iSolve Client User’s Guide (Updated for Version 8.0.0) 65 Yigal Alon St. Tel-Aviv, Israel 67433 Phone: +972.3.561.5190 Fax: +972.3.561.5189 Email: Copyright © 2006-11 by Softlib Ltd. All rights reserved. This document contains proprietary information and is the sole property of Softlib Ltd. It may only be used by the persons and for the purposes intended by its owner. Neither this document as a whole or any portion thereof may disclosed, reproduced, copied, or transferred, whether by mechanical or electronic means, without the express prior written consent of its owner. All the trademarks and registered names mentioned within the body of this document are the sole property of their respective owners. Neither this document as a whole nor any portion therein shall be in any way construed as to constitute in any manner an obligation, commitment or liability towards any party whatsoever. Table of Contents Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................5 Audience and Contents .................................................................................................................................................. 5 Reference Manuals ........................................................................................................................................................ 5 System Overview .......................................................................................................................................................... 5 iSolve Suite of Applications...................................................................................................................................... 5 iSolve Client Web Application .................................................................................................................................. 7 List of Conventions ....................................................................................................................................................... 8 iSolve Glossary ............................................................................................................................................................. 8 Getting Started ..................................................................................................................................................10 PC Station Prerequisites ............................................................................................................................................... 10 Logging In .................................................................................................................................................................. 10 Client GUI Basics ....................................................................................................................................................... 11 GUI Elements ....................................................................................................................................................... 11 Search Results Tab ........................................................................................................................................... 12 Browse Tab ..................................................................................................................................................... 14 My Library Tab ............................................................................................................................................... 15 My Library Tab ............................................................................................................................................... 15 Common Tools ...................................................................................................................................................... 15 Toolbar ........................................................................................................................................................... 16 Library Selection ............................................................................................................................................. 17 Search Box ...................................................................................................................................................... 17 Tool tips.......................................................................................................................................................... 18 Buttons ........................................................................................................................................................... 19 Hotkeys .......................................................................................................................................................... 19 Operations .........................................................................................................................................................20 Searching Data in the Library ....................................................................................................................................... 20 Quick Search ......................................................................................................................................................... 20 Advanced Search ................................................................................................................................................... 22 Handling Search Results ......................................................................................................................................... 24 Browsing Through the Library...................................................................................................................................... 