August, 2012
Department of Psychology
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305
23261 Mora Heights Way
Los Altos Hills, CA 94024
Phone: (650) 723-3102
Current Position: Professor of Psychology
Fairleigh S. Dickinson Jr. Professor in Public Policy
Director, Stanford Center on Longevity
Educational Background:
University of Rochester
West Virginia University
West Virginia University
Licensure: State of California (PSY 9985)
Honorary Doctorate, University of Leuven, Belgium
American Psychological Association (Division 20) Master Mentorship Award
Matilda White Riley Award Lecture in the Behavioral and Social Sciences
National Institute on Aging
Fellow, Center for the Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences
Distinguished Career Contributions Award (Behavioral and Social Sciences Section)
Gerontological Society of America
MERIT Award, National Institute of Aging
Guggenheim Fellow
National Associate, National Academies of Science, National Research Council
2002 (May)
Distinguished Visitor, American Academy in Berlin
West Virginia University, Eberly College Alumni Recognition Award
Stanford University Dean's Award for Distinguished Teaching
McNamara Faculty Fellow, Stanford University
Gordon and Dailey Pattee Faculty Fellow, Stanford University
Kalish Innovative Publication Award, Gerontological Society of America
National Institutes of Health (NIH) New Investigator Research Award
Outstanding Young Faculty Award, Indiana University
Professional Positions:
Founding Director, Stanford Center on Longevity
Chair, Department of Psychology, Stanford University
Professor, Department of Psychology, Stanford University
The Barbara D. Finberg Director, Institute for Research on Women and Gender, Stanford
Vice-chair, Department of Psychology, Stanford University
Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Stanford University
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Stanford University
Visiting Research Associate, Institute for Human Development,
University of California - Berkeley
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Indiana University
Clinical Psychology Intern, Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior,
University of Mississippi Medical Center and Jackson Veterans Administration Medical Center
Professional Memberships:
Fellow, Gerontological Society of America
Fellow, American Psychological Society
Fellow, American Psychological Association (Divs. 1, 2, 12, 25 & 20)
Past-President, Society for a Science of Clinical Psychology
Selected Professional Activities
Member, Advisory Council, National Institute of Aging
Member, National Research Council Committee on Well-being
Member, MacArthur Foundation Network on Aging Societies
Member, Global Agenda Council on Ageing Societies, World Economic Forum
Member, Global Agenda Council on Demographic Shifts, World Economic Forum
Member, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education Advisory Committee, National
Academy of Sciences
Member, Grand Challenges for an Aging Society Committee, National Academy of Sciences
Member, External Scientific Advisory Board (Fachbeirat), Max Planck Institute on Human
Chair, Committee on Future Directions in Social Aging Research
National Academy of Sciences/National Research Council
Chair, External Scientific Advisory Board (Fachbeirat), Max Planck Institute on Human
Member, Behavior and Social Science of Aging Review Committee, National
Institute on Aging
Program Chair, Gerontological Society of America
Director, Terman Gifted Project, Stanford University
Chair, Committee on Future Directions for Cognitive and Neuroscience Research on Aging,
National Academy of Sciences/National Research Council
Core Faculty Member, American Psychological Association Minority Fellowship Program: PI:
James Jones
Core Faculty Member, NIMH, Bay Area University Consortium on Training in Affective Science:
PI: Dacher Keltner
Grant Review Panel Member, Human Development and Aging Study Section, (HUD-2), National
Institute on Aging
Associate Director, Terman Gifted Project, Stanford University
President, Society for a Science of Clinical Psychology, Section III, Division 12, American
Psychological Association
Chair, Behavioral and Social Sciences Section, Gerontological Society of America
Member, Public Policy Committee, Gerontological Society of America
Scientific Advisor, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin Aging Study,
Berlin, Germany
Editorial Activities:
Member, Editorial Board, Annual Review of Gerontology and Geriatrics
Member, Editorial Board, Psychology and Aging
Member, Editorial Board, Hallym International Journal of Aging
Member, Editorial Board, Journals of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences
Member, Editorial Board, Psychology and Aging
Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Gender, Culture & Health
Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Clinical Geropsychology
Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Member, Editorial Board, Psychology and Aging
Guest Associate Editor, Behavior Therapy, (Special Issue on Aging)
Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis.
