Purdue University Purdue e-Pubs International Compressor Engineering Conference School of Mechanical Engineering 1984 An Application of TRIAC to Capacitor Motor for Hermetic Compressor K. Nakane Y. Tozaki H. Sakamoto Follow this and additional works at: http://docs.lib.purdue.edu/icec Nakane, K.; Tozaki, Y.; and Sakamoto, H., "An Application of TRIAC to Capacitor Motor for Hermetic Compressor" (1984). International Compressor Engineering Conference. Paper 449. http://docs.lib.purdue.edu/icec/449 This document has been made available through Purdue e-Pubs, a service of the Purdue University Libraries. Please contact epubs@purdue.edu for additional information. Complete proceedings may be acquired in print and on CD-ROM directly from the Ray W. Herrick Laboratories at https://engineering.purdue.edu/ Herrick/Events/orderlit.html AN APPLICA'l'ION OF 'l'RIAC TO CAPACI'l'OR 1-10'l'OR FOR lll~Rt~IC'riC COMPRSSO!l Ka.zuhiro Nakane, Yasuhiro To?.nki,. Ilirota.ka Sakamoto Shizuoka. Worlw, Mitsubishi Electri.c Corporation Shizuoka City , Ja.pan ABSTRACT This paper refers to a.n n.pplication study of 'l'lUAC to PSC motor for thft hermetic compessor. It is 1-1ell lcnown that 'l'HIAC rlel nys pharJa ane,le of the current and has no losses if it is consider(\ as ideal flwitch. 'l'herefore it is possible to c;et a ldncl. of variable capacitor lJy connecting ~'HIAC Nith capacitor in series antl controlline; the firing angle of it. oncy and output rati.ngo are 100 V,50/60 J!v. and 100 11. It is a. 1mi 1 t-in motor for the rotary type hermetic compressor shown in Ji'ie;. 2. 'l'hore are three types of the wirings of the starting device for thifl motor,as shown i.n lcig, 3. A shows CSR moto:r,n shows P'l'C asoist CSR motor and C sho~1s PTC nssist PSC motor. The customer is able to choono a most suitable type of them for use. By use of this vari.able capa.ci.tor for PSC motor,\·11:> could obtain the performance similar to CSR motor. Therefore ~1e bel iove that this type motor should be developed as one of the single phase motor for the hermetic compressor with the progress of the electronics. JN'rRODUC'I'ION Various kinds of single phase induction motors such as PSC,CSR,CSIR,RSIR,PTC assist PSC and PTC assist CSR are used for hermetic compressors. 1-1e choice one of these according to the purpose for use. In recent years,it is prosperous to tr,y the application studies of semiconductors to the sphere of the motor control. An application study of TRIAC to a single phase induction motor is one of these. As explainning in this paper,it a ki.nd of varialJle capacitor 1Jy in series with capacitor of PSC line; the firing angle of it. We motor TRIAC assist PSC motor in Fig.1 100 W motor used for test is possible to cet connecti.ng 'l'RIAC motor a.nd controlcall this type this paper. This paper refers to the torque characteristic of 'l'RIAC aasist PSG motor and the starting· performance on the actual hermetic compressor,bas ed on the experimental results. And we try to compare it with the other existing motors. In addition, we view a possibility of TRIAC assist PSC motor for hermetic compressors. TEST MOTOR ANTI CONTROL DEVICE OF 'l'RIAC 2 poles,single phase induction motor shown in Fie;. l was used for our experiment. its voltage,frequ - Fig.2 Rotary type hermetic compressor 168 l 1: Main winding z: A: CSR motor 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: Auxiliary \>tin ding Relay Starting capacitor Discharging resistor Running capaiitor P'l'C thermistor Fir;. 5 shows the control device of TRIAC made for our ~xpcriment. Fir;. 6 shows its block diae;rnm, and Fir;. 