DC-DC High Power Converter Gustavo Lambert, UDESC, Brazil, lambert.g.l@ieee.org Yales R. de Novaes, UDESC, Brazil, novaes@ieee.org Marcelo L. Heldwein, UFSC, Brazil, heldwein@inep.ufsc.br Abstract This paper presents a multilevel multipulse medium frequency-isolated dc-dc converter. It is based on the Modular Multilevel Converter (MMC) associated to an isolated Multipulse Rectifier (MR). Its application is targeted to non-conventional distribution and sub-transmission systems, while operating at tens of kVs and a few MWs. The main characteristics of the converter structure operation such as harmonic cancellation and transformer voltage pulses are presented. Simulation and experimental results of a downsized prototype are presented to demonstrate the converter operation. 1. Introduction Over a hundred years ago, in the beginning of the XIX century, names like Thomas Alva Edison and George Westinghouse Jr. clashed into an episode later known as the “War of currents”. During this time Edison was in favor of the direct current (dc) while Westinghouse bet into the possibilities of the alternating current (ac). This episode had it withdraw on October 17th 1893, when Westinghouse’s company won the contract for the Niagara Falls distribution system [1]. Since then the world’s power system has grown mostly around the ac configurations. According to the available technology it was easier and more efficient than dc to change voltage levels, it could transmit energy over longer distances and also, with the development of the ac motor, it found a number of applications. However, the world has also changed the way it uses electrical energy. It is known that around thirty percent of all the electrical energy generated is in some way processed by electronic means before it is finally used. Moreover it is said that this percentage will be substantially grown in the next ten to fifteen years [2]. Transmission systems in High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) using Line-Commuted Converter (LCC) or even Voltage Source Converter (VSC) technologies are well established but high power dc-dc solutions for high or medium voltage still have few known alternatives [3, 4]. The MMC was introduced in 2002 by Marquardt [5]. In the last few years the MMC has attracted a lot of attention from researchers for application in medium/high power energy conversion systems around the world. This happened especially because of the MMC advantages like modularity, scalability, the possibility of handling medium or high voltage levels processed by low-voltage semiconductors, possible implementation of redundancy and others [6]. However the MMC has drawbacks as the need to balance the submodule capacitors [7], the MMC control is not straight forward [8] and it uses a high number of capacitors, power semiconductors and communication lines. The proposed structure for dc-dc conversion is based on the connection between the ac links of two converters. This method can be galvanically isolated or not. An example of a non-isolated dc-dc bidirectional conversion using two MMCs is presented by Luth [9]. Another bidirectional alternative using two MMCs connected through a medium frequency transformer is presented by Kenzelmann [10]. (a) (b) Fig. 1: (a) Submarine dc transmission and distribution system for oil and gas plataform and (b) proposed dc-dc converter structure. Bidirectional converters have interesting capabilities but these are not always required like in non-conventional applications presented in Fig. 1 (a). This figure presents a subsea transmission and distribution system applied to oil and gas extraction, where an umbilical cable delivers dc voltages and currents to the loads. The dc alternative for this system is very attractive since such application is supposed to operate in tens of MWs and the cable length can reach distances up to hundreds of miles while not suffering from the well known reduction in the ac active current-carrying on cable capability due to high capacitance underwater. The rectifier stage at the oile processing platform could be performed by an unidirectional rectifier [11]. Once reaching the loads, a dc multiterminal distribution system is more adequate since all machines are fed by Variable Speed Drives. Also, there is no need for a bidirectional dc-dc converter. Then, in such a system, the use of unidirectional converter can lead to the reduction of costs and complexity. Moreover in this application or in the ship concept [12], the converters are required to handle tens to hundreds of kilovolts. 