Member, Editorial Board, Behavioral Interventions.
Member, Editorial Board, International Journal of Behavioral Geriatrics.
Grant Support:
Indiana University Grant-in-Aid-of-Research. "Mental Health Needs of the Elderly in Nursing Homes" P.I.:
Laura L. Carstensen, 10/83-10/84.
(Public Health Service) "Neuropsychological Status of Socially Withdrawn Nursing Home Residents." PI:
Laura L. Carstensen, 10/83-10/84.
(Public Health Service) Biomedical Research Support Grant, #S07 RR7031-G, "Social competence as a
predictor of social withdrawal among nursing home residents", PI: Laura L. Carstensen, 10/84-10/85.
National Institute of Mental Health. 1R03 MH 40018-01A1 "Neuropsychological status of socially isolated
elderly." PI: Laura L. Carstensen, 3/85-3/86.
National Institute on Aging R23 AG05592 "Behavioral effects of aging in long-term care." PI: Laura L.
Carstensen, 12/85-12/88.
American Association for Retired Persons (AARP) "Schizophrenia in Old Age: A Life History Study of the
Mental Health Needs of the Abandoned Elderly." PI: Laura L. Carstensen & Suzanne Meeks, 1/86-1/87.
Indiana University Ventures Award. "Stress, health, and the life course of the School Sisters of St. Francis," PI:
Laura L. Carstensen & S.Kay Burrus, 1/87-1/88.
National Institute on Aging R29 AGO5592 "Behavioral effects of aging in long-term care." PI: Laura L.
Carstensen, 6/87-11/90.
National Institute on Aging. RO1 AGO7476 "Aging and effective marital functioning," PI: Robert W.
Levenson, John M. Gottman, & Laura L. Carstensen, 12/87-12/92.
National Institute on Aging, RO1 AGO8816 "Social interaction in old age." PI: Laura L. Carstensen, 9/90-2/95.
National Institute on Aging. RO1 AGO8816 "Social interaction in old age." PI: Laura L. Carstensen, 9/95-1/99
(competitive renewal).
National Institute on Aging. RO1 AGO8816 "Socioemotional functioning in adulthood and old age." PI: Laura L.
Carstensen, 1/00-12/05,(competitive renewal).
National Institute on Aging. (Co-principal investigator with Mary Goldstein, principal investigator.) Stanford
Roybal Center on Center Advanced Decision Making and Aging 2005-2009.; Competitive renewal 2009-2013.
National Institute on Aging. MERIT Award. RO1AGO8816 “Socioemotional functioning in adulthood and old
age.” PI: Laura L. Carstensen, (competitive renewal). 1/06-12/16.
Scheibe, S., English, T., Tsai, J. L., & Carstensen, L. L. (in press). Striving to feel good: Ideal affect, actual affect,
and their correspondence across adulthood. Psychology and Aging.
Reed, A. E. & Carstensen, L. L. (in press). The theory behind the age-related positivity effect. Frontiers in
Charles, S.T. & Carstensen, L.L. (in press). Emotion regulation and aging. In J.J. Gross (Ed.), Handbook of
Emotion Regulation (2nd Ed.). New York, NY: Guilford Press.
Ersner-Hershfield, H., Scheibe, S., Sims, T., & Carstensen, L. (in press). When feeling bad can be good: Mixed
emotions benefit physical health across adulthood. Social Psychological and Personality Science.
Olshansky, J. S., Antonucci, T., Berkman, L., Binstock, R. H., Boersch-Supan, A., Cacioppo, J. T., Cames, B. A.,
Carstensen, L. L., Fried, L. P., Goldman, D. P., Jackson, J., Kohil, M., Rother, J., Zheng, Y., & Rowe, J.
