnetic to acoustic power (and vice versa by reciprocity) is given by the loss ratio (15) where PAis the power available from the source under matched conditions and PL is the power absorbed by the real part of the transducer radiation impedance [17]. By straightforward circuit analysis the conversion-loss ratio Fig. 3. Acoustic bandshape response for layer trans­ ducers with acoustically thin electrodes. becomes T(f) (Zo + R8e + Ra)2 + (X.e + Xa - 1/wCo)2 = 4ZoRa (16) where, in general, the frequency dependence of Ra and Xa are given by (44) and (45). Equation (16) may be expressed as the product of two conversion-loss bandshape functions T(f) = (17) [Me(f)][Ma(f)] where Me(!) and MaC!), respectively, are related to the response of the electrical circuit and to the response of the acoustic resonator formed by the layers and substrate. We shall define the electric bandshape function by M (f) = . (Zo + Rse + Ra)2 + (X8e + Xa - l/wCo)2 ' 4ZoRa(wo/w)2 (18) and the acoustic bandshape function by Mif) = Ra(wo/w)2 (19) Ra Although the response of the electric and acoustic portions of the transducer are not independent for values of k greater than zero, the above definitions allow the acoustic resonator response to be compared with an electric response function that is primarily controlled by the input electric circuit. We shall see that the bandwidth of electric and acoustic re­ sponses can be quite different, and from (17) note that the conversion-loss bandwidth will be limited by the bandshape function with narrowest response. For acoustically thin electrode layers the acoustic band­ shape function reduces to the simple form Ma(f) (sin (Jo)2 + (rD cos (Jo)2 = (rn/2)2(1 - cos (20) (Jo)2 by combining (39) through (43) with d1 = d2 O. Thus, for thin electrodes, Ma(J) is unity at/ = 1 and is symmetrical about/o. The series of curves calculated from (20) and given in Fig. 3 shows that the acoustic bandshape is a pronounced function of rD. Substrates with normalized acoustic imped­ ance higher than rD = v!2 give a double minimum response. = IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES, NOVEMBER 1969 930 24 24 ,-,,-----r-. I 20 iii :e 16 -- d2 = 0.0 - - - d2 = 0.2 --- d 2 = 1.0 n I h 20 iii :e 16 r;::1 !:: 0 ::E � '" '" 8 9 Q 4 9 12 8 � 4 • • , , . '. \\ \ \ I 1\ I ' • \ I , \ I \ \\ I I \ \ '-' \, I 1\ I \, / \• \ 0 o -4������_f��--���-L--�� o 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1. 8 2.0 NORMALIZEO FREQUENCY (flfol Fig. 4. Acoustic bandshape response as a function of counter elec­ trode thickness. Curves computed for the longitudinal mode (ZnO/Au/Z-oriented sapphire) configuration with d,=O, r2=1.71, and rD=1.24. Where the resonance of the piezo layer is heavily loaded by the acoustic substrate, the fractional bandwidth exhibited by Ma(f) is relatively large. For configurations with rD in the range 0.5 to 2, the 3-dB bandwidth ranges from 0.23 to 1.1. When the electrode layers are not acoustically thin, the acoustic bandshape will not in general be symmetrical about /0 and may be considerably distorted compared to the simple response given in (20). For example, consider a longitudinal mode thin-top electrode transducer with the (ZnO/ Au/Z­ oriented sapphire) configuration. Assuming single-crystal bulk media, rD=1.24 and r2=1.71. Calculated bandshape curves are shown in Fig. 4 for values of normalized counter electrode thickness of d2=0, 0.2, and 1. Note that significant perturbation of the bandshape occurs even for the relatively thin counter electrode with d2=0.2, which corresponds to an electrode thickness of 0.1 wavelength at ///0=1. The frequency of minimum loss now occurs at///o=0.74. For thick counter electrode layers a ripple of approximately 2 dB is introduced into the passband for the present configura­ tion, and if d2 is an integer the acoustic bandshape will be symmetrical about/o. Thus, if fabrication requirements de­ mand a relatively thick counter electrode and if the passband ripple so incurred can be tolerated, the layer thickness may still be chosen for symmetrical response and large acoustic bandwidth. For the case of a finite thickness top electrode and acousti­ cally thin counter electrode, the perturbation of acoustic bandshape is even more pronounced, since the effect of the top electrode is to introduce one or more poles of loss in the acoustic response [18] . Acoustic bandshape curves for the previously discussed ZnO transducer are shown in Fig. 5 for a gold top electrode of normalized thickness d1=0, 0.1, and 1. Even the relatively thin electrode with d1=0.1 has caused a significant passband perturbation by introducing a loss pole at///0=1.54. The frequency of minimum loss is moved down to ///0=0.80 but the 3-dB fractional bandwidth is almost unchanged. As d1 becomes larger than 0.5, additional poles of loss are added to the acoustic bandshape, splitting up the passband into several segments. The top electrode perturba­ tion is a serious limitation at the higher microwave frequen- 4 - 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 NORMALIZ ED FREQUENCY 1.4 (f Ifol 1.6 1.8 2.0 Fig. 5. Acoustic bandshape response as a function of top electrode thickness. Curves computed for the longitudinal mode (Au/ZnO/ Z-oriented sapphire) configuration with r, = 1.71, d2 = 0 , and rD= 1.24. cies since fabrication requirements usually dictate a mini­ mum electrode thickness for reliability. For the above ZnO transducer with a gold top electrode of only 0.05 Mm the normalized thickness is about 0.3 at X-band. If/o=10 GHz, a pole of loss is introduced at 11.5 GHz and the frequency of minimum loss occurs at 6.0 GHz. The electric bandshape function for untuned transducers with moderate coupling constants (k2«1) and contact impedance much less than the source impedance simplifies from (18) to the approximate form ro./ 7rrD M.