School of Physics and Astronomy SECOND YEAR MODULE CHOICE HANDBOOK 2014-15 HEAD OF YEAR: Dr Nicola Wilkin CHOOSING YOUR MODULES FOR THE COMING SESSION VERY IMPORTANT NOTE Almost all modules in Years 2, 3 & 4 have 'prerequisites', i.e. modules that you must have taken before starting your chosen module. This means that if you do not make sensible choices in earlier years, you may find yourself barred from taking your preferred modules in later years. A full list of modules for all 4 years, together with their prerequisites is shown in this booklet. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO PLAN YOUR PATH THROUGH THE ENTIRE DEGREE PROGRAMME. Useful information can be found on: 1 2 Table of Contents An Introductory Meeting for all second year students will take place at the start of the term, all details to be confirmed. All Year 2 students are required to attend. ................................................................................................. 4 Important: The Module Choice Form must be completed by Friday 20th June 2014 Option Forms can be found at: ..................................................... 4 ...................... 4 Head of Year and Degree Programme Co-ordinator Details.................... 5 MODULE DESCRIPTIONS 2014-15 ................................................ 7 LI Classical Mechanics and Relativity 2 .................................................... 8 LI Eigenphysics ..................................................................................... 9 LI Electromagnetism 2 ......................................................................... 11 LI Electronics ...................................................................................... 12 Mathematics for Physicists 2 ................................................................. 17 LI Modern Optics ................................................................................. 19 LI Nuclear Physics and Neutrinos .......................................................... 22 LI Observing the Universe .................................................................... 24 LI Physics and Communication Skills 2 .................................................. 26 Module Title ........................................................................................ 29 LI Physics Laboratory 2 ................................................................... 29 Module Title ........................................................................................ 30 LI Physics Project ................................................................................ 30 LI Nanotechnology Research Report ..................................................... 34 LI Quantum Mechanics 2 ...................................................................... 35 LI Statistical Physics and Entropy .................................................. 36 MODULES FROM THE SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICS ............................ 39 LI Analytical Techniques ....................................................................... 39 LI Applied Mathematics ........................................................................ 39 LI Linear Algebra ................................................................................. 41 PROGRAMME STRUCTURES ............................................................. 42 BSc/MSci Physics ................................................................................. 43 BSc Physics (International Study) ......................................................... 44 BSc/MSci Physics and Astrophysics........................................................ 45 BSc Physics and Astrophysics (International Study) ................................ 46 MSci Physics with Nanoscale Physics ..................................................... 47 BSc/MSci Physics with Particle Physics and Cosmology ........................... 48 BSc/MSci Theoretical Physics ................................................................ 49 BSc/MSci Theoretical Physics and Applied Mathematics .......................... 50 3 An Introductory Meeting for all second year students will take place at the start of the term, all details to be confirmed. All Year 2 students are required to attend. Important: The Module Choice Form must be completed by Friday 20th June 2014 Option Forms can be found at: 4 Head of Year and Degree Programme Co-ordinator Details Head of Year Email for an appointment Dr Nicola Wilkin East 406 In the absence of the Head of Year, please contact Eleanor Taylor Teaching Support Administrator Eleanor Taylor TSO Co-ordinators of Degree Programmes Physics Dr Robert A Smith East 411 Physics and Astrophysics Professor Trevor Ponman West 236 Physics with Particle Physics and Cosmology Dr Chris Hawkes West 212 Physics (International Study) Dr Chris Mayhew East 209a Theoretical Physics Professor Mike Gunn East 404 Theoretical Physics and Applied Mathematics Dr Martin Long East 419 Physics with Nanoscale Physics Professor Richard Palmer East 107 Natural Sciences Professor David Evans West 214 5 List of Modules & Staff Contact Details Classical Mechanics & Relativity 2 Professor D Evans West 320 Eigenphysics Professor J M F Gunn East 404 Electromagnetism 2 Dr C Mayhew East 213b Electronics Dr J Wilson West 217 Particles and Nuclei & A Quantum Approach to Solids Dr A Watson/ Dr Elizabeth Blackburn West 218 / East 207 / Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Mechanics Dr D Gangardt East 407 Mathematics for Physicists 2 Dr R Smith East 411 Modern Optics Professor K Bongs East 404 Neutrinos Dr E Goudzovski West 215 Nuclear Physics Professor M Freer East 307 Observing the Universe Dr G Smith West 233 Physics and Communication Skills 2 Professor M Freer East 307 Physics Laboratory Dr M Colclough East 209b k Quantum Mechanics 2 Professor P Jones East 306 Statistical Physics and Entropy Dr N Thomas East 206 Structure in the Universe Professor W Chaplin West G34 6 MODULE DESCRIPTIONS 2014-15 7 Module Title Module Code Member of Staff Level Credits Semester Contact hours Delivery Pre-requisites Description Learning Outcomes Assessment Texts Checked LI Classical Mechanics and Relativity 2 03 17272 Professor D Evans Intermediate Level 10 1 24 Lectures, directed reading 03 19748 Classical Mechanics and Relativity 1 This module develops the principles of mechanics and of special relativity, introduced in the first year. In this second phase, Newton's Laws are developed to handle more realistic problems. Starting with point-like particles, techniques are developed for handling many particle systems and extended rigid bodies. Damped simple harmonic motion is described and the behaviour of such a system under a periodic driving force is discussed. The module progresses from translational to rotational motion. Motion under a central, conservative force is described in and the effects of energy and momentum conservation are discussed. Motion in a rotating frame is discussed. In special relativity, the transformations of momentum and energy are reviewed with emphasis on the Lorentz invariants and their use in describing collisions. By the end of the module the student should be able to: calculate the positions of the centre of mass and evaluate the moments of inertia of simple extended bodies; describe quantitatively simple harmonic motion and extend the discussion to include damping and also periodic driving forces; hence understand what is a resonance? and how it can be described in terms of the Q factor; understand the vector nature of angular momentum and hence describe gyroscopic motion; understand the concept of effective potential and describe in detail motion under a central conservative force; understand what is meant by a non-inertial frame and how motion in a rotating frame can be described in terms of centrifugal and Coriolis forces; use four-momentum squared to describe relativistic collisions. 