25 Adding Infobits and remarks to the library ..................................................................................................................... 28 Infobits ................................................................................................................................................................. 28 Remarks ............................................................................................................................................................... 31 Using the User’s Favorites ........................................................................................................................................... 32 Using the Client’s Resources ........................................................................................................................................ 35 Using the widgets panel ..................................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. Technical Support .............................................................................................................................................38 iSolve Version 8.0.0, Page 3 Table of Contents List of Figures Figure 1: Figure 2: Figure 3: Figure 4: Figure 5: Figure 7: Figure 8: Figure 9: Figure 10: Figure 11: Figure 12: Figure 13: Figure 14: Figure 15: Figure 16: Figure 16: Figure 19: Figure 23: iSolve System Layout ......................................................................................................................................... 6 Manual Log In ................................................................................................................................................. 10 iSolve Client Opening Window ......................................................................................................................... 11 Search Tab ...................................................................................................................................................... 13 Browse Tab ..................................................................................................................................................... 14 My Library Tab ............................................................................................................................................... 15 Quick Search Query and Results ........................................................................................................................ 22 Advanced Search Query ................................................................................................................................... 22 Adobe Acrobat File of Book in iSolve Library .................................................................................................... 25 Bookmark Panel Page....................................................................................................................................... 25 Browse Tab - Vendors ...................................................................................................................................... 26 Browse Tab - Vendor’s Shelves, Sub-shelves, Books ........................................................................................... 27 Selecting Favorite Books .................................................................................................................................. 28 My Library Tab ............................................................................................................................................... 33 Browse Tab – Web Resources ........................................................................................................................... 35 List of Resource Messages ................................................................................................................................ 36 Reading a Resource Message ............................................................................................................................ 37 Searched Term as Indicated in a Web Message ................................................................................................... 37 Page 4, iSolve Version 8.0.0 Introduction Audience and Contents This User’s Guide is intended for IT professionals and IT Library Managers, who should be familiar with Web applications and MS Windows terms and practices. The Guide provides the getting started and operation procedures of the iSolve Client Web application. The Guide consists of the following chapters: Chapter Heading Contents 1 Introduction Reference manuals, an overview of the iSolve System, and the Guide conventions and glossary. 2 Getting Started PC station prerequisites, the login procedure and the GUI basics of the iSolve Client Web Application. 3 Operations 4 Technical Support Searching procedures for information in the Vendors’ documentation and optionally in the Users’ internal documentation Browsing procedures through documents as above or Web resources (newsgroups, forums, etc.) Managing a shelf of favorite books Who to call on for solving problems. Reference Manuals The following documents are also part of the user documentation for the iSolve suite of applications: [1] iSolve Companion User’s Guide [2] iSolve Server Manager User’s Guide [3] iSolve InteDoc User’s Guide System Overview This section covers the following topics: iSolve suite of applications iSolve Client Web application iSolve Suite of Applications The iSolve suite of applications provides access to a centralized library, automatically organizes, maintains and delivers relevant IT technical information, and supports most of the IT industry and Vendors’ standard formats (Adobe Acrobat, IBM Book Manager, etc.). A schematic layout of the iSolve System is shown in