(f)= 16k2 [1 + (wCOZO)2] . woCoZo (21) For a given frequency the minimum loss occurs for wCoZo =1, and at frequencies where wCoZo»l the electric band­ shape response increases as w2• This type of electric circuit response is expected where the transducer electric Q is high since the input impedance is then dominated by the reac­ tance l/wCo. In Fig. 6 the measured untuned conversion loss of a longi­ tudinal mode thin-film transducer is compared with the response calculated from the above analysis [19 ] . The trans­ ducer has the (CdS/ Au/Z-oriented sapphire) configuration with an acoustically thin counter electrode. A top electrode layer was not used; the transducer was mounted in a coaxial adaptor such that the outer conductor contacted the counter electrode and the center conductor pressed gently against the CdS film-free surface. The resultant electrode capacitance was measured, and the transducer acoustic constants were calculated from bulk material data. The effective coupling constant was used as an adjustable parameter to allow a best fit of the theoretical curve and experimental data, but the value found, k=0.022, is much lower than the value k=0.15 measured for bulk crystal CdS layers [3 ]. However, a lower value of k is expected here since the electric field filling factor is likely to be reduced when the top electrode layer is not used. The conversion-loss response seen in Fig. 6 has the shape expected from a multiplication of the electric band­ shape function given in (21) with a symmetrical acoustic bandshape function of the form shown in Fig. 3. REEDER AND WINSLOW: CHARACTERISTICS OF MICROWAVE ACOUSTIC TRANSDUCERS 931 10 r------------. 60 r------. 50 8 iii 40 � ::l 9 ". . . z o in Trans. ER ffi 20 8 10 •••• tCdS = 0.83J.'m tAu = 0.07J.'m f=0 . fo � .. . . .J f· fo 0.8 -- T HEORY 6 • ••• EXPERIMENT Z o in -- THEORY CdS-Au-SAPP > z . If) II: UJ > Z o u EXPERIMENT f= 1.5 fo 4 2 4.4 FREQUENCY (GHz) Fig. 6. Untuned conversion loss for a longitudinal mode thin-film transducer with the (CdS/Au/Z-oriented sapphire) configuration. Theory curve computed for k=0.022, Co=2.6 pF, /0=2.59 GHz, d1=0, d2=0.12, r2=2.85, and rD=2.06. (After Reeder [19].) C. Tuned Conversion Loss In order to achieve low conversion-loss operation, the reactive transducer impedance must be conjugately matched to the source impedance Zoo The effect of transducer reac­ tance may be canceled by the addition of an appropriate series or shunt tuning inductor at the transducer electric terminals. However, shunt inductive tuning is preferred for frequencies above 1 GHz for several reasons. If series tuning is used, the inductor is designed to be resonant with the transducer reactance, Xse+Xa-l/ wCo• The remaining real part of the impedance, Rse+ Ra, is typically on the order of several ohms, so that a mismatch loss of approximately 10 dB is stilI incurred where Zo is 50 ohms. One could design the transducer capacitance to be small enough that Ra = (4k2/'lrrD)(l/wOCo) is approximately equal to Zo, but for transducers operating at 1 GHz and above this design would result in relatively small transducer lateral dimensions. For a longitudinal mode thin-film ZnO transducer driven from a 50-ohm source the value of Co needed to provide Ra=Zo is approximately 0.1 pF with the corresponding top electrode dimensions on the order of 0.1 mm. Such small dimensions would make electrical connection to the microwave circuit difficult and the small capacitance would likely be dominated by spurious circuit effects. Further, a collimated acoustic beam is usually desired in the acoustic substrate, which implies a top electrode with lateral dimensions large com­ pared to the acoustic wavelength so that acoustic beam diffraction is minimized [20], [21]. Where shunt inductive tuning is used the inductor is designed to electrically resonate the shunt susceptance of the transducer. The transducer shunt conductance increases as Co increases, and a convenient value of Co can usually be found such that a conjugate match is obtained. If we express the transducer admittance by Ya=Gd+Ga+jBT, the shunt tuned conversion-loss ratio [ 17] is given by 5 • L_ O �__�____-L____�____ 0.42 0. 3 0 FREQUENCY 0. 4 6 ___.J_____J 0.50 0.5 4 (GHz) Fig. 7. Tuned at each frequency conversion loss for a longitu­ dinal mode thin-film transducer with the (Au/ZnO/Au/fused quartz) configuration. Theory curve computed for Rs.=0.5 ohm, L••=X,./w=0.5 nR, k=0.20, Co=37 pF, /0=0.52 GHz, d1=d2= 0.065, r1=r2=1.71, and rD=0.364. Ra, respectively; the total transducer susceptance is BT; BL is the susceptance of the shunt tuner; and Yo is the source admittance. For transducers with moderate coupling con­ stant and small contact impedance (IZ8e+Z" 1 « l /w Co) the admittance components are given approximately by Gd '" Rse(wC0) 2 (23) �"'&��2 BT"'" wCo + (Xse + Xa)(wCO)2. �� (25) When the transducer is shunt resonant at frequency JR the conversion-loss ratio becomes (26) Minimum tuned loss occurs for Gd+Ga = Yo, in which case (26) becomes T(fR) = 1 + Gd/Ga ,..., 1 + R,e/Ra• (27) Thus, if series contact resistance is appreciable comparable to Ra, the minimum conversion loss will be greater than zero even when conjugate match conditions prevail. However, it is possible to design active matching networks that essen­ tially add negative resistance to cancel out the effect of Rse, as is shown by Ho and Bahr [22]. It should also be pointed out that if the transducer is lossless (Rse=O) and if a con­ jugate impedance match is achieved at the transducer elec­ tric terminals, the acoustic impedance seen by signals im­ pinging on the transducer from the acoustic substrate is also conjugately matched so that no acoustic reflections occur. Simultaneous electric and acoustic impedance match is not possible, however, when R8e is greater than zero. An example of tuned conversion-loss data is shown in (Yo + Gd + Ga)2 + (BT + BL)2 (22) Fig. 7 for a longitudinal mode thin-film transducer with the T(f) 4 YOGa (Au/ ZnO/ Au/ fused quartz) configuration. Shunt inductive where Ga and Ga are conductances proportional to R.e and tuning was used to obtain electric resonance at each fre= 932 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY quency of measurement. Contact impedance and transducer capacitance were estimated by experimental measurement at frequencies away from maximum acoustic excitation. The theoretical curve shown in the figure was found using bulk material acoustic constants with k adjustable for the best theory-experiment comparison. A value of k=0.20 was found in this case as is typical of vacuum deposited ZnO layers which vibrate in the longitudinal mode. This trans­ ducer was designed to have a relatively large susceptance (woCo/Yo=6) in order to achieve the minimum tuned loss condition Gd+Ga= Yo at a frequency near /0=0.52 GHz. For the transducer capacitance and contact impedance actually achieved during fabrication the optimum condition obtained at/=0.42 GHz. The tuned-loss expression (22) can also be written as the product of electric and acoustic bandshape functions as was done above for the untuned case. The bandshape functions are in this case M.