NO PIERDA SU TIEMPO NI EL NUESTRO, SI LO CONSIDERA OPORTUNO, PROCEDAMOS ACORDE A LO DICHO ANTERIORMENTE. VAMOS A HACER NEGOCIOS REALES UNICAMENTE, CONSULTENOS . ¿QUIENES SOMOS? BASADOS EN NUESTRA MATRIZ, UBICADA EN LA CIUDAD DE PANAMA, E INCRIPTA BAJO EL NUMERO DE REGISTRO CON EL 1202197-1-582420 DV 92, LICENCIA DE OPERACIONES EXPEDIDA POR EL MINISTERIO DE COMERCIO E INDUSTRIAS A TRAVES DE LA SECRETARIA DE COMERCIO EXTERIOR DE LA REPUBLICA DE PANAMA, EXPEDIDA EL 13 DE OCTUBRE DE 2008.. AQUI DEBAJO EN PDF COPIA DE TODOS LOS DOCUMENTOS DE NUESTRO GRUPO PARA SU VERIFICACION: :COPIA REGISTRO Y PODERES LMG 1 (FOR ORIGINALS PDF WITH PROJECTS, CONSULT US : PARA DESCARGAR ARCHIVOS PDF : CONTACTENOS: NUESTRA DIVISION DE CONSULTORIA , ASESORAMIENTO E INTERMEDIACION DE COMPRA VENTA: SOMOS UNA EMPRESA JOVEN PERO CON MUCHA PUJANZA Y CON TOTAL PROFESIONALIDAD Y SERIEDAD . CREADA PARA SERVICIOS DE COMERCIO EXTERIOR Y INTERMEDIACION EN NEGOCIOS , ASI COMO PARA LA VENTA TODO TIPO DE YATES Y BUQUES DE CARGA, ETC.-. PROFESIONALES CON AMPLIA TRAYECTORIA EN EL SECTOR APORTAN TODA SU EXPERIENCIA Y CAPACIDAD PARA OBTENER BUENOS NEGOCIOS. PONGANOS A PRUEBA Y LO COMPROBARA. PROCEDIMIENTOS DE GESTION: PARA PODER ATENDER Y GARANTIZAR EL MEJOR SERVICIO NOS VEMOS EN LA OBLIGACIÓN DE SER MUY ESTRICTOS EN NUESTROS PROCEDIMIENTOS NO SIENDO ATENDIDO NINGUNA OFERTA O DEMANDA QUE NO SE AJUSTE A ESTOS. PASOS A SEGUIR: PARA ATENDER UNA SOLICITUD DE OFERTA DE CUALQUIER PRODUCTO, SERÁ IMPRESCINDIBLE QUE NOS REMITA EL CUESTIONARIO DE DEMANDA QUE LE ADJUNTAMOS. SIN EL NO ENTENDEREMOS QUE HAYA HECHO NINGUNA GESTIÓN HACIA NOSOTROS. UNA VEZ RECIBIDO EL CUESTIONARIO DEBIDAMENTE CUMPLIMENTADO Y FIRMADO POR USTEDES, PROCEDEREMOS A CONTESTARLE CON UNA OFFER CORPORATIVA ACOMPAÑADA DE LA NCNDA CORRESPONDIENTE PARA EMPEZAR EL PROCESO LEGAL DE LA OPERACIÓN. SI LA OFFER ES DE SU INTERÉS DEBERÁ REMITIRNOS LA NCNDA CUMPLIMENTADA Y FIRMADA POR TODOS LOS GRUPOS, EN FORMATO WORD Y LA LOI+RWA O ICPO DEL PEDIDO. SERÁ EN ESTE MOMENTO CUANDO LA OPERACIÓN SE INICIE OFICIALMENTE. UNA VEZ REMITIDA LA ICPO AL VENDEDOR ESTE EMITIRÁ LA SOFT OFFER OFICIAL O FCO CONTRATO. EN EL MOMENTO QUE ESTE EN NUESTRO PODER LA FCO, LES PEDIREMOS QUE EMITAN USTEDES UNA IMPFA PARA QUE SEA FIRMADA POR TODOS LOS GRUPOS QUE INTERVENGAN, SIENDO NUESTRA EMPRESA LA ULTIMA EN FIRMAR. UNA VEZ RECIBIDA LA IMPFA FIRMADA LES PASAREMOS LA FCO Y EL CONTRATO PARA FINALIZAR LA OPERACIÓN. A PARTIR DE ESTE MOMENTO TODOS LOS GRUPOS QUEDAREMOS AL MARGEN DE LAS NEGOCIACIONES DE LOS MANDATES, SIENDO INFORMADOS POR ELLOS EN TODO MOMENTO DE CUAL ES LA SITUACIÓN. SE ACOGERÁ A LAS MISMAS NORMAS QUE PIDE A SUS COLABORADORES EN CUALQUIER CASO. LES ADJUNTAMOS TAMBIÉN UN FORMULARIO DE OFERTA PARA SER RELLENADO EN CASO DE QUE USTEDES QUIERAN QUE PONGAMOS EN CIRCULACIÓN ALGÚN PRODUCTO QUE TENGAN, EN NUESTRA RED DE CONTACTOS. PARA SUS DEMANDAS : NOMBRE: EMPRESA: POSICION: TELF.-: EMAIL: CONTACTO: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. ¿Qué producto necesita? ¿Qué calidad necesita? ¿Qué cantidad necesita? ¿A que puerto va destinada la mercancía? ¿Cuál es el Target Price y formula de pago propone su cliente? ¿Qué tipo de contrato y duración del mismo? ¿Con que frecuencia y que cantidad quiere que se le sirva la mercancía? ¿Estaría usted dispuesto a recibir ofertas de SPOT puntualmente? ¿Qué documentación tiene en estos momentos en su poder de esta operación? ¿Qué documentación nos puede facilitar en 48 horas? ¿Esta dispuesto a seguir los protocolos internacionales establecidos? ¿Qué posición ocupa usted dentro de esta operación? ¿Cuántos grupos son en su parte hasta llegar al mandate? (*) ¿Estaría usted dispuesto a firmar una NCNDA con nuestra empresa? Este cuestionario no tiene que estar firmado por el comprador final, si no por la