International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Development Available online on Issue 3, Vol.6 (November 2013) ISSN 2249-6149 Comparative Study on Various Unipolar PWM Strategies for Trinary DC source Multilevel Inverter V.Arun#1, B.Shanthi#2, S.P.Natarajan#3 #1 Department of EEE, Arunai Engineering College, Thiruvannamalai, India #2 Centralised Instrumentation and Service Laboratory, Annamalai University, Chidambaram #3 Department of EIE, Annamalai University, Chidambaram, Tamilnadu, India ABSTRACT This paper proposes a trinary DC source 9-level inverter. Trinary DC source multilevel inverter is triggered by the Unipolar PWM strategy having sinusoidal and trapezoidal reference with triangular carriers. These Unipolar Pulse Width Modulating (UPWM) techniques include Phase Disposition (PD), Alternate Phase Opposition Disposition (APOD), Carrier Overlapping (CO). Performance factors like Total Harmonic Distortion (THD), VRMS (fundamental), crest factor, distortion factor and form factor are evaluated for various modulation indices. Simulations were performed using MATLAB-SIMULINK. It is observed that UPDPWM strategy with sine reference provides output with relatively low distortion and UCOPWM strategy with trapezoidal reference provides relatively higher fundamental RMS output voltage. Key words: APOD, CO, PD, UPWM. Corresponding Author: V.Arun INTRODUCTION The need for high power apparatus in industry has increased in recent years. Multilevel inverters have developed as easy alternatives for such power requirements. Multilevel inverters consist of a group of semiconductor switches and a set of voltage source components like capacitors or independent sources. The basic concept of these inverters depends on using this series of switches and sources to synthesize a stepped or staircase output voltage waveform. Multilevel inverters play a significant role in enhancing the quality of high power distribution networks, power conditioning systems, variable speed drive systems etc because of the availability of higher number of voltage levels at the output. Aghdam et al [1] proposed multicarrier PWM methods for asymmetric multilevel inverter. Bensraj and Natarajan [2] developed multicarrier trapezoidal PWM strategies for a single phase five level cascaded inverter. Bahr Eldin et al [3] proposed new multicarrier based pwm for multilevel converter. Jing Zhao et al [4] developed a novel pwm control method for hybrid-clamped multilevel inverters. Liu and Luo [5, 6] developed Trinary hybrid multilevel inverter for motor drive with zero common mode voltage and used in STATCOM with unbalanced voltages. Mauricio Rotella et al [7] introduced pwm method to eliminate power sources in a non redundant 27-level inverter for machine drive applications. Reza et al [8] proposed harmonics elimination in a multilevel inverter with unequal dc sources using a genetic algorithm. Ramani and Krishnan [9] developed new hybrid 27 level R S. Publication, Page 50 International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Development Available online on Issue 3, Vol.6 (November 2013) ISSN 2249-6149 multilevel inverter fed induction motor drive. Sujanarko in [10] developed advanced carrier based pulse width modulation in asymmetric cascaded multilevel inverter. Sakthivel and Yousuf [11]introduced cascaded multilevel inverter based harmonic reduction in STATCOM. Salam et al [12] developed digital implementation of a new pwm switching scheme for modular structured multilevel voltage source inverter. Urmila and Subbarayudu [13] undertook a comparative study of pulse width modulation techniques for multilevel inverters. This paper presents a single phase DC source 9-level inverter topology for investigation using unipolar sine and trapezoidal reference PWM switching strategies. Simulations were performed using MATLAB-SIMULINK. Harmonic analysis and evaluation of different performance