7 shows its time charts. It is possible to set 11p the firinr; o.n(\le of 'l'RIAC lJY 0. l. mace., uain~ thjs cotrol device. The detection circujt for the au:x:Uiar;v Hinrlinr; val tar,e operates to turn TRIAC into no fire. For this operation, we make usc of the property which the auxiliary Hi.ndinr; voltsr;e increases with revolution in PSC motor ,as ~hown in Fig. B. And the relation between the auxil iar;v winding voltnr;e nncl the oper;J.tinr; point of the detection circuit has a hysterisis characteristic as shown in Fig. B. B: FTC assist CSR motor 1 C: FTC assist PSG motor Fig. 3 Wiring diagrams of the hermetic compressor motors for refrigerator Fig. 5 Control device of TRIAC Fir;. L1 sho~rs the Wl-rl-ng diae;ram of TRIAC assiot PSC motor described in this paper. TRIAC is connected in series with capacitor of PSC motor. Heoti fioation ht tenation Voltage comparator D TRIJ\C \ 0J \ Main .---winding Auxiliary winding A: To main •1nd1ng ~·o running c•pacitor C: To auxiliary winoint \. Runn1ng capacitor Fig. !1 Wiring_diagram of TRIAC assist PSG motor B: D: To common Fig. 6 169 Block diagram of the control device Source voltage ~~~vvv lr II lr 1 1 II V 1 I /'\ ,,v 1 r 11 I winding! A Aux. voltase II 1 ditector Counters Latches Zero lr ll ,1 ,, ,1 V A V 1\ (\ \J'C (\ (\ V~\..J\, I • 1 11 I I I I Firing angle = o<> ../ v~f· :evel "' fica-:.:=:~;;~=:::::::::::::::::=:;:===::=::::: ,-tion Fig. 9 Recti - - -... Time I I I Firing angle = 180" Definit ion of the firing angle Attenation Vol tase comparator Control Drivers logic _uL...-JL..-L-...L.-JII__._....L.-J [l [\ An \1\1\ v v 1V\/ \: ---- --- Time Fig. 7 H nl Time chart of control device ..-I !il{;h "0 :.> .0 i . ..... .5 Slip I d bO ~ .. 30 '-' bO <11 r-l S... <11 ..-I Speed 0 Fig. 8 Main winding current 60 ii'o !! Fire No fire Illustr ating the relation ship between speed-t orque . aux. voltage curves and fire of TRIAC . 90 Fig. 10 Illustr ating the phase angle relation ship between main winding current and aux. winding current (Base is source voltage ) correspo~ding to slip,fo r PSG motor TORQUE C!IARACTERRISTIC OF TRIAC ASSIST PSC MOTOR We define the firing angle of TRIAC as shown in Fig, 9 in this paper, i.e.,?:er o riee,ree of the firing angle correspo nds to zero d.egree of the source voltage. Ji'ir,. 10 shows the phase angle of the main winding and auxiliar y winding currents for PSC motor used for our experime nt,which the source voltage is base. General ly,the main winding current lags the source voltage, and the auxiliar y 1~inding current leads the source voltage. ' '!'here fore, in case that the firing angle of TRIAC is zero degree, the auxiliar y l·linding current is chopped by angular lead for the source voltage. Fie,-. 11 sho~1s the measured waveform s of the source vol~ege (E ) and the auxiliar y winding current 1 (I ) correspo nding to the firing angle of 0" 47-5° 1 a and 7 3.4 ° s,t slip~l (at starting ) for TRIAC assist PSC mo·tor. As seen from this figure,t he phase ' angle of I lags as the firing engle of TRIAC a. increase s. That is to say,it shows the characte; -· ristic of a kind of variable inductan ce. " 170 1000 2000 Spee d (r.p .m.) Fig. 12 Firi ng angl e =73. W Fig. 11 Mea sured spee d-to rque curv e for TRIAC assi st PSC moto r The relat ion betw een the start ing torqu e and the firinB ' angle of TRIAC is sho\m in Fig. valu es of the start ing torqu e were obtai13, Thes e above meas ured spee d-tor que' ourv es. As ned from seen from this figu re,th e maximum poin t of the start ing torq1.1e is given at the firin g angle of near ly 50 degr ees. Its value is abou t 3·3 time s as much as the start ing torqu e of PSC moto r,whi ch broke n line 'in Fig. 13. And in this figui's shown as sta.r ting torqu e equa ls zero at the firin re,th e g angle of near ly 115 degr ees. It means sino< . .. 