empresa o persona que se dirija a nosotros. Como tiene usted que remitirnos el cuestionario por mail, le agradeceríamos que me mandase las especificaciones técnicas y precio orientativo del producto que le es necesario, con el fin de darle mejor servicio. NOTA: Este documento tiene carácter meramente informativo no sustituyendo a ningún documento oficial propios de los protocolos habituales establecidos en este tipo de operaciones. Una vez admitida a trámite esta demanda por nuestro departamento comercial, se le solicitara toda la documentación pertinente para el buen fin de la operación, teniendo un plazo de 5 días hábiles para facilitárnosla. Una vez pasado este plazo, si no hay ningún movimiento por su parte, entenderemos que no hay interés por lo que la demanda será archivada. Las comunicaciones oficiales entre usted y nuestra empresa serán en todo momento por escrito y fechadas. Por favor intenten comunicarse siempre con nosotros a través del correo electrónico. Al ser por escrito, evita malentendidos y es igual de ágil que el teléfono. Le damos las gracias por su comprensión y cooperación. Vamos a hacer negocios. Por supuesto no descartando el teléfono ni emails para cualquier consulta o aclaración. _____________________________________________ ***ADVERTENCIA*** DESCARGO DE RESPONSABILIDAD: Nuestro Grupo no es corredor de valores ni corredor o asesor de inversión de Estados Unidos . Nuestro Grupo actua como un consultor y no ofrece ninguna garantía o representación en cuanto al comprador, del vendedor o de transacción. La debida diligencia (DD) es responsabilidad del comprador y el vendedor. Este contenido WEB y los documentos aqui añadidos , nunca han de ser consideradas una solicitud oficial o formal para cualquier propósito, en cualquier forma o contenido. Esto es para fines informativos únicamente. Una vez recibidos estos documentos, el receptor acepta y reconoce el presente Aviso Legal. Si el reconocimiento no es aceptado, el beneficiario debe devolver todos los documentos en su estado original de recibo al remitente luego de enviársele por email . Esta comunicación electrónica estará cubierta por la Ley de comunicaciones electrónicas de Privacidad de 1986, codificada en 18 USC 1367,2510-2521, 2701-2710, 3121-3126. Que conste .- Dpto Juridico de Luzardomarine Group PARA OFERTAS SUYAS: NOMBRE: EMPRESA: POSICION: TELF.-: EMAIL: CONTACTO: 1.- ¿QUE PRODUCTO NOS OFRECE? 2.- ¿QUE CANTIDAD? 3.- ¿QUE CALIDAD? 4.- ¿CUAL ES EL PRECIO? 5.- ¿EL PRECIO ES CIF O FOB? 6.- ¿CUAL ES EL ORIGEN DEL PRODUCTO? 7.- ¿QUE POSICION OCUPA DENTRO DE LA OPERACIÓN? 8.- ¿CUANTOS GRUPOS HAY HASTA LLEGAR AL MANDATE? 9.- ¿CON QUE DOCUMENTACION PODRIAMOS CONTAR EN 48 HORAS DESPUES DE EMITIR ICPO? 10.- ¿LA EMPRESA PROPIETARIA DE LA MERCANCIA TIENE EL PERMISO DE EXPORTACION AQSIQ? 11.- ¿ESTA USTED DISPUESTO A SEGUIR LOS PROCEDIMIENTOS INTERNACIONALES ESTABLECIDOS? 12.- ¿TIENE ALGUN INCONVENIENTE EN FIRMAR NCNDA CON NUESTRA EMPRESA? NOTA: NO SE EMITIRA NINGUN DOCUMENTO OFICIAL HASTA QUE NO ESTEN FIRMADAS LA NCNDA POR TODAS LAS PARTES. UNA VEZ EMITIDA LA LOI O ICPO, TENDRAN USTEDES 5 DIAS HABILES PARA DAR RESPUESTAS O HACER LOS MOVIMIENTOS OPORTUNOS, SI TRANSCURRIDO ESTE PLAZO NO RECIBIMOS NOTICIAS SUYAS DAREMOS POR ZANJADA LA OPERACIÓN. (english version) LUZARDOMARINE GROUP is an international trading company that divulgates and commercializes Commodities around the world, linking directly sellers and international buyers trough out a very simple, but innovated sourcing and evaluating system. Our policy is to divulgate typical and competitive manufactures, from small to large sizes companies, which have great quality and potential to gain the international market. Our main line of work is at the “indirect exportation”, where we market the products in the