PONTIFICAL CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF RIO GRANDE DO SUL – PUCRS BRAZIL UNDERGRADUATE LEVEL EXCHANGE PROGRAM FACT SHEET UNIVERSITY ADDRESS TELEPHONE NUMBER Av. Ipiranga, 6681 - Partenon 90619-900 Porto Alegre - Brasil 55 51 3330 3656 http://www.pucrs.br UNIVERSITY WEBSITE WEBSITES FOR FURTHER LOCAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE CITY/ UNIVERSITY AREA http://www.pucrs.br/portal/?p=en http://www.pucrs.br/portal/?p=en/services http://www.portoalegre.travel/site/ing/home.php OFFICE OF ACADEMIC MOBILITY HEAD OF ACADEMIC MOBILITY Prof. Flavia Valladão Thiesen EMAIL mobilidade@pucrs.br STAFF Rita Tiago Prof. Ana Maria Wertheimer Camila Fortes Luce (Assistant) Otávio de Oliveira Porcher (Assistant) EMAIL mobilidade.in@pucrs.br PHONE 55 51 3320 3656 ADDRESS Av. Ipiranga, 6681 - Partenon Prédio 15 – Sala 101 90619-900 Porto Alegre - Brasil NOMINATION / APPLICATION PROCEDURES PARTNER NOMINATION The partner university should send a nomination email with the following information: Student’s full name Email address Area of studies NUMBER OF OPENINGS 05 students per term EMAIL DOCUMENTS REQUIRED mobilidade.in@pucrs.br http://www3.pucrs.br/portal/page/portal/pma/en/inc oming-students/documentation-required Application form + Learning Agreement (A list of the courses that the student would like to take at PUCRS.) Copy of the passport Transcript of records 1 photograph (passport size) Classes beginning in March: December 1 Classes beginning in August: May 1 APPLICATION DEADLINE ACADEMIC INFORMATION UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMS LANGUAGE(S) OF INSTRUCTION COURSES TAUGHT IN ENGLISH NUMBER OF CREDITS PER SEMESTER RESEARCH LABORATORIES INTENSIVE PORTUGUESE COURSE BEFORE THE SEMESTER PUCRS is a comprehensive university. The programs offered are in http://www3.pucrs.br/portal/page/portal/pma/en/inc oming-students/courses-offered Students can take classes in any undergraduate program offered by our departments, except if there are restrictions in the bilateral agreement. List of Academic programs: http://www.pucrs.br/portal/?p=graduacao Portuguese. Incoming exchange students do not have to submit proof of Portuguese Language Proficiency. However, it is the students’ responsibility that they are comfortable with learning in a completely Portuguese language-based environment. Students are highly recommended to take Portuguese lessons (4-credit course) during the semester of their study program. http://www3.pucrs.br/portal/page/portal/pma/en/inc oming-students/courses-in-english Students do not have to submit proof of English Language Proficiency to attend these courses. It is suggested a minimum of 12 credits per semester for the undergraduate program. The average number of credits per semester in most of the courses is 25. The last two numbers of the course code indicate the number of credits per week. Eg.: 12277-02 Escrita Criativa = two-credit course International students are invited to develop activities in the university labs (in Portuguese or in English). Information about the labs and the research programs at http://www3.pucrs.br/portal/page/portal/pma/en/inc oming-students/Internships An intensive course of Portuguese (beginner's level) is offered to the international students before the exchange program at PUCRS. The course takes place in February and in July (morning and afternoon) and costs around US$150. PUCRS offers a complete infrastructure for teaching, research and extension, which includes laboratories and centers for research, culture, environmental conservation and technology. The Library, the Museum, the Sports Park, the Hospital and the Science and Technology Park are resources to be highlighted. http://www.pucrs.br/portal/?p=en/resources The student’s final results, in each course or academic activity, are expressed in numerical grades from zero to 10 (ten), computed up to the first decimal. The student is considered passed if his/her final grade is ≥ 5 (five). In order to pass the student must have attended at least 75% of the classes. UNIQUE ASPECTS OF THE UNIVERSITY GRADING GENERAL INFORMATION ORIENTATION PROGRAM AMIGO UNIVERSITÁRIO (BUDDY PROGRAM) HEALTH INSURANCE HOUSING VISA INFORMATION LIVING EXPENSES (PER MONTH) PUCRS offers a three-day orientation session before classes begin. The orientation session for International students is highly recommended since academic/social issues relevant to their stay are explained. As soon as the Letter of Acceptance is released, the international student is invited to join a Facebook group where he/she will meet the buddies as well as the international students who are currently studying at PUCRS. The buddies (Amigos Universitários) are undergrad or graduate students and alumni who have been selected to assist the newcomers before and during the study program. Each international student will be assigned a buddy. Students must have an international health insurance. The university does not have accommodation on campus or off campus for students. But, we are affiliated to Housing Anywhere (https://www.housinganywhere.com/) to help students to find some possibilities according to their requirements. Each student is responsible for arranging housing on his/her own. All exchange students who will be enrolled in PUCRS need to require a student visa according to the Brazilian Law. In order to get this visa, students will receive the Letter of Acceptance (notarized copy), both by email and by regular mail. Housing: US$ 270 (approximately) Food & Personal expenses: US$ 440 (approximately) FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT MOBILIDADE.IN@PUCRS.BR