0 equa tion (1), i.e.t he phase diffe renc in the· · · · e betw een the Mea sured aux. wind ing curr ent tif TBIAC assi st PSC moto r (slip =l) 00 0 000 Star ting torqu e of PSC moto r is exp~e ssed as the follo~ting equa tion, as well known. 0 ° 0 0 00 (1) 0 0 0 0 wher e I mr . Main wind ing curre nt Ias Aux iliary windi ne; curre nt 0(1 Phas e diffe renc e betw een I T s 6 Sta~ting torqu e 3000 0 0 m and I a oo 10 0 · Ther efore it ie poss ible to cont rol Ts by cont rolling Iasin ~, i.e., by cont rolli ng the fi~in - - - - - - - - - - _qo - ~Starting torq ue of PSC g angle of TRIAC for TRIAC assi st PSC moto r. Fig. 12 shows the meas ured moto r spee d-tor que curv es for TRIAC assis t PSC moto~,corr eepondine; to each firin g angle shown in Fig. 11. meas ured f~om firin g angle of 0 degre They are degr ees. It is appa rent that the speee to 140 curve chang es as the fir).n g angle of d-tor que TRIAC chang es 0 0 0 0 b Fig. 13 171 3b 6b 9b 1 Firi ng angl e (deg ree) 1~0 I I Rela tion betw een meas ured star ting torq ue and firin g , angl e for 'rRIAC ·ass ist PSG moto r main winding current and auxiliary winding current becomes zero degree at this firing angle. Increasing more than this firing angle 1 the-auxiliary l'linding current lags the main tlinding current 1 i.e, sj_nO(<O; T < 0 in'the equation (1). It torque of PSC motor,whioh is shown as broken line in Firr. 14. IPig. 15 sho1-1s the rela.tj on between the starting ~.nd llreak-down torque and the firing angle of 'l'fi.IAC. 'l'he values of the torques are expressed a.s ratio,~lhich is 1 in case of PSG motor. 'l'he pointe of the maximum startinr.; and break-down torque corresponding to the firing angle of 'rRIAC shift a :fel·l. And the starting torque is high ratio more -blum -the break-c-lown torque. B . means the motor rotates in reverse. Fig. 14 shows the relation between the break-down torque and the firing angle of 'l'RIAC. These values of' the break-dolm torque Here obtained from above measured speert-torque curves in the same manner as the stfl.rting torCJ_ne. As aeon from this figure,tho maximum point of tho break-down torq\te is Bi von at the firing angle of nearly 55 degrees. Its value ierabout 1.4 times as much as the break-down 70 0 U) p, 4 .jJ U) . Oo ~~3- 0 oo oooo oo. oo 00 00 ~ H p:; 0 2 E---1 0 I . Starting torque ·rl UlO oo •r-t I:>. A J:>.J:>.I:>. .jJ m 1- A;AI:>.I:>.AAI:>.~:>.AA~~O H QJ ;:J o• H 0 8 -,r-,0]1----~~~~r-,--,--,,--,--.--TI--r--rj--rl 120 90 60 30 0 -1, 0 Firing angle (degree) Fig. 14 Relation between measured break-down torque and firing angle for TRIAC assist PSC .motor F'ig. 15 30 60 120 90 Firing angle (degree) Relation between the starting a~d break-down torque ratio (PSC=l) and firing angle for.TRIAG assist PSG motor El ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ea~Wi~~~~hF~+f~~~t,+~~Hw.~ft~~~~~~~~~~~~f~=~-l~~.;~:~.!