(f) = (Yo + Gd + Ga)2 + (BL + BT)2 4 YoGa (28) with Ga=(4k2/7rrD)(wO CO) and Mif) = Ga/Ga. (29) For transducers with electric Q greater than 5, the acoustic bandshape is approximately Ma(f) "-' Ga/Ra(WCo)2 = Ra(WO/W)2/Ra (30) AND TECHNIQUES, NOVEMBER 1969 I L______________ ....'-- MATCHING NETWORK Fig. 8. Two-element network for moderate bandwidth electric-circuit matching. reflection loss over the desired bandwidth, and the higher the load Q, the higher the reflection loss required. An excellent review of these broad-band restrictions is given by Matthaei et al. [25J . In this section we first consider simple methods of electric and acoustic circuit matching which allow efficient trans­ ducer operation over moderate bandwidths up to 15 to 20 percent. Methods of broad-band operation (bandwidth greater than 20 percent) are then discussed from two points of view. For low-coupling high electric Q devices, the reflec­ tion filter method of Matthaei [26] is described. The second approach, discussed by Sittig et al. [9] uses a thin-plate piezo layer of relatively high coupling constant (k�O.5) to achieve low-transducer electric Q with broad-band untuned opera­ tion. A. Electric Circuit Matching which is the same as defined for untuned conversion loss. In Section II a method of shunt-tuned electric impedance When fixed tuned at /=/R we may view the transducer as matching was discussed which used the transducer capaci­ two coupled resonators, one electric and the other acoustic. tance as a parameter in order to match the total shunt con­ Where the loaded Q of the electric resonator is large, the ductance to the source admittance. For many transducer bandwidth of MeCf) will be small. If the acoustic response applications this method is unacceptable since a specific expressed by Ma(f) is relatively broad-band with/=/R well acoustic beam size, and hence a specific capacitance, is inside the acoustic passband, the transducer frequency re­ desired. Here we consider the two element network shown in sponse is essentially determined by the electric circuit Fig. 8 which provides impedance matching with a fixed value response. of transducer capacitance. The network consists of series and shunt inductors which can be designed to give a con­ III. DESIGNS FOR Low CONVERSION jugate impedance match at one frequency. The inductance Loss AND BROAD BANDWIDTH Ls. provides a useful immittance transformation as may be One of the continuing problems in the fabrication of seen by evaluating the admittance at terminals 3' and 3'. practical microwave transducers is the design of impedance Assuming X. .=wLs• is not close to series resonance with the matching networks which allow efficient operation over a transducer reactance XT=Xa-l/ wCo, the admittance com­ broad bandwidth. We have seen in Section II that the ponents are given approximately by acoustic response of typical layer transducers may be quite B "-' Bsh - 1 /(X + XT) (31) broadband; 3-dB acoustic bandwidths of one octave are easily achieved. However, the relatively small electro­ Rs./XT2 Gd�----�----�-(32) mechanical coupling factors available for most piezo layer - - I X. /XT I )2 . (1 materials result in high-Q electric circuit response. Broad-band impedance matching of reactive loads was Ra/XT2 Ga "-' (33) considered many years ago by Bode [23] and Fano [24], and (1 I X8./XT I )2 useful guidelines and network requirements were set forth. In particular, when an ideal matching network is inserted If the transducer resistance R..+ Ra is less than the source between the reactive load and a resistive source, there is a impedance, a value of Ls. can be found such that the condi­ definite relationship between the integral of the network in­ tion Gd+Ga= Y o obtains at a given frequency. A conjugate put reflection coefficient and the load Q. Broad-band opera­ match and minimum conversion loss are then obtained by tion is obtained only by designing the network for uniform adjusting L." for shunt resonance, and the conversion loss is •• _ 933 REEDER AND WINSLOW: CHARACTERISTICS OF MICROWAVE ACOUSTIC TRANSDUCERS iii 3 9 en en o in z � a:: 8 16 16,r---.-.------rr----, 12 12 8 iii 8 '" 4 O�--�----L---�--� 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 (a ) 9 7 ••••• o �O \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I '" 9 2 -4 -8 EXPERIMENT -- d2 = 0.0 ---- d2 = 0.5 ...L..-l -12 �-:'-::---:L----:�-1_-,L_�---l'-_...L_. -- THEORY o � M M M W � NORMALIZED FREQUENCY a:: := � (fifo) � � W Fig. 10. Acoustic bandshape curves, with and without an Al counter electrode, for a longitudinal mode (ZnO/Z-oriented sapphire) trans­ ducer. Curves computed for d1=0, r2=0.478, and rp =1.24. en > FREQUENCY (GHz) (b) Fig. 9. Tuned at each frequency (a) conversion loss and (b) in­ put VSWR for a longitudinal mode thin-film transducer of the (Au/ZnO/Au/Z-oriented sapphire) configuration. Theory curves computed for R,,=0.5 ohm, L.. =0.6 nH, k=0.17, Co=5.9 pF, /0=2.1, d1 =d2 =1, r1 =r2=1.71, and rD=1.24. again given by (27). A complete analysis shows that the conversion-loss bandwidth when X is present is reduced by approximately the factor (1-1 X / XTI)2 compared to the shunt tuned case with X = O. At the same time the conver­ sion-loss ratio is reduced by about the same factor indicating that the ratio of conversion loss and bandwidth remains almost constant. Thus, the two-element matching network simply trades lower conversion loss for reduced bandwidth, as is expected from ideal matching network theory [23], [24]. In some cases the small value of L obtained when making contact to the transducer can be used with the appropriate choice of Co to provide a conjugate match. This method was used to design the longitudinal mode ZnO transducer whose conversion loss and VSWR characteristics are shown in Fig. 9. The theoretical curves were calculated using the cir­ cuit in Fig. 8. Bulk material acoustic constants were used, and the values of LB. and Co were estimated from tuned impedance measurements. The effective coupling constant and contact resistance were used as adjustable parameters to allow a best fit of theory and experimental. The tuned at each frequency 3-dB bandwidth seen in Fig. 9 is 33 percent. However, the bandwidth when fixed tuned at a given fre­ quency ranged from 10 to 20 percent. •• •• •• •• B. Acoustic Circuit Matching A conjugate impedance match under the condition of shunt electrical resonance may also be obtained by a suitable Zo Fig. 11. Zb ACOUSTIC SU BSTRATE Transducer with multilayer acoustic matching configuration. sions. Thus, the counter electrode parameters should be selected to