Unbalanced Faults Faults at the Generator Terminals 1 Unbalanced Faults • Common unbalanced faults are SLG, LL and LLG faults. • Unbalanced faults unbalance the network, but only at the fault location. • This causes a coupling of the sequence networks. • How the sequence networks are coupled depends upon the fault type. • We’ll derive these relationships for several common faults. 2 Single Line-to-Ground (SLG) Faults • With a SLG fault only one phase has non-zero fault current -we’ll assume it is phase A. I af f Ib f I c ? 0 0 3 SLG Then since I 0f 1 ? 1 1 1 1 f 2 0 I f 1 0 I f I f I f I a 3 3 1 2 0 I f With the generators normally producing balanced three-phase voltages, which are positive sequence only, we can write Va = 0 for a single line to ground fault V+ + V- +V0 = 0 4 SLG Equivalent Circuit V I f ( Z Z Z 0 ) I f Va Ia 0 (Z Z Z ) 3 Ia 3Va (Z Z Z 0 ) Ib Ic 0 5 Example Consider a system with sequence impedances given by Z+ = j0.2577, Z- = j0.2085, and Z0 = j0.14; find the voltages and currents at the fault point for a single line-to-ground fault. Solution The sequence networks are connected in series for a SLG fault. The sequence currents are given by; Therefore, 6 Sequence Voltages 7 Phase Voltages 8 Double Line to Ground Fault • Fault conditions Ia = 0 Vb= Vc=0 I V Z Z // Z 0 Va V V V 3 0 V E I Z I I o V Z Vo Zo 9 Double line-to-ground fault Vb Vc 0 a b Ib c Ic Va 0 1 V 1 1 a1 3 Va 2 1 Ia 0 1 a a2 1 Va a2 0 a 0 1 Va1 Va 2 Va 0 Va 3 In Va 0 0 Z 0 V V 0 a1 f Va 2 0 0 0 Z1 0 0 I a0 0 I a1 Z 2 I a 2 10 Double line-to-ground fault V f I a1Z1 0 Z 0 V I Z a1 1 V f 0 f V f I a1Z1 0 0 V f I a1Z1 0 Z 0 V f I a1Z1 V f 0 V f I a1Z1 0 0 0 Z1 0 0 Z1 0 0 I a0 0 I a1 Z 2 I a 2 0 0 Z 2 1 I a0 I a1 I a 2 11 Double line-to-ground fault V f I a1Z1 V I Z V a1 1 f f V f I a1Z1 1 Z0 0 0 - + Va 1 Vf Z1 0 - Z2 Z1 Va 2 - Z0 Ia2 Vao + + + I a1 1 Vf I a1 Z Z Z1 2 0 (Z2 Z0 ) I a 0 I a1 I a 2 I a 0 - 0 I a0 0 I a1 1 I a 2 Z 2 0 Ia0 12 Double line-to-ground fault Example : Find the line currents and the line-to-line voltages when a double line-to-ground fault occurs at the terminals of the generator described in single line-to-ground fault example. Assume that the generator was unloaded and operating at rated voltage when the fault occurred. The generator has positive sequence reactance of 0.25 , negative sequence reactance of 0.35 and zero sequence reactance of 0.10 per unit. The neutral of the generator is solidly grounded. Neglect resistance. I a1 Ea 1. 0 j 0 1.0 j 3.05 p.u. Z1 Z 2 Z 0 /( Z 2 Z 0 ) j 0.25 ( j 0.35 j 0.10) /( j 0.35 j 0.10) j 0.3278 Va1 Va 2 Va0 Ea I a1Z1 1 ( j3.05)( j 0.25) 1.0 0.763 0.237 p.u. Va 2 0.237 j 0.68 p.u. Z2 j 0.35 V 0.237 a0 j 0.2.37 p.u. Z0 j 0.10 Ia2 I a0 13 Double line-to-ground fault I a I a1 I a 2 I a 0 j 3.05 j 0.68 j 2.37 0 I b a 2 I a1 aI a 2 I a 0 ( 0.5 j 0.866)( j 3.05) ( 0.5 j 0.866)( j 0.68) j 2.37 3.230 j 3.555 4.80132.30 p.u. I c aI a1 a 2 I a 2 I a 0 ( 0.5 j 0.866)( j 3.05) ( 0.5 j 0.866)( j 0.866) j 2.37 3.230 j 3.555 4.8047.70 p.u. I n 3I a 0 3 j 2.37 j 7.11 p.u. I n I b I c 3.230 j 3.555 3.230 j 3.555 j 7.11 p.u. Va Va1 Va 2 Va 0 3Va1 3 0.237 0.711 p.u. Vb Vc 0 Vab Va Vb 0.711 p.u. Vbc 0 14 Double line-to-ground fault Vca Vc Va 0.711 p.u. Expressed in amperes and volts, Ia 0 I b 837 4.80132.30 4017132.30 A I c 837 4.8047.70 401747.70 A I n 837 7.11900 5951900 A Vab 0.711 13.8 5.6600 kV 3 Vbc 0 Vca 0.711 13.8 5.661800 kV 3 15 Line-to-line fault Vb Vc a b Ib c Ic Ia 0 Ib Ic Ia0 1 I 1 1 a1 3 I a 2 1 a a2 Ia0 0 I a 2 I a1 Va 0 1 V 1 1 a1 3 Va 2 1 1 1 a a2 1 0 a 2 I c a I c 1 Va a 2 Vc a Vc 16 Line-to-line fault Va1 Va 2 - - + Va1 Vf Z1 I a1 + - Z2 Va 2 Va 0 0 Z 0 V V 0 a1 f Va 2 0 0 0 Z1 0 0 I a0 0 I a1 Z 2 I a 2 + Ia2 0 V f I a1Z1 I a 2 Z 2 I a1 Vf Z1 Z 2 17 Line-to-line fault Example : Find the subtransient currents and the line-to-line voltages at the fault under subtransient conditions when a line-to-line fault occurs at the terminals of the generator described in the sing line-to-ground fault example. Assume that the generator is unloaded and operating at rated terminal voltage when the fault occurs. Neglect resistance. I a1 1.0 j 0 j1.667 per unit j 0.25 j 0.35 I a 2 I a1 j1.667 per unit I a0 0 I a I a1 I a 2 I a 0 j1.667 j1.667 0 I b a 2 I a1 aI a 2 I a 0 j1.667(0.5 j 0.866) j1.667(0.5 j 0.866) j 0.833 1.443 j 0.833 1.443 2.886 j 0 per unit I c I b 2.886 j 0 per unit 18 Line-to-line fault in the sing line-to-ground fault example, base current is 837A, and so Ia 0 I b 2.886 837 2416180 0 I c 2.886 837 241600 Va1 Va 2 1 ( j1.667)( j 0.25) 0.583 per unit Va 0 0 (Neutral of generator grounded) Line-to-ground voltages are Va Va1 Va 2 Va 0 0.583 0.583 1.16600 p.u. Vb a 2Va1 aVa 2 Va 0 Vc Vb 0.583(0.5 j 0.866) 0.583(0.5 j 0.866) 0.583 p.u. 19 Line-to-line fault Line-to-line voltages are Vab Va Vb 1.166 0.583 1.749 per unit Vbc Vb Vc 0.583 0.583 0 per unit Vca Vc Va 0.583 1.166 1.749 per unit Expressed in volts, the line-to-line voltages are Vab 1.749 13.8 13.9400 kV 3 Vbc 0kV Vca 1.749 13.8 13.94180 0 kV 3 20