iSolve Version 8.0.0, Page 5 Introduction Figure 1. Figure 1: iSolve System Layout The iSolve Client application allows IT professionals to intuitively and quickly search and retrieve Vendors’ documentation, Company’s internal documentation or information from Web resources (newsgroups, forums, etc.). The users can also use the application browsing capabilities to easily find information in these sources. The iSolve Companion launches the Client application and enhances its functionality by “listening” to hotkeys, opening books and highlighting search terms in opened books. For details, see User’s Guide [1]. The iSolve Server Manager provides the necessary tools for adding entities (users, libraries, etc.) to the iSolve system, configuring the iSolve Server, and updating the library with the latest revisions of the documents. For details, see User’s Guide [2]. Page 6, iSolve Version 8.0.0 Introduction The iSolve Internal Documentation (InterDoc) Manager is designed to efficiently create a package of shelves and books to be included in an iSolve IT Library and manage a list of such internal documentation projects. Paired with the Client application, it provides a comprehensive solution for retrieving information from the Company’s IT resources. For details, see User’s Guide [3]. iSolve Client Web Application The iSolve Client Web application is designed for organizations that need to cope with large amounts of information of various suppliers and formats. It relies on the library consisting of the Vendors’ documentation, the Company’s internal information and the Web resources - all available over the organizational Intranet. The library is based on a hierarchical structure of shelves and categories. The internal documentation (InterDoc) contents are available only if such documentation had been properly published and indexed by the IT Library Manager. iSolve Version 8.0.0, Page 7 Introduction The functions of the Client application are: Function Used to Search Search a term, a Boolean expression of terms or a phrase in the entire or part of the IT Library; the search process is optionally refined by filtering parameters and the search results present links to relevant documents. Browse Browse through the drop-down tree structure of the Vendors documentation and Web resources to a desired information. My Library Create and maintain shelves for favorite information in a drop-down tree structure. List of Conventions Some typographic conventions are obeyed throughout this Guide as follows: Typeface Usage Examples Italic Term in the iSolve Glossary iSolve Companion, HTML +ote text Note, paragraph indirectly related to a procedure ote For a complete list of book types and file formats, refer to Handling Search Results. Bold GUI item names Search tab, Book Format field, Add to Favorites button <CAP> Hotkeys, keys in general CTRL+F12, CTRL+F Type Text Default field value or typed-in text \Temp\iSolveTempBooks\ Operation Link GUI operation link Open Book, Advanced Search hyperlink Link to Guide sections or Internet site Handling Search Results, iSolve Glossary Term Description ALU Automatic Library Updates, iSolve Server’s capability to periodically update iSolve IT Libraries with the latest technical information. Category Group of information characterized by a common technology, Vendor, product or subject. Information iSolve Client function used to browse through the iSolve IT Library and look for information on the Vendor’s shelves and on the Company’s internal documentation shelves and in Web resources My Library iSolve Client function used to easily access and maintain shelves of favorite books, web resources and other types of information. Page 8, iSolve Version 8.0.0 Introduction Term Description GUI Graphic User Interface. Hotkey Combination of keys used for performing iSolve search operations on selected text in a currently active Windows application. HTML Hyper-Text Markup Language for creating Web pages. iSolve Softlib’s suite of applications for managing an iSolve IT Library. iSolve Client Web application for using one or more iSolve IT Libraries over the organizational Intranet. iSolve Companion Utility program for launching the iSolve Client. iSolve Internal Documentation (InterDoc) Utility program for creating packages of internal shelves and books that have to be attached to an iSolve IT Library. iSolve IT Library A library built up of Vendors’ books, Web resources and optionally the Company’s internal documentation. iSolve Server Stores one or more iSolve IT Libraries, iSolve entities (libraries, users, etc.) and settings (ranking criteria, security mode, etc.). iSolve Server Manager Application for supporting the user’s operations on iSolve IT Libraries. Intranet A company’s network based on an Internet domain. IT Library Manager Person in charge of creating and maintaining iSolve IT Libraries. LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol, networking protocol for querying and modifying directory services running over TCP/IP. Ranking Values assigned to items in search results. Resources iSolve Client function used to browse through Web resource content (newsgroups, forums, etc.) Search iSolve Client function used to search for a term, a multiple term Boolean expression or a phrase in the iSolve IT Library contents, i.e. Vendors’ documentation, Company’s internal documentation and Web resources. Vendor Supplier of product documentation of different types and formats, which are part of the iSolve IT Library. iSolve Version 8.0.0, Page 9 Getting Started This chapter covers the following topics: PC Station prerequisites Logging in iSolve Client Basics PC Station Prerequisites The requirements for the Server Manager PC station are as follows: Windows 2000 operating system and above 200MB of free disk space Microsoft