1 x 1 hour 30 minutes written examination (80%) and continuous assessment, problem sheets (20%) May 2014 8 Module LI Eigenphysics Title School Physics and Astronomy Department Physics & Astronomy Module Code Module Lead Level Credits Semester Pre-requisites Contact Hours Description Learning Outcomes 03 00746 Prof J M F Gunn Intermediate Level 10 Semester 2 Mathematics for Physicists 1 B - (03 19753) Mathematics for Physicists 1A - (03 19751) Lecture-24 hours Seminar-0 hours Tutorial-0 hours Project supervision-0 hours Demonstration-0 hours Practical Classes and workshops-11 hours Supervised time in studio/workshop-0 hours Fieldwork-0 hours External Visits-0 hours Work based learning-0 hours Guided independent study-65 hours Placement-0 hours Year Abroad-0 hours The equations describing many important physical phenomena are linear differential equations. For example, in quantum mechanics the Schrödinger equation contains no power of the wavefunction or its derivatives greater than the first, and so is a linear differential equation. Similarly Maxwell's equations contain no power of the electric and magnetic fields or their derivatives greater than the first, and so Maxwell's theory of electromagnetism is also linear. One consequence of a linear theory is that the sum of any two independent solutions is also a solution; this leads to the phenomenon of interference in both optics and quantum mechanics. What is more surprising is that the solutions may be regarded as ‘vectors”, where the “angle” between them is important. In this module we shall study the mathematics which underlies and is common to all these different linear systems. The mathematical techniques and ideas are illustrated by drawing on familiar examples from both classical and quantum physics. By the end of the module the student should be able to: Understand the axiomatic development of mathematical structures such as groups, fields and vector spaces; Understand the ideas of vector space, function space and inner product and test a given system against the relevant axioms; Understand and test for linear independence and linear dependence of a set of vectors or functions; Understand the ideas of basis, orthogonal basis and orthonormal basis; Construct an orthonormal basis by the Gram-Schmidt process; Understand the idea of a linear operator and construct its matrix representation in a given basis; Understand change of basis and construct and use a change of basis matrix; Understand the idea of an operator eigenvalue problem; Convert second-order differential equations into Sturm-Liouville form; Use power series solutions to solve differential equations; Use power series solutions and boundary conditions to find eigenvalues of Sturm-Liouville problems; Be able to use generating functions for orthogonal polynomials; Be able to use Rodrigues formulae for orthogonal polynomials; Understand and use the Rayleigh-Ritz variational method to estimate the lowest eigenvalue 9 Assessment Assessment Methods & Exceptions Reading List Checked of a given problem; Apply the above mathematical techniques to problems of classical and quantum mechanics. 00746-01 : Exam : Exam (CT) - Written Unseen (80%) 00746-02 : Examples sheets : Coursework (20%) One 1.5hr written examination (80%); Continuous assessment via weekly problem sheets (20%) May 2014 10 Module Title Module Code Member of Staff Level Credits Semester Contact hours Delivery Pre-requisites Description Learning Outcomes Assessment Texts LI Electromagnetism 2 03 00953 Dr Chris Mayhew Intermediate Level 10 2 24 lectures, whole-class teaching 03 19750 Electromagnetism 1 and Temperature & Matter The 19th century saw mankind's greatest advances in the understanding of electricity and magnetism thanks to pure research carried out by the likes of Faraday, Ampère and Maxwell. Indeed, according to Feynman, the most significant event of the 19th century was Maxwell's four equations for electromagnetic fields published between 1855 and 1865. These four equations described the whole of electricity and magnetism and, for the first time, unified the electric and magnetic forces into one theory of electromagnetism. Maxwell also used these equations to show that light was an electromagnetic wave and accurately predicted the velocity of light. His equations also showed that electromagnetic waves were Lorentz invariant some forty years before Einstein. By the end of the module the student should be able to: apply the laws of Gauss, Faraday and Ampère to problems involving charges and magnetic fields; have a firm grounding of Maxwell's equations and their origins; apply and solve Maxwell's equations to electromagnetic problems; show that electric and magnetic fields can travel as waves in free space and media; calculate the major laws of optics using electromagnetic theory; apply Maxwell's equations in order to derive the conductivity of conductors and plasmas; Use Poynting's vector to calculate the power in an electromagnetic wave. 1 x 1 hour 30 minutes written examination (80%); Continuous assessment, problem sheets (20%) 11 Module Title LI Electronics Module Code Member of Staff Level Credits Semester Contact hours Delivery Description 03 17489 Dr John Wilson Intermediate Level 10 2 24 22 lectures. Assessed and non-assessed problems are set throughout. The module discusses the basic principles of analogue and digital electronics. It is important to recognise that it is analogue electronics that often provides the interface between a measuring device and the physical world. Therefore the first stage of an electronics circuit is to preserve and amplify a signal faithfully with minimal distortion. When we digitise an analogue signal we trade in our continuous physical signal for one in which only certain values are allowed. This sacrifices some information, but comes with some major advantages, such as errorless data transmission. Digital electronics is at the very heart of the telecommunications revolution that has given us the digital computer, the Internet and, more recently, digital radio and television. Learning Outcomes The analogue part of the course focuses on the frequency response of simple circuits and on the versatility of operational amplifiers. We shall investigate the advantages and potential problems of negative feedback. We will also look at the problem of noise and signal recovery and the problems associated with the process of analogue-to-digital conversion. Uses of digital electronics ranges from small-scale tasks possible with just a few logic gates up to the complexity of large computer farms. This section starts with an introduction to binary arithmetic, logic gates and the laws of Boolean algebra. Techniques for designing and improving logic are then introduced and illustrated with examples. Various types of logic families will be discussed together with how to make logic gates from semiconductors. Finally, the various types of devices and flip-flops and their applications are explored. By the end of the module the student should be able to: Understand the concept of complex impedance. Be able to derive the transfer function of simple circuits. Be able to draw and derive information from Bode plots. Know the basic characteristics of an operational amplifier. Appreciate the advantages and potential problems of negative feedback. Be able to study the behaviour of some common op-amp circuits. Be able to use Bode plots to determine the stability of amplifier circuits. Be able to design an oscillator using the concept of positive feedback. Know the physical origin of different types of noise and the techniques used to remove them. Understand the problems associated with digitising an analogue signal. Recognise the need for anti-aliasing and anti-imaging filters in DSP applications. Be able to write any number in binary or hexadecimal form. Be aware of error handling and correction. Have a firm grounding of basic logic gates and their applications. Be able to perform and manipulate basic Boolean algebra. Be able to design logic to perform simple functions. 12 Assessment Texts Checked Be able to use Karnaugh maps to simplify Boolean functions. Be aware of different types of flip-flops and their applications. 1 x 1 hour 30 minutes exam (80%),continuous assessment problem sheets (20%) May 2014 13 Module Title LI Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Mechanics Physics and Astronomy Department Physics & Astronomy Module 03 00539 School Code Module Lead Level Credits Semester Prerequisites Corequisites Restriction s Contact Hours Dr D Gangardt Intermediate Level 10 Semester 2 Mathematics for Physicists 1 B - (03 19753) Mathematics for Physicists 1A - (03 19751) none Lecture-24 hours Seminar-0 hours Tutorial-0 hours Project supervision-0 hours Demonstration-0 hours Practical Classes and workshops-11 hours Supervised time in studio/workshop-0 hours Fieldwork-0 hours External Visits-0 hours Work based learning-0 hours Guided independent study-65 hours Placement-0 hours Year Abroad-0 hours Description Newton's conventional formulation of Classical Mechanics focuses attention on the forces acting on a system of particles and the second law of Newton then provides a way of calculating the subsequent position and motion of all the particles making up the system. This process can at times be rather awkward - particularly if there are constraints on the system. If we have, for example, a bead which is constrained to slide along a wire of known shape then the forces which constrain the bead to remain on the wire - the forces of constraint - are usually the reaction forces and they must be calculated using Newton's Laws for motion in say the x, y and z directions. Such a calculation may be awkward. However these constraint forces can be thought of as providing a purely geometrical constraint on the motion of the bead on the wire. If we can get away from having to work out the reaction forces, by using any convenient coordinate which incorporates the geometry of the problem (such as the 14 Learning Outcomes distance moved along the wire) then we need never calculate the reaction (or