local markets and sell them abroad, but we also have consulting services to our suppliers, giving them all the logistical and marketing support they may need to be successful in the international business area. LUZARDOMARINE GROUP is all over the world with trained and competent “traders” personnel, in order to properly negotiate and assist all kinds of needs our clients may have, wherever they are located. Why buy from LUZARDOMARINE GROUP - Our advantages: PRODUCTS DIVERSIFICATION: We have a great amplitude of Commodities, from all around the globe, and also an extended variety of models and producers of the same type of product – our catalog includes Biofuels, Vegetables oils, Crude oil & Petroleum Products , Iron Ore, Jets & helicopters, Bitumen , Cement, Scrap Metals, Urea, Ships & tankers and other commodities. Any kind of product you may need, just contact us and we will provide it for you. SELECTED SUPPLIERS: Our suppliers are the most capable and competent companies, selected trough very detailed and meticulous research, considering aspects such as company financial solvency, quality and originality of the products, commitment with delivery dates and capability of adapting the products to the international requirements. QUALITY AND PRICES: We have selected only products with competitive prices and proved quality, in conformity with all international required certifications, regarding technical, sanitary and quality terms. PERSONALIZED CLIENT TREATMENT: Our logistics and negotiation schematics are always looking forward to the client’s best interest, and always trying to attend the client’s needs, regarding not only shipment and delivery terms but also finance and payment possibilities IF YOU WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT US, PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBSITES: PLEASE SEE OUR BROCHURE HERE (IN PDF & PPT FORMAT): CLICK HERE BELOW: (DIRECT LINK IN LOGO) BROCHURE LMG PRESENTATION MAY 2014 BROCHURE LMG PRESENTATION MAY 2014 Emergency email : /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Glossary of Terms - International Trade Terms ASWP - Any Safe World Port - BCL - Bank Comfort Letter Also known as a Bank Capability Letter, or Bank Confirmation Letter, this is a letter from the Buyer's bank confirming his ability to meet a certain level of payment requirements. This letter states that the Buyer has sufficient funds to cover the cost of the order. It should however be understood that this does not imply any guarantee of payment. BOL or B/L -Bill of Lading This is the receipt given by the shipping company when goods are loaded on board the vessel. This is an important document and gives title to the goods. It is needed by the buyer to obtain the goods from the port. CFR -Cost and Freight The price includes the cost of the goods, loading, and freight to the named Destination Port. This does not include unloading charges. CIF -Cost, Insurance and Freight This is the same as CNF, but also includes insurance to the named Destination Port. e.g. CIF Dubai. DC –Draft Contract A draft contract is an initial contract which is drawn up and sent from the Seller to the Buyer. The Buyer has the opportunity to make amendments and send it back to the Seller for consideration. This process continues until both parties are satisfied with the terms of the contract. DDP -Delivered Duty Paid To the named Destination (which can be customer's works) e.g. DDP New York. All delivery charges and duties to the named destination are paid by the exporter. FCO -Full Corporate Offer Issued by the seller after the preliminary stages of negotiation are complete such as a letter of intent having been issued by the buyer, and a soft probe have been conducted on their accounts by the Seller. A full