Internet Explorer or open-source Firefox as the default browser Logging In Prior to logging into the Client application, ensure that the iSolve suite of tools has been installed on a PC workstation driven by the MS Windows platform. The Companion utility program is installed as part of the iSolve suite of applications. When triggering the Companion, it automatically provides the required information to start working with the Client. Depending on the security mode, you may be asked to manually provide your username and password in the dialog box shown in Figure 2. Figure 2: Manual Log In To automatically log into the Client application Double-click the Launch iSolve Client icon on your desktop. Alternatively, click on your tray Start All Programs Softlib iSolve Companion. The Client application is launched, and the main window appears with 2 tabs: My Library and Browse (see Figure 3). iSolve Version 8.0.0, Page 10 Getting Started Figure 3: iSolve Client Opening Window Client GUI Basics This section covers the following topics: GUI elements Common tools GUI Elements The Client application GUI consists of the toolbar (including search box), widgets display and the work area (see Figure 5). For details regarding the toolbar, refer to Common Tools. The work area may contain three different tab types – a tab for each one of the Client functions described below: Home tab Search results tab Browse tab My Library tab iSolve Version 8.0.0, Page 11 Getting Started Home Tab The Home tab enables to see in one glance relevant information. in the iSolve Library. The tab is divided into 4 widgets (see below): Figure 4: Home Tab Search History This widget will show the last 10 successful searches that were executed by the currently logged in user. To re-search, click the search line and the system will perform this search again and the results will be shown in a new Search Results tab. Items view History This widget will show the last 10 items that were opened for view by the currently logged in user. To open an item from the list again, click the item title and the item will be opened again for view. What's new – My Team This widget will show the new knowledge items and remarks that were added by the user or shared with the user. What's new – .ew Knowledge This widget will show the new items that were added to the places where the user define alerts. See later in the browse tab section how to define and remove content alerts. Page 12, iSolve Version 8.0.0 Getting Started Search Results Tab The Search Results tab enables to see what information look for a document (book, Web resource messages) in the iSolve IT Library. The tab is divided into (see Figure 5): Search operation summary and functions A search results section At the end of a successful search process, a grouped list of search results is displayed in the search results section. Each result entry contains the details of a book or Web resource message, which meets the search criteria, i.e. the search string and parameters. The user can open a book from a list of search results and add it to a shelf of favorite books. Figure 5: Search Tab iSolve Version 8.0.0, Page 13 Getting Started Browse Tab The Browse tab enables to look for a Vendor book in the Vendor’s shelves, internal documents and information, posts from Web resources, as defined by the IT Library Manager. The tab is divided into (see Figure 6): A Container header A content section The container header provides the title of the current container, a quick navigation through the tree of this container and operations that can be done in this container. When selecting a Container in the Browse tab, the content appears in the Vendor documentation section. The user should use the + and - sign to open and close drop down lists of shelves and/or books for browsing through the Vendor’s shelves to the desired book, and then open it. Optionally, the user may employ the search function in the Browse tab to obtain a list of books, documents and other types of information, which meet his/her search criteria in terms of search string and parameters, and then open the desired book in the list of search results. Figure 6: Page 14, iSolve Version 8.0.0 Browse Tab Getting Started My Library Tab The My Library tab enables the user to organize his/her own shelves of favorite information selected from the Browse tab The tab shows the currently created shelves and selected items in the users My Library. The user can perform the following operations by means of the Favorites function: Browse to the desired book Rename or remove a user’s Favorites shelf Open or remove a book from the user’s Favorites. Figure 7: My Library Tab Common Tools Common tools are employed to perform certain operations associated with one or more of the Client functions. The following tools are discussed below: Toolbar Library Selection Search box Tool tips Link tools Buttons Hotkeys iSolve Version 8.0.0, Page 15 Getting Started Toolbar The Client toolbar provides the following tools: Tool Type Used to Indication Indicate the name of the user logged into the Client by the Companion. Open file Open this manual in Adobe Acrobat format. Exit Exit the Client. Page 16, iSolve Version 8.0.0 Getting Started Library Selection When iSolve server serves more than one library that you can use, the library selection part will show as seen below: Select the library you want to work on and then click Set to switch to this library Search Box The search box is visible at all times and allows the user to search for certain information or solution the user desires. For a quick search, the search box enables to feed in a string consisting of a search term, a multiple-term Boolean expression, or a phrase. The user may employ an advanced search query to set search parameters for refining the search