constraint) forces. This elegant and beautiful reformulation of classical mechanics due to Lagrange and Hamilton, does exactly this and lies at the centre of the thinking about much modern physics. It allows us to choose any convenient set of coordinates to describe a problem and focuses on energies of a system- usually much easier to write down than the forces. We are thus are provided with a convenient and very practical way of analysing the motion of quite complicated systems. It also provides remarkable insights into the relations between the symmetries in a system and the conservation laws which hold. We can after all observe a conservation law in a scattering experiment and use this to deduce the symmetry of the underlying forces of nature. As a general rule in physics, a reformulation of any problem will usually offer new insights into its solution. We shall see also that the beautiful methods developed by Lagrange and Hamilton for Classical Mechanics are very close in spirit to the outlook of both Quantum Mechanics and Statistical Mechanics and Dirac's classic text on Quantum Mechanics draws heavily on the ideas which we shall develop in this module. Latterly the language and ideas of Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Mechanics have found fruit in the description of the behavior of certain Chaotic systems. The section of the module on the Calculus of Variations provides the mathematical background needed for a study of the General Theory of Relativity in year 4. By the end of the module students should be able to: • • • • • • • • Identify the number of degrees of freedom in a mechanical system, select appropriate generalised coordinates and write down the kinetic and potential energies and a Lagrangian in terms of these generalised coordinates and generalised velocities; Identify the cyclic coordinates and all conserved quantities and write down the relevant conjugate canonical momenta and the Hamiltonian Integral and use these (together with Lagrange's equations) to solve mechanical problems; Analyse the central force problem and Kepler's gravitational problem using standard equations in polar coordinates; Determine the equilibrium configurations of a system with several degrees of freedom; Determine the frequencies and motions associated with the normal modes of small amplitude oscillations about equilibrium; Set up and solve for the extremals of straightforward problems in the Calculus of Variations and understand and use the links between the Calculus of Variations and Lagrangian Mechanics; Describe a system in terms of the generalised coordinates and the conjugate canonical momenta and write down the Hamiltonian of a 15 • • • • Assessme nt Assessme nt Methods & Exception s Other Reading List system, starting from its Lagrangian; Solve Hamilton's equations in appropriate circumstances and use Conservation Laws; Construct a Canonical Transformation, calculate a Poisson Bracket and understand and the use of the Poisson Bracket in a Canonical Transformation; Write down the time evolution of a function of the dynamical variables in terms of the Poisson Brackets; Understand and solve the Hamilton Jacobi Equation in straightforward circumstances. 00539-01 : Exam : Exam (CT) - Written Unseen (80%) 00539-02 : Examples sheets : Coursework (20%) 1 x 1.5 hour exam (80%) and continuous assessment (weekly problem sheets) (20%) none 16 ModuleTitle LI Mathematics for Physicists 2 School Department Module Code Module Lead Level Credits Semester Prerequisites Corequisites Restrictions Contact Hours Exclusions Description Physics and Astronomy Physics and Astronomy 03 12497 Dr R A Smith Intermediate Level 20 Full Term Mathematics for Physicists 1A – (03 19751) None Lecture - 66 hours Seminar - 0 hours Tutorial – 0 hours Project Supervision – 0 hours Demonstration – 0 hours Practical Classes and Workshops – 22 hours Supervised Time in Studio/Workshop – 0 hours Fieldwork – 0 hours External Visits – 0 hours Work-based Learning – 0 hours Guided Independent Studies – 112 hours Placement – 0 hours Year Abroad – 0 hours None Mathematics is the natural language in which physics is expressed, and it is therefore important that any working physicist should be fluent in it. This module is the last compulsory mathematics module in all except theory programmes, and contains the remaining core mathematics needed for all physics modules in future years. The module is roughly divided into two pieces: calculus (~15 credits) & matrices and linear algebra (~5 credits). These are further sub-divided as shown below: 1. Calculus: Vector Calculus Distributions Fourier Series Fourier Transforms Partial Differential Equations 2. Matrices and Linear Algebra: Basic Matrix Algebra Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors Most of the equations encountered in physics are linear partial differential equations (p.d.e.’s), and the calculus section is focussed on the techniques needed to formulate and solve these equations, using examples from physics. Vector calculus is the language in which both the Maxwell equations of electromagnetism, and the Navier-Stokes equation of fluid mechanics are written; the Laplacian derived in vector calculus is also at the heart of most p.d.e.’s found in physics. Fourier series and Fourier transforms involve splitting periodic and non-periodic functions respectively into their frequency components. They are extensively used in many areas of physics, including optics and wave phenomena, classical mechanics, and quantum mechanics. Finally the section on p.d.e.’s introduces the method of separation of variables, which reduces a p.d.e. to a set of ordinary differential equations (o.d.e.’s); the solution of such odes is largely beyond the scope of this module, and is a main part of the Eigenphysics module. 17 Matrices arise in the analysis of many physical situations; examples include moments of inertia in rigid bodies, normal modes in coupled oscillators, Lorentz transformations in special relativity, and perturbation theory in quantum mechanics. In this module the properties of matrices are developed from basic algebra to the solution of eigenvalue problems, using appropriate examples from physics. Learning Outcomes By the end of the module the student will be able to: Calculate the gradient, divergence, curl, and Laplacian in cartesian or other orthogonal coordinate systems • Prove the standard vector calculus identities • Test a coordinate system to see if it is orthogonal • Evaluate line, surface and volume integrals • State the divergence and Stokes theorems, and verify them in a particular situation • Define and use Heaviside and Dirac delta functions, including delta functions of non-trivial argument • Derive the formulae for real and complex Fourier series, including Parseval’s theorem • Represent a given periodic function as a Fourier series • Write down the formulae for Fourier transform, inverse Fourier transform and Parseval’s theorem • Write down the formulae for Fourier sine and cosine transforms, and higher dimensional Fourier transforms • Evaluate the Fourier transform of simple functions • Explain the role of the Fourier transform in Fraunhofer diffraction, and use it to evaluate diffraction patterns • Separate variables in partial differential equations • Solve partial differential equations using a variety of Fourier techniques • Add, multiply and find the determinant and inverse of a matrix • Use Gaussian elimination to solve simultaneous linear equations • Diagonalise a small matrix, determining both the eigenvalues and eigenvectors • Define and identify symmetric, anti-symmetric, Hermitian, anti-Hermitian, orthogonal, unitary, and normal matrices 12497-01 Exam: Exam (CT) – Written Unseen (80%) 12497-02 Examples Sheets: Coursework (20%) 1 x 3 hour exam (80%) 10 fortnightly problem sheets (20%) • Assessment Assessment Methods & Exceptions Reading List Checked May 2014 18 Module Title LI Modern Optics School Department Module Code Module Lead Level Credits Semester Pre-requisites Co-requisites Restrictions Contact Hours Physics and Astronomy Physics & Astronomy 03 22748 Professor K Bongs Exclusions Description Learning Outcomes Assessment Assessment Methods & Exceptions Reading List Checked 10 Semester 2 None Lecture-24 hours Seminar-12 hours Guided independent study-64 hours Optical devices are commonplace in the modern world, from digital cameras and optical mice to the Hubble space telescope. This module aims to provide an understanding of the basic optical principles underpinning such devices. A physicist working in research from astrophysics to ultracold atoms, but also in companies in fields such as aerospace, engineering, ICT, biomedical or environmental sciences will encounter optical systems of varying complexity for observation, imaging, manipulation, inspection, testing, quality control and many others. This module aims to provide understanding of principles and a bridge towards applications at a level appropriate for the professional in this field. It focuses on the design, characterisation and application of optical systems, the effects of polarization and modern applications. By the end of the module the student will be able to: • Calculate optical systems using the ABCD Matrix formalism; • Understand the working principle and key parameters of imaging systems; • Explain the optical and pixel limitations in CCD- cameras; • Use the individual components in quantum optics, ultracold atom or quantum information experiments such as dielectric mirrors, acousto-optical and electro-optical modulators as well as optical diodes; • Understand example applications such as binoculars or LCD screens . 