2. Converter structure The proposed converter structure is meant to withstand the characteristics presented for the non-conventional application but also an effort was made to avoid adding semiconductors and keep the transmision electrically isolated from distribution. Then the structure is composed of three stages as presented in Fig. 1 (b). The Stage I has an inverter connected by its ac link into Stage II, which is meant to control the output voltage by controlling the input current on Stage II. The MMC topology was chosen to be the inverter for being able to handle high voltage with lower voltage semiconductors and because of its modularity. The proposed structure is composed of series connected Half-Bridge Submodules (HBS). By choosing so, a natural output voltage reduction is achieved. Other submodule topologies will lead to different operation possibilities and these will not be discussed in this article. The stages II and III comprise a Multipulse Rectifier (MR), which is well covered in the literature when fed by voltage sources [13, 14]. In this proposal, the MMC feeds the MR as a sinusoidal current controlled source. Once the operation differs from conventional, the differences will be explained later. The number of pulses and the association type (series or parallel) of the six pulse rectifiers are defined according to the output voltage and desired current to be handled at the output. In this work the specifications were as follows: input voltage of Vd =55 kV, output voltage of Vo =15 kV and power of Po =20 MW. These specifications led to the associations presented in Fig. 1 (b). In addition the converter was meant to have three-phases because, when balanced, it is able (a) (b) Fig. 2: (a) Three-phase MMC and (b) downscale diagram of the proposed dc-dc structure. to provide (or consume) constant power circulation at the dc port. This feature leads to the reduction of the need for bulky passive filters in both input and output. In addition, the frequency is chosen according to transformer losses, volume and weight criteria. Another issue for converters meant to operate as interface between transmission and distribution systems is the fault handling. In the case of MMCs operating with HBS there is a problem related to the submodules’s anti-parallel diodes that create a path during a fault between the dc poles. The derivative of this current is limited only by the arm inductors [15, 16]. Circuit breakers for dc are still in development, the most of the systems uses a vacuum interrupter and some sort of method to create artificial current transition through zero [17]. Although the fault clearing on the dc side is not completely solved by the structure but the ac link enables the use of well established ac interruption techniques to isolate the load from the transmission system in the case of fault at the load side. Faults can be selectively handled in the case of multiple outputs, where each output rectifier would have its own protection system exemplarily at the ac side. Other option is the use of different submodules [18]. 2.1. MMC principles The three-phase MMC is formed by the connection of three MMC legs to a common source, dc or with a different frequency than its output ac link. Such MMC leg is formed by the connection of two MMC arms. Each of these arms have N identical submodules and a single inductor. The submodules are two terminal devices composed of switches and a local dc-storage capacitor [19]. The MMC does not need any external power source for its submodules. This set is able to operate as a controlled voltage source by controlling the insertion time of the submodules. Fig. 2 (a) shows a three-phase MMC connection with Half-Bridge Submodules (HBS). 3. Converter control strategy For the dc-dc operation the converter control strategy is performed by two main loops presented in Fig. 3, which are based on [20]. The first one is the output voltage control Fig. 3 (a), which uses the output voltage compensated error as the peak reference for the MMC phase current control. As the system has a three-phase three-wire connection, only two of the MMC’s phase (a) (b) Fig. 3: Converter control strategy: (a) Output voltage control and (b) internal MMC variables control. currents are controlled, the reference for the third one is obtained by Kirchoff’s current law. The control diagram for the output voltage is presented in Fig. 3 (a). The second loop is necessary to control the MMC internal variables and its control diagram is presented in Fig. 3 (b). It ensures the power equilibrium among the input source (dc link) and the output (ac link) by the means of controlling the leg current, idj . The leg current is defined as the instantaneous average between the upper arm current and the lower arm current and defined by: idj = (ip,j + in,j ) /2. Considering the power to flow from the dc input to the ac link, the leg current is supposed to have an ac component at the fundamental frequency which drains energy from the capacitors and delivers to the ac link and a dc component which recharges the submodule capacitor. But there are also other currents that are known as circulating currents [21], resulting from submodules voltage ripples, submodule switching transitions and arm voltage unbalances. For the sake of control simplicity the reference of the leg current has two components. The first component is dc and realizes the power balance from dc to ac links by means of monitoring the total voltage of the submodules for each leg. The second component is a fundamental ac link frequency, which is synchronized with each MMC phase. This component has as a reference the difference between the total voltage of the capacitors from upper arm and the total capacitors voltage from the lower arm. In addition, the method proposed in [22] is used to equalize the energy distribution among the arm capacitors. When an arm needs to supply energy, the submodule with the higher voltage is selected and if the arm needs to absorb energy the submodule with the lower voltage is selected. This method is also called by other authors as selection algorithm. 