measures for various modulation indices have been carried out and presented. II. BASIC OPERATION OF TRINARY MULTILEVEL INVERTER Figure 1 shows a circuit configuration of a cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter employing trinary DC input source. It looks like a traditional cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter except input dc sources. By using VDC and 3VDC, it can synthesize nine output levels -4VDC, -3VDC, -2VDC, -VDC, 0, VDC, 2VDC, 3VDC, 4VDC. The lower inverter (HB2) generates a fundamental output voltage with three levels, and then the upper inverter (HB1) adds or subtracts one level from the fundamental wave to synthesize stepped waves. Here, the final output voltage levels becomes the sum of each terminal voltage of H-bridge, and it is given as Vab VHB1 VHB2 (1) HB1 S1 S3 VDC a S2 S4 Vab HB2 S5 S7 3VDC b S6 S8 Fig 1: Trinary DC source cascaded MLI R S. Publication, Page 51 International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Development Available online on Issue 3, Vol.6 (November 2013) ISSN 2249-6149 In trinary DC source MLI, output voltage level is nine, if n number of H-bridge module has independent DC sources in sequence of the power of 3, an expected output voltage level is given as Vn 3n , n 1, 2,3.... (2) III. UNIPOLAR PULSE WIDTH MODULATION STRATEGY The scheme uses a unipolar sine and trapezoidal as modulating signal and inverted sine as carriers. In Inverted sine carrier PWM scheme, high frequency triangular carriers are compared with unipolar sine and trapezoidal reference. The intersection between the unipolar reference signal and the carrier signals defines the switching instant of the PWM pulse. The multiple carriers used are positioned above zero level and the number of carriers is dependent on the output voltage levels. For an m-level inverter, (m-1)/2 carriers with the same frequency fc and the same amplitude Ac are disposed. The reference waveform has peak-to-peak amplitude Am and frequency fm. The reference is continuously compared with each of the carrier signals. If the reference is greater than a carrier signal, then the active device corresponding to that carrier is switched on; and if the reference is less than a carrier signal, then the active device corresponding to that carrier is switched off. There are many alternative strategies are possible, some of them are tried in this paper and they are: a. Unipolar Phase disposition PWM strategy (UPDPWM). b. Unipolar Alternate phase opposition disposition PWM strategy (UAPODPWM). c. Unipolar Carrier overlapping PWM strategy (UCOPWM). The formulae to find the Amplitude of modulation indices are as follows: For UPDPWM, UAPODPWM: ma 2 A m /(m 1) Ac ) For UCOPWM: ma Am / (2.5* Ac ) (3) (4) The frequency ratio mf are as follows: m f fc / f m R S. Publication, (5) Page 52 International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Development Available online on Issue 3, Vol.6 (November 2013) ISSN 2249-6149 A) Unipolar Phase Disposition PWM The triangular carriers of same amplitude and frequency are disposed such that bands they occupy are contiguous. The carrier arrangement for trinary DC source multilevel inverter having Sine reference and Trapezoidal are illustrated in figures 2 & 3 respectively Fig 2. Carrier arrangement for UPDPWM strategy with sine reference (ma=0.9 and mf=40) Fig 3. Carrier arrangement for UPDPWM strategy with Trapezoidal reference (ma=0.9 and mf=40) B) Unipolar Alternative Phase Opposition Disposition PWM Carriers for trinary DC source multilevel inverter having Sine reference and Trapezoidal are illustrated in figures 4 & 5 respectively. The triangular carriers of same amplitude are phase displaced from each other by 180 degrees alternately. R S. Publication, Page 53 International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Development Available online on Issue 3, Vol.6 (November 2013) ISSN 2249-6149 Fig 