corporate offer is a document which outlines the conditions of the sale. ICPO - Irrevocable Corporate Purchase Order This is a document drawn up by commercial Buyers, and contains the quantities and type of commodity required, and other conditions that the buyer would like the sale to proceed under. Once submitted to the Seller, this is deemed to be binding and the corporation is obliged to complete the sale. L/C or LOC -Letter of Credit A Letter of credit is a document issued from the Buyer's bank to the Seller which guarantees payment to the beneficiary of the letter of credit (the Seller), as long as the terms and conditions set out in the letter of credit are met. L/Cs are almost always irrevocable, can be transferable, For regular shipments a Revolving L/C is often utilized. TLC-Transferable letter of credit This is the favorite instrument of the traders and middlemen to offer secure terms of payments to third parties such as their suppliers (second beneficiary in the letter of credit). When the buyer pays the letter of credit, part of the proceeds is transferred to Letters of Credit variations: CL/C (Confirmed Letter of Credit) A letter of credit, issued by a foreign bank, with validity confirmed by a First Class (usually US or European) bank. A seller with CL/C terms is assured of payment even if the foreign buyer or the foreign bank defaults. DL/C - Documentary Letter of Credit A document issued by a bank which guarantees the payment of a buyer's drafts for a specified period and up to a specified amount. The Documentary Letter of Credit provides a more secure means of carrying out transactions in import-export trade than by documentary bills collection (see Bill of Exchange). A letter of credit when transmitted through a bank, usually in the seller's country, becomes the means by which the seller obtains payment. The necessary documents, correctly completed, are presented to a bank by an agreed date. If the terms of the credit are met, a seller can receive payment from a bank immediately. L/C (Irrevocable Letter of Credit) An Irrevocable Letter of Credit cannot be amended or cancelled without the consent of the issuing bank, the confirming bank (if confirmed), bears the further payment undertaking of another bank, usually the advising bank, called the Confirming Bank here since it adds its confirmation to the letter of credit. This may also be used if the issuing bank is of unknown doubtful standing to the seller and the beneficiary. The payment is guaranteed by the bank if the credit terms and conditions are fully met by the beneficiary. The words Irrevocable Documentary Credit or Irrevocable Credit may be indicated in the L/C. It means that once the buyer's conditions in the letter have been agreed to by the seller, they constitute a definite undertaking by the buyer's bank and cannot be revoked without the seller's agreement. Revocable Letters of Credit are rarely used as the terms of the credit can be cancelled or amended by an overseas buyer at any time without notice to the seller. RL/C (Revolving Letter of Credit) Is a financial guarantee or performance bond issued by a bank on behalf of a buyer i.e. a written obligation of the issuing bank to pay a sum to a beneficiary on behalf of their customer in the event that the customer himself does not pay the beneficiary. The SL/C is regulated by the ICC600 rules. LOI - Letter of Intent Letter of Intent is a document issued from the Buyer to the Seller which indicates that the Buyer would like to enter into negotiations with the Seller in the hope of purchasing commodity. The letter of intent is not legally binding, but it does provide a starting point for negotiations SL/Stand-by Letter of Credit) It is financial guarantee or performance bond issued by a bank on behalf of a