(2012). Differences in life expectancy due to race and educational differences are widening, and many may
not catch up. Health Affairs, 31(8), 1-12. doi:10.1377/hlthaff.2011.0746
Carstensen, L. L. & Fried, L. P. (2012). The meaning of old age. In World Economic Forum (Ed.), Global
population ageing: Peril or promise? (15-17). Retrieved from
Biggs, S., Carstensen, L. L. & Hogan, P. (2012). Social capital, lifelong learning and social innovation. In World
Economic Forum (Ed.), Global population ageing: Peril or promise? (39-41). Retrieved from
Ersner-Hershfield, H., Goldstein, D. G., Sharpe, A.F., Fox, J., Yeykelis, L., Carstensen, L.L. & Bailenson, J.N.
(2011). Increasing saving behavior through age-progressed renderings of the future self. Journal of
Marketing Research, 40, s23-s37. doi: 10.1509/jmkr.48.SPL.S23
Samanez-Larkin, G.R. & Carstensen, L.L. (2011). Socioemotional functioning and the aging brain. In J. Decety &
J.T. Cacioppo (Eds.), The Handbook of Social Neuroscience (507-521). New York, NY: Oxford University
Samanez-Larkin, G.R., Mata, R., Radu, P.T., Ballard, I.C., Carstensen, L.L., McClure, S.M. (2011) Age
differences in striatal delay sensitivity during intertemporal choice in healthy adults. Frontiers in
Neuroscience, 5, 126
Turan, B., Goldstein, M., Garber, A. & Carstensen, L.L. (2011). Knowing loved ones’ end-of-life health care
wishes: attachment security predicts caregivers’accuracy. Health Psychology, 30, 814-818. doi:
Samanez-Larkin, G.R.& Carstensen, L.L. (2011). Socioemotional functioning and the aging brain. To appear in J.
Decety & J.T. Cacioppo (Eds.), The Handbook of Social Neuroscience (507-521). New York, NY: Oxford
University Press
Carstensen, L.L. (2011). A long bright future: Happiness, health and financial security in an age of increased
longevity. Public Affairs: New York, New York
Scheibe, S., Mata, R., & Carstensen, L.L. (2011). Age differences in affective forecasting and experienced emotion
surrounding the 2008 U.S. Presidential election. Cognition and Emotion, 25, 1029-1044.
Carstensen, L.L., Turan, B., Scheibe, S., Ram, N., Ersner-Hershfield, H., Samanez-Larkin, G., Brooks, K. &
Nesselroade, J. R. (2011). Emotional experience improves with age: Evidence based on over 10 years of
experience sampling. Psychology and Aging, 26, 21-33. doi: 10.1037/a0021285
Mikels, J., Löckenhoff, C., Maglio, S., Goldstein, M., Garber, A. & Carstensen, L.L. (2010). Following your heart
or your head: Focusing on emotions versus information differentially influences the decisions of younger
and older adults. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 16, 87-95. doi:10.1037/a0018500
Sullivan, S., Mikels, J. & Carstensen, L.L. (2010). You never lose the ages you’ve been: Affective perspective
taking in older adults. Psychology and Aging, 25, 229-234. doi: 10.1037/a0018383
Scheibe, S. & Carstensen, L.L. (2010). Emotional Aging: Recent Findings and Future Trends. Journals of
Gerontology, 65, 135-144.doi: 10.1093/geronb/gbp132
Schober, M.F., & Carstensen, L.L. (2010). Does being together for years help comprehension? In E. Morsella
(Ed.), Expressing oneself/Expressing one's self: Communication, cognition, language, and identity.
London: Taylor & Francis.
Charles, S.T. & Carstensen, L.L. (2010). Social and emotional aging. Annual Review of Psychology, 61, 383-409.
doi: 10.1146/annurev.psych.093008. 100448
Carstensen, L.L. (2009). A long bright future. Random House. New York, New York.
Samanez-Larkin, G.R., Robertson, E.R., Mikels, J.A., Carstensen, L.L., Gotlib, I.H. Samanez-Larkin, G.R.,
Robertson, E.R., Mikels, J.A., Carstensen, L.L., Gotlib, I.H. (2009). Selective attention to emotion in the
aging brain. Psychology and Aging, 24, 519–529. doi: 10.1037/a0016952
Kwon, Y., Scheibe, S., Samanez-Larkin, G.R., Tsai, J.L., & Carstensen,L.L. (2009). Replicating the positivity
effect in picture memory in Koreans: Evidence for cross-cultural generalizability. Psychology and Aging,
24, 748–754. doi:10.1037/a0016054
Charles, S.T. & Carstensen, L.L. (2009). Socioemotional selectivity theory. In H. Reis & S. Sprecher (Eds.)