4. Carrier arrangement for UAPODPWM strategy with sine reference (ma=0.9 and mf=40) Fig 5. Carrier arrangement for UPDPWM strategy with Trapezoidal reference (ma=0.9 and mf=40) C) Unipolar Carrier Overlapping PWM (UCOPWM) Carriers for trinary DC source multilevel inverter having Sine reference and Trapezoidal are illustrated in figures 6 & 7 respectively. In carrier overlapping technique, (m-1)/2 carriers are disposed such that the bands they occupy overlap each other; the overlapping vertical distance between each carrier is Ac/2. Fig. 6. Carrier arrangement for UCOPWM strategy with sine reference R S. Publication, Page 54 International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Development Available online on Issue 3, Vol.6 (November 2013) ISSN 2249-6149 (ma=0.9 and mf=40) Fig. 7. Carrier arrangement for UCOPWM strategy with Trapezoidal reference (ma=0.9 and mf=40) IV. SIMULATION RESULTS The single phase trinary DC source nine level inverter is modeled in SIMULINK using power system block set. Switching signals for trinary multilevel inverter using UPWM strategies are simulated. Simulations were performed for different values of ma ranging from 0.8 to 1 and the corresponding %THD are measured using the FFT block and their values are shown in Table 1. Next table displays the Vrms of fundamental of inverter output for same modulation indices. Table 3 and 4 display respectively the corresponding crest factor and form factor. Table 5 shows % Distortion Factor of the output voltage. Figures 8 to19 show the simulated output voltage of Trinary MLI and their corresponding harmonic spectrum with above strategies but for only one sample of ma. Figure 8 & 9 displays the nine level output voltage generated by UPDPWM strategy with sine reference and Trapezoidal reference and its FFT plot is shown in Figure 10 & 11. Figure 12 & 13 shows the nine level output voltage generated by UAPODPWM strategy with sine reference and Trapezoidal reference and its FFT plot is shown in Figure 14 & 15. Figure 16 & 17 shows the nine level output voltage generated by UCOPWM strategy with sine reference and Trapezoidal reference and its FFT plot is shown in Figure 18 & 19. The following parameter values are used for simulation: VDC =75V, R (load) = 100 ohms, fc=2000 Hz and fm=50Hz. Fig. 8. Output voltage generated by UPDPWM strategy with sine reference R S. Publication, Page 55 International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Development Available online on Issue 3, Vol.6 (November 2013) ISSN 2249-6149 Fig 9. Output voltage generated by UPDPWM strategy with Trapezoidal reference Fig 10. FFT plot for output voltage of UPDPWM strategy with sine reference Fig. 11. FFT plot for output voltage of UPDPWM strategy with Trapezoidal reference R S. Publication, Page 56 International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Development Available online on Issue 3, Vol.6 (November 2013) ISSN 2249-6149 Fig. 12 Output voltage generated by UAPODPWM strategy sine reference Fig. 13 Output voltage generated by UAPODPWM strategy Trapezoidal reference Fig. 14. FFT plot for output voltage of UAPODPWM strategy with sine reference R S. Publication, Page 57 International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Development Available online on Issue 3, Vol.6 (November 2013) ISSN 2249-6149 Fig. 15. FFT plot for output voltage of UAPODPWM strategy with Trapezoidal reference Fig. 16. Output voltage generated by UCOPWM strategy with sine reference Fig. 17. Output voltage generated by UCOPWM strategy with Trapezoidal reference R S. Publication, Page 58 International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Development Available online on Issue 3, Vol.6 (November 2013) ISSN 2249-6149 Fig. 18. FFT plot for output voltage of UCOPWM strategy with sine reference Fig. 19. FFT plot for output voltage of UCOPWM strategy with Trapezoidal reference Table1. % THD for Different