increase Ga at the frequency of shunt electrical resonance fR' This is equivalent to decreasing the value of MaCfR) as may be seen from (29). One case of particular interest is where the electrical resonance coincides with the piezo layer half-wavelength frequency (fR=fo). If we design the counter electrode to be a quarter-wavelength thick at fo (normalized thickness d2= 0.5), the radiation conductance atfo is then Ga(fo) = (4rDk2/7r) (woCo) h) -2. (34) A counter electrode with a sufficiently low value of normal­ ized acoustic impedance could be used to proviide Ga(fo) Yo. Fig. 10 compares the acoustic bandshape curves for a longi­ tudinal mode transducer of the (ZnO/ Al/Z-oriented sapphire) configuration, with counter electrodes of zero and quarter wavelength thickness. The aluminum electrode, with normalized impedance r2=0.478, produces an 8.3-dB reduc­ tion in the value of Ma(fo), which from (29) means a 6.8 fold increase in Gifo). One finds from an analysis of multi­ layer acoustic resonators [27] that the bandwidth of acoustic response tends to fall off faster than the increase in Ga(fo). This statement is born out by the curves in Fig. 10 which = show that the addition of the matching layer has reduced the choice of counter electrode thickness and acoustic imped­ 3-dB acoustic bandwidth from 92 to 10 percent. Counter electrodes consisting of muItilayers arranged in ance. For the discussion that follows we assume an acousti­ cally thin top electrode, zero series contact impedance, and pairs [28] as shown in Fig. 11 can be used to provide much a moderate value of piezo layer coupling constant. As dis­ larger values of Ga(fo) than available with a siingle layer, but cussed earlier, the ratio Ga/ Yo-:::R : a/Zo is typically much less with still greater sacrifice in bandwidth. Assuming that these than one for convenient choices of transducer lateral dimen- matching layers are all one-quarter wavelength thick at fo IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY 934 16 12 Iii � .-. - 0 ::; '-' '" 3 � B 4 0 -4 -B AND TECHNIQUES, NOVEMBER 1969 50 r----, .". --- ...., " \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 40 ,/ I I I I I , I \ I I I \ , I , I , I , I ,I II " - - - - - COMPUTED I -- d.=db = ----- d. = db = 0.5 0:: ILl > z o t.> -12 L---'-----'--'--L---1--' o 0.2 0.4 0.6 O.B 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 I.B 2.0 NORMALIZED FREQUENCY (fIfO) (normalized thicknesses cia = db 0.5), the radiation con­ ductance is = GaCfo) = (4k2/7f'TD)(woCo) (Tb/Ta)2N. " I 10 O \ �� 500 ��� ____ 1000 FREQUENCY / \' , I , I I \ I I I r , ��� __ I, 1\ ' , \ I , I I " III (�I 'I I\ \\I1' 4.5 Fig. 12. Acoustic bandshape curves, with and without Al/Au match­ ing layers, for a longitudinal mode (ZnO/Z-oriented sapphire) transducer. \ I I ." 30 U) U) o oJ z 20 o iii 0.0 I I /' m I I I I 1\ :\ \ -- MEASURED "".... --.... , I�\ I I I 'I \I � IUI I' " "., � 1II1 � "J . , , � �� ____ nl' I, II lit III II' .1 I I I , �� ____ MHz Fig. 13. Tuned at each frequency conversion loss for a longitudinal mode (CdS/Au/SiO/Z-oriented sapphire) transducer. The acoustic constants are /0=1.74 GHz, da=1.1, ra=2.85, db=1.0, 10=0.778, and rD=2.06. (Mter Winslow and Shaw [29].) (35) layers since the transformation ratio provided by two layers is usually sufficient to achieve Ga-:::::" Yo and the fabrication problems increase rapidly as more layers are used. Success­ ful acoustic matching experiments of the type discussed above have thus far yielded, for a given conversion loss, fixed tuned bandwidths much less than that obtained for simple electric circuit matching. It should also be pointed out that where two or more layers are used such that the acoustic bandwidth narrows to a few percent or less, the acoustic bandshape loss will be significantly increased by the presence of ] [ ] small [ relatively acoustic transmission losses in the layers 4 2 , 44 . Similar loss effects are observed for narrow-band electromagnetic filters [25]. (36) Thus, a low-impedance layer "a" followed by a higher­ impedance layer "b" is needed to enhance GaUo). The acoustic bandshape for a longitudinal mode, (ZnOIAllAu IZ-oriented sapphire) transducer is compared in Fig. 12 with the equivalent curve for thin electrodes. The matching films result in a decrease of MaUo) of 11 dB or an increase in GaC/o) of 13. However, the 3-dB bandwidth of the MaCn curve is reduced to 5 percent. Another case of interest occurs for electrical resonance at the piezo layer quarter wavelength frequency (fR=/o/2). For a single counter electrode layer designed to be a quarter wavelength at/o/2, the radiation conductance is GaCfo/2) = (k2j-Tr'rD)(wOCO)(r2)2 so that an electrode normalized impedance greater than one is needed to increase GaC/o/2). If a multiquarter-wavelength layer configuration is used, the conductance becomes C. Broad-Band Methods Although the synthesis of microwave networks for broad­ band operation of reactive loads is a difficult task, several have been discussed in the [design ] [ methods ] [ (37) straightforward GaCfo/2) = (k2rD/7r)(WOCO)(Talrb)2N literature 26], 30 , 3 1 . The design of a practical network indicating that the layer impedance ratio ralrb should be is very dependent upon the actual values of load impedance greater than one to achieve matching. An experimental and Q. For broad-band operation of microwave transducers [ ] example of the multilayer type of matching is shown in the coupled resonator approach of Matthaei et al. 26 has Fig. 13 for a longitudinal mode (CdSIAu/ SiO/ Z-oriented been used to design efficient networks which are conveniently sapphire) transducer [29]. This transducer used a miniature fabricated in transmission-line format [32]. Fig. 14 shows spring contact without a top electrode layer, and a coaxial the form of a three-resonator network of this type. The net­ multistub tuner was used to electrically match the device to work consists of two transmission-line resonators and the the source at each frequency. Contact effects were important shunt resonant transducer which are coupled together by so that a perfect match with zero-dB conversion loss was not transmission-line impedance inverters. Calculation of the possible, but the response was clearly optimized at /,'''fo/2 network line impedances is carried out by transforming the = 0.87 GHz. bandpass circuit in Fig. 14 into low-pass filter form for which In comparison with the simple electric circuit matching standard design methods are available. Although the choice method, acoustic circuit matching is less useful since a of line impedances is not unique for a given network re­ limited number of counter electrode materials are available sponse, impedance values in the practical range of 10 to 100 whose acoustic properties may be selected concomitant ohms can usually be obtained for microwave transducers of with the electric contact and layer fabrication requirements. the type considered here. The network can be designed to In practice, one rarely uses more than two acoustic matching yield a Chebyshev response with a ripple less than 3 dB over REEDER AND WINSLOW: CHARACTERISTICS OF MICROWAVE ACOUSTIC TRANSDUCERS ). R/4 Zo ).R/4 ZI 1 24 r----------� iii 20 � gj 9 z � � ).R 4 Fig. 14. ).R 4" Three-resonator network for broad-band transducer operation. 