Encyclopedia of Human Relationships (pp. 1578-1581). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Samanez-Larkin, G.R., Hollon, N.G., Carstensen, L.L., Knutson, B. (2008). Individual differences in insular
sensitivity during loss anticipation predict avoidance learning. Psychological Science, 19(4), 320–323.
Charles, S.T. & Carstensen, L.L. (2008). Unpleasant situations elicit different emotional responses in younger and
older adults. Psychology and Aging, 23, 495-504. doi:10.1037/a0013284
Ram, N., Morelli, S., Lindberg, C., Carstensen, L.L. (2008). From static to dynamic: The on-going dialectic about
human development. In K.W. Schaie and R. Abeles (Eds.). Social Structures and Aging Individuals:
Continuing Challenges. New York: Springer.
Lindberg, C., Carstensen, E.L & Carstensen, L.L. (2008). Lifelong learning and technology. Prepared for the
National Research Council's Report on Learning Science in Informal Environments: A Review of the
Research Past, Present, and Future. Washington, DC: National Academies Press.
Nielsen, L., Carstensen, L.L. & Knutson, B. (2008). Affect dynamics, affective forecasting and aging. Emotion, 8,
Lockenhoff, C.E. & Carstensen, L.L. (2008). Decision strategies in healthcare choices for self and others: Older
adults make adjustments for the age of the decision target, younger adults do not. Journals of Gerontology:
Psychological Sciences, 63, 106-109.
Ersner-Hershfield, H., Mikels, J.A., Sullivan, S.J., Carstensen, L.L. (2008) Poignancy: Mixed emotional experience
in the face of meaningful endings. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 94, 158-167. doi:
Larkin, G.R.S., Gibbs, S.E.B., Khanna, K., Nielsen, L., Carstensen, L.L., Knutson, B. (2007). Anticipation of
monetary gain but not loss in healthy older adults [Supplementary materials]. Nature Neuroscience, 10,
787-791. doi:10.1038/nn1894
Löckenhoff, C.E. & Carstensen, L.L. (2007). Aging, emotion and health-related decision strategies: Motivational
manipulations can reduce age differences. Psychology and Aging, 22, 134-146. doi: 10.1037/08827974.22.1.134
Charles, S.T. & Carstensen, L.L. (2007). Emotion regulation and aging. In J.J. Gross (Ed.), Handbook of Emotion
Regulation. New York, NY: Guilford Press.
Carstensen, L. L. (Winter, 2007). Growing old or living long: Take your pick. Issues in Science and Technology,
Winter 2007, 41-50.
Carstensen, L.L. (2006). The influence of a sense of time on human development. Science, 312, 1913-1915.
Carstensen L.L. and Hartel, C.R. (Eds). (2006). When I'm 64. Committee On Aging Frontiers in Social
Psychology, Personality, and Adult Developmental Psychology. Board on Behavioral, Cognitive, and
Sensory Sciences, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education. Washington, DC:
National Research Council/The National Academies Press.
Fung, H. H., & Carstensen, L. L. (2006). Goals change when life's fragility is primed: Lessons learned from Older
Adults, the September 11th Attacks and SARS. Social Cognition, 24, 248-278.
Carstensen, L.L., Mikels, J.A. & Mather, M. (2006). Aging and the intersection of cognition, motivation and
emotion. In J. Birren & K.W. Schaie (Eds.), (6th ed., pp. 343-362). Handbook of the Psychology of Aging,
San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
Schaie, K.W. & Carstensen, L.L. (Eds). (2006). Social structures, aging and self-regulation in the elderly. New
York, NY: Springer Publishing Company.
Mikels, J.A., Larkin, G.L., Reuter-Lorenz, P.A., & Carstensen, L.L. (2005). Divergent trajectories in the aging
mind: Changes in working memory for affective versus visual information with age. Psychology and
Aging, 20, 542-553. doi: 10. 1037/0882-7974.20.4.542
Mather , M. & Carstensen, L.L. (2005). Aging and motivated cognition: The positivity effect in attention and
memory. Trends in Cognitive Science, 9, 496-502.