results. iSolve Version 8.0.0, Page 17 Getting Started Tool tips A tool tip is indicated by an icon next to a Client entity, i.e. a book, resource category or resource. When hovering over the icon, the tip tool shows the icon functionality. The Client application supports the following icon types: Used to Resource/ Category Search Search term in a resource or a resource category. Resources Book Type Indicate the type of a book in a list. The following book types are available: Search, Documentation, Favorites Book File Format Error messages and codes Reference manual User’s Guide, Administrator’s Guide, Programmer’s Guides Installation Manual Quick Reference or Guide Release Note General books without any special categorization Indicate the file format of a book in a list. The following book file formats are available: Adobe Acrobat IBM Book Manager Microsoft Compiled HTML Help HTML file Microsoft Word Microsoft Excel Microsoft Help 2 (MSDN/Technet) Microsoft PowerPoint file Text file Visio Page 18, iSolve Version 8.0.0 Icon Relevant Client Function Icon Type Search, Documentation, Favorites Getting Started Buttons The following operation buttons are available in the Client application: Link Relevant Client Function Used to Search for documents that contain the search term or the search multiple terms Boolean expression and match the search parameters. Search Add a document to a shelf of favorite documents. Search, Documentation Add a shelf to the users’ My Library. My Library Hotkeys Hotkeys serve for skipping to text that meets the search string criterion in books and resource messages. The following hotkey combinations are available in the Client application: Hotkey Used to Relevant Client Function CTRL+F12 Search for a query term in documents of the Error Messages and Codes type, and automatically open the first message that matches the query and highlight the term in the message. Search, Documentation, Favorites CTRL+SHIFT+F12 Search for a general term in the entire library and provides a list of books that match the search query. Search, Documentation, iSolve Version 8.0.0, Page 19 Operations This chapter covers the following operations: Searching data in the library Browsing through the library Adding Infobits and remarks to the library Using the Favorites Function Using the Client’s Resources Using the widgets panel Searching Data in the Library A search operation enables the Client to look in the iSolve library for books as defined by a user query. The next sections cover the following search procedures: Quick Search Advanced Search Handling Search Results The query of a quick search consists of a search string and the location in the iSolve IT Library to look for the requested information as a single parameter. An advanced search provides a simpler interface for building up a multiple term Boolean expression query and additional parameters for refining the search results. Quick Search In a quick search, the words of the search string can be manipulated using one of the following methods: Method Description Example Exact match search The search string consists of a number of adjacent words delimited by double quote signs. The string ''Create Table'' returns all the books which contain the exact search string. Boolean search The search string consists of a Boolean expression delimited by single quote signs. The string 'SQL AND COBOL' returns books, in which both words SQL and COBOL appear. Search using wildcards The search string consists of one or more words that contain an asterisk (*); the asterisk is the last character in a word of four characters at least. The string 'print*' may return books which contain the words print, printing, printout, etc. For a Boolean search, you can literally write a Boolean expression using the AND, OR and NOT operators, or a character expression using & and |. iSolve Version 8.0.0, Page 20 Operations Character Example Operator Search results Boolean Example AND Books containing all the specified words or phrases. The 'SQL AND COBOL' string 'SQL && returns all books containing both COBOL' words SQL and COBOL. OR Books containing at least one of the specified words or phrases. The 'SQL OR COBOL' string returns books containing SQL, COBOL or both words. NOT Books from which the word preceded by NOT has been excluded from the search result; NOT must be preceded by another operator. The 'SQL AND NOT COBOL' string returns books that contain SQL and do not contain COBOL. - Space Books containing all the spaceseparated words (supersedes Boolean AND operator) The 'Create table' string returns books that contain both words, not necessarily adjacent. - 'SQL || COBOL' The following characters can be used as part of a search string: '-', '.' and '/'. Illegal characters in a search string are '!',''' and '#'. To carry out a quick search 1. Type the search criterion in the Search Term field. 2. Press the Search button. If the system finds books that meet the search criteria, search results will appear in a Search results tab in groups and in order of rank. To view and manipulate the search results, see Handling Search Results. iSolve Version 8.0.0, Page 21 Operations Figure 8: Quick Search Query and Results Advanced Search The query of an advanced search provides additional parameters for refining the search results. To carry out an advanced search 1. Click the Advanced link. The advanced search query appears (see Figure 9). Figure 9: Page 22, iSolve Version 8.0.0 Advanced Search Query Operations 2. Select filtering parameters from the following parameters: Parameter Used to look for Example Search Only in Titles Limiting search to the items titles but not content Book Type The books of a certain type (see note below). User Guides, Release Notes Book Format The books of a certain file format (see note below). Adobe Acrobat, HTML Search in Container The items in a specific part or shelf in the hierarchical tree of the library. Limiting the search results to the IBM DB2 UDB V8R2.0 directory. Information Source Items from specific source of information Choose internal information to limit the search to all items coming from the internal information ote For a complete list of book types and file formats, refer to Tip Tools. 