·~~i~-~~~u~~~~~~~,,~:~ 11 -~:..r:'l. .. r\: A .l·msec. E1 ; Source voltage Ea; Auxiliary winding voltage Fig. 16 I 1 i Common line current Auxiliary winding current I m'• Main winding current Iai Starting test data of TRIAC assist PSC ·motor on the actual hermetic compressor 172 STAUTTIW PERFORMANCE ON THE AC'I'UAL HERMETIC COMPRESSOR Fig. 16 shows the electr ical perfor mance data of TRIAC assist PSC motor from start to full speed on the actual herme tic compr ssor shown in Fig. 2. It shows the case that the firing angle of TRIAC is setted up at 50 degree s,whi.c h we can ge.t the maximum value of the starti ng torque . From a practi cal point of view,w e need set up the firing angle to take into coside ration of the starti ng, break- down or transi ent accera ted torque s cooperat ed with the loadin e torque in the system . TRIAC is turned . into no fire at the point A shown in Fig. 16. At this point, the detect ion circu it foi: the auxili ary windin g voltag e of the contro l device shown in Fig. 5 operat e,and the motor change s to the condit ion of PSC. CDr1PARISON OF TRIAC ASSIST PSC MOTOR WITH TilE EXISTING OTHER MOTORS We make the perfor mance compa rison of TRIAC assist PSC motor with the existi ng other motors using the experi menta l result s obtain ed by changi ng the · electr ic parts except for the runnin g capac itor of the motor shown in Fig. 1. 70 CSR.. 60 o--\-- -1-t'- -i 10 .-7__,-- ~ Fig. 18 shows the break- down torque of TRIAC assiet PSC motor at the firing angle of 55 degree s ,tcget her with the existi ng other motor s. As seen from this figure, TRIAC assist PSC motor at the firing angle of 55 degree s and GSR and PTC assist CSR m~tors having nearly 20 1-l F starti ng capac itor have vnear ly eq,ual value of the break- down torque . And the breal<-down torque of 'l'RIAG asai.st PSG motor is nearly 1.8 times value as that of PTC assist PSG motor having 15n PTC,and nearly 1.5 times value as that of FTC assist PSG motor having 33 n PTG. H 0 +' o..-.. o H 0 +' s. s ao 0 Olf\U o:n p., ..-l +' b.O Ul 1'1 ·rl C\l Ul Ul b.O C\li:: ·rl u I-< ~-rl HI">-< P<--- +' Ul hO 7J<ll t PTC:l 5.o 0 60 I H 80 o--. Start ing capac itor +>• PTC assis t CSR motor CSR motor ~ Jl' Olf\ Slf\ (tJF) p., QJ H 0 ~ 0 +> +' 0 a 0a u u o:n p.. o:n p.. rl +'b.O -~Ul ffi •rl Ul Ul (1j Ultto C\'51'1 ·rl Ul-< 0 8 p.. t.---A . PTC: assist CSR (PTC=33Q) ~ I ~~ p:;.,_. 8 Fig. 17 PTC=33.o. o \ 50 J1 20 0 o-------~~ ~-- I-t 0 0 o:n o:n p.. -1 ~ <ll p.. /"" +' .. ., c~Ko ~ Ql ;:j 0" 0 I-< 0 (P'rC: l5Q) flO 0 0 +' CSR PTC assis t alOO 0 PTC assis t CSR (P'l'C=33n) ,/ PTC=33.Q. Ereak- down torgue assia~ /7' ~~,;._ P'rC=1 5& Fig. 17 shows the starti ng torque of TRIAC assist PSC motor at the firing angle of 50 degree s, togeth er with the existi ng other motors . As seen from this figure, TRIAC assist PSC motor at the firj.ng angle of 50 degree s, and CSR and PTG assist CSR motors having nearly 30 1-' F starti ng capao i tor have a nearly eq_ual value of the starti ng torque . And the starti ng torque of TRIAC assist PSC motor is nearly 1. 3 times value as that of PTC assist PSG motor having 15 n PTG,and nearly 1.4 times V!l.lttc as that of PTC aesist PSC motor having 33 g PTC. 0 (PTC:~ ;~. PTC Starti ng torgue +' 1- 20 I I 40 60 80 Start ing capac itor · (pF) PTC assis t CSR motor asrr motor 1/J ·rl Ul Ul <U t.) 8 p.. 8 Measu red start ing torqu e comp arison of TRIAC assis t PSC motor with the other motor s Fig. 18 173 Measu red break -down torqu e comp arison of TRIAC assis t PSC motor with the other motor s VIEW IN FU'rURE OF TRIAC ASSIST PSC MOTOR FOR THE HERMETIC COMPRESSOR for restartin~,different from PTC assist PSC or FTC assist CSR motor. 'l'1>ble 1 shows the coat comparison of the electric parts for various types of mot~ under nearly same value oondi·tion of ·the atartine; torque. As seen from this table,TRIAC assist PSC motor is not the best one of the minimum cost for performance. As there is a possibility of cost doHn for the control device by the mass·production or the integration 1 it is enough to say that TRIAC assist FSC motor has a possibility of a practical use i~ future. CONCLUTION ~ A B Starting capacitor. 