Carstensen, L.L. & Mikels, J.A. (2005). At the intersection of emotion and cognition: Aging and the positivity
effect. 14, 117-121. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 14, 117-121. doi: 10.1111/j.09637214.2005.00348.x
Fung, H.L., Rice, C. & Carstensen, L.L. (2005). Reactive and proactive motivational changes across adulthood. In
W. Greve, K. Rothermund & D. Wentura (Eds.), The adaptive self: Personal Continuity and Intentional
Self-Development (pp. 171-183). New York, NY: Hogrefe & Huber Publishers.
Ersner-Hershfield, H., Rice, C., Lindberg, C. & Carstensen, L. (2005). The good, the bad and the poignant. Aging
Today, 26, 7-8.
Löckenhoff, C.E. & Carstensen, L.L. (2004). Socioemotional selectivity theory, aging, and health: The increasingly
delicate balance between regulating emotions and making tough choices. Journal of Personality, 72, 13951424. doi:10.1111/j.1467-6494.2004.00301.x
Fung, H.L. & Carstensen, L.L. (2004). Motivational changes in response to blocked goals and foreshortened time:
Testing alternative explanations of socioemotional selectivity theory. Psychology and Aging, 19, 68-78.
Carstensen, L.L. & Löckenhoff, C.E. (2004). Aging, Emotion and Evolution: The Bigger Picture. To appear in P.
Ekman, J.J. Campos, R.J. Davidson, & F.B.M. de Waal (Eds.) Emotions Inside Out: 130 Years after
Darwin's The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals, Vol. 1000 of the Annals of the New York
Academy of Sciences (Electronic version available at Annals Online www.annalsnyas.org).
Mather, M., Canli, T., English, T., Whitfield, S., Wais, P., Ochsner, K., Gabrieli, J. & Carstensen, L. (2004).
Amygdala responses to emotionally valenced stimuli in older and younger adults. Psychological Science,
15, 259-263. doi:10.1111/j.0956-7976.2004.00662.x
Kennedy, Q., Mather, M. & Carstensen, L.L. (2004). The role of motivation in the age-related positive memory
bias in autobiographical memory. Psychological Science, 15, 208-214. doi:10.1111/j.09567976.2004.01503011.x
Charles, S.T. & Carstensen, L.L. (2004). A life-span view of emotional functioning in adulthood and old age. (pp.
133-162). In Advances in Cell Aging and Gerontology Series, Vol 15, P.T. Costa & I.C. Siegler (Eds.)
Recent Advances in Psychology and Aging. Amsterdam: Elsevier, Ltd.
Pasupathi, M. & Carstensen, L.L. (2003). Age and emotional experience during mutual reminiscing. Psychology
and Aging, 18, 430-442. doi:10.1037/0882-7974.18.3.430
Isaacowitz, D., Smith, T.B., & Carstensen, L.L. (2003). Socioemotional selectivity and mental health among
trauma survivors in old age. Ageing International, 28, 181-199.
Carstensen, L.L., Fung, H.L. & Charles, S.T. (2003). Socioemotional selectivity theory and emotion regulation in
the second half of life. Motivation and Emotion, 27, 103-123. doi:10.1023/A:1024569803230
Mather, M. & Carstensen, L.L. (2003). Aging and attentional biases for emotional faces. Psychological Science,14,
409-415. doi:10.1111/1467-9280.01455
Fung, H.L. & Carstensen, L.L. (2003). Sending memorable messages to the old: Age differences in preferences and
memory for advertisements. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 85, 163-178.
Charles, S.T., Mather, M.M. & Carstensen, L.L. (2003) Aging and emotional memory: The forgettable nature of
negative images for older adults. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 132, 310-324.
Carstensen, L.L., Charles, S.T., Isaacowitz, D. & Kennedy, Q. (2003). Life-span personality development and
emotion. In R.J. Davidson, K. Scherer & H.H. Goldsmith (Eds.), Handbook of Affective Sciences (pp. 726746). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Pasupathi, M., Henry, R. & Carstensen, L.L. (2002). Age and ethnicity differences in storytelling to young
children: Emotionality, relationality and socialization. Psychology and Aging, 17, 610-621.