935 ffi > � � (.) CONVERSION LOSS 16 �t 12 E 8 4 12 ' �--���-L--�--L-� O.����-1.4 VSWR fR 1.2 1.3 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 FREQUENCY (GHz) 1.9 2.0 10 8 a: � 6 '" > 4 2 2.1 I bandwidths up to 30 percent. The three-resonator network Fig. 15. Conversion loss and VSWR for a broad-band L-band transducer utilizing a three-resonator network. The longitudinal is capable of near ideal response for moderate bandwidth de­ mode thin-film transducer has the (Au/ZnO/Au/Z-oriented sap­ signs, but for bandwidths over 30 percent the nonideal fre­ phire) configuration with electric Q =22 and Gd+Ga =4.1 m!J at /R =1.65 GHz. The transmission-line impedances are Zl=Z23 70!J, quency dependence of the impedance inverters and trans­ Z2=23!J, and Z3=16!J. (After Reeder and Olson [32].) ducer shunt conductance causes increased passband ripple. [ ] Experimental data for a successful L-band transducer 32 utilizing the three-resonator circuit is shown in Fig. 1 5. The 50 transducer is a longitudinal mode thin-film device with the iii (Au/ZnO/Au/Z-oriented sapphire) configuration. A thirty­ � 40 percent bandwidth design was chosen here, and the average '" '" 0 30 passband VSWR predicted by this choice is 5.5, indicating ...J Z that the network should reflect about 3 dB of the incident 0 i= 20 a: power in order to provide constant coupling over the band­ '" '" 10 width. The average conversion loss seen in Fig. 15 is 8 dB � 3fO which is consistent with the above prediction in that the 0 100 400 500 600 transducer used exhibited 5 dB conversion loss when shunt FREQUENCY (MHz) tuned and impedance matched at 1 .7 GHz. In principle, the coupled-resonator approach could be Fig. 16. Insertion loss for a broad-band VHF delay line utilizing bonded single-crystal transducers and untuned terminations used at all frequencies where thin-film transducers can be (woCoZo�l). Each transducer consists of a 35° rotated Y-cut fabricated and electrically resonated (i.e., 0.1 to over 10 LiNb03 plate bonded through acoustically thin Au/In layers to the fused delay line substrate. (After Meitzler and Sittig l36].) GHz). However, at frequencies below 1 GHz the network size becomes unwieldy unless high-dielectric constant strip­ lines are used. At frequencies higher than S-band the com­ posite transducer and network becomes increasingly more shown in Fig. 16 by subtracting the acoustic propagation difficult to fabricate and test since the size tolerance becomes loss in the 6.35-mm-long quartz delay line and dividing the small and the effect of spurious circuit effects tends to in­ remainder by two. At the minimum loss frequency (160 MHz) a delay line loss of[ approxima tely 1.5 dB is estimated crease. ] Recent advances in transducer materials and fabrication from published loss data 37 yielding a minimum conversion techniques have made possible the operation of bonded loss of 1 dB. The 6-dB insertion-loss bandwidth shown cor­ single-crystal piezo [ ]layers [ ] with fundamental mode operation responds to a 3-dB conversion-loss bandwidth of 43 percent. above 0. 1 GHz 33 - 35 . Such devices can typically exhibit The frequency position of minimum conversion loss may be coupling constants in the range 0.3 <k<0.7, and for some understood from (16) and frequency response of Ra and Xa configurations may have electric circuit Qs as low as one. given in (44) through (47). Although Ra peaks near /=/0 As described by Sittig et al. [9], relatively efficient broad­ and has even symmetry about /0, the reactance Xa has odd band conversion-loss response is obtained with untuned symmetry about/o with an inductive peak slightly below and operation and transducer capacitance chosen such that capacitance peak slightly above /0' Minimum loss occurs woCoZo'""1. Fig. [16 ]shows measured insertion-loss data for a near the inductive peak since the transducer electrode capac­ VHF delay line 36 using longitudinal mode LiNb03 trans­ itance is appreciably canceled by the addition of Xa. = ducers with coupling constants of approximately k=O.S. As a result of their high-coupling constants, bulk crystal The piezo layers were fabricated from 35° rotated Y-cut piezo layers are at present capable of lower conversion loss plates which were bonded to the fused quartz delay line over broader bandwidths than are vacuum deposited layers. substrate through acoustically thin Au/In bonding layers. However, the extreme problems of fabricating a bulk crystal After final polishing the piezo layer thickness was reduced to with thickness less than a few micrometers has at the present 20 JIm corresponding to an /0 of 185 MHz. The transducer limited the use of these devices in their fundamental mode to conversion loss can be obtained from the insertion loss frequencies below 1 GHz. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY 936 TABLE I BULK MATERIAL CoNSTANTS FOR CoMMON PIEZOELECI'RIC LAYERS AND TECHNIQUES, NOVEMBER 1969 [38], [40], [42] Cut Mode k ES/EO vo(1()3 m/s) Zo'(10· kg/s·m2) X Longitudinal ku=0.093 4.5 5.00 13.3 Y Shear k12=0.14 4.5 3.80 10.1 Z Longitudinal k,=0.15 9.5 4.46 21.5 X Shear k15=0.19 9.0 1.76 8.5 Z Longitudinal k,=0.28 8.8 6.33 36.0 X Shear k15=0.32 8.3 2 .72 15.5 AIN Z Longitudinal k,=O.17 8.5 LiNb03 Z X Yllf' Longitudinal Shear Longitudinal k,=0.17 k=0.68 k=0.5 29.0 44.0 7.33 4.80 7.40 34.0 22.6 35.0 Z Longitudinal k.=0.30 8.5 6.10 25.6 X Shear k15=0.17 7.0 3.31 13.9 Material SiO. CdS ZnO LiGaO. 