
Final Manuscript Deadline:

Replacement Manuscript Deadline:

May 6, 2016

July 8, 2016



The proceedings will be published following the conference. Your paper will be reproduced directly from the files you provide, so it is essential that every page be typed without error and that all charts and graphs are legible.

Please include your paper number in Subject line on all e-mails or other correspondence.

Conference Preprints

All advance technical manuscripts will be made available to package registrants in Preprint electronic format at the conference. All technical manuscripts received by the Final Manuscript Deadline will be included. For additional information regarding Preprints contact Dan Messina, MPIF at

. Please include your paper number in Subject line on all e-mails or other correspondence.

Please follow the instructions given below.

All original material submitted to MPIF (including photos and illustrations) becomes the property of the publisher and cannot be returned. Authors are advised to make duplicate copies for their own use.

COMMERCIALISM - Overt Or Blatant Commercialism In Text, Photos, And Illustrations Is Forbidden. Publisher reserves the right to revise or reject manuscripts or alter photos/illustrations.

1. MANUSCRIPT LENGTH - Manuscript Should Not Exceed 15 Pages

(Invited, overview papers should not exceed 25 pages)

2. MANUSCRIPT SUBMISSION – Submit the following to MPIF (

) by the Final Manuscript


 Final Manuscript in Microsoft Word AND either PDF format OR hardcopy (after Session Chairman review)

 Completed Keyword Submission form

Completed Transfer of Copyright Agreement form

3. ABSTRACT - Include a short abstract on the title page beginning where indicated. Abstract may continue to second page if necessary. Note: second page of typing (abstract continuation or regular text) must start where indicated on line #1 (top of page). The abstract should be followed by an introduction to your paper.

4. KEYWORD SUBMISSION FORM - Submit the keywords for the index on the provided “Keyword Submission

Form.” Do not type the Keywords as part of the manuscript.

Use the form provided for this purpose. Keywords should be reviewed by your Session Chairman, and the final version of the Keyword Submission form should be sent

(in its entirety) to MPIF along with the final electronic manuscript by Final Manuscript Deadline .

5. TYPE STYLE/FONT - Use 11 point, Times Roman type (same as this page). Use only black type with the highest resolution available.

6. TEXT - Type all text Single Spaced, Left Justified, and in a single column with a 1 inch (2.5 cm) margin all the way around, (please refer to the sample page for an example). Please leave 2 lines between a major heading and the start of a paragraph. If errors are discovered after the manuscript is submitted to MPIF, REPLACEMENT PAGES must be submitted no later than the Replacement Manuscript Deadline .

7. UNITS OF MEASUREMENT - All units of measurement must be expressed in SI units and the English equivalent

(e.g. inch-pound) provided in parenthesis. For more information please see the attached conversion table or see SI 10, the American National Standard for Use of the International System of Units (SI): The Modern Metric System,

IEEE/ASTM SI 10, 2002, as a reference for usage and conversions.

8. FORMAT - Please use U.S. standard 8.5 x 11 paper settings . Text MUST fit within the 1 inch (2.5 cm) margins as indicated by the lines on the sample sheet.

9. PAGE NUMBERS – Please do not use page numbers . Do Not Reference Page Numbers In The Manuscript. All pages will be re-numbered for publication in the proceedings.

10. TABULAR MATERIAL - Tabular material must be typed or computer printed. Handwritten tables are not acceptable.

11. FIGURES AND TABLES - All photos, illustrations, tables, etc. must be clear and legible. Computer-generated, laser printed material is preferred (use the highest resolution available). The word "Figure", the figure number, and the figure caption are typed Flush Left Below the figure. The word "Table", the table number, and the table title are typed

Centered Above the table. Please Reference all tables and figures in the text of the manuscript.

Other Important Notes

Photo micrographs must include a magnification marker within the body of the photo.

Example: 20 µm

Tables and figures should appear within the text As Close As Possible To Where They Are Referenced. Please

Do Not Place All Tables And Figures At The End Of The Manuscript. Please make sure that images are scaled to an appropriate size (about 4 to a page). Very large images will impede the production process of the proceedings.

12. COMPARISONS - Comparisons of products or processes used in research work should be referenced generically in both the oral presentation and manuscript text. For example: "powder A versus powder B". This will work well for comparisons of only a few items. However, when comparing longer lists of materials, it is preferable to use the MPIF material designation (with a modifier if necessary). For example: "FN-0205 as-sintered versus FN-0205 heat treated or FN-0205M". This will make it easier for your audience/reader. As another example: FL-4905HT could be used for a heat treated 1.5% molybdenum prealloyed steel, or FLNC-4905 could be used for a 1.5% molybdenum prealloyed steel to which both nickel and copper had been admixed.

13. REFERENCES - Ethics, as well as copyright laws, require authors to identify sources, particularly when quoting from them. The Standard Reference Formats sheet provides formatting examples for different types of references.

Number the references consecutively. List the references with their corresponding numbers at the end of the paper.

All References Listed Must Be Cited In The Text.

These Important Documents Must be Received by the Final Manuscript Deadline.





Email Final Documents to: or

Send Final Documents to:

For Information:

Publications – POWDERMET2016

Metal Powder Industries Federation

105 College Road East, Princeton, NJ 08540-6692, USA


or call Dan Messina (609) 452-7700

(Please include your paper number in Subject Line on all e-mails)

Please Note: It is the author’s responsibility to submit the manuscript - not the session Chairman - to MPIF.

MPIF must receive the ORIGINAL manuscript and accompanying material in order to publish your paper.
