Charles T. Walsh -

Charles T. Walsh
HOPS International LLC
President and Sr. Organizational Development Consultant
Charlie Walsh is an accomplished senior level Organizational & Leadership Development professional
with over 40 years of innovative achievements in the design, development, and delivery of strategic
Leadership and Organizational Capacity Building Programs, Leadership & Management Competency
Development, and Human Resource Performance Improvement Systems. Recognized internationally as
a leader in the field of Organizational and Leadership Development, Change Management, Performance
Management, Customer Service, and Strategic Alignment, Charlie currently serves as Senior OD
Consultant and Managing Director for HOPS International LLC.
Through HOPS International LLC,
Charlie also serves as Senior Associate OD Consultant with the Employer’s Association of Florida with
direct responsibility for all Organizational, Leadership, Management, and Customer Service Training &
Development programs.
As Founder of HOPS International LLC, established in 1992, Charlie provides innovative strategic
Organizational and Leadership Capacity Building and Performance Improvement solutions to both the
private and public sectors across a variety of industries including U.S. Federal, State, and Local
Governments, International Foreign Governments, Humanitarian and Social Services, Manufacturing,
Telecommunications, Hospitality, Entertainment, International Banking and Securities, Consumer
Products, Trade Associations, Education, Insurance & Financial Management, Information Technology,
Sales & Marketing and Merchandising. Charlie’s unique competencies provide his clients with costeffective customized solutions in the areas of Organizational and Leadership Development, Performance
Improvement, Cultural & Operational Alignment, Leadership & Management Competency Development,
Executive and Management Team Building, Customer Service, Interpersonal Communication, Business
Process Reengineering, and Governance Building. Charlie is also an accomplished Executive
Performance Coach with certifications in Benchmarks from the Center for Creative Leadership. He is also
a certified CAPT/MBTI Master Facilitator and Counselor.
As an internationally recognized Trainer, Lecturer, and OD/HRD Process & Program Facilitator, Charlie
recently designed and completed delivery of a series of executive-level Leadership Capacity Building,
Democracy & Governance Development, and Change Management Programs for the newly elected
Government of Southern Sudan (GOSS) in Africa. Working through the US State Department and the
US Agency for International Development since December 2005, Charlie has personally trained a total of
1385 senior level government leaders throughout Southern Sudan including Central Government
Ministries and State Governors. From 2000 – 2005, Charlie also completed design and delivery of
fourteen (14) 3-week residential Senior Leadership Development Programs for the U.S. State
Department’s Agency for International Development (USAID), training over 1850 U.S. Executive level
Foreign Service officers representing over 36 different nations. Additional international achievements
include the assessment, design, development, and delivery of customized Leadership & Organizational
Development and Executive Team Building initiatives for US and foreign leadership in Zimbabwe,
Bangladesh, Morocco, Kenya, and Brazil. International private sector clients include a variety of major
corporations in the manufacturing, hospitality, education, and OD\HRD Consulting industries in the
countries of Brazil, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Kenya, France, Canada, South Africa, and Finland.
A recognized expert in the design and development of competency-based Organizational & Leadership
Development and Change Management, Charlie currently supports multiple domestic private sector client
projects including the design and development of an integrated and customized series of Organizational
Development, Leadership and Management Skills Training, Team Building, and Customer Relations and
Customer Service Skills Programs for a major market entertainment-based destination resort. Additional
current projects include the design and facilitation of senior-level Leadership Skills, Change Management,
and personalized Executive Performance Counseling for a major City Government's Leadership Institute
and Management Development Academy, a comprehensive Workforce Capacity Planning project for a
major public court system, and a major organizational and leadership reengineering effort for a state-wide
human services organization.
Prior to establishing HOPS International LLC in 1997, Charlie served as Assistant Director for Human
Resources Development & Training at Universal Orlando (1990 – 1997) where he successfully managed
Universal’s corporate HR Training & Organizational Development functions including the design,
development, and facilitation of Universal’s integrated HR Training, Development, & Education Programs.
Charlie's leadership was instrumental in the development of several key HR strategic initiatives during
Universal’s early years including the development of Universal’s core customer service education &
training curriculum and related performance management programs. Possessing exceptional
interpersonal communication, facilitation, and group process skills, Charlie has earned an international
reputation from the Executive Board Room to front-line hourly employees. With an extensive working
knowledge of general HR and HRM disciplines and practices, Charlie provided Universal's HR Team with
effective linkages and meaningful integration of key OD and HRD processes throughout the full spectrum
of Human Resources.
Prior key positions include Director Human Resource Training and Development for Siemens/StrombergCarlson North America (1984 – 1990) achieving international recognition for his contributions in the areas
of Training Systems Design, Strategic Organizational Development, Seminar Development and Instructor
excellence. Charlie also held positions as Director Corporate Management Development, Manager Management Development & Training, Manager - Training & Development, and Senior Systems Training
Specialist at Harris Corporation (1972 – 1984) Charlie was instrumental in the development and
management of Harris's successful Graduate Business Program for Engineering in conjunction with the
University Of Florida Graduate School Of Business Administration.
Charlie is a prior winner of the prestigious Price-Waterhouse Up & Comers Award of Excellence in
Education. Charlie holds an undergraduate degree in Human Resource Development and has completed
a graduate business program in Human Resource Management. Charlie is a graduate of The Crosby
Quality College with certifications in all 4 levels of Quality Management. Charlie is also a certified
CAPT/MBTI Facilitator and Counselor, a CCL BENCHMARKS Performance Counselor & Facilitator, and
a certified Situational Leadership II Facilitator. Charlie is also a recognized international lecturer having
successfully lectured at the IFL Swedish Institute of Management, CENID University of Brazil, IHM
Business Schools in Sweden, and Poul Due Jensen Leadership Academy in Denmark. Charlie also
served on the Diamond Council at The Crummer Graduate School for several years providing coaching
and mentoring to MBA Graduate students.