10.4 34.0 TABLE II BULK MATERIAL CONSTANTS FOR SELECI'ED ACOUSTIC SUBSTRATES AND ELECI'RODE LAYERS Material Propagation Direction Mode Z Longitudinal Z Shear 6.04 25.2 Z Longitudinal 6.32 16.7 Be Shear 5.00 13.4 Longitudinal 5.97 13.1 Shear 3.76 8.3 [100] Longitudinal 3.21 61.3 [100] Shear 1.47 28.4 [100] Longitudinal 3.44 36.1 [100] Shear 2.09 21.9 [100] Longitudinal 6.35 17.2 [100] Shear 3.25 8.8 Longitudinal 2.5 18.0 Shear l.3 9.4 v(1()3 m/s) 11.1 Zo'(10· kg/s·m·) 44.3 67 Ab03 SiO. (crystal) SiO. (fused) Au Ag Al In IV. TRANSDUCERS USING THIN PIEZOELECTRIC FILMS AND PLATES In the previous sections it has been shown that the fre­ quency response and conversion loss for piezo-1ayer trans­ ducers is principally determined by the quantities k, Co, and the acoustic parameters of the configuration illustrated in Fig. 1 . In this section we list the material parameters for commonly used transducer layers and substrates, and sum- Reference 38 62 39 39 39 62 marize the fabrication and experimental results for a variety of layer transducer configurations that have been reported in the literature. For commonly used piezo layers, Table I gives the orientation and material parameters needed to characterize the layer vibration in longitudinal and shear modes. Table II gives similar data for materials typically used as electrode layers and acoustic substrates. The data shown in these tables from measurements on ] [ ]is[ obtained bulk crystal media 38 - 40 . It would have been desirable REEDER AND WINSLOW : CHARACTERISTICS OF MICROWAVE ACOUSTIC TRANSDUCERS 937 TABLE III CoNVERSION Loss AND ELECTROMECHANICAL COUPLING CONSTANT FOR PIEZOELECTRIC THIN FILMS Material Orientation Mode k Z Loagitudinal 0 . 12-0 . 1 5 0 . 1-1 GHz, 0 . 1-2 GHz, 2-8 dB 6-12 dB 4, 16 Z ! 39° Shear 0 . 14-0 . 17 0 . 1-1 GHz, 5-10 dB 4 Z Longitudinal 0 . 1 5-0 . 25 0 . 1-1 GHz, 1-2 GHz, 1-4 3-6 4, 65 Z ! 90° Shear 0 . 1 2-0 . 18 0 . 1-3 GHz Z Longitudinal 0.15 1-2 GHz, Longitudinal 0 . 08 0 . 5GHz, CdS ZnO AlN LiNbOa to also include a table of acoustic data for vacuum deposited thin films since these films, in general, exhibit physical constants that are noticeably different from bulk crystal media [41 ] . However, precision measurements of film acous­ tic parameters has only recently begun [41]. [42]. and were not sufficient for inclusion here. A. Thin-Film Transducers Transducers utilizing thin-film layers fabricated by vacuum depositing the layers directly onto the acoustic substrate. For fundamental mode operation at frequencies ranging from 0.1 to 10 GHz the piezo-layer thickness ranges from about 20 to 0.2 ,um. In general, these depositions must be performed under carefully controlled conditions in order to achieve oriented crystalline films of the proper stoichiometry. Piezo layers produced by most deposition methods are oriented polycrystalline films, and single-crystal films de­ posited under special conditions have been reported [43]. As seen in Section II, the most important parameter of a piezo layer is its electromechanical coupling constant k since the transducer electric Q and conversion loss are strong func­ tions of k. Experimental measurements of coupling constant and conversion loss are given in Table III for a number of thin-film transducers of current interest. Here, an attempt is made to summarize the better experimental results obtained at several laboratories. Several methods have been used to estimate the values of k listed in Table III, and all involve the use of theory-experiment curve fitting with the coupling constant chosen to provide the best fit. Probably the easiest method to use is the untuned conversion-loss measurement described in Section II and illustrated in Fig. 6. If the trans­ ducer is designed to have acou stically thin electrodes with electrode capacitance satisfying woCoZo= 1 and the measure­ ment is performed at/=/0, the untuned conversion-loss ratio reduces to the simple form T(jo),,'-'7frD/8k2 for moderate coupling con stant devices. Thus, a knowledge of substrate Typical Tuned Conversion Loss dB dB Reference 66 10--1 2 dB 9dB 42, 50 51 was used to find k in the theory-experiment comparisons shown in Figs. 7 and 9. However, the work involved to carry out accurate determination of k is much greater for tuned measurements than for untuned studies since more param­ eters must be assessed. A third method for k determination is obtained by theory­ experiment comparisons of the transducer electric input impedance [16], [36] , [44]. Here again, the parameters of the electric circuit must be measured carefully, since contact impedances may be larger than the transducer radiation impedance for moderate coupling constant devices. In all three methods considerable care must be exercised to achieve high accuracy in the determination of k. At best, the tolerance achieved is probably five percent [16], and is typically 10 to 20 percent. The experimentally estimated values of k given in Table II may be compared with the corresponding values shown in Table I for bulk material. CdS, ZnO, and AIN are all hexagonal crystals (class 6 mm) and the appropriate values of k (i.e., kt and k16) are given for longitudinal and shear modes of CdS and ZnO. Data for AlN has been reported only for longitudinal mode vibra­ tion along the Z axis [38]. The values of kt given for AIN in Tables II and III are those found by Wauk [42]. Quartz (Si02) and lithium niobate (LiNb03) are trigonal of class 32 and 3 m, respectively. Lithium gallate (LiGa03) is ortho­ rhombic of class 2 mm. An excellent review of properties of piezoelectric crystals as electroacoustic transducers is given by Jaffe and BerIincourt [38]. The values of conversion loss shown in Table III are typical values obtained in a variety of electromagnetic cir­ cuits when the transducer is made electrically shunt resonant and is impedance matched to the source. For a given trans­ ducer the minimum conversion loss is then limited by the ratio Rse/Ra as seen in (27). Unfortunately, this ratio depends rather critically on the actual electric circuit and contact method employed. The minimum conversion loss piezo-layer acoustic impedance ratio and experimental , expected for a given configuration is therefore hard to premeasurement of conversion loss and frequency are all that is dict without a thorough diagnostic study of the electric in­ put circuit. needed to estimate k in this case. Cadmium sulphide (CdS) layers have been deposited by The value of k can also be estimated from tuned conver­ sion-loss measurements provided the parameters of the thermal evaporation of CdS with an additional dopant electric tuning circuit are carefully determined. This method (usually sulfur) to obtain high resistivity [45], [46]. For IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES, NOVEMBER 1969 938 TABLE IV CONVERSION Loss OF PLATE TRANSDUCERS Material Cut Mode X Longitudinal Si02 Y ZnO Z Longitudinal X Shear LiNbO. Y! 35° Typical Tuned Conversion Loss 0 . 