3. When done, press the Search button. A list similar to the one shown in Figure 8 appears. To view and manipulate the search results, see Handling Search Results. iSolve Version 8.0.0, Page 23 Operations Handling Search Results The following operations can be performed on search results: Viewing the search results Opening a book Adding a book to the user’s My Library More Actions The list of search results in the Search Results tab consists of a list header and entries. The list header shows: The number of search results in the list The search term or expression Search box to search in those search results The following information items appear for every item in the list: Book title linked to the book contents Preview of text from this item with the related information to the search query In addition, icons in the first row of the book entry indicate the book type and the file format. For a complete list of book types and file formats, refer to Tip Tools. To view the search results list 1. Each group will show between 3 to 5 results, if there are more item in that group, a “more” link button will be shown. Please click on the “more” link button to see all remaining items for that group. To open a book Click the book title link. The book contents appear in a separate window. See the book outline for an Adobe Acrobat file in Figure 10. Page 24, iSolve Version 8.0.0 Operations Figure 10: Adobe Acrobat File of Book in iSolve Library To add books to the user’s My library 1. Check the star icon adjacent of books to be added. 2. If no folders were created in the user My Library the process is completed. Otherwise, the Bookmarks Panel page appears. Figure 11: Bookmark Panel Page 3. Select the appropriate container and click the Save link. More actions 1. When hovering over an item title a tooltip with possible actions will appear. In this example you can either add a remark or see the container tree which this item came from, clicking a container will bring the browse tab to that container location. Browsing Through the Library The Browse tab serves for browsing through the Library in order to read Vendors’ and internal documentation or web resources. The following operations can be performed on search results: iSolve Version 8.0.0, Page 25 Operations Reading book contents Adding books to the user’s My Library To read book contents 1. In the Client window, click the Browse tab. The Root container with all the vendors listed in the library appears (see Figure 12). Figure 12: Browse Tab - Vendors 2. Highlight a vendor and click. The vendor’s shelves will appear (see Figure 13). Page 26, iSolve Version 8.0.0 Operations Figure 13: Browse Tab - Vendor’s Shelves, Sub-shelves, and Books 3. Click on the shelves and sub-shelves to find the desired book. A book entry consists of: The book type as indicated by the first icon. The book file format as indicated by the second icon. The book title 4. Click the Book Title link to read the book contents. iSolve Version 8.0.0, Page 27 Operations To add books to the user’s My library 1. Check the star next to the entry of the favorite book. 2. The Select Shelf page appears (see Figure 11). 3. Click the shelf name on which the selected favorite book should be placed and then Save. A colored star will appear indicating a successful addition of the favorite book. (See figure 14) Figure 14: Selecting Favorite Books To add content alerts 1. Check the bell button ( ) in the upper right corner of the tab. 2. The button will stay pressed, and from now on all new content that is added to this container and below will be shown in the What's new – .ew Knowledge widget of the Home page. 3. Check the bell button again to remove the alert. Adding Infobits and remarks to the library iSolve allows the users to add their own information to the library. This information can be shared between users of the organization if iSolve is configured to work in this mode. There are 2 types of information that the users can add: • Infobits – stand alone pieces of information that the user can place anywhere in the library. There are 2 kinds of those: o Knowledge notes o Missing content notes • Remarks – remarks are like infobits, but are placed upon an item in the library. Infobits The following procedures apply to infobits: Page 28, iSolve Version 8.0.0 Operations • • • Adding a new infobit Editing an existing infobit Removing an existing infobit Adding a new infobit 1. Browse to the container in the library where you want to add the infobit. 2. Click the Add infobit or Missing Content in the container header. 3. A pop up dialog will be opened as the following: 4. Fill in the details and click the Save button. The new infobit will be shown in the screen and is now searchable using iSolve search methods: iSolve Version 8.0.0, Page 29 Operations 5. If the user used Missing Content, then users which have content alert on this folder will see the note in their What's new - .ew Knoweldge Widget Editing an existing infobit 1. Browse the library to the container where the infobit is located or find it in the search results and press the Edit button. If the Edit button isn't available to you it's because you're not the owner of this infobit or not defined as iSolve Content manager. 