Löckenhoff, C.E. & Carstensen, L.L. (2002). Is the life-span theory of control a theory of development or a theory
of coping? To appear in S. Zarit, L. Pearlin, K.W. Schaie (Eds.), Personal control in social and life
contexts. New York, NY: Springer Publishing.
Carstensen, L.L. & Charles, S.T. (2002). Human Aging: Why is even good news taken as bad? L. Aspinwall & U.
Staudinger (Eds.), A psychology of human strengths: Perspectives on an emerging field (pp.75-86).
Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Fung, H.H. & Carstensen, L.L. (2002, March-April). The knowledge of our years: Time so limited, life so precious.
Aging Today, 23(2), 9, 11.
Rice, C. J., Löckenhoff, C.E., & Carstensen, L.L. (2002). En busca de independencia y productividad: cómo
influyen las culturas occidentales en las explicaciones individuales y científicas del envejecimiento.
[Chasing independence and productivity: How Western culture influences individual and scientific
accounts of aging]. Revista Latinoamericana de Psicología, 34, 133-154.
Lang, F. R. & Carstensen, L.L. (2002). Time counts: Future time perspective, goals and social relationships.
Psychology and Aging, 17, 125-139. doi:10.1037//0882-7974.17.1.125
Charles, S. T. & Carstensen, L.L. (2002). Marriage in old age. (pp. 236-254). In M. Yalom, & L.L. Carstensen
(Eds.), Inside the American couple: New thinking, new challenges (pp. 236-254). Berkeley, CA: University
of California Press. (Reprinted in U.S.-Japan Women's Journal (2000), 27, 3-18.)
Yalom, M. & Carstensen, L.L. (Eds.). (2002). Inside the American Couple: New thinking, new challenges.
Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
Carstensen, L.L. (2001). Adult personality development. (pp.11290-11295). In N. J. Smelzer & P.B. Baltes (Eds.),
International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 16, Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Ltd.
Carstensen, L.L. (2001). Emotion and aging. (327-329). In G. Maddox (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Aging. (3rd ed.,
pp.327-329). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Co.
Charles, S.T., Carstensen, L.L. & McFall, R.M. (2001). Problem solving in the nursing home environment: Age
and experience differences in emotional reactions and responses. Journal of Clinical Geropsychology, 7,
319-330. doi:10.1023/A:1011352326374
Carstensen, L.L. (2001). Margret M. Baltes: Dependency and success in aging. Contemporary Gerontology, 8, 4245.
Kennedy, Q., Fung, H. & Carstensen, L.L. (2001). Aging, time estimation and emotion: An multidisciplinary
exploration. In S.H. McFadden, & R.C. Atchley (Eds.), Aging and the meaning of time (pp. 51-74). New
York, NY: Springer
Fung, H.H., Carstensen, L.L., & Lang, F. (2001). Age-related patterns in social networks among EuropeanAmericans and African-Americans: Implications for socioemotional selectivity across the life span.
International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 52, 185-206.
Fisher, J.E., Zeiss, A.M., & Carstensen, L.L. (2001). Psychopathology in the aged. In P.B. Sutker, & H.E. Adams
(Eds.), Comprehensive handbook of psychopathology (3rd ed., pp. 921-951). New York, NY: Kluwer
Academic/Plenum Publishers.
Tsai, J.L., Levenson, R.W. & Carstensen, L.L. (2000). Autonomic, expressive and subjective responses to
emotional films in younger and older adults of European American and Chinese descent. Psychology and
Aging, 15, 684-693.
Carstensen, L.L., Pasupathi, M., Mayr, U. & Nesselroade, J. (2000). Emotional experience in everyday life across
the adult life span. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 79, 644-655. doi: I O.1037//O022-3
Carstensen, L.L. (2000). Social gerontological theories. In A. Kazdin (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Psychology.
Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.
Stern, P. & Carstensen, L.L. (Eds.). (2000). The aging mind: Opportunities in cognitive research. Washington, DC:
The National Academies Press.