1-1 0 . 1-1 Shear Longitudinal Bond GHz, 10-20 dB Indium GHz, dB Indium 1-2 GHz, 15-25 8-10 dB Indium or Phenyl Benzoate 0 . 1-2 GHz, 2-10 dB 0 . 1-0 . 8 GHz, 1-5 Indium or Phenyl Benzoate dB Indium/Gold direct beam evaporation the layers are polycrystalline, and the film Z axis tends to deposit at the same angle relative to the acoustic substrate as the directed evaporant beam. This latter feature is important as CdS films with Z axis normal to the substrate will vibrate in a pure longitudinal mode, whereas films deposited with the Z axis aligned approxi­ mately 39° away from the substrate [ ] normal will produce pre­ dominantly shear vibrations 4 . Single crystal CdS films with U Z-axis orientation have been deposited on sapphire S bstrates by evaporating Cd and S in separate crucibles, but with a baffle plate inserted between the evaporant [ ] sources and substrate to insure an indirect deposition 43 . High­ quality CdS films have also been fabricated on sapphire, fused quartz, and metal film surfaces [ by] direct beam evapora­ tion of cadmium and sulphur 29 . High-qu [ ] ality poly­ crystalline CdS films have demonstrated 16 effective cou­ pling constants for longitudinal mode operation that, within experimental error, are equal to the bulk crystal value (k = 0. 1 5). The material zinc oxide (ZnO), which has higher values of shear and longitudinal coupling constants than CdS, has been the subject of many recent studies. High-quality films for both longitudinal and shear use have been prepared by physical sputtering of polycrystalline [ ] [ ] ZnO targets in an argon/oxygen atmosphere 47 , 48 . The thermal evapora­ tion of zinc in a carefully controlled atmosphere of oxygen has [ ] also yielded good ZnO films for longitudinal operation 49 . Aluminum nitride (AlN) films have been obtained by the thermal evaporation of alumilJum with a carefully controlled pressure of ammonia and high substrate temperature (about ] 1 l00°C) [50 . The results of measurements on these films indicate that they have low electrical and acoustical losses and coupling constants comparable to CdS. Lithium niobate (LiNb03) longitudinal wave transducers have been deposited using the triode sputtering process [ ] similar to that used for sputtered ZnO films 5 1 . B. Plate Transducers Before the advent of thin-film piezoelectric transducers, microwave transducers were frequently fabricated from thin plates of bulk crystals such as quartz. Fabrication restric­ tions limited the minimum thickness to approximately 0.5 mm with fundamental mode operation in the 50 to 100 MHz Reference 28, 52 53 53 58, 34 36, 9 range. However, overtone operation at frequencies up to and above 2 GHz [ ] be obtained with conversion loss of 20 [ ]could dB or less 52 , 53 . As ZnO and LiNb03 crystals became available, overtone conversion loss under 10 dB could be obtained at frequencies up to L-band. Compared to thin­ film devices, plate transducers have higher voltage break­ down and therefore are used for high acoustic power appli­ cations (acoustic power in the range 10 to 100 watts) where thin-film devices are prone to burn out. Recently, methods of bonding the piezo plate to an acoustic substrate have been developed which allow the plate to be mechanically polished down to a thickness of perhaps 5 Mm after bonding. Funda­ mental mode ] high as 0.8 GHz has been obtained [ ] [ as [ ]operation . , 36 in this way 9 33 For low-loss operation very thin and uniform bonds are required between the piezo plate and the acoustic substrate. Perhaps the easiest bonding material to use for both longi­ tudinal and shear waves is a transparent material, phenyl­ benzoate, which when melted at 70°C allows the observation of the optical interference pattern [ ] between the bottom of the crystal and metal electrode 53 . This allows for the thickness of the bonding material to be controlled to about a half wave­ length of light in the bonding material. Other materials such as salol (phenyl salicylate) melting at 43°C are similarly used. Metal bonds such as indium, tin, and germanium-gold allow have been used according to the restrictions imposed by their operating temperatures. At cryogenic temperatures, materials such as silicones and epoxy resins [ ] [ ]have been used 54 . Optical bonds have also been used 55 , but primarily to propagate acoustic waves from one propagating medium to another rather than in transducer applications. The reflec­ tion of 3 and 9 GHz longitudinal waves from an optical­ contact bond between two X-cut quartz rods was measured to be on the of 1 percent of the incident acoustic power [ order ] at ISK 56 . Typical conversion loss for commonly used plate trans­ ducers is given in Table IV for operation in a shunt resonant, impedance matched electrical circuit . V. OTHER METHODS OF GENERATING VOLUME ACOUSTIC WAVES Acoustic waves at microwave frequencies were first ob­ served [ ] by using single surface excitation in crystal quartz 57 . One end of the piezoelectric delay line is inserted into REEDER AND WINSLOW: CHARACTERISTICS OF MICROWAVE ACOUSTIC TRANSDUCERS the high electric field of a reentrant cavity resonator. For a two-port delay line the other end is inserted into a similar cavity. The conversion loss is typically 35 to 40 dB for quartz, and the crystal orientation for longitudinal or shear waves is that given in Table 1. For lithium niobate, a [ with ] the 38 higher electromechanical coupling coefficient , [ ] conversion loss is about 25-30 dB 53 . The conversion loss for single surface excitation is highly dependent on cavity geometry and is increased as compared to thin films and plates because of the decreased electric field filling factor. Another type of [single ] surface excitation consists of a dielectric resonator 58 made of a high dielectric constant piezoelectric crystal such [ ]as LiNb03• This has been called an "integral delay line" 59 since the crystal is both the elec­ trical resonator and the delay medium. Two opposite faces of the crystal are polished flat and parallel, with the crystal cut determining the type of wave generated. The crystal is excited electrically in the appropriate fundamental dielec­ tric mode and the electric fields parallel to the polished crys­ tal faces excite the acoustic wave by single surface excitation. A novel method used to microwave shear waves is [ obtain ] that of mode conversion 60 . For example, if a longitudinal wave with