22748-01 : Exam : Exam (CT) - Written Unseen (80%) 22748-02 : Continuous Assessment : Coursework (20%) 80% 1.5 hour written examination; 20% continuous assessment May 2014 19 Module Title School Department Module Code Module Lead Level Credits Semester Pre-requisites Contact Hours Description LI Particles and Nuclei & A Quantum Approach to Solids Physics and Astronomy Physics & Astronomy 03 26017 Dr A. T. Watson & Dr E. Blackburn 10 Semester 1 Special Relativity and Probability and Random Processes - (03 19749) Classical Mechanics and Relativity 1 - (03 19748) Electromagnetism and Temperature and Matter - (03 19750) Lecture-24 hours Seminar-0 hours Tutorial-0 hours Project supervision-0 hours Demonstration-0 hours Practical Classes and workshops-0 hours Supervised time in studio/workshop-0 hours Fieldwork-0 hours External Visits-0 hours Work based learning-0 hours Guided independent study-76 hours Placement-0 hours Year Abroad-0 hours Particles and Nuclei: This module introduces the fundamental (as we understand them) constituents of matter and the forces through which they interact. The conservation laws which constrain which reactions are possible are discussed. The experimental evidence leading to and supporting the theories will be discussed. Natural units are explained, and relativistic invariance used to study reaction kinematics. Nuclear binding energies and masses, and the properties of the forces, are used to explain nuclear decays, fission and fusion. A Quantum Approach to Solids: This half of the module introduces the experimental and theoretical bases for explaining observed properties of materials such as heat capacity and thermal conductivity. Following a brief introduction of bonding and crystal structure, a theory for lattice vibrations is 20 Learning Outcomes developed and used to explain experimental observations of the heat capacity. This leads naturally to the concept of electrons moving in materials, leading to explanations of metals and semiconductors. By the end of the module students should be able to: • • • • • • • Assessment Assessment Methods & Exceptions Reading List Checked Describe the Standard Model of particle physics, the quark model of hadrons, and explain how the properties of the forces are related to those of the vector bosons Apply conservation laws to particle interactions and perform calculations using relativistic kinematics to evaluate energies, momenta and masses Describe nuclear stability and reactions in terms of binding energy and apply selection rules to radioactive decays Describe the basic properties of crystalline solids, and how to identify their structure Explain vibrations in materials and relate these to physically observable properties, such as the heat capacity and thermal conductivity Develop and critique physical models for the heat capacity of solids Demonstrate an understanding of the distribution of electrons as a function of electron energy and the FermiDirac distribution function 26017-01 : Examination : Exam (School Arranged) - Written Unseen (80%) 26017-02 : Particles and Nuclei Assessed Problems : Coursework (10%) 26017-03 : A Quantum Approach to Solids Assessed Problems : Coursework (10%) Assessments: 1.5 hour written examination (80%), assessed problems (20%) Reassessment: 100% written examination May 2014 21 Module Title Module Code Member of Staff Level Credits Semester Contact hours Delivery Co-requisites Pre-requisites Description Learning Outcomes Assessment Texts LI Nuclear Physics and Neutrinos 03 17301 Prof Martin Freer (Nuclear Physics) and Dr Evgueni Goudzovski (Neutrinos) Intermediate Level 10 2 24 Lectures 03 17300 Particles and Nuclei & A Quantum Approach to Solids (compulsory) 03 01326 Quarks & Leptons (advised) Nuclear Physics – This course provides an introduction to the topic of nuclear physics. It will explore what the mass of a nucleus reveals about the strong interaction; examine how the nuclear size and shape is measured, and the key decay mechanisms; alpha, beta and gamma decay and the associated selection rules and Q-values (energy release). The role of nuclear reactions in the synthesis of the elements will be described, including: proton burning, CNO cycle, rp-process, s-process and r-process. The process of energy generation using nuclear fusion and fission will be described together with medical applications and detection of nuclear radiation. Neutrino Physics – The course provides an introduction to neutrino physics and related issues. It starts with a revision of the foundations of the Standard Model of particle physics (kinematics, particles and forces, conserved quantum numbers). It describes key experiments that demonstrated the existence of the three lepton generations and the finite neutrino mass. The principles and processes involved in the neutrino detection are reviewed. A number of neutrino detection techniques (including water Cherenkov, radiochemical and tracking calorimeter detectors) are discussed. The phenomenon of neutrino mixing and oscillations is introduced. Recent experiments with atmospheric, solar, accelerator and reactor neutrinos and the future developments in the field are presented. By the end of the module the students should be able to: describe neutrino properties and interactions; discuss the production and detection of atmospheric, solar, accelerator and reactor neutrinos; describe neutrino detection principles and techniques involved in key experiments; describe the recent neutrino experiments and their results; demonstrate an understanding of the nature of the strong force and its effect on nuclear properties such as mass, and the determination of the nuclear size and shape; show an understanding of the of the key decay processes (alpha, beta and gamma) and to be able to use selection rules and Q-values; describe stellar nucleosythesis processes and calculate the energy production associated with reactions in stars; demonstrate an understanding of energy production by fusion and fission and perform simple calculations; describe the functionality of a range of radiation detectors; demonstrate an awareness of a range of applications of nuclear techniques. 1 x 1 hour 30 minutes exam (80%), Continuous assessment, problem sheets (20%) 22 23 Module Title School Department Module Code Module Lead Level Credits Semester Prerequisites Corequisites Restrictions Contact Hours Exclusions Description LI Observing the Universe Physics and Astronomy Physics & Astronomy 03 21280 Dr GP Smith Intermediate Level 10 Semester 1 and 2 (Midterm to midterm) Some knowledge of astronomy at the level of L1 Introduction to Astrophysics will be helpful, though not essential. Some additional reading will be recommended to students with no prior knowledge of Astronomy. Lecture-24 hours Seminar-0 hours Tutorial-0 hours Project supervision-0 hours Demonstration-0 hours Practical Classes and workshops-0 hours Supervised time in studio/workshop-0 hours Fieldwork-0 hours External Visits-0 hours Work based learning-0 hours Guided independent study-76 hours Placement-0 hours Year Abroad-0 hours Our view of the history and current nature of the Universe has changed dramatically over the last two decades, largely due to the development of sophisticated telescopes and instruments, capable of observing astronomical objects from the ground and from space. In this module, we will study the physics of astronomical observations, looking in detail at telescopes and instruments for observing over a wide range of the electromagnetic spectrum - from the traditional instruments for observing at optical and radio wavelengths, to modern instruments for observing and the infrared, x-ray and gamma-ray regions of the spectrum. We will pay particular attention to the complexities of observing from space. We will study imaging methods using digital detectors, spectroscopic techniques using prisms and gratings, and methods of interferometry and aperture 24 synthesis for higher resolution. We will also study some emerging technologies, for instance the detection of gravitational waves. Module website: Learning Outcomes By the end of the module the student should be able to: • • • • • • Assessment Assessment Methods & Exceptions Reading List Checked Plan astronomical observations by selecting the appropriate ground or space based observatory and instrument configuration; Compare and contrast the telescopes built for