Carstensen, L.L., Charles, S. & Isaacowitz, D. (2000). Applying science to human behavior. American
Psychologist, 5, 343.
Carstensen, L.L. (2000). Keeping aging minds sharp. The Scientist, 14(22), 6.
Carstensen, L.L., Graff, J., & Lang, F. (2000). Psychology’s contributions to gerontology. In J. E. Clair (Ed.), The
gerontological prism: Developing interdisciplinary bridges (pp. 29-48). Amityville, NY: Baywood
Isaacowitz, D., Charles, S. & Carstensen, L.L. (2000). Emotion and cognition. In G. Craik, & T. Salthouse (Eds.)
Handbook of aging and cognition (2nd ed., pp. 593-631). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Publishers.
Fung, H.H., Carstensen, L.L. & Lutz, A. (1999). The influence of time on social preferences: Implications for lifespan development. Psychology and Aging, 14, 595-604.
Fung, H.H., Abeles, R.P. & Carstensen, L.L. (1999). Psychological control in later life: Implications for life-span
development. M. Lerner & J. Brandtstädter (Eds.), Action and development: Origins and functions of
intentional self development (pp. 345-372). Hillsdale, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.
Carstensen, L.L., Isaacowitz, D. & Charles, S.T. (1999). Taking time seriously: A theory of socioemotional
selectivity. American Psychologist, 54, 165-181.
Charles, S.T. & Carstensen, L.L. (1999). The role of time in the setting of social goals across the life span (pp. 319342). In F. Blanchard-Fields & T. Hess (Eds.), Social cognition and aging. New York: Academic Press.
Carstensen, L.L. & Charles, S.T. (1999). Emotion in the second half of life. Current Directions in Psychological
Science, 7, 144-149. (Reprinted in Annual Editions: Human Development, 2000/2001, Sluice Dock: CT:
Dushkin/McGraw Hill, 213-217; Reprinted in Current Directions Readers, 2004).
Pasupathi, M., Carstensen, L.L., Levenson, R.W., & Gottman, J.M. (1999). Responsive listening in long-married
couples: A psycholinguistic perspective. Journal of Non-Verbal Behavior, 23, 173-193.
Baltes, M.M. & Carstensen, L.L. (1999). Social psychological theories and their applications to aging: From
individual to collective (pp. 209-226). In V. Bengtson, & K.W. Schaie (Eds.) Handbook of theories of
aging. New York: Springer.
Carstensen, L.L., & Fredrickson, B.L. (1998). The influence of HIV-status and age on cognitive representations of
others. Health Psychology, 17, 494-503.
Pasupathi, M, Carstensen, L.L., Turk-Charles, S. & Tsai, J. (1998). Emotion and aging. In H. Friedman (Ed.),
Encyclopedia of mental health. Vol. 2 (pp. 91-101). San Diego: Academic Press.
Lang, F.& Carstensen, L.L. (1998). Social relationships and adaptation in late life. In B.A. Edelstein (Ed.),
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Lang, F., Staudinger, U. & Carstensen, L.L. (1998).Socioemotional selectivity in late life: How personality and
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Carstensen, L.L. (1996). The second half of life: Studying the strengths of older Americans. (Invited editorial). The
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Baltes, M.M. & Carstensen, L.L. (1996). The process of successful ageing. Ageing and Society, 16, 397-422.
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Lindenberger (2002). Understanding human development: Dialogues with life-span psychology, pp. 81104; Norwell, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers).
Baltes, M., Horgas, A., Klingenspor, B., Freund, A. & Carstensen, L.L. (1996). Geschlechtsunterschiede der
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Carstensen, L.L., Graff, J., Levenson, R.W. & Gottman, J.M. (1996). Affect in intimate relationships: The
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Carstensen, L.L. (1996). Interactive minds from a developmental perspective. In P.B.Baltes & U. Staudinger
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Carstensen, L.L. (1996). Socioemotional selectivity: A life-span developmental account of social behavior. In M.R.
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Carstensen, L.L. (1995). Evidence for a life-span theory of socioemotional selectivity. Current Directions in
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Carstensen, L.L., Gottman, J.M., & Levenson, R.W. (1995). Emotional behavior in long-term marriage.