the particle displacement in the direction of propa­ gation is reflected from a free surface of an isotropic medium at the proper angle, the only reflected wave is a shear wave with the displacement in the same direction and the direction of propagation changed by 90° from the incident longitudinal wave. This has been accomplished experimentally in yttrium aluminum garnet [(YAG) with no measurable loss for the ] mode conversion 60 . Circularly and elliptically polarized microwave acoustic waves have been obtained in YAG by exciting a linearly polarized wave which in turn excites both displacement components in[ the ] crystal corresponding to the slow and fast shear waves 61 . Single-crystal plates of YAG with the correct orientation and [ ]thickness have been used as acoustic quarter-wave plates 61 . A summary and discussion with references of both deple­ tion layer and diffusion layer transducer along with other types of transducers for frequencies above 50 MHz has been [ ] reported 62 . Present depletion layer and diffusion layer transducers are applicable primarily for use with piezoelec­ tric semiconductor devices and for frequencies from 50-500 MHz. Tuned conversion losses of less than 5 dB from 30 to 600 MHz been reported for ZnO diffusion layer trans­ ] [ have ducers 63 . The high field domains in gallium arsenide, GaAs, operat­ ing as a Gunn oscillator, have been used to generate co­ herent acoustic waves [ ] in a delay medium which was bonded to the oscillator 64 . The high fields at the surface of the GaAs generate acoustic waves due to the piezoelectric properties of the GaAs. 939 majority of microwave transducers in use today at frequen­ cies above 0. 1 GHz make use of moderate coupling constant, vacuum deposited films of CdS and ZnO ; but for frequencies between 0.1 and 1 GHz, where the bonding of thin single­ crystal plates is practical, the use of high-coupling constant materials such as LiNb03 and LiGa02 is becoming in­ creasingly popular. Although the one-dimensional analysis discussed here is equally valid for piezo-layer transducers in both classes, the concepts of acoustic and electric bandshape discussed in Section II are more useful for desci'ibing moder­ ate coupling constant devices for which the effects of acous­ tic and electric response may be conveniently separated. In the latter case, broad-band transducer design may be car­ ried out by designing the acoustic and electric responses to be separately broad-band ; the overall response is the product of the two. Electric circuit design for low conversion loss is also differ­ ent for the two transducer classes. Moderate coupling con­ stant devices, which have high electric circuit Q, require multielement matching networks of fairly elaborate design to achieve low conversion loss over a broad bandwidth. High coupling constant transducers, because of the:ir inherently low electric circuit Q, can exhibit low loss and broad band­ width with simple untuned electric termination. ApPENDIX ELECTRICAL INPUT IMPEDANCE FOR THE LAYER TRANSDUCER We assume that the layer transducer in Fig. 1 vibrates in a pure one-dimensional mode as described in Section II and that the lossless equivalent circuit given in Fig. 2 applies. The electroacoustic properties of the piezo [ ] layer can then be described by the three-port equation 3 [l f Vl V2J V3 = - RO cot 80 Ro csc 80 .J Ro csc eo Ro cot eo �. l/wCo l/wCo l/WCO l/wCo l/wCo II ][ ] 12 (38) 13 where Ro is the electric unit equivalent of the piezo-layer acoustic impedance (see Section II), Co is the clamped capacitance, 80 = 7f'J/Jo is the acoustic transit angle, and sub­ scripts 1, 2, 3 refer to the two acoustic boundary surfaces and the electric terminals, respectively. The voltage and current at ports 1 and 2, defined by (1) and (2), are the electric unit equivalents of the corresponding force and particle velocity at the piezo-layer acoustic surfaces. Assum­ ing that electric contact is made to the top electrode layer such that the free surface is undisturbed, the: normalized impedance seen by the left-hand surface of the piezo layer is ZI = . - VI/II �- Ro . = Jr l tan 81 (39) where e1 = 7f'J/Jl = 7f'dd/Jo is the layer transit angle and VI. CONCLUDING REMARKS Yl = ZI'/Zo' is the normalized acoustic impedance defined in Microwave acoustic transducers which utilize a piezo­ Section II. Similarly, the normalized impedance seen at the electric layer for acoustoelectric conversion may be con­ right-hand surface is veniently divided into two classes : those which have moder­ V2/12 rD cos 82 + jr2 sin 82 ate or small electromagnetic coupling constant (k <0.3), r2 (40) Z2 and those which have large coupling constant (k> 0.3). The Ro r2 cos 82 + jrD sin 82 = - -� = IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES, NOVEMBER 1969 940 with 0 2 = 7r///2 = 7rdd//o, r2=Zl/Zo', and rD =ZD'/ZO" The transducer input impedance is obtained from (38)-(40) with the result Za where = Va fa - = 1 P (f) + jwCo Ro(wCo) 2 -- --- 2j( 1 - cos (0) + (Zl + Z 2) sin 00 (1 + ZlZ2) sin 00 - j(Zl + Z 2) cos 00 P (f) (41) (42) From (41) we note that the transducer input impedance is composed of the piezo-1ayer capacitive reactance l/jwCo in series with an acoustoelectrically induced radiation imped­ ance, which may be cast in the form Ra = Ra(Wo/W)2Hr(f) Xa = Ra(wo/w) 2H,(f) (44) (45) with Ra= (4k2/7rrD)(1/wCo). For the case of acoustically thin electrodes the normalized impedances seen by the piezo layer are approximately Zl= O and Z2 = rD. The response functions Hr(f) and Hi(f) are then �W HiW = = (rD/2) 2 (1 - cos (0) 2 (sin (0) 2 + (rD cos (0) 2 (1/2) sin 00 [1 + (rD 2/2 - 1) cos 00] (sin (0) 2 + (rD cos (0) 2 � (47) Thus, for thin electrodes the functions Hr(f) and H,(f) have, respectively, even and odd symmetry about/n = nOdd/O with HrC/n) = 1 and H,(fn) = O. The function Hr(f) is seen to be the reciprocal of the acoustic bandshape function defined in (20). ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors are indebted to researchers in many labora­ tories, who in the past twenty years, have developed the one-dimensional theory that forms the basis of this paper. In particular, we acknowledge the helpful advice and experi­ mental data contributed by A. J. Bahr, N. F. Foster, F. A. Olson, and E. K. Sittig. REFERENCES [ 1 ] W. R. Smith, H. M. Gerard, J. H. Collins, T. M. Reeder, and H. J. Shaw, "Analysis of interdigital transducers by use of an equivalent circuit model," this issue, pp. 856-864. 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