4. Converter Operation and Simulation Results The proposed converter operation has some particularities when compared to a conventional MR converter. In a conventional MR fed by balanced voltages the current harmonics generated in the transformer secondary by the six pulse rectifiers are canceled in the primary side because the secondaries are phase-shifted by the transformer [13]. When an inverter keeps a sinusoidal current waveform at the primary windings it should be expected to have only sinusoidal currents in the secondaries windings. But because of the phase-shifting, the current harmonics which are not present in the primary appear in the secondary since they are generated by the six pulse rectifiers. Also, as a reflect of the diode commutation from the six pulse rectifiers, six voltages steps appear in each secondary and they are reflected to the primary line voltage shifted. For example, in a 12-pulse rectifier the 5th and 7th current components are canceled by the 30◦ phase-shift of the secondary windings. Once canceled, even while maintaining a sinusoidal current at the primary, it is mathematically possible to have harmonic currents at the secondary windings. This peculiarity leads to the harmonics circulation in higher frequencies, so the output passive filters become smaller. The rectifier diodes commutate with a limited current slope, defined by the rectifer output voltage and the transformer leakage inductance. For the experimental tests a downsized dc-dc converter was built keeping a similar voltage ratio, equivalent frequency at the transformer and main characteristics of the structure. The schematic of the prototype is represented in Fig. 2 (b) and the main parameters are: input voltage 800 V, output voltage 150 V, input power 4.3 √ kW, submodule switching frequency 10 kHz, transformer voltage ratios 6.5:1 (Y-Y) and 6.5: 3 (Y-∆), ac link frequency 400 Hz, the sample frequency 20 kHz and the output capacitance of each six pulse rectifier is 11 µF. The modulation chosen was the POD-PWM (Phase Opposition Disposition) which generates 2N+1 voltage levels in the phase voltage, N is the number of submodules per arm. The simulation results are presented in Fig.4. Especial attention is given to the 12-pulses, which appear in the transformer voltage as the MR is fed by a sinusoidal current. 170 Amplitude (V) Amplitude (A) 10 5 0 −5 −10 160 150 140 130 1.444 1.446 1.448 Time (s) 1.45 1.444 Amplitude (V) (a) 1.446 1.448 Time (s) 1.45 (b) 1 2 500 11 3 4 0 12 10 9 5 6 78 −500 1.443 1.444 1.445 1.446 1.447 Time (s) 1.448 1.449 1.45 (c) Fig. 4: Simulated closed-loop converter waveforms: (a) Transformer primary-side currents; (b) output dc voltage; and, (c) transformer primary-side line voltages. 5. Experimental Results The preliminary experimental results were obtained with all control loops active. The operating point is: input voltage of 500 V, output voltage reference 74.5 V, a load of 5 Ω. The MMC current for all its windings is presented in Fig. 5 as well its Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) spectrum. By the FFT and THD its noticed that the primary currents are mainly composed by fundamental frequency. For the secondary and terciary windings there are harmonics generated by each rectifier. Secondary and terciary main harmonics are present as multiples of 5th and 7th . The MMC phase voltages are presented in Fig. 6(a). Beyond the switching noise can be noticed the twelve pulses of the phase-shifted rectifiers. The output voltage is presented in Fig. 6 (b) Amplitude (A) Amplitude (A) 0.4 5 0 −5 0 2 4 6 Time (s) 0.3 5.69 A 0.2 0.1 0 8 0 −3 x 10 2000 4000 6000 Frequency (Hz) 8000 (b) 5 20 Amplitude (A) Amplitude (A) (a) 10 0 −10 −20 0 2 4 6 Time (s) 4 THD 20 % THD 21 % THD 25 % 2 1 0 8 18.02 A 3 0 −3 x 10 (c) 2000 4000 6000 Frequency (Hz) 8000 (d) 5 20 Amplitude (A) Amplitude (A) THD 5 % THD 6 % THD 5 % 10 0 −10 −20 0 2 4 6 Time (s) 4 2 1 0 8 17.48 A 3 THD 21 % THD 20 % THD 20 % 0 −3 x 10 (e) 2000 4000 6000 Frequency (Hz) 8000 (f) Fig. 5: Experimental setup transformer current waveforms: (a) Primary-side (high voltage) windings wyeconnected line currents and (b) their FFT, (c) wye-connected low voltage side windings line currents and (d) their FFT, (e) delta-connected low voltage side windings line currents and (f) their FFT. and a picture of the prototype is presented in Fig. 6 (c). 6. Conclusion A new converter structure for unidirectional dc-dc conversion in high power systems has been presented. In this arrangement special attention is given to the MR, which is current-fed. It provides new features such as six pulse controlled di/dt during diode switching and limited transformer dv/dt. An advantage of this arrangement is the possibility of avoiding the use of semiconductors connected in series if multiple low voltage side rectifiers are used. In addtion, the medium frequency transformer allows height and raw material reduction. The main drawback of this configuration is the increased transformer construction complexity of the MR when a high number of pulses are required to avoid the use of semiconductor in series. 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