optical, radio and high-energy astronomy, used in ground and space-based applications; Demonstrate an understanding of the physical principles used to detect photons in different regions of the electromagnetic spectrum, and the technical challenges associated with them, and assess the quality of the signal and various sources of noise; Distinguish between methods of imaging at optical, radio and X-ray wavelengths; Display a good working knowledge of how diffraction gratings can be used to obtain useful spectra from astronomical sources; Solve simple numerical problems related to the design of basic instruments used in space and ground-based astronomy and the associated reduction of data. 21280-01 : Exam : Exam (CT) - Written Unseen (80%) 21280-02 : Examples sheets : Coursework (20%) 1 x 1.5 hour exam (80%) and continuous assessment (weekly problem sheets) (20%) May 2014 25 Module Title Module Code Member of Staff Level Credits Semester Contact hours Delivery Pre-requisites Restrictions Description Learning Outcomes Assessment Texts LI Physics and Communication Skills 2 03 01149 Professor Martin Freer and Dr Neil Thomas Intermediate Level 10 1 24 The workshop is based on a series of training sessions encompassing problem solving in physics, oral and written communications alternated with four class tests. The latter involve general problems on topics learned during the first year. 03 00976 Phys & Comm Skills 1 OR 0611235 Comp & App Phys Compulsory for all programmes The ability of concisely and effectively communicating ideas, both in written form and via oral presentations, is essential in everyday life and job. The ability of posing and successfully solving general problems is one of the key outcomes of the training of a physicist. In this module we will provide a guide to make oral and written presentations of scientific work. We will also address how to pose, attack and solve general problems in physics. By the end of the module the student should be able to: deliver a talk about a scientific topic; make a written presentation of scientific work; tackle general problems in physics; have a firm grounding in the key concepts of classical mechanics and be able to solve problems related to these topics; have a firm grounding in the key concepts of thermodynamics and be able to solve problems related to these topics; have a firm grounding in the key concepts of electromagnetism and be able to solve problems related to these topics; have a firm grounding in the elementary concepts of quantum mechanics and be able to solve problems related to these topics. Oral presentation skills 10%, Written skills assignment 10%, Computational laboratory assignments 40%, General problems examination 20%, Class Tests 20%. 26 Module Title LI Physics and Communication Skills 2 (Nuclear) School Department Module Code Module Lead Level Physics and Astronomy Physics & Astronomy 03 26252 Professor Martin Freer Credits Semester Pre-requisites Contact Hours Description Learning Outcomes Intermediate Level 10 Semester 1 Physics and Communication Skills - (03 00976) Lecture-14 hours Seminar-1 hours Tutorial-0 hours Project supervision-0 hours Demonstration-0 hours Practical Classes and workshops-0 hours Supervised time in studio/workshop-0 hours Fieldwork-0 hours External Visits-0 hours Work based learning-5 hours Guided independent study-80 hours Placement-0 hours Year Abroad-0 hours The ability of concisely and effectively communicating ideas, both in written form and via oral presentations, is essential in everyday life and job. The ability of posing and successfully solving general problems is one of the key outcomes of the training of a physicist. In this module we will provide a guide to make oral and written presentations of scientific work. We will also address how to pose, attack and solve general problems in physics. By the end of the module students should be able to: • • • • deliver a talk about a scientific topic; make a written presentation of scientific work; tackle general problems in physics; have a firm grounding in the key concepts of classical mechanics and be able to solve problems related to these topics; have a firm grounding in the key concepts of thermodynamics and be able to solve problems related to 27 these topics; Assessment Assessment Methods & Exceptions have a firm grounding in the key concepts of electromagnetism and be able to solve problems related to these topics; 26252-01 : Examination : Exam (CT) - Written Unseen (20%) 26252-02 : Class tests : Class Test (20%) 26252-03 : Computational Lab Assignments : Practical (40%) 26252-04 : Essay : Coursework (10%) 26252-05 : Oral Presentation : Presentation (10%) Oral presentation skills 10%, Written skills assignment 10%, Computational laboratory assignments 40%, General problems examination 20% (2 hours), Class Tests 20%. 28 Module Title LI Physics Laboratory 2 School Department Module Code Module Lead Level Credits Semester Prerequisites Restrictions Contact Hours Physics & Astronomy and Astronomy Physics & Astronomy 03 00943 Dr M S Colclough Intermediate Level 10 Semester 1 Physics Laboratory 1 - (03 19752) Description none Lecture-0 hours Seminar-0 hours Tutorial-0 hours Project supervision-0 hours Demonstration-0 hours Practical Classes and workshops-60 hours Supervised time in studio/workshop-0 hours Fieldwork-0 hours External Visits-0 hours Work based learning-0 hours Guided independent study-40 hours Placement-0 hours Year Abroad-0 hours In this laboratory, students investigate a variety of physical phenomena relevant to the level I syllabus, and study some of their applications. A range of experimental techniques is introduced, allowing students develop skills that will be helpful in future work, for example project work in years 2 and 3. Topics covered include: computer-based data acquisition and analysis, component-level analogue and digital electronics, physical optics and spectroscopy, and other topics relevant to the level I syllabus. Learning Outcomes Assessment Assessment By the end of the module the student should be able to: 1 Demonstrate skills in the building and using of electronic and optical systems. 2 Apply computer-based data acquisition and analysis to the recording and interpreting of physical phenomena. Total mark : Practical (100%) Continuous assessment 29 Module Title LI Physics Project School Department Module Code Module Lead Level Credits Semester Prerequisites Co-requisites Restrictions Contact Hours Physics and Astronomy Physics & Astronomy 03 01381 Dr Mark Colclough, Intermediate Level 10 Semester 2 Physics Laboratory 2 - (03 00943) Physics Laboratory 1 - (03 19752) Exclusions Description none Lecture-0 hours Seminar-3 hours Tutorial-0 hours Project supervision-0 hours Demonstration-0 hours Practical Classes and workshops-54 hours Supervised time in studio/workshop-0 hours Fieldwork-0 hours External Visits-0 hours Work based learning-0 hours Guided independent study-43 hours Placement-0 hours Year Abroad-0 hours none Projects are a vital part of developing independent research skills in the physical sciences. A project is normally done by a pair of students, who either submit a project proposal for approval, or choose from an extensive list of staff proposals. Projects usually have a substantial experimental component, and can address any area of physics for which the year 2 laboratory, and the student, are equipped. Students registered for specialised Physics degree programmes will normally undertake a project relevant to their specialism. . A project is different from a standard laboratory experiment in that there is no prescribed apparatus or experimental procedure. Students are expected to find out about the theoretical basis of their project, and plan their own investigation, in consultation with staff. Projects typically involve the designing and building of apparatus, acquiring and interpreting data, and refinement of the plan as work proceeds. Students report on their progress 30 by reports, talks and demonstrations. Some typical project themes include: a laser beam profiler, earthquake protection, measuring G, an analogue of the quantum eraser, a stroboscopic clock, a search for particles in LHC collisions, physical and pseudo- randomness. Learning Outcomes Assessment Assessment Methods & Exceptions Checked By the end of the module the student should be able to: 1 Plan a new investigation in a physics laboratory. 2 Conduct an independent investigation, analyse the resulting data, and make appropriate refinements to the plan. 3 Report on the progress and conclusions of an investigation by means of presentations and formal reports. 