buyer i.e. a written obligation of the issuing bank to pay a sum to a beneficiary on behalf of their customer in the event that the customer himself does not pay the beneficiary. The SL/C is regulated by the ICC600 rules. PB - Performance Bond This is a type of bank guarantee which is issued from the Seller to the Buyer. It guarantees that the Seller will meet the terms of the contract. Normally issued in the amount of 2 % of the total amount of the contract, a performance bond can be drawn upon by the Buyer in the event that the Seller breaks the contract and fails to provide the product which was stipulated in the contract. POP Proof of Product A Proof of Product ('POP') is often requested by customers or agents who believe it will give them some guarantee of the existence of the product and ability of the supplier to deliver the product. In practice many POP's are false. POP offers no proof at all, because once a POP has been drafted it is automatically out of date -the product could have been sold to another buyer and therefore no longer exists. Nevertheless, a POP is still occasionally requested as apparent proof that a seller has the product, A POP is realistically provided only when the Buyer's bank issues a Bank Confirmation Letter (BCL) to the Seller and or seller's bank via SWIFT. Then the Seller's bank can check the availability of funds in the Buyer's bank and issue a POP to the Buyer's bank within an agreed time period (e.g. 5 days). A seller will not issue a POP to buyer without a non-operative letter of credit opened. See our procedures. The (PB) of 2 percent will render the DLC operative. The bank will then send the POP five days later. RWA-Ready, Willing and Able This is a document which is issued by the Buyer's bank. The bank confirms that their client has the sufficient funds in their possession and is ready, willing and able to engage in the contract. SGS INSPECTION ( ) SGS is the world's leading inspection, verification, testing and certification organization. SGS is recognized as the global benchmark for quality and integrity. The core services offered by SGS can be divided into three categories: Certification Services: SGS certifies that products, systems or services meet the requirements of standards set by governments (e.g. GOST R), standardization bodies (e.g. SO 9000) or by SGS customers. SGS also develops and certifies its own standards Inspection Services: SGS inspects and verifies the quantity, weight and quality of traded goods. Inspection typically takes place at the manufacturer/supplier's premises or at time of loading or at destination during discharge/offloading. Testing Services: SGS tests product quality and performance against various health, safety and regulatory standards. SGS operates state of the art laboratories on or close to customer's premises. SOFT PROBE This is an authorization from the buyer to the seller to contact the buyer's bank to verify the buyer has the financial capability to purchase the amount of sugar and the method of payment agreed in the (LOI) Letter of Intent. SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication) A global service that is responsible for facilitating communication between banks. Most payments are made via SWIFT Estrictamente privado y confidencial More details here against firm disclosed interest. All details is given in good faith but WOG / All details believed correct BNG. Subject to availability. Not for Recirculation... For more details, please contact us : = All details are given in good faith but w.o.g = We can provide you the further detail and the owner' price closely. BELOW, BUYER MANDATE REPRESENTATIVE . PLEASE ALL THESE IN LETTERHEAT OF BUYERS , AND WITH FULL DETAILS AND STYLE. THANKS mandate of purchase representative LMG 2014 (2)