16 -.e--- Running capacitor 27 ~ )€ Relay c D ·vv - ....,....._ IVIV L 1/IV~ IV -- L IV1/IV 55 Discharging resistor PTC 2 26 TRIAC ..R Control device Total <::oat 125 100 69 53 152 Numerical value CSR : Ratio B: PTC assist CSR (Total cost C: P'l'C assist PSC of A=lOO) D: TRIAC assist PSC J\: Table 1 Cost comparison of the electric parts for various types of motors (under nealy same condition of the starting torque) Ilut the existing motors have some technical problems to be solved. For example,CSR motor has a meohanical relay to break the circui-t of the starting capacitor,therefore it has the problem of a noise with on-off 1 which is a.n unavoidable problem. And although P'rc assist CSR motor achieves the purpose to do away the mechanical relay,it has a fault that the motor is not able to be restarted immediately. Decause PTC is required the time for cooling to be a initial registanoe after the power supply was turned off. And FTC assist PSC motor has a same fault as PTC assist CSR motor 1 in add.ition,ita value of the starting torque is insufficient in comparison with other motors. TRIAC assist PSC motor has some superior ohracteristics comparing with these existing motors. For exa.mple 1 the mechanical relay is not necessary, therefore it has not the problem of a noise. In addition,it is possible to get the starting torque It is possible to control the motor torque by connecting 'I'RIAC in series ~1i th oapaci tor of FSC motor and controlling the firing angle of it. We obtained the following experimental results in 100 W motor for the hermetic compressor. (1) The value of the maximum starting torque of TRIAC assist FSC motor is about 3-3 till)eS as much as the starting torque of PSC motor,and s.bout 1. 3 times as much as the starting torque of PTC assiot P3C motor having 15u PTC,and about 1.<1 ti.mes as much as the starting torque of P'rc aesist FSC motor having 33 n FTC. And· it is· corresponding to CSR or PTC assist CSR motor having nearly 30j~F starting capacitor. (2) The value of the maximum brealt-down torque of TRIAC assist FSC motor is about 1.4 times as much as the break-down torque of PSC motor,and about 1.8 times as much as the break-down torque of PTC assist PSC motor having 15 Sl FTC ,and about 1.5 times as much s.s the break-down tortJUe of P'rC assist FSC motor having 33 n PTC • And it is corresponding to CSR or PTC assist CSR motor having nearly 20 ~ F starting capacitor. (3) The maximum point of starting torque is given at tho firing angle of nearly 50 degrees,and that of·break-dotm torque is given at 55 der;rees. They shift a little with each other. TRIAC assist FSC motor has some superior characte~ ristios comparing with the other existing motors. Although ue cannot to say that it has a sufficient practical use with the present cost level,it should be developed as one.of the single phase motor for the hermetic compressor \~i th the progress of the electronics. We reported as for the application of TRIAC to existina PSC motor in this paper. After this it is necessary for us to investigate to make the motor design most suitable for THIAC assist PSC motor, and tre shall continue to study. REFTIJTIENCES (1) S. 011aki , "Characteristics of condenser motor controlled by antiparallel connected thyristors" 1 'J'he .iournal of the Electric Society of Japan , 1978 (2) Y. Yoshida , M. Tria , S. Ozaki 1 "On the variable torque characteristics of capacitor motor drive by 'l'RIAC" , The "journal of the ' Electric Society of Japan , 1983 174