01381-01 : Physics Project : Practical (100%) Written Reports (50%), Continuous assessment (40%) , oral presentation (10%) May 2014 31 Module Title School Department Module Code Module Lead Level Credits Semester Pre-requisites Co-requisites Restrictions Contact Hours Exclusions Description LI Astro Project Physics and Astronomy Physics & Astronomy 03 01078 Dr I R Stevens Intermediate Level 10 Semester 2 none Lecture-0 hours Seminar-0 hours Tutorial-0 hours Project supervision-66 hours Demonstration-0 hours Practical Classes and workshops-0 hours Supervised time in studio/workshop-0 hours Fieldwork-0 hours External Visits-0 hours Work based learning-0 hours Guided independent study-34 hours Placement-0 hours Year Abroad-0 hours none The projects are a vital part in developing research skills in astrophysics. A project is normally done by a group of 3 students. The students undertake a project on a topic chosen from a list, or on an approved idea of their own. However, the projects are quite open-ended and the students will play a major role in shaping the final direction of the project. The projects available span a wide range of astrophysics. Recent examples include using the University Observatory to study the surface brightness profiles of nearby galaxies, the ages of star clusters, the luminosity of supernovae and the structure of clusters of galaxies. These projects require the students to learn how to use the telescope. There is plenty of scope for the students to come up with their own 32 targets to observe. Non-observatory projects can involve using on-line databases such as the SDSS or 2MASS to study some astrophysical class of objects, or data from the Kepler satellite to study extrasolar planets. Computational projects are also available, for example, developing numerical techniques to detect gravitational waves from coalescing black-holes in synthetic data. A more practical project involves using a small radio telescope to investigate radio emission from the Galactic Plane or the Sun. A successful project will require substantial amount of background reading, the design of suitable observations or data collection and intelligent analysis and final production of a full report. Learning Outcomes Assessment Assessment Methods & Exceptions Checked To develop skills of planning, undertaking, interpreting and reporting on a project on a topic relevant to astrophysics. 01078-01 : Written Reports (50%) Continuous Assessment (40%), Oral Presentation (10%) Project report and oral presentation May 2014 33 Module Title Module Code Member of Staff Level Credits Semester Contact hours Delivery Restrictions Description Learning Outcomes Assessment Texts LI Nanotechnology Research Report 03 22742 Dr Wolfgang Theis Intermediate Level 10 2 20 Observation, discussion, report Only available to those on the Physics with Nanophysics course The students will investigate a research topic in the field of nanotechnology, with reference to research projects underway in the Nanoscale Physics Research Laboratory and as reported in the research literature. The students will produce two written reports, one 500-word summary suitable for the interested layperson and a longer 3,000±500 word report which describes: (a) the state of the art in a selected research area; (b) the basic physics underpinning this research area; and (c) opportunities and challenges for future research developments. This should be accessible to a 1st year Physics student. The students will also give two oral presentations, one discussing a key research paper of the chosen topic and the second a longer presentation introducing and discussing research findings and technical aspects of the topic investigated. By the end of the module the student should be able to: Demonstrate an understanding of the investigative research process; Demonstrate an understanding a particular research topic; Write a report at a basic level, through (a) understanding the concepts of report writing and (b) developing scientific writing skills; Produce and present coherent and informative oral presentations; Demonstrate enhanced ability to work as a member of a team. 500 word report (20%), `journal club' oral presentation (30%), 3000 word research report (30%) and a research presentation (20%). 34 Module Title Module Code Member of Staff Level Credits Semester Contact hours Delivery Pre-requisites Description Learning Outcomes Assessment Texts Checked LI Quantum Mechanics 2 03 17273 Professor Peter Jones Intermediate Level 10 1 24 Lectures, directed reading. 03 19718 Quantum Mechanics 1 + Optics & Waves Quantum Mechanics describes the behaviour of matter on sub-microscopic scales and, together with relativity, is one of the two foundations of modern physics. Quantum systems are often described as having both wave-like and particle-like aspects to their behaviour, and are famous for producing results that defy common-sense intuition based on observations at everyday scales. In this module we will introduce Schrödinger's wave equation and use it to investigate the behaviour of simple quantum systems, from a free particle through to single-electron atoms. We will discuss the wavefunction, which describes the state of a system, how to interpret it, and how making a measurement changes the wavefunction. We will illustrate some of the non-intuitive behaviour of quantum systems, show how it arises, and how, in the limit of large energies, it tends towards classical behaviour. We will discuss how mathematical operators are used to represent physical quantities, and see where the Uncertainty Principle comes from. We will introduce the quantum treatment of angular momentum and show how an additional property of the electron (spin) is required to describe atomic states. We will consider the special properties of quantum states consisting of more than one electron, and show how the existence of complex chemistry depends on these. By the end of the module the student should be able to: perform approximate calculations using the de Broglie relation and the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle; normalise a wavefunction; use wavefunctions to calculate expectation values and the probabilities of different outcomes of measurements; show how measurement changes the wavefunction; be familiar with the use of hermitian operators to represent physical quantities in quantum mechanics and the properties of their eigenvalues and eigenfunctions; explain the physical significance of each element of an eigenvalue equation; be familiar with the time-dependent and time-independent Schrödinger equations; solve the time-independent Schrödinger equation for simple 1-D and 3-D potential problems; describe the main features of the solutions for a range of problems; evaluate the commutator of two operators and explain its physical significance; be aware of how the Pauli exclusion principle arises and be able to apply it to multielectron systems; describe the properties of angular momentum in quantum mechanics; relate the quantum numbers of atomic electrons to physical variables and know how their different values are related; explain why the concept of electron spin is required to explain experimental observations. 1 x 1 hour 30 minutes written examination (80%), Continuous assessment, problem sheets (20%) May 2014 35 Module Title Module Code Member of Staff Level Credits Semester Contact hours Delivery Pre-requisites Description Learning Outcomes Assessment Texts Checked LI Statistical Physics and Entropy 03 17296 TBD Intermediate Level 10 2 24 Lectures plus directed reading 03 19750 Electromagnetism 1 and Temperature & Matter The laws of Thermodynamics underpin everything from life itself to the evolution of the universe. Moreover, they also address fundamental problems such as the “arrow of time”. Although Thermodynamics was developed in the nineteenth century, modern developments have reinforced Einstein’s view that it is "the only physical theory of universal content which I am convinced will never be overthrown.” Whilst statistics allow us to calculate the macroscopic properties of a system from microscopic theory, Thermodynamics has a power all of its own, even when we don’t understand the microscopic physics. The central idea that links the two approaches is the concept of entropy, the understanding of which lies at the heart of this module. The main topics are organised as follows: 1. Statistical Physics: Kinetic theory and molecular collisions; Mean freepath, diffusion and the random walk; Binomial, Poisson and Gaussian distributions. 2. Thermal Equilibrium: Microstates, macrostates and Boltzmann entropy; Temperature and the Boltzmann distribution; Equipartition, harmonic oscillators, black-body radiation, stimulated emission and lasers. 3. Classical Thermodynamics: 1st Law and 2nd Law (Clausius & Kelvin); Reversible & irreversible processes; Reversible heat, latent heat and heat capacity; Carnot cycle, heat engines and refrigerators; Functions of state, Gibbs & Helmholtz free energies and enthalpy; Thermodynamics of rubber elasticity, surface tension and liquid-vapour equilibrium; Maxwell Relations and Joule-Kelvin effect; Absolute Zero and the 3rd Law of Thermodynamics. 