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Pasupathi, M., Carstensen, L.L. & Tsai, J.L. (1995). The social construction of the disempowered elderly: Ageism
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Carstensen, L.L., Fisher, J.E. & Malloy, P. (1995). Cognitive and affective characteristics of socially withdrawn
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Carstensen, L.L., Hanson, K., Freund, A., (1995). Selection and compensation in adulthood. In R.A. Dixon and L.
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Carstensen, L.L. & Freund, A. (1994). The resilience of the aging self. Developmental Review, 14, 81-92.
Carstensen, L.L. & Turk-Charles, S. (1994). The salience of emotion across the adult life course. Psychology and
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Lang, F.R. & Carstensen, L.L. (1994). Close emotional relationships in late life: Further support for proactive
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Levenson, R.W., Carstensen, L.L. & Gottman, J.M. (1994). Marital interaction in old and middle-aged long-term
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Carstensen, L.L. (1993). Motivation for social contact across the life span: A theory of socioemotional selectivity.
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(Vol. 40, pp. 209-254). Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.
Carstensen, L.L. & Pasupathi, M. (1993). Women of a certain age. In S. Matteo (Ed.), Critical issues facing women
in the '90s (pp. 66-78), Boston: Northeastern University Press.
Fisher, J. E., Carstensen, L.L., Turk, S.E., Noll, J. (1993). Geriatric patients. In A.S. Bellack & M. Hersen (Eds.),
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Fisher, J.E., Zeiss, A. M., & Carstensen, L.L. (1993). Psychopathology in the aged. In P.B. Sutker, H.E. Adams
(2nd Ed.), Comprehensive handbook of psychopathology (pp. 815-842). New York: Plenum Press.
Levenson, R.W., Carstensen, L.L. & Gottman, J.M. (1993). Long-term marriage: Age, gender and satisfaction.
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Carstensen, L.L. (1992). Perspectives on research with older families: Contributions of older adults to families and
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Carstensen, L.L. (1992). Social and emotional patterns in adulthood: Support for socioemotional selectivity theory.
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Baltes, M.M. & Carstensen, L.L. (1991). Possible selves and their fertility in the process of successful aging: A
commentary on Cross and Markus. Human Development, 34, 256-260.
Carstensen, L. L. (1991). Selectivity theory: Social activity in life-span context. In K.W. Schaie (Ed.), Annual
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Carstensen, L.L. & Fisher, J.E. (1991). Treatment applications for psychological and behavioral problems of the
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Levenson, R.W., Carstensen, L.L., Friesen, W.V., & Ekman, P. (1991). Emotion, physiology and expression in old
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Ornstein, R. & Carstensen, L.L. (1991). Psychology: The study of human experience, 2nd. Ed., San Diego:
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Fisher, J.E., & Carstensen, L.L. (1990). Generalized effects of skills training among older adults. The Clinical
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Fisher, J.E. & Carstensen, L.L. (1990). Behavior management of the dementias. Clinical Psychology Review, 10,
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us more selective. Psychology and Aging, 5, 335-347. (Reprinted in Essential papers on the psychology of
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Meeks, S., Carstensen, L.L., Stafford, P., Brenner, L.L., Weathers, F., Welch, R., & Oltmanns, T.F. (1990). Mental
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Carstensen, L.L. (1989). Peril in the prediction of psychopathology with longitudinal research. Contemporary
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Carstensen, L.L. & Fremouw, J. (1988). The influence of social anxiety and mental status on social withdrawal
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Rychtarik, R.G., Carstensen, L.L., Alford, G.S., Schlundt, D.G., & Scott, W.O. (1988). Situational assessment of
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Cone, J.D. & Carstensen, L.L. (1985). Life satisfaction and social desirability: Clarifying earlier findings. Journal
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Carstensen, L.L., & Cone, J.D. (1983). The influence of social desirability on the measurement of psychological
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Carstensen, L.L., Mason, S.E., & Caldwell, E.C. (1982). Children's attitudes toward the elderly: An
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Research in Progress:
Aging, emotion and motivation (socioemotional selectivity theory)
The influence of motivation on cognitive processing
Behavioral influences on health
The influence of aging on emotional responding
Medical and financial decision making