2. A pop up dialog with the infobit details will be opened and you will be able to edit the details. When finished, click the Save button and the infobit will be updated on screen. Removing an existing infobit 1. Browse the library to the container where the infobit is located or find it in the search results and press the Delete button. If the Delete button isn't available to you it's because you're not the owner of this infobit or not defined as iSolve Content manager. 2. A pop up confirmation dialog will be shown as the following: 3. Confirm delete operation and the infobit will disappear. Page 30, iSolve Version 8.0.0 Operations Remarks The following procedures apply to remarks: • Adding a new remark • Editing an existing remark • Removing an existing remark Adding a new remark 1. Browse to the container in the library that contains the item on which you want to add the remark. 2. Hover over the item title and wait till the item information window will show up as the following: 3. Click the Add remark in the window. 4. A pop up dialog will be opened as the following: 5. Fill in the details and click the Save button. The new remark will be shown in the screen and is now searchable using iSolve search methods: iSolve Version 8.0.0, Page 31 Operations Editing an existing remark 1. Browse the library to the container where the book with the remark is located or find it in the search results and press the Edit button. If the Edit button isn't available to you it's because you're not the owner of this remark or not defined as iSolve Content manager. 2. A pop up dialog with the remark details will be opened and you will be able to edit the details. When finished, click the Save button and the remark will be updated on screen. Removing an existing remark 1. Browse the library to the container where the book with the remark is located or find it in the search results and press the Delete button. If the Delete button isn't available to you it's because you're not the owner of this remark or not defined as iSolve Content manager. 2. A pop up confirmation dialog will be shown as the following: 3. Confirm delete operation and the remark will disappear. Using the User’s Favorites/My Library The My Library tab enables easy access and maintenance of shelves of favorite items. At the User’s discretion, the My Library may be divided into shelves. The following procedures apply to Favorites: Reviewing shelves and book in the user’s My Library Removing a book from the user’s My Library Renaming a shelf Removing a shelf Page 32, iSolve Version 8.0.0 Operations To review shelves and books in the My Library shelf 1. Click the My Library tab in the Client window. A hierarchical tree of favorite sub-shelves and books appears in the My Library tab (see Figure 15). Figure 15: My Library Tab 2. Click the shelf in the user’s Favorites to open it. A list of sub-shelves and books appears. 3. Click an Open Book link to open the respective favorite book. For details regarding presentation of books in different file formats, refer to the procedure for Reading a book in the Handling Search Results section. To remove a book from the user’s Favorites 1. Click the My Library tab and browse through the Favorites shelves to find the requested book. 2. Highlight the book title and wait till the book information and operation window appears. Click the Remove Item link. The book disappears from the respective shelf. To rename a shelf in the user’s Favorites 1. Click the My Library tab and browse through the Favorites shelves to find the requested shelf in the sub-shelves list. 2. Highlight the shelf title and wait till the shelf operations window appears. Click the Rename Container link. 3. Click the Rename Shelf link. A pop-up dialog box appears. 4. Type in the new shelf name in the void field and press Rename. The new shelf name appears in the hierarchical tree view of the user’s Favorites. To remove a shelf from the user’s Favorites iSolve Version 8.0.0, Page 33 Operations 1. Click the My Library tab and browse through the user’s Favorites shelves to find the requested shelf in the sub-shelves list. 2. Click the Remove Container link. 3. Press OK to confirm that the container and all its books should be removed from the user’s Favorites. The shelf disappears from the user’s Favorites. Page 34, iSolve Version 8.0.0 Operations Using the Client’s Resources The Library may contain one or more web resources as part of the library content. The following operations currently apply to the Client’s Resources function: Browsing to a resource message To browse to a message 1. Click the Browse tab in the Client window. Browse to the container that contains the Web resource you want to browse (see Figure 16). Figure 16: Browse Tab – Web Resources 2. Click a resource link. A list of the Web resource messages appears (see Figure 17). iSolve Version 8.0.0, Page 35 Operations Figure 17: List of Resource Messages A list of Web resource messages consists of: The list header The message icon The message title column The message author column The message issue date column 3. To read a resource message: a. Click the message title in the list. The message section appears at the bottom of the list (see Figure 18). Page 36, iSolve Version 8.0.0 Operations Figure 18: Reading a Resource Message b. Read the message details and then click Close to return to the list of resource messages. To view search results from resource messages 1. In the Search results tab in the Client window, click the resource message line 2. The message appears with the requested term indicated by the yellow background (see Figure 19). Figure 19: Searched Term as Indicated in a Web Message 3. Read the message. Click the other titles to view other messages from this thread and finally click Close to close the thread data window. iSolve Version 8.0.0, Page 37 Operations Technical Support In case of problems, refer to your System Administrator. Page 38, iSolve Version 8.0.0