Modulation Indices ma UPDPWM UAPODPWM UCOPWM Sine Ref. Trapezoidal Ref Sine Ref. Trapezoidal Ref Sine Ref. Trapezoidal Ref 1 13.44 11.75 13.33 12.11 18.18 16.68 0.95 15.66 15.03 15.64 15.24 19.97 19.37 0.9 16.76 17.01 16.75 16.76 22.03 21.12 0.85 16.94 17.72 16.93 17.75 23.76 22.85 0.8 16.97 17.17 17.28 17.52 26.16 24.15 R S. Publication, Page 59 International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Development Available online on Issue 3, Vol.6 (November 2013) ISSN 2249-6149 Table 2. VRMS for Different Modulation Indices ma UPDPWM UAPODPWM UCOPWM Sine Ref. Trapezoidal Ref. Sine Ref. Trapezoidal Ref. Sine Ref. Trapezoidal Ref. 1 212.6 223.2 211.8 223.2 217.4 225.7 0.95 201.6 212.6 201.7 212 209.2 217 0.9 190.6 201.4 190.9 201 199.9 208.2 0.85 179.6 189 180.3 190.2 190.2 199 0.8 169.6 178.2 169.3 178.7 178.7 189.6 Table 3. Crest Factor for Different Modulation Indices ma UPDPWM Sine Ref. Trapezoidal Ref. 1 1.413923 1.413978 0.95 1.414187 0.9 0.85 0.8 UAPODPWM UCOPWM Trapezoidal Ref. Sine Ref. Trapezoidal Ref. 1.414542 1.414426 1.414443 1.414266 1.413922 1.413981 1.414150 1.413958 1.413824 1.414481 1.414101 1.414353 1.414427 1.413707 1.414024 1414254 1.414285 1.414309 1.413774 1.413775 1.414070 1.412915 1.414141 1.414649 1.414166 1.414102 1.414029 Sine Ref. Table 4. Form Factor for Different Modulation Indices ma UPDPWM UAPODPWM Sine Ref. Trapezoidal Ref. 1 8.84E+04 7.20E+04 8.58E+04 3.27E+05 1.48E+05 2.71E+04 0.95 1.37E+05 7.84E+04 7.59E+04 2.16E+05 1.29E+05 7.02E+04 0.9 4.87E+04 3.54E+04 6.04E+04 5.19E+04 4.48E+04 6.58E+04 0.85 4.75E+04 3.10E+04 5.48E+04 4.66E+04 4.55E+04 9.69E+04 0.8 7.30E+04 7.16E+04 8.18E+04 1.11E+05 4.18E+04 8.18E+04 Sine Ref. R S. Publication, Trapezoidal Ref. UCOPWM Sine Ref. Trapezoidal Ref. Page 60 International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Development Available online on Issue 3, Vol.6 (November 2013) ISSN 2249-6149 Table 5. % Distortion Factor for Different Modulation Indices ma UPDPWM Sine Ref. Trapezoidal Ref. UAPODPWM Sine Ref. Trapezoidal Ref. UCOPWM Sine Ref. Trapezoidal Ref. 1 0.0261 0.155 0.0215 0.1604 0. 1717 0.2977 0.95 0.0585 0.1706 0.0143 0.1606 0. 2452 0.3264 0.9 0.0156 0.1774 0.0168 0.1667 0. 3758 0.3963 0.85 0.0568 0.1806 0.0163 0.1693 0. 528 0.5400 0.8 0.0379 0.1832 0.0103 0.1707 0. 6314 0.6737 It is observed (from Table 1) that the harmonic content of the output voltages is least with UPDPWM strategy having Trapezoidal reference for modulation indices 0.95 & 1 where as the harmonic content is found to be minimum in UPDPWM strategy having sine reference for ma= 0.8,0.85 & 0.9.From Table 2, it is found that the carrier overlapping strategies having Trapezoidal reference provide high DC bus utilization. CF is relatively equal for all the strategies (Table 3).From Table 4, it is found that the FF is higher in UAPODPWM strategy having Trapezoidal reference. The %DF is relatively les with UAPODPWM strategy having sine reference. it is observed from the Figures. (10, 11, 14, 15, 18, and 19) the harmonic energy is dominant in: a) 39th order in UPDPWM with sine reference and 5th and 39th of trapezoidal reference. b) 29th, 31st, 35th, 37th and 39th in UAPODPWM with sine reference and 5th, 29st, 31st, 37th and 39th of trapezoidal reference. c) 5th, 37th and 39th order in UCOPWM with both the reference. V.CONCLUSION In this paper, UPWM techniques for Trinary DC source nine level inverter have been presented. Trinary DC source multilevel inverter gives higher output voltage with low harmonics. Performance factors like %THD, VRMS, CF, FF and %DF have been evaluated presented and analyzed. It is found that the UPDPWM strategy with sine reference provides relatively lower %THD, UCOPWM strategy with trapezoidal reference is found to perform better since it provides relatively higher fundamental RMS output voltage. CF is almost same for all the strategies. 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