4. Advanced Topics: Perpetual Motion and Maxwell’s Demon; Information, Gibbs entropy and negative temperatures; Introduction to quantum statistics of identical particles. Analyse simple physical systems using Boltzmann statistics; Solve problems for molecular collisions, diffusion and the random walk; Find microstates, macrostates and Boltzmann entropy of simple systems; Find entropy changes for reversible and irreversible processes; Use 1st & 2nd laws to analyse ideal heat engines and refrigerators; Find Gibbs free energy, entropy and enthalpy of simple systems; Derive and apply Maxwell Relations where needed; Apply the 3rd Law to systems near Absolute Zero. 1 hour 30 minutes exam (80%) + Assessed problem sheets (20%) Essential text: Mandl, F. 1971 Statistical Physics (Wiley). May 2014 36 Module Title School Departme nt Module Code Module Lead Level Credits Semester Prerequisite s Corequisite s Restrictio ns Contact Hours Descripti on Structure in the Universe Physics and Astronomy Physics & Astronomy 03 00554 Professor Bill Chaplin Intermediate Level 10 Semester 2 None Lecture-24 hours Seminar-0 hours Tutorial-0 hours Project supervision-0 hours Demonstration-0 hours Practical Classes and workshops-0 hours Supervised time in studio/workshop-0 hours Fieldwork-0 hours External Visits-0 hours Work based learning-0 hours Guided independent study-76 hours Placement-0 hours Year Abroad-0 hours The Universe is full of structure. Most of the matter we can see is gathered into large, hot spheres, accompanied in most cases by planetary systems. The stars are grouped into galaxies, and these in turn are distributed in a network of clusters and filaments. In this lecture module, we will survey the properties of astrophysical structures and try to understand them in terms of the physics at play. We shall pay particular attention to the importance of rotation, and angular momentum, in systems, e.g., the orbital motions in galaxies and planetary systems. In this context, we will examine the evidence for dark matter in galaxies, and explore in detail the various methods 37 Learning Outcome s now being used to find extra-solar planets. Finally, we will apply the principles of Newtonian dynamics to examine the expanding Universe, to address basic cosmological questions like how old the Universe is and how fast it is expanding. By the end of the module the student should: • • • • • • Assessm ent Assessm ent Methods & Exceptio ns Other Reading List Have a firm grasp of the concept of a stable system and how forces balance in typical astrophysical systems; Display a good working knowledge of the principles governing the behaviour of rotational systems, and the application of the concept of conservation of angular momentum, in particular in the context of the dynamics of planetary systems and binary systems; Be familiar with the various methods used to detect exoplanets, and the strengths and weaknesses of each method dependent upon the intrinsic and observational properties of exoplanet systems; Be able to apply familiar laws of dynamics to simple spherically symmetric distributions of matter, and apply them to understand the dynamical evidence for dark matter in galaxies; Be familiar with the Virial equation, and be able to apply it, both qualitatively and quantitatively, in several astrophysical contexts; Be able to manipulate, and discuss the physical significance of, equations describing simple Newtonian cosmologies. 00554-01 : Exam : Exam (CT) - Written Unseen (80%) 00554-02 : Examples sheets : Coursework (20%) 1 x 1.5 hour exam (80%) and continuous assessment (weekly problem sheets) (20%) Materials for the module are available on CANVAS. 50&s=4563#L4563 38 MODULES FROM THE SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICS These have not yet been checked. Module Title School Module Code Member of Staff Level Credits Semester Contact hours Delivery Pre-requisites LI Analytical Techniques Assessment Text School of Mathematics 06 22488 Dr J Kyle Intermediate Level 10 1+2 27 22 hours lectures, 5 hours example classes 06 11225 Mathematics Core 1 or 06 23601 Calculus and Algebra 1 06 11228 Mathematics Core 2 or 06 23602 Calculus and Algebra 2 This module develops further the basic topics of the differential and integral calculus met in pre-requisites Mathematics Core 1 and 2. The concepts of differentiation and integration are extended to cover functions of several real variables. The module includes an introduction to the more important classical differential equations; series expansions and transform methods of solution; boundary value problems. By the end of the module the student will be able to: use the notation and basic manipulative techniques of the calculus of functions of several real variables; apply a variety of analytic and numerical techniques to solve problems in the calculus of several real variables, eg to find and analyse the stationary points of functions of more than one variable; set up and solve simple variational problems; set up and solve boundary value problems for ordinary differential equations using a variety of techniques. 3 hour examination (80%), coursework and/or class test (20%) Module Title LI Applied Mathematics Description Learning Outcomes School Module Code Member of Staff Level Credits Semester Contact hours Delivery Pre-requisites Description School of Mathematics 06 22504 Dr Warren Smith Intermediate Level 10 1&2 27 22 lectures, 5 hours example classes 06 11225 Mathematics Core 1 OR 06 23601 Calculus and Algebra 1 06 11228 Mathematics Core 2 OR 06 23602 Calculus and Algebra 2 06 11235 Computational and Applied Mathematics 1 AND 06 11240 Computational and Applied Mathematics 2 OR 06 22482 Vector Algebra, Elementary Mechanics and Computational Mathematics In this module the concept of a phase space will be developed, with 39 Learning Outcomes Assessment Text particular emphasis on the phase plane. We examine the theory of rigid body motions in three-spatial dimensions. We consider the time-optimal control of linear odes. Key theorems relate vector fields to their sources and give a precise characterisation of conservative vector fields. Vector calculus will be used to derive partial differential equations of mathematical physics. Methods of solving these equations will be introduced, using separation of variables. Calculus of variations will be introduced. By the end of this module the student should be able to: use phase-plane methods to analyse second-order non-linear ordinary differential equations; formulate and analyse equations governing the motion of rigid bodies; determine the time-optimal control for a linear system of ordinary differential equations; evaluate grad, div, curl and Laplacian in both Cartesian and orthogonal curvilinear coordinates; understand and evaluate line integrals; use the integral theorems of vector analysis (Stokes', divergence and Green's theorems); recognise conservative vector fields and their properties; apply vector methods to formulate the equations of mathematical physics and solve them by using the method of separation of variables; be introduced to the calculus of variations. 3 hour examination (80%), coursework and/or class tests (20%) 40 Module Title School Module Code Member of Staff Level Credits Semester Contact hours Delivery Pre-requisites Restrictions Description Learning Outcomes Assessment LI Linear Algebra School of Mathematics 06 15552 R Mathias Intermediate Level 10 1 27 22 hours of lectures and 5 hours back up 06 11225 Mathematics Core 1 OR 06 23601 Calculus and Algebra 1 06 11228 Mathematics Core 2 OR 06 23602 Calculus and Algebra 2 None To introduce the student to the fundamental structures and techniques of Linear Algebra, combining the necessary algebraic background with the methods needed for future applications By the end of the module the student will be able to: - understand and use the basic concepts of linear algebra and matrices, including linear transformations, eigenvectors and the characteristic polynomial. Understand the basic theory of inner products and apply it to questions of orthogonality and/or diagonalizability 1 hour 30 minutes examination (80%), coursework and/or class tests (20%) 41 SECOND YEAR PROGRAMME STRUCTURES 2014-15 This is still in DRAFT format 42 BSc/MSci Physics Students can proceed to Year 3 having failed a maximum of 20 credits from the following modules: Physics and Communications Skills [03 01149], Particles and Nuclei & A Quantum Approach to Solids [03 17300] and two optional modules. Students on the MSci programme must also satisfy the University criteria for remaining on the MSci programme and must have a minimum year mark of 55% and at least 220 credits by the end of stage 2. The following modules are compulsory: Module Title Code Credits Semester LI Classical Mechanics and Relativity 2 03 17272 10 1 LI Particles and Nuclei & A Quantum Approach to Solids 03 17300 10 1 LI Physics and Communication Skills 2 03 01149 10 1 LI Physics Laboratory 2 03 00943 10 1 LI Quantum Mechanics 2 03 17273 10 1 LI Mathematics for Physicists 2 03 12497 20 1+2 LI Electromagnetism 2 03 00953 10 2 LI Physics Project 03 01381 10 2 LI Statistical Physics and Entropy 03 17296 10 2 Credits Semester Choose 20 credits from the following: Module Title Code LI Eigenphysics 03 00746 10 2 LI Electronics 03 17489 10 2 LI Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Mechanics 03 00539 10 2 LI Modern Optics 03 22748 10 2 LI Observing the Universe 03 21280 10 2 LI Structure in the Universe 03 00554 10 2 LI Nuclear Physics and Neutrinos 03 17301 10 2 43 BSc Physics (International Study) Students are required to take 70 credits in Semester 1 and 50 credits in Semester 2. Students can proceed to Year 3 having failed a maximum of 20 credits from the following modules: Physics and Communications Skills [03 01149], Particles and Nuclei & A Quantum Approach to Solids [03 17300] and two optional modules. Students on the MSci programme must also satisfy the University criteria for remaining on the MSci programme and must have a minimum year mark of 55% and at least 220 credits by the end of stage 2. The following modules are compulsory: Module Title Code Credits Semester LI Classical Mechanics and Relativity 2 03 17272 10 1 LI Particles and Nuclei & A Quantum Approach to Solids 03 17300 10 1 LI Physics Laboratory 2 03 00943 10 1 LI Quantum Mechanics 2 03 17273 10 1 LI Physics and Communication Skills 2 03 01149 10 1 LI Mathematics for Physicists 2 03 12497 20 1+2 LI Physics Project 03 01381 10 2 LI Electromagnetism 2 03 00953 10 2 LI Statistical Physics and Entropy 03 17296 10 2 Credits Semester Choose 20 credits from the following: Module Title Code LI Observing the Universe 03 21280 10 1+2 LI Eigenphysics 03 00746 10 2 LI Electronics 03 17489 10 2 LI Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Mechanics 03 00539 10 2 LI Modern Optics 03 22748 10 2 LI Structure in the Universe 03 00554 10 2 LI Nuclear Physics and Neutrinos 03 17301 10 2 44 BSc/MSci Physics and Astrophysics Students can proceed to Year 3 having failed a maximum of 20 credits from the following modules: Physics and Communications Skills [03 01149], Particles and Nuclei & A Quantum Approach to Solids [03 17300] and Observing the Universe [03 21280] Students on the MSci programme must also satisfy the University criteria for remaining on the MSci programme and must have a minimum year mark of 55% and at least 220 credits by the end of stage 2. The following modules are compulsory: Module Title Code Credits Semester LI Classical Mechanics and Relativity 2 03 17272 10 1 LI Particles and Nuclei & A Quantum Approach to Solids 03 17300 10 1 LI Physics Laboratory 2 03 00943 10 1 LI Physics and Communication Skills 2 03 01149 10 1 LI Quantum Mechanics 2 03 17273 10 1 LI Mathematics for Physicists 2 03 12497 20 1+2 LI Observing the Universe 03 21280 10 1+2 LI Electromagnetism 2 03 00953 10 2 LI Astro Project 03 01078 10 2 LI Statistical Physics and Entropy 03 17296 10 2 LI Structure in the Universe 03 00554 10 2 45 BSc Physics and Astrophysics (International Study) Students can proceed to Year 3 having failed a maximum of 20 credits from the following modules: Physics and Communications Skills [03 01149], Particles and Nuclei & A Quantum Approach to Solids [03 17300] and Observing the Universe [03 21280] Students on the MSci programme must also satisfy the University criteria for remaining on the MSci programme and must have a minimum year mark of 55% and at least 220 credits by the end of stage 2. The following modules are compulsory: Module Title Code Credits Semester LI Classical Mechanics and Relativity 2 03 17272 10 1 LI Particles and Nuclei & A Quantum Approach to Solids 03 17300 10 1 LI Quantum Mechanics 2 03 17273 10 1 LI Physics Laboratory 2 03 00943 10 1 LI Physics and Communication Skills 2 03 01149 10 1 LI Mathematics for Physicists 2 03 12497 20 1+2 LI Observing the Universe 03 21280 10 1+2 LI Electromagnetism 2 03 00953 10 2 LI Astro Project 03 01078 10 2 LI Statistical Physics and Entropy 03 17296 10 2 LI Structure in the Universe 03 00554 10 2 46 MSci Physics with Nanoscale Physics Students can proceed to Year 3 having failed a maximum of 20 credits from the following modules: Physics and Communications Skills [03 01149], Particles and Nuclei & A Quantum Approach to Solids [03 17300] and two optional modules. Students on the MSci programme must also satisfy the University criteria for remaining on the MSci programme and must have a minimum year mark of 55% and at least 220 credits by the end of stage 2. The following modules are compulsory: Module Title Code Credits Semester LI Classical Mechanics and Relativity 2 03 17272 10 1 LI Particles and Nuclei & A Quantum Approach to Solids 03 17300 10 1 LI Physics and Communication Skills 2 03 01149 10 1 LI Physics Laboratory 2 03 00943 10 1 LI Quantum Mechanics 2 03 17273 10 1 LI Mathematics for Physicists 2 03 12497 20 1+2 LI Electromagnetism 2 03 00953 10 2 LI Nanotechnology Research Report 03 22742 10 2 LI Physics Project 03 01381 10 2 LI Statistical Physics and Entropy 03 17296 10 2 Credits Semester Choose 10 credits from the following: Module Title Code LI Observing the Universe 03 21280 10 1+2 LI Eigenphysics 03 00746 10 2 LI Electronics 03 17489 10 2 LI Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Mechanics 03 00539 10 2 LI Modern Optics 03 22748 10 2 LI Structure in the Universe 03 00554 10 2 LI Nuclear Physics and Neutrinos 03 17301 10 2 47 BSc/MSci Physics with Particle Physics and Cosmology Students can proceed to Year 3 having failed a maximum of 20 credits from the following modules: Physics and Communications Skills [03 01149], Nuclear Physics and Neutrinos [03 17301] and two optional modules. Students on the MSci programme must also satisfy the University criteria for remaining on the MSci programme and must have a minimum year mark of 55% and at least 220 credits by the end of stage 2. The following modules are compulsory: Module Title Code Credits Semester LI Particles and Nuclei & A Quantum Approach to Solids 03 17300 10 1 LI Classical Mechanics and Relativity 2 03 17272 10 1 LI Physics Laboratory 2 03 00943 10 1 LI Physics and Communication Skills 2 03 01149 10 1 LI Quantum Mechanics 2 03 17273 10 1 LI Mathematics for Physicists 2 03 12497 20 1+2 LI Nuclear Physics & Neutrinos 03 17301 10 2 LI Electromagnetism 2 03 00953 10 2 LI Statistical Physics and Entropy 03 17296 10 2 LI Physics Project 03 01381 10 2 Credits Semester Choose 10 credits of the following: Module Title Code LI Observing the Universe 03 21280 10 1+2 LI Eigenphysics 03 00746 10 2 LI Electronics 03 17489 10 2 LI Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Mechanics 03 00539 10 2 LI Modern Optics 03 22748 10 2 LI Structure in the Universe 03 00554 10 2 48 BSc/MSci Theoretical Physics Students can proceed to Year 3 having failed a maximum of 20 credits from the following modules: Physics and Communications Skills [03 01149], Particles and Nuclei & A Quantum Approach to Solids [03 17300] and two optional modules. Students must pass Physics Laboratory 2 [03 00943] if taking this module. Students on the MSci programme must also satisfy the University criteria for remaining on the MSci programme and must have a minimum year mark of 55% and at least 220 credits by the end of stage 2. The following modules are compulsory: Module Title Code Credits Semester LI Classical Mechanics and Relativity 2 03 17272 10 1 LI Particles and Nuclei & A Quantum Approach to Solids 03 17300 10 1 LI Quantum Mechanics 2 03 17273 10 1 LI Physics and Communication Skills 2 03 01149 10 1 LI Mathematics for Physicists 2 03 12497 20 1+2 LI Eigenphysics 03 00746 10 2 LI Electromagnetism 2 03 00953 10 2 LI Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Mechanics 03 00539 10 2 LI Statistical Physics and Entropy 03 17296 10 2 Credits Semester 10 1 Credits Semester Either choose the following module and 10 credits from the list below: Module Title LI Physics Laboratory 2 Code 03 00943 Or choose 20 credits from the following: Module Title Code LI Observing the Universe 03 21280 10 1+2 LI Electronics 03 17489 10 2 LI Modern Optics 03 22748 10 2 LI Structure in the Universe 03 00554 10 2 LI Nuclear Physics & Neutrinos 03 17301 10 2 49 BSc/MSci Theoretical Physics and Applied Mathematics Students can proceed to Year 3 having failed a maximum of 20 credits from the following modules: Physics and Communications Skills [03 01149], Particles and Nuclei & A Quantum Approach to Solids [03 17300] and Linear Algebra [06 15552] Students on the MSci programme must also satisfy the University criteria for remaining on the MSci programme and must have a minimum year mark of 55% and at least 220 credits by the end of stage 2. The following modules are compulsory: Module Title Code Credits Semester LI Particles and Nuclei & A Quantum Approach to Solids 03 17300 10 1 LI Quantum Mechanics 2 03 17273 10 1 LI Physics and Communication Skills 2 03 01149 10 1 LI Eigenphysics 03 00746 10 2 LI Electromagnetism 2 03 00953 10 2 LI Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Mechanics 03 00539 10 2 LI Statistical Physics and Entropy 03 17296 10 2 LI Linear Algebra A 06 15552 10 1 LI Applied Mathematics 2 06 22504 20 1+2 LI